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    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    LoL Guide Your JG shouldn't be winning your lane for you

    LoL Guide Your JG shouldn't be winning your lane for you

    Your JG shouldn't be winning your lane for you

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    1 thing I notice a lot in low elo is that people will expect their jungler to win their lane for them and if not they just flame the jungler for any little thing. Make sure you understand what type of jungler they're playing and where they should/are pathing.

    If you're expecting an Eve/Fiddle/Yi/Karthus to come gank your pushing lane at level 2 while they're on their raptors/wolves and yet to clear their 2nd buff then you may be the issue not them. Likewise if you hard shove every wave, don't ward and then die to the enemy jungler and wonder why yours hasn't ganked, you again are at fault not your jungler.

    Understand their pathing too, have they just cleared their top side jungle, have their bot camps spawning up and dragon is up? Don't expect them to come gank your top lane for the next 2+ minutes until they start pathing back up toward their top camps.

    Your jungler isn't at fault for you dying in lane, whether to your laner or to a gank, your junglers job isn't to hold your hand through the lane phase and make up for any poor wave management that you have. Learn to manage your play around your junglers position and pathing, realise where they are and where they are likely to be going next, you can apply the same thing to enemy junglers if you see their buffs about to spawn up, realistically they're likely to be pathing toward spawning buffs.

    So many people would climb if they didn't just blame their jungler for any lane mistakes they've made themselves, realise the things you're doing wrong and improve on them.

    submitted by /u/ImWhy
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    Abusing mobility alone can make you seem mechanically talented

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Mastering the art of mobility makes you look cool, feel like a pro and will tilt your enemies into submissive betas whenever they see you walking up to them. Next time you play your favorite champion, try to analyze their kit and think about how you can utilize your mobility to the maximum. For example, wardhopping and utilizing Jax's q. It's a simple ability, but the amount of times I've styled on Mordekaisers by dodging their q with a wardhop, dicking on Dariuses by jumping into their inner q circle, hopping to blast cones at the last second to prevent the enemy from getting away, surviving towerdives with one well executed wardhop and flanking enemies from impossible angles gives me a gamer boner. And that's all possible with literally ONE simple ability. Now imagine the mindfuckery you can pull off when you master champions like Leblanc, Akali, Shaco, Sylas etc. Mobility, in my opinion, is a huge part of what makes a mechanically talented player.

    submitted by /u/CelsiusTheGreat
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    You don’t have to kill or hard commit for during a gank for it to be successful. The presence of the jungler on the lane is a huge bonus

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I first noticed this when I was playing with a group a friends and one of them is a really bad jungler. He always picks early champion, use an early build, to just powerfarm, and wait minut 20 to complain he can't do a thing.

    Meanwhile, all ennemies remarked that we have no jungler and play the lane like a pure 1v1 or 2v1, as they know our jungler won't come. BUT, me and the other laners play in the fear of a gank, and this has a huge impact on lane priority, CSing and so on.

    I also played some games with an other friend jungler, he is like average jungle, but he ganks, show up on the lane. AND EVEN IF THE GANKS DONT END UP WITH A KILL OR A FLASH, THE ENNEMIES KNOW THERE IS A JUNGLER AND SHOW RESPECT, AND I CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT. And again, huge impact on lane priority, CSing and back timing

    So is it the jungler role to win your lane ? Not really.

    Can the jungler make your lancing phase more difficult by never showing ? Yes totally, but laning phase difficult doesn't mean feed your ass off, and a jungler can ignore your lane for totally valid strategic reason

    Can only one gank (or even just go in Bush warded by the ennemie, so they know and feel the presence) make your laning phase a lot easier ? Yes totally, but laning phase easier doesn't mean lane won

    With a few words, even if the gank seem useless, the 5seconds you use do it as a jungler can help a lot your laner as the ennemie laner will fear an other gank, even if you never come again

    submitted by /u/oh-yoow
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    Why are AD assassins like Kha'zix recommended for climbing Low Elo, and abused by smurfs?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    I've seen this a lot, but don't understand. I started playing League maining Kha'zix in JG but found it very hard to carry games in low elo. I ended up abandoning him to main Zed. It seems as any squishy AD assassin it's super hard to 1v9 by yourself. Tanks seem much better at that. The same people who recommend Kha'zix say champions who can influence the game early are great picks. Yet Kamikhazix, A Grandmaster League player on YouTube, says Kha'zix is a Mid-game champion and isn't as strong ganking early.

    Me and my friend both started in the same Rank with it both being our first season. He loves playing Kha'zix and mains him yet struggled to carry Silver games with him even with many kills. He swapped over to Amumu/Hecarim and his win rates on those champs soared to 60%+. Within a month he made it to Gold. Meanwhile, I've been stuck in Silver trying to 1v9 games as Zed, and it feels like an uphill battle. I tried AP Comet Malphite mid and within a few games I'd gotten a triple kill and S- lmao.

    So as per my experience, why do people recommend Kha'zix for carrying low elo? How do smurfs carry games on AD assassins like Kha and Zed while it's not as easy for people closer to that elo to do so? (Even when they're just as fed on the same champion)

    submitted by /u/WeepingKhazix
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    A detailed guide on how one can easily learn micro and macro to climb the ladder with Pantheon

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a Grandmaster player who recently found success with Top Pantheon (with Ignite).

    Today I'd like to present you why I think Pantheon is one of the easiest champions in League of Legends to teach you micro AND macro - and how you can easily climb with him in soloQ.

    Link here, if you prefer a more in-depth video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0DEKcDlVqw&t=1s

    (I don't think I'll be able to fit here everything due to size). In the video I also tried to include lots of examples, from lane phase fights to roams to teamfights and also some tricks (such as escaping with R).

    You may ask first - why Pantheon Top and not Mid or Support or even Jungle?

    Because he's extremely good against most toplane matchups. When is not that strong in a particular matchup he can just leave the lane to invade the enemy jungler OR roam from Top to Mid with R or from Base to Bot.

    But let's look at the other lanes first..

    Well, on midlane while he has a decent winrate and pickrate and counters some assassins, he is really easily countered by scaling. Most of the time you can control the game in the first 15-20 mins but if you don't capitalize quick you will lose momentum and eventually the enemy midlaner will outscale you.

    Why is this not happening on Top? It does, but on a lighter scale. When you play Top you can join fights to turn them into a 5v4 (considering that you removed enemy teleport by using your ignite pressure). Aside from that, you still have a midlaner when you play top, a strong, scaling midlaner in general - making your mid to late game transition into an offtank/tank much more easier.

    Pantheon starts as a bruiser/assassin and transitions past min 20 into a bruiser/offtank/tank.

    We consider here also the fact that when you play Top you don't create that many chances for a full AD team as it often happens on mid.

    On Support he is a strong pick as well as we can see from worlds but in my opinion you can't carry as well as you can from Top. On Jungle he's just a bit too weak into the mid to late game to be really useful.

    I speak about the fact that he is easy to learn because his kit is extremely strong and early game oriented compared to other champions. You also have an incorporated Twisted Fate R which teaches you way more macro than Garen does. Execute Q, invulnerability on E and a roaming ult makes him the perfect champion to grasp the wonders of toplane quick.

    But how exactly do we play him Top?

    We go for Ignite+Flash, Conq+Tenacity+Time Warp Tonic/Biscuits, and we go for Corrupting into the standard Pantheon Build (Youmuus+Merc+Black Cleaver+Deaths'Dance+Two tank items or alternatives - Here I go for Thornmail or GA or extra Lethality). You need to transition into a tank because you won't deal that much damage with any items compared to a Fiora or a Camille.

    Playing with ignite teaches you a lot as you will see in normals and flex when you practice him. Why? Because just like Shen you can kill enemies, you can be elsewhere on the map with R but you also need to learn how to play against jungle camp. If you are camped and you don't die congrats, you just wasted minutes of the enemy jungler while your jungler did something elsewhere or gained farm/resources/advantage.


    Lane Phase:

    -For the lane phase you generally need to follow trade patterns, don't get cheesed at level 1 by the ignite shen waiting in the bush. You can always try to invade enemy red if you're blue side with your team as your ignite and level 1 Q is extremely strong. Start with Q for early poke and at level 2 cast full stacked W on the enemy followed by autos till you stack the bar then a full Q. Before that, don't forget to proc bone plating with a throwable Q.

    - Always engage with W if you can to stack conqueror fast and always try to do big Q's on the enemies. Don't be afraid to throw it to get a kill because of the execute.

    I generally ban WU because in teamfights he kinda counters you with his ultimate but the lane phase is not really hard against him. Another good ban if you struggle against him is Darius (mostly because his annoying passive and the learning curve to play against it). Learn to be aware when conq will proc and play with it not against it.

    - Go for firstblood whenever you can - it's perhaps one of the simplest champions to get it.

    - You can instant cast E twice to deal some extra burst ( no need to keep it up if you're not deflecting ).

    Tricky matchups: Darius, Wu, Irelia, Renekton. You may int the first few games into these but they are all doable pre 6 and some even post 6 if you scale nicely. Play extra safe until you learn them.

    Most often matchups : Camille/Riven - Use your E on camille's dash / try to predict renekton Stun with E .

    Against most matchups if you cannot win, compared to a Garen against a Vayne or Quinn - you can just farm safely, wait for ganks or just roam after a certain point and win elsewhere.


    - If you leave your lane you take a risk. The enemy will take lots of plates especially if they are something like Camille. High risk - high reward - it is often better to join your team for a 5v4 than to stay top on a losing lane or even on a winnable lane. If your team struggles you can often turn the tide to take first tower bot or a drake. It is not worth generally to use R just to secure first drake, but it's very worth if you get first tower/first drake and at least one kill. Return to lane and try to come back in farm and try to defend what's left of the tower so they don't get a free objective. You will see in most cases that the enemy toplaner will not follow because they simply used TP to come back to lane because you poked them too much or killed them. Only 3rd drake is majorly important to take, the ones before it can be passed.

    - Use Youmuus to catch people.

    - You should always aim to be behind people in mid roams or bot roams.

    - Use your ult BEHIND teams and try to corner the adc.

    - After you ult you gotta expect lots of CC/damage to come onto you so a good option is to cast a fully stacked E towards the entire team, while also retreating to your team (this happens more in the mid game. In the early game generally they don't have enough damage to kill you before you kill someone).


    - Go for MR boots as often as you can to be able to cast E in time and to resist burst (go tabis mostly against 5 AD's - if they have at least one heavy burster mercs work).

    - After you had a bad fight and you respawned - try to find with your ult someone who delayed too much their recall (happens so often).

    - As the game progresses, as said before you will transition from an assasin/bruiser to an bruiser/tank - your goal as the game progresses will be to track down the enemy adc/midlaner and try to kill them - if not possible just peel for your ADC and tank the bulk of the abilities with your E.

    - Try to snipe with Q various objectives or champions

    - Try to escape with R whenever possible if you're chased (aka from a bush, just like TF).

    This will be all for now, I really hope you enjoyed this read and hopefully you won't jump in SoloQ instantly and practice it a bit in normals and flex to fully grasp the Ignite Flash Toplane Pantheon. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/DrFrenchE
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    How to get mid

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    So i'm a mid main and i put usually MID primary and TOP Secondary. For the last couple of days i've been playing mostly top. 15 out of 21 matchmakings i've been assigned TOP.

    I'm guessing this is because the role is not contested anymore.

    What to put secondary to increase my MID chances?

    submitted by /u/bogdanel11
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    Yone Mid advice

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just looking for advice on how to play against Yone. I know what his kit is, but I just have no idea what to look for regarding trade windows and what my game plan should be throughout the game. My champ pool consists of talon, diana, ekko, Katarina. Just super frustrated right now can't seem to figure him out. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/IbrahimAli98
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    Is this what being hardstuck is?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    So I hear the term being used a lot in the community and I know what it means but I've never experienced it so I'm not sure if it's happening to me.

    I'm trying for gold this season and I often get to Silver 1 50-60 LP before I start losing games. I tend to go on a huge loss streak the second after I break 50 lp, and at one point that streak took me all the way back to Silver 3. I've gone below Silver one 5-6 times this season, and the same thing happens every time. After I de-rank, the games get easy. I win lane, clap everyone I see and scale super hard. I ride a high win rate until I get to the LP I mentioned, and then it gets impossible. I get destroyed in lane, my ganks don't pan out, there is a raid boss on the enemy team who takes over the game, and I lose until I de-rank and the whole thing starts over again. Often these games are a FF 15 because my entire team loses lane as well.

    Obviously I'm watching vods, changing positions, and trying to improve. But no matter what I do it feels like a huge wall I can't get past, and I'm starting to lose the drive to keep going. Any specific advice or insights?

    submitted by /u/Owen_Zink
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    Wrist-aimer struggling with camera control with mouse

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I come from an FPS background and I am a "wrist-aimer." Basically I only move my wrist when I aim. I don't move my whole arm. I find it physically difficult to move the camera around by touching the edge of the screen because of how short my mouse movement is.

    If I put the sensitivity on high, then I can't cs or focus champs well but moving camera is easier.

    If I put the sensitivity on low, I can cs and focus champs well but I can't change camera easily (wrist hurts).

    I tried maxing out the "camera sens" but that still doesn't cut it as I really need my hand to not have to work to move the camera. My wrist always hurts me after playing lol. What do you guys do? I heard Jensenn used keyboard keys to move camera. What do other wrist-aimers do?

    EDIT: did some research. Guess the only way out is to simply start arm-aiming.

    submitted by /u/94rG6WdXTcuvVz
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    I'm constantly getting my secondary role. Why?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I'm a mid main and I have no idea how the hell am I supposed to climb at this point im a top main.
    I get the secondary role is to make it easier to find games but it's "secondary" for a reason I'm in queue for 60 seconds and i get secondary role why the hell does it even work like that. Just tonight i got filled top 5 games in a row. The worst part its not even like autofill where you can shrug it off 1 game, im stuck in a loop of playing my secondary role 80% of the games and while im decent it I dont wanna play it or any other role as a matter of fact. I hope riot does something about it either directly or indirectly

    submitted by /u/GodLordx
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    How are you supposed to survive laning phase against veigar+miss fortune botlane

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    So i'm trying to learn adc and i'm playing aphelios cause i like the champion and i was against a veigar+mf botlane. I felt like i was unable to do anything in lane because everytime mf had her ult i just couldn't play the game, even when i was under tower i was dead from a veigar combo plus a full misfortune ult (i couldn't move because of the veigar cage).

    I feel like with most strats in league, there is always a way to play different to the way you were playing so that you could be in a more favourable situation, but i've been thinking about this and i legit i don't know what was the way to play it so that i didnt die so many times in lane.

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsSwagni
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    Climbing from d4 to d1

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I just hit d4 and while I'm probably done trying to seriously climb for the rest of the season i'm definitely going to try to shoot for high diamond by the end of next season. I'm wondering if by the time you reach d1 you will be severely hampered by picking a sub-optimal champion?

    I often hear high elo players (bobqinxd) say Ahri is a champ that lacks too much to be played consistently at a competitive, high elo. Ahri is my most played champ and I would intend to climb with her. Is it still very feasible to climb to d1 with ahri or would I be better off playing a different champ?

    submitted by /u/cutefluffycat624
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    Question for those that went from jungle to mid

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Hey, I've been playing jungle for 6 seasons now hovering D2/D1 for the past 2-3. This season I haven't enjoyed jungle at all, feeling forced to even play, horrible when losing and nothing when winning. I've discovered that I really enjoy playing mid, and decided that fun>elo is better than elo>fun.

    Here's the thing, as a jungler I had super good map awareness and I was able to constantly track the enemy jungler, but when I'm playing mid I'm always too focused on trading and waves (health bars, spacing, etc.) that I can't really track the enemy jungler (bard the lvl 2 ward that I almost always use) and I see their ganks when they are already in lane behind me, like, I feel so noob xD Well, any tips for transitioning from jungle to mid? Awareness wise specially

    submitted by /u/atrece
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    When to take mages to the top lane?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a relatively noob league player (started six months ago, still in bronze 4) and I've decided to play in top as I enjoy many champions played there. I've seen some players taking mages played in mid (ex. Swain, Vlad, Sylas...) to the top lane. I've decided to try out some of them, but I don't know when to do it. In which matchups would be optimal to pick a mage? Why do they work in top if they are usually used un mid?

    submitted by /u/Giorrno
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    Yesterday I played my first Flex against high plat, diamonds and a grandmaster jungler, as a Goldie player.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    So yesterday a friend invited me to play a flex match with his friends, he was a challenger player in the past seasons and his friends were gold, a grandmaster jg and a couple more diamonds.

    I knew i couldn't play like in my division so i was 110% focused.

    I've watched a lot of chall videos, and how to play what to do, what not to do, both with a team and in solo/queue, also my friend is a coach, and he has helped me a lot to improve, so it was time for me to put my knowledge in practice.

    I had 3 games with these guys, Syndra, Orianna & Zoe (This last one being the one with the GM jg in their team), most of them with high plat to high diamond players. which were exiting and completely what i spect to have in all my league games, i knew i wouldn't be to outplay my lane opponent so instead i just farm and wait for jungler or roam and make plays with my team.

    I was so focused and i had such a great time, that if i'd lose, it wouldn't even mattered, because this is the experience that i've always wanted in my games, people calling things, making plays, moving as a group. Maybe i didn't do the best LCS plays or awesome outplays, but i did land good cs on the important targets that won us the objectives, i was also able, thanks to my coach and videos i've watched and studied, to gain perfect Prio to get Dragon/Baron, or roam boat, also crash the wave so i could go back to base without getting my plates touched.

    I really had a great time in these games, and i'm looking forward to find a casual team to play some semi-competitive matches.

    Maybe you wouldn't mind my post, but for a goldie like me, it makes me wanna go up in elo even more.

    submitted by /u/LonelySpawn
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    Bind Auto Attack to Left Click Problem

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Hi so i activated this option because its super helpful for certain champs i use to play. I have a problem tho. Whenever I click on the minimap to check whats happening he walks automatically there becasue how attack move works. Is there a way i cand isabale it. I also cannot spawn dummies in practice tool now.

    submitted by /u/Becksdown
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    jungling problem

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    context: I was platinum since the beginning of the season but then 1-2 months ago I was demoted back to gold due to a lose streak. And ever since then I kept spamming Rek'sai until now. I am now at gold 1 15 lp and I keep getting trashed as a jungler and if I get lucky my team mates are good and I get carried.

    My problem(s):

    1. I know how to jungle. I know atleast the concept of it, but I don't know how to apply it in game. I have read plenty of guides, and watching videos. But I just can't apply them in game.
    2. "planning" my path always doesn't work.

    example: I go for my first recall I signal bot that I will gank and will tell them I will first get the golems. When that situation happens often times the enemy jungler will gank them. So what do I do? When this happens I just try go as planned I just go to my golems and leave my bot lane to die cause if I try to help it will be too late for me. (is this a correct thing to do?)

    1. "Farming efficiently". This may be my greatest enemy in jungling. I am ALWAYS conscious of my cs lead against the enemy jungler. There will be a game where I wont gank any lanes because the enemy jungler has more cs than me. And the sad part is I can't beat him he is and will always be ahead of cs. I just can't "farm efficiently".

    2. I don't know why am I always wrong here but I am ALWAYS late whenever a lane is getting ganked. I don't know if I am at fault here or it's my laner but when a lane gets ganked I am always late and the laner will just flame me after. lol

    3. Ganking a lane. From what I have learned, whenever I try to gank I don't wait for a long time sitting in the lane. Now for this one I don't know if it's my fault again or something but..

    example: I try to gank bot looking for an opening but it's warded (or my allies are too pushed in) so the result will be the enemy will go back and I will go back to farming right? So as I go back, now the enemy jungler will go in and gank them. I don't know how to fix this problem.

    these are all the things I can think for now but I know there are alot more. will update em. thanks!

    submitted by /u/AnonymousJackfruit
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    Tahm Kench Top

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I can't play against this matchup. Every time I play against this matchup, I just get shit on and then Tahm snowballs, gets AS and Tank items and just 1v5 game. I need tips how to beat Tahm Kench, Early Phase, Mid game and late game. Since Tahm has a bad clear, he always just freezes wave and then I can't get any CS and when I do try to get CS, he'll just CC me

    submitted by /u/Yasuo-Sama
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    Are there any "Future-Proof" Junglers for next season?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    I know we don't have full knowledge of the items for next season, but what junglers do you think will be viable?

    I am Gold top/sup main looking to get into jungling for next season. Planning on understanding a champion mechanically before heading to ranked. I don't want to spend time on FotM junglers that abuse certain item combos/keystones inorder to succeed. Currently, I'm thinking Olaf and Nunu will be okay regardless of how the game changes. Anyone else I should be looking into? If it makes a difference, I would prefer objective-control focused junglers.

    submitted by /u/TheMHking
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    Beating Yone/Yasuo Bot

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I need help beating Yasuo & Yone ADC. I've played Cait & Ashe to try to poke them down, but it feels like they can all in and kill me (Yone engage range is insane, it feels impossible to respect enough) no matter how much CS they are down. Backing up every time they have 3rd q is exhausting and feels like I'm giving them a free lane.

    I mainly play Kai'sa & Jinx (I'm somewhat new to ADC tho), and neither seem like a good pick into the bash em brothers. My Caitlyn and Ezreal aren't the worst, so should I just play them more?

    TL;DR: As an ADC, what champs can I play/strategies I can employ to better handle Yone & Yasuo in the botlane?

    submitted by /u/WizardSpartan
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    Resources for ranked play

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    I just unlocked ranked and I've gone 0/12 as far as 0/21 for the past 6-7 games and I'm realizing I'm not ready for the competitive league environment. Every game I've been reported for inting but I'm just trying my best on a champ I did okay with in normal draft pick. I've watched character guides and general item/runs guides but I think I clearly need videos on the fundamentals of league as a competitive game. I just keep dying from enemies that aren't even visible on the map and my teammates keep saying things like "should have known." So like, I gotta know now. Does anyone have any good resources or websites to get "better" I guess?

    submitted by /u/AFieldOfRoses
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    What are some things I can do to make people fight me mid lane?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    I'm starting to have the worst time on this game because literally no one is willing to fight anything. I can straight up hard counter myself, buy no items, stand still in 300 minions, and their laner is still going to hang by tower and either way for a gank or just farm until 35 minutes. I've tried freezing, but it just makes them play even more timid because they're afraid of ganks.

    Should I just switch roles to top? Is it better up there?

    submitted by /u/TooPraised
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    Overall impact of AD as compared to other lanes

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Let me preface this by saying: Yes, this is a post by an AD main complaining about the state of ADC. This is nothing new so dont post your dumb hate here, especially if you don't play the role.

    I'm hovering around Plat III. I dabble in Mid and have recently looked at my winrates and was somewhat amused that I have a higher winrate on AD in Platinum than on my Gold account, as compared to my Mid lane stats. I recently played a game where my bot lane did incredibly poorly and I was only ahead of their midlaner by one kill. And despite the fact that the enemy AD was 6/1 we ended up controlling the objectives with my lead, and winning the game, practically as a 4v5. The thing is that I know that my mid lane is not as strong as my ADC but I still feel like my game impact is significantly lower when playing AD. I might get two kills bot and be able to control both the lane and the dragon but still end up losing because one of our solo lanes lost hard.

    I believe that this is because AD is the one role in the game that punishes inefficiency the hardest. It's incredibly difficult to roam succesfuly, partially due to your innate immobillity/ a kit that doesn't promote playmaking. You can't miss CS, neither in lane nor out of it, and your roam/back timers need to be close to perfect because your items are so expensive. Because you get to your power spikes later, you can't stop enemy snowballs as effectively. The only consistent way to impact a game early on is by pressuring botside to force their jungler to come, which will not work if the enemy jungler decides to play off a different lane. I've been playing this game for a while and have never found it more difficult to translate your lead into a win and being punished so hard for your mistakes. This might be due to my lack of game knowledge because I'm still playing in low Elo but I feel like the role has been on a downward trend since the I.E. changes, which further limited AD's early impact. I understand that in the most basic of terms all ADC's are basically stat check champions and it cannot be easy for Riot to balance that out and I hope that the Mythical Items will somehow shift the balance around a bit.

    If there is a flaw in my logic, please tell me, I'm open to anything that might help me improve and maybe I still don't understand the roles full potential. Nonetheless I'm curious what people think of this, especially in higher Elo.

    submitted by /u/KugoSenpai
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