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    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Do abilities that apply on-hit effects apply lifesteal?

    LoL Guide Do abilities that apply on-hit effects apply lifesteal?

    Do abilities that apply on-hit effects apply lifesteal?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Do abilities that apply on-hit effects apply lifesteal? I am wondering if abilities like irelia Q, Warwick Q, Irelia Q, Voli W, heal you if you have lifesteal, or just apply the on-hit effects, because my whole life i thought that it also applies lifesteal but i have never was interested to know if it really does.

    Hope you understand what i meant.

    submitted by /u/SalviniX
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    damage is not as important as people think

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Obviously its a good reference point for mids and adcs but in general its actually overvalued.

    Take a gnar matchup into something with sustain and a tank. Gnars gonna deal a shit ton because he can attack in the lane. However, gnar's role is not to be a main carry on the team compared to a syndra or Aphelios.

    Matchups can skew damage graphs quite easily.

    For the most part Top, Jungle and Supp shouldn't be looking at oh i out damaged X carry I did better than them. All of these roles (assuming you aren't a damage oriented champ) have other priorities.

    Top: either is a split push/flank champ (Camille) or a front line engage/second engage champ. Playing someone like Maokai and out damaging your adc, sure first look makes it look like your adc is bad but did you make good engage that helped your team? If you loss the game did you play team fights where you cc'd enemies and engage in fights your team started?

    As the jungler. Sure a kayn should deal damage (as blue kayn). But thats not the main role of the jungle. Did you help with objectives (secure them), contest them? Help get lanes ahead? Did you punish the enemy jungler when you could? Doing more damage than your adc is useless if you didnt do anything in the role of a jungler.

    Support: Brand should out damage the adc most times just because he was more aoe (same goes with karthus jungle). But did you ward? are you clearing wards? are you roaming around the map when you can? Depending on what type of support you are, are you peeling for backline? are you dishing out your burst?

    Damage in roles that arent adc or mid is not important your role is not to focus on being the biggest carry of the game. A jungler could out damage an adc but that doesnt mean shit if they let the enemy team get rift heralds, drags and ganking the map putting lanes ahead.

    What happened in the game? I found there are 3 reasons why I dont deal damage as the ADC.

    Did the enemy camp you mid or bot either killing them over and over again or making it hard for them to farm in lane (due to threat of dying)

    Did your mid or adc just not really take fights with you? Did they take fights with you but after you won opt'd to take objectives instead of continuing a fight that's not needed? Did someone (team or enemy) tilt them so they said fuck it and went afk farming? Were you fighting over anything or just fought because you saw the enemy?

    Disclaimer: It's not necessary to kill everyone you can. Sometimes taking out the jungle can lead to an objective. Taking out the champion(s) that can wave clear well can lead to a tower.

    Damage is not a stat than can accurately tell you whats happened in a game. Just because you did the most damage does not mean you played well, it just means you fought a lot, which isn't always the best choice. A 0-15 adc will 100% tanked more damage than a tank doesn't mean they did better than the tank.

    submitted by /u/ratzy88
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    Seem to lose half my Ranked games in a row, then win half my games in a row

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    Apparently this can be common for all players in all Elo's. It's my first season of Ranked and I'm Silver for now. I main Mid and always duo with a friend who Jungles. I'm tracking my games and this seems like a consistent pattern.

    I know I've started the losing streak "phase" if I have around 4+ games that seem very unwinnable in a row. By very unwinnable I mean: My team will be heftily auto-filled, while enemy team isn't. Or at least 2 lanes (usually my bot and top lane) will feed 8+ kills each lane to the enemy. Or 3-4 people on my team will all be on a losing streak (myself and duo included). These games can be spread across the week instead of a day, or dodged, but it doesn't seem to matter. It seems once I've entered this "phase" there needs to be a set number of games played before it resets.

    Once it's over we then go on a big win streak. Maybe 1 lane on our team feeds, but the games are mostly one sided stomps by our team and very hard to lose. I try my hardest not to autopilot every Ranked game. And I also know tilt probably isn't affecting outcomes, since I quit playing for the day after 2/3 losses in a row.

    But it still feels like a coin flip, why? Even in the losing streak games I do very well compared to my team, get ACE most the time, etc

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    Some observations I've made in low ELO that could help people trying to improve and climb.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm currently a Silver 3 (gold last season) mid/adc main. I know I'm not particularly qualified in terms of skill in ranked, however I'm generally aware of the mistakes that are frequently made in low ELO and have had success since returning to playing ranked this season (nearly 2 divisions in 2 days). I just wanted to point out some mistakes I've seen players making in this ELO in hopes of helping some people out with their own play.

    1) Tunnel Vision

    I think this is the biggest culprit that 99% of people are guilty of at some point. You tend to tunnel on chasing that 1 HP enemy into the jungle and don't realize the flood of MIA pings and danger pings from the other lane telling you that the enemy is rotating to catch you. Or you just killed 4 enemies and you chase the 5th instead of going for drag/baron/nexus.

    It's important to reassess the current state of the game after making a big play. Even though that 1 HP enemy got away into the jungle, reassess what you can do. Can you shove wave and roam or get plates? Do you need to recall before the enemy comes back with an item advantage? Is there an important objective up that you now have priority over? In the case of the 5th enemy that got away, are there any objectives up? Can you safely get inhibs or turrets before they respawn? Don't tunnel on something that is insignificant in the long run.

    2) Not knowing when to accept the win and reset

    This is another thing that kind of ties into tunnel vision that I see very frequently. Players tend to think that they have to go all in after getting a small win. You just got 2 kills and drag? Reset before enemies rotate to clean up. You killed your enemy laner but you're half health with no summs and you don't know where the jungler is? Reset and come back to lane stronger. Not every play has to end with an ace, a dragon, and baron. Sometimes just getting a couple picks and a tower is all you need, there's no reason to risk throwing that small lead you just created. Leads are additive; the more leads you create, the bigger the gap. The more leads you throw, the smaller the gap becomes.

    3) Spreading wealth

    This isn't as big of an issue, but it can definitely impact your games. When only one person on your team has items and they get picked off in a fight, your team is suddenly screwed. It's best, in my opinion, to share the wealth on the map and not prevent team mates that are behind from catching up. People tend to flame team mates that are behind but never offer them an opportunity to get back in the game. Everything on Summoner's Rift is a resource. From gold, to xp, to items, health, mana, etc. etc. The more you deny other players, whether they're on your team or not, creates a gap in efficacy between you and that player you deny. Be aware of which players on your team have potential to do things for your team and let them do their job. Which leads into the next point...

    4) Understanding team roles

    Your tank Maokai top's job is not to go 5/0 in lane. Your Rammus jungle's job is not to invade the enemy jungler (in most cases). Your immobile Mage mid's job is not to immediately follow the enemy assassin's roams (in most cases). People in low elo tend to think that every champ has to play like a carry. Your tank top is still useful for engaging and peeling for your team's carries. Rammus can still play the map like a fiddle and be there for every objective. Your immobile mage can shove wave when the enemy roams to deny them xp and CS before following. When you expect something from a champion that the champion isn't necessarily capable of, you'll just end up disappointed and tilted. Instead, realize your teams strengths and play to those strengths rather than forcing your team to do something it's not good at.

    5) Flaming

    Flaming is obviously mentioned a lot, so I won't go into it too much. Just don't do it, it provides nothing to your team. Make calm suggestions but don't flame. All it does is make your whole team tilt and increases your odds of losing LP. I don't like disabling team chat because there are some things I feel can't be communicated through pings alone, but just target mute anyone that flames incessantly.

    There are plenty of things to improve on in low elo at both a micro and macro level. However, these things are easy to implement and consider from game to game. I'd love to see some discussion in the comments and if you have any other tips I'd love to see them as well. Good luck in your future ranked games!

    submitted by /u/sillyredsheep
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    Are AoE abilities counted as single target when they hit only one target?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    For example, if LeBlanc W (AoE dash) hits only one target, does it heal for the full amount or the reduced amount like all AoE abilities? Another example is Yasuo, who uses Ravenous Hunter and his Q. I've always thought about this but couldn't test it effectively.

    submitted by /u/_heilshitler
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    Is there a champion I can learn who can counter Renekton, Illaoi, Urgot, and Yorick?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Top lane player here. Those four are the champions I struggle the most, or have a bad time with when using my main champion (Fiora, Mastery 7 with around 200K points), so I'd like to find a champion I can train with to use as a counter pick. It's also been a long time since I've played another champion seriously after picking up Fiora, so I'd like to challenge myself to get somewhat good at a champion again.

    Outside of Irelia, I don't have any champion who I particularly hate in terms of playstyle/gameplay. I've tried the following champs, and had some fun with them: - Pantheon - Sett - Darius - Garen - Akali - Jax - Jayce - Sylas - Yone - Volibear - Riven - Evelynn - Vi - Lillia - Udyr (meme builds only) - Talon - Xayah - Jhin - Blitzcrank - Thresh - Pyke

    These are all champs I've played for fun until I became comfortable with them and was able to do somewhat decently with them. Is there anyone here who would fit my needs in top lane? I'm also open to trying out other champions.

    submitted by /u/Swordsman0904
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    Is cait not an adc/bot laner or somthing?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I am still learning this game and I am level 12. I saw a video about caitlyn and her traps (the video showed her in the bot lane and when you sort by champion position, she shows up there too) so I wanted to try her. I had a lot of 'blue essence' so I bought her. After I clicked accept and 'hovered' her, my support proceeded to ban her. I asked 'Why did you ban My champ?' No response. In last 6 games this happened 3 times. 2 of the 6, someone else on my team picked caityln. One was support, one was something else. All 6 times I 'hovered' caitlyn, and both times a teammate picked her, they 'hovered' someone else and their champion didn't get banned.

    Is there something I am missing?

    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/LelsersLasers
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    With the time, I will be able to move and attack at the same time much better?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    Hi, I am an adc, am level 35 and I still felling bad because at the moment of a team fight I don't move and attack in the rigth way. So if any adc is reading this, please tell me how did you get better attacking and moving, and how much time did you take learning it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/OpleCuchem
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    Finally broke into Silver! Somethings I think worked, and are working for me.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Ayy! Its been a long hard road, but I feel like I'm finally rising through low ELO consistently! And as of yesterday I'm officially in Silver! I know its not much- But I'm proud.

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Foolishdogs For those curious, or perhaps if someone wants to take a look and tell me what they think I could do to be even better!

    I guess whats worked for me is trying to be more consistent. I play jungle mostly- And then mostly Volibear and Zac as my mains. I like those too because I feel like they're both good at carrying, and team fighting. But also even if I'm NOT carrying- They offer a lot of ways to help others carry. Zacs team fight potential is insane- Even if I'm behind. And Volibear I feel like just brings the thunder- I can gank early, I can counter jungle, I can duel, I can soak up damage... Wtf cant Voli do? Ive also played this game off and on for uhh... How long? I think Nautilus was the first "new champ" I remember being released. Long freaking time. Im quite familiar with like 80% of the roster- Even if I'm not good at a champ, I'm still aware of what they can do. Knowing a champs kit, I find is a great way to know how to combat them.

    Ive been using mobalytics to tell me where my skills lack- For example, it told me my vision score was too low, so I kept that in mind and figured out where I could improve that. Just having someone tell you to focus on one specific thing helps so much, rather than just playing and not being focused.

    But overall... I think its hard to give specific advice in this game because there is SO much going on. I think its best to focus on the small stuff, and then snowball your improved skills into an avalanche of improvement over time. Having better vision, means you know whats going on more. Which means you can control objectives more. Which means you can ping imminent ganks from the enemy. Which means you can be there to foil the enemy junglers plans... Etc, etc. Knowing the limits of the champ you main, means you can take bigger CALCULATED risks. Which means you'll win more duels. Which means you'll give less money and experience to the other team.

    Mindset is important... Back before I gave this game up I feel like I got tilted a lot. Often things felt out of my control, and peoples whining and toxicity would bring me down. Since Ive come back... I don't know... I guess I just don't care that much? I mean... I do! But also shit happens. You cant win every game. And as for other players... You can ignore everyone sure, but I play multiplayer games because I want to play with people. I don't argue with people anymore- Its just not conducive to winning, and its just going to make you frustrated. I wont say I stay totally silent- But I try to keep the banter friendly, or at least at MOST a little sassy. It sounds dumb but I love dropping awful dad jokes and puns in chat. My theory is, it diffuses some of the tension because... The dude playing the Thunder bear keeps quoting Fleetwood Mac (THUNDER ONLY HAPPENS WHEN ITS RAAAININ!) or stuff like "Oh jeeze Fidds, losing that blue must have been UNBEARABLE eh?". Its no silver bullet, but even when I do something dumb (Oof... Sorry guys, that was emBEARassing...) it still keeps me laughing. I mean... At the end of the day this IS a video game. Unless you're getting paid to play- You SHOULD be having fun. Aint nothin' wrong with a little friendly shit talking- Just don't be an asshole.

    I think its also important to know how to be carried- Look at my profile, a few of my games on the front page I didn't do BAD, but I certainly didn't carry. Maybe I got out jungled, and wasn't strong enough, or whatever- But I knew to stick around teammates who I thought I could trust; and in return THEY got fed, and THEY carried. Doesn't matter how far behind Zac is- That E engage, into an ult is often more than enough to give your teammates time to fuck up the town.

    I guess lastly, this comes from my real life vocation as a cook. It can be... Very, uh... Passionate in the kitchen and sometimes you just need to shut the fuck up and DO. You WILL make mistakes. And that's okay- But instead of panicking and apologizing over and over just STFU and FIX IT. For some hot passion and anger will carry them through a bad service- But Ive never found it to be so. I find stepping back and maintaining a cold, cool mindset is the way to winning. Your chef might be screeching at you. Your fellow cook might be pissed off because you had to refire a few plates... But YOU don't need to be that way. You can only control your own behaviour, so step away from the yelling, step away from the panic and do what you need to do to survive. This works in games too- Just fix it. If you get invaded and die early- Dont get tilted and whine about how your mid just sat there. FIX IT. Steal their red. Focus more on cs until you feel strong and can get a few good ganks in. Its rare, in my meager experience that a few bad plays will end the game.

    Just some thoughts from someone who has had some success lately. Take it with a grain of salt- Im no pro. Ive tried to avoid specific actions because of that. The game is too nuanced for me to offer that kind of advice at my skill level. If someone wants to critique my profile, or the things Ive said feel free! Im an eternal student.

    submitted by /u/Diogenes_Fart_Box
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    Question about Power Spikes on Vlad

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    I really like playing Vlad a lot and is my favorite champ but I feel like I play way too passive with him early on and I feel like I can't impact games well enough in team fights. So after I build Protobelt am I able to group well enough because if I group I feel like I'm too weak to properly contribute in fights while if I try farm side lanes my team fights 4v5 and they get wiped. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks! By the way my summoner name is Agon49 for an op.gg if that helps in any way for giving advice.

    submitted by /u/Agon49
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    For people who think you can’t climb as an enchanter support from silver/bronze: I made it from Bronze 2 to gold 4 with Sona with 80% winrate in under 100 games.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    There is this misconception that you have to play Brand and Lux. By the way I think guardian Lux is far more OP than AP Lux but that's another discussion.

    Yes, some games are difficult to win, but in general it's easy to climb as Sona if you have the lane mechanics down and ward objectives. People eat Sona's poke in silver/bronze for free. I was doing as much damage as my adc in most games. Anyway, ask me any questions. I am no Sona expert yet but I just want to shatter the myth of needing to play full AP supports.

    My Sona was never full AP by the way. I went Aery with bone playing and revatilize every game



    submitted by /u/Whatisthislife0
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    Why does Attack Moving before getting AS feel so weak?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    I am an ADC main and a lot of the time, in the early game, Attack moving feels super weak. Pretty much the entire time before I get Berserkers Greaves, It feels like attack moving just isn't worth the effort, and even with them, it barely helps. Do I need to get better at attack moving, or is this just a thing in general?

    submitted by /u/Jell01
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    Decent Mid Lane Off Meta Picks

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I was wondering what some at the best decent off meta picks for mid were? I've seen Sett being played mid in LCS, and I'm kind of interested in playing Sett mid, but I'm not sure if it would work out in solo queue. I've been playing some Swain and it's worked out but I want to hopefully add another champion into my pool.

    submitted by /u/alhecks11
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    Importance of jungle pathing.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    To improve at jungle, the first thing you should look at is clear times and pathing. Everything else can come second. If you're playing Lee Sin or Karthus, the importance of having a good clear time and pathing cannot be understated. It's the equivalent to CSing or trading in lane.

    This may seem obvious but I don't see many posts or videos going over the sheer importance of understanding these concepts. If you can maintain 7cs a minute as a jungler with good pathing, you'll have a huge advantage in lower elo, where people get 4-5-6 cs a minute on average, same with having a good clear time, having a lower full clear time is huge in every elo. The less amount of time it takes to full clear, the easier it is to double crab or gank with the level advantage over an enemy.

    submitted by /u/M1AN1M3
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    Having trouble with marksman and attack moving.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    I am a bronze player who is still working on becoming mechanically decent. Last night I was playing a normal game of Senna mid, I wasn't necessarily fed but at late game i had 5 items and had the ability to basically 2 shot squishies and shred the tanks, however I felt I was getting hardly any autos off and at one point I killed my self because I mis clicked and walked into the enemy team.

    After that mistake I realized I wasn't attack moving during fights to maximize my range and stay at a safe position. I added another hot key on MB4 (attack move click) (normally it is on A, attack move) which felt pretty good.

    I use attack move to farm creeps during lane phase but don't use it anywhere else. How do practice using it more consistently, and how do I kite with it?

    submitted by /u/offinthewoods10
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    How do i beat garen in a 1v1?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    So me and my friend often do 1v1s on howling abyss he's a bit better than me and has more experience thats why he wins a little more often than I do however recently hes embraced the meme and has only been playing Garen in our 1v1s and no matter who I play I just can't beat garen. I really want to win against his garen at least once and i also want to know how i can beat a garen in a real game although I find him way easier to deal with in a real game beacause his damage isn't the highest and with the help of you team it's easy to kill him without taking too much damage and there also is macro play too prevent him from becoming too powerful however in 1v1s where mostly micro play matters it feels impossible ro win against him ive tried ranged adcs, other juggernauts, scalers like kassadin even assassins but nothing seems to work maybe I just need better mechanical skill but I just can't win so suggest me some champs and strats to try against garen

    submitted by /u/OceanShrek
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    Is there a way to turn off auto-moving/buffering for ability targets?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    For targeted abilities, if you're out of range, you'll auto-move to within range. This is usually useful. However, for stuff like Pyke ult where timing is important, I want it now or never. After I Pyke ult, I have to immediately move somewhere to cancel the ult if it doesn't cast immediately (if the target location's just barely out of range). Is there a better way to do this?

    submitted by /u/linksku
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    Tips on ganking

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Hey y'all I'm a low elo jungler and I've been playing for about 2 months or so My team mates (I play with premade) Are telling me that I need to gank more even though as far as I see i have been playing well and ganking only when im confident I will win the gank So my question is Do you have any tips on how to gank more?

    submitted by /u/Hamburge_on_fire
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    How do you lane against Ashe?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    Been playing for a year already and I still have trouble laning against her especially during early game. Her w and q is the most annoying part of her kit. Enemy jungler is going for a gank? Well let me just use my w and go near my turrent and kite him with my q. My jungler is going for a gank? Well ill just stun adc or support with my r and slow them with my w, oops voila your dead.

    submitted by /u/justaredditpeep
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    Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again: CSing

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I play mid and adc and I'm bronze 3. Usually Ekko, Yas, Zoe mid. Jinx, Ashe, or Kai'sa bot. And I know how to last hit, use my abilities to cs properly. But what fucks me up is an aggressive enemy player and once the initial towers get taken.

    So I be laning, and everything's going fine. I'm on track to get like 80 cs at 10 mins and then start getting harassed by the opposing laner. It's like I can't find that good balance of poking and csing.

    Then once the initial towers go, I can't seem to cs worth a shit. I'm either out of position and get ganked because I'm trying to cs by myself. Or my team wants to start fights and then flame me because I'm trying to cs.

    What did you do to improve csing? Seek coaching? Just keep at it until you just suddenly improved?

    submitted by /u/Zanaken
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    new to league, got any tips? :D

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Ello, just downloaded league a couple of days ago (im level 7), wondering if anyone had some beginner tips for new players? i'm trying to find which champion i should "main", but i really like irelia right now (i was watching some youtube videos of her), got any tips for her?? altho there are alot of champions that i like as well, its so fun trying them out in game (especially the ones that are unlocked for free). also i heard that alot of champions are hated by the community (like yasuo and the poison dude), should I avoid playing those so i don't get hated on?

    Finally, i have a friend in league who is gold level. Do you think that i can get to gold level fast so i can play with him? Alot of people said that gold is trash and that one can get there easily, so i would assume it is achievable for a new player?

    submitted by /u/FriedChickenGuy7
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    Any advice for learning to play with unlock cam?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Ive been playing league for only about 9 months, wol.gg says i have about 1.5k hours in the game, though my stats page in client says i only have about 1k. I main yasuo in the mid lane, sometimes play it bot, and for all the time ive played the game ive played almost exclusively with lock screen on. I do unlock my screen when im not doing anything or im just walking to get a better look at something far away from me, but any time im in a fight or anything at all i have my screen locked. ive tried switching before and it is extremely difficult and as a result i hard feed most games because my mechanics are heavily off when trying to do this. Any advice for learning it faster and doing better with it?

    submitted by /u/Forgeblazer
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    How do you guys not tilt at your onetrick

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    So I'm a khazix onetrick with a 70% 150 games winrate. So I go on high win streak like 10 and maybe 5 and I lose the streak after that i don't feel like I wanna play khazix anymore I feel like I can't carry anymore so I change my champion and I play a few with that new champion and I go back to khazix. Does this happen to anyone? Just curious.

    submitted by /u/skyslenders
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    How Should a Jungler Bring Early Leads to Mid & Late Game?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    I often find myself eventually losing games where I had a lead early on. I'll be something like 2/0/1 after a successful early gank and/or collapsing on the enemy jungler, and even or up on CS, only to gradually lose that lead as the game wears on. Are there common causes for this? My ideas so far are either bad itemization leading to badly used gold, or failing to push the lead by not counterjungling for fear of giving up shutdown gold.

    For reference, I'm a Kindred Jungle OTP in Bronze I.

    submitted by /u/we_have_an_urgent
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