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    Sunday, September 20, 2020

    LoL Guide On Inhibitors

    LoL Guide On Inhibitors

    On Inhibitors

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Destroying an inhibitor can be very valuable at times, potentially game winning. However, if destroying one is done at the wrong times / situations or your team plays incorrectly afterwards doing so can also lower your chances of winning.

    In isolation, killing an inhibitor generates 50 gold of value if a champion last hits it. Afterwards, it is negative value as the super minions will auto push the lane denying your team gold and XP from enemy minion waves unless someone is pushing along with them. Also, if killed prior to 25 minutes, it potentially gives additional value to the opposing team as there will be a super in every wave which has the same value of gold/XP as a cannon and there would be waves without cannons before 25 minutes.

    As such, it is important to have planned plays that the super minion pressure enable / makes more reliable that will be of greater value that the lost minion waves. Such as killing bot inhib to make it harder for the enemy team to contest Baron. There are of course other things besides Baron, but that is a big one.

    On the flip side, if you are in a losing game state and the enemy destroys and inhib, finding a way to stall things out until the gold/XP shift in your teams favor caused by the supers is a way to make a comeback.

    submitted by /u/SkiaElafris
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    Dealing with fed Zed as an ADC

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Even if I go GA second item (like my most recent, frustrating game) and stand behind my turret it feels like he can all in me off cooldown whenever he wants to come bot lane. Even with my whole team surrounding me it feels like he can just go in and out without being touched. If I just dont go to a lane to farm ever then I become useless anyway.

    submitted by /u/Magikarp-Army
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    Are apps like porofessor, facecheck and blitz even useful?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I want to ask this question but this sub requires 250 charcters,sooooo.What do you think is the best out of these types of apps, I just used blitz but moved over to porofessor and I honestly don't know if either of them even effected by gameplay.What is your experience with these applications, have they effected your gameplay?

    submitted by /u/kevisdahgod
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    How to track the enemy jungler with vision abilities (Swain W, Ashe E)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm a support main and I love playing swain. Sometimes my duo will play Ashe. I was wondering how I could get better at tracking the enemy jungle through our vision abilities. Right now I just W their buff as swain and if it's there I'll know that they'll path towards in fairly soon, but I'm sure there's more intricacies than that.

    All comments welcome.

    submitted by /u/_SirSnake
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    How to jungle earlygame playing a scaling champion, and having a full scaling team?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I would like some tips on this, and what i could've done to win a really one sided ranked (gold-plat) game today. I was playing Kayn jungle (conq.). Our team was: Riven(top), Ziggs(mid), Ashe(adc) and Soraka(sp). Enemy team was Garen(top), Lillia (jg), Pyke(mid), Jinx(adc) and Leona(sp).

    If I'm not wrong, i see three losing lanes. I'm playing kayn, so i cant really force ganks in any of these 3 lanes. I can't 1v1 lillia at any point in the game. So i tried to powerfarm this game and play to get form by ganking top. I had about 10 cs lead on Lillia. She got first 2 drakes and rift, as we had no lane priority. Our bot lane inted early to leona engages as I had expected. I pulled off a successful gank top and ganked again, only to barely survive garens ult and we didn't even manage to kill him.

    Pyke started roaming after destroying ziggs in lane and then lillia got a bunch of free kills bot. She kept playing around the Leona, and being down 2 drakes and an insane amount of gold and exp, the game was already over for us. Jinx got superfed and we ff'ed when they got 2 inhibs. I am totally clueless on how I could've changed the outcome of this game. If any of you can help, would be awesome :)

    submitted by /u/BlueKayn29
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    Which lane should I prioritize ganking as a jungler?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Hey guys currently maining jgl this season after being mid main for 5 years. How should I prioritize a lane?

    I am mainly playing nunu and I try to focus on mid and bot for dragon control but also sometimes gank top after I did scuttle with the extra speed boosted snowball.

    But I think that its not right and I should decide it individually in every game depending on the matchup and of losing/winning lanes. But how?

    An Example Top losing Mid winning Bot even

    Should I prioritize helping top and help the other lanes less, should I focus getting mid even more fed or should I help the bot lane?

    I know its not that easy to say and more individually decided and there are many factors like skaling etc. But I have often the feeling I have not that much ganking impact

    Do you got tips ?

    submitted by /u/moesig
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    How to understand macro and micro and improve it

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I have been trying to improve my game by being more aware of where to be and how to engage in fights. I main ADC at the time (considering switching to mid) but I feel like most of the games are lost because either no one cares about my calls or I end up farming when I should be fighting. I sometimes commit to something that I believe is winnable and my team goes away which ends up in my team losing their heads and letting me die for the rest of the game. I try to play around objectives but have a hard time choosing what to do. I struggle to identify points where I can abuse my advantage in game.

    Do you know if any vids or tips I could incorporate to training?

    I'm currently plt 3

    submitted by /u/Sad_Morrigu
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    Would I be "handicapped" if I played Qiyana as a low-elo player?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    After seeing Qiyana one tricks single-handedly change team fights with an ultimate and then getting a True Damage Qiyana skin shard, I'm 100% convinced that Qiyana is the way to go.

    The only problem with this is... I don't know if my LP would agree. I've seen a lot of posts about how playing a more complicated champ will make you "handicapped" and that if you're low-elo, you're better off playing Annie.

    So, would I be "handicapped" if I played her?

    submitted by /u/nyx372
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    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I've been watching a ton of high-elo players make timestamps for enemy sums in chat. For example, Yamikazexz, whenever he gets sums early game, he usually timestamps it. I was wondering how to make timestamps, and how to spam them.

    If you can help me, that'll be great! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/PogchampWeak
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    Just bought yorick because I really liked his design and abilities, but have a lot of questions

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    First when should I take grasp and when conqueror? Is it possible to have more than 4 ghouls at the time? How do I let the maiden push while I roam? When should I look to split push and how do I do it?

    I know it is a lot but even if you answer one it will greatly help me (Btw I watched a couple of guides but they didn't explain this very well)

    submitted by /u/ilan555
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    Wave times.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Hey guys,I 've been meaning to make this post for a while but given that the information wasn't really needed in low elo I decided to reach plat first then make this discussion. I've been watching streams for a long time and I genuinely feel like I know when to back as an ADC and when to shove so you can leave lane but I'd rather have some more insight on it from all of you redditors.

    1.When do you recall in order to lose the less minions?(I've heard its during canon wave but when exactly?when canon reaches lane or when canon spawns?)

    2.Are there specific ADCs that can buy botrk or do you just buy it on anything you want as long as there is a meatshield on the other team?

    3.How to deal with an inting support?

    4.How to abuse lead?

    submitted by /u/rberu
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    why murmana on kayle?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I know murmana is now becoming op on a lot of champs. twitch, lucian, pretty much everyone who can use it buys it. but kayle's auto attacks dont deal damage to only one guy, the exhalated part is AOE that deals damage all around, so does murmana still work on her? isn't it kinda pointless here?

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    Everything always goes wrong (falling from plat)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    first post here, but I need to take it out of my mind. I've been playing since season 1, always at gold elo, and last season I played a bit more seriously and ended up plat. I think it was deserved, but I know it's my level and I shouldn't be ranked above that (nor do I want to put the effort into getting higher).

    Since then, I left the game for a while for several reasons, only playing an occasional Aram. The last few months, whenever I tried to play, I've realized my overall level is lower, but despite my actions, everything that I don't have a direct control over just goes wrong. I know the usual "focus on what you do", but winning my lane / ganking / farming isn't enough. I have to fill 2 roles to have a decent shot at winning. And despite my notorious absence of luck (actually tested and verified, to the awe and apologies of every person who previously said it couldn't be true), it's not only that : if I could reach plat despite being very unlucky, I should be able to do it again.

    Here are some examples :

    - you're support, your adc can't farm, your jungler ganked once in 12 minutes and dies.

    - you're top, you win the trade so you start getting camped, you can't farm and lose your advantage while your team does nothing out of the jungler camping top.

    - you're jungler, you tell someone you're coming to gank them, they engage and die right before. meanwhile, the enemy jungler ganked bot despite walking through your wards and get a double.

    This is in every single one of my games. It's hard to get a lead and whenever I do manage to get one, it's undone by the enemy team (that's normal) at no cost (that's not normal).

    So I've started to really give up early, because every game plays out like the previous ones : I do well / very good, then it's all for nothing. I really feel helpless and would need advice on how to approach the macro game. Do I rely too much on my allies ?

    Here is my profile if you need : https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=SmB+Koji

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/SmBKoji
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    How do you get past the losing mentality?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I have played various mobile mobas for years with a little bit of league of legends many years ago for about 15-20 games. I absolutely love watching league of legends but can never come to play the game myself. The first major issue is the 30 minute games which only allows me to play like 7-8 games a day. The issue comes here, I know I will suck in the beginning but hate the idea that I have to play out the remainder of the game which might be an additional 20-30 minutes if I fall hard early game. So I keep telling myself that through each of my games if I do terrible, I will just be waiting an extra 15-25 minutes with nothing to really do as I will fall off hard because I got clapped early game in my lane. How did you get out of this mentality?

    submitted by /u/Gaming4FUNN
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    Watching a shared replay

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:01 PM PDT


    I've recently downloaded a replay and I'm not sure how to watch it if it's not somewhere in someone's match history (it's a custom game, so the game is hidden). How do I make it so that I could view the match in league of legends spectator mode? I've seen a bunch of guides made about it before the client rework but after that as far as I understand Riot changed what files the folders have (and the folders' names also changed) and none of the guides I could find worked for me. May anyone assist?

    submitted by /u/Taurashvn
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    I have been a jungle main since I started playing League and still don't know how to gank.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Ever since I started playing League I have been a jungle main, throughout the years I feel my macro in the jungle is above average apart from one aspect, ganking. In a typical game I will gank 2-3 times max no matter if I am playing a farming jungler or someone like Lee Sin who has very strong ganks.

    I understand that each champ has their strengths and weaknesses but when it comes to Jungle and can adapt to each champions style apart from ones who are very good at ganking. I don't know why I don't gank, could be that I am afraid that I will fall behind if the gank goes wrong, not sure but I want to learn how to become a better ganker.

    My biggest weakness in the Jungle is ganking, how can I improve?

    submitted by /u/Cameron0312
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    Jungle Tracking

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    For context I'm a silver toplaner (Quinn OTP, so I get camped often) atm.

    I've been aware of the concept of jungle tracking for sometime. As of now, I only do some small things like figuring out where the enemy jg starts based on when people come to lane, thinking about their champion's power spikes and when they'd gank. For example, if its someone like eve i can play with no fear pre 6 since she will be weak and most likely won't even gank but if its warwick I will intentionally play safe around lvl 3.

    However, I get pretty lost when trying to keep track of things that require constant thinking. For example, I'm aware that a camp = 4 CS but get overwhelmed when trying to use that information to track jg. Or knowing that since JG ganked bot, when would be the approximate time they could come top. If I see JG on the opposite side of the map I will just think "ok I'm safe for now" and then practically forget about their existence.

    I'm aware that as a silver player, I don't need to be adept at this to climb. Because of the champion I play, I am often either trying to freeze or hard shove to roam. However, it is still something that I would like to improve on, but get overwhelmed about since there is so much information.

    My question is, how would I even go about starting to think about jungle tracking? Like, what would be the first steps to improve from where I am (just using a few shortcuts at the start of the game) to actually dynamically tracking jg? I would really only be able to improve on one aspect at a time. Any help appreciated, but please don't recommend me things to climb that are off topic.

    submitted by /u/AsleepOcelot6
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    How do I stutter step without walking into the enemy like an idiot?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    ^ Title.
    I do this a lot on senna, when I go to auto an enemy. I often misclick and auto a minion/walk into the enemy like I'm running it simply because I missed my crosshair. For the longest time however, I ignored trying to fix this issue because senna's range and low attack speed didnt punish me terribly hard for it.

    Recently however I've been trying out Azir, and his ridiculous attack speed makes it flat out impossible to accurately auto the enemy while kiting backwards, and since I'm still learning his kit I can't focus all my energy on trying to right click the target.

    Is there a way/keybinding that lets me consistently kite without missing my autos?

    submitted by /u/Shimadacat
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    Yone E vs Cam R

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Yone E and Camille R

    So is Yone supposed to get out of ur ultimate or not? Because I remember at the release that only if he timed his e perfectly he would get out but in the last two matches I played Yone he could always get out even after fewseconds. So was it buggy after release or is it Buggy now ?

    submitted by /u/CeemoDeNiro
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    How to end a game that you’ve snowballed

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Just had a very tilting game where our team was up 10-1 at around 15 min but, we weren't able to end and the yi yummi just steamrolled us after yi got some items, we had 3 of them down at 20 minutes my initial thought is to start baron ? Is this wrong

    submitted by /u/Sipinate
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    Optimise build path early game

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    This is something I always struggle on my off role as a top laner. I find it hard to tell when its good to build to counter your laner early game or to go for your core item first. Eg. You're versing Fiora and your playing Morde, you get a cheeky first blood but have no sums while she has both up still. You back have enough gold to buy Bramble or to buy towards your first AP item( I think it's hextech item first?) Their jungle is Elise while yours is Yi.

    I know their are many other factors to consider and also very specific match ups/ interactions. I just fond it difficult as a control mage as first item is usually either lost chapter or seekers arm guard.

    What determines the decision on going defensive or offensive. I'm plat 4 and I'm sure building optimally isn't the main thing I should work towards but is still something I know next to nothing about in the early game.


    submitted by /u/fishmoleyqqq
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    How important are Provisionals for ranked?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    I recently was banned and had to make a new account. I grinded to level 30 and started doing my Provisionals. For context, I was mid plat ELO. I am currently 3-2 in my provisionals, one of which was unwinnable due to an AFK. Just how influential are these first 10 matches? Is it worth restarting if I end up going even or so? I want to grind back to my original ELO quickly but don't want a bad 10 games to triple the amount of games needed or something.

    Any insight into how this works would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cob___
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