• Breaking News

    Monday, August 17, 2020

    League of Legends I cannot believe I got a penta with IVERN!!

    League of Legends I cannot believe I got a penta with IVERN!!

    I cannot believe I got a penta with IVERN!!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Sneaky and Meteos recall funny scrim moments when Parth held a scrim lobby hostage and when Uzi ragequit a scrim block

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    During Sneaky and Meteos' co stream yesterday they recalled some pretty funny scrim moments. In the clips Meteos discusses how back in 2016 Meteos would play Olaf and Zac. He was one of the only junglers to do so at the time and wanted to practice it in scrims vs TSM. He said how every single scrim they would perma ban Olaf and Zac. When Meteos asked if they could not ban it so he could practice it they said "yea later" but kept banning it every scrim. Meteos changed his tournament realm name to "BanOlafZac" and then Parth held the scrim lobby hostage refusing to start until Meteos changed his name. He got so heated that Reginald and Jack had to intervene.

    Parth Clip Part 1

    Parth Clip Part 2

    They also recall a moment where during Worlds scrims vs RNG one of the games they hard camped bot. Uzi ragequit the scrim block and went to play soloq because he was tilted.

    Uzi Ragequit Clip

    submitted by /u/Nicksmells34
    [link] [comments]

    Riot Games teams up with Universal Music Publishing Group (UMG) - SIX new songs for Worlds 2020

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Source: Daniel Ahmad's Tweet

    Interesting partnership between UMG and Riot Games.

    14 famous Universal Music Group artists will take part in an esports themed music camp to create six new songs for the promotion of the League of Legends Worlds 2020 finals.

    I should add that this is tailored towards the Chinese esports community so I expect most of the artists to be popular in China or Chinese themselves

    This adds up to the heavily rumored K/DA comeback, with a brand new singer. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Rushaldin
    [link] [comments]

    I posted a list of issues of the client last month... Here are 13 more pages of problems that I forgot.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I made this client buglist three weeks ago, and was glad that the list was rather thorough this time, without really forgetting anything. Therefore, naturally, I'm back today to add everything I forgot, which only adds up to X pages.

    This time, it won't be sorted by client parts, only dividing between bugs / other issues, and then sorting by what I consider important. Category A for broken functionalities, category B for milder problems, category C for details. Like the last time, I will not be covering performance issues that I don't have a way to personally talk about. And like the last time, there'll be a new/recent tag before the bugs that are… well… new/recent – "new" meaning since January, "recent" meaning considered as new back in January (on that note, we all agree that January was pretty much two months ago, right?).



    I) Bugs


    I.A.1) [New] When opening the client, you can't see how much experience you have, until you play one game. The gauge will show up as empty, as will the one on your profile. Hovering the profile's gauge will at least show the correct experience in the number that appears below. It's possible that this wasn't the most important bug. But this time, I didn't want the thumbnail to be something random (for the people using new Reddit or something similar), so this goes first.

    I.A.2) [New] Same with other people's experience – when going on anyone's profile, their experience gauge will appear empty. Just like in your profile's case, hovering over it will show the correct number. However, unlike the previous case, playing one game will not get rid of this problem.

    Whenever completing a mission at the end of a game, a pop-up reading "X missions completed, Y new missions added" will appear. That Y will display an absurdly high (and obviously incorrect) number, usually between 25-50 when the number of missions added is never higher than a handful, and can be as low as zero.

    I.A.3) League voice basically doesn't work on the Mac client. I never use macs, because I'm still a normal person at times, but I've seen this been said enough times to know that to be trustable. From what I've heard, when speaking (from a mac client), the other people cannot hear you even though the mic icon lights up.

    I.A.4) Turning off potato mode makes your client incredibly slow until you restart it (not because you're in "normal" mode, much slower than that).

    I.A.5) [New?] Sometimes, the client pretty much decides to die, and can no longer operate lobby functions until restarted. By this, I mean that:

    • Inviting someone will not show the invite in your lobby (although the other person will properly receive it).

    • You will not join the queue when the leader will start it. So… yeah, in other words, you need to restart the client if you want to play.

    I.A.6) [New] When you go on someone's profile page, you see your Honor level in their Honor spot.

    I.A.7) The client is overall slow on many different aspects, even without having a bad computer. Joining a lobby takes time. The friends list takes time to display information (when someone joins an open party, for example, this will take a few seconds to be shown anywhere). The post-game lobby takes time to show who left the room. In each case, this can be upwards of 3-5s.

    I.A.8) [Recent] Lots of people say that dodges don't always go through; that they dodged a game only to log back in finding out that the game had started anyway (while they had quit in time), or that one of their teammates ended up never connecting in the belief that they had dodged. I seldom dodge myself (and I wish that phrase only applied to the client), so I've never had that issue and can't confirm it. But, it's talked about a lot.

    I.A.9) Occasionally, the client will keep saying "Game is still in progress" some time after you've finished it (up to 30-ish seconds).

    I.A.10) In champ select, the bottom message is hidden unless you click on the chat. It's possible that this was fixed very recently. I'm not sure and currently don't have a way to check, so I'm just putting it here in case.

    I.B.1) [New] In the previous buglist, I listed a bug about the friends' mini-profiles not refreshing.

    1.A.d) [New] If you hover over a friend while they're in queue or champ select, hovering over them again while they're in game will still show them as being in queue / CS, instead of showing them as being ingame (meaning that you can't see their ingame time, or the champion picked / mode played). Changing the sorting of the friends list refreshes it and clears that problem. (Sort alphabetically > Sort by status, or the other way around. You can also switch back immediately after.) I'm just not sure this pro tip really will help anyone, because since we're already 4 bugs in, there should be a maximum of 3 people reaching that point. Screenshot

    One correction to make: Changing the sorting of the friends list will most of the time clear the problem. It's possible that it won't remove it for certain friends, no matter how many times you try (even if it works fine for other friends in the same game).

    I.B.2) [New] As of this patch, we can now once again see the names in open lobbies. With a bug. Just like with the problem mentioned just above, the friends list won't refresh properly there. So if your friend creates an open lobby, you hover over them, and they then have someone (other than you) join them, their lobby will now read "Open Party (2/5) / Name1" instead of "Open Party (2/5) / Name1, Name2". There again, changing the sorting of the friends list will clear the problem.

    I.B.3) I still haven't been able to find out what causes it or when it happens, but sometimes, the client decides to reset lots of its data. Meaning some or all of the following:

    • News pop-ups appear once again (Eternals are live, Welcome to a certain ranked season, We finally found the L on our keyboards to spell Clash without an R, and so on)

    • Rune settings go back to default

    • Summoner spells go back to the default ones

    • I forget that I decided to play real champs for once and lock in top lane Leona for the fifth time of the day

    I.B.4) When a champion is your only favorite champion in a given role, you can't unfavorite it.

    I.B.5) In the previous buglist, I mentioned a bug about the post-game lobby occasionally deciding to use the Times New Roman font instead of the normal one (which, as a side note, usually happens after the client takes a while to go to the post-game lobby after the game).

    2.A.d) The post-game lobby sometimes (fairly regularly) uses the Times New Roman font instead of the normal one.

    This issue also happens with chats and in parties.

    I.B.6) [New] In champ select, when you open your chats, they'll land behind the chat icon, making said icon cover a part of your important messages. Screenshot

    I.B.7) [New] If you open a new chat before getting into a champ select, once you get into the CS, the chats will be in another spot instead. Screenshot

    I.B.8) The "News language" often resets to the default (which I assume is the system's language?) instead of the one that you previously selected.

    I.B.9) The profile choices can randomly be reset. I normally had Infernal Mordekaiser as my profile champion/skin, and recently got messaged by someone who mistook me for an ADC main because my profile showed Ashe – whom I hadn't played very recently. It's supposed to be locked to your choices, if you actually pick a champion/skin to display.

    I.B.10) Friends from other servers all show as Offline when hovering over their name in your friends list. Screenshot

    I.B.11) I've had one exception to this – someone on EUNE (which isn't my server) showing as if he were on EUW, only that I wouldn't have the option to spectate him while he was in game. Screenshot 1 / Screenshot 2

    I.B.12) In low spec mode, deleting someone messes up your chats. - All other chats will be blank (save for their preview), until you close them and open them again, indivisually. - The deleted person will still show in your chats, with a blank profile picture. They'll show over the clubs, and you'll have an "undefined" written in your chat box.

    I.C.1) After closing the client, you need to wait a few seconds before reopening it. Otherwise, nothing will happen, because some processes hadn't been terminated yet. So far, that makes sense. However, you don't receive any prompt mentioning that. Only your attempt at opening the client resulting in nothing, and that's it. The old client would give you an error message reading that the previous instance hadn't been fully closed yet. Considering that the League of Legends logo takes a few seconds to appear, that means a few seconds without you knowing whether the client is actually launching, or didn't work.
    A few seconds isn't much, but it's enough for this "change" to be a strict downgrade, whether intentional or not.

    I.C.2) If your client gets a quick disconnection while you've been on Away (natural away, not manual), your status may go back to Online, without you having done anything. It will then stay on Online, until you… interact with the client, at which point it'll go back to Away. Yeah, that's the opposite of what it should be. That goes against the purpose of this status, making people believe you're there when you aren't.

    I.C.3) Deleting a rune page from the rune pages list puts you back to the top, and deleting a rune page from the page itself puts you back to the first page. That makes deleting a high number of pages (after checking them individually to make sure of which ones you want to get rid of) take unnecessarily more time. (Yes, you have a button to select pages to delete, but I'm talking about going through your pages to check them one by one before removing them, which takes more clicks because of that.)

    I.C.4) In the previous buglist, I mentioned not being able to log out when an instance of Valorant is running.

    8.A.a) [New] Signing out doesn't work if an instance of Valorant is open in the background. The League client will close, the Valorant one will stay open, but when you'll click on the League client again, it'll automatically log you back into the account you supposedly signed out from. On the other hand, if you signed out from the Valorant client instead of the League one, you'd properly be signed out from both, and prompted to log in upon trying to reopen any Riot services. The same thing applies to Legends of Runeterra – you can't log out of League with an instance of LoR open at the same time, while the opposite is possible (the other Valorant-related bug doesn't apply to LoR, though).

    I.C.5) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/412666600332984340/743658045891936296/unknown.png?width=958&height=650 what

    I.C.6) The box for the news language doesn't have enough room. Opening that box slightly expands the settings, but not enough to be able to view more than 2.5 lines of the drop-down box. Screenshot

    I.C.7) It's possible to receive the message "Sorry, you were removed from the party" during a game, or straight after finishing a game, without it meaning anything (because you weren't in a party, because you weren't removed from it, or because the message popped up multiple times). I'm not sure whether this is still there, aside from having been told so. For me, it would normally happen after custom games. My client often gets some quick disconnections, and once I'd be out of my game (without parties, since I'm talking about custom games), I would get that popup once for every disconnection I've had during the game.

    I.C.8) Opening a new chat will leave the chat preview blank until you type another message in it (it should normally display the last message sent by either person). Screenshot

    I.C.9) When someone has a disconnection mid-game and reconnect afterwards, their status won't read "Map (Game type) – Champion" but " – Champion" instead, with the first part being empty.

    I.C.10) Adding people doesn't always go right. Screenshot. There really isn't much information I can give on that. Someone added me from an EUNE account for me to test another client bug (ironic), I quickly clicked on the notification, and this is what happened.

    I.C.11) On one of my accounts, whenever I receive a friends request, I get a pop-up reading "X has sent a friend request" as well as Pending requests with a 1 on it. On my other account, receiving a friends request will not trigger the pop-up, and will only show the Pending requests part. This is consistent in both cases (and neither account using the low spec mode).



    II) Other issues


    II.A.1) There are several situations in which the client will be brought back up if you were tabbed out. It happens when a game is found, when entering champ select, when it's your turn to pick/ban, 10 seconds before the game starts, and when the honor screen comes up after a game. That's all fine and makes sense. However, when the client does that, it then "locks" itself on for ~5s, meaning that the client will stay in front and focused even when clicking on another program (there are some ways to get around that without having to wait the five seconds, but even when doing them quickly, it still takes more time than simply clicking on what's behind). And while it makes sense to have the client pop back up in these situations, I can't see any good reason for it to stay locked on afterwards, and it's simply annoying and inconvenient.

    II.A.2) We no longer have featured high elo games to spectate. The old client had a selection of 5 games of high elo players (challengers or below when there wouldn't be enough of the former currently in game), showing you for each the name of all players, the champions they were playing, and the current game time, letting you spectate better players and pick which game seemed most appealing to you. It was a nice feature, and it having been lost is something that I've read dozens of complaints about over time.

    For a personal story that no normal people would care about – but since you've read this far instead of skipping like everyone else, you're probably weird – in August 2015, shortly after Gangplank's rework, I saw Vardags (UOL's ADC back then) play the pirate as a bot laner in these featured games, while this was a time when no non-marksman was ever considered normal in the ADC role (bot lane Mordekaiser would only become a thing later that month, and it remained the only non-marksman bot lane pick until Ziggs bot in 2017). As I had just started picking up Gangplank myself, I went to watch that because it sounded silly. I guess it was, and that he only picked that because he wanted to know the champion regardless of which role he landed on. Still, I got inspired, and went on to play ~80 games of ADC Gangplank myself, and it was one of the funniest picks I've gone for. The best moment was when I found myself laning against xMatty (FNCA's current ADC) with it, and ended up winning 18/2. Anyway, I'm talking about this because all of that only happened off the back of these featured high elo games, that we no longer have access to because of the new client.

    II.A.3) There is no option to disable Clash notifications, in spite of the Notifications tab in the settings having a lot of free space to fill up.

    II.B.1) Loot animations should be disabled in low spec mode.

    II.B.2) In the many areas where information has been lost compared to the old client, comes other people's champion mastery.

    Old client: The profile shows the 3 champions with the highest mastery. Hovering over that area shows the next 8.

    Current client: The profile shows the champion with the highest mastery. Hovering over it shows the top 3.

    II.B.3) A major part of everyone's profile is taken by the honor level. But that's private, meaning that a major part of everyone else's profile is taken by a blank spot (not currently since a bug shows your own honor level in lieu of that empty spot). Which seems a bit silly considering that information had to be cut elsewhere in order to make room for that (as aforementioned).

    II.B.4) Another loss of functionality from this client is the fact that other people's rune pages cannot be accessed, while it used to be public information for both runes and masteries. So one can no longer look at which runes someone else is using and copy them. Before you say anything, I know that runes aren't meant to be copied, because they're meant to be changed at the start of each game, based on which champions are in the game. As someone who went between 10 different keystones and all five secondary trees on old Mordekaiser, I know it very well.

    But you can't say that to new players. New players usually ask (or get told) which runes to go for, and even experienced players trying out a champion look up what to use, so it would be nice to be able to do that from the client (looking up a friend's rune page, and having a button to import it into yours). Granted that new players get their runes locked, Riot also seems to agree with what I'm saying, so it would be great to have that.

    II.B.5) It would be nice to have more control over the Away status. This status changed in functionality from the old client in two different ways:

    1) Old client: You'll be shown as Away if you have been fully idle on your PC for 10 minutes (playing another game with the client in the background will keep you on Online). Moving your mouse, pressing a key, or anything, will bring you back to Online.

    New client: You'll be shown as Away if you have been idle from the client for 10 minutes (playing another game with the client in the background will put you on Away). Moving your mouse in the client will bring you back to Online, moving it without touching the client won't.

    2) Old client: When manually putting yourself on Away, playing a game will bring you back to Away once the game is over.

    New client: When manually putting yourself on Away, playing a game will bring you back to Away once the game is over for 1s, before putting you back to Online.

    Those changes make sense, and the first change does let the client indicate whether someone is on it or "on it". However, due to it, there is no difference between someone who's down to play but simply doing something else on their computer, and someone who's fully away and hasn't said hi to their computer in half an hour – and thus wouldn't accept an invite.

    So I think we should have an option to have a "Lock Online" toggle in the settings (or a "Locked Online" status), locking the status to Online until the player is actually fully idle for 10 minutes (so, the old client's way).

    II.B.6) When you use the search bar in your friends list, it'll be hidden as soon as you click out of it (while still applying the search). It shouldn't, and should remain visible, as it'd make things much clearer.

    II.B.7) If I'm not mistaken, the old client used to let us view our friends' profile sentences even as they were offline. This hasn't been a feature of the new client.

    II.B.8) We can't spectate friends that are on other servers, which is actually a downgrade from the old client. I remember the featured games bugging someday, and showing me games from EUNE instead of EUW, and I was able to click on them to spectate them, while they were happening on a different server.

    II.B.9) It'd be nice to have a fourth sorting option in the champion selection, "Sort by History", showing you all champions sorted by most recently played to least recently played. And since the client detects that, "Sort by History" while selecting a role would sort the champions by most recently played in that role to least recently played in that role.

    II.C.1) The key fragment gauge goes slightly outside of its box. If I'm not mistaken, that's what classifies as "literally unplayable". Screenshot



    III) Others


    One thing to correct from my previous list, and some bugs to add that have been reported to me with proof, but about which I can't give enough information as to how they happened.

    First, about the correction – I said in the previous buglist that skins can't be purchased in champ select.

    5.A.c) The old client allowed you to purchase a skin during champ select. Not the new one. Maybe that's a choice, but then the fact that clicking on a skin gives you the message "This skin is currently not available for purchase" is a relic of a past gone two years ago.

    This is false – they can be purchased, as long as there's more than 10s left in the champ select.

    Now for three bugs that I was told but couldn't reproduce:

    • A player on NA isn't able to spectate one specific friend of theirs, and none of their other friends can spectate him either. This has been going on for a few months, and only affects one person in their friends list. Nothing in what I saw could explain that (correct server, playing League and not TFT, and so on). Edit: Important clarification, the spectate button isn't greyed out. Simply that nothing happens when clicking on it. Which... makes it pretty cumbersome to try to reproduce.

    • Two people have mentioned their roles not showing up in the lobby for a draft game. The game can be started from there, and it seems like the player without roles is considered as filling. Screenshot

    • One person has reported their client's resolution regularly being messed up after finishing a game in full screen (regularly as in every third game or so), such that the bottom of the client goes missing, preventing from playing again and forcing a restart. Screenshot



    Alright, that was everything!

    Well, everything I had. Although it's impossible that I would have forgotten or overlooked something. Thanks to everyone who contributed in the comments last time! Was really helpful in realizing what I missed.

    This ended up being almost half the size of the first list, huh.

    Oh, and TLDR: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/hzfzxb/a_list_of_the_current_issues_of_the_league_client/

    submitted by /u/Naerlyn
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    Doublelift talks big loss against Golden Guardians, why he's not happy with the Dig win: 'I'm glad there's a losers bracket in playoffs now. That definitely potentially saved my career.'

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Upcoming changes for 10.17 with preview

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 10.17

    Better late than never, 10.17 Patch Preview. A bit smaller than a normal patch with the Riot summer break last week.

    These changes should be going out some time Wednesday.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/z4QKLBu.jpg

    >>> Nerfs <<<


    Base Stats

    • Movement Speed: 330 >>> 325



    • AP ratio: 50 >>> 40%


    • Movement speed AP ratio (self and allies): 3% >>> 2% per 100 AP



    • Shield: 50-150 (+30% AP) >>> 45-125 (+35% AP)

    • Mana cost: 60 >>> 60-80

    • Extra shield at edge bug fix



    • Base damage: 30-50 >>> 25-45



    • Movement speed: 25-100% >>> 25-85% over 3 seconds



    • On hit damage AD ratio: 20% >>> 10%


    • Base damage: 60-200 >>> 60-180



    • Base damage: 20-120 >>> 20-100


    • No longer lifesteals

    >>> Buffs <<<



    • Bonus AD: 20-30 >>> 20-40%


    Base stats

    • Attack speed per level: 3 >>> 3.75%


    Base stats

    • AD per level: 2.9 >>> 3.5


    Base stats

    • AD per level: 1.7 >>> 2


    • Attack speed: 40-60 >>> 40-80%


    Base stats

    • Armor: 35 >>> 38

    When we overshoot a buff in a patch we always first think about reverting partially (like cait and hecarim this patch)

    When we sometimes go with a different nerf it's because we think the buffs are worth keeping and we want to shift a champions gameplay in that direction

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
    [link] [comments]

    I've made a complete tier list ranking all the champions in league of legends based on how good I think their hugs would be, hope you enjoy :)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I've made a complete tier list ranking all the champions in league of legends based on how good I think their hugs would be, hope you enjoy :)

    tier list off league champs based on how good at hugging i think they would be

    S+ champs aka the bard zone

    1. Bard is clearly no.1, I'm not sure if this is even debatable he's described as an 'agent of serendipity' basically he exists to make people happy, the guy is super fluffy and cheerful - it would be like hugging one of this giant teddy bears but its alive. plus while you hug him his choir of meeps would serenade you. special shout out to the snow day skin because that just takes it to another tier.

    S tier champs

    1. For me Amumu is number two, the guy is so in need of a hug that provided he isnt too damp from crying on his bandages i think he would give such an adorable hug and the benefit of making him a little bit happier is definitely a win :)
    2. Braum's so big and friendly! he'd give the best bone crushingly friendly hugs while you just get lifted off the ground and your feet flap a bit, plus if he had any poro's with him i think they'd be really nice to hug too :3
    3. Both Nunu and Willump would give great hugs, you'd get sandwiched between a giant super fluffy bear and a lil kid in a fluffy coat, they're super friendly and i just think it would be very pleasant.
    4. Neeko as herself's hugs i think would be fine and i think shed be deserving of high A tier. she seems like she gives a lot of hugs so her technique would be very good, the fact that she can turn into anything though is why she's S tier for me, she can literally change herself to be perfect at hugging based on who shes hugging, as a write this i feel like she should be higher in s, she still cant compete with bard though since she doesn't have the meeps even if she turns into him.
    5. Cassio at 6 might be controversial to some but i just want her to shatter all my ribs is that so wrong????
    6. Yuumi is a cat, cats are great, yuumi gets S tier simple.
    7. Taliyah is just that one super sweet girl, basically the nicest girl you've ever met and i just think her hugs would be super sweet i also think she'd smell really nice? like a really pleasant perfume. idk dude stop coming at me :(

    A tier champs

    1. I'm not quite sure why Ahri's this high it just feels like she would be tho i feel like her tails would be kinda tickly so that might be annoying? shes also 5'5 which as a 5'5.5 person is like the perfect height for me
    2. Ye i know Annie is a lil tiny kid but shes so filled with anger that i think giving her a nice long hug would make her really happy, plus tibbers would be fun to hug provided he didn't kill me.
    3. Gnar is a lil teddy bear or a big teddy bear, great for hugs no matter which form hes in :)
    4. Lillia is similar to neeko in that she just seems like she loves giving hugs, i also think she'd smell like freshly mown grass which i kinda like as long as it doesn't set off my hay fever.
    5. Taric's similar to braum but no poros so doesn't make S tier for me
    6. Ez is similar to taliyah hes a friendly lil guy but i feel like for some reason he'd use a really obnoxious cologne so that brings him down for me.
    7. Rakan and Xayah both are sweet mainly with each other admittedly, but i feel like theyd give very intimate hugs rakan places one spot higher for me because he could rest his head on mine while we hug and that's kinda cute.
    8. See above for xayah
    9. Ekko's basically the same as Ezreal for me but i feel like he might be a lil bit more clammy plus if he looped time to keep hugging me thats kinda creepy ngl
    10. Kai'sa has a very gruff exterior but i feel like her hugs would be super sweet and intimate, but you would defiantly have to prove yourself to be allowed them, 10/10 would put the work in for it though
    11. Drunk people can give really good hugs -source am uni student. plus Gragas is super squishyyy
    12. Kindred (I know its lamb) definitely looks after her fur really well so i feel like it would be like hugging your blanket from your childhood, only in A because wolf kinda scary :(
    13. Irelia seems like she cares for her people a lot so if your ionion the hug would be great, anyone else probably less so. tho she also was raised as a warrior since she was like 12 so prob isn't that used to emotional comfort. i feel like she would really appreciate a good hug honestly
    14. Zoe's over 1000 years old if you still cant give good hugs after 1000 years i don't know what to tell you......
    15. Very lanky, as a short person myself tall people are kinda fun to hug so while i don't think he'd be that into it. he'd be like the really tall friend you have that you hug on a night out also i think he'd wear a very seductive cologne which is always a plus for me.
    16. All these enchanters are just very friendly people and all seem like they'd give good hugs, they give me kinda best friend hug vibes and i think they could go in any order really
    17. Soraka is last of them for me because it would kinda hurt is she stepped on my toes
    18. Teemo is definitely v controversial but hes still a cute lil fluffy teddy bear basically, just feel like he might smell bad so am unsure.
    19. Nidalees cat form would be fun to hug i've always wanted to hug one of the big cats, human form is kinda mean tho so hence low A tier.
    20. I don't even remember why i put Quinn here ill be perfectly honest with you
    21. Yasuo and Yone are pretty similar but both seem like they'd be like your boy second best friend giving you a hug, Yone beats Yasuo for me cause hes taller and l a n k y .

    B tier champs

    gunna make these one a lil bit shorter because my hands are cramping, haven't wrote an essay all summer.

    1. Jinx is very lanky but i feel like shed be a bit awkward?
    2. Trist is a cute lil yordle you can pick her up and crush her in a big ol hug :)
    3. Sett and Graves both give me farmer vibes, and farmers either give very good tight hugs which make you feel very secure or else very awkward ones cause they don't really know you that well and their more used to animals than people.
    4. Ivern is a very friendly tree, friendly bit is great but hes still a tree so might be kinda scratchy
    5. Shen gives stealthy ninja hugs from behind so depends if ur into that kinda thing.
    6. Gay guys give pretty good hugs from my experience so Varus gets high B tier.
    7. doggo go woof
    8. horsey but not as friendly as Lillia
    9. Jayce through to Ashe feel like the really popular group in high school, if they like you enough the hugs will be good but if they don't they might still hug you and it'll just be weird.
    10. Evelynn will kill you BUT i think the hug she gives you before hand will make it worth it she can pull you in really tight with her lashers so it'll be super intimate. i might be biased for this one tho as i'm an eve main and i want her to step on me.
    11. Leo through to Vi just seem very average to me not bad just not that great really
    12. Ornn voli and sej are all just big furry things (sej less so its mainly bristle who's fun to hug)
    13. Kayle and Morg don't seem like they want to hug you but they'd actually give a decent hug
    14. Yorick's a very sweet old soul but hes also kinda grimy which brings him down for me
    15. I think Corkis mustache would be very ticklish which would tick me off.
    16. Diana is 5'10 so i could be the lil spoon plus shes pretty cute so O-O
    17. Creepy spider lady but i'd 100% let her wrap me up all nice and snug in her webbing and let her bite my head off if u know what i'm sayin.
    18. Honestly illaoi should prob be higher than this she reminds me of taric but i also just think shed be really sweaty which i think is gross sorry :(
    19. hes 7 meters which is a bit tall for me but i could cling to his leg like a koala and i think it would be really pleasantly warm.
    20. vayne to mf just feel like they'd be really bland to me and just all would wear really over powering perfumes which i'm not a big fan off because i'm very much a s o f t b o i.
    21. j4 through to swain are all basically royalty so not sure why they would ever hug a peasant like me, tho they've prob all been taught to hug 'correctly' when kids so cant see them being that bad.
    22. Senna is like dead and i know a lot of champs are but shes just like really dead so that creeps me out same for Kalista
    23. Zed to Yi give me secondary school rugby player vibes so while definitely not my type i can see why people would want hugged by them. only exception to this is kennen but hes gunna give me an electric shock so cant put him to high tbh. some people are masochists tho so you do you hun.
    24. Syndra is the popular hockey girl who gets a lot of plastic surgery done and acts kinda mean to anyone whose not super popular but like passive aggressively.
    25. Zyra - I discussed this with my friend because i was of the opinion that hugging what is essentially a walking rose bush would be kinda painful. but they pointed out that she would probably smell absolutely fantastic which i can agree with, unfortunately since shes a plant that also means pollen so id probably end up sneezing on her which especially at the minute is very unhygienic.

    C tier champs the beginning off the kinda bad ones

    my hand is cramping so bad i've literally typed so much ouchie o_o

    1. Ali is a cow.
    2. Aphelios and Kayn are both very EDGY. they both make me think of hugging that one kid that everyone thought would end up bringing a bomb into school one day, might be worth hugging them cause they generally seem depressed but also they're normally a bit racist so i don't really want to hug them ye know?
    3. Veigar would Probaly get angry because you stooped down to hug him. and since he doesn't like to feel short he'd probably kill you before you got a chance.
    4. Kled is very gross but he probably wouldn't kill you at least. skaarl on the other hand is realistically S tier at the least
    5. Blitz through to ori are all metal so kinda cold to hug. but at least they're pretty friendly.
    6. Poppy just doesn't seem like she would ever want to hug anyone shes kinda a lone wolf i feel like? i should honestly check her lore. but also poppy jungle players are mean and therefore shes C tier take that you mean players :(
    7. Heimer and rumble both feel like they don't shower that much and would be greasy :(
    8. Camille to shyvanna all just feel like they wouldn't have time for any of your nonsense so any hug you might get from them would be very short and awkward which is kinda sad :( someone needs to hug all these champs and give them a bit more joy in their lives.
    9. Nami and fizz are both fish and hugging wet people is always kinda gross unless you're both wet, so provided you were in the ocean or a pond or heavy rain they are fine anything else and it would be gross.
    10. I'm about 90% sure that gangplank doesn't wash so no thanks.
    11. Sylas is sweaty af but at least hes hot. unfortunately hes also got chains attached around his wrists that he'd hit you with will trying to hug you so that would suck.
    12. Udyr to twitch all are furry which is nice but they're all kinda mean so would probably kill you so not sure how worth it is. its like hugging a bear to me ye know.
    13. Panth wears a bit too much armour for my taste.
    14. Ziggs is kinda just annoying
    15. Moakai is similar to ivern in that he is also a tree, but hes less friendly so not as good.
    16. OK
    17. Leesin has a really ugly beard and that would just put me off to much, like i know hes blind but take care of yourself at least or get a friend to help jeez.
    18. Singed has a big metal tank on his back so cant get arms around :(
    19. Tf really makes me think off some guy in a suit who will hug you as far away from him as possible so that you don't wrinkle his suit. hug would suck :(

    D tier champs - these guys would probably kill you, some by accident some not so accidental. cramp is going away i've powered through the pain.

    1. Asol seems like he'd love to give you a hug but i'm pretty sure if you were that close to him you'd vaporize or something. gets bonus points for saying boop. apparently space smells kinda like gunpowder and since asol is a space dragon i doubt hes using cologne to mask that scent which would be really annoying.
    2. Malphite and Galio both seem like the'yd hug you, but there also both giant rocks and i've face planted enough roads while on a night out to know that hugging these guys isn't for me sorry guys :(
    3. Anivia is very spiky and i don't want shards of ice in my chest.
    4. Skarner is the same as anivia but shards of crystal.
    5. Sion is just mean
    6. Brand will kill you if you touch him plus he is mean
    7. Morde is also mean
    8. Lissandra will kill you if you touch her
    9. Cho gath will eat you
    10. Fiddle will eat you
    11. Nautilus is metal and moist.
    12. Mundo will kill you and then experiment on you. if your really unlucky he wont kill you first.
    13. Tahm will eat you
    14. Karthus will kill you plus hes not even corporeal.
    15. Zac is just sticky
    16. Kog will eat you or dissolve you
    17. Renekton is scaryyyy
    18. Kha will also kill you plus hes a bug so eww gross.
    19. Nocturne through to vlad will all just straight up kill you for fun or for snacks so no thanks hun.

    that took longer than expected now i'm gonna go and rest my hands because they hurt good bye and enjoy.

    also feel free to disagree with any of these just be prepared to explain yourself.

    submitted by /u/Warlordofmordor2
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    Having the 7th and 8th place teams in LCS playoffs felt kinda pointless

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    With both 100 Thieves and Dignitas getting clapped 3-0 this past weekend, it feels like these matches may as well have just not happened at all. It was just two extra best of 5s where teams that were obviously going to lose got destroyed by teams that were obviously going to win. If the 7th and 8th place teams weren't in playoffs, we would have the exact same results and we wouldn't have to watch the dumpster fires that were these 100T and DIG rosters.

    It just feels like they should have just kept LCS playoffs as top 6, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Pope_Cheetos_XIV
    [link] [comments]

    Traded pentas as jinx

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Riven gets hit by one Tryndamere spin 4x

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:37 AM PDT


    Riven dashes into tryndamere as he is spinning the opposite way, this causes her to leave and re-enter the spin multiple times and take multiple ticks of damage

    Tryndamere spin just got bug fixed, where it wouldn't deal damage if you tried to spin someone you spun on within ~1.5 seconds (45% cdr + Criting on a rageblade enhanced auto attack would almost fully reset the spin cd for example). This bug was "intended", it was to stop tryndameres from using flash with their spin, to apply spin damage twice (first video'd by me btw). Riot just reverted this change and now its bugged again

    PREVIOUSLY, multiple spin damages wouldn't happen unless you flashed, but riot games thought trading flash for a spin damage was too op and patched it, then unpatched it because it was too complicated to patch out, and now we have tryndamere half healthing people level 1 with 1 ability. Can we go back to how it used to be?

    Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/TryndamereMains/comments/iauffs/so_my_spin_just_did_4_x_dmg_on_lvl_1

    submitted by /u/RAZGRIZTP
    [link] [comments]

    Chawy: "After the Worlds 2017 game against Faker, my managers asked if I was okay because I was stuttering over Mic Check. Years later, I realized I could've asked for a pause as I was facing a legitimate medical issue."

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Little fanart of Odyssey Jinx ~

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Little fanart of Odyssey Jinx ~

    Hello !
    I really love Odyssey's skins so... I decided to draw Jinx~
    It's not my usual artstyle but I hope you will enjoy it!


    submitted by /u/Orka09
    [link] [comments]

    Meta Report - Sona Lux Bot Lane

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    A cute easter to old League in one of the 10 Year Anniversary splash arts

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Just something I thought I'd share.

    This past December, during the 10th anniversary celebration for League, many champion's splasharts were replaced with fan art Riot had commissioned.

    Zilean's splash art during the event looked like so. Very stylish.

    But I noticed something on the edge of the frame, so I looked at the original artwork, by Hozure. (They are extremely talented.)

    You'll notice that Shen is chilling blank-eyed in the background and Darius is exasperated.

    This is a reference to the ancient League classic Can't Killean the Zilean, wherein Zilean is repeatedly saved from death by his and Shen's ultimates, frustrating Darius.

    Just a cute little reference I noticed.

    submitted by /u/bazopboomgumbochops
    [link] [comments]

    [Comic] I drew a 1-page comic about Yone encountering a wandering demon

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    [Comic] I drew a 1-page comic about Yone encountering a wandering demon

    This was my submission for the UK LoL account's comic contest. The rules stipulated it could only be one page, which was tricky to work with since there wasn't much time to set up context, characterization, or rising action :V

    Thanks for checking it out, and feedback is always welcome!


    submitted by /u/noKone
    [link] [comments]

    Drew a Smoll Happy Neeko with Watercolor Pencils [OC]

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Drew a Smoll Happy Neeko with Watercolor Pencils [OC]

    Since Neeko is basically the best Champion ever i decidet once again to draw her in a cute little potato way.It's freaking small irl, just like her.


    submitted by /u/Cleopay
    [link] [comments]

    Speedy penta

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Isn't it crazy that one of of two champs released within 2 weeks of each other won't be available for Worlds?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    It's just sort of crazy to me that Yone, released 8/5 (and before most major regions playoff start) will be disabled for worlds, while Lillia who was released only two weeks prior (7/22) is enabled starting with most teams playoff start. Worlds doesn't even start until late September and two weeks is all that separates these two champions from eligibility.

    Edit:to be clear I'm not advocating for Yone at worlds, I've seen enough patch blunders going into worlds, it's just interesting to me how even though they were released back to back only one will be available.

    submitted by /u/bqx23
    [link] [comments]

    Old champions still appear in some champions abilities preview in the client

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Old champions still appear in some champions abilities preview in the client

    It has been around 2 years since Irelia and Swain got reworked except Volibear yet they still appear in some champions abilities preview. I hope they remain in the client as a memory


    submitted by /u/Vento147
    [link] [comments]

    Febiven's opinion on itemization

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:57 PM PDT


    He was on Dom's costream when he was asked about his itemization, this was his opinion.

    Tl;dw: he says that you can't actually see the difference in what you build in terms of damage, unless you go and run the numbers, which is for nerds (?). He adds that LS is probably usually right, but since he's already a pro, whatever (lol?)

    Note that based on his tone, I'm not sure whether he's being ironic or not. I'm assuming not since he was the one saying he "builds Ludens on Azir because Faker does too."

    He makes no mentions about coaches or anything, so I wonder if they have staff to research about this separately or something.

    Thoughts? Isn't it their job to try their hardest to win and find edges wherever they can? Is he just shitposting or serious?

    submitted by /u/Yikay
    [link] [comments]

    DnD Builds for the Champions of League of Legends

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Why stop at playing your main in LoL, when you could also be playing them in DnD?

    Maybe this can also help some LoL nerds get some understanding of DnD classes.

    There are probably some better matchups. If you can think of any, let me know. I really couldn't fit some of them in, so I put them at the bottom under Monsters, Patrons and Gods. I really don't know that many monsters, so that section may be a bit weird.

    (Note: I based the races on the individual characters, so they don't match overall)Also, this post is still being edited

    If these sound like fun to you, you can definitely commission me for a complete character sheet and an illustration.

    Send me a pm or leave a comment if you're interested.



    Fallen Aasimar - Shadow Sorcerer - Favorite Spell: Hold Person


    Protector Aasimar - Crown Paladin - Fighting Style: Dual Wielding


    Changeling - Trickery Cleric - Channel Divinity: Invoke Duplicity


    Swiftstride Shifter - Enchantment Wizard - Favourite Spell: Crown of Stars


    Bugbear - Grave Cleric - Favourite Spell: Create Undead


    Tabaxi - Cavalier Fighter - Mount: Velociraptor


    Human - Fiend Warlock - Favourite Spell: Summon Greater Demon


    Tiefling - Hexblade Warlock - Pactweapon: Longbow


    Human - Four Elements Monk - Feat: Elemental Adept - Cold


    Rock Gnome - Artillerist Artificer - Background: Guild Artisan


    Moon Elf - Bladesinger Wizard - Favourite Spell: Cloud of Daggers


    Air Genasi - Tempest Cleric - Favourite Spell: Shield


    Human - Alchemist Artificer - Feat: Mobile


    Human - Moon Druid - Wld Shape: Saber-toothed Tiger


    Human - Totem Warrior Barbarian - Totem: Bear


    Minotaur - Vengeance Paladin - Feat: Charger


    Human - Shadow Monk - Shadow Art: Darkness


    Tabaxi - Beastmaster Ranger - Companion: Dire Wolf


    Githyanki - Kensei Monk - Kensei Weapon: Quarterstaff


    Tiefling - Forge Cleric - Favourite Spell: Fabricate


    Goliath - Great old Ones Warlock - Background: Acolyte


    Fire Genasi - Evocation Wizard - Feat: Elemental Adept - Fire


    Red Dragonborn - Dragonic Sorcerer - Feat: Dragon Hide


    Human - Arcane Trickster Rogue - Favourite Spell: Blink


    Moon Elf - Illusion Wizard - Favourite Spell: Mislead


    Tabaxi - Gloom Stalker Ranger - Feat: Skulker


    Aaracokra - Glamour Bard - Favourite Spell: Mass Suggestion


    Aaracokra - Inquisitive Rogue - Background: Haunted One


    Human - Monster Slayer Ranger - Feat: Crossbow Expert


    Human - Champion Fighter - Background: Entertainer (Gladiator)


    Drow - Underdark Land Druid - Wild Shape: Giant Spider


    Scourge Aasimar - Light Cleric - Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn


    Forest Gnome - Dreams Druid - Favourite Spell: Conjure Fey


    Ghostwise Halfling - Storm Sorcerer - Favourite Spell: Storm Sphere


    Triton - Abjuration Wizard - Favourite Spell: Tidal Wave


    Human - Berserker Barbarian - Feat: Mobile


    Feral Tiefling - Great Old One Warlock - Favourite Spell: Flock of Familiars


    Human - Hunter Ranger - Weapon: Frost touched Longbow


    Half Orc - Ancestral Guardian Barbarian


    Human - Redemption Paladin - Background: Far Traveler


    Tortle - Battlerager Barbarian - Background: Folk Hero


    Vedalken - Abjuration Wizard - Favourite Spell: Dimension Door


    Warforged - Barbarian of the Depths - Manifestation: Arms of the Deep


    Human - Beastmaster Ranger - Companion: Giant Eagle


    Githzerai - Shepherd Druid - Favourite Spell: Conjure Minor Elementals


    Protector Aasimar - Life Cleric - Favorite Spell: Mass Healing Word


    Hill Dwarf - War Cleric - Feat: Shield Master


    Centaur - Fighter - Feat: Polearm Master


    Warforged - Shepherd Druid - Spirit Totem: Bear


    Human - Thief Rogue - Feat: Dungeon Delver


    Kenku - Scout Rogue - Feature: Mimicry


    Human - Maverick Artificer Infusion: Boots of the Winding Path


    Human - Wild Magic Sorcerer Feat: Ispiring Leader


    Human - Clestial Warlock - Patron: Solar Alune


    Duergar - Berserker Barbarian


    Tabaxi - Arcana Cleric


    Human - Shadow Monk


    Goblin - Wild Magic Sorcerer


    Air Genasi - Enchantment Wizard


    Wood Elf - Nature Cleric


    Human - Hexblade Warlock


    Human - Ancients Paladin


    Human - Samurai Fighter

    Lee Sin

    Human - Open Hand Monk


    Human - Lore Bard


    Githzerai - Dunamancy Wizard


    Human - Wild Magic Sorcerer


    Lizardfolk - Storm Herald Barbarian


    Aaracokra - War Mage


    Human - Devotion Paladin


    Human - Inquisitive Rogue


    Warforged - Mastermind Rogue


    Tiefling - Arcane Trickster Rogue


    Human - Crown Paladin


    Air Genasi - Eldritch Knight Fighter

    Dr. Mundo

    Orc - Berserker Barbarian


    Half-Orc - Sun Soul Monk


    Githzerai - Horizon Walker Ranger


    Human - Battlesmith Artificer


    Half Elf - Arcana Archer Fighter


    Human - Battle Master Fighter


    Locathah - Moon Druid


    Warforged - Order Cleric


    Human - Swashbuckler Rogue


    Human - Crown Paladid


    Human - Drunken Master Monk


    Human - Inquisitive Rogue

    Jarvan VI

    Human - Purple Dragon Knight Fighter


    Human - Arcane Archer Fighter


    Tiefling - Monster Slayer Ranger


    Fallen Aasimar - Vengeance Paladin


    Human - Sun Soul Monk


    Human - Assassin Rogue


    White Dragonborn - Evocation Wizard


    Human - Light Cleric


    Lightfoot Halfling - Long Death Monk


    Human - Redemption Paladin


    Human - Divine Soul Sorcerer

    Master Yi

    Human - Kensei Monk


    Longtooth Shifter - Eldritch Knight Fighter


    Warforged - Tempest Cleric


    Scourge Aasimar - Vengeance Paladin


    Sea Elf - Scout Rogue


    Rock Gnome - Battlesmith Artificer


    Human - Cavalier Fighter


    Earth Genasi - Transmutation Wizard


    Human - Assassin Rogue


    Earth Genasi - Devotion Paladin


    Rock Gnome - Artillerist Artificer


    Bugbear - Storm Herald Barbarian

    Twisted Fate

    Human - Wild Card Rogue


    Swiftstride Shifter - Gloom Stalker Ranger


    Simic Hybrid - Battle Master Fighter


    Deep Gnome - Shadow Sorcerer


    Simic Hybrid - Berserker Barbarian


    Human - Artillerist Artificer


    Beasthide Shifter - Storm Herald Barbarian


    Wildhunt Shifter - Scout Rogue


    Hobgoblin - Kensei Monk


    Rock Gnome - Cavalier Fighter

    Xin Zhao

    Human - Battle Master Fighter


    Forest Gnome - Spores Druid



    Aurelion Sol Celestial

    Aatrox Hexblade

    Rhaast Hexblade

    Varus Hexblade

    Vel'Koz Great Old One

    Evelynn Fiend

    Tahm KenchFiend

    Fiddlesticks Fiend



    Orrn Forge and Fire

    Kindred Death

    Kalista Vengeance

    Anivia Ice

    Bard Music and Roads

    Volibear Storm



    Cho'Gath Astral Dreadnaught

    Maokai Treant

    Malphite Earth Elemental

    Evelynn Succubus

    Zac Oblex

    Karthus Lich

    Vladimir Vampire

    Skarner Giant Scorpion

    Blitzcrank Anti Magic Golem

    Cassiopeia Yuan-Ti Halfblood

    Warwick Werewolf












    I hope you found this interesting. Let me know if you have any other ideas or suggestions.

    Have a nice day,

    • Jinx
    submitted by /u/JinxShadow
    [link] [comments]

    Friendly reminder - EU Masters 2020 Summer play-in starts in 6 hours.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    As there is not much hype on twitter or reddit I want to remind you that EU Masters 2020 Summer play-in starts in 6 hours.

    Schedule: https://lol.gamepedia.com/European_Masters/2020_Season/Summer_Play-In


    Group Stage

    16 teams participate

    Teams are drawn into four groups

    Double Round Robin

    Matches are best of one

    Top two teams from each group advance to the Knockout Stage

    Knockout Stage

    Eight teams participate

    1st place teams from the group stage each face a 2nd place team

    Matches are best of three

    Winners advance to the Main Event

    submitted by /u/wisakoy
    [link] [comments]

    [ Fanart ] My Rendition of Spirit Blossom Ahri !

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:21 PM PDT


    The Spirit Blossom skin line made me fall in love immediately, especially with Kindred and Ahri's skin designs!! It was super fulfilling to draw Ahri in my own style and I hope you guys enjoy as well! I'll be trying to develop some of my own concept art based of this skin line too, something which I've never done. I'm thinking about designing Spirit Blossom Akali or Orianna!

    submitted by /u/sumiik0
    [link] [comments]

    Twitch Prime Free skin loot available!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

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