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    Friday, August 14, 2020

    LoL Guide why do adc's not build more tank

    LoL Guide why do adc's not build more tank

    why do adc's not build more tank

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Hey im fairly new to league and I got interested in yasuo since yone came out. Both the champs build pretty similar from what ive seen. After building IE and PD how come yasuo doesnt go full tank, like his autos at that point do close to 500 damage and the only problem is if he gets stun locked he dies. Wont just buying deaths dance into mallet into like steraks stop that from happening? plz help me understand why champs build like this, cuz i see adc's build similar just damage and they get instakilled and cant even join the fight to do autos. wouldnt it be beneficial to do half as much damage in solo q and be ablke to sustain urself more

    submitted by /u/Michaelminx
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    Why is blue kayn never a good option ?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    So i have recently started maining kayn jungle and i noticed 100% of the games i won with him was because i went red "darkin" instead of blue.

    yes its fun to one shot the adc from time to time but thats all you can do, meanwhile red feels like he have much more kill pressure on anyone on the enemy team with insane sustain and tankiness plus he can also kill the adc almost as fast as blue kayn does if building some lethality items.

    my question is simple is there an actuall situation were going blue instead of red is actually good

    submitted by /u/theaverageguy101
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    How the hell do I play with unlocked camera.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I feel like I mess up my aim and accidentally move the camera around a lot. When I do play unlocked it really effects my gameplay negatively I start losing fights and duels. I feel like I can't focus on my champ enough so I lose my aim and then it goes to shit from there how do I fix this. Practice tool doesn't help because it needs to be a more organic team environment but then I get flamed if I don't do well in a real game.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/random-wander
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    How do you beat Kled?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I play a lot of top lane and Kled is the most disgusting champ to play against. Advice I commonly hear is respect his level 1-5 and don't sacrifice health/death for CS. This seems like good advice but it doesn't really help because if i don't contest CS he will just free-farm and reach the level of power he would have if he just killed me in the first place. Anyone with any advice, please help. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sofia_c_trees
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    About getting those midgame sidelane waves as an adc

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:22 AM PDT


    I'm an adc main and I've been wondering for a long time what to do when I'm farming the waves bouncing towards my side during mid game : do I slow push it, or do I get it as quickly as I Can ?

    The habit I'm using right now is : do I need to go somewhere else right away ? If no, then I slowpush, if yes, then I get is as quickly as I can. Or maybe if their T1 is still up and I feel safe I can shove the wave.

    Do you have any thoughts on how to behave in this kind of situation, or any comments about the habits I'm describing here ?

    Thx guys !

    submitted by /u/quentin_lacombe
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    I made a video helping those in the top lane who are frustrated with their agency in a game (or lack thereof)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    As a top main myself I can definitely empathize with that hopelessness you get when a game feels lost before you even can do anything about it. So I made a video that can help you understand carrying in a different perspective since in my opinion, top lane has a lot of misunderstood strength due to how carrying games are generally perceived in this day and age.

    Let me know if you have any questions either in the comments on this thread or the youtube video itself! I plan to release more content to spread better discussion on various aspects of the game to help players understand more about the game since part of learning how to climb is properly understanding the nature of league of legends.


    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    How bad is it to build a defensive item first as a mage mid lane?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    So I'm a G4 mid laner who mostly plays squishy mages (ahri, orianna, Neeko, lux..) and sometimes opt into building a defensive item first (generally either banshees or zhonyas) depending on how bad my matchup is and if I fall behind early. I've been wondering how bad this is for me to do? Should I just start with my damage item and build defensive later? Or is it acceptable to build a defensive item first, at least that way I prevent myself from dying early?

    submitted by /u/LonelyBiochemMajor
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    How do you beat X Champion with X Champion?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    It's just something I've seen often people ask to which i have found a good answer for:

    There are a lot of youtube channels which upload challenger games with runes, items and abilities for this matchup. It's really easy to implement their playstyle into your game since 9/10 times you need to know how to act in the early game. Is the enemy laner stronger or are you stronger? Do you roam or stay passive? Etc.

    You only need to search for your champion vs enemy champion

    For example: Syndra vs Kassadin

    Here it's really easy to see how he positions himself, uses his abilities to get a lead and ultimately snowballs.

    While the patches itself may not be the newest one, it does not change the playstyle.

    Hope this short tip helps!

    submitted by /u/Owlbusta
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    How would you teach a "clean slate" player?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I've been playing League for a few months and I have a decent understanding of the game, but I know that there is a limit of how good I can be just because of my age. My reactions are slow and eyesight poor compared to just ten years ago. However I've been showing the game to my son and he really likes it. So far it's just playing against AI bots in co-op games to learn.

    As a completely new player, what do you think is the most important thing to focus on? I am thinking that having him just concentrate on maxing CS first would pay off the most.

    submitted by /u/Warmahorder
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    What to do against a midlaner (too) aggressive?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:10 AM PDT


    I main Taliyah in gold elo, and sometimes I found (mainly) a Yasuo or a Zed which are too agressive. Yasuo can dash into your creeps a few times, or Zed can use his escape to push and poke.

    On these situations, (I think) it's best to play safe, and wait for your jungle to gank.

    But first, I fall fastly behind in cs because I think I try to use my cooldown to defend the aggression which goes randomly into the creeps, it's difficult to reach the different cs because the opponent is ready to poke you. (+farm under turret)

    Secondly, sometimes your jungle just can't punish. Either because it's level 2 and it's an off timing for him, either because he don't have a champ to gank (or you lost 2v2), or either he is just invaded and just can't.

    And thirdly, I'm playing Taliyah. If I don't give advantage to my team, I'm behind.

    What to do then? Do you have tips?

    submitted by /u/Romain672
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    How to get out of a loss rut

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    So lately I've been following a lot of advice on this subreddit and it has helped me a lot. I played a lot of support Leona and Bard and was spamming games with them until I reached almost plat 2. At that point I started to just lose almost every game I played. I felt loss and didn't know what to do. I tried out different support champions and different roles (I was a top main at the start of this season) but as I'm sure everyone can guess, that only made the losses worse. I eventually dropped to where I am now, Plat 4 with almost 0 LP.

    What do I need to do in situations like there where my mains/comfort picks aren't having the success they did? Should I try and find new champions to play or should I stick with the champions I've been losing a lot with lately?

    submitted by /u/Aceman2684
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    How do I improve my ability to identify what runes are best in each game?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    If I'm playing Kayn, annie or something it's fairly simple as there's generic runes/builds for most games. But on most other champs I take a rune page from op.gg or mobafire and just change MR runes or tenacity or whatever. How can I be like 'oh yeah PTA would be better here over electrocute' or something along those lines? I do try and play around my runes but sometimes I'll take e.g conq and then barely end up proccing it the entire game but it was high up on Mobafire so I just end up losing value.


    submitted by /u/BadJungleratm
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    How to beat Sona/Lux/Karma Combo Bot lane as ADC?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I recently saw this (Sona+Lux bot lane) on Sneaky's Twitch stream. Even sneaky was complaining about it. Low and behold soon enough I saw it a bunch in flex and even soloQ in my own (silver/gold) elo. The shield power is unbelievable with them both running guardian + Sona heal and Lux Shield.

    It's SO frustrating. Does anyone have any insights as to how to deal with this kind of lane as ADC and Support? Sona lux just keep poking forever and if they are smart they just keep alternating so they never run out of mana either so its not like you can all in them once they are out of mana.

    Any ideas suggestions to try to counter this?

    submitted by /u/PalladynSlonca1
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    Getting and staying ahead with Mundo

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I just got out of a game playing as Dr.Mundo and absolutely stomped a Morde in lane. Around mid game though I felt like I was starting to fall off in effectiveness even after the inning a 1v2 against him and his jungle. What tips could I get for staying relevant in game and not just being a lane bully.

    submitted by /u/TheAngryMoth
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    What should I work on next?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    For those familiar with the dunning Kruger effect, I have fallen from Mt stupid and into the valley of dispair. As I learn more about this game I'm becoming familiar with important skills that I don't really possess right now. I know what I need to work on, but I'm not sure in what order. From the list below, what's the most important skills for a bronze adc?

    • Kiting reliably

    • cs (from my last few games my cs/min has been 4.6, 5.16, 2.4, and 2.2) (I'm noticing now can is Definitely what I need to work on first lol)

    • Positioning in team fights

    • I play with my hand on the space bar 90% of the time (ig just learning to not do that)

    • Learning other roles to better understand what my teammates are looking to do ( for me I'd have to learn top and jungle)

    • Getting a good champion pool and learning to counter pick (rn I'm only comfortable with ez, ashe, and Lucian)

    • Learning to not always build the same 6 items in the same order every game

    • macro in general (I suffer from a common bronze desease known as "I never know what to do past the 20 minute mark and will mostly likely group with my entire team and run it down mid at the speed of light and fight over zero objectives for the next 15 minutes)

    submitted by /u/Zapstars
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    What to build against a 250+ armor tank Garen as an adc jinx?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    So, I've just lost a game against a tank garen and jax. And my renekton with lillia flamed me for not doing any damage to them. I built Mortal Reminder because they had a lot of heals and armor. So I'm asking, should've I built anything better on jinx? Or was that just not winnable? Because I mean, as an adc, when I deal no damage, that most of the time means that they have a way of countering my damage. I would appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/Darkmany20
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    is there any situation during a full on 1v1 where AA is better than using a damaging abilty?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Do all damaging abilities do more damage than Auto attacking an enemy champion?

    say im using zed, one vs one standing in front of each other, does my E or Q always do more damage than AA? what about the time it takes to actually perform the ability, and then the time to be able to do an AA again? is it worth it? are there exceptions to this? (champions that would spend to much time performing an ability (Cait's R comes to mind) instead of just AA?

    submitted by /u/Catcut123
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    Can i 1v5 with good CS?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:14 PM PDT


    So basically every game that i've ''1v5ed'' or 2v5ed with my support was just me leaving lane 7/0. Since Twitch doesnt have the best lane phase i can't do that every game because i suck so hard that i can't consistently pull it off in silver. My question is:

    Can i just focus on cs and then ''1v5''? (something like 180cs at min 20, i usually have less so if the answer is yes i will improve on it)

    If i go 3/3 in lane phase i farm really poorly so i just end up having decent dmg in late but can't carry because some fiora will just jump me.

    I play Twitch.

    submitted by /u/snanwich
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    How do you practice or get better at dodging skill shots?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    As a jungler whenever i play mid/adc I have an issue with inconsistency in dodging skill shots. I do typically attempt to use the wave as cover and retreat when my wave is thinning out, but I have issues when it's a constant threat and my support is more passive getting hooked a couple times in lane.

    What tools do you use to get better/improve at this? I've got a decent ping of 25-30, so it's not like it should be impossible for me to do.

    submitted by /u/red--dead
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    How to get used unlocked camera?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I have tried a few times to get used to it, but each time it makes me quit league for a week. I am level 152 but I just can't. I just end up holding [space] and become unable to use my thumb for anything. I have [z,x,c,v] binded to look at my teammates, and when I am running around the map I have it unlocked, but in combat or in lane, I just can't do it. It's not that it is hard, it's just enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/LelsersLasers
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    What's the difference between an Assasin and a Bruiser

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I just came out of two games, same scenarios, different champions. Ended up winning both, but I can't wrap this idea around my head. I was playing ADC Ashe both instances.

    Game 1 had an Evelynn jungle who got kind of fed, and whenever I was alone, or far from my team, she would appear out of nowhere with a charm, ult me and get out. Fair point, that's what assasins do. However things changed when I was near my team. She had to choose either me or my Soraka support, and she tried juggling between using her charm on my Soraka, but then unleashing her full combo on me and viceversa. It worked a couple times, but she always died on the process, and then it just didn't pan out as we would kill her, and if she tried waiting too long, the fight would already be over. That, and the fact that Soraka kept peeling for me was a big factor towards us winning the game. I didn't even had to build defensive besides a Phantom Dancer.

    Game 2 had a Garen top laner who rushed Berseker's Greaves and Triforce and built tank with ignite. Whether I was alone, with or without team, with our without Soraka, he would come up to me, Q, spin a few seconds, Ult, and walk away like nothing happened. My team couldn't even get him under 50% after he got steraks and deadmans plate, and they didn't care much about peeling either. Not even the Phantom Dancer, could save me, and Guardian Angel could only be so effective. At the end I didn't even do enough damage as I was trying to keep myself alive rather than building damage, but thankfully our midlaner managed to carry us trough.

    So the thing is, in both cases I did my best to position myself so that either Garen or Evelynn couldn't get to me or my support easily, or they had to go through the entire team to do so. Evelynn couldn't do it because she's too squishy and if she tried she would get blown up before she could ult out. Garen could not only get to me, killing me in the process, but also walk away, wait a few seconds, heal back up and do the same thing on the next target.

    So the thing I am trying to ask is, how is Evelynn or any other assasin any different than Garen? or Jax? or Camille? or rather, why playing an assasin, when a Bruiser can accomplish the same goal? Both can blow an ADC/Squishy supp in seconds, but only one of the classes get out basically unscratched, or having wasted all of the team's cooldowns with health to spare, whereas the other either dies in the process or flat out fails.

    submitted by /u/porn4jhin
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    how exactly does ivern takes objectives

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    I was at the point of giving up with ivern even though he is my favorite champ both mechanically and apperance/lore/voicewise but jesus christ

    literally every single jungler can take dragon easily even before level 6 without any issues whereas ivern even with daisy STRUGGLES to take dragon. even shielding daisy, gaining the brush maker buff and q'ing often I barely survie at the end of it and god forbid if another enemy sees it

    is it time to agree that Ivern is just outclassed or am I completely wrong? I have tried all the builds there are. AP, Normal masters builds and On hit ivern and I still struggle

    my suggestion would be to allow ivern to use his passive on objectives (rift herald/dragon) to make it either take increased damage or deal high damage once its finished so Ivern can finish it off after. I can't seem to do it.

    submitted by /u/Environmental-Mud710
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    What to do after taking T1 tower?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I primarily play vel'koz in the mid lane and I have been having recent success in lane. Sometimes I'm able to get the T1 tower pretty early into the game. When this happens I find myself at a loss on how to proceed. It feels to unsafe to keep pushing for T2 tower and as a very immobile character roaming feels slow and has its risks as well. What is recommended in this scenario?

    submitted by /u/HagrianaGrande
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    Should supports get kills?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I'm new to the game, been playing for about 3 months or so. In those three months I've played several roles and have grown to love the role of support. I currently main Morgana as support.

    I've always been maxing my Q first; however, recently I've been seeing Morgana max W builds with a Liandrys item. I've recently just started to test with it to learn a different way of playing her. I still use my support item, I still do all the necessary warding and picks. However, with the increased W damage output I tend to be the last damager gaining me the kill if the other champ doesn't land the killing blow.

    My most recent game, I was playing really well 6-2-20. But I went in to save my Jungler and my W "stole" the kill. He then went on a complete flaming session about stealing his kills and other champs kills.

    So, I suppose what I am asking here, is it a problem that I'm building this way as support? Is it really my fault if the other player can't land the final killing blow? I personally see no problems with it. It's not my fault if I start becoming the highest damage output if other champs aren't doing their roles efficiently.

    I'd like your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/CCGambit
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