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    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    LoL Guide I am making a list of the best streamers to watch by champion.

    LoL Guide I am making a list of the best streamers to watch by champion.

    I am making a list of the best streamers to watch by champion.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, Someone might have done this already if so I just wasted a few hours starting this. But I am making a list of every champion and placing good streamers to watch next to that champion, this is for anyone who wants to learn new champs and needs to watch someone better play them etc.

    Keep in mind this list is NOT complete at all and i would encourage suggestions in the comments, what I have so far is just people I could think of off the top of my head and some minor research. Every single streamer on this list is currently active on twitch within the last 14 days at the most, unless stated otherwise. I gave minor tooltips on each streamer that needed them.


    Edit: Almost finished adding Twitch links to every single name possible, once that is done I will give small bios on each streamer (That I have watched personally) and Hopefully slowly increase this as time goes on, thank you to everyone of you who helped me through this incredible task which took approximately 15 hours (So far)

    submitted by /u/snoopy55122
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    Just a real quick question about diana and wards

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I play diana mainly and I'm low elo (high silver, low gold). I am a great warded, always have a good vision score and put wards where they should be put when my team hasn't. My question is since I do roam a decent amount is it a good idea to get a sweeper rather than normal wards? I feel like if I do my team will lose some ground on vision but having a sweeper will help my roams. Not sure what the best option is so any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/baba_booey123
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    My top lane is not seeing any improvement

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    So I used to be a rengar 1t that flexed jg/top, with my jg always being vastly superior. I could skate by top due to my knowledge of the champ as well as the cheesiness of the pick, but now that I'm trying to learn new top laners I'm getting destroyed every single game.

    I would say my knowledge of wave manipulation compared to other plat players is average but my ability to take consistent positive trades is god awful. All the champs I'm trying to learn are melee, and I'm having a rough time getting in autos like they do to me. My spacing is much worse, which I think probably has a lot to due with playing rengar, but are there any tricks to space around the wave better as a melee bruiser?

    submitted by /u/AnxiousWanker
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    As a 1st season player, this video is what is allowing me to enjoy Worlds!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    A few days ago Randomonium posted an intro to World's 2020 for beginner's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK6OBjDUXoQ
    Having never watched pro league and knowing nothing I really wanted to jump in, but was completely lost. This video was so helpful to me to understand the basics of the tournament and which teams to look out for.

    submitted by /u/sweablol
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    How playing a different role / lane changed the game for me

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Hey guys Been playing league ranked since about season 5 and always played mid / top.

    My champion was the flashiest of all champions. Lee Sin, Katarina, Zed, Yasuo, Vayne - all of these super cool playmaker champions that eventually get me to Challenger /s

    I was pretty good at mechanics but my macro was very poor. I ended up having pretty bad win rates on the champions I played the most and felt like I don't really have much of an impact with the way I played. I still managed to hit platinum III eventho I felt like I did nothing really good which qualified me to actually deserve this ^

    Then after a year break from league I came back I decided to try something new. First of I started playing Shaco on my shaco only account from like 5 years ago. It was fun cause it suited my juky play style, also enjoyed Jungle. I struggled a lot to keep up with cs and getting objectives or just keep the whole jungle game up at once.

    Then I drew Nunu Bot out of a hextech chest.

    Started playing this dude. Never really played tank, still pretty new to jungle. I love it

    I have the feeling like I never had that much impact in the 5 years of playing ranked and it feels great! Its not like mindlessly farming mid the first 20 minutes and eventually get a roam on bot. I had so much struggles doing beneficial things for my team.

    But in the jungle I help all my lanes and get them ahead, while outfarming the enemy jungler. That leads into me getting the drakes in most cases and double herald. Which brings us even more lead in lane / objectives.

    I am now on a 83.33% winrate with nunu winning 15 out of 18 games. I just feel like I can't really lose

    It's like playing a completely new game

    I just feel like I can now use my skill that I gathered the last five years to channel it in actual good decisions that helps my team.

    Still have to learn more Jungle Macro like jungler tracking and stuff but I am pretty happy about my decision changing my role cause it gave me a feeling for the game which I think will lead in me getting far better as a player!

    Thanks for listing and if you feel like me maybe try a different role / lane

    submitted by /u/moesig
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    Some STEPS on how to HOLD your advantage or ABUSE it and some ways of AVOIDING to throw the game like usual! ADC GUIDE/VIDEO!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I am a Kalista OTP from EUW/EUNE with over 4000 hours played as her and recently after I did another guide here I decided to do another *X STEPS* video in which I try to explain some basics on how to ABUSE or HOLD your advantage after you gain it with the MARKSMAN role so it's not really a Kalista video at all but I use her as an example!

    ADC is currently considered to be one of the worst roles in the game which is TRUE but you can at least try to help your team and be useful and pray that Riot Games will decide to help us a bit in preseason at least!

    Another step that I didn't include in the video should be the fact that you should always write "well played" to people who flame you or write "play around X" in order to help them improve their morale and remove the toxicity from the game!

    Practice makes perfect!

    Hopefully this STEPS video will actually help you out guys!


    submitted by /u/PAWKalista
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    Last whisper Items

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I was just playing a game and I went mortal reminder to counter a very tanky garen. I was just wondering if it is worth it to get both mortal reminder and lord dominiks regards. Would the passives stack and make a huge difference against armor or would it be barely noticeable?

    Edit: Wanted to also put in that this guy was FED. Oh boy was it hard to kill him even 1v4. He just didnt want to die.

    submitted by /u/Donutfister4
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    How to deal with shaco jg

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Ok so. I got more tilted than i ever got in this month. Today in the last match of my promos i found a shaco which played normal actually pretty bad.

    But what tilted the shit out of me was: He was camping my camps and when they were the lowest he just fucking smited them stealing like 5 of them this way. How am I supposed to counter this. I cannot predict when he wills to fucking do that disgusting tactic.

    I want to know so that i wont see this ever again.

    submitted by /u/Le_SputierMann
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    How do you play from behind?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I'm a low elo player who plays very casually. I have been playing a lot of Kled and Gnar this season, but my question is pretty much across any champion. I know specifics change based on role/champ/build but how do you play when you start to fall behind? farm under tower and just try to get CS as high as possible, roam? I'm just looking for general answers to improve.

    I don't mind losing games but the feeling of getting snowballed out of control to the point you're getting one or two shot and have become a lost cause for the jungle is very tilting, how can I at least not feed the lane after my opponent grabs a big lead early.

    submitted by /u/iwokeupalive
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    How you can completely change the way you play the game for the better

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Today i got in a match , went 0/6 or some shit then tilted and ragequit. That made me think... what am i doing wrong? Next game i inted super hard , my premade adc ragequit , then i muted everyone , put on a playlist of songs i like , cleared my head of stress and literally just played the game.

    I went from 1/7 to 19/12 by the end of the game.

    Having a good mental is so incredibly important to just enjoying the game. You don't have to be good , you don't have to reach challenger. Just have fun and i'm sure your time playing this is gonna be enjoyable.

    P.S. Don't tilt others purposefully with emotes in ranked just to get them to play worse , making someone lose their shit for virtual internet points is not very moral

    submitted by /u/liviu506
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    Sett Combo Guide

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Hello Community,

    I created a Combo guide video for Sett.

    This guide should help you to get better with Sett and is mainly targeted to people, that want start to play Sett, but there are some Combos, that could help some more experienced Settplayers as well.

    I really spent lots of time in creating that video and I think it got really good.

    Videolink: https://youtu.be/FN4QC8x717M

    I hope I could help you to learn more about Sett.

    And I hope I am allowed to post it here!

    submitted by /u/MrNoCopyright
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    Should I learn new supports or keep using the ones I know?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I just hit platinum as a Morgana support main and now I figure I need to step up my game if I want to keep going up. I play a lot of mage supports(morg, lux, vel and Swain are my favorite) and they tend to work well for me. But, I see a lot of tank supports being played here.

    Should I just stick with my mages and keep trying to climb? Or should I put in the time to learn a few more supports for counter picking? If I should learn more, which ones?

    submitted by /u/JackMcHammer99
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    How to play the illaoi matchup?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I started playing league in 2016. It's been roughly four years, and I still have no clue how to play the illaoi matchup as anybody. I play against her just enough to hate her, but so infrequently that I can't get practice against her. Is it really just as simple as dodge e and other tentacles? How do you play against an illaoi with an advantage? In my mind, normally to shutdown a fed target, you get multiple people on them, but clearly illaoi's ult strongly discourages that.

    Yeah, just the title. Help lol

    submitted by /u/famslamjam
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    No Idea what I'm doing wrong. Low damage always.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Hello. so I have been playing this game for about 3 months now. brand new to it. I usually play ARAM so I can get to know champions and hat they do. I play regular matches and the featured match as well but no ranked yet hahaa.

    As the title suggests, I am always doing the least damage on my team. I could have 9 kills in ARAM and still be less damaging than others. I know its hard to answer without seeing my game play so if anyone knows how I can show you guys or i can even just stream for someone. I hope this makes sense. thanks!

    Edit: I play all types of champs. i like marksman though, and even with those I do not do damage. I know Tanks and Support usually don't do high damage.

    submitted by /u/DesertYoshi577
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    What does 'the gold efficiency' mean in the statistics triangle?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    In the statistics tab.

    There is a triangle with 3 corners: Map awareness, Gold Efficiency, and Combat.

    The gold one is my lowest thing stat, but I am not sure what that means or how to improve it.

    it asks me to use more characters in order to ask the question so this is just filler text.

    submitted by /u/SGKDA
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    Do good players always consider every champion's most minute abilities to try and maximize situations? This wording may be confusing,

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    so earlier, I was playing Ekko jungle for the third and last time of my entire life and we had just gotten dragon stolen from us. I E'd over the wall at low health while our Soraka was getting chased by the enemy team. She ended up dying and flamed me. I was so confused. What could I have done to help her? Soraka is like my third best champ. I know when she's screwed and theres nothing she can do, but she flamed me and said I should've gotten closer to her so her passive movement speed would kick in...like...this was an iron/bronze/silver norms game...she flamed me for having bad champion knowledge, but am I honestly expected, even if I were a Gold/Plat player, to

    A) recognize that Soraka is in trouble

    B) recognize that my health is low

    C) know the range of her passive (it's pretty long, but I don't know the exact distance)

    D) recognize that that passive movement speed would have saved her from 3-4 enemy champions

    E) done all of this while trying to save my own skin from the enemt team that almost just killed me after stealing my drake

    I would understand if Diamond players can think like this, but my ultimate goal is to reach Gold, so am I expected to keep all of these champions' passives for all of their abilities in the front of my mind at all times? It seems like that mental capacity is much better spent thinking about what items to buy or what jungle route to take after backing. I only have so much brain power. Am I supposed to know all this stuff and use this knowledge at all times?

    submitted by /u/sToTab
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    Samira Guide - Abilities, Combos, Mechanics

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Samira's probably my favourite champion release in years, so I decided to make this video. Sadly, she's been permabanned for the past few days, but this video goes over what her abilities do, certain mechanics, and basic general combos to get you started.


    submitted by /u/yozu365
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    Why do pro players quite often let minions finish off towers?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I understand that it's better to get the tower low enough for the minions to finish it off and then leave just incase you get collapsed on, but quite a few times I've seen players just chilling under the tower, not hitting it. Does it give some kind of advantages?

    submitted by /u/ExoticPenguins
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    How does flash interact with delayed abilities

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Specifically asking about aurelion sol's r but any other info is nice: if I r then flash, will it cast in the original direction but from my new position or will it cast in the direction I flashed?

    Any help would be nice

    I am asking because I was wondering about the thing you do when you flash behind someone and ult then into your tower

    submitted by /u/j__hoss
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    What to do against Fizz as Veigar/Syndra?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    I don't really know what I should do. I'm not that inexperienced, but there are some matchups I can't win, no matter what, playing as Veigar or Syndra against Fizz is one of them.

    I don't have any problems against Zed, Akali or Talon, usually I just buy Lost chapter and Zhonyas and everything is good, even easier with Hextech. You can just use Zhonyas when Zed does his ult, Talon can't oneshot you either with Zhonyas and Akali is way too slow with her predictable skills. But Fizz just throws his fish on you and then I'm dead. I can try to run towards my turret, which won't help because he can 100-0 you. I don't know when to use Zhonyas since his ult doesn't seem to do so much damage, it's more about him getting near me to oneshot me with electrocute, so it doesn't matter if I activate Zhonyas right after he ulted me or after I got the damage from the ult, he reaches me anyway.

    An idea that came to my mind is to try building Banshee's next, but I don't know if it would even work? MR would be better against Fizz maybe and it denies his ult? I never see Banshee's as first item, why is Zhonyas supposed to be so much better? I think he wouldn't even be able to oneshot me if the ult wouldn't allow him to safely all in me?

    submitted by /u/bubuplush
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    embarassed about my rank compared to time played

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    So I've been playing for about 10 months, but only bronze 1 on eune. I'm so embarrassed about that. One time I asked a guy on my friendslist what rank he was, then he asked me. I said bronze and he thought I was new, (which is fair) and i got so embarassed. Suddenly getting very insecure about my rank.

    I have been trying to improve, like watching videos and trying my best to get farm and do what my role's job is (mid - roaming and killing the squishies). I just cant seem to get it.

    How do you think I should adjust my mindset? Do you think I even can get on the improvement train? Is watching streamers enough to improve? (- havent done, only just heard it from a guy in my game) Do you have any comments, not answering those 3 questions?

    PS. sorry if this was too dramatic xD

    EDIT: OP.gg : https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=nyp3r I just started playing support wandering if I wanna play that instead of mid. Not quite sure what role I like the most still

    submitted by /u/bjar3064
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    As Jungle, what should I do if my botlane is losing?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Say my bot lane is losing 2v2 fights, and my mid/top lanes are even. What should my priority be?
    Do I try to identify if my top/mid is a solid player, and try to get them ahead?
    Or should I focus on my worse botlane to minimize losses?

    Conventional advice is to play around your winning lanes. Why is that? It seems to me like if I leave my bot lane alone and try to get my solo lanes ahead, bot lane gets snowballed (esp if the other jungle shows). When the tower goes down, the enemy bot rotates and the gold lead will just start to balloon from there, regardless of successful I was in getting my solo laners fed.

    submitted by /u/FeedFwd
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    What should you do when exhausted?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Every time I watch streamers they always have exhaust because they say it's broken, and then despite them saying that it's broken, they always use all their abilities while exhausted.

    I'm bronze so I know I'm probably in the wrong but I just don't get it, I feel like just waiting the exhaust out is the better thing to do but maybe that's my bronze peabrain.

    submitted by /u/alt_account_222
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