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    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    LoL Guide Does anyone else feel like they're simply "not allowed" to switch roles because of how much time they've spent learning their main one?

    LoL Guide Does anyone else feel like they're simply "not allowed" to switch roles because of how much time they've spent learning their main one?

    Does anyone else feel like they're simply "not allowed" to switch roles because of how much time they've spent learning their main one?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    I've been a support main for 4 years, I know the cooldowns, mana costs, and combos of practically every single support champion in the game.

    I've got the vision control scheme and optimal team fighting strategy down like the back of my hand, I know what to do at every single stage of the game, and how to do it... As a support.

    Recently I've had a disgustingly bad series of loss streaks and I've come down from D2 promos in D4 nearly demoted. Three of the games were zero death games but this isn't about that...

    I'm burnt out of the support role, but I feel like even if I spend months learning another role, I won't be ready to play ranked diamond for a year.

    This was 100% the problem that ranked queues were aiming to solve.

    So, does anyone else have a similar problem? How can I get over this?

    submitted by /u/teachenglishinkorea1
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    Don't underestimate Sona

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Many people including my friend think the same thing."Psh, Sona is trash/weak/underpowered. I proved them wrong, Sona is one of the weird supports that scale super hard compared to others. Well my friend jokingly calls me trash anyways but Sona has dangerous potential. Many low rank players fall victim to good Sona's.

    But low rank Sona's suffer without proper knowledge.

    Table of Content:

    1: Sona's Potential

    2: Playing as Sona

    3: How to fight a Sona

    1: Why is Sona one of the really annoying supports to go against.

    - She has a decent range on her Q, it's not a skill-shot so it cannot miss once it's activated (unless you avoid it using abilities or items). It's also has a rather short cooldown, allowing her to proc Spell-Thief often. Empowered Q autos hurt a lot especially when your a melee support who has to get upfront. Most Sona's will try to hide their power chord to animation cancel their basic attack which leads you to take surprise burst damage. Slap a Meteor or Aery's on that Q and you got yourself nasty poke support.

    - Her W is a weak heal and protection spell at first, but once she gets into bigger fights, you will definitely notice her influence in team survivability. It allows her to heal allies from distance and provides a little bit of protection when their about to be smacked by an attack. Empowered W autos can make a decent trade to a really bad trade. It reduces your damage (all kinds of damage) by 25% for a few seconds. Which means you might even lose kill potential on important targets. Also, Sona's with the Guardian rune is probably one of the most annoying things when your whole existence is to poke early.

    - Oh lord, here comes the whole enemy team. Good thing Sona is a friggen race car with her E skill. She can boost herself and teammates to get into position fast or get the hell out quick! She is especially dangerous when the tide turns into her favour. She can go from "oh nu my ADC is being attacked" to "okay time to DIE". She can assist allies in catching people either by surprise or getting that assassin the mega speed they need. Oh just to let you know, when her E aura runs out, she's doesn't lose it like her allies. She actually keeps the speed boost for an additional 10 SECONDS.Her Empowered E is simple, once it hits the target they get slowed.

    - Oh boy, here is where she gets the power spike. Her ultimate is so dangerous that in a team fight, if she does it right she could royally screw your team over, and it has a low cooldown! Oh yeah about cooldowns, when she puts a point into her ult, her other abilities gain cooldown reduction. No not like maxed out cap 40% cooldown reduction. It actually makes the timer SHORTER overall. Which means she can have shorter cooldowns + 40% cooldown reductions. At this point, she becomes the ultimate utility support/sudden DPS mage. Also, you should expect to be Power-Chorded every 3 seconds.

    2: Playing as Sona.

    -Recommended Runes: Against a hardcore poke lane. (Aery's or Guardian), against a tank or passive support. (Aery's or Meteor). Always have flash, ignite is really good on her, exhaust is nice if you love setting up kills or making the enemy ADC shoot pool noodles.

    - 2 adaptive damage runes + either armor or magic resist rune depending on enemy bot comp.

    - Early game: With spell thief, you can easily gain a coins with the assistance of Q. If your against support who hard engages or is a hook. Dance behind minions, stay out of their engage range and if the enemy support threatens by going in the bush, ward. If not, throw in a q and auto when they try to enter a closer bush. Remember that Sona is very fragile so being aware of what's about to possibly hit you is very important. Use W or E to get you and your ADC for something more favourable. OH yeah, I almost forgot, Sona refunds some mana when her aura affects an ally. Remember to hug your ADC to get that juicy mana back.

    - Items: Athene's Unholy Chalice, it causes heals when you interact with an ally. Charge it up by doing damage. Yeah, I know what your thinking, it's exactly that good on Sona. Tear of the Goddess, mana refunds? More mana pool that is easily gained due to Sona's cooldowns? Built into an item that does damage and increases your survivability? Hell yeah, gimme that good stuff. Censer, every enchanter support gets this, who doesn't love attack speed and minor magic damage on auto boost? Boots, either get Sorcerers or Mobility boots. Both compliment her playstyle either way. Most importantly, Lich Bane, bonus auto-attack damage after using an ability. You get where that's going right? You know people get surprised when Sona suddenly drops their health bar into 1/4ths within seconds.

    - Team fights: Please, stay behind the beefy bois. You cannot survive a burst attack at all without the help of items or someone else. In the fight, you check for two things. "Is my ADC in immediate danger right now? If not, where should I be to maximize our chances." Use your stupidly low cooldowns to provide and cause some hurt in the battle. If things don't go so well you can use E on and your whole team goes ZOOM. If your team is about to be hit by a strong AOE. Slap a W on them for increased chances of survival. You can also top off your teammates by spamming W constantly.

    - The Dreaded... FLASH+R COMBOOOOOOO, the enemy team fears this, use this fear to force them to split up or back off. If they all squeeze up and your teammates can back you up. Boom, dance party of death. ANNNND the cooldown is short, yeah. Totally not annoying as hell. Just remember your mega squish, also don't blow the ult too early unless your very sure somebody on the enemy team will die.

    3: How to beat up a mute musician.

    - Early, she can poke a lot yes, but from what all Sona's dread is taking soo much damage in one attack. Anything hurts Sona a lot, if you can prove that you can out poke her she will play passive all early game. Being in the bush is also a big advantage, she cannot target you if you cannot be seen. Unless she warded the bush she cannot do crap unless the jungle comes to help her. Also if you can hit her for big damage, she is forced to use up all of her mana. God damn her W is mana expensive.

    - She lacks any consistent CC other than her R. Take advantage of this, she struggles to keep her ADC alive due to her crappy expensive heal. She could try to use E but if you or your ADC lands a stun/root. The likely chances of her or her ADC dying is very high. Once she gets to level 6, you might want to respect her "space". Also, beware of her Flash+R combo. It could 100 to 0 your health coordinated properly. The cooldown reduction from her Ult is scary too, but if you can stun her she cannot do much at all without the help of items or teammates. She can't spam if she's stunned.

    - Her E is a useful tool for getting away or setting up an ambush. If she takes a little bit of damage from any source while her E is activated. It cancels her 10 seconds of retained speed. A good smack on the butt and shes slower than Ashe without boots. In team fights, she will use E to make her team harder to hit or allowing them to set up easy. Play defensive and deal with the others, if you can catch Sona, kill her IMMEDIATELY. She's a pain in the ass when it comes to her utility.

    - "I hate healers", grievous wounds is your best friend. Her healing is kinda meh unless spammed. If you reduce the her healing, it becomes mega meh.

    - Imagine a threat radius around Sona, remember it because once you memorize what's her engage range you can deal with her more easily. It's basically a big circle. Her W can only heal herself and an ally with the lowest hp. So deal with enemies who are too far from Sona to be assisted.

    - Sona hurts, a lot. When she hits around.... 100ap. That's where she starts to hurt in every fight, her Q doesn't do too much damage, but being spammed by Q doesn't feel good at all. Lich Bane on Sona is very dangerous. She might as well be a weird... hybrid support adc... what the hell Senna no go away.

    submitted by /u/Basil_Mortimer
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    How do I counter build Vayne ?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    So her W deals True damages with a % of your max HP. So basically armor is only effective against her aa and not her W, and even then she is played BOTRK and Guinsoo and I'm pretty sure building MR is even more useless. Health is useless too because she deals %max dmg, so how do I counter build a Vayne as a tank. And if I'm not playing a tank what should I do against a fed Vayne with a decent support ?

    This is not a rant I am genuinely wondering.

    submitted by /u/Okipon
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    Why does Camille vs Morde matchup feel so hard being Camille?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I have been playing Camille recently but i just feel useless against Mordekaiser, tried short trades, long trades, dodging every ability yet he just doesnt take damage while at the same time he stomps me. I feel very good in other matchups but I just cant get over this one

    submitted by /u/DS3_RedditUser
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    [New ADC Player] I outfarm the enemy ADC in early, then can't manage to keep the cs advantage

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a ''new'' player (level 28) and I am a caitlyn/mf main.

    In the first 10 minutes, I completely outfarm every enemy ADC (from 10 to 40 cs). But then, I really struggle to keep this cs advantage, and I really don't know how to keep it. The only thing I know is that I fear ganks when I'm alone without my support so I go a bit less in my lane, and I move/do objectives.

    Any advices ?

    submitted by /u/Gbasire
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    3000+ hours and still in gold

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    My journey started in 2013 with the release of Jinx( I was 8 at the time). All i was playing were normals, dominion, and I wasn't competetive at all. Two years later i started playing ranked. My lowest rank was bronze 4(it was my 2nd season of playing ranked), and i reached the peak 2 months ago, and it was plat 3. After that i took a month long break to play WoW, and after that i dropped to gold 3. Currently im hardstuck gold 1~2( Over the last 3 weeks i got into gold 1 around 10 times or more). I play mid/jungle and my main champs are Yasuo/akali for mid and Kha/Evelynn for jg. After realizing how much time I've spent to be mediocre really put me in a sad mood. I swallowed my ego and I'm ready to learn.

    submitted by /u/Ognjen159
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    Trying to bring a worse player up to the rest of the groups level.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    I play in a group of varied skill, we can cover most positions, we range in rank from high gold to low bronze and we had a friend recently pick up the game and has Ben underperforming. We run into the issue of me and our jungle/mid player bringing up the skill level of who were matched against. While we can usually carry the game and we have a solid win rate. It feels like our newer player isn't having fun as he losses lane most games, what can I do to help him get better at the game and have more fun in game, his mental is really good but it's a matter of playing against people consistently better than him. He started as an ADC and I don't want to push him out of the role he wants to play, especially as hes intimidated by the solo lanes and jungle. I want to see him have more fun in game. He's watching videos and trying to improve bit what can I do to help him during a game?

    submitted by /u/Nearcron
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    I used to be a good jungler in Season 2/3 but now, I can't jungle to save my life. The game makes no sense to me now.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Hello summonerschoolers,

    I've been playing League of Legends since 2011 - my summoner name is BreadSR. During 2012-2013, I was Gold III or so, with about 100 or so ranked matched under my belt. I could have climbed to Plat or Diamond if I wanted to during this time, but I mostly stuck to normals. However, when I did play ranked, I had a pretty good winrate, about 60-70%. My normals were even better, about 80%. My friends that I played with during this time constantly asked me to jungle for them because, and I quote, 'just understand map sense and pressure really well'. My champion pool then was: Maokai, Elise, and Vi. I knew when to farm, when to gank, was really good at warding, setting up for dragons, etc. The point is, the game made sense to me.

    In 2014 I quit playing the game every single day, and only played on and off for years. I would occasionally come back in 2015-2019 and do pretty decently as a jungler, playing with friends occasionally. But the game changed way too much from how I liked it in season 2/3 (I guess, when things were simpler?). Scuttle crabs? Gromp? Rift Herald? And all these item changes - I'm still learning what half of these crazy new items do. What the heck is Sterak's Gage or whatever?

    Well, now, I have come to a rude awakening - it's 2020 now, and it seems like I just don't understand the game anymore because it's changed so much. Basically, my playstyle that has worked for years (playing with instinct and just ganking/counterjungling when it "feels right", warding deep in the enemy jungle after successful ganks, etc) just doesn't work anymore, at all. If anything, it has failed me and I lose the majority of my matches. I'm Iron 1 right now, it's really embarrassing.

    Previously I could absolutely carry and dominate games, but now I just feel 100% lost.

    Also, my champion pool now is Vi, Xin Zhao, and Kayn... I'm not really sure what else. Kayn feels really hard to do well with so I try to stick to Vi. Every time I play Kayn I lose hard and I get flamed. Even so, I still don't do very well even with Vi or Xin. I also tried "carry jungling" with master Yi, and that also was disastrous. I just can't get it right.

    There's a big emphasis on dragon securing, so it feels like ganking top is never viable. I do my best to get dragons but often it doesn't work out the way I want it to. When I try to secure dragons, it seems like the enemy team /always/ has lane priority and just gets it for free. 3 dragons later, my team is blaming me for not getting dragon, and failed ganks. Somehow the enemy jungler gets the rift herald for free, and now we lose two towers. I try my best to defend my laners, we get 2v3'd and lose somehow. What am I doing wrong?

    Actually, this happens pretty often in ranked for me now - consistently, every single game, teammates will ask me "are you new to jungle or something?" Because I missed a dragon, or didn't get a chance to gank any lanes because the opportunities simply DID NOT present themselves. They make fun of me, they say "jungle diff", tell me I shouldn't be playing jungle, etc. It just... feels hopeless. When did Jungling get so hard? I simply don't understand it at all. Maybe I just haven't kept up, or maybe the game changed too much, but I almost want to quit because of how mean, consistently, people are in ranked. I'm starting to think they're right.

    Please, summonerschool, please help. How are you supposed to jungle and climb? How am I supposed to do well? What's wrong with me?

    And, before you recommend virakyu videos on youtube, don't bother. I've watched 10 different videos from him, took extensive notes, and tried to apply what he has said to my games - and NONE of it has worked. I just get outplayed and lose. And if I win, it's because my team carried me.

    EDIT 1: It's worth mentioning that these new runes - instead of the old rune system, is something I have a VERY hard time understanding. I just don't get them.

    submitted by /u/bread_sr
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    Need help with playing with locked camera

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Spent about 8 days with league, bronze 2 at about level 50, I feel like I do well especially with map awareness but I don't and have never played with the unlocked camera, is this something that could stop me climbing ranks? Is it something that could make me play better?

    submitted by /u/Gokukiin
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    Is brand mid good ?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Im considering playing Brand on mid on ranked ? But is he good on mid can he fight mages and assasins ? I haven't seen many players play him mid but i've seen him what he can do in teamfights thats why i wanna pick him , but im not sure he will be able to fight the most mages and assasins

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    Anyone has core concepts to share?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Things like how long it takes for monsters to spawn, rift herald has an eye in her back that deals bonus damage (:0) ... I judt want some quick basic tips to improve my gameplay here... If you have the time to spare and willingness to help an iron 2, please do!

    submitted by /u/Rafallooko
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    How are some of the best players in the world playing so few games?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I've been looking at www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/summoners/ and there is a fair amount of players (but not most) with 100-something to 250 wins. I know many of them are pros, but for the others, do you think they do vod reviews a lot (or ever)? Do they simply play in multiple accounts?

    How can these people remain at the top of the food pyramid while playing so few games?

    submitted by /u/PMME_BOOBS_OR_FOXES
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    How do you use TP effectively?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    I guess this is more of a macro question, but I'm coming from a support role. Made a new account to learn Top because I like the island feel and not having to rely on anyone else. I have no idea where to start with when or why to use TP. I feel like it's such a powerful summoner but if used incorrectly could complete screw you for the game.

    submitted by /u/iWantThatGrapeDrink
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    Write a Memo with important ability and summoner cooldowns

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Such as: * Zac Passive: 5 min * Anivia Passive: 4 min * Flash: 5 min * TP on lvl 1: 7 min * TP on lvl 10: 5.4 min * TP on lvl 15: 4 minutes 30 seconds * TP on lvl 18: 4 min

    Of course cdr further reduces the amount of time but you get a rough idea.

    Enable timestamp in chat, ping summoners and spell used and whenever you have time have a look at timestamp when you pinged, remove 10 seconds, add time from notepad and time spell that way.

    Bonus: use a hotkey (e. g. y/z) to enlarge chat history to see messages posted a while back.

    submitted by /u/Joetunn
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    What to do when your completely bullied out of lane?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I'm a bronze/silver player and picked up jax recently. I don't get what I'm supposed to to when someone like Darius/Urgot/Garen freezes the wave on there side of the tower and I can't break it. Junglers are useless in 70% of my games so pinging for them to break it isn't a solution. If I even try to cs they just all in me. I can't manage the wave to not be frozen like I can on garen because jax is way weaker early game than garen. So what do I do when a lane bully freezes wave on me?

    submitted by /u/Minimum_Rent
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    How to roam from mid?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Hardstuck plat Akali main here, and my biggest issue is that I have almost no map impact. I've tried to get more involved outside of lane, but if I leave, my cs just drops off a cliff. Last game I consciously tried to shove lane and roam bot repeatedly, and ended up 80 cs behind the Irelia mid. She was so fed on farm, the kills I got bot washed out, and she ended up carrying the game. But if I stay in lane, even if I win it, it feels like the cs goes even at best, and I rarely get fed enough to hard carry the game.

    So does anyone have any tips or tricks to roaming, particularly as Akali?

    submitted by /u/MumbosMagic
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    Idk what to do early with kayn...

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Sorry for english.

    It happens a lot i say my team opponents have early game jg and he gonna gank earlyer than me.

    And in my lanes i have nasus on top vs urgot on mid i have xerath vs yassuo and on bot we had jhin and lux vs xayah and tresh.

    And this happend that game. Nasus on top was below half hp he wanted to 1v1 urgot on lvl 1 and lee sin ganked him ok. He hashinshin tpd and died again. And while i was on bot i ganked and we got all of opponent bot sums. Nasus was pinging me how i dont gank him even once. He flaming me. Ok i ignore he died so many times to lee he keeps fighitng urgot and being below half hp. He fed lee even if i said in beggining lee gonna gank early. And i did not gank mid cause xerath cant do shit we dont have cc to gank yassuo.

    And my question is what should i do. My team falmes me. Im not good ganker early with kayn if we dont have enaugh cc. Need tips on what to do early in game. I have feeling im doing something wrong.

    submitted by /u/DNgamesDev
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    How do you beat perma-roam midlaners as a scaling midlaner?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Recently I've been practicing playing viktor/kassadin, and frequently the opponent picks a roaming ad counterpick like talon, zed, qiyana or pyke. How do I beat these picks?

    As viktor I can perma shove the wave after first augment, but today I played a game vs. a zed who sacked every wave to run around the map 24/7. He left lane as a wave was pushing into him at level 4 to dive my bot lane at their tier 2 turret. Then, he recalled and ran straight bot completely ignoring the wave again. Other than shoving, pinging, and hoping my laners listen, is there anything I can do against this type of play?

    For context, this is mid-plat on NA.

    op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=kfyl

    submitted by /u/Rylddd
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    Trust the process, Keep Grinding. Statistical motivation, and journaling. (Self Project Management)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    A week and a bit ago I went on a 10 game loss streak, it was largely down to luck and possibly some minor tilt. I went on a few runs of win streaks then into loss streaks. I noticed that a lot of games I felt like dodging in champ select, I indeed should have dodged. It sounds silly but, -10lp with no MMR loss and more importantly no tilt is far superior to 45 mins of Heimerdinger feeding Caitlyn and then not surrendering. Use porofessor to dodge games, and the new 'outplayed' feature is really good to see your plays bot good and bad throughout the game. I outplayed zed with my ww Q in my last game and it got me feeling good.


    I made a spread sheet tracking a set of 100 ranked games to set some direction and consistency to my play. I am a jungle main and felt a bit directionless. I recently started one tricking Nocturne Jungle and noticed a huge issue, I lacked consistency.

    I tried my best to stick to my main champs, and I feel like Warwick and Nocturne finally feel like my current champ pool. I haven't had to auto fill much at all. I want to try and learn AP shyvana, however her first few clears seem a bit weak.

    I am also going to share my 100 game tracker for the benefit of this sub. It has excel features built in to automatically colour code your journaling process. I work as a Big 4 Tech Consultant and we use these all the time, it really helps you manage workload. Even just a few word or a sentence can highlight a key learning point.

    I thought now would be a good time to share it as I am on a 12 win streak, which looks cute.


    The MVP Metric I use from OP.GG as well, in my opinion its a nice tool to judge yourself.

    The tracker also helps me identify how each game makes me feel, how I feel I played and how likely the game was to be winnable. (Coach Curtis 40/40/30). I have not got a huge sample size. The actual stats are on the file I provide, however its a pretty much a three way split.


    Hopefully you guys can download, utilise and enjoy. The 'Should Have' box indicates games you probably should have dodged to improve your dodge sense. Furthermore the win rate will automatically update based on your wins/losses.

    Good luck everyone, I hope this is helpful.

    And yes, I play alot of games. Not having the best time in life for personal reasons, It just helps me focus. League distracts me so I can intermittent fast better too. 2021 beach body me.

    submitted by /u/Shadowbar
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    How to deal with situations like this

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    So I'm playing Nocturne jungle and gametime is about 13 mins, I see the enemy Vi jungler is bot, they're trying to gank bot but they don't really pull it off.

    It's about 1 minute until drake spawns, and I'm topside.

    I decide my plan is going to be herald > make it push mid so they have to defend and then I can secure drake.

    I have a lens with me, there's no wards around the herald, nobody knows I'm doing it.

    It's about 20% hp, what happens? my toplaner Nautilus decides now is a good moment to engage on the enemy Nasus, he's about to lose the fight and what he does do? He lures Nasus to me, I still type quickly to not come to me but he does anyway, I still try to still kill the herald but Nasus obviously turns onto me and Nasus gets a double kill.

    Btw, his reply was "hahah noct u do baron instead of help me" with some bad words after that, so yea.

    After that, obviously the enemy team gets drake, then also herald, then they use herald botlane and they got almost 2 towers, and tbh the whole game was done from that point and ended in a loss very quickly.

    I'd like to hear some opinions on what I could've done to change this outcome, like was my plan bad from the start? I'm in Silver 3, was Silver 1 but got demoted cause I just can't seem to climb persistently, mainly because of things like this, it feels like it barely matters how hard I try. Sure I have good games too, but that doesn't matter when the next 1 or 2 games is like the one I just had.

    submitted by /u/Mattx32
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    Securing early kills as an ADC?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Played Senna (as support) for the first time yesterday, and am absolutely loving her kit. I wanted to learn to play her as an ADC also, but the thing I struggle with most in my previous experience with the role is applying kill pressure to the enemy laner.

    Normally when I play in the bot lane, I play support, and this is a relatively easy task being a Leona main. Or, I play Tristana, who has a wildly different playstyle compared to the majority of other ADCs (in my experience.)

    So when I try to play someone like Ashe, MF, or Kog'maw, it feels like all I can do is relentlessly poke. Unless my team's jungler is watching for ganks/asking me to set them up, I can never seem to get a kill in laning phase, and often fall behind. Admittedly, my CS is not always good, but even in situations where I actually am ahead in farm, I sometimes will get frustrated when the enemy laner(s) are low HP and over-extend without thinking.

    Does anyone have any advice for this problem? I recognize I will probably have to adjust my play style a bit when playing more "traditional" ADCs to fix it, but the thing is, how?

    (Other characters I consider myself to "main"/be best at, if this helps: Zoe, Diana, Lulu.)

    submitted by /u/1mu2muReimuBluemu
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    Jax's E (counterstrike) vs Yone's Q

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Does Jax's E dodge Yone's Q? According to the game, I notice that Yone's Q works very much like a basic attack (applying on-hit effects and ability to critically strike) but unlike Yasuo's Q, it is not treated as a basic attack. Is it still blocked by Jax's E or does it counter him?

    Asking out of curiousity + the more common Yone v. Jax jungle matches I've had lately.

    submitted by /u/horsefucker88
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    Possible coaching

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:55 PM PDT


    Been lurking here on the sub for a bit and learned some really great things from what I have read, mainly the mental part of the game.

    I am a teacher and our school announced 2 years ago that they were looking for a eSports coach. Well, long story short I took the job and began learning League. I had a friend who was helping me with coaching the students because I was still learning the game myself. Unfortunately, he found a full time job and is unable to help with the coaching side. I decided to take the position solo and began doing a lot of research on the game and the mechanics. The only problem is most of the kids playing a far more experienced than I am.

    I am hoping to find someone who is willing to help me learn the game overall. I am Bronze4 right now and feel I know what to do, but fail to understand all my matchups and a good bit of the macro.

    Our highest ranked player is plat3 and I just want to be able to get the rest to his level. They put in the work and play, but fail to climb very high. I want to be able to coach them the best I can, but at my current level I don't feel I can adequately give advice.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


    submitted by /u/action_1989
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    Monitoring my games in a spreadsheet and testing the 30/30/40 rule.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Hello! So about two weeks ago I came across a post of someone who was testing the 30/30/40 rule. I was curious and since I wanted to climb, I had to try it out myself. I got the template from https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/5q86be/league_of_legends_ranked_spreadsheet/ and started to monitor my games. This is the result: https://gyazo.com/4f61744fc4c27d8c65a6d0f1aa5b2b74

    Since i've started monitoring my games my winrate has been exactly 70%. 70 wins and 30 losses so far.

    I started at bronze 1 and now I'm in my gold 2 promos! I will continue to monitor my games so I can see it on kind of a larger scale.

    Edit: The 30/30/40 rule means that 30% of your games are auto losses, 30% of your games are auto wins and the other 40% depends on how you play.

    Also, thank you for the award kind stranger :)

    submitted by /u/littlelessbad
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