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    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    LoL Guide Ok, something just clicked. Hard stuck silver player for 5 years. I'm now gold 3 and climbing.

    LoL Guide Ok, something just clicked. Hard stuck silver player for 5 years. I'm now gold 3 and climbing.

    Ok, something just clicked. Hard stuck silver player for 5 years. I'm now gold 3 and climbing.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I've been a hard stuck silver player for 5 years. I started playing ranked very early on and was never able to finish a season above silver 1, if that much. Even for the first 6 months of 2020 I was hard stuck, pissed off at the game for going from promos to s1 all the way down to s4, 0 lp. I stopped playing for a while and decided to come back later. Currently I'm gold 3 and it seems I still have room to climb. Here's what happened:

    1. I decided to focus on the position I enjoy, rather than the one i thought I needed to play in order to climb. I play support every game. I have yet to be auto filled somewhere else (low elo perks).

    2. Fuck the meta or the matchup. I decided to play 1 champion and found a build that matches my playstyle: hail of blades pyke support. I play it every game regardless of match up, except when it gets picked (then I play poppy) or banned (in which case I play Morgana or Senna).

    3. I stopped fooling myself. I get triggered by stupid chat messages and it gives me the impression that my time will be better spent convincing team mates of something rather than playing the game. I disabled chat now and only play with pings. If I die and I try blaming others, my stupidity is now twice as hard since I get a message that I cant chat. I focus a lot more on my game play.

    4. There's a strong aspect of coin flip in match making, especially when you put smurfs in the mix. You will lose games, some of your allies will get stomped in lane and that's part of the game as it currently is. Accept that and dont get tilted. I hate smurfs, but there's nothing I can do about it. Also, there's a 'slight'chance that it is just someone having the best game of their lives against you. It has happened to you as well.

    5. My best games are the ones that I finish with a surprise about my kda. Although it's hard to ignore that adc under ult execution health% and I still do stupid shit in such scenarios, I'm playing the game and not the stats. Kda is worthless. The more I practice this, the more I learn to zone and create space for other players to take objectives.

    6. Check the numbers. I hate yasuo. Both on my team and enemy team. But now there's Yone, and I think Zed is in a good spot. Also, Yi is hard to stop if fed, same as Fiora. I can't ban them all. Also, I learned that I lose a lot more games vs Caitlyn. Even more than against those champions that I hate. I now ban Caitlyn and won more games since I started. I learned that by reviewing my past games to learn, not to jerk off seeing my good performances or to find who to blame in each game I lost (I kind of used to do the latter).

    7. Mind your own mental state. After you lose a game, or play a poor match, take 3 seconds before going onto the next game. Deep breaths do amazing things for your mmr and lp count. I realized it because every time I am playing because I need to win, it leads me to try and do crazy plays, or try to compensate for a death and take unnecessary risks. Rather, I try to focus on what can I do at the moment. Sometimes it is quite boring if I'm playing from behind. But that's also part of the game and the champ I decided to have fun with.

    I hope this helps someone else. :) Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Redshadowalker
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    Small but important tips for every champion thread

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I'll start :

    Pyke : if you have R recast , dont use it on nothing when it runs out because the cooldown resets everytime you use it so you're actually adding 20 more seconds till your next R

    Mordekaiser : never ever recast W until the last second. The shield is way higher than the hp and you can tank way more damage that way

    Feel free to add more in the comments

    submitted by /u/liviu506
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    Is it okay to be satisfied with your rank?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Just to clarify i'm not high elo at all, just a gold 4 scrub. That may seem low but I worked my ass off to learn league and improve to get here and it was honestly a tiring process. I am satisfied that I am above average and around the top 30% of the playerbase. Is it okay if I just chill and play for fun, at least for now? Kind of like taking a "break" from league without actually taking break. Of course, I still actively try to win my games (I don't just troll). I just don't put in the time to do things like vod reviews, look at guides, etc to improve. is this good?

    submitted by /u/Some-Cake
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    50 minutes into a game, everyone max level and items, does anyone have a lead?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I'm pretty confused. Hypothetically if a game is 50 minutes deep, both teams have full items (let's say identical items for this case) and max level, does either team have a lead? How do kills, assists and runes affect late game scaling other than just giving gold and allowing summoners to buy items.

    submitted by /u/BigDaddyBenny
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    Tips on becoming a better Ekko main

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    HEY YALL! I was wondering if anyone had tips on becoming a better ekko main. I really enjoy playing him and I understand most of his mechanics but are there certain builds or mastery that I could use to help me? Also link any websites that provide builds because there's a lot out there and I never know which one is the best !


    submitted by /u/Shiv_Vin
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    How do you all tell which team scales harder late game

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    This question might be a little bit broad but I find myself sometimes being wrong on who I think will scale harder later into the game. Is there some key indicators or factors that make I should be looking for, and how do I tell if both teams will be pretty equal in power late game?

    submitted by /u/YTsharkzone
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    What to do when autofilled

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Why do most people not say that they are autofilled? I just had a game where the jungler is an ADC main and ADC and MID are jungle mains according to porofessor. Why just don't tell in the lobby that you are autofilled, sometimes someone will trade position because they are filled to or don't mind playing the other role. The worst that can happen is that you either have to stick with your role or dodge. But just like now having three people filled is just unfun, for me, for you, for the rest of the team.
    Unfortunately it feels like happening alot that multiple players get filled where it could happen that everyone gets their respective role. I don't understand this algorithm from the matchmaking perspective, but i see that more often than not in the last weeks. So just ask. Noone will hurt you.

    submitted by /u/valtl
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    Prototype: Omnistone. Where are they now?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I have never seen anyone used this keystone. Not even once. In both normal and rank. I've tried to make this keystone work a few times since I like the concept of Dark Harvest scaling other keystones but it was just god awful. There are no champ that can make good use of every keystone. And the one that can technically use it like Ezreal, Singed and Teemo are better of with a dedicated keystone anyway since the inspiration tree is not the best investment for their position.

    Feel like this keystone is due for another rework.

    submitted by /u/hsm4ever10
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    I've been a support main for ages and i still have no clue how to play against hook champions

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Hey. Ive been playing support since season 8 and i main rakan and bard. Ever since mid season 9 I've had no idea how to play against them. It seems as tho they can just walk around minions are force me and my adc to either A) get trapped in the minions and be aa to death by the adc or B) get hooked by the support and die to a cc combo. If our team ever tells my adc to not push as hard they just ignore it or get tilted of it and makes them play worst. It's honestly making me hate playing support and I dont know what to do. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/throwmeawaysensei
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    What to do if neither side lane is gankable as twisted fate?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    This isn't always but I've been running into this problem semi frequently where I've won lane as twisted fate (solo killed laner/heavy cs lead) and when i get my ultimate I find neither bot nor top is gankable often its a fed bruiser top (always darius or riven) where they can easily 2v1 and destroy my lead. Or its a brutal cc botlane such as Morgana Caitlin. Where I get one shot as soon as I appear. Ive tried to coordinate with junglers to make it a 4v2 but its solo queue so thats inconsistent. Should I try and force these situations or just try and extend my lead midlane and counter roam/look for jungle picks?

    submitted by /u/MyDMingAccount
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    Sona Support

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    I've been playing Sona for a while now and every time my adc and I get ganked or I join a team fight, I'm pretty much one shotted. I've been told that she's strong late game but she's really squishy. My q doesn't do that much damage late game. Does this mean I should change my build? What should I focus on?

    submitted by /u/Mara216
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    Ekko combo guide, how to play Ekko!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Hello summoners,

    today I have a Ekko combo guide for you, this guide shows combos from easy, to intense, so everyone who want start to play or is maining Ekko can learn how to deal the most possible dmg with Ekko!

    Link to the guide: https://youtu.be/1dtJalee8Ok

    I hope it will help you, to improve!

    submitted by /u/IloveBass98
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    What makes a mage work bot lane?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    So I'm a mid laner with support secondary, but I'd like to switch to ADC/bot secondary.

    I've played Veigar bot in the past, which seems to work fine, but I'm wondering what else I could take down there when my team needs more AP.

    I'm a Zoe main, and I know she's probably the worst to send bot since she needs lots of exp. Velkoz and Lux are my favorite secondary mages at the moment. How much of a disaster would i be if I brought them bot every once and awhile?

    submitted by /u/Clora_Phyll
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    How do I know if I’m winning lane or losing?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Ok so I play jhin bot lane been high bronze low silver for awhile and I tend to get 70-80 cs when I'm focused that is early game 11:20 mins since 1:20 is minions spawn right?

    It seems like if I don't get fed or turret plates that I don't make an impact on the game since there is like no pressure.

    I tend to ward for info by placing where I get vision so I don't get ganked thankfully.

    Could also be support matchup idk Maybe I am missing info that could make this easier to answer

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/John_boy_90
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    How to avoid getting mad at bad players

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Alright this is a topic that has ruined a lot of games for me.

    Because sometimes the game goes well and everything then I try to help my team and all and a lot of time there is this one player who just fails to coordinate and doesn't listen when you give him hints.

    An example of my last game: You have a Master Yi who goes Manamune and it takes him 35 minutes to reach Muramana when the game is already pretty much over and he had it for like 1 minute till we lost. Looking at the damage stat he dealt even less damage than our support. by far. Instead of contesting drake with me against 2 low hp opponents, he just passed by (I legit thought he was coming along to contest it). I almost killed both of 'em alone, with his help it would've been so easy to get 2 kills and a drake. You know what he did? He just passed by drake and went for a 1v2 gank on botlane.. and obviously died. And I did too.

    We could've had a double kill and a drake, instead the enemy got 2 kills, a drake and my midlane turret in the process...

    And seriously at some point it just grinds my gears cause I cannot wrap my head around how someone can be this stupid.

    But since you sadly can't force them to just uninstall and go play lego or some shit.. how do you guys avoid getting mad at people who just really run down your whole game? Because I think if I stopped getting emotional about it and keep my cool instead, I could carry more games despite having monkeys in my team.

    submitted by /u/3shyguy3
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    Has there ever been a sweepstakes to meet pro players in league? Or something similar?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Has there ever been a sweepstakes to meet pro players in league of legends? Or something similar?

    It'd also be cool to stay in the gaming house.

    I'm serious about it and I want the pages and links if possible.

    Even if this took place in Europe, or in the past, I want to know about it and I really want the links.

    Thanks in advance to anyone and everyone who has something to contribute to this! I appreciate all the help.

    submitted by /u/LilianaCole
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    Merc Treads or Tabis vs Darius

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I always wonder whether Ninja Tabis or Mercury Treads are better verses Darius. Darius is AD, so getting tabis is good, but he's not too AA based. Merc treads would also be good to reduce the bleed damage. I just don't know when to build what. Would merc treads be better if you're gonna be in long fights verses him (like with conqueror or other sustain)?

    submitted by /u/Capsaisyn
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    I noticed I win more when I have less deaths.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    So I have a main and a smurf, on my main I go ham and limit test and have a lot of kills but also a decent amount of deaths. Let's say, for example, 13 kills and 5 deaths. On my smurf, I switch up my playstyle and play smart and calculated, averaging let's say 8 kills and 1 death. I tend to win a lot more on my smurf even when I'm playing against people in my main elo. Considering making my smurf my main now because it prob has a better mmr. What's the reason for this because even though I'm giving more gold to the enemy, I'm also shutting them down and gaining more for myself.

    submitted by /u/saynotokooIaid
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    late game champ laning phase

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    When I play a late game champ such as Kassadin or Kayle, should I focus on using abilities to last hit minions which I can't auto without taking a bad trade or should I use my abilities to poke the enemy laner? Poking the enemy will aggro his minions onto me instead of attacking my minions so my minions will have higher hp and should end up pushing to the enemy's direction which could lead to the enemy freezing and zoning me away from xp and gold. However, if I don't poke then the enemy will be full hp and will have an advantage in jungle skirmishes, also the possibility of getting dived because of hp to tank tower.

    submitted by /u/WizardLizard567
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    Checklist for replay review?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    I've recently started reviewing my own games and watched a handful of coaching videos, but is there a solid checklist of things I could improve upon or questions I should be asking myself already put together somewhere that I can use while doing so? Maybe a google docs link or something along those lines

    submitted by /u/overdosedghost
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    Video Guide: Drafting for Clash

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    This is a repost from something I made a few months back, but hopefully it's helpful for all of you today!

    With Clash coming up this weekend, I thought it would be helpful to put together a simple drafting guide for all of you! I took a lot of concepts from coaching in a traditional competitive setting, and adjusted them so they could be applied at every level.


    I also put together a nifty draft sheet to help. The video goes into depth and provides examples. But here are some of the highlights:

    Ally Planning

    • Collect top 5-6 champions for each of your teammates and organize them by comfort level (copy spreadsheet from above)
    • Write out the champions you expect the enemy team to ban away from you.
    • Note any flex picks, as well as who has the deepest pool

    Enemy Scouting

    • Collect top 5-6 champions from enemy history/mastery/ranked tabs in Clash
    • Ban strategies:

      • Highest elo player's best champ(s)
      • OTPs
      • Weakest player (if carries and OTPs are handled already)
    • Note: they are not locked to roles. Probably smart to ban a OTP even if their last clash game wasn't in that role.

    • Screenshot enemy history/mastery/ranked and save them in discord so you can view them during draft.

    Draft Strategy

    • Recognize basic themes (i.e. dive, poke, kite).
    • Use flex picks to conceal your themes until your enemy team has committed to one
    • Draft towards themes that counter your enemy's theme

      • Dive beats poke, poke beats kite, kite beats dive. It's a basic rock, paper, scissors game (oversimplified, but trying to make this easy to follow)

    Draft Tactics

    • Early pick flexible champs to keep your theme options open. "Flexible" is constituted as:

      • Can play multiple lanes
      • Can adapt build according to situation
      • Can match different themes (engage/kite/poke)
    • Save late/counter picks for your players with the deepest champ pools

      • Focus on getting more comfortable champions early for your weaker players. This keeps them from getting banned out.
      • Allows your best player to take advantage of a lane counter,because they're the most likely to know how to snowball that lead into a win.

    HAVE FUN! It's only a game :D

    I hope this can help you all to win more Clash games and go into draft with confidence! If there are any other tips you recommend, comment below. I'm happy to discuss further :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Should I do the wrong thing because it's solo queue?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:57 PM PDT


    I am Senna on the Red side.

    Dragon was spawning, a wave was crashing top so I pinged my top laner that he had teleport and to answer. He did which was good.

    Enemy jungle pushed the wave mid so I had to answer mid (I am ADC). I ping the wave mid, and I ping our top laner is top.

    My Support, Mid, and Jungle, go to dragon and get vision. That was good.

    They looked for a pick though. They waited in the bush and tried to cheese the enemy and ended up getting 5 v 3 while my top laner was channeling teleport and I was moving to the fight.

    Now I know that the right call is to get the vision, push the mid wave, let my top laner group, and try to 5 v 5.

    My team however does not know to wait. This is predictable because of solo queue environment where no one takes in to account the wave, or the numbers advantage.

    Should I do the wrong thing and let the mid wave crash to my turret?

    If I let mid wave crash to my turret and group early then we are 4 v 5 at dragon and we at least have one more person there.

    I know that it is the wrong play to make but since it is solo queue does that mean I should make it anyways?

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How come Senna's ultimate can penetrate Yasuo's shield wall while Lux's ulti can't?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Lux and Senna's ultimate spells are really the same, but why is Senna's ult stopped by Yasuo's shield wall? Is it a bug?

    EDIT: Mistake in the title: can -> can't

    Here is the proof:


    submitted by /u/Lengend_of_leagues
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    Need tips on Vod reviewing a clash game

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    Plat 4 ADC player, who have a regular clash team. After today's clash we've decided as a team we wanna VOD review our-selfs and was looking for some tips as to what we should watch out for as a team, and if we should mostly review positioning, macro decisions and vision, or should we also concentrate on certain players and their choices?

    It's worth noting we'll all do the vod review in discord while 1 guy is streaming the game with enemy vision off.

    Any tips will be great! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TotalTakai
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