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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    LoL Guide As Senna, it's not worth to wait for the jungler to finish the leashed buff to collect one soul just to lose first 3 minions.

    LoL Guide As Senna, it's not worth to wait for the jungler to finish the leashed buff to collect one soul just to lose first 3 minions.

    As Senna, it's not worth to wait for the jungler to finish the leashed buff to collect one soul just to lose first 3 minions.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    It's not as much about gold as much as it is about XP. By not getting XP from the 3 minions, you are losing a lot of the initial tempo instantly, enemy lane gets advantage by leveling up first, having priority over you and also having kill pressure. Just ignore the one soul and get on the lane in time.

    submitted by /u/EzrealIsreal
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    I spent 10h in practice tool straight, here's what you can learn from doing the same

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    1) Introduction

    So.. Last week I decided to sit down and spend 10h in practice tool straight and I learned quite a few things and I'd just love to share with you my thoughts on how it went in general.

    2) Preparation

    First of all, before I started, I "sketched" out a rough plan and spread the 10h into chunks of what I'm going to be doing each hour and made sure everything IRL important is done, to minimize the chances of not completing it. The plan I had when going into it was - 4h Kiting, 4h CSing & 2h Wards / Flashes / Testing some mechanics, champions ...

    3) Hour 0 to 4 - Kiting

    I picked 4 champions for this - Ashe, Kai'sa, Twitch, Kog'maw. My goal with kiting was to get used to "Auto-attack move" (I was using the method where you click "A" and then have to right click on the target, instead of "clicking with A" directly) and also to learn how to kite using X C (It's a bit hard to explain, but the idea behind XC kiting is that it works extremely well at high AS (4+) most commonly used on Kog'maw / Twitch + Lulu. Pretty neglecetable if you don't play Lethal Tempo ADCs. (All of the kiting was done just random movement around a practice dummy / nashor when it spawned)

    I started Hour 1 by playing ashe and just warming up with what I've been doing so far and then trying to kite using mouse only and eventually started kiting using Method 2. Let's say it didn't go super well, it was really uncomfortable at first, but I slowly started getting used to it.

    Hour 2 I moved onto Kai'sa and was using Method 2 for the whole duration of the hour, I could feel I got much more comfortable and my accuracy improved a lot, but I was still sometimes clicking off.

    Hour 3 was Twitch time, by far the most enjoyable out of all 3 so far, first 20minutes were dedicated to still using method 2, but this time on much higher atk speed (4x nashor's tooth, rageblade, boots + LT) (~ 4.3 ATK Speed with LT proc) and then started working with Method 4, I was pleasently surprised that it took a lot less time to learn than anticipated (though actually doing it in-game is a different story..) But the feeling of successfully using X C with LT on was absolutely unexplainable, I've never felt so satisfied.

    Hour 4 was done using kog'maw and it was probably the most boring hour out of all 10, there wasn't really much going on, felt like qutting a lot, but managed to push through.


    Method 1 - Clicking A then clicking again on your target

    Method 2 - Clicking with A directly on your target (or on the ground..)

    Method 3 - Kiting using mouse only

    Method 4 - Using X C

    ATK Speed - Attack Speed

    LT - Lethal Tempo


    3.1) Kiting Opinions & Thoughts

    I definitely saw improvement and I'm really happy I got much better at Method 2 & 4, though I don't think I'm going to be using Method 2 that much, but definitely want to implement Method 4 and start using to it frequently. If you're looking to do this type of excersise, I'd definitely recommend doing this with your mains & twitch. I was already fairly confident in my kiting, so I haven't seen drastic improvement, but if you're new to kiting, I can comfortably say after 3h you'll see major improvements.

    4) Hour 4 to 8 - CSing

    Lot less to write about here, I was using Elyndar's CS Guide https://imgur.com/orWUCKH. One thing I'd like to mention, is that I skipped the 5th Stage when I got there, because practice tool doesn't support more than 1 bot sadly. Everything was done on Ashe and the bot I added was miss fortune (when I got to appropriate stage). One thing that slowed me down was annoying practice tool bug where the minion would die, so I had to reset the game after each 2 attempts.

    Tip - Definitely utilize CTRL D (Restart game) CTRL + S (Speed up by 30s) to make most of your time.

    Here are my results : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OlLcNHGP1vfqXJ3DmGdZB_OMKeuv18B-7n-_IJXLBPg/edit?usp=sharing

    4.1) CSing Opinions & Thoughts

    100% would recommend everything who wants to get better at CS to do this, I saw major improvements ever since I started doing it in the past, it also helps train your mental, because sometimes it's really hard to stick through after you miss CS in the 1st wave or something like that. (Happened a few times..)

    5) Hour 8 to 10 - Wards / Flashes / Testing random stuff

    What I ended up doing in the end was roughly half an hour of practicing hard wards then 30minutes testing draven axes & kalista kiting in general and ended the last hour with practice tool on ashe (mostly practicing kiting vs mundo)

    5.1) Wards / Flashes / Testing random stuff Opinions & Thoughts

    Learning the wards went a lot quicker than I thought it would, learned all the hard wards from over the walls into bushes (dragon pit, baron pit, mid near tower and on each lane to the bush in the river). I think it's a small thing, but the price of 30mins just quickly getting comfortable to it can win you like 1 out of 100 games, so hey, I take it. Testing out kalista was really fun and made me respect players who play her much more, because it feels so hard to control her and also learned that you can control her movement with Method 2 only. Kiting with full wit's end was fun as well, because now the target is actually moving.

    6) Overall Thoughts

    To quickly sum it up, if I had to do it again, what I'd do is probably not go for the 4th hour of each cycle, I was pretty exhaused by the end of 3rd hour and the 4th hour just didn't feel right, also would definitely take breaks in-between to reset when I feel I'm tilting a bit and also put more focus into it, because it was really easy to go on autopilot after I did the same thing for like the millionth time. I can definitely tell it made me better as a player, not only mechanically but also mentally. (Doing "one thing" for 10h is quite challenging).

    Feel free to ask any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them.

    submitted by /u/TimelinedYT
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    When creating a champion pool (ie. 3 champs for a main role) is it better to pick champions with similar characteristics or playstyles or to diversify to different playstyles for each of your 3 champions?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    I've read a lot of different advice videos and guides on the subject and I'm trying to formulate a champ pool for ranked (I probably won't start my climb attempt until I know the game better after S11 starts), but I want to figure out my champ pool sooner rather than later so I can build mechanics.

    I've noticed a lot of people here suggest to diversify your champ pool, but this article, suggests its better to pick a similar "Unified" playstyle and pick champions based like that. The example in this infographic is AP support, choosing Zyra and Brand as the main champions, and then Morgana as a 3rd one to counter hard engage. And then for your secondary role, just pick 2 champions.

    So now I'm not really sure what I should go with as a support main still new to the game.

    1. If I take the "Diverse playstyle" approach, I would take Lux OR Zyra as an AP support, Janna OR Nami for an enchanter, and then Rakan for hard engage. (Thoughts on this champion pool BTW or which of the either/or's I should focus on?)
    2. If I take the "Unified Playstyle" approach, I'd probably pick enchanter, using Janna, Nami and probably Bard or Lulu as the 3rd, or maybe Karma even.

    So which of these two approaches to building a champion pool work best? The benefit of the diverse approach would be able to handle different matchups more broadly, which could be good for support as some ADCs would prefer to be paired with an enchanter or engager but do much better with one compared to the other. Additionally the diverse champion pool can include champions that overlap in their characteristics, for example Lux can go AP or enchanter items in support and Rakan is hard engage but has some shields/heals that enchanters would have.

    On the other hand the unified approach would mean my individual mechanics for playing enchanters could become much better and I'm less liklely to make mistakes in positioning/decisionmaking, for example if I see a moment that would be an engage play and I'm playing Janna after playing a Rakan game, I might overextend and die because I got used to seeing an opening for one champion that doesn't apply to another in my pool.

    submitted by /u/XenoVX
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    Low Elo jungling tip: use the raptor healing trick!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Hello fellow low Elo league players who don't main jungle but are willing to play it.

    Did you know, there's one simple trick that can (possibly depending on the jungler) change your jungle clearing experience for the better?

    This applies specifically to champions who start talisman. Talisman has a passive that while it's burning on camps, it heals you over time. And this is based on how many units are burning. So talisman + chickens = healing! But they also do a lot of damage you say, well this is where the trick comes in!

    If you have any aoe ability, just toss it on raptors as you walk by it, and don't let the camp hit you. Automatic ~200hp for free early!

    This changed my life as shyvana jungle. I like to play her to carry games in low Elo, if you can get to level 6 having had free power farm of the jungle you get to win most of your games. And using this trick, my first clear has been so much easier since I found out.

    So for you folks out there struggling clearing early like me, go out there and have more fun with jungle.

    (Note this is not worth swapping over to talisman just for it, if your champ clears better with machete normally it won't be enough of a difference maker to make up for loss of clear speed on other camps.)

    submitted by /u/BoHanZ
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    How did Evelynn become a meta jungler in pro-play?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    Evelynn was almost always considered a solo queue pubstomper, who was never picked in pro-play because in theory a pro team on comms will invade her and shut her down and stop her from snowballing.

    What has changed that especially the European junglers are picking her in the playoffs. Why can't they deal with Eve in pro-play?

    submitted by /u/SleepyLabrador
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    tips for morgana

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    i'm new to the game i only have a few hours and i've really been enjoying morgana. i'm just looking for any tips to help me improve. i know her q is really good but i need to learn how to utilize it better. also when to use her ult and how to use it. any tips would be amazing thanks for helping me out.

    submitted by /u/Ro0oman
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    How to get into coaching?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Hi guys. I've always wanted to do coaching (like working with individual players, not a whole team, I absolutely love LS's coaching content, so stuff like that). I told myself I'd look into it once I got "high elo," but of course the problem with that is the goal posts always move, and I always wanted to climb higher. I just hit Master tier last night (woo!) so I finally feel like I really have the expertise and rank to back up whatever I say when coaching.

    My question is: how to people actually start coaching players? I Googled it but all that come up are a bunch of websites that I'm not 100% I'd want to use. My ideal situation would be to have a community of players with positive mentalities and that want to improve (I'm trying to nurture that now by streaming and creating a community there), and then hopefully the community would grow from there and I could coach people within it (which is the approach LS took as far as I know). But is it really as simple as that?

    I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Subzeroark
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    Difficulty playing support as a role.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I'm a level 32 mid/supp main (mainly Zoe mid and Lulu/Morgana supp), and I think that there's fundamentally something wrong with the way I play support in particular, but I'm having trouble identifying what it is. I'll use Lulu as an example, since I play her more often than Morgana.

    When I hit level 6 and get my ult, I don't actually know when to use it and on whom. Team-fights make it easier because when I'm with the whole team it doesn't make much difference either way, but in lane I haven't got a clue. The same applies to my other spells; with Lulu E for example, I just throw it out whenever me or my ADC is taking damage and hope for the best.

    This is a particular problem in my ranked games (currently in promos since I only recently became eligible to play ranked). It seems that whenever I get into a ranked game my ability to be a support goes out of the window; I'll use my spells at a bad time, I'll step up too hard and get killed etc. and end up flamed for it, and from there it's a downward spiral as I get overly anxious and lose focus.

    I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. I take good summoner spells, I try not to step up too hard, I shield my ADC etc. and in normal games it works great at least 50% of the time, but in ranked I've had nothing but bad luck. Should I just stick to midlane/ADC and drop support as a main, or drop ranked because of the anxiety I get in game, or something else entirely?

    Any advice is appreciated; no-one I know plays League, so I have no-one to ask for tips. It's a game far outside my comfort zone and what I usually play, but I really enjoy it and would like to be able to get better at something new--with any luck, it'll help me develop a thicker skin too.

    submitted by /u/sparkysparkykaminari
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    Chinese Alistar Top (Meta?)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Hi i am not the most proficient alistar player by any means, but why is no one really talking about it outside of chinese servers and streams (at least to my knowledge)? Do any of you high mmr Alistar players see why this may be strong? Synergies? Win conditions?

    Just wanted to start a discussion thread as it seems to be garnering increasing attention at the domestic scene there.

    Perhaps it is similar to other support solo-lane strats (like lulu/soraka)? or is it maybe to counter the lucian meta?


    submitted by /u/nomadmilk
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    How to train mechanics?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Is there any ways to train mechanical skill via games other then league? Im ok with macro but in terms of mechanical skill in any champion im REALLY REALLY bad. My usual play style is not to outplay them mechanically but more in macro and wave management, and honestly i throw some games due to my shitty mechanical skills. I guess my fingers and mouse dont really like functional well together in league but in fps games im still fairly good. So i was wondering if there were something to help me in terms of improving mechanical skill.

    submitted by /u/playshadowz
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    Friend that is just getting into League - should i make a new account? Any other advice?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    A friend of mine has finally agreed to spend some time learning League. He finished the tutorial and we played a couple custom games against NPCs and had a blast. I want to make sure he keeps enjoying his time with League so i had a question...

    Would it be better if I made a new account to play strictly with him? I'm currently Gold IV so very low from an ELO standpoint...he's never played a game like LoL before so i'm assuming he'll stick around in Iron for some time. My biggest concern is that we'll play together and he'll get matched up with people closer to my skill level instead of his which might not be a good time from his point of view.

    My rank doesn't matter that much i just want to make sure when we play games together that he is playing against people of his skill level more often than people of my skill level. Maybe that means we only play Norms?

    Any recommendations here? Just want to make sure my bud has a great first experience!

    submitted by /u/FuriousBeard
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    How accurate are stats

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I am a Silver 2 ADC main and was looking at my stats page. This is only my second season playing, and my first time taking a look at the stats page. I mostly play jhin, and while comparing my stats to gold jhin players, I noticed that I either have pretty close or even better and significantly better numbers than gold players.

    My question is, just looking at these numbers, do you think that it's a good idea for me to keep playing Jhin to climb? I really enjoy playing him, but I also really want to climb so I don't want to waste my time playing a champ that won't give me that chance. Or do these stats not really matter

    submitted by /u/LipstickOnaPear
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    how to get people to buy controls wards in low elo?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    This is my biggest pet peeve as a support main low elo players don't realize the importance of vision and therefore buy like 1 or 2 control wards throughout the entire game. I often type stuff like "Can you guys buy a control ward its only 75 gold :D" It doesn't work most of the time but I'll be lucky enough to have even 1 person buy 1. I usually end the game with 60 - 100 vision score with my team trailing behind with 9 - 20. So i guess what I'm saying is how to get my teammates to buy control wards and help out or should I just suck it up and climb

    submitted by /u/Yurwife
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    Ideal CS for Junglers

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Hello guys!

    I have made the move from Mid to Jungle recently as I was tired of having 6-8 minutes queues.

    When I just made the move my CS was very bad (4.5-5.5 a min). After watching a couple of guides (Nathan Mott is the fucking man) I managed to improve my CS to around 7.2-7.7 a min.

    My question is, what is the ideal CS for a Jungler? (I'm G4, if that helps)

    *I mostly play Olaf. Some Graves.

    submitted by /u/xMoonfall
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    Suddenly playing really bad.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Now hear me out, I know how the title sounds.

    I'm a diamond jungler learning toplane in my smurf playing only Riven, Irelia and GP. It was smooth sailing all the way to my plat promos where I lost. It's okay I'm not in it to win but to improve.

    The problem is, I'm suddenly playing really bad, dying solo and just badly playing lane overall. I don't think its an issue of suddenly playing against good toplaners since I've been playing against plat 2 and 1 players and I've since been matched against plat 4 and even some gold 1 players.

    Any of you know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/ComfortableShade
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    Bloodthirster or Death's dance for long ranged adcs?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I'm not too good at telling the difference between certain items, so I'd really like some input here. I usually play Xayah in adc role if that helps. I just came back after about a year not playing, and I'm still used to the bloodthirster build on adc champions, but lately I've been seeing a lot of people say that Death's dance is much better and that Bloodthirster isn't worth it and I don't quite understand why? I know DD gives the extra armor and magic resist that can be good for certain situations, but isn't BT's life steal and all the damage it gives better overall? Is it a situational thing or is one of them definitely better than the other? I've been building DD lately when the match up is tough, but I don't really feel like it's making a big difference compared to BT. Is there anything I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/UndeadFae
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    How do you beat Senna Lulu combo?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Just to preface i have like 400 hours and i'm hard stuck iron IV so i am terrible. I played against Senna Lulu combo as Vayne with Nami support last game. How am i meant to beat this? I get pushed off any cs by the lulu, they win all trades and JG goes 1/12. Am i just destined to FF at 20?

    submitted by /u/Randomrabbitz1
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    Do I Need To Be More Agressive?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    So normally I like playing safe and only making plays knowing for sure they work out. For example when I have a lead (I play top lane btw) I don't risk tower diving and giving away a shutdown (unless I'm totally sure I can). When I see high elo players I see them going for a tower dive and in my mind I'm like there's no way that works out and they kill them and survive with such little health.

    Obviously they know the limits of their champion really well, but also sometimes I see them tower diving, dying and giving the opponent a huge shutdown and basically throwing the game. I know tower diving them and not giving them any chance to come back can be a good thing, but if you fail, you just throw the game.

    So do you think I should be more agressive or keep playing safe and not taking too much risks?

    submitted by /u/IIIDzire
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    Demotivation and improvment.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT


    Hello, I am a gold Annie player, for the past week i've been playing lol a lot more than i usally do. the reason why was i want to improve and get a secondary champ to annie. i watched some LSXYZ videos and was really excited to learn and get better, for the first part of the week it was great! learned a lot almost every game and pushed myself out of my comfort zone, but now im in a rut. i feel like i'm not getting better, but getting worse.

    my last 10 or so games have been non stop feeding and making stupid mistakes, dying for no reason and lacking understanding to why things happen. i've been the losing factor almost every game, i didn't feel so bad about this until i got a softban for intentionally feeding. I have a 2 day ban. this really kicked my nuts cause i was really trying and already feeling shitty. so, my question is; does this look like improvment through trial and error? or just inting my games and my life away. is this just a downtik on my progression? should i stop playing for a bit? should i get a coach? im very lost right now, thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/Suicide_Charmer
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    Advantages of playing evelynn

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    In the preseason, I am planning to add evelynn to my champion pool. The reason I want to do this is because games where the enemy evelynn is a smurf is hard to play against and I want to achieve the same effect.

    Am currently a kha'zix OTP. https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=DNLCC

    What advantages does evelynn have over kha'zix? Kha'zix seems more dominant early game and also has more pick potential with his E.

    Are there any matchups where evelynn does better than kha'zix? (To my understanding, kha'zix can bully evelynn, karthus, kayn early game, while surviving early game bullies with leap and ult.)

    Right now, I've found a lot of my kills by taking movement speed runes (nimbus cloak, phase rush) and running down out of position enemies

    (for example, a lulu by herself in the jungle can shield herself and tank my damage, but I always outrun her because of my runes and my leap.) Is this a viable strategy on evelynn or is she purely burst reliant?

    Can she deal with bruisers and tanks splitpushing? As kha'zix I often need to 1v1 the enemy bruisers when my top is behind/afk.

    To me, it is a lot harder to pick up kills on evelynn than it is on khazix. Is she worth picking up and adding to my champion pool next season?

    submitted by /u/luwst
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    How to lane against Yasuo and Xerath

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hey all I was playing Caitlyn today and cannot lane against this matchup at all. Xerath just keeps poking with his Q and I can't ever dodge it and he follows it up with W while Yasuo just farms and windwalls to block all spells my lux is throwing. Soon enough he just combos me and lux down with the help of his jungler. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/steven239
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    Vladimir vs Darius

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I just played a game as vladimir against a darius in the top lane. I died an unlucky dead at level 6. He pushed the wave hard which then crashed into my tower, this created a slow push towards him. He froze the wave and basically from then on out, I wasn't able to do anything really. He had phage and ghost, I had phase rush but he was still faster than me.

    I tried to unfreeze the wave but he ran me down and I died again. He just froze the wave and I was 2-3 levels down and ~50 cs down.

    How am I supposed to lose less hard?

    submitted by /u/whoami6534
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    How to play with conqueror?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I am gold top lane main and have struggle to understand how you play with conqueror.. I know it strong when doing extended trades, but I always find myself too low to continue when I finally stacked my conqueror. So what do you wanna do? Count stacks or do short trade>fall back for cooldowns> reengage > extended trade when trying not to lose stacks?


    submitted by /u/Valerionas
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