LoL Guide This Post is for People Who Have Issues Climbing. |
- This Post is for People Who Have Issues Climbing.
- How to instantly become better at Aphelios in 4 quick steps.
- Brand New Player - A few questions
- Stop looking up people's ranks and stats, it makes you play worse.
- When your enemy has a hook support
- You're not playing a 1v1 game
- Winning games but losing lane frequently
- Mid duo with a Bot Tristana?
- tips for playing Irelia and top lane?
- Where to put control ward in dragon/baron pit?
- Questions about playing support.
- As a new jungler I have a couple of questions about issues I'm having
- Dshield vs. Corrupting Pot start toplane itemization
- A really important step to climbing that is brushed off a lot
- I'm a beginner and I have a few problems I'd like help with (casual, non ranked)
- Status Icons Above Champion's Head
- Learning from playing against better or more experienced players
- I need help trading in mid lane
- I don't really understand Pyke
- How can you tell if your game is already won or lost in champ select? 30/30/40 rule
- What should I do when I get trashed in toplane?
- How am i supposed to lane vs Yasuo?
- How can I get better mechanics overall?
- How do I stop my teammates from feeding talon/zed when I'm playing mid ?
This Post is for People Who Have Issues Climbing. Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT I have been scrolling through this subreddit a bunch and I see lots of people asking questions about climbing and that they have bad teams, bad luck, etc. and I am not here to hate on that as coming to look for guidance and support is a great idea and a step in the right direction. I want to do my best to put and end to this, I know this is impossible but I can try right? So here it goes. There is 1 thing In my opinion that will get you to your desired elo better than anything else. YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR ROLES JOB AND DO IT BETTER THAN THE OTHER TEAM. You don't have to be the second coming of Faker to hit Gold. This statement is a realization that I came to and It really is true and I will show you how to do that. Let me break it down through the Mid lane roll as that is the role that I main and have had good success climbing on. So first you must understand the 40/30/30 rule broke down by Coach Curtis 40% of your games are on you and you alone, YOU have to win lane, spread leads to the side lanes etc. 30% Auto wins, your performance doesn't matter more or less and your team is superior 30% Auto Loses, Unless you are 50-0 with 10 CS per min playing a 1v9 champion (unlikely scenario lol) you are going to lose either because trolls, AFK's, etc. Again going from the mid lane perspective even though this applies to all roles. My job as a mid-laner is basically 5 over-arching things
Obviously there are smaller niche things that will improve your game play overall, back timings, wave management and mana management for a few examples. These 5 big fundamentals thought are the main fundamentals to build off of. If you do these 5 things the best you can every game you won't have 100% winrate, you will have junglers who won't go for objectives, you will have lanes that throw their leads, but YOU WILL CLIMB. The games that you don't do it these 5 things, REVIEW IT. See what you missed and why you couldn't do your job as you should and try to fix it for the next time that it happens! For other roles, just find the main fundamentals of that role and apply the same strategy. MY LAST POINTS. Go into every game focused and ready to do your job as your role. Don't be distracted and learn from your mistakes and you will find that you will start dominating your opponents and be able to get leads and transition leads with much success. if you need to learn the fundamentals before applying them there is so much content on YouTube that will show you how to do them just find them take notes and practice them. Thank you, I hope this helps someone who is struggling with climbing if it does please let me know as that really is my goal with this post. If you feel the that this gave value to you and you want to return the favor check out my content. If not that is perfectly fine it isn't the point of this post but I want to give anyone who wants my help an avenue to reach me My Channel Discord: Youtube: Twitch: Thank you <3 [link] [comments] |
How to instantly become better at Aphelios in 4 quick steps. Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:30 PM PDT Hey everyone. I was writing some stuff down for myself for Aphelios and I figured I might as well make a guide on it instead. Here it is as an image: This guide aims to provide the easiest way to get you the best gun combinations on Mr. 200Yrs. It should help people newer to Aphelios pick him up and find success. Essentially, with this small trick, you'll be able to completely avoid bad gun combinations that have little to no synergy (e.g. Severum + Gravitum, Calibrum + Inferum, Crescendum + Gravitum). Honestly, the champion was touted as someone where you'd need 200 IQ to manage his gun combinations, but this small trick pretty much trivializes all of that. At the end of the day, Aphelios is a relatively simple character to play once you know what each of his combos do, and how to get them. Hopefully, this guide will help you all out on the latter. [link] [comments] |
Brand New Player - A few questions Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:28 AM PDT Hello everyone, hope you're all well? I'm Syn, 34 from UK. I've always been a console gamer, but recently I've purchased myself a PC to join the master race. I've been looking on Twitch and this game seems to be the big one everyone plays, which is great for me, as I am looking to play a popular game, so I can always get teammates and games in. As a new player (the client is installing), are there any tips? I read that you have to pick a champion first, any suggestions for a new player? I haven't done too much research but I spent a little time on DOTA and a lot of people tell me this game is a little more forgiving. Is my age an issue? Not in terms of mechanical ability I'm not ancient, but my maturity? Are there any other over 30's out there? Any groups built for older players in this game? How does the games matchmaking work? Will I play new players like me to begin with? Or 10 year veterans? So many questions, most of all I'm really excited to get myself involved in this game. See you all on the Rift (is it called?) Oh, I'm Synzero7 on EUW. If anyone wants to add me :) Syn [link] [comments] |
Stop looking up people's ranks and stats, it makes you play worse. Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT You're psyching yourself out before the game even starts. Especially if they have a smurf or a player on your team has been on a loss streak. It really doesn't matter either way. I'll give an in game example. Say the enemy jg is a smurf and you get a kill on them early in an invade. You're still less likely to go agressive to push that advantage to a victory. Because by seeing they're a smurf you already expect them to beat you. You're losing games before they even start by looking up player stats especially below diamond. The games are fiestas anyway so it doesnt matter and you're just screwing your mental. [link] [comments] |
When your enemy has a hook support Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:48 AM PDT I'm not sure if "hook support" is the correct term but I'm sure you get what I mean. I find myself losing lane a lot against supports like Blitzcrank, Thresh etc. I have almost no way to combat this at the moment and can't really do anything if my adc gets hooked. I normally stay behind minions and play passively in these match ups but always end up getting pushed up against our turret the whole laning phase and then soon the enemy bot lane would have either gotten more gold then us or got a hook onto us and a kill or two. I try to ban more lethal hooks like Blitz but there will still be more like Nautilus or even Pyke. Do you have any tips for such match ups? Edit: I know Morgana can counter their cc but her black shield has a relatively high cooldown and I can't be constantly using it on my adc or my teammates [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:18 AM PDT If you already died in your lane and your enemy laner is ahead by gold. You die=enemy laner get gold Enemy laner gets gold = they get items They get items = they out trade you even more They win all the trades = you die again You die again = they get more gold Learn how to get carried you can't do well every single game, so if you're 0/3 in lane just farm, if you can't that's fine just play safe so you're not making it harder for your team. And don't start flaming your jingler because "their it was here 2 times already". YOU lost lane so the jingler is going to focus more relevant lanes, and objectives over you. So if you're 0/3 in lane don't try to kill the enemy laner (there's nothing wrong with limit testing, but please don't do it in ranked) because you're gonna end up being 0/8. You losing lane already has a huge impact of how easy it is for your team to carry you, please don't make it any harder. Everyone has bad games DON'T try to prove that you're better than the enemy laner by fighting them 24/7. Because at the end of the day, you probably won't meet those people again. Remember: items set you ahead, so if you're a top laner with one item you're not going to out trade a person that has half their build [link] [comments] |
Winning games but losing lane frequently Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT So a few weeks ago I transitioned from support to midlane and while I'm winning more games than I'm losing, I lose my lane frequently. Which makes things really awkward because my MMR keeps rising while I couldnt even match my opponents before. I did learn fundamentals about wavemanagement and trading yet my opposing midlaner always seems to outperform me in lane. Any tips how I can improve my laning phase aside from playing Ranked? I'd like to avoid games like my last one where I fed my brains out because I suddenly happened to be in a high plat game when I'm not even plat myself. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT I've had a really hard time finding a champion that works well with my friend who mains tristana bot. For a while I was playing Syndra which worked reasonably well for front to back teamfights, providing peel for Trist if the support wasn't doing it. But, even that was rough in the mid game because Syndra feels so unsafe in sidelanes so we always found ourselves both mid farming the same wave. Also Syndra feels like shit after all these nerfs lol. I also have been playing Ekko which works okay since he can go to the sidelanes in the mid game and I can roam bot during laning... but Ekko isn't always available. I'm looking for champions to expand my champion pool that might work well with a bot laner... especially one that can sidelane. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
tips for playing Irelia and top lane? Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT Hello Reddit, I am a Silver support main who lately have been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and fell in love with Irelia the other day. Does anyone have any tips for new players on how to play her, or advice for top lane in general? (I would probably be closer to bronze as a top Laner, as a support main I have decent vision and map control in other lanes too but I easy fall behind with cs.) [link] [comments] |
Where to put control ward in dragon/baron pit? Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:39 PM PDT In one game I put down a control ward in dragon pit and from the other side of the wall an enemy put down a ward in the pit and it went invisible to my surprise believing the control ward would spot it, maybe it was too far away? so where should you put a control ward? As close to the center as possible maybe? EDIT: Just saw in a pro game that yes this is the case that control wards don't always catch all wards in the pits [link] [comments] |
Questions about playing support. Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT Firstly, is a support such as tahm or braum playable in bronze as i find that my team doesn't understand how their kit works which often leads to not getting kills. How do you tell an adc to not do something without getting brushed off? If a teammate has engaged in a 1vs3 or more should you try to save them even if it puts you at risk? Finally how do you lane against the likes of brand, lux, caitlynn or zyra? [link] [comments] |
As a new jungler I have a couple of questions about issues I'm having Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:33 AM PDT The first issue is I have a lot of moments where I'm idling and just not sure where to go, lets say I'm in my bot side jungle, all of my lanes are pushed up to the enemy tower, and I only have like 1 camp up and it's at the other side of the map where nothing else is going on, what should I be doing? I have moments like this where I just wander from lane to lane through the jungle doing nothing It's especially problematic with weak early junglers like Zac when I find myself in these situations and my 2nd question is lets say I just cleared my bot camps and I'm headed top, I reach my wolves when I notice the enemy bot is now pushed up under my tower, is it worth me just stopping the wolves and running all the way back down bot to try to gank? or should I just continue on my path since by the time I get there the enemy might have fallen back and I'll have wasted my time Thanks for any help [link] [comments] |
Dshield vs. Corrupting Pot start toplane itemization Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT Looking for opinions on when one should pick dorans shield or corrupting potion as a starting item in top lane. My usual methodology has been if the enemy top lane has high early kill pressure I take shield for the extra hp, and I start corrupting if I feel that I can safely trade with the enemy top. Is this the standard or are there other factors I should consider? [link] [comments] |
A really important step to climbing that is brushed off a lot Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT Keep in mind I say this as an addict who plays a million games a season. Now I noticed the one thing that I had in common from when I hit my stuck points, p2 -d4, d4 - d2, and d2- masters after being stuck for lots of games in each over the pst year the one thing that wads consistent in getting through those milestones for me was I took a break in between. I ahrdly ever take breaks but the 3 times I took a week-2 week break of playing very little games (but still watching informaiton/ streamer content). Try and focus on learnign and retaining from watching and you dont have to play no games just a small amount (including no smurfing) then when you come back really think about the things you learned. I rpomsie it well help gl climbing! [link] [comments] |
I'm a beginner and I have a few problems I'd like help with (casual, non ranked) Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT I know this post is maybe long and may sound more like a rant but please, I'd be very happy if someone could help me with the problems I have with the game.
I have trouble enjoying the game when I'm losing. I dont mean when my team is losing, but when I'm really bad, and everyone on the other team can kill me in seconds, the game stops being fun. I respawn, go to the lane, roam around, someone sees me and 2 shots me, I die, and so on and so on. Unfortunately this happens quite often. I'm very bad at the game and when I die constantly the game just stops being fun. Occasionally I'm actually good but that's usually because the other team is bad, and that's not really fun either. Now my next problem is how to deal with fed champs. Sometimes one of the players (me for example) is really bad and he feeds the other team like crazy, and then, in late and mid game, they just 1 shot me and I die all the time. How do I deal with that? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Status Icons Above Champion's Head Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:05 PM PDT Is there a list or graphic that describes the effects or meaning of the various status icons that appear above a champion's head during a game? For example, when a champion is being blood hunted by Warwick, they are alerted by the red wolf face above their head. [link] [comments] |
Learning from playing against better or more experienced players Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:58 AM PDT Hello fellow summoners! I have recently started playing league with my friends who have been playing basically since league came out. I find that when I solo queue into a normal game it's a lot easier for me to do decent, but when I play in a 5 stack of people who are level 100,200+ the games are a lot harder and I get stomped on sometimes. Is it better to learn from getting demolished? Or is it better to learn in an easier game where you actually feel like you're contributing something ? OPGG: I'm transitioning from playing top to playing mid so if any of you would like to critique my gameplay or give tips it would be very appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
I need help trading in mid lane Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:03 AM PDT Can't win a single trade, either I get out traded, doing no damage, straight up getting out damaged or they heal back all of my damage if I don't get the kill. Or if I start a random trade/I am the initiator of it. As long as I'm in ranked or against someone trying their best in norms regardless if they're on their main or not. I play Yone, Ekko, Fizz, Talon and Cassio. I don't know what to do between all ining and staying back after someone blows their combo (assuming he hits everything and I have everything up), because I'm scared to trade when I'm at a HP disadvantage. Also I lose every trade I start (either random or after they use and miss their defensive spell). But I always fail to get the kill. I feel zoned so hard sometimes I have to back every time after they use and hit their combo. Edit: I tend to all in and go greedy straight up after someone misses their defensive spell (because I think it's a free kill). and putting myself at risk by commiting too early or when I actually shouldn't. It makes me punish so hard that it's not punishing mistakes and instead it's just coin flipping. And how do I get a good trade without commiting for the kill (either because they're not low enough to kill or can't commit for some reason). [link] [comments] |
I don't really understand Pyke Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:47 AM PDT What irritates me about Pyke is how slippery he is, and the fact that his hook is still really good. While he isn't like blitzcrank- just click and yank-, what I hate is that he just dashes out of danger, or just goes whoop, invisible and runs out. Fighting pyke just seems so stressful like you're fighting the taliban. I would rather play Blitzcrank because you can poke blitzcrank down. It's pretty clear cut. And you can see where Blitzcrank is. Well pyke doesn't fight you face to face, but when you screw up a second, he's there to just run in and hook you. Poke him or get ready to do damage? If you're too close he just slips past you and stuns you, or just invis away. He feels like he is incredibly safe to play while has low cost. Riot says they want blitzcrank to be THE hook champion but they release pyke, who does so much more. Basically, Pyke is a bloody struggle for me. He has a hook but doesn't really care if he misses. There are many matchups where he can miss a hook, but if I try to punish and slip up and get too close, his E stun guarantees a kill on me. [link] [comments] |
How can you tell if your game is already won or lost in champ select? 30/30/40 rule Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT The question is as simple as it sounds, however for the sake of the subs essay requirements. How does one tell which category one's game may fall into within the 30% lost 30% won 40% could go either way rule? I imagine it's down to counter picking and team comps, but no one really seems to give a guide on how to apply this rule. I've seen plenty of people testing the theory and someone gave me a guide to team comps that's complicated but interesting. Is it really just down to learning comps and counter picking? If so does anyone have any advice on how to learn it or does it just come with time? Edit: I know it's good to know your champ, I'm not meaning to ask how do I win more? I'm asking how to tell if it's likely to be a bad match [link] [comments] |
What should I do when I get trashed in toplane? Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:31 PM PDT In this purely hypothetical scenario where I (Riven, unranked) have to play against a Renekton (Plat 1) and get camped by the enemy jungler, diving at 5 minutes, etc. What should I do? Is it really worth it to go back toplane when I'm dying even just sapping xp? What should I be doing when the skill gap between me and my opponent is just too large, but I'm not strong enough to roam? [link] [comments] |
How am i supposed to lane vs Yasuo? Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:07 AM PDT I can't really walk up to the wave because he just dashes through and does his knockup, I get poked by his Q even if I stand back, and his shield makes it hard to win trades. Just recently I played Malz and died once solo because I walked too far up and he all inned me pre-6. Once we got out of laning phase I was able to shut him down with my ult, I'm mostly struggling with lane phase. [link] [comments] |
How can I get better mechanics overall? Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT So I primarily main adc and have the basics of things like kiting and using my mains kits, but was wondering how I could improve. Are there champions that I could learn that would make me better at playing the game overall? And possibly help me get better at playing other lanes/roles from a mechanics perspective? [link] [comments] |
How do I stop my teammates from feeding talon/zed when I'm playing mid ? Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT Title, me myself already struggle a lot to play against zed and talon seekers just doesnt seem to be able to nullify their damage enough for me to survive, they always seem to be able to buy their lethality items before I get my core items such as luden or RoA therefore they can roam more easily/freely with yoomus. When they roam and I ping MIA and alert ping on my bot they still seem to be able to somehow get either a kill or two then they snowball from there and I start losing my lane due to the gold advantage they have, I have also try to follow up on roams to only get ambushed by them in river bush or the jungle entrance on blue-side. Most of the time when I get control wards on the river or the jungle entrance and they catch my mid laner roaming to bot lane and I pinged them to back off but it still result to them getting free kills. [link] [comments] |
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