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    Monday, September 21, 2020

    LoL Guide After over 100 hours of gameplay is it normal to do poorly at my rank

    LoL Guide After over 100 hours of gameplay is it normal to do poorly at my rank

    After over 100 hours of gameplay is it normal to do poorly at my rank

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    After years of knowing about league I've picked it up beginning of this summer. I picked up the support lane playing mostly the champion senna. Reaching level 30 I immediately jumped into ranked, did my placements and got absolutely smacked. No biggie I was a new player, Now after 100 hours sweating in normal draft I tried a bronze ranked match and went 1-10, bronze being one of the lower ranks I did not expect to do so poorly, can anyone give me some tips?

    Edit: Thank you all for the tips and suggestions been grinding all night and I am at my bronze 1 promos to silver thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/Supaacool
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    I'm starting to see regular ADCS Mid?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    So I started playing vayne mid and I've just been seeing a ton of adcs mid recently as well.

    Did something change? Did I hop on some new 10.19 meta without realizing it myself?

    I also haven't been getting any flack or flame for going vayne mid from my team???

    Ranked btw.

    submitted by /u/AykanNA
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    Place for actual noobs to play each other without smurfs?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm garbage at this game, which is precisely why I explore this sub - to learn. However, with the steep learning curve it can be rather difficult to get better because it feels like I'm constantly playing against people much better than me (even with mmr) or put into games with a bunch of smurfs. Now maybe I'm just really bad at this game (definitely) but I think it would be really nice to play with a bunch of people that are actually in a similar position as me. People that are able to consistently beat intermediate bots but struggle against human competition.

    I'm not sure if there's already groups out there dedicated to people just starting out so that we're able to play against each other without the fear of getting wrecked by someone who has played the game for 5 years and just started a new Smurf accounts. But if there is I would absolutely love to see how I could be a part of that.

    Other than that is there anything I can do to improve aside from getting stomped over and over again until I get better? I spend a lot of time in practice tool and custom games and playing against bots, but I can only practice CSing or jungle pathing so much.

    Thanks everyone!!

    submitted by /u/Jsmalley9
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    Mental Tip: A player who vastly underperforms is a failure of matchmaking, not the player.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a primarily Gold player; spent some time in Plat. I have a simple tip to keep in mind that can help improve your mental game when a player is trying their best but is totally outmatched.

    There are two types of mental breakdowns I see in ranked that I think can be easily avoided:

    1. Player A is apparently trying their best but is vastly underperforming, and so they themselves begin griefing. (usually AFK or just mental check-out, but inting and chat rage sometimes.)
    2. Player B sees Player-A-who-is-apparently-trying-their-best-but-is-vastly-underperforming, and so Player B begins griefing (usually chat rage, but AFK and inting sometimes too).
      1. This scenario usually involves Player B shaming the Player A, "Bruh, why are you in my game???", "Dude you are so bad, uninstall."
      2. This tactic never does any good; never has good results for anyone.

    But here's the thing: Remember that it was the matchmaking system that put you/them in that game.

    • Hyperbolic Example: If a Silver player found themselves in a game of Challengers, nobody would blame the Silver when they sink the boat - they would be mad at the system that put them there.
    • To a lesser degree, some players really don't belong at the rank that they're at, or specifically in the role that they were assigned at this rank.

    Exception: Sometimes people intentionally choose champs/roles that they're brand-new at in ranked. This would probably be one of the few times where a player is personally responsible for their vast underperformance; it could have been avoided if they stuck with their mains. I like to say in lobby, "Play what you know, what you're good at, etc." If someone is autofilled into something you're good at, maybe you trade with them.

    Once again, this tip addresses the situation where someone is trying their best but is totally outmatched. Our matchmaking system should be creating competitive games. When it doesn't, that is a failure on matchmaking, not the player(s). Cheers!

    submitted by /u/TheManWithAFirstName
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    How do you fight Camille in lane?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Whenever I lane against her I get completely stomped no matter what I do. Her mobility, damage, and ult that forces me to fight makes me feel there is nothing I can do to fight her. The only way I can survive early game is if I give the lane to her, and even then she will have about triple my farm by when mid game hits. What can you do to make fighting her not as insane as I find it. I would also like to note that my comfortable picks top lane are Mundo, Poppy, and Ornn for my best champs. I always rush Bramble vest and Tabis when I do lane against her, but it seems to do straight nothing when she has max health damage (or what it is, not exactly sure) Thank you for everyone who helps me ^

    submitted by /u/ooblahi
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    Help with tilt

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I am a 17 year old guy , who plays lots of normals for my own enjoyment , but my one problem is I tilt so goddamn hard , I don't play ranked because of this . Last season was about to hit gold 1 then tilt-queued to gold 3 , and I love this game so much I just rage too hard at silly things like dying in lane or my aatrox being banned . Any tips from you guys it would be greatly appreciated if you vets have any good tips. Also I have been playing for 3 years if that means anything Edit: thanks for all the responses guys I will definitely be taking them all into account , have a good day! :)

    submitted by /u/yaejhi
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    How do you play without locked screen?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    So as the title says Im having trouble playing without a locked screen. I see not only high elo players but even lo elo players using unlocked screens. I know it's highly beneficial and I tried it a couple of times but what ends up happening is I either overshoot the screen or undershoot.

    I mainly play yasuo in the midlane but if i get filled i go nocturne jg. because of nocturnes ult, it would be highly beneficial for me to play with an unlocked screen but im just not sure how. any tips would be appreciated thanks!

    submitted by /u/CurryLionReddit
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    Starter Pack on How to Get Out of Low Elo

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I decided to review a VOD of my silver friend playing irelia. He went 6/2/1 and lost. Obviously this yells: what did I do wrong to lose this game? I recorded it and found it to be really useful for anyone low elo to watch, so I decided to post it on my YouTube channel. There are a few faults in hindsight, but those are really just specific details I missed. Also, if you have any questions or insights, leave a comment!


    If you want a TL;DR, here's a summary. Would recommend you watch the video though.

    - Be map aware. MAP AWARENESS IS THE CORE OF MACRO PLAY. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME STATE, YOU CANNOT START A STRATEGY TO WIN THE GAME. This is why every little bit of info about the game can change the outcome, because if you ended up missing the jungler walking over a ward, or didn't look at builds, you could make a fatal decision, losing the game.

    - Using that map awareness, change how you play. See the enemy Hecarim run topside? Think about what he can do. Scenario: He just finished Raptor, and he's going to top side river. Scuttle is up. Your lane is pushed in, you're 3/4 hp your enemy is 1/2. You have no wards in your bush near to your lane. What do you do? Obviously, play safer. It doesn't matter if your laner is in kill zone if you're asking to be ganked (unless you literally are, and you can 1v2). Slap that ward down, play on the safer side of the lane, and play like you're getting ganked.

    - Know when to start pushing your leads.

    submitted by /u/Sunn1Dee
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    Question about true lifesteal and empowered AAs

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Does lifesteal apply to bonus auto damage given by abilities?

    I'm not talking about conquerer, or omnivamp, or spell vamp. I'm talking about things like Garen Q, Sett Q, Darius W, Xin Q, etc.

    If they bought a vamp scepter, would the bonus damage from their empowered autoattack heal more?

    submitted by /u/Hyperly_Passive
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    Get better at setting yourself goals if you want to improve

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Start using goals correctly to get more LP

    Everybody had some goals in the past, like getting better grades at school or climbing to a higher rank than last season. That's why it's important to master the art of using goals – which is more than just simply setting yourself a goal and trying to reach it.

    Again, we created a video for those that prefer them over text posts: https://youtu.be/6Unqlt4IW7o

    Even though it's generally a good idea to have a long-term goal for your ranked season, that goal alone doesn't get you far ahead and could even destroy your motivation if you notice that you probably won't reach it. Long-term goals should always be realistic, but there are some extra steps you can take to get maximum efficiency and motivation from your long term goals.

    1. Use smaller goals to „support" your long-term ones

    When a season is almost a year long, a single goal for that season could feel far away from you and it's hard to realistically know whether you could reach it or not. To prevent this, you can design samller goals to support the long-term ones.

    For example: If your ranked goal would be to reach Diamond 1 at the end of the season, you could „split" this goal into the three ranked splits. Then it could look like:

    Current Rank: Plat 1

    Goal Split 1: Dia 3Goal Split 2: Dia 2Goal Split 3: Dia 1

    My preferred way of doing this is setting myself a ranked goal for every single month of playing ranked.

    By doing this, the long-term goal doesn't only become less „threating" and feels more reachable, but you're also able to track your progress better.

    If you missed your goal for Split 1 and Split 2 by a large amount, you can start making adjustments. Either your goal was unrealistic and you need to change it, or you have to decide to put more time into the game as the way you have been trying to reach it may not have been good enough.

    2. Setting small goals every single game

    If you want to improve your gameplay the fastest way possible, you can set yourself small goals for every area where your performance is lacking. If you notice that your vision score is bad, your new goal could look like „buy 3 pink wards every game". That way, it's reachable, realistic and measurable and after focusing on it for many games, that new behaviour becomes part of your ingame habits and ultimately helps you improve.

    There are two common mistakes that people do when setting these small goals:

    - Don't focus an too many things at once, as it's hard to keep up with 100 small goals in a single game. Instead, work on one area after the other to provide small and steady improvement.

    - Don't force to reach a goal too hard. Even though goals are important, you should rather notice why you didn't reach one than do dumb stuff to reach it (like flashing into a 5 man team to reach the „10 kills per game" goal you set yourself).

    This brings us to the final point:

    The biggest misconception about goals

    There is a big misconception about goalsas many people think that the single purpose of goals is reaching them.The true art behind setting goals is not reaching themby any means, but dealing with the difference between your wanted outcome and the real outcome tobe able to learn something from these goals.

    By taking a look back and considering the factors that decided whether you reached a goal or not, you will be able to learn to set yourself more realistic goals and to adjust your performance better. This isthe key of mastering setting goals: Understandingwhy you didn't reach them to adjust eitheryour goals or your behaviourso you can reach more goals in the future.

    Another example: You set yourself the goal to get 200cs in 20 minutes foryour next game. You end up with 150cs. You either get frustratedand feel bad about not reaching the goal, or you take a look at why you didn't reach it: Suddenly you realize that you wasted too much time buying items and missed some important cs under your tower. And boom: You now got 2 things where you can improve and, after improving, can try to reach this goal again.

    Again: Goals are meant to measure your performance and keep track of your improvement. Instead of reaching your goals at any cost and not learning anything, you should rather learn from not reaching them.

    submitted by /u/Yusor
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    My teammates are allways pushed and getting ganked and blame me for not ganking

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    So in my recent game i played kindred jg vs jax jg and all lanes were pushed. Enemy Top was allways having a freeze while mid got ganked 5 times from jax. Botlane was quite good once the enemy pushed so i ganked and got a double kill with only loosing our support. What can i do in these situations when my team wants ganks but they allways push and just flame me.

    submitted by /u/JaguarV2
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    Jungle route efficiency.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Hello friends, I'm new to this forum but lately I've been thinking about my jungle route efficiency and have some pretty specific questions . What I mean by this is let's say I play nocturne, what's the best possible route to hit level 6 asap? Or the best camp for lvl 3 so I can do a cheese gank .Which jungle camps give the best exp or what if I'm short on gold for a item power spike which camps give the most gold( sometimes that camp might take too long to clear depending on my champ so I'd like to have an idea of the efficiency). I also want to adapt this to my counter jungling, sometimes I see the other jungler making a gank on the opposite side , I like to place a deep ward in his jungle but on my way out I'd love to take one of his camps but I'm not sure which one would be the most profitable assuming I only have time to take one camp. I've played jungle since season 5 and I've always made plat and stop playing as soon as I get that rank, I've always played the role based on feel instead of thinking about efficiency and would love to add that to my play even though we're at the end of the season, the jungle gets changed so much I never bothered about exp changes etc and come to realize I've made a mistake and would love to be caught up to speed, for example I still don't even know if rubberbanding is still a thing and can be manipulated in a way to screw the enemy jungler and sling shotting my way to level 6 faster. I'm sorry if this post seems clustered, I'm posting this on my phone and can't see how the post will look until it post.

    Tldr: what are some good efficient jungling camp routes (fastest level 6, avoiding cheesy counter ganks, cheesy counter ganks, cheesy level 2 ganks) what camps give the most gold?

    Thank you in advance!!! Greatly appreciated for any help.

    submitted by /u/Reclaimer313
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    How do I keep my team from tilting themselves?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Ok this is an honest question. I am playing at low Plat and these players have got to be some of the easiest players to tilt I have ever seen in my entire time playing any competitive game. I normally would just play the game on full mute but leave pings on. Nearly half or more than half of my games I see the spam pingers, you know, the players that spam ping when someone dies or ping a tower over and over again like you aren't already pushing it to begin with. So a huge chunk of my games I will have someone randomly afk. I unmute everyone and ask what even happened and I get a random stupid reason like "Jungler bad kekw" or "ADC took his cannon" or NO REASON at all. Something really stupid.

    So the past couple weeks I have tried keeping chat on and it has been a complete shit show to say the least. People raging at each other left and right over some stupid reason. They spend more time typing than playing the game, and more times and not they end up dying because they were typing. I always try to say step in and say "We are fine" and to mute eachother or something to that effect, but nothing seems to get to 90% of the people who are raging. And because they are typing and ignore everything in the game, they continue to make more poor decisions which further contributes to the tilt and afk'ers. It is literally a revolving door. I have lost SO MUCH LP in winnable games because my team tilts 5 mins in because whatever reason. When the game was SO winnable.

    tldr: How the hell do I keep my baby mentality team from triggering themselves?

    submitted by /u/Kazmera
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    How do I stop "Turning my brain off" after 15 min

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hello, Silver/Gold elo renekton OTP, mechanically I'm fine, I can cs fine in lane, and my macro is decent. The problem is after 15 minutes. I'll go 8/0 in lane (making sure I'm not only killing my laner over and over so its worth the gold and I'm not getting a bounty for nothing) I get my first herald almost all my games, I secure early drakes and usually soul. But after 15 minutes, I kinda just like, forget how to play the game. I try to go mid and end it as fast as possible I guess, I don't side lane and drop from 8 cs a min to 6, I am aware of these problems when I look at my vods but Just find it really hard to get myself back into the side lane and not just try to end the game as soon as I get a massive lead. I'm climbing with a 60% wr rn but I just feel like I could be climbing a lot more if I just payed more attention. Any tips you guys use to keep your attention a lil better? Also I use ignite just cause I find that my enemy in this elo never uses tp right so ignite is just overall better for my renekton playstyle, eps since I usally run pta, unless they have 3+ bruisers/tanks

    submitted by /u/Zakvir
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    Farming with lag spikes

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Mostly an AP mage player, and while I've been practicing a ton in normals and co op, I'm finding it really hard to last hit in norms while moving around and repositioning because of lag spikes. Is there actually any way to reliably farm as an AP mage with lag spikes?

    submitted by /u/Bruh-I-Cant-Even
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    Manamune on bruisers

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT


    Is it worth buying Manamune when I'm building Trinity Force and Iceborn Gauntlet>? On paper it looks great especially with Presence of Mind. I'm talking about champs like Volibear, Poppy, Vi etc. So what do you think >? Should I give it a try >?
    Thanks in advance ;)

    submitted by /u/NIUG
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    Is Smite Mid still Possible?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I have been in and out of League for a while now and just recently started picking up on playing again, midlane specifically. Right around when I left, smite midlane was a thing with Runic Echoes, but I havent seem it at all since I've come back.

    Has there been a patch to discourage it or did the meta just shift?

    submitted by /u/DirtySentinel
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    How do you coach someone uncoachable?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Got to challenger in league in season 4. Now I only play clash/flex with 5 man stacks. This is due to most of my high mmr friends not playing the game and no voice comms. I mainly play Dota now.

    My friend has been playing since season 1 and has always finished the season in gold. If I ever bring up how he has always finished gold he gets VERY sensitive about it.

    I used to play with him but he was so toxic whenever I gave tips on how to improve. He never listens to anyone. Instead of actually improving at the game he is a "patch player" that tries to rank due to a certain champion being strong.

    Whenever I bring up the topic of improving he always goes back to the games he did well on, brags about his stats and says he knows what he is doing.

    When I offer advice he thinks he is a God at the game when he is actually hard stuck gold.

    REALLY needed to get this off my chest. Does anybody have a similar friend? How did you deal with it?

    submitted by /u/legioncommanderduel
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    Struggling with Damage output

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Evening all, hope you're all well?

    I've not been playing very long. I used to play back in 2017 but took a long break due to personal reasons and only recently came back. I've mostly been playing ARAMs but recently started playing more in SR.

    Now, I really love Jinx and other ADCs but I seem to struggle being aggressive and also with my damage output. I'm worried mostly about my damage, as when I play out of position I'm still the lowest DMG player in the game and I don't know why?

    Does anyone have any tips on how I can be more aggressive and also how I can become more active in damage output.


    submitted by /u/DerbyDano
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    Banning new champions on release when your teammate hovers them. Yay or nay?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I wanted to know what your opinions were in regards to banning a newly released champion when your teammate hovers them. At least for me, I'm not a fan of people being fresh on the newly released champs (especially ones that are typically flashy) and going straight to ranked with them. And it wouldn't be entirely wrong to say that I've had experiences that have proven these doubts either.

    Do you go through with banning them? What if they follow up with a troll pick? (which isn't uncommon in my experiences)

    Do you just let them go through with it? Did you look them up already or just blindly trust?

    Do you dodge? Do you see your dodge rate (and subsequent LP gain rate) affected?

    Or do you do something completely different? What are your guys' thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/XAA5
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    People always say to itemize correctly against the comp but how to do so effectively?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    As the title asks:How do you learn to itemize effectively? Its easy to understand that some items are a decent counter to other champions but if you itemize entirely for against X champion then you lose alot of damage on your own character. Ex: Midlaner vs zed you build zhonyas, easy enough right? But what about other roles? How much is too much when your itemizing against a champion or comp? Do you just buy 1 cloth armor and call it that? Or do you finish the defensive item?

    Example: I played a game as a cait, went IE into double zeal items but my damage just didn't cut it late game, I did little to no damage even against the opposing enemy squishys. I was against some fed assasins so I figured I had to fit in a PD somewhere in the build to prevent myself from getting 1-shot but that hurt my dps output immensely vs just going for another bf item. I even contemplated going for a tank item outright instead of pd but I figured I would lose way too much damage.

    So my question boils down , how much should you itemize against a champion/comp and how to effectively build well so that you scale well into the game?

    and to make it a bit easier since I understand that team comps play a large role in itemization lets just boil it down to 2 scenarios - 1- Where your team is even/ahead and 2- Where your team is behind/ enemy team is ahead. How should you itemize?

    submitted by /u/Flare4123
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    Question about jungle

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a low elo noob and recently I've started to play jungle a bit. So far, I like playing Nocturne, Master Yi and Sett.

    I've been trying to educate myself in the ways of the jungle, and I noticed a lot of videos where the jungler caits while farming.

    My question is, if you are playing a melee champ like Yi, what is the point of caiting? Is it to lose less hp, or to move faster from spawn to spawn?

    I tried caiting with Yi a couple times and I've found little difference in my hp, but maybe its because I'm not doing it right.

    submitted by /u/Thebrazilianginger69
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    When to move from bots to PvP?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    So I played bots until I reached level 10, then after reaching level 10, and stomping on bots, I thought okay, let's play a real game, I was flamed the entire game and told to learn the game more. Like... we're not playing ranked here guys. Only way to learn real player habits is to play real players

    submitted by /u/skyyohhs
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    All in One Brand Jungle Guide From the Best Brand Jungle NA

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    For the last couple months Brand Jungle has been rising in popularity. Despite the fact that he is still very underplayed and non-meta, he has a lot of insane strengths that allow him to be a competitive pick. However since he is underplayed there are not a lot of resources out there for people interested in playing Brand Jungle. With that being said I made an in-depth Brand jungle guide for anyone who wants to learn more about this unique pick. I am currently the Best brand Jungle NA and would love to answer any questions either on the video or in the comments here!


    submitted by /u/SnooCompliments7054
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    Just a question about wave control as a toplaner (Gold 4) (Main:Riven/Quinn)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I just wanna know when its worth to freeze the lane. Many times I see peoples pushing the wave during lane phase to take the plates, when I play Quinn I never know if I try to get pressure and freeze the lane or if I push the lane to get plates. Other question, when I win my lane phase its better the kill the enemy more times or roaming the map?

    submitted by /u/Rivennnnnnnnnnnn
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