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    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    LoL Guide Soraka's identity & The case for Mikael's Crucible

    LoL Guide Soraka's identity & The case for Mikael's Crucible

    Soraka's identity & The case for Mikael's Crucible

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Soraka's identity & The case for Mikael's Crucible

    tldr in the bottom for all the lazy ones

    Soraka's identity

    Soraka provides unique identity in League of Legends metagame. Nonetheless, I believe that her identity is misunderstood by large proportion of the playerbase. Many of us perceive her as pure healer all throughout the game. Sure, she can heal for 80 HP with a single point in W, but at cost of 10% of her own max HP (giving net benefit of only 27 hp). Unless she hits Q, which automatically puts her at risk, lane sustain she provides is nothing to be afraid of.

    I would argue, and I am sure that most of the Soraka mains would agree, that in early game, at least until level 6 and accessing her ultimate, she takes a role of a poke mage, often bullying her counterpart. Her Q fits that playstyle, allowing for a frequent damaging the opponent, while healing any return damage. As the game goes on, through levels 6-9 (or 6-10, skill order dependant) she transitions to the role of battle mage, and eventually into a role of fragile healer providing big in-combat sustain for a whole team.

    For the next part of the post, it is crucial to mention her unique abilities distribution, consisting of only a single damage ability (two, if you count silence - but with its 20 second cooldown and incredible utility, I forgo accounting for its damage at all) and two unique heals - one of them on extremely low cooldown (1.2 seconds with 0.25 second cast time) and the other one hitting all 5 members of the team. Evolution of her healing capabilities looks something like this (stopped adding items after redemption, i.e. second core item, as the game is already in the lategame at that point, and is outside of the scope of this analysis - I may analyze later choices on further requests).

    Enchanter itemization

    The case for Mikael's on Soraka

    Athene's became a staple item to rush on enchanter supports and for a good reason - it is overall very strong item. Not only provides very useful combat stats (AP, CDR, MR), solves mana issues and synergizes well with other enchanter items through a dissonance passive, but also provides insane boost to your healing, amplifying them by 35% of the pre-mitigation damage you do inbetween them. Sounds like a perfect package, doesn't it?

    One part of Soraka's identity comes into play here, and it is the fact that she does not provide utility levels of other enchanters - she does not increase your damage, she cannot engage, she does not innately boost your attack speed. Other enchanters do that, and that utility aspect scales with AP. Soraka has heals, but oh boy, her heals are strong and come often. Let's just compare her maxed W to other known ingame healers, in the scenario of trying outheal the damage done to a single teammate in front of you (i.e. ignore AoE aspects, those come for teamfighting):

    Champion Heal/Shield base Heal cooldown
    Sona 110+0.25AP+125+0.3AP 6 seconds
    Yuumi 210+0.4AP 8 seconds
    Nami 160+0.3AP 10 seconds
    Soraka 220+0.6AP 2 seconds

    With such a short cooldown, high base heal, having heal on two other spells, one of which is 5-targeted, could Mikael's Crucible, with its 20% heal power amplification, be stronger, or at least comparable alternative to buying Athene's Unholy Grail?

    With such a research goal I proceeded to analyze following scenarios:

    • Continuous Healing Graph

      • defined as geometric average between total healing done in flat 5 seconds & perfect healbot heal per second with infinite time horizon scenario
      • healing done in flat 5 seconds does not include ultimate
      • in both cases it asumes perfect usage of abilities, i.e. eveything is used on cooldown, and no Q is missed (which would result in comparably worse Athene's performance)
    • Burst healing with Redemption with/without using ultimate. Graph without ult | Graph with ult

      • Assumes, that we have full Athene's stacks prepared, i.e. the best scenario for Athene's.
      • Does not consider special case, where you use ultimate & your target < 40% hp. N.B. this case would help Mikael's, as the Athene's healing would be smaller part of the whole.
    • I am under kill threat / No enemies nearby Graph

      • Typical scenario when someone/team disengages after skirmish, but you still want to contest
      • Typical scenario if you are losing in a high kill pressure lane
      • Enemies rushed boots / are highly mobile and hitting all Q is not given
      • Weird looking flattening due to only considering first two items, and no Redemption/Athene's scaling involved here, everything is calculated properly, don't worry.
    • Burst healing with Redemption & Ultimate in grouped 5v5 scenario Graph

      • Assumes all 5 members are present (smaller skirmishes lie inbetween this and previous case; N.B. botlane is automatically 2v2 skirmish).
      • On the other hand assumes that nobody is <40% hp, neither for purposes of your ultimate, nor Redemption (which is already stronger in Mikael's case, and would be amplified even further by Revitilize).

    Taking all of these scenarios into the account, we arrive at generalized healing efficiency. This results in relative power through levels, that looks like this: Item Journey. Values here are relative between going for Athene's->Redemption and going for Mikael's->Redemption.


    • If you are able to always hit all Q on cooldown in combat situation, as well as always have Athene's stacks prepared when you need to emergency heal somebody, then Athene's is strictly better choice for saving a single target, at all stages of the game.
    • Please keep in mind, that 10% efficiency later in the game is much higher absolute difference in healing potential. While level 7 drop in burst healing potential of 30% may seem drastic, it is less than 100 healed hp difference.
    • There is significant drop in general healing power before you buy Redemption, or, saying it differently: Mikael's superior synergy with Redemption allows it to catch up in healing values to Athene's.
    • Mikael's is always stronger in passive situations with no targets. The difference is bigger the higher the W's rank is.
    • Mikael's offers significantly stronger 5v5 teamfighting, as soon as Redemption is completed.

    Take a note, that in the most of above scenarios, assumptions are very favourable towards Athenes. Moreover this analysis does take into account both Athene's AP & Dissonance bonus AP scaling, while it doesn't include any value gained from 10 more MR (small significance) and extremely powerful active on Mikael's (cleanse + 2 sec slow immunity + 40% movement speed for 2 sec).

    I am not trying to argue here, that Athene's is worse item, or that Mikael's would always be better on Soraka - I am far from that, and maths agrees - both items have their place. When choosing which one to buy, it is important to take into account: * does enemy team have some cleansable CC of high pick potential? * does your lane enemy have small about of critical CC for dueling? (E.g. Vayne's E?) * does enemy team have strong assasin, especially one who bursts very quickly? * are you going to teamfight a lot? if so, do you have multiple threats, or a single one, that you need to protect at all cost?

    I hope you find this post helpful, and see you all on the Rift!

    P.S. While checking if my maths properly show when build provides weak healing, I have also compared Athene's->Redemption with Athene's->Mikael's. Result

    P.P.S. Is there a demand for analyses of such nature? I think about coding more general tool in python.

    tldr: read above summary supertldr: sometimes mikael->redemption is better than athenes->redemption on soraka

    submitted by /u/jo9k
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    Quick tip, don't let a tank building Sunfire or Thornmail hit your turret for free

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    If you're against someone building those items, unless the wave is really large, just touch them once or if Sunfire get close, it will force the tower to take shots at them. Especially with Sunfire, they will be slow pushing regardless and if they even step up to the tower, just let them take shots.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Why I barely see jayce being played?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I like the champ and wanted to try climbing with him on top, but since I can barely find pro games where he appears, and dont think I ever saw a jayce in rift that wasnt me in 4 years playing, I wonder, WTF is wrong with him to make no one touch him on champion select?

    submitted by /u/wizard323
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    How to play against ranged toplaners?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I need help. Last 3 games I played against a ranged top. I would like to know what to do in a situation when the enemy toplaner locks in a ranged champion. I can't go close to farm, I can't engage, and after all that I lose the game and become irrelevant later on. Please give me some tips on what to do

    submitted by /u/jojna54
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    New to league of legends

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Started league recently and I have been playing Annie mid and I perform well but after the laning phase my minion kills are way lower I am the only one on 60-70 while others are on 100+ anyone got tips for how I can improve to help my team and play a bit aggro without feeding

    submitted by /u/NorthMidN
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    As a jungler, what am I looking for when I use my camera keys?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I always see pro players and streamers shifting their camera to lanes while traveling between camps and basing, but I really don't know what they're looking for or what decisions they can make from that information.

    Other than people being obviously out of position and right next to you, what kind of things should you be looking for when doing this? I've heard people say minion waves, but that doesn't make sense to me. In low elo, the minion wave is completely unpredictable because nobody knows how to shove or freeze, they just last hit whatever minion whenever. So what I think might be a pushing lane towards me ends up being shoved into the enemy tower by the time I get there, and its a waste of time.

    What am I looking for? Why? Give me some examples of some scenarios that might play out where I gain an advantage as a jungler by shifting my camera around.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Itemization and building for dummies - A quick start guide to custom tailoring builds to your games

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I often see the sentiment that people feel uncomfortable with venturing off the beaten path when it comes to items, and will typically just build whatever external stat sites tell them is good, without considering exactly what those items are giving them or why they're built over a different set of items.

    Luckily, itemization, while kinda complex in LoL, is actually super easy to learn to a basic level.

    First thing to understand is the different stats in the game. I'll be using the abbreviations for those stats, but here's a glossary with explanations:

    • AD - Attack damage - How much attack damage your champ has. Every time you auto attack you deal your champ's AD in physical damage. Some abilities scale off AD, this appears in orange. There's two kinds of AD scaling, total AD and bonus AD. You can tell the difference and what your champ has by looking at your abilities when you first spawn in. If you see something like "30 (+1)", that means your ability scales with bonus AD (you haven't built any AD, so the number is tiny). If you see a larger number, it probably scales with your total AD (so built + the amount you start with).
    • AS - Attack speed - How many basic attacks you can make in a second. Abilities that scale with AS (there's very few!) appear in yellow.
    • AP - Ability power - Amplifies abilities that scale with AP (light blue). Technically all AP scaling is bonus because nobody starts with AP.
    • Life steal - Percentage of the autoattack damage post mitigation (explained below what that means) that you heal for. If you deal 100 damage to someone with 10% lifesteal, you gain 10 health.
    • Omnivamp - Not a "real" stat, but it describes "all damage healing" that's in the game. Think stacked conqueror, death's dance, gunblade, ravenous hunter, etc.
    • Armor - Physical damage resistance. Each point of armor increases your effective health against physical by 1%. Does nothing for true or magic damage though. As an example, if you have 3000 health with 100 armor, you have 6000 "real" health if all you take is physical. As health increases, the value of each point of armor increases dramatically, it essentially "scales" health. Abilities that scale with armor will be yellow with a little shield icon.
    • MR - Magic resistance. Like armor but for magic damage. Works the exact same way. Abilities that scale with MR will be purple with a little circle icon.
    • MS - Movement speed. Self explanatory. Some dashes scale with MS.
    • CDR - Cooldown reduction, lets you cast abilities more often. Caps to 40% unless you have a certain rune.
    • Mana - Resource used to cast abilities. Some champs don't have mana and can freely cast so long as their abilities are off cooldown.
    • Magic/Armor penetration - Grants you the ability to penetrate enemy armor/MR. Useful to build if they're stacking the resistance in order to mitigate your damage.

    All of these stats come together to form a champion.

    The second thing to understand are concepts like "on hit", "on attack", post mitigation, etc.

    On-hit effects are things that happen when you autoattack something, or use an ability that applies on hit effects (these abilities usually state that they do). Certain built items provide you with on hit effects, for example the Titanic Hydra item gives you an AOE effect behind your auto'd target that deals damage to things behind it based on your health. Every time you autoattack, this happens. The Tiamat item (which goes into the hydra line) emits a pulse that deals damage based on your AD. Etc.

    If someone is going for an "on hit" build, they usually build these on hit items, as well as a large amount of attack speed in order to proc (or activate) these effects as often and rapidly as possible.

    So what's "on attack" then? Remember how I mentioned earlier that on hits can be procced by abilities? On attack effects cannot, they can only come from autos.

    Whenever you see something like "Heal for % of post mitigation damage dealt", this just means that you heal for that percent of damage that you're dealing after it's reduced by armor. Items like Death's dance can be deceiving because it can make it seem like the item makes you take more damage (because it turns 30% of incoming damage into true damage over time), but the thing is that Death's dance does this to POST mitigation damage, so only damage that you would've taken after armor. Building armor on top of DD is perfectly valid and powerful.

    Alright, enough nerd stuff. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk builds.

    Based on your archetype of champion (are you a mage? ADC? Bruiser? Tank?), you will generally build items that give you the stats that you want and synergize with your kit. Building items that give you stats you don't want is inefficient and a waste of gold.

    Mages for example, are pure damage dealing, ability slinging champions. They don't generally go for much in the way of defense, and look to sling as many abilities as often as possible to deal large damage. So, which stats should they be building? If you answered CDR, Mana, and AP, you'd be right! Mages focus on building these 3 as it helps them achieve their purpose, which is slinging high damage abilities as often as possible. Building anything else risks lowering their ability to do their job.

    "So could I just build Darius full AD and everything would go swimmingly because he's not a mage?" Well no, as a bruiser your base AD and innate damage baked into your kit means that you'll do plenty of damage even without building much. In fact, as a melee champ your biggest issue is going to be application of that damage. Basically, surviving long enough to actually put that damage on enemies. As such, as a bruiser you're going to want to build health and resistances (to make you tanky enough to engage and not get blown up), and a small amount of AD, usually baked in with, you guessed it, more resistances. Items like Black Cleaver contain AD, yes, but they also provide health. Bruisers often have total AD scaling meaning they'll do plenty of damage even if they build pretty tanky, as their higher than average base AD gets factored in.

    This is why tanks and bruisers can sometimes out damage people building full damage (eg ADCs). They're simply surviving longer and dealing a smaller amount of damage over a really long timeframe.

    "So WTF do I build then bruh?" Almost every champ has a "core item". This is the item they rush first, and it usually provides a solid powerspike. Once they get this item they can start looking for plays, generally.

    What this item is again depends on what your champ wants to do. For mages, it's usually Luden's Echo. Gives AP, CDR, and Mana. Big big powerspike. For bruisers, it's either Trinity force (gives health, AD, CDR, mana, an on hit effect that scales off base AD, AS, MS, basically everything a bruiser wants) or black cleaver. For ADCs it's either one of the crit items, or if they're an on-hit builder it's Blade of the Ruined King. Tanks usually go Sunfire cape in order to assist in their waveclear so they don't get shoved in as easily.

    From there, you just keep following your archetype. You can pick from several different items for your second item depending on what you feel you need at the moment, taking into consideration the future as well.

    As a rule of thumb, I like to think about the enemy team and what might become problems later, and have items ready for when they do become a problem.

    Let's run through an example scenario. I'm a bruiser, playing toplane. I'm against an AD champion, and most of the people on the enemy team are AD. Enemy Yasuo gets first blood. They're probably competent and might get fed. Of course, I'm still going to get my trinity force first, because I'm not going to have to deal with the yasuo until later, and I need what the trinity force gives me in order to do acceptably in my lane. If I start building to counter the yas before I have to, I concede pressure in my own lane too! So, I finish trinity force, and end up going pretty even. Enemy just wants to farm it out.

    At this point, I have a decision to make. Do I go on to build more aggressive items and see if I can make plays and get fed myself? Or, do I build tankier in preparation for a fed yas so I can slow his roll a bit? I'm on a bruiser so it's "acceptable" for me to get a full tank item like a Randuin's Omen (which is probably the anti-yasuo item btw), but if I go trinity into randuins I'll be a bit lacking in the damage department and might have mana issues. This of course depends on the bruiser. Certain bruisers must build pretty tanky but do plenty of damage (Darius), others need to build damage otherwise they become 0 damage tanks.

    HOWEVER! I spoke of "acceptable" items in the last paragraph, and I'd like to interject here to disclaimer something. Remember how I said earlier that archetypes like mages like to build full damage and ability boosting stats, and little defensive stats? This is important. Building defensively on champs not meant to be built defensively is EXTREMELY inefficient. Why? Because tank items scale off of each other, and damage items scale off of each other too. Buying a defensive item when you've been building full damage means you'll do no damage, and won't be tanky either. It just simply won't do much for you. Instead, you continue building full damage, and take efforts to avoid being in the situation that results in you feeling like you need defensive stats. Assassin keeps one-shotting you? Instead of picking up a deadman's plate alongside your Luden's, just don't be in a situation where they can get onto you to one shot you. Don't push lanes alone. Don't walk into bushes unwarded. Don't walk too close in teamfights. Allow yourself to be zoned, and build damage so that when you aren't zoned you can deal that damage. Building a random defensive item or two will only slightly slow your death, and likely won't save you. All you've done is neutered your power.

    If you must build defensively as a "damage" archetype, pick items that also give offensive stats. Items like Zhonyas, Guardian Angel, Banshee's veil, Maw of Malmortius, etc are all solid choices, but again, you sacrifice damage doing this. See if you can fix the situation by being smarter.

    Third item is where you really pick a direction. Third for bruisers will usually be another defensive item (eg getting a MR + health item so I don't get deleted by the lux support building full AP), or in some cases, more damage. If I went trinity into randuins like in my last example, here's where I could pick up a death's dance for more CDR, a bit more armor, and burst damage mitigation (also great against a fed yas), as well as AD. Or, I could get a sterak's gage for more health, even more burst mitigation and probably more AD than death's dance.

    4th should flesh out things and cover standing weaknesses. If you've been stacking armor + health, get MR. Get a utility item that you can use to fix issues (eg righteous glory, frozen mallet, etc). Etc.

    And finally 5th should "cap" the build. Mages will get something like a Void staff so it's harder to build MR into them, or get a rabadon's, etc. Bruisers will get a Warmog's so they're much tankier, or get a pure damage item that scales well like BOTRK. ADCs will usually get something like a Guardian angel, armor penetration like a lord dominick's, or a second infinity edge/bloodthirster/some large chunk AD item.

    Overall, building is just about picking from a list of items that your champ "could" build, based on what you feel you need in that specific game, or to respond to something. Often you'll find yourself agreeing with those guides you see on Mobafire/op.gg, that's because that's all they're doing. Picking what makes sense.

    Hopefully this is helpful. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    I killed the enemy early but they teleported right back. What should have been my course of action?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I am playing Cho'Gath, toplane, planning to build tank. My lane opponent is Riven. Right off the bat she's super aggressive, but too much so, taking tons of minion aggro and I get good trades. Eventually she overcommits too much and I kill her, get first blood, but I'm at 1/2 health, maybe a little less. But since it's only like 2 and a half minutes into the game, she respawns in a few seconds and teleports back to lane. Since respawn and TP are so fast, basically a combined 10 seconds, she's missed basically no XP or CS.

    She's now used her TP and I'm 450 gold up on her (kill+first blood), but she has lane priority because that gold hasn't bought me any advantage yet and she's full health while I'm half. What should I have done? My instinct was to try and safely farm to regen my health with Cho's passive, but unfortunately that didn't work out for me, as she was just as aggressive again but was able to kill me because of my lower health. Should I have backed and immediately TP-ed back, despite that meaning both of us no longer have TP? If so, with only like 600 gold, what would have been the best buy for me to help win lane?

    submitted by /u/TheLiveDunn
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    ADC CSing After Laning Phase?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I have decent mechanics and can hit ~80 cs by 10 minutes consistently. The problem for me is, once we take or lose tower, i start losing any opportunities to cs in lane. I can't splitpush without getting collapsed on, and if I freeze or slowpush then my team instantly gets caught or teamfights. Any suggestions for keeping up in cs after 20 minutes without feeding?

    submitted by /u/leggomyeggo69420
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    What to do when you're losing games because it might be your fault

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Had a huge win streak in d4 recently (7 games and to me it's huge) but suddenly after winning a lot, everything changed.

    I'm not autopiloting or something like that but I'm straight up losing games even if I'm winning my match up (as a jungler).

    If I tryhard I don't win, if I play with auto pilot mode I win and that pisses me off. Imagine winning a game with a yasuo midlane that kept following our toplaner for 10 mins then I lose a 8/2 evelynn game because someone decided to force something that we shouldn't do.

    Every game, if someone dies he directly types "go next", "ff", "15 asap"... I came here cause I really need some tips to handle this. As a jungler you always get insulted no matter what. You stole the drake and got a double kill? Your toplaner pings you just after he loses his 1v1.

    I don't want to blame all my teammates cause obviously I got some great teams but yeah it sucks when I just can't figure out what's the problem.

    What's the point of tracking the enemy jungler if I ping my laners and they still burn flashes because of a gank.

    What would you guys do?

    submitted by /u/Baylo28
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    How do you play versus a fed aatrox?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    My top lane fed the aatrox like no tommorrow, who then proceeded to just run through our team. Tried to keep my distance but wasn't really possible as he would just run me (the adc) down every fight. So I had to choose between living or dealing damage (if I could do damage I was too close). Nothing stopped him, no grevious wounds, no damage (he didnt even build armor :/) but he managed to resist more damage than their tank could shred down their tank but not their aatrox

    How do you deal with him in these matchups???

    submitted by /u/knasbarn
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    Good frontline ADCs? Is tank viable?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I've been on an insanely tilting streak of having no frontlines on my team while the other team has something gross like nautilus/volibear/urgot/etc. that just makes a proper 5v5 impossible to play. Think yasuo mid yone top (in legit 4 of my last 8 games). I main AD so it's hard for me to fix this hole in our comp. When we lack AD, I pick Veigar or Cassiopeia. I've been theorycrafting and I wonder if anyone has insight/knowledge of the game to explain if Graves ADC with a bruiser build is viable? (Rushing cleaver, DD, etc.) I am in low diamond elo as an fyi.

    I guess another question I could ask is what I'm supposed to do in a 5v5 if the enemy team is cc heavy and our team is full squishy, sacrificing cc for damage? The answer I could come up with is either look for picks or sit in nexus. But looking for picks is RNG and I want more control over the game than that.

    submitted by /u/samer10th
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    Playing ADC in solo/duoq

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys.

    What could adc's possibly do to climb soloq? I've been playing ADC and games feel like an absolute coinflip where I have a ton of impact but can't actually make a difference.

    Even when I queue with my support the game is still coinflip, we got matched Cait Leona vs Darius sett botlane and we were actually winning trades wasn't it for the hecarim jungle legit ganking bot 8 times in 12 minutes, 5 of them were dives.

    When I play clash I play ADC and we've been very successful on it, i can have impact, i know wave management so I don't run out of farm in mid game, i follow my jungler's calls as I jungle as well but it feels like no matter what I do, if my top / mid ints the game is over.

    submitted by /u/VerifiedVillain
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    Is Fill in solo queue good?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I have been playing full in solo queue and have won 6 of my last 7 since I started fill and the only reason I lost than one was I was sup and mis fed Cassiopeia. But is there some advantage because I'm good at all roles pretty equally and seem to get really good players because I'm fill?

    submitted by /u/True_Sheepherder_663
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    How to maintain high CS Mid-game?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    I usually get 80-90 cs in 10 minutes but start falling behind mid game with 140 cs at like 20 minutes because of thirsting kills and teamfights. Is there anyway i can maintain high cs while still being able to roam and gank? Cause i usually just focusing on cs while its 20 mins and look for picks.

    submitted by /u/Yoncer
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    How best to use freezes to punish your opponent?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    S10 noob trying to get better at lane management in top. Starting to get the hang of pulling the wave into me and freezing just outside of tower range with 3-4 more minions in their wave. But what makes it good?

    I hear that you can then use this freeze to take safer trades onto your opponent and chase them down the long lane when you want to all in. But how is this different to a neutral wave in the middle? Seems to me that if they were able to bully you with a neutral wave then they can bully you in your own freeze.

    So does this mean that freezing is less about you being able to punish them but more about you being safe from ganks while exposing them to ganks?

    Also how do you hold a freeze if they're able to try to hard shove into your tower? Sooner they'll thin their wave until you're forced to either tank the minions or let the wave crash and farm under tower before resetting. If you choose to tank the minions they can just poke you down while you take minion aggro while waiting for your wave to arrive and if you let it crash youre vulnerable to dives.

    Also i was told to freeze under tower against ranged tops but the same apllies - I just get poked off my own freeze until I'm forced to farm under tower. Am I best off just soaking xp until the wave hits tower and farming from there? If so I'm vulnerable to ganks again.

    Edit: I'm actually finding it safer most of the time in my low elo to hard shove into their tower and then wait back behind the mid point for the next wave.

    Clearly I'm not grasping something here. Please can someone enlighten me?

    submitted by /u/completelyscroowed
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    Questions about picking supports and helping the adc

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    If your team lacks something is it better to go as a support you have little experience with who has alot of that or to just be missing it?

    Is shen viable as a support?

    If an adc is painfully bad at taking kills is there any way to get an enemy to stop escaping without accidentally killing them?

    Is ap lux better or worse then building support items in most situations?

    submitted by /u/IWillTellYouUwu
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    Just played Leona with Sivir, we had a bad early game against Thresh Ashe with ganks from Yi. Our Mid/JG are hard winning. 0/3/1 Sivir against 4/1/1 Ashe at 10. What are my best options to help our team?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    High Silver/low Gold MMR

    My question is what do I do when we are hard losing bot, yet mid/jg are just crushing it, taking objectives in early/mid?

    What options are best for me to consider?

    Sivir died level 1 cause Thresh Ashe were waiting in the River bush and she wanted to go to lane through the River. I kinda lost confidence in her decision making, and I became hesitant in my laning, which hurt us even more.

    Despite this, we got 1st Drag, and our JG Mid got Rift as well. I kept River warded and their Tribush as well.

    I felt like I had very little impact in the early/mid game, I never even pressured Mid early, but tried to keep bot tower from falling, and help my ADC farm up. I also was late in my rotations and felt out of sync almost the whole game.

    Any insight on what my approach should be to a situation like this would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Suavarino
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    Does playing fill help or worsen your improvement as a player?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    I've just recently started ranked and I don't really particularly enjoy sticking to one rank or even one champion. For me it is much more enjoyable to play fill and select champions that I would not normally play. Does this better or worsen my improvement as a player? Many friends and other people I see usually only stick to their primary and secondary role so this is a question I wanted to ask.

    submitted by /u/ConTommy
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    Why do people play champs that are dependant on teamplay in soloq? (yuumi)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    I had a game recently where the adc cait dc'd for 15 minutes with a yuumi support. Instead of a 4v5 we had an impossible 3v5. But I feel as though the cait tried after but jungler olaf got mad and reported her. But is failing to connect to a game really a reportable offense?

    submitted by /u/CrazyQuyen
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    What are you looking for when you review your (or anyone else’s) replays?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I'm really making an effort here to learn the game more. I'm moving from support and into top lane. I am Getting into the habit of reviewing each game I play before I jump into a new game. I'm trying to analyze my mistakes and I think I do an okay job, but what are some bullet point questions you go through during this process?

    So far the only thing I have is:

    1.) is this my fault 2.) could I do anything to fix it

    submitted by /u/iWantThatGrapeDrink
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    Perfect example of damage doesnt mean shit

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:46 PM PDT


    This was my most recent game. We would have won if i didnt die.

    Looking at damage graphs is clear there team had no real carry and the player who would do the most in the one who either baits me into my death or flat out kills me

    The Asol is the reason they won. More so more my stupidity for thinking it was only a Lucian I was fighting when I saw at least 3 enemies 5 seconds before i went in. The point being the asol was one who stunned me allowing aatrox to hit q(knock up) and chains on me while asol stars pounded me.. The asol also did the least damaged on their team while their bot lane threw their lead.

    As in my other post regarding damage. Its not always about dealing the most damage. Someone can deal little damage but show up big in team fight either by getting kills or making a good engage that can win you a game.

    Particularly in this game had we won i still wouldn't consider myself the reason. All i had to do was sit back wait for a fight to break out and deal my damage. The real mvp would be whoever was making the engages (most likely the 2-14-18 thresh)

    Theres a lot of variables that need to be factored into the damage stat where most times an engage is what allowed you to push your lead, mount a comeback or win the game

    submitted by /u/ratzy88
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    Why take Dark Harvest over Electrocute?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    For context, I am a kayn jungle main whos trying out some ekko and I have the same question

    Now I am not new to the game so I know Electrocute is more for the burst while DH scales better into the late game but I still don't know why its recommended taking DH on both kayn and ekko over electrocute. wouldn't the consistent burst damage be better than dark harvest?

    I just feel that for assassination even into the late game electrocute is just more reliable damage and it doesn't need to scale as DH does.

    submitted by /u/aFootie
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    Does anyone else just have enemy minions that screw you over?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Was playing lb and I literally could not last hit a single minion. Sometimes i'd hit the minion perfectly and it still just magically has 1 hp left, or the minion just dies to another minion before your auto attack reaches the minion. and my minions literally decide to change their attacks from one minion to another for no reason (and no i did not hit the enemy champ). And they do it in just a way where it will result in me missing my farm. And on top of it, the tower hits the minions in the worst order possible from what it normally does (canon, melee, ranged).

    Today this happened again. I usually do really well with farm but this one game i missed like 60-70% of my farm during lane phase and I don't know why the hell that happens. I still won lane because their mid sucked but fell.

    But I was 3/0/1 at 8 minutes with 20 farm. 20 freaking farm! Like what the hell. I literally had to resort to using my abilities to farm because they just would not die. Then the next game I play, same champ, I farm just fine. No issues.

    Idk if i'm the most unlucky person in the world but some matches, the minions legit become winions for the enemy laner. This is more so a rare occurrence where one day my farming just goes to absolute shit regardless of who im facing.

    idk if this feels like a rant but does anyone else have these games? Is there a way to prevent it or does riot just hate my ass.

    submitted by /u/21_Adulting
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