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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    LoL Guide Understanding the difference between armour penetration types is something you NEED to know

    LoL Guide Understanding the difference between armour penetration types is something you NEED to know

    Understanding the difference between armour penetration types is something you NEED to know

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    I'm in Silver, and I see this so often, that I cannot understand how it's so prevalent. There are two ways to punch through enemy armour and magic resist: flat, and percentage. Flat reduction are items like Morellonomicon, Youmuu's Ghostblade. Items that a flat number, like +15 magic penetration. Percentage items are like Void Staff and Last Whisper, where it says +20% armour penetration.

    The difference of how they perform is based on the enemy armour level. If the enemy has 50 armour, and you can choose between 20 flat pen, and 20 percent pen, what do you take? Do you leave him with 30 armour, or 40? Pretty obvious choice. What about if the enemy has 180 magic resist? Do you buy Morellonomicon, with its 15 magic pen, or Void Staff, with its 40%? You take Void Staff, because 15 flat pen will leave him with 165 MR, reducing him from 64% magic reduction to 62%

    I have had more games than I can count where I am literally begging my team to buy armour/magic pen items because they have a huge frontline of tanks, and I get people replying with "I've got duskblade". Ok cool, Malphite's 220 armour is surely gonna crumble under that damage.

    You don't need to know the exact maths behind the damage reduction rates [but if you do, it's {100 divided by (amour level + 100)}. The answer is how much damage they will take of that damage type]. But you do you need to know the armour level they will be left with after your item. To make it easier on yourself: low armour, flat pen. High armour, percentage.

    submitted by /u/UnholyDemigod
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    If i push mid lane i get instantly ganked, if im pushed in my jungler never comes.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    im a Mid main and i have this odd thing happening in soloq. I really like playing on my side and control the wave so it is easily gankable. Trying to get the enemys flash and setup ganks as best as possible. Most games they don't get punished for it tho and it ends up being me losing cs because they just shove in and i have to farm under tower. When i push i always get ganked and punished for it (if i survive or not doesn't matter worst case the lane ends up frozen on his side.

    Just feels odd most games thinking like im trying to make a gameplan ok enemy is ziggs has a weaker escape we have shaco jungle and i have CC mid so i keep the wave on my side so he can't just blindly push and when they then blind push and never get punished it hurts my farm, i get no lane prio to help jungle and my tower gets damaged slowly. Feels like they either blind gank their duo mate if there is one or just like to powerfarm atm. I know they can't gank 24/7 and im not blaming them, im just used to playing with a premade team and probably play soloq wrong.

    So i was wondering should i play more champs that don't rely on the jungler and or try keeping the wave more in the middle? Focusing on roams or lane bully champs? Just looking to adjust what i can do better/different. D4 right now.

    submitted by /u/eXon2
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    Guide for how to get S grades

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    We would all know that the grades are calculated by different factors including in game scores and comparisons with the average scores of the champion in your MMR but in reality it's fairly simple to get an S-/S/S+. I'm specifically talking about non-support roles because the key for it is maximising CS. People often talk about vision score, objective damage, turret damage, etc but those come naturally. KDA is also overrated a lot. You can easily get an S grade with 5/0/0 KDA and such a KDA comes naturally as well. Once you're in the mid-late game, you can start to get as many jungle camps and minions as possible, aim for at least 200 cs and don't waste your time chasing or fighting for no reason. You can even die many times (like 6 times) but you'll get the S as long as you have 200+ CS and a correct KDA.

    Like I said people overrate kills and underrate farm, not only regarding the grades but also gold wise. You'll be extremely fed with a great gold and xp advantage after power farming. Then you can easily grab a dozen of kills here and there. You'll get the S even if you lose. Hopefully this can help you get your mastery tokens or champion chests, personally that's how I get a chest every week whenever it's available. As for the support role I didn't play enough games to conclude about the method but it's as easy as other roles. Get a good KDA, place your wards whenever they're available. Btw place them in places where they would actually spot enemies because I think vision score increases more the more you spot enemies/entities.

    Lastly, apply this strategy in normal games. You would obviously not play for your score in ranked mode. Though it can help some people to improve their cs'ing in mid-late game, consider farm, instead of focusing on kills and take less useless fights knowing they have a shutdown bounty. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/SSj3Rambo
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    How to play against ahri?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    The last post about this i saw was posted 6 years ago. So now that i observed that i lose the lane a lot against her i want to know what am i doing wrong so that i wont do it again. Her playstyle is very safe once level 6 since of her ult being able to be used as an escape. If she catches a charm i get outraded, die or must recall.

    submitted by /u/Le_SputierMann
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    Why does urgot have a 52-53 percent winrate?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I main urgot and I don't understand why he had that high of a winrate. He has many counters pre level 9, and I feel like so many champs outscale him (Jax, trynd, kayle) so why does he have a 52-53 percent winrate when Jax is literally a better version of urgot.

    submitted by /u/alive_user_of_reddit
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    what makes a great player great?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    so i was watching some replays of pro top laners playing quinn (khan specifically) against fiora, and i noticed while i was watching the replay that nothing really stood out to me about the way he played. he took a lot of trades where he went even, pushed the lane at times i thought were weird, and even lost in cs. he ended up winning, and obviously he's one of the world's best top laners while i'm a shitter, but it got me thinking about how to identify what makes an amazing player what they are. people talk about winning trades and wave management as fundamentals of top lane, and obviously someone who is the best will be very good at those things. but while he seemed very good, there were still mistakes even i could identify. does anyone have any videos they can link, or just general explanations on how to understand what makes a great top laner? is it just minimization of mistakes in the fundamentals, or is it something more than that, like is a great top laner someone who just plays slightly better than their opponent while taking advantage of their mistakes, or someone who actively smashes them? sorry if the question is vague.

    submitted by /u/dadfister420
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    Nidalee build advice in the Jungle

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Hi dudes. I started playing Nidalee a few weeks ago. I have gone from a 40-45% wr early on to a 50-55% wr now in high gold-low plat elo. I am well aware that this champ has a low win rate and I would climb better on other champions, I just want to play as well as I can on Nidalee now. Champs I struggle against are Vi, Hecarim & similar champions to her that are tanky & deal lots of damage. Should I be building runic echos + RoA + zhonyas vs. these people? Would I do better with this increased tankiness? Or is Runic + Lich Bane too good? I will tell you that I feel unstoppable when I get runic + lich Bane and sometimes often pop off.

    Here is my op.gg


    let me know of any tips you have based on build path/runes/anything.

    And yes, I have bought very few pink wards in the past 150 games (less than 3 probably). I can fix this any time I have extra 75 gold.

    submitted by /u/aroach1995
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    I main Katarina and these2 are the most important combos for ppl that wanna pick her up.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I main Katarina for years now and I have played her both before rework and after I see ppl struggle with her and not understanding how to play her efficiently and trying to learn complicated combos that is going to only make you more confused and difficult

    Katarina best combo is e<gunblade<w<q<r and most time you won't have to think about your combo it will come natural but the secret is to be able to execute this very fast by having gunblade key very close to your e (I use it on 3) if you master this combo and you doing it almost at instant speeds the way I do it you will become a next lvl Katarina main.

    Practice with whatever key you feel like can give you the fastest time on gunblade after e

    Second combo is e>w on a plant, minion,mushroom trap anything that can get you closer to your dying target and q>gunblade at the same time very fast again is all about gunblade execution with a very slow q but if you practice enough your resets will be instant almost and the enemy won't have time to run away from you

    Wish you the best of luck on the rift summoners and I hope this makes it easier for you when you pick up my beloved Katarina

    For more tips and tricks with Katarina more than welcome to join me on my stream link in bio.

    submitted by /u/SoloQBarbarian
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    A question for Support mains during a weird ADC meta

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    A question for you Support mains out there.

    Early on in the ranked season, I played a ton of ranked games maining support, made it to Plat 4, and stopped playing ranked for awhile, taking some time to putter around in normals or ARAMs with my friends.

    Returning to ranked now, I've noticed a significant drop in my win rate. While this in and of itself isn't an indicator of anything in ranked (win sprees and loss sprees are part of the whole package), and I will say, in all fairness, that some of the loss streak is likely due to rust - I own that.

    That said, I do wonder how much - if any - can be attributed to the bizarre state of ADCs in the current meta. It's insanely uncommon to find a game without Caitlyn or Ashe being played, unless they're banned. I see some outlier picks from time to time, but I find they lose a lot. I might just have bad luck with ADCs or lane matchups, but it's hard to say.

    Have any other Support mains experienced a similar dip in the quality of their games with the current ADC meta? Outside of continuing to play and practice, any suggestions for champs to play that synergize well with the current meta ADC picks?

    And, for fun - what's the worst loss streak you've had? I'm thankfully nowhere near my record yet. :)

    submitted by /u/GregorsaurusWrecks
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    Looking for extensive itemization guide

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a comprehensive guide that goes over all the basic aspects of itemization. I'm gold 4 and still just build what mobalytics suggests. Is there anything out there that helped you with understanding all the different stats, items and when to build what?

    submitted by /u/Pe1per
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    I tabularized Perkz's and Rekkless's CS at each point in a game's time during last play-offs

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Each column shows total CS, CS per minute and the change in CS (CS acquired during the last 5 mins). I am just preparing this template for the finals and I thought I might share.

    imgur link

    • CS per min is the total CS divided by the minute mark, except at the 5 min column where I divided it by 3.35 instead.

    • at the end of each row are end of game score boards

    • the creeps scores in lead are bolded.

    If there are insights I can draw from these, it's that (1) if I play against these two, they would smash me in lane from CS difference alone and (2) don't play Senna ADC in solo queue.

    submitted by /u/unphantomable
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    How have I slept on Viktor for so long? How has *everybody* slept on Viktor for so long?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    I know what you're thinking; "Viktor? That dude hasn't been meta for years! They nerfed him into the ground." That's what I thought, too. Sporting a winrate of.... I'd rather not talk about it, and a pretty low pick rate, I thought, there's no way he's any good. But I played some TFT, went Battlecast, and saw Viktor lasering things to death. As a result, I got the itch, grabbed Viktor, and played some on him. Holy hell, is he effective.

    Pretty much every matchup has been the same; use E to shove minion waves and basically get perfect CS for the entire game, ward well to avoid getting ganked over and over due to the push, and try to combo my E to tap the enemy as well so I get Manaflow procs and some poke damage. And every game, pretty much the same result; I'm a lane bully that scales insanely well, to the point where I one shot everybody that isn't a tank, and I can kite them all day and night once it comes down to it.

    And I know, I know, Viktor's weakness is supposed to be assassins - but at this point I've one shotted so many assassins as they tried to jump on me that it doesn't even feel fair.

    So, is Viktor performing badly just because people aren't playing him correctly, and I happened to stumble upon the right setup, or have I just been super lucky? Because honestly, he feels pretty damn broken to me right now.

    Any tips for playing him are appreciated as well!

    submitted by /u/RTSUbiytsa
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    Question about back timing as an ADC

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    If the enemy bot lane just recalled and the wave in near my side of the lane, what do I do? We'll say both waves are equal in size, so if I recall now the wave will slow push towards the enemy and if I stay to shove the wave the enemy will get back to lane before I can fully reset.

    submitted by /u/BlankSora7
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    Build help please!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    This is my first post on here so let's see how this goes.

    Me and my friend are wanting to meme a game for some fun and to do so I've decided to play the one and only Teemo. In what role you ask? Support. (sorry)


    I have absolutely no clue what to build and what runes to take. Can you give me any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/oswaldrich
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    No matter what, STOP blaming other people

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    If you're like me and below Plat, you have no excuse to blame your teammates.

    Obviously I can't go over every single possible scenario, but no matter the game, there is ALWAYS something more you could have done, or things you could have done better.

    Especially in my case, as I primarily play midlane, I have no justification in blaming my other lanes for feeding. I could have taken a more dominant control of my lane and roamed to spread pressure.

    The moment you stop thinking "well so-and-so fed their laner! Jungle missed their smite! X-and-X missed their ult!", and you starting thinking about what could YOU have done different, that's when you start to play better. You have ZERO control over the other humans on your team, but you have full control over yourself.

    submitted by /u/cthildy
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    Looking for help with itemization as ADC

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I understand the importance of my first components and try to go either A.) BF Sword, B.) Rush cull after shoving the first 15cs, or C.) Get a weird back and build around it with coinflip success (usually due to me already losing lane and not changing how I play to compensate: overextending, trying to save jungle/support, tunneling on all-ins).

    After that I understand core items and occasionally build in a different order to fit the match, but usually follow the script of building my first item and then boots followed by my second core item. I feel like even that is a shaky understanding of my item builds, but it's about a good idea as anyone else I play against.

    Let's say we've got our 3 core items and berserker greaves now: I'm an active part of the game assuming I can position well in fights, help push objectives, and continue to farm safely either through empty lanes on our side of the map or mid w/ the occasional jungle camp that doesn't cripple our jungler. I feel like unless I'm stomping or getting stomped idk where to go with my build anymore. I know to grab stopwatch/GA if I'm getting killed early in fights or just can't avoid a fed assassin. If the game might end at any second snag the elixir of wrath for a better chance of turning. I get control wards where I can throughout the game. QSS sometimes.

    I just feel so lost because I buy Executioner's Calling and try to build a defensive if needed but idk what order these things should come in 9 times out of 10. Any advice you might have for me would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/overdosedghost
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    New to Yone and was wondering something about leveling up his abilities.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I was thinking about what I should focus on maxing. I looked at other people and most of them just maxed q, but I was thinking why do they not max e since you get more out of it. Then I thought a bit more and found that leveling up his q untill level 6 and after you just max e makes the most sense. Leveling his q untill level 6 because you get damage, but later on it is not really worth leveling, but e is. Why do barely any people do this?

    submitted by /u/highbread1
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    How do I manage my HP ?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    The one thing I struggled with the most while playing a MOBA is HP management, the problem is I go to my lain, end up fighting my opponent and killing them but then I'm between 10-60% of my HP, and my lane is not looking very good so if I back I have nothing to buy, my lane wouldn't have benefited and depending on when I kill the opponent there is a good chance they are back before I am. However if I don't back I will have less mana and less HP so I will have to play defensively and can't trade also any gank would probably kill me. So any tips to improve my HP management ?

    submitted by /u/MRIT03
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    I have returned to the game after years of break and i am struggling with the current MID meta.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    I have been playing League on and off since season 1, peaking at low Plat and have always been a main mid laner with a big lean towards control mages. I have returned to the game after four years of break and found out the mid lane meta have entierly transformed to hyper-mobile Assasins and classic mage counters.

    Assasins have always been my weak point ever since season 4 but never to this scale. I dont understand what i am supposed to do against them. If i try to trade, i always get out-traded or go 100-0 in seconds, if i try smother them by not giving them kill and go even with CS, they roam and still pop-off which i often cannot follow up due to playing immobile mages. Games always end too fast before i can scale up and i end up being a useless member of the team, even if i farm and dont die. I need to learn how to keep up with their tempo, all suggestions are appreciated.

    I have been following Coach Curtis and PekinWoof on YouTube to catch a few tips and learn but it hasnt been enough so far.

    Champion Pool: Cassiopeia and Anivia so far.

    submitted by /u/Castion
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    How do I improve if I don't know where and how to improve?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    I have 800 games on Gold 4 (not on Gold, just on Gold 4) and I can't improve. I've tried watching videos, tutorials, I just can't improve my gameplay. It also doesn't help that I can't carry my teammates who are usually feeding because I don't know how to carry a 1v5 situation not being 20 kills ahead of everyone. It just might be me who is probably one of the worst league players out there since I play league since Season 3 or I just can't seem to learn these stuff because I don't how or what I should learn. Does anyone have any tips of how to get off this stagnant position?

    submitted by /u/CapBarbosa
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    Attack Move on cursor bug

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Hey, I have an issue for long ago, usually I kite jungle camps with Attack Move (on cursor) and it works fine, except for the first attack. When I try to do the first attack on a camp, it just doesn't work, I have to click it (for normal attack) and when I already have aggro, it let me kite with Attack Move. Also It doesn't work for Scuttle.

    Just wondering if this is normal or there is any solution. Thanks

    submitted by /u/forestfr1end
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    E-Sports Program for High School

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have been playing League off and on since season 3 and I have consistently watched professional LoL for the same amount of time. As a High School teacher I thought it would be cool to start and E-Sports program, and luckily my administration was all for it! We are going into our second season and I have two veteran players, one of whom is really impressive. The other new players are just starting out and I am looking for resources to share with them to get into the game. I've done some digging and I have our new jungler practicing consistent jungle routes so he can get more familiar with CS-ing and having a healthy clear. Once he has those things down we'll talk more about his influence on the game. I play a lot of jungle so it's an area I feel the most comfortable in coaching.

    Our mid-laner is one of the veteran players so he just needs practice in game and watching his own replays I think. Practicing champion match-ups is my priority for getting him to be a stronger player. Our ADC has incredible micro and macro play so we have him just helping us coaches explain concepts like CS-ing to the new players and he's taking on a captain role by keeping up to date with all the patches and suggested build paths for the team.

    What are some things to have our newbie support and top laners work on? Warding obviously for support (as a support main myself) but I don't know how one can practice that in the same way you can practice things like CS-ing, pathing, positioning and all the rest.

    Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated. I will be checking this sub often for new ideas and insight on how to get my program really soaring!

    Tl;dr - Coaching an E-Sports program for High School, looking for advice and resources to share with new players on concepts like CS-ing, warding, item builds, laning etc.

    submitted by /u/elter_ago
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    How to deal with Red Kayn ?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I have no idea, everytime i play vs kayn, he goes conqueror, red kayn, black cleaver into deaths dance, pops off, doesnt want to die, does bilion of damage, we have like 3 mrotal reminders on our team and 1 morello he is still healing, like is heal reduction for this champ disabled or what? What is the point of grievious wounds if the champ is still going to heal like madman? ? ? ? Not to mention that he can click R and come out with 100% hp from 10% hp when i already have exe/mortal reminder like ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    what do i do vs this champ this is crazy

    submitted by /u/WalIRose
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