LoL Guide Abuse vision. Deceive enemies with false intent. Be everywhere at once. |
- Abuse vision. Deceive enemies with false intent. Be everywhere at once.
- Playing vs Ignite Top is absolutely terrible and it's a common thing now
- Karthus bot & why it’s busted.
- Don't honor your premade
- Tips on getting a good tiltproof mental
- How can I counter ranged top laners?
- 1366x768 resoloution no longer showing
- Do Norms get Harder as you Rank Up?
- How to play with Yuumi as an immobile ADC?
- Are there any good smurf climbing series that are realistic
- inventory in the item shop on leauge?
- I want your actual opinions? Freeze wave for allies or take it all?
- My League Is bugged, everything looks tiny
- Some advice to climbing
- Set Player Attack Move Click to only target champions
- How on earth do I play Tristana
- Void Staff or Morellonomicon vs Healing MR Builds?
- The importance of fog of war in ganks
- What can I do when I don't have lane priority?
- Do I go top or mid after taking tower?
- Riven Combo Guide
- I play bad and it makes me sad.
- How do I get better in jungling
Abuse vision. Deceive enemies with false intent. Be everywhere at once. Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:26 AM PDT One very underused tool for predicting enemy actions is reading their "intent." Intent is the body language of a champion, reading which way they are clicking and inferring what they'll do next. Ex: If you see a top laner crash a wave and click towards their lane bush, they're probably gonna reset. If you see a jungler exit a lane towards river, they'll likely invade or take scuttle/drake. If you prefer a video guide, here's the link to that: We can make assumptions about what a player will do based on their last known location and direction. We also can use intent to give our opponents misinformation and show up in the last place they expect. False Intent: While visible by the enemy, manipulating your body language & direction to mislead the enemy. Here are the 2 primary times you'll have the opportunity to show false intent: 1) After leaving a lane (ensuring you're spotted by minions, a ward, or a champion) - Channeling back as last minions die As soon as the last minion dies, you'll disappear into fog of war. The enemy will assume you finished your back, and you can cancel the recall and make another play on the map without them expecting it. - Exiting lane creatively After ganking a lane, you can mislead the enemy by exiting in a direction you don't ultimately intend to go. Ex: Jungler ganks mid, exits towards enemy red buff. The enemy jungler will be forced out of their red side jungle because you will (most likely) have priority mid, and they don't want to be collapsed on. You can then go solo drake with relatively low risk. You're creating map pressure with your intent rather than your actual positioning. 2) After clearing a disabled ward - Disabled wards grant 5 seconds of residual vision when attacked. So when clearing a disabled blue or yellow trinket (controls can't be disabled), you can walk in a different direction from where you want to go. After waiting 5 seconds, you can walk back through your original path after giving false intent. - Control wards will also grant residual vision if they are attacked while disabling a nearby ward. - Clearing a far sight or control ward without disabling it will instantly bring back fog of war I hope this is helpful and gives you new ways to impact the map! :D [link] [comments] |
Playing vs Ignite Top is absolutely terrible and it's a common thing now Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:11 PM PDT there's been a lot, and I mean, a lot of people in Diamond and over now playing Ignite Top Lane even on champions not traditionally meant to take it. And it feels absolutely horrible because, as foggedftw puts it: Ignite means you're always at a disadvantage if you have a Teleport and aren't grossly ahead of the other person. Outside maybe your jungle helping you out, is there anything you can really do if you have TP? [link] [comments] |
Karthus bot & why it’s busted. Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:56 PM PDT When you think off Karthus, which role comes to mind first? Mid? Jungle? Probably not bot lane Karthus. Karthus is a an easy champion, at least on the surface. Not mechanically demanding, very easy to pick up. Of course, I'd lie to you if I'd say Karthus is an easy champion, mechanically yes. But it all comes down to one ability to be able to stand above all other Karthus players. Your Q' hit consistency. It's not really an easy ability to land all the time, it's very easy to dodge, unlike Cassiopeia Q or Syndra Q. Where they only need to aim at your character center of mass to make it impossible to dodge. Karthus Q in comparison takes a lot longer to channel, that's why you can't aim at their center of mass and hit them. Instead you need to predict your Q's. Which in a sense makes him a bit more difficult than it seems. Why is Karthus bot lane good and how do you play it? Why it works. Range: Karthus has very long range, the ADC's with the longest range in the early game are Caitlyn and Aphelios (Calibrum) both at 650 basic attack range. Karthus Q range sits at 875. That's 225 range units over Caitlyn & Aphelios. Most ADC's attack range sit at 500-600. His long range makes him able to harass consistently without getting harassed himself, and also farm safely without getting harassed. Damage: Karthus damage output if put into one word would be "bonkers". For those of you who don't know, Karthus Q has isolated damage. In other words, if he hits one target, he deals more damage. The difference in scaling between a non-isolated Q and isolated Q is (50/70/90/110/130 + 30% AP ratio) for non-isolated Q. For isolated (100/140/180/220/260 + 60% AP ratio) It deals double damage when isolated, in the early game that's still quite a lot of damage if you're able to get an isolated Q in. That's not taking his late game Q damage into consideration which is even more bonkers. Global pressure: Karthus biggest powerspike is level 6. That's when he has global pressure with his ultimate. Securing otherwise lost kills, helping teammates in fights. It's a powerful ability, one of the best in the game if I must say so. Being able to put constant pressure on the enemy is very tedious for them, they know they can't get low enough or they'll die, they'll have a hard winning 2v2 engagements, etc. His ultimate is arguably the most powerful ability in the entire game. Scaling: Karthus has utter insane scaling, he's a ticking time bomb. His late game ultimate is like a nuke, insane team fighting capabilities, infinite scaling with dark harvest, takes objectives extremely fast thanks to isolated Q. How do you play it? Karthus bot lane isn't very hard to play, in essence utilizing your longer attack range and insane scaling you can constantly put pressure on the enemy. Also, keep track of your positioning. Remember you're like an ADC, squishy, high damage, you'll be in the back line and play like an ADC. Early game: Karthus early game is about putting pressure on the enemy constantly. Being able to push waves quickly, having your minions under their tower and harassing them over and over when they step-up. Makes laning phase hard for the enemy. You're constantly able to shove, and whilst putting pressure you have an easier time landing isolated Q's when they step-up. You shouldn't spam your Q, you must also weave in auto attacks when farming. Use your Q to push the wave, and weave auto attacks to last hit some minions. When the you're at the enemy tower you're very prone to jungle ganks. Karthus is an immobile champion, which makes it hard to escape from a gank. That's why vision is key, and you being able to track the enemy jungler well is a key to finding lots of success with Karthus bot. When you're at the enemy tower, you'll try and hit your Q's onto the enemy, the easiest time will be when they step-up to CS. That way you can almost guarantee an isolated Q. With your minions pushed up, try to hit the tower every now and then if you're able to pressure them back enough that they don't even dare to step up. Makes it easy to get an early plating. And get what I like to call a cheater-recall in. That way the enemy has 2 choices, try to shove out the wave, or recall. The logical choice of course is to shove out the wave, that way they won't miss XP and Gold. But before they're able to shove the wave out fully you'll be back and they'll either be forced to stay or recall with the wave in a bad spot. If they decide to stay, they can't fight you because you're ahead in items. But they can't leave either then the wave will be in a bad spot and they'll miss XP. This puts so much pressure on the enemy, in high elo the jungle will usually interfere and help them push out the wave so they're able to recall. But if the jungler doesn't interfere, you'll usually be so ahead they can't really do anything. Usually in these types of situations you're far ahead enough to 2v3z Mid game: The mid game is all about farming and putting pressure on the entire enemy team. First tower is taken, laningphase is over and they start araming it mid. What do you do? You continue to do what you did before, put pressure on one of the side lanes with your support. The enemy must go down to intervene otherwise they'll lose a tower or two. This way you're able to thin out the enemy team and that way it makes it easier for your team to secure dragon or baron. But it's not always you're able to pressure the side lane with your support. Works best if you're duo, or have a lot of coordination with your support. In the situations where you're not able to. Araming it mid and helping your jungler out secure objectives should be what you focus on. Late game: Here's where Karthus truly shines in my opinion. This is where you become a team player, you don't side lane anymore. You go with your team, to secure objectives and fight. Karthus is super strong in team fights. How to play Karthus in team fights: There's two types of Karthus players, the one's that flash into the middle of the enemy team and get off as much damage as they can. Before dying and using their ult. And the ones that position themselves on the back line trying to survive and dish out as much damage as possible. The first type of team fighting really only works if you go the Rod of The Ages build. Because you're a lot more tanky. I prefer the second one, you position yourself as an ADC. Being on the back line hitting Q's and dishing out massive amounts of damage, then ult when the enemy team is low enough or you die. That way you're able to stay in the fight a lot longer and do the most damage. Build & Runes Runes: Dark harvest for scaling. Cheap Shot for better early trading. Taste of blood for better sustain. Eyeball collection for scaling. Really no other choice among the 3. Ingenious hunter for sustainability and survivability. Scales well, you're able to sustain better in fights. Ultimate hunter if you want the best possible scaling, but there's a lot of downsides. Makes early laningphase a little harder, missing out on healing. For secondary tree. Presence of mind + Coup De Grace (works well with dark harvest) Then two adaptive quints and one armor quint. Build: Ludens Echo > Oblivion orb (finish morello if lots of healing) > Liandrys torment > void staff. That's usually the build order you go every game. But you can switch it up depending on enemy team composition. If they have a lot of MR going void staff before liandrys is usually better. If they have a lot of assassin's, zhonay's after liandys also works. I prefer ludens over archangel's staff, that way you hit your powerspike faster although arch angel offers better scaling. I wouldn't recommend going Rod of The Ages, because it doesn't spike as fast. Flat penetration is really good, I usually buy sorcerer's shoes on my first back if I can, the movement speed is really valuable and the flat penetration gives you a lot of extra damage. Starter items always doran's ring, no reason going anything else. What supports work best with Karthus? In my opinion, Harass and Enhancer supports work the best. My favorite's are: Janna, Senna, Karma, Zyra, Brand, Veigar, Morgana, Lux, Taric, Pyke, Nautilus, Zilean. Engage supports do work, but I usually prefer a support that's able to harass and sustain. That's why I'd say Janna and Senna are the two best supports for Karthus. Any support works well with him, it's mostly just my opinion. If you've read this far, thank you, have a nice day and hope you enjoyed it. Spent about an hour writing this. Would be thankful for any criticism. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:19 PM PDT Hi guys ! I just write this post to tell you : don't honor your premade, he won't get honor xp. Every time when i play with my friends, we debate on what guy deserve the most honors and we manage to all give him the honors. That won't make you climb but maybe someone will get some good vibes. [link] [comments] |
Tips on getting a good tiltproof mental Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:33 AM PDT I'm a pretty emotional player, but I don't use chat to vent so it never showed in game. So I thought. But lately I relized how much emotions affected my gameplay. Tons of bad decisions happened because of ego and frustration so I decided to take steps to improve my mental. Here are the things that worked:
I tried a lot more stuff, but these worked best. Most of these aim to remove the source of some of the frustration, make you a better player or a better person. Good luck if you implement these. If you have anything else please let me know. [link] [comments] |
How can I counter ranged top laners? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:37 AM PDT I mainly play Darius on top lane and I am currently learning how to play Kayle. When I lock in Darius (especially during ranked), I often get counter picked (I have mainly seen Vayne and Teemo). How can I beat ranged top laners? I was thinking of getting Vayne or Quinn, so that I can counter other ranged top laners and that I can counter pick during ranked matches. I haven't faced a ranged top laner with Kayle yet and don't know if she counters them or not. -What are the best ways to counter ranged top laners? -Should I get Vayne or Quinn to counter pick in ranked? [link] [comments] |
1366x768 resoloution no longer showing Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:51 PM PDT Hi, i've got a 16:10 monitor. When i installed League, the game resolution was 1366x768 (16:9, with black bars up and down), but i noticed some update changed it to a 1440x900 recolution and then i'm seeing less of the game. I tried AMD settings but i just get smaller resolutions which bugs the client after game ends. Any recommendation? [link] [comments] |
Do Norms get Harder as you Rank Up? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT I'm only in silver III and I've done so by solely playing support. Lately, I've noticed my games are a lot harder. Like sometimes I play with people in high gold or lower diamond. It really sucks because I use norms to play adc and mid for fun but I can't even seem to do that without getting flamed about how poorly I do. [link] [comments] |
How to play with Yuumi as an immobile ADC? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:43 AM PDT I have no idea how to play with this champ. As it is, my positioning isn't the best, and having a yuumi on me makes everything worse. If I try to farm, then I can get focused by both the adc and support, for example sona/brand poke and Kaisa/cait q. Am I supposed to give up the wave early or do I play as I normally do, even if the enemy has long range poke? What does playing with a yuumi provide other than the occasional heal and attack speed? [link] [comments] |
Are there any good smurf climbing series that are realistic Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:33 AM PDT I'm saying realistic because most streamers cherry pick videos where their whole team is doing great and obviously it is easier to carry and focus on video. For example the title of the stream is called ''Iron To Challanger - This is how you 1v9 carry bad teammates'' meanwhile his team is doing just fine and he is literally getting babysitted by his jungle. So my question is where realistic games where your teammates are feeding their ass off and flaming each other and you managed to solo carry them In Dota streamers would do these climbing series the same way and they would also pay boosters to play on account off stream and after they would do like educational videos on stream and just put the overlay of them playing meanwhile someone else is doing all the job for them Now my question is. What are great streamers who dont fake these climbing series and upload realistic games for every elo? If you think I'm bullshitting sure but I know that in my experience I started climbing in Dota when I came across a smaller channel who would do these smurfing series but he would stream every single game and not fake it and I've learned the most from him. The only streamer I've found who does these honest games is HuzzyGames [link] [comments] |
inventory in the item shop on leauge? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT how can you see your inventory in the item shop on leauge? I see streamers having it and noticed that I can't see my inventory in the shop and I can't sell items because of that as it usually says sell next to your inv in the shop? is there a toggle key or am I just dumb xd [link] [comments] |
I want your actual opinions? Freeze wave for allies or take it all? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:26 PM PDT When my laners (I'm a Nidalee jungle main) die with a huge wave (Like 1 and half waves of minions or more) instead of taking all their cs, I aggro all the minions and draw them away from the tower essentially setting up a freeze and making it so that they lose no cs for dying. My question is how is that not infinitely more worth it than just taking their whole wave? It fucks over the wave management of the enemy laner and puts them in a position where they are easily ganked if they overstep. Thoughts? [link] [comments] |
My League Is bugged, everything looks tiny Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:09 PM PDT Hello, I am in need of help; In game I changed my quality settings and my screen froze for one minute straight, it turned black, then the ICONS (not the minimap itself...) on the minimap also turned really TINY. So did my character, my healthbar, etc, this happened for everyone else in my game, not to them personally but i was seeing them the same way. Before you tell me to restore settings to default, change HUD scale, i tried, nothing works, my settings themselves are good, it's hardly noticeable if i put any screenshots here but i'd really appreciate if i could get help. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:06 PM PDT So I reached plat 4 some days ago , with just an hour or 2 above 1k hours on league , ever since then i haven't been able to carry because my bot lane always goes 5/10 , on average games , maybe the system doesn't want me to climb or i am just bad. Getting to the real question , how can i climb or carry as a platinum jungler? [link] [comments] |
Set Player Attack Move Click to only target champions Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:42 PM PDT Can you in settings make it so that the player attack move click only targets enemy champions? In some situations it hard to click on the enemy and easily missclick so if this could be fixed it would help! To clarify it's the thing that makes your character go to your cursor and will immediately start attacking enemies when in range [link] [comments] |
How on earth do I play Tristana Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:59 AM PDT Hello, I'm a relatively new player. Never really played any moba games before and I just got into league. I've tried out Miss Fortune before n it was pretty fun getting familiar with the ADC role. Many defeats along the way but still pretty easy (don't judge me) to play. I thought of trying out Tristana and following the mobafire guides but I can't seem to play too well. I have no idea what Q is useful for other than last hitting low HP champions. I don't really understand the strategies for tristana. The worst part comes in using my R, zero idea on how to make as much damage as possible. Also, do I need to build AP as much as AD for tristana? Seems like R and E have AP damage but I have no idea which items to buy since most of the recommended items are more tilted towards AD. Appreciate the help :D [link] [comments] |
Void Staff or Morellonomicon vs Healing MR Builds? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:24 PM PDT I tend to have issues on whether I should build Morellos or void staff into comps that are stacking lots of MR, but also have a good chunk of Healing. My last game I played, the Irelia and Lee sin both had Life steal (Bork, Wits end, Conq, for irelia. Deaths Dance, Rav Hydra and Maw for Lee sin) but Lots of MR as well (Spirit Visage, Wits End, Spectres cowl for irelia. Deaths dance, maw, spectres cowl for lee sin. Merc Treads for both) In a case such as this, what would be the superior option? I personally would believe Void Staff because there's no point in stopping healing if you can't damage them in the first place, but maybe that philosophy is wrong here? [link] [comments] |
The importance of fog of war in ganks Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT Yorick thought he was safe because of the wards placed in the top~river brush in toplane. Well, not really... As you can see, if you walk close to that wall, the ward usually won't spot you and you can always go for an easy gank if the enemy has prio [link] [comments] |
What can I do when I don't have lane priority? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:14 PM PDT Just as the title says. I play top lane and I struggle alot when I can't control the lane and when I get bullied, for example, when going against ranged champs, they will just freeze the wave making me have to sacrifice health or gold while they just farm. What can I do to counter this? [link] [comments] |
Do I go top or mid after taking tower? Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT I (Silver 4 ADC) play with my friend (Gold 2 Supp) quite often and he is insistent that after a turret is taken we go mid. I understand why we'd go mid, to have pressure on both baron and dragon, however it becomes harder to maintain my farm when we do because our mid often gets territorial. Its for this reason that I'm of the mindset that we should go top and make rotations for dragon if necessary. This is of course assuming that our top is ok with the lane swap. What are opinions on this? Am I completely wrong and he's entirely correct? I just want some direction on this because it's harder to maintain any lead if I can't farm. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT Hello Community, I created a combo guide video for Riven. That Video is mainly for players that start playing Riven, but it can maybe help some Rivenmains too. The combos are seperated in four difficulty classes (Easy, Medium, Hard and Intense)! I really spent a lot of time into that video. Feel free to check it out: I hope its allowed to post it here and I could help you, to get better with or against Riven. [link] [comments] |
I play bad and it makes me sad. Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT Just started playing after a long time (4 years to be precise) and it seems that I can't play the game anymore. I'm familiar with most of the items and all but I barely gets any kills and die plenty it just makes me sad. I don't know what to do, I try playing jungle Yi but can't get enough gold to buy necessary items and level up terribly slow, also one camp mob take more than half of my health so I have to go to base after every kill. I don't know if this is due to my lack of experience or wrong items and runes or something but I need help. I can't play jungle because I can't level up, I can't play in any lane because I get killed frequently. Sometimes heroes do thousands of damage in one hit (especially Tristana) and I can't wrap my head around it. I really need some help here, thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
How do I get better in jungling Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:19 AM PDT I have played to level 38 although I practically only learned from level 19 since I stopped for a year since level 19, I have been wanting to get better with jungling but cant seem to improve I play ekko jungle and played roughly around 49 or 50 games and I also play with my level 199 friend and I dont know if that may be stopping me from getting better and I keep getting flamed on discord when playing with him because I dont gank his lane enough he plays bot support and I gank mid a lot especially if our mid is a character that can scale well late game like zed, or yasuo and we keep losing, and I feel really bad cause I keep thinking its my fault and Im not sure why I watch a lot of guides and try to learn as much as I can from not only those guides but also gameplays from good players but I stoll can improve my ekko jungle game And my games seem really inconsistent 1 game I play really well but other times( most times ) I just kinda feed and lose really badly to the enemy jungle I dont know if its my fault or my teams fault but I cant seem to get a grip on the consistency of my gameplay although I dont review my gameplay but Im not sure if thats the problem ( Im sorry it seems like I have a lot Im unsure about ) I still feel fairly new and I keep getting flamed by others on my team as well. [link] [comments] |
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