LoL Guide I'm a new player and I want to main top lane, but I have no idea how to do wave management. |
- I'm a new player and I want to main top lane, but I have no idea how to do wave management.
- I’m an ex-challenger jungler and I made a video explaining how to track the enemy jungle and use that to your advantage
- What's stopping the average League of Legends player to hit higher ranks?
- How to beat Zoning based champions as a melee assassin?
- How viable are Yone & Yasuo based teamcomps?
- How are you supposed to play toplane?
- how do you counter yone?
- An Ill Omen
- Realistically, where should new players start, and why?
- What do you do against a fed Garen?
- Warwick Pathing Advice
- Any idea about a lock-screen jungle beginner?
- Some jungle tips I wrote
- How to improve income score?
- Why am I bad at most champions except for Neeko?
- Reaching diamond with Katarina - In need of advice!
- As an ADC what do I do if theres no frontline?
- Why is RFC so popular
- Playing against a supremely fed assassin as an ADC
- The weapon that does most damage for your gold: ManaMune.
- I hate Yasuo and I wanna know why exactly
- What am I doing wrong in Ranked?
I'm a new player and I want to main top lane, but I have no idea how to do wave management. Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:06 AM PDT I've been playing with high elo friends and when I play top I usually end up with uncomfortable wave positions which leads to gold disadvantage. I tried asking my friends to explain to me how to get the wave where I want it to be, but they said the topic is "too complex" and they just tell me to farm... [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:57 AM PDT Hi I'm an ex-challenger jungler (not yet this season) but have been for about 4 seasons now. This guide explains how to track the enemy jungler along with how to use that information to predict plays and plan for the future. This is a very important skill to be good with as a jungler because it helps you be in the right place at the right time almost all the time. I can answer any questions you guys have in the comments or feel free to dm me and ask. [link] [comments] |
What's stopping the average League of Legends player to hit higher ranks? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT I see a lot of players around the Silver/Gold region like myself and wondering why are there so many players in this elo. I remember reading an article saying that over 90% of League players are Gold and below and it amazes me with a playerbase this big that only 10% manage to climb higher than Gold. I understand that there has to be an average Elo but I find it very interesting that there isn't more "highelo" players. What is stopping an average joe like myself from reaching Plat+ and is it hard to reach these ranks? [link] [comments] |
How to beat Zoning based champions as a melee assassin? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:29 AM PDT How do I beat zoning based champions like Orianna and Azir? I'm having an extremely hard time against these type of champions. It's hard to walk up to trade or to even poke them because I am guaranteed to eat free harass when I try to do so. By the time I can all in them I'm already too low on HP/Mana. I play Talon Fizz Yone Ekko and Cassio (she's not an assassin). Edit: I feel like one rotation isn't enough to kill at full HP, and that I am giving up too much CS for roaming (I can't shove because I will get poked while doing it) I can't roam with a wave under tower. [link] [comments] |
How viable are Yone & Yasuo based teamcomps? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT What are your thoughts on a teamcomp that has both Yone and Yasuo? Yone can go mid/top and maybe even jungle if you consider Yassuo's success with playing Yone jungle in higher elos, while Yasuo is a staple mid/bot champ, so their roles don't necessarily overlap. Yone at first glance seems to have been designed to have some synergy with Yasuo, Yone knocks people up and Yasuo presses r, but as far as I can tell the synergy stops there. Both champions are squishy melee champions, relatively difficult to pilot and most importantly do a lot of crit damage. Very easily countered by tanks/bruisers with Randuins. If you're running top Yone, Yasuo mid and a standard crit ADC, champions like Jax or Mordekaiser can just build Randuins+Thornmail after they get their core items to shit on them. Obviously Yasuo can go bot or ADC could play an APC, but knowing low-mid elo the players aren't going to be that coordinated. I can't really think of any strategic advantages to play Yasuo+Yone besides from the intimidation factor, any thoughts? [link] [comments] |
How are you supposed to play toplane? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:25 PM PDT Hi! First post here. I started playing League about three months ago, and I have been basically addicted. I'm fairly low elo/mmr or whatever. I recently picked up Lillia because I love her and do pretty well with her playstyle. I have started playing her toplane after struggling with her in ranged mid match-ups, and I absolutely cannot jungle with her. This is also in draft, not ranked, though I hope to go into ranked at some point (currently unranked). I'm not asking for how to play her, or wave management and stuff (I think that will come with more time and practice). What I'm curious about is what are you supposed to do in toplane? Before Lillia I played mid or botlane, but in top I am very uncertain of what I should be doing at any moment. Shoulf I spend a lot of time in top? Should I shift into ARAM with my low mmr/elo teammates? Should I stay top and farm? I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing as the game progresses, and I want to improve and be a good teammate. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT i'm not talking counterpicking or knowing his powerspikes, i'm talking when fighting a yone as any basic champion how do you deal with him? (also junglers don't exist under master elo so that's out of the picture) maybe in mid he's easier to deal with, but in top he's a nightmare, i feed my ass out whenever he's against me, he can force trades whenever he feels like it thanks to his W sheild and if he doesn't like the trade can just E back, plus his Qs don't have a good indication when they're comming up, it's not clear when he uses them and thiet hitbox is deceptivly long i don't want this to turn into a rant but it feels hopeless against yone atm, any tips on fighting him as a champion with no dashes? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT Youre playing against the edgelords themselves, Yasuo and Yone. They have inted for the last 15 minutes so youre feeling pretty confident. Time for a team fight at drake. No problem. Youre a full item up. Boom everyone is dead. How did this happen? Ill tell you how it happened. You didnt buy Randuin's Omen! Randuin's Omen is the most underutilized item in LoL imo. Not only does it give you the HPs every growing bruiser needs. Not only does it give you a fat wad of armor. It even slows the attack speed of anyone who dares fight you. But wait there is more! With a simple active it slows every enemy around you. The beauty of this item and reason you need it in your life is It also reduces critical basic attacks by 20%! Thats right. 100% crit Yasuo and Yone now have their every basic attack's damage reduced by 20% Almost anyone can justify building this item as well because hp and armor are great for everyone. I know what youre thinking. "But Brau87 wont Randuin mind if i take his Omen?" Of course he wont! He loves sharing. For a limited time you can get this miracle item for the low price of 2900g! *offer not available in Iron 4 *Dont use this item if you are pregnant or against a team without crit. [link] [comments] |
Realistically, where should new players start, and why? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:05 AM PDT I tend to have a lot of friends bring friends into the game, so a question I get asked a lot is "where should new players start to learn the game?" But I'm just a lowly silver scrub, so I can't really weigh in properly. So I figured I'd put my thoughts out there and see what everyone else thought. First: Top lane. Teaches basic 1v1's and laning, CS'ing, and how champs counter eachother. It does suck getting countered though. Second: Mid. Now that you can CS and understand counter picks, midlane teaches more map awareness, which is exercised through roaming and counter roaming, as well as rotating to JG and objectives, promotes looking at the minimap a lot. Heavily promotes warding, even more than top, which can oftentimes get ignored in low elo. Third: ADC. Now that you know to look at your mini map and you know how to CS and move to objectives, it's ultimate CS practice time in the 2v2 lane. This further reinforces counter matchup knowledge and champion interactions, but also starts teaching synergies as well, as ADC and Supp have to work together. Fourth: Support. Now that you know how to solo and duo lane, and you know what an ADC needs to succeed, you can be that early win factor for your ADC and take the team to victory. Finally: Jungle. Now that you know the ins and outs of every lane, Jungle allows you to exercise that knowledge, as well as minimap awareness, rotations, ganks and counter ganks. You're forced to learn about wave states, identifying freezes, slow pushes and hard pushes, as well as being forced to learn map tempo. After you've mastered that, you can learn to track the enemy jungler based on what you know. [link] [comments] |
What do you do against a fed Garen? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT This may sound like a stupid question but I have no clue how to play against Garen. I don't understand how such a simple champ gets so out of hand? Like, he builds Trinity first item, great, he does a lot of damage as expected, but then... He's just insanely tanky for no reason. Looking at his abilities, he just seems like your average Juggernaut, but the W is just so out of place. This SINGLE ability makes Garen just absurdly tanky, without building a single tank item. My toplaner feeds a Garen 4 kills, he builds Trinity and Berserker Greaves, we 4 man collapse him toplane, and we can't even kill him. Passively: Gain .25 Armor and MR on unit killed, upon reaching 30 stacks gain 10% bonus resistances. What? One single ability gives him the passive of both the item Seeker's Armguard AND the rune Conditioning for free. He gets the passive and Armor of one of the most frequently bought items, and double the ratio of a rune that had to be nerfed (Conditioning). He also then gets a 30% damage reduction for 5 seconds at max rank, 60% tenacity, and a shield for 170 + (20% bonus health). How do you even deal with this? When Garen's fed he just runs around like a maniac, zero risk of dying from anything, can't be kited, can't be facetanked, can dive you under tower freely, and is completely unstoppable. This champion is supposed to be the "beginner friendly champion people play before they learn the game". Why does this champion get to be the easiest mechanically, and yet also can be highly viable in all ranks. Side note: r/GarenMains is probably the saddest LoL sub I've ever seen. Every clip is just repeatedly using E, running away with Q movespeed, and rinse and repeat. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT So, I'm a new, unranked player, who primarily plays support, though I have played at least a little of every role. I've been looking to improve my jungling, as I think it's the role I understand the least well. All the different things to think about feel a bit less straightforward than when you're in a lane. Looking through champions, I find Warwick to be a pretty attractive option, as he seems like he isn't too terribly complicated, is decently strong early (which I think I prefer over champions who are all about late game scaling). I've been looking around the internet at various guides to playing Warwick, and the runes/summoners/core itemisation concepts all seem pretty similar from guide to guide, but it appears like there are a lot of different opinions on what order I should be killing jungle creeps and looking for ganks. What are you guys thoughts on Warwick Pathing? Is it all matchup dependent, or is there a strict order you prefer? Should I try for a level one solo invade to steal a buff or is that an awful, risky play? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Any idea about a lock-screen jungle beginner? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:43 PM PDT I have 2-4 friends with whom we played league of legends almost every evening and we're all gold. I main support before but recently everyone refused to play jg so I guessed it's time for me to pick this position when we have 5 people and can't wait for riot to match one jg for us. I always lock my screen because the unlocking makes me dizzy physiologically and wanna vomit. BTW I can't play any 3D game for the same reason. Do you have any specific suggestions for a jg beginner who must lock screen like me? Any idea would be appreciated :D [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT When I get tilted I tend to find myself reverting back to poor habits. So instead of having to watch a bunch of videos to reset myself each time I wrote up this list and I thought other people like me might find some of them useful. Most of these tips I picked up from Virkayu/Scapped videos. Many of them are geared towards low elo but some aren't. Also remember in jungling nothing is ever a 100% absolute. So in no particular order: • FULLY assess lanes BEFORE gank/invade/skirmish. Don't glance at the minimap and assume you have priority/are safe. Look at health/mana/minions. • Better safe than sorry, don't put yourself in a situation where you can get collapsed on no matter how likely you think the rotation is. e.g don't go for a crab you know the enemy jungler is also eyeballing when your bot lane is shoved in. In said situation consider ganking bot lane while the enemy jungler tunnels on scuttle. • Adapt when your starting path is undermined by a teammate getting solokilled or an unlikely invade instead of trying to 1v2 the enemy botlane or blindly running to their warded second buff and getting collapsed on. Try full clearing your blue side into a top lane gank if your red gets stolen in an invade, they may have used their ward on enemy red. Then maybe invade with your new priority. If you started opposite of the enemy jungler and the lane you wanted to gank gets solo killed, try taking their respawned gromp/raptors/krugs or pivoting to mid if you know they're busy near the side lane and can't counter. • Frequently pan over to lanes to check enemy HP while clearing/walking, use a beep video for this. Don't be afraid to go for a super early sub-optimal level 2 gank when a solo lane is volatile and both laners are low. The enemy jungler is unlikely to match you in low elo. (Barring strong level 2 champs.) • Drop camps IMMEDIATELY to go to a fight on the side of the map you're on. Even if you think it's not worth it/you won't make it. Your gromp will still be there after the fact and you can get way more XP defending their turret if they die. Only shove minions if the wave is going to crash at their turret and will be totally dead before they get back. Otherwise the wave will push toward the enemy. • Get in the habit of pressing tab to check the enemy jungler's CS to know what camps are likely down. Also check their items to see if they backed. For example if they're level 5 and have a machete and you're level 4 Lee Sin with red smite you can probably win a 1v1. • Be aware of laners moving out of lanes at all times, assess what they might be doing and react accordingly. Pay attention to potential warding and tab to check for pinks in their inventory. • Assess your gank options/wincon before the game starts. Try to prioritize people with more games/better winrates on their/role champion as long as they're also good lanes to gank. (e.g not Ezreal Yuumi) • Be aware of objective spawn times before the global 1min warning icon and path in such a way that assures you're where you need to be with as little downtime as possible • Play with your team even if it's not the most optimal play. Ping ferociously after a successful push to prevent greed overstay. This doesn't mean try to 2v5 with your 2/9 top Yasuo though. • Keep all chat and emotes off, mute team chat/pings as needed. • Prioritize higher level/enemy camps when possible/safe. • Prioritize using your lead to secure dragons as early game dominant junglers especially. Games will drag on and your scaling depends on it. • Make the most of poor situations. If bot lane is losing and you know you can't fight over a dragon, full clear the enemy top side or look for a gank and plates. Get herald if it's up. • Don't follow an enemy midlaner into an unwarded river brush during a gank. Beware of Bards. • Always check lanes to see where the enemy started even if it's gold 4 and you're 90% sure they started bot side. You never know when Amumu will roleplay as Graves and do his red into your blue. • Always ward your pixel brush opposite of the side you want to start to collapse in case of the aforementioned roleplaying Amumus. In case of actual Graves ward the buff itself because of pit wall hops. • As you are winning start moving into the enemy jungle constantly to keep the pressure up. Make sure you have backup nearby in lanes. • Consider dodging or changing picks if you have few/no gank options with the team comps that are picked. For example You're Nunu against Vlad/Akali/Draven/Soraka. • Remember the bigger picture. Your goal is to do what's most likely to give the most reward with the least risk in order to maximize your chance of winning. That means no risky 1v9 baron steals. Focus on your winrate over X amount of games, not streaks. • For mid/lategame teamfights when you're ahead especially don't just blindly engage on the first enemy you see because you're fed and you think you can get away with it. You may quickly find yourself outnumbered. Be patient at this phase of the game and don't rush into anything. Double check your team is right behind you locked and loaded before starting. And preferrably only go for picks/fights when you KNOW you have the number advantage. Turrets and Baron count as team members for this purpose [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:33 PM PDT Hey all. So I'm currently Silver II, I was Gold I last season but I've been playing a few ranked games here and there. I've been playing plenty as Ahri and I seem to always do good, I win my lane, roam, pick a few kills, etc. When the match ends, even though I'm usually top 3 in damage, have a good kda and vision score, the most I get is A-. I was trying to look for a reason and apparently my average income score is B- (or C, I don't remember). I make sure to farm, get kills, objectives and help my team in general but my income score won't improve. Is there any particular way on getting better income score? As far as I know the more turrets, kills and cs you get the better your ratingnwill be, but that has not been the case for me. Any ideas? [link] [comments] |
Why am I bad at most champions except for Neeko? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT I find that I have a hard time laning and facing ganks with champions I've tried out such as Jayce, Anivia, Sylas where the opponent makes it very hard for me to poke or cs, and I end up with a KDA like 2/6/3 or similar. I've played around 20 games of neeko and am averaging just over 12 kills a game, usually only 1 or 2 deaths and easily in the top 2 in damage done to champions in the game post match for every player. I've noticed how easy it is to poke my laning opponent down to 50% hp with just an E+Q combo, something I can use to zone my opponents from CSing as a threat I can spam once I have the lost chapter item, and I can keep up with CS very easily as well. Why is it that I don't see much success with other popular mid lane picks but Neeko, whose pick rate is very low (only 1.07%), I usually completely dominate games? [link] [comments] |
Reaching diamond with Katarina - In need of advice! Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT Hello r/summonerschool, I am a plat 2 Katarina/Ryze main (mostly katarina). I reached plat 2 yesterday with ease, but since then I've been struggling to play well consistently. I win one game, then lose another. What are some tips that can help me win more games with katarina in this elo? [link] [comments] |
As an ADC what do I do if theres no frontline? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT Starting to main ADC, I'm running into a ton of games where I'll get like a quinn top and yi jungle then my sup picks yuumi or morg or something. Absolutely no frontline and minimal CC. How do you even play the game? I used to play JG and I could flex into Sej or trundle so we'd have frontline but can't really do that as ADC. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT Whenever I read a new guide for a crit ADC, I always find myself seeing that one of the core items of almost always is RFC. Why is this? I feel like so many other items could give much more benefit. For example, PD gives pretty much the same stats, just that the passive can usually save ur life from an assassin, or BT which works on most crit ADCs, and helps sustains while getting run down. Why is +150 range and +120 magic damage on 1 shot once in a while so valuable? [link] [comments] |
Playing against a supremely fed assassin as an ADC Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT This is a problem I run into frequently, and I'm unsure how to handle it. Scenario: Playing ADC in solo queue and the enemy team has an extremely strong Akali/Vlad/Irelia/champ that will at least kill me for sure, but likely both me and my support if they manage to get on us. It's late game, and my team is pushing as 5. One of my teammates spots the opportunity to engage and takes it. The fed assassin comes out of his hiding place on the flank and runs straight at myself and the support. We spend the entirety of the teamfight kiting said assassin, but even if we manage to kill him, our 3 teammates have lost their 3v4 and thus we have lost the teamfight. The support and I are then flamed for not doing anything. This genuinely happens all the time in solo queue and I legit don't know what to do. Should I step up, knowing the enemy assassin is going to kill me for sure, and try and do as much damage to the enemy 4 before I die? Am I correct in playing safe in order to not die to the flanker? It is literally impossible to get solo queue teammates aside from your support (and not even them, sometimes) to peel for you. Often times the fed assassin runs right past your entire team to kill you. I feel useless backpeddling, but my ADC instincts are screaming at me to not die at any cost. Any ideas? (Plat3) [link] [comments] |
The weapon that does most damage for your gold: ManaMune. Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT I have a build on Senna where I get Presence of Mind and a Zekes. The damage from muramana + awe is about 80. And already that's more value than 2 BFF swords which is the most efficient way to get damage. On top of that, Muramana does 6% of your mana to enemies. So when you have 2500 mana which is common, that is a bonus 150 damage. Lets rehash: With presence of Mind, you will be doing 80+ damage from ad+awe. This is already as efficient the most mana efficient item for damage/gold by a large margin. 80 damage /2400 gold = 3 damage /100 gold, same as BFF sword. But Shock also deals + 150 damage too! The efficiency at this point is now 230 damage/2400 or 9 damage per 100 gold! Nothing comes close to bff swords 3 damage per gold, but this blows even that great efficiency out of the water 3 fold! This item is literally insanely op, and I think everyone is waking up to it. [link] [comments] |
I hate Yasuo and I wanna know why exactly Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:36 AM PDT I have been playing League since 2013, 7 years and a half until now and if there's a champion that I learned how to hate in game, it's Yasuo. I'm not saying that he is broken or I usually lose against him (I don't), I'm just saying that he is annoying and I have an idea, but IDK why exactly. I think that I hate Yasuo is because of:
As I said, I'm not saying that I lose lanes against him. Or that I hate how he outplays me. I'm main Galio Mid and I dont have many issues against, my main Top is Singed and I smack him on the ground. But, something on this champion sound so unfair that pisses me off. And I felt that everything was getting worse when the Runes Reforged appeared. These recent days I was excited to play against Yone and the champion sounded a lot more "healthier" to the game than Yasuo. Am I "tilted" with the fact of Yasuo's existence? Or is there any logic behind it? I dont like other champions, of course, like Irelia, Diana, Zilean, Lulu, for example, but none of them triggers my "contempt button" like Yasuo. I'm thinking a lot about it, dont know if I'm sure for real, but I think that understand this could help me to have a more healthier gameplay. Thanks, since then. I hope you dont "hate" this post too. [link] [comments] |
What am I doing wrong in Ranked? Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT Hi, new to Reddit here so excuse any errors in formatting or whatever. So, I've been playing League since 2013 and have never been able to get out of Silver. As of around 2 weeks ago, I found myself in my Silver 1 promos, won two matches, then lost 3... and then I plummeted over 2 weeks down to mid Silver 3 as of today. I'm so frustrated with it, but I want to get to Gold just once. I'm not a perfect player by any means, but I run into the issue where I'm losing more than I'm winning even though I'm doing the things that I've been told are supposed to help you climb. I play mostly top lane and mid as of the moment. Pantheon is my go-to for toplane and I tend to do very well with him in-lane, and post-laning phase I put a lot of pressure by ulting to fights with my team for objectives. I play Malzahar midlane and he's who I have my highest winrate on. But even then, I run into an issue of losing a lot even if I'm doing well individually. In other lanes I have several go-to's, like Kayn/Yi jung, Jhin/MF adc, and Swain/Thresh supp, with some flex champions like Lux that I can take mid or supp if Malzahar is taken. I don't want to blame it on my teams because I don't want to be that guy, but I can't help but feel like the system is working against me, you know? I wind up with an ADC that goes 0/7, or a jung that afks, or (insert those typical league annoyances here). I've also run into many admitted smurfs, which is super annoying. It really is super frustrating to feel like I'm doing my best to climb, but there's some kind of invisible wall I hit when I got to Silver 1, and a hammer that just keeps knocking me down until I've gotten where I currently am in Silver 3. I follow guides, I watch videos, I play to my strengths and my team's compositon, I just don't know what to do anymore. Nothing seems to be working to get me off of this barrage of losses. What do you guys think I should do to improve? Are there certain champions you found that have helped you climb? Is it just a matter of enduring the losses and being persistent until something breaks and I get back onto a winning streak like I was in Silver 1 until my promos? Am I just cursed? [link] [comments] |
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