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    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    LoL Guide Don't forget to buy Elixer of Iron, Sorcery or Wrath after you complete your build!

    LoL Guide Don't forget to buy Elixer of Iron, Sorcery or Wrath after you complete your build!

    Don't forget to buy Elixer of Iron, Sorcery or Wrath after you complete your build!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    These items are super underrated and a lot of people in low elo forget they're there. You can even buy one right before full build also, they give some great buffs

    Elixer of Iron

    Gives 300 Health

    Gives 25% Tenacity

    Allies behind you gain 15% movement speed.

    Elixer of Sorcery

    Gives 50 AP and 15 mana regen

    25 Bonus True Damage

    Elixer of Wrath

    Gives 30 AD

    Heal for 15% of the damage you deal. (5% for AoE)

    You also don't need to buy the one for your champs stats. Example, I sometimes build Elixer of Iron on Jax rather than Elixer of Wrath even though i'm AD as I like the Tenacity and bonus health.

    Edit: You don't need an item slot to use them, if you have no space it is automatically consumed!

    Edit 2: Lots of people have pointed out, other times to use them is also right before a team fight or a contested objective. If Baron, Dragon or Herald are about to be contested and you have 500 gold, buy the potion because it will give you a boost before the fight.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Tower Regeneration

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I have played league for a long time in gold, but only just found out a week ago. I thought this might be helpful to know:

    The Nexus Towers and Inhibitor Towers Regenerate Health, this should be common knowledge. But they only regenerate up to 1/3 or 2/3 of their health. Once you cross this threshold, the tower should make a crumbling sound. So if you are pushing or sieging, and did not get the tower, don't worry, it will not regenerate past 1/3 HP or 2/3 HP. Getting it down to 2/3 is also something you should aim for. If you are pushing inhib towers, all your minions are dead and the tower is at 2240 hp, feel free to auto it one more time to get it below 2200, so that it won't regenerate.

    submitted by /u/DoughnutFeel
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    ow to "escape" low elo mindset

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    First of all, this may not apply to all of you, but for those who feel like this, just read this carefully;

    So this will be for the people that feel like every game is a coinflip, league sucks, the community is toxic, you are being helt hostage in your games, your team is holding you back and or you deserve diamond.

    I'm going to explain to you what i experienced in 4 years of playing league, for 15 hours a day and my personal story.

    Think back to the days when you just started playing league, the game was fun, great, amazing and whatnot. You were not playing serious, but just have some fun, inted some games but who cares, you were all noobs.

    But at a certain point you started maining whatever champ you liked best, or whatever role you liked best and investing time into your role/champion.

    This was the point where you started investing time and effort into getting better at the game, and first of all, you would see a lot of improvement, you would get better games, int less games and get more invested into the game.

    The game was becomming part of your daily life, and for most of you it is a BIG part of your life, but why are you so fed up with it? You started our having fun? right?

    This all comes to being HUMAN, humans want to achieve something whenever they are investing time and effort into it as our time on this earth is limited.

    So, where does this frustration come from?

    Well, there are a couple simple reassons why you get angry, fed-up or even rage at the game, its developers, your teammates, champions or enemies.

    first: You have mental issue's and have some serious mental problems ( think stevens from the infamous videos ), but most of you wont have this issue, which is why im calling it first, smart right, i tought so too.

    second: Real life issues, we all have them, we all have to deal with them, while most people go online to forget about them and just have fun, others might bring these issues with them and just tilt of the planet because of it, if this is your case, fix your shit, dont play if it doesnt make you happy.

    third: Not being able to do what you want, this is a big one so im splitting it into 2 things:

    - not achieving the rank you want.

    - not having the skillset to outplay or play like you want.

    The second is pretty easy to solve, get coaching, train your mechanics in practice tool, go for 1v1's etc.

    The first however is a big issue for most people in our league community. In league of Legends one of the most important things to players is their rank, it matters that you are gold, silver plat or even bronze. so most people would think at least.

    Take a step back here and look at your rank, who actually cares other than that 1 guy you meet in a game that says haha 500 game gold hardstuck. seriously, who cares. Its just you, nbody cares about YOUR rank, everybody cares about THEIR ranks.

    A fundamental issue people have is that they set their goals like, I want to hit Platinum! which is great, but horrible for your mentallity. the moment you lose promos, demote or dont reach that goal, it will feel like shit.

    Your goals should never be i want X rank, because we already found out, rank doesnt matter for anyone, but yourself. There is a reasson most challenger players dont get scouted for proplay, but sometimes master or gm's will.

    So now your question is: But Boppy, what should i do then, just play and dont care about anything. YES! if you want to just have fun in this game, however if you want to get better and improve in league of legends there are a couple things you need to do:

    - Stop caring COMPLETELY about losses, wins or rank.

    - Stop caring about your team ( big one )

    - Focus on yourself

    - Focus on your OWN gameplay

    Lets be honest, you are talking to your friends and the first thing you say after a bad game is: holy shit this X guy didnt want to win, or: My team is just so fucking bad. This is wrong, dont ever say this again.

    80% of your games are winnable, no matter how bad your teammates are or how good your opponents are, there is a reasson people get challenger with a 80% wr. So why are you losing?

    This has 2 reassons,

    1. you didnt carry hard enough, and yes it just that simple, just get super fed and play perfectly and you will just straight up win 90% of your games in low elo.

    2. You give up, even subconsiously.

    Have you ever seen pro players on their streams, and im talking about people like perkz, caps, sneaky etc. They will almost never say smth like: holy hsit my team is inting. Its always, ahh guess that didnt work mb i inted.

    Mindset is such a big thing and i think you get what im saying by now, make sure you go into a game with the mindset: Lets improve Boys, not lets win it, not i hope my team wont int.

    Let's just queue up to improve, it takes away A LOT of stress around soloQ, it takes away a lot of tilt, rage and dissatisfaction, and you will actually see your rank change over a peroid of time, and dont forget, getting better at something takes time, months even years, there is not a single pro player that started league in season 8.

    So, how do we just queue up now, my old mindset is still there, i cant change it instandly.

    Well, what i did was: queue as fill, it takes away every single issue about performing in your role, because you are filled, you can do whatever and just tell your team: bear with me, im filled sorry boys. and practice other champs, other roles, other ways of playing a certain champ.

    So i played +- 300 games in an off role, dropped 2 divisions but stabilized at some point, winning 50% and losing 50%. I only played champions is liked and only how i liked them, played with full mute every single game, and played my own game.

    Right now i returned back to toplane and implemented everything i learned in my other roles, so in midlane, i praciced avoiding ganks, turning fights around and roaming. In jgl i worked on my jgl tracking, playing with the team overall and the clearspeed of a lot of jglers.

    For adc i learned about power spikes, dmg output and mobility / survivaiblity on these champions. on support i learned about effecient warding, peeling my carries and threat assesment. Due to me being a toplane main i already had knowledge about wavemanagement and lategame decisionmaking which helped me a bunch in the other roles since these are fundamentals you will use in any lane.

    This process took me +- 10 months. so yeah, it takes a freaking while i know.

    And what did i get from it? Right now im playing toplane kingdom games, i can help my allies with their builds, whatever they are doing wrong, effeciently track the jgler for my teammates, roam, skirmish, win litterally every gank in 1v2 and fight late game teamfights near perfection.

    BUt most of all, i found out the struggles about the lanes, i know why the enemie zoe can be 15/0 or why the botlane goes 0/20 after dieing to a gank in the early levels. I've been there, ive seen the same shit.

    I have inted my fair share of games and my jgl adc and supp all have around a 35% wr, but the biggest thing i learned is that these people are almost always trying, they dont want to lose, they are just frustrated because of something i mentioned before: not having the skillset to outplay or play like you want. they get frustrated about it, and so there is no reasson to hurt them in any way while they are playing THEIR game

    You have to learn to accept the fact that there is only 1 factor you can influence: yourself, how you play and how you respond to your team. The moment you accept this fact, you can truly become a better player and achieve whatever you want to achieve and actually feel good about it.

    Thanks for reading this bit :^) i hope it has been usefull.


    i wanted to write this since i've struggled for a long time about league of legends, played my champion to near perfection ( Poppy ) and ultimately got bored of the champ, the game, everything after +- 1.5 million mastery points on poppy. This is what let me take this road, i did not want to give up on league because i think its an amazing game and we should apreciate it.

    It took me 10 months to find out i can't quit this game, im not done with it yet, so no im setting myself small goals, instead of gettign grand master this season, which was my goal since last season i hit D3 100lp, i would just improve on everything i want to improve, people would argue im just washed up and hardstuck gold, but i have taking a liking to gold elo.

    I can try anything, new builds, new champs, new playstyles, lane tricks etc. and get away with it due to my skillset and i hope everybody can reach the happiness im getting from league, it litterally feels like im just starting over again, like my first months of playing league, having fun with my mates, trying out new stuff, playing random shit and just having a blast.

    submitted by /u/OTPonyPoppy
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    What is the best way to learn which items and runes to use?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    I'm a level 46 player who play with friends who are way better than me. They're very nice and understanding to me. I recently picked up Yone (I'm sorry lol) and I've been really enjoying him so far. I searched up on youtube for the best runes and item builds and they've been working out really well for me. I understand that the needed items can change throughout the game; the video I watched provided items that were situational.

    My only problem is when I switch to another character. I can't tell which items and runes to use. I do ask my friends and they seem to have a really good idea on what to run.

    Now I'm wondering if I have to research an item + rune guide for every character I play. If so, is there a reliable source out there I can use?

    I just want to be able to understand how to use items and runes.

    submitted by /u/Sunny-Mellorine
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    How to properly use phase rush?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    I see that a lot of champs I like to play have phase rush as a potential rune set but whenever I try it out, I feel a lot weaker. On Khazix for example, I get how to use electrocute or conqueror, but with phase rush I'm not sure if I just use the speed up to pursue the kill or to get some poke and run or if there are other ways to use it

    submitted by /u/Delvez
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    Is it worth building a Grevious Wound item over an lifesteal item?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    The 40% healing reduction doesn't seem to do a lot, would be more beneficial to ignore countering their healing and just build your own life steal item to have similar healing in a fight to them?

    Like if I am vsing a DD target, why build Mortals? Shouldn't I build DD to have similar items anyways?

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    How do assassin junglers work and which on should I start from?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Hi, I've always played jungle with tanky champs like Zac, Hecarim and Nunu and I wanted to try out something new.

    I played some games with kha zix and fiddle with horrid results, probably because I lack the assasin playstyle as I'm used to engage head on and absorb damage; so, how does one play assassins in jungle? And which ones are the easiest to start with?

    Thanks for answering.

    submitted by /u/FedericoRO
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    Black Cleaver or Last Whisper on ADC

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I was wondering which items is better on an ADC.

    Black cleaver is a much more Gold efficient item and you are losing out on 5 damage and 11% armour pen is you were to go Lord Doms in exchange for 400 health, 20% CDR, Rage passive and the ability for you team to take advantage off the Armour reduction from Black cleaver.

    I get when you would take Mortal Reminder for the anti heal but I don't understand when you would take Lord Doms unless the rest of the team is AP and the enemy doesn't have healing or you top lane already has a black cleaver.

    submitted by /u/DKennyB
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    When to Group

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a silverish fill player. Lots of all roles. I find it pretty easy to farm upwards of 8cs/min, sometimes even over 10. But I often find that I miss a lot of my team's fights. I always come to drakes and the like, but I just don't know what to do when my team is constantly skirmishing, and then it's my fault because they took a 4v5 and I don't have tp or it isn't up. I'm not trying to sound salty with that because I make plenty of macro mistakes and take stupid fights all the time, it's a fact of the game. Just curious what I can do to improve in this area. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Abscelon
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    Thoughts on the current state of the 5 roles in league?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    I personally think mid and jg have too much agency. I'm a adc/top main and I think top can't impact the game enough throughout the game and adc has impact way too late into the game and then only in specific conditions.

    Does the enemy team have 2 or more champions who can 1 shot you (ex: assasins, but also things like a kassadin, veigar or hecarim)? Adc is not that impactful. Does your comp shine in skirmishes but has a bad teamfight due to the lack of a frontline or sth else? Adc is not that strong unless super ahead.

    I feel like mid mages can do everything an adc can but better. They usually have more self peel tools, have a stronger early and midgame, provide the team with magic damage which is usually not the dominant one so the enemy will mostly build armour and due to being mid, can rotate to the top river and rift, when an adc can only rotate to the bot river and drag. Another upside to mid mages is that you don't have to coordinate with a support (not saying that supports are annoying or drag me down but that the coordination required is another effort)

    I mainly play Jax and Fiora top who love splitpushing. And because of SoloQ, my teams sometimes go in 5v4 instead of waiting for me to apply pressure to a lane. Fiora also can't teamfight if not monstrously fed. Jax can do it better than Fiora, but doesn't shine in them either.

    Currently high plat and hoping to make my push to diamond by october.

    What are your thoughts on the matter (meaning all 5 roles, not just top and adc)?

    EDIT: I'm not saying that my roles are weak, I love adc and top, but objectively I think they are a bit weaker. So many games can be snowballed pre 20 min that an adv can't come online in many games if you want to play scaling.

    submitted by /u/Stalins_Mom
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    Watch the oldest replays in your match history to help with improving

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    It's much easier to be critical of yourself if you're watching a replay of a game that you don't remember as well. Watching your deaths from a week ago will be brought with a "what was I thinking my positioning is terrible, I was no where close" Rather than if you watch right away you'll probably be thinking "ya if my LB went in, we would have won"(remembering that you can only control yourself).

    submitted by /u/air_taxi
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    Stuck in silver after 800+ ranked games

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:53 PM PDT


    I started playing League of Legends a year ago. At the start of this year, I really wanted to start playing ranked. I picked my favourite champ - which was Ekko. I felt like i was playing him perfectly and I managed to climb regularly, until I got to Silver 2. Then I began to just switch between s1 and s2 every few days. Next thing was - I ended up with 800 games, most of them being in silver. Some day, I was able to get to s1 and I asked my friend to help me with my promos because I was just so mentally tired. I am now G4, and my games are either 15/2 or me completely trolling.

    My friends always laughed at me for having 350 wins and being in Silver 1. I think that's also the time when my winratio on Ekko dropped from 58% to just 52% on 370 games. They told me I played him horribly, even if i carried my solo queue games very hard. Could it be that I'm too sensitive mentally and it changed the whole way i play ranked? I used to win my lane almost every time. My cs used to be 6-7 and I didn't even care, now when I press tab I'm always 20 cs, when my opponent is at about 50-60. This seems very weird to me.

    Is it possible that my toxic friends calling me awful affected my playing and i just feel that im worse than everyone on the enemy team? Can u guys help me :( I don't even want to get MUCH better. I just feel like I'm getting worse each day. I would love play just like I used to. Did u knew about a similar situation before? I think I have a very bad mentality. I don't flame and I don't think u win all games by "luck". I know I could solo carry if i was better. What should I do? It affects my mood daily. I just feel like im not good at anything.

    For example, I played ranked 2 days ago and went 17/4, 9/5 and 15/3. I queued up the next day and did 2/5, 1/7, 2/7. I suppose it's because of a negative mindset? Why did i changed so hard just in a one day? It's been like that for a couple of months - that's why my winratio is always 50 %. I just lose - win - lose - win. I don't even have loss or win streaks. It's exactly 50 %.

    I now have 300k on Ekko and i still love playing him so much, I just get negative comments that i play him "badly for that amount of mastery points". Maybe my emotions take over me when I play?

    Sorry for any grammar mistakes I hope u can understand what I meant. Thanks! <3

    submitted by /u/kav_ka
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    When to TP

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I just have a question about tp. In my mid games (and when autod top) I will usually have a lead over my opponent, but i honestly dont know when to apply pressure into other lanes. also i dont know when to tp back to my lane. should i prio tping for teamfights or should i prio sidelanes when everyones teamfighting? also guys if you can, im mostly a mid laner so if you can help me out with tping as a midlaner

    submitted by /u/HENTAIWASBANNED
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    I got G4 a few weeks ago, managed to get it on my 'smurf' with a 90% WR ADC.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I'm baffled at this, I had some games on other champions (4-0 Anivia, 70% WR Lee Sin) but my ADC games are 9-1 Ashe (4.2kda/7 cs min) and 6-0 Sivir (11 kda/7.6cs min) and 0-1 Ezreal... though I think I would have won that game with Sivir (and my team not doing the 2 mid 2 bot side jungle split push while nothing other than baron was up vs a hyper mobility team).

    The Ashe loss because I had a blitzcrank vs 4 tanks and Lucian... and a Nocturne who had 5k damage and kept not using his ultimate even if it was lethal damage.

    Literally the only difference is I don't run it mid ARAM when laning phase ends, just keep an eye out on enemy champions to see when it's safe to push bot and then regroup.

    submitted by /u/Joe56780
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    When should i vod review myself to improve? (low elo)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    As a pretty low elo (gold 4) player myself I have never in my life ever watched a vod of a previous game. Although I know both pros and high elo streamers do it sometimes. Is it worth the time for me to watch my own games and if so what should i be looking for?

    submitted by /u/andreasehn
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    How to deal with adcs or toplaners.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I have recently been having a major issue with adcs while playing top. I find they lose lane at around 0/5 and the game becomes difficult when the enemy adc leaves lane. I have tried playing shen, soraka and senna top just for the global ult but i find even that never saves them, i try to tp but most of the time cant. What can i say or do to make them not feed to that extent and increase our odds of winning.

    I mainly play tanks like cho, sion, rammus and nautilus.

    submitted by /u/IWillTellYouUwu
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    Akali mid help needed!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    So here's the thing. I'm fine against Yone 100%, but my teammates aren't ever. It seems like no one knows how to play against him and no matter how well I do against him he always finds free kills on teammates. Is it worth banning him for the sole reason that I don't trust teammates not to die to him over and over? Or is there some room for outplay against him that I'm missing? When it comes to team fighting I get hard cc'd before I can pop him and that sets up his ult on my whole team (usually). I feel trapped

    submitted by /u/Nescles
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    Is it common for newer players to be overwhelmed & unable to juggle between CS & trades?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    I'm currently level 35 & only been actively playing this game since May 2020. To this day, I still struggle in laning phase 70% of the time, & it's because of how much I need to keep track of & actively do at once. By itself, I can CS kinda OK. Sometimes I miss some last hits, but most of the time it's relatively easy. By itself, I can also dodge things & poke champs relatively easily (Depending on the matchup) partially thanks to the kind of champs I play

    However, by themselves, they each require me to focus specifically on that aspect in order for me to do well in, but laning by nature requires that I do BOTH at the same time CONSTANTLY! Something I straight up can't do, & as a result, I tend to lose many trades, forget to poke in times where I can, fall REALLY behind in CS, the list goes on. & this is all ON TOP of things I also need to pay attention to universally like the Minimap, my cooldowns, sometimes my mana, & how far I can shove. It fries my brain & makes it impossible for me to do well in any of those areas without completely cutting off 1 of those areas, but for most champs, that doesn't work either. BTW, this all applies to Top, Mid, & ADC since those are the "CS" roles

    Did U feel like this when U were new? Cuz I have no idea how to possibly fix this other than playing support or even jungle (Where U either don't have to worry about farm at all, or don't have to dodge shit WHILE farming). Maybe if a champ had absolute braindead CS that might help, but I seriously doubt it even exists in the 1st place

    submitted by /u/Nintega94
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    dont flame, simple rule to climb better

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    ive been playing without mute and the more people flame, the more i dont care which affects my game play etc. and loses the game. i dont mute all just to see what people tend to say, im sure theres other players that feel the same whenever they get flamed. you cant expect someone to care and play hard when the team is toxic

    ive also noticed that noone flames after like 25 mins. so if you want to win more games, just dont flame and mute atleast the person who is losing lane. i can promise youll win more games

    submitted by /u/somethinlikeshieva
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    Educational Jungle Videos For Many Champions Like Olaf, Graves, Elise, Lee Sin, Ekko and Many More

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a diamond jungle streamer and YouTuber and I wanted to share my youtube channel which has jungle videos with an emphasis on decision making. I talk about every major and minor decision that happens during a game. As a jungle main, once you reach a certain level of mechanical proficiency, the majority of what separates you from higher elo junglers is your ability to consistently make the right decision when given options.

    My support gets caught and the enemy team now starts drag, do we contest?

    Enemy jungle ganks top, but i know he already full cleared his bot jungle, what can I do to punish this?

    All my top side jungle camps are respawning but I can see my bot lane is low hp under turret and likely to get dived, what should I do here?

    These are just some of the decisions junglers have to make in a game and there are rarely any easy answers. There are too many variables to consider for these to be answered without context so the best way to learn is to watch a higher elo player make decisions and see if you would have made the same call.

    Here is my latest video which has a ton of commentary related to Olaf jungle, but also the playstyle of farm based junglers in general and how you can abuse that strength to create a big jungle gap against junglers that play aggressive early:

    The Secret To Carrying On Farm Based Junglers Like Olaf and Graves

    If you find this video helpful, I have been making similar videos for most carry jungle champions for the majority of the season, check out the playlist section to find your champion. Thanks for watching!

    submitted by /u/Arfreezy_LoL
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    Felt like I was playing a placement match again.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Hello, Iron player here, first season playing ranked. Just an hour ago I felt like I was playing a placement match all over again where all of us on our team was feeding hard. It felt like the enemy team was a bunch of smurfs or like the skill gap was too wide on both teams. Needless to say it wasn't a fun match, especially when 4 out of the 5 of the enemy team go 8/0 in 15 min.

    Is this one of those unwinnable games everyone talks about with the 30/30/40 talk? Or is it just because I only played 40 matches so far and the MMR is still wonky or something?


    submitted by /u/Remnants91
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    question to junglers (especially bronze 1)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    i never played jungle and i'm mostly mid (sometimes sup).

    i was wondering how to ask for a gank, if i should ask at all or you realize yourself that is the right moment.

    What i should do and i shouldn't do to help you, for example if you are doing drake should i help (if i can)? or only if you ask because otherwise the enemy mid/adc follows and it become dangerous?

    i think that a useful thing might be let the enemy push when you are coming.

    at what levels i can expect an ally/enemy gank? only after 6 or also before?

    right now i "ignored" jungler, i never asked help and i just try to save him if he is 1vs1 in the river if possible.

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    "Just freeze lane in front of your tower", how?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Im a very new boomer and dont understand shit. Now that's out of the way, the tips I read vs Nasus (I'm Mordekeiser) was to freeze the lane towards you. I tried to be aggressive to deny him farm, but the wave just kept pushing to his tower so he could farm there safely. I poked him to sub 50 % constantly, but could never kill.


    submitted by /u/zalvador89
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