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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    League of Legends Professor Akali next level clickbait

    League of Legends Professor Akali next level clickbait

    Professor Akali next level clickbait

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I wouldn't really have made this post if it wasn't for the fact that I was taken so aback by the audacity of Professor Akali or whoever made this thumbnail for him.

    His video is about the new champion roadmap where he just reads the post that was made by Riot Reav3 (might not be correct spelling), and while this is all fine, and many different league youtubers do this, the thumbnail is misleading to such a degree, I just got kinda shocked. Here's the thumbnail: 📷

    And just by looking at it for a short second, I quickly spotted a recoloured icon for Karma's E: Inspire. So I went to the league wiki (https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Karma) for confirmation, and lo an behold, it's Karma's E: https://gyazo.com/0c7e1992005e2d6805f95f8fac640716

    I thought the middle one was Cait Q, but I was bamboozled by the fact that it's Ashe's hawkshot, turned upside down: https://gyazo.com/5353667ae3765695e2f063331fb9cd53 , https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ashe

    The one all the way to the left was really hard to find, went through like 25 champs, like Jarvan, Galio etc. Turns out it's Vel'koz E. https://gyazo.com/79970cf9e78f373ad0fba5022a831524 , https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vel%27Koz

    Idk the way the thumbnail is made, with going out of your way to find other champions ability icons and recolour them to make it seem like you have information noone else has, I was just kind of disgusted. Shame on whoever made this image.

    submitted by /u/poroofvoid
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    The 8th Annual Lollypoppy Challenge: 2020 Just Got Worse

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Hello /r/LeagueOfLegends. Yes, it is that time of year again. As the dawn of the World Championship crests over the polluted horizon, it's time for us to pay homage to the most iconic, beautiful — and quite frankly, mouthwatering skin to have ever been implemented in this game. Seven years ago, we held the very first Lollypoppy Challenge in the week leading up to the 3rd World Championship. Much like Lollypoppy, 2020 has been disheartening and nausea-inducing, so I hope this challenge sparks some joy.

    For those who are unfamiliar with this, the Lollypoppy Challenge involves photoshopping the face and head of Lollypoppy onto other Champions in the game. Most importantly, we do not use the new, inferior version of Lollypoppy's splash art, but the bold and brash Lollypoppy of the olden days.

    The Rules

    This Year's New Victims
    Over the years, we've poppified just about every single Champion on the roster. As always, there is a year's worth of new Champions who have been released since then, so it would be fantastic to see the the freshmen of League hazed in the same way. They are the following:

    Seraphine (Not officially released, but there's more than enough material out there to work with!)
    Fiddlesticks (Rework)
    Volibear (Rework)
    And tons of new skinlines like Spirit Blossom and True Damage that weren't around last time.

    Top Submissions from Last Year
    Qiyana by /u/hereforthef00d
    Yuumi by /u/QuadraKev_
    Nunu and Willump by /u/G_L_6

    For more Poppy inspiration, check out the prior years:

    7th Annual Lollypoppy Challenge
    6th Annual Lollypoppy Challenge
    5th Annual Lollypoppy Challenge
    4th Annual Lollypoppy Challenge
    3rd Annual Lollypoppy Challenge
    2nd Annual Lollypoppy Challenge
    1st Annual Lollypoppy Challenge

    submitted by /u/HolypenguinHere
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    Champion Roadmap: September 2020

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    A Prayer for NA

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    A Prayer for NA

    Our Father, who art in heaven this day.

    We pray a Coup d'état of our sweet NA.

    We have TSM, Fly Quest, and Team Liquid too,

    Please Lord! This year, let us have a finals debut.

    Let Top Esports be rock bottom. Let DragonX be weak whelps.

    For the world will be silenced under the sound of Knight's final call for help.

    Bless us with Craps, as we might fall astray,

    With the Lord, they shall all collapse, collapse to NA.

    For Team liquid will advance, the world shall see,

    Impact shall be mightier, mightier than Nuguri.

    Guide Broxah's kicks straight into his team,

    For this is Manifest Destiny: The Great American Dream.

    May Jensen remember that his R button really does work,

    For the last thing Mad Lions will see is the sight of Jensen's smirk.

    Lord! O' be with our Tactical, the newest addition,

    It is in him that rests a difficult mission.

    For when NA wins on the sacred and Holy Lord's day,

    Everyone shall see, for a second time, the sight of CoreJJ.

    Leave FlyQuest to slaughter, to seize, and to shock.

    The Lord called it the 'group of death', because of Fly Quest's fat cock.

    But don't take my word for it, take the word of Thee,

    These are the games that Solo won't feed.

    DragonX, G2, and Top have no chance,

    When hot-guy-six-pack knows your moves in advance ;)

    May our balls rest in the Syndra of POE,

    Chovy and Knight are just His wannabe.

    We Pray for good flashes of the Turtle that is untamed,

    For when he is done with Group D, the NA legacy will be acclaimed!

    Although Ignar may int his solo queue team,

    We pray that NA advancement is not but a far off dream.

    And finally for our hope, nested in Group C,

    This year is different, they will not be 3-3.

    And even if they are, the Lord is with Thee.

    Blessed are they, in the tie-breaker series.

    They will smurf soon, their wrath will be swift,

    TSM will be winning, winning with 2nd pick.

    The Shen will come out, it is for Broken Blade.

    You've been pranked. You've been duped. It's the Spica River Shen trade.

    u/Lost_to_River_Shen shall be spammed in Twitch Chat,

    As the Lord tweets out, "KekW, FNC is TSM's door mat" (Deuteronomy 7:23)

    After two years, Bjergerking has returned.

    Sweating, Panting, It's BDD; he's concerned.

    For the Bjergsen Zilean is not fable nor myth,

    The summoner's cup trophy, we pray, he shall end with

    It may be like the lottery, just one in a million…

    But the odds are often beaten by Bjergsen's game 5 Zilean.

    May the magic, this year, not be a "doublelift",

    But the succession of victories, victories on the rift.

    The Rakan and Bard two-trick: Biofrost will be done

    With the World Record in the Worlds Any% Speedrun.

    Through play-ins, groups, or the knockout stage,

    Our hope is with you, Our hope is with NA.

    We've rooted for EU, but this year we shall not,

    NA will advance-- the world left distraught.

    As we have been through, Reddit has taught,

    It's called Trash Can, not Trash Cannot.

    This year will be different for our NA men,

    Say it with me... We pray...


    submitted by /u/omegaswepon
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    Worlds 2020 Predictions by AI.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Did i outplay them or did they outplay themselves?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    PSA: This is the TRUE range of Katarina’s passive daggers.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    PSA: This is the TRUE range of Katarina's passive daggers.

    In advice on how to play against Katarina, you're often told to not step on her daggers.

    Does this mean you stay outside the little circle indicator around the dagger? Not quite. That's Katarina's pickup radius. Well then, if you check the LoL Wiki, it says that Katarina's passive has a range of 340. Does this mean you stay 340 units away from the dagger? Also not quite. The passive hitbox is centered around Katarina, not her dagger, which means that the dagger has more effective range if Katarina picks it up at the edge. So how far, really, do you need to stay away from her daggers to avoid getting hit?

    The answer: A little over 550 units away.


    The red line represents the max distance at which a passive dagger can still hit the training dummy, if Kat picks it up at the edge. The blue line represents the max distance at which Kat's Ult will hit. I believe the Ult range is "range to target center" while the passive range is "range to target edge", which means the exact max range of the passive will change depending on the size of the target.

    So, what does this look like in practice? How far away do you need to stay from Katarina's daggers?

    You need to stay outside the red circle:

    A dagger in this location is barely able to hit the training dummy.

    If you stand anywhere inside, Katarina can hit you by moving/shunpo'ing to the very edge of the dagger.

    If she has a dagger behind you, and one in front of you, you need to move sideways. The red circles here may be slightly skewed due to perspective (League's camera isn't isometric), but you can still get a rough idea.


    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/Swyft135
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    this is how i make 2 camps at once at red site lvl 1

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Cloud 9: Chronobroken

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Warwick Mid: Hygiene Police

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Brazilian server was offline for over 10 hours, and we heard nothing from Riot yet

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Yesterday, 23/09/2020, the brazilian server was down for a long time (if im not mistaken it only came back up around the 18h o' clock) and we heard nothing from Riot on our client. It sucks specially for people who bought the PsyOps pass because that was almost a whole day that nobody could farm tokens, and for people that could only play before the timeframe it became online again they lost a whole day of farming.

    Usually I think Riot would communicate and release a mission or something with tokens, but now the week 4/4 mission and the extra 150 token mission were deployed, but with no mission to account for yesterday, and I saw no post about it on reddit ( I take it the brazilian community isn't the most engaged on reddit, hence why I also never see a post-game thread for the games here, even though we have a huge viewerbase), so Im wondering if Riot would do anything to compensate those of us who lost a day of token farming

    Edit : Also want to bring to light what /u/toxicplease mentioned. Gifting has been down for over 2 months already. Its been down for so long I forgot about it (also my post talking about it 2 months ago has been deleted for whatever reason?) and we still havent heard from riot on it either

    submitted by /u/Shortofbetternames
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    Tyler1 is Actually Respectable (Serious)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I know a lot of people have certain opinions about Tyler1, but I respect him so much more after Twitch Rivals for the reasons below.

    1. Tyler1 gave General Sniper a platform and hyped him up every time he interviewed. He obviously cares about the kid and only wants the best for him.

    2. When Tarzaned was a bit tilted about Yassuo saying he's going to leak photos of Tarzaned pooping in his pants, Tyler1 basically said I've pooped in my pants so who cares? He basically deflected the situation. Edit 1: Claim on Yassuo (Starts 3:14:00)

    3. When Tarzaned and Duoking both didn't want Voyboy as the substitute mid for their team, Tyler1 was clearly upset and stood up for one of his closest friends. Also, Tarzaned publicly and privately apologized to Voyboy and all is okay so this isn't meant to talk poorly about anyone or create drama.

    4. Tyler1 is by far the most entertaining streamer and I can tell he tries his best to create a drama free and fun viewer experience because he specifically told Tarzaned to not talk about the drama with Yassuo if Tyler's chat can hear.

    I'm a regular Tyler1 viewer and I've always known he was kind deep inside and the kind of toxic behavior is just for entertainment, but I respect him much more after watching his stream during this event.

    submitted by /u/ThePerson00
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    Dopa is enlisting in the kr amry.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    He says this is his last season and that he has very little time left.https://youtu.be/HD2A7Sa5xG4 Dopa had difficulty choosing between streaming(cn server and other games like pubg and maplestory) or climbing to rank 1 in the remaining time. He did a random game to decide on which(watch 17:11 on the video) he is first gonna get rank 1 in the korean server and then is going to the cn server. https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=Pnpm He's on 90% winrate in the last 20 games and is 2 tricking tf and orianna to climb. Please gives some appreciation and support to the old mans last climb.

    submitted by /u/pcj6151
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    I Really Miss Login Screen Animations

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    There is so much I miss about these. For starters, they provided a timeline for when you started playing the game. For example, I started playing the game in season 3. I remember the first champion I saw on the login animation screen was Thresh. Whenever I talk with friends about our early memories of the game, they would mention oh I remember seeing X champion on the login screen. Not only that, each champions animation and background music made me really excited to play the new champs.

    During thematic events, they would have special login animations as well. These really enhanced my excitement for specific events, the ones I can remember clearly are the Star Guardian one and the Lunar Revel one.

    Come Worlds time, they would also have different animations with the Worlds theme playing in the background. I remember sometimes, I would literally sit in the login screen for a whole rotation of the song just to feel the hype.

    There's no excitement when I login into league anymore, nothing to look forward to. It was small, but it is something I miss dearly.

    submitted by /u/jayster22
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    Larssen on Rogue's chances at Worlds 2020 Group B: "If we play with no fear, I think we can beat anyone [...] If we are nervous, or shaky, because "Oh yeah. Damwon is so good." Or "JDG took TES to five games." It can be rough. We just need to be confident in ourselves."

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    The LPL Casters Munchables and Dagda are here to give you a Rapid Rundown of What to expect from LGD at worlds!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Rogue vs. DRX Scrim Leak

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Here we go again... another scrim got leaked. This time it is DRX vs. Rogue.

    It's basically Inspired on Lillia (12/3/6) against Pyosik on Graves (19/3/13).
    What do you think of the Wukong pick against Lucian? Is it really being used as a Lucian Mid counter?

    You can check the Scoreboard here: https://www.lolvvv.com/worlds2020/scrims

    submitted by /u/Aggravating_Self4810
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    Vedius’ Picks to Watch - #Worlds2020

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    TIL: Vietnam had over 1 million more players than NA in 2018

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Just another statistic that makes all the hate NA gets even less valid. Undisputed 4th best region in the world with such a small server population compared to not only the 3 regions solidified above them, China, EU, and Korea, but NA doesn't even have 2/3 the population of Vietnam. Just seems so strange to compare NA to any other major region, as if NA has the playerbase to support the highest tier of play.

    Edit: Source.

    submitted by /u/LeAnime
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    Interview with LPL casters Munchables and Dagda on China’s chances at Worlds 2020: "The form of LEC teams is nowhere close to what TES displayed. TES or JDG will win Worlds this year."

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    AD carry montage - DRX Deft

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Wildcards Can Win — A Documentary on the History of Wildcards at Worlds

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    FNC Bwipo Chinese Soloqueue montage

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    LEC Pop Quiz - What Happens Next?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    I have been betrayed by my duo partner.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

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