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    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    LoL Guide Embarrassed about mastery score?

    LoL Guide Embarrassed about mastery score?

    Embarrassed about mastery score?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    I started League back in April and I've pretty much exclusively mained Lux since then, the vast majority of my games with her being as support. I have over 200k points on her, yet I feel like I'm not much good. I can perform decently against similarly new players, but anyone with a decent amount of experience or at a higher rank seems to absolutely dunk on me. I've tried picking her up in mid, and she's still the only champion I've succesfully played there, but I still can't do much with her there either. To top this all off, I still have mastery 6 and cannot get an S (though I do get S- and A grades as support in my elo), which is a point of decent mockery among my friends who reached mastery 7 on champions with far fewer points (though they admittedly have been playing far longer than me). Is it normal for newish players to be this bad and struggle this much?

    submitted by /u/Bruh-I-Cant-Even
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    Anyone feel they play worse when they’re actually excited to play the game?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Soooo I don't know if this is just me but, I've notice anytime I'm really down to play lol and excited, I tend to get stomped. Like everything that can go wrong goes wrong. I'll mess up camp kiting, I'll tunnel in lane, I'll force plays and die.

    On the other end, of I'm just kind of meh, I guess I'll play a few games to see how it goes, I tend to play much better. I snowball, I counter gank well, my CSing is good.

    It kind of feels bad.... lol is a game that's suppose to be fun, but it feels like when I'm actually trying to have fun I can't. I made the push to gold last season and I'm a few games forming getting back in this season but I feel like I had more fun a few years ago just goofing off in bronze.

    submitted by /u/jackandcoke22
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    On hit Builds: Press the Attack or Lethal Tempo?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    For on-hit builds, such as bork + guinsos + nashors Neeko, why do people recommend taking Press the Attack as a rune? Lethal tempo scales pretty well and my duo told me I should take it instead of Press the Attack. Could someone please explain which is better or for what scenarios I would take either rune?

    submitted by /u/Coral360
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    Extremely slow reaction time (1100 MS), I need advice.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    What the title says - I have extremely slow reaction time.

    Of course some people have slower and some have faster reaction time, or they improve over time, but not in my case. Let me get to the point.

    I have been playing for over a year and I have to say I barely improved at all. I measured my reaction time on various sites over and over, and my average is 1100 MS. That means it takes me over 1 second to react to anything - compared to the average 215 MS. So my reaction is 5x as slow compared to other people.

    I got told prediction can go a long way, and yes, it can, but only to a certain degree. I learned to predict enough to have an okay CSing (well, compared to my past CSing anyway), and I can do okay in teamfights.

    But in lane, I can not trade or fight at all. So the only option I end up having is to farm under turret, which honestly is even harder and I end up with no CS. And its even worse when I am against some quick champions like Zed or Irelia, since you can not really predict them. Irelia can walk to me, stun me, hit me and walk away, and only then I will realize I am even being attacked. Hitting skillshots for me is extremely hard too obviously :/

    My reaction time wont improve, as its caused by health issues. But can anyone give me any advice that couuld help me? Some things I should improve on that will help me, or any tips and tricks I might not know about? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/frozenmisery12
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    Why does it feel so unrewarding playing soloQ support with no duo in low elo?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    I am an enchanter support main and mainly i play nami and janna etc. But also other variety enchanters. Lately i feel like its impossible and highly unmotivating to play soloQ support. My peakelo has been high gold and somewhere there it feels impossible.

    It feels like when ure in high gold everyone has stopped trying and just trolls? Its there i feel like its unmotivating. Im playing all muted and really trying hard to improve my gameplay and roaming skills and warding and everything. I just feel like im standing and stamping in one freaking spot and it makes me feel so frustrated.

    Nothing worse is when ure trying to help ur sololaners and they still cant do anything right. Honestly lately ive been feeling like i have no clue what to do anymore and how i can improve without tilting my mind of cus lately i couldnhave played one game and thats enough.

    Im trying to have some what communication with my jungler but it seems like i cant be done with that sometimes and they just ignores deake even tho how many times i ping it and keep my pinks or other wards there.

    How is everyone else climbing out from gold elo to plat? Just question. Id like to have some Answers.

    submitted by /u/Khanzay
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    Which ADC is safe and scale well into mid-late game teamfights?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I'm a mid-laner control mage player: Syndra, Orianna, Cassiopeia, Vel'Koz

    I like to play safe, farm, outscale and deal damage/CC from a safe position in teamfights. I hate skirmishes and face to face trades. I don't usually play aggressive, mostly to punishing mistakes, instead of all-in or initiate a fight.

    Which ADC champ has similar playstyle? I don't care about mobility or being able to perform some stylish outplays. All I want is safe range, good scaling into mid-late game teamfights.

    submitted by /u/Morlino
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    How to play against mages as a mage in mid?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Weird question, I know.

    People say, well, you are playing mage champions, you should know how to play against them! Well... not really. That is not how it is chief. You see firstly, I am a dumb fuck. Secondly, both in my region and in my elo, assassins are SUPER popular so I practice their matchups often and I can play against them.

    Just went 11/1/7 against Zed with 201 CS and got an S, this game took 33 minutes. The game before that I went 6/5/3 with 174 CS against an Annie with DH and lost miserably. The Annie game took 33 minutes. I was playing Glacial Ahri in both games. Either I can't play against mages or my cat sleeping on my lap while I play is bringing me extra luck.

    I am confident I can stomp most Akali or Katarina. I will take down that Zed. I will not let that Talon roam and get fed.

    But oh god... Annie. Not her. Anything but her. And Syndra? Please... just... leave me be. I beg of you. Zoe? I had already started to lay down on the floor and cry whilst we are in champ select. Lux? I am not even Christian but I will praise Jesus if this game is dodged. Malzahar? Yeah. I am NOT leaving the base.

    I mostly just play Ahri or Lux because they're relatively easy and I suck at the game so I am trying to learn the fundamentals.

    Please, if you have ANY advice at all, give me. I am desperate.

    submitted by /u/Change-Your-Aspect
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    Guides on how to generally be a better player

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Hi! So right now I'm EUNE gold 2 with 200 games and started a little bit over a year ago hitting gold 4 last season. I was wondering are there any guides on how to generally play better because I can in my opinion play pretty well but I still feel like there are many things that I could have done better in many games. First thing that for example comes in my mind is harrassing in lane and balancing that with getting cs without tunnel visioning on either one. Other thing that I would want to be better at is rotating and splitpushing. I would be thankful for these type of guides. You can also give tips here if you want.

    submitted by /u/GangsteriTonttu
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    How to climb out of diamond 4?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Basically title, I'm a mid main who plays mages (taliyah, ori, viktor, syndra in a pinch) and I'm just stuck in the coinflip. Probably because my skills are lacking, but it legitimately feels like every game is decided by the scuttle fight, and whichever jungle kills the other. I'm familiar with tempo, first move, and wave manipulation to a pretty good extent, but was just wondering how to avoid the coinflippy nature of scuttle fights and climb out of this godforsaken rank.

    submitted by /u/weltschmerst
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    How do I get rid of the “revenge” mentality?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    I'm embarrassed to post this. I have such a weak mental that I have been trying to fix for like 4-5 years now. I get the "revenge" type of tilt almost every game I play. Like if someone solo kills me, gets a good trade on me, or even harasses me with one ability, I get tilted and feel the need to get "revenge" back and then all logical thinking goes out the window because I become so tunneled on this one goal. It just happens automatically and it's like I become hypnotized. It's embarrassing and I really need to fix it, but I don't know how :(

    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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    question about jungle and keeping raptors to attack you while at red.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I've just now started to see videos of Amumu jg and saw that the guy was able to attack raptors but then go to red and raptors would reset but come right back to him then reset again and so on.

    I think I've seen this on Evelyn too. never seen this be done before either

    submitted by /u/CatchinDimes
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    How a Team Coach works | Triangle of Coaching quickly explained

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, i put together a quick explanation of how to successfully coach a team in League Of Legends through a "Coaching Triangle" which i explain in the following video. It's very basic and a superficial way to put in short words but it's important to see the big picture of the job. Tell me what you think and i am always open to feedback since i want to learn everything i can.


    Love & Respect you guys

    submitted by /u/ShepherdsEagle
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    How do you deal with massive losing streaks?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I've lost 10 out of my last 12 games. I feel like I get worse the more I play and I slowly lose motivation as well.

    Have you ever had a losing streak like this? How do you deal with it?

    Apparently I need to use a minimum of 250 characters to prevent this post from getting taken down immediately. Not sure what else to say... Worlds have been rather disappointing as well. R.I.P. Fnatic. Now G2 is our last hope.

    submitted by /u/popogay
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    Early game guide for Malzahar

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Hello guys

    Recently after testing different settings I found I think very efficient way to play Malzahar and I thought I'll share it with you. It works well in p1 elo

    Runes: spellbook/boots/dematerializer/cdr + manaflow band/10% cdr

    Start with TP.

    Use Minion Dematerializer on 1 melee minion and 2 cannons

    Go back at 850g, buy mana crystal + amp tome + vision ward

    Teleport to lane, stop enemy recall if possible, place ward on river bush

    Build: Ludens echo -> Zhonya/Liandry/Rylai

    Roam at 6

    I played many games with Archangel/GLP and I think luden is most efficient. You don't need Archangel, GLP in some games with kite matchups can be useful but luden's waveclear is very nice

    About spellbook - inspiration tree allows Malzahar to take both dematerializer and boots, besides I'm under an impression that this champion utilizes a lot better different summoner spells than little dmg from comet/aery. Smite for taking blue is very helpful

    850g is a sum of gold that Malzahar can reach easily if you don't waste too much mana, and it's not really worth to wait for 1300g lost chapter

    I hope it helped

    My account https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Johnny%20Targaryen

    submitted by /u/Armauer
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    Fundamentals are essential!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently a D2 NA mid/top main. I was GM earlier this season but then decayed and focused on an account where I've been perfecting my Jayce. I've watched hundreds of hours of KR challenger VODs and pro play. I regularly review my own games and coach others. I don't think time invested directly translates to improvement, but I believe I've gained a deep understanding of the game.

    I want to discuss what has helped me the most in my League of Legends journey.


    Consistency which I've gained from buckling down and strengthening my fundamentals. Many people try to cut corners to the top of the ladder with some sort of "secret ingredient" like playing the OP champs or finding that busted hidden runepage/build.

    But here's the problem:

    Your success will always be gated by your individual performance.

    Your individual performance will only be consistent if you have good fundamentals!

    Sure you may have peaked in Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat/Diamond/Master that one time, got that endorphin rush, bragged to all your friends, felt like you were the greatest... But did you fall out? Now you're afraid you won't get back because your teams are so bad/useless/AFK or your champion isn't good anymore? I've heard it a million times. People blaming balance and teammates rather than the things they can influence.

    I believe one of the main reasons why people stop seeing improvement or even backslide in their progress is because they are not focused enough on the thing that really matters. Consistency. No, I don't mean performance consistency like having a good KDA and good CS and being called the "ACE" by OP.GG every game and thinking something along the lines of "I did my best". If you feel the need to console yourself, be more realistic with your thinking. Think something along the lines of "I played well but could have played better" instead of telling yourself you did "your best". If you really think you're playing "your best" and you're having a hard time climbing, you are just limiting yourself! Of course you're going to be hardstuck if you're doing "your best" every game and losing as much as you are. Even if the game was truly unwinnable (many are unwinnable, and that's OK), there are always things to work on. You should see it as an opportunity to try your hardest and learn as much as possible for IMPROVEMENT. The consistency I'm talking about is the ability to consistently learn and improve from every single game! If you want to climb, you should focus on how you can become the best player you can possibly be! How can you be more consistent? By working on your FUNDAMENTALS on a game by game basis. Improving as much as possible in at least one of the following areas per game.

    I'm listing these out because I want your eyes to be opened to the vast amount of things that you can improve about your gameplay.

    Fundamentals to work on:

    • Not Dying - Seriously, I'm listing this first because I think this is the most important. You don't need to be the carry every game, stop taking high risk plays when you could go for low risks that will consistently work out. Disclaimer - dying is sometimes necessary but should generally be avoided.

    • CSing - Last hitting every possible CS efficiently. Knowing when you should and shouldn't use abilities to last hit. In other words, not using mana when you are below or certain threshold or in some cases never using mana to last hit. Being aware of which creeps are safe for you to last hit and which ones are risky. Knowing when to concede CS to help your team with a roam, or to survive.

    • Warding - Not just placing wards, but placing them in the highest value spots at the right time. Knowing what vision radius different ward placements give you access to. Tricks for placing wards in spots that would normally be unreachable.

    • Map awareness - In short, being able to process information that is visible or implied by looking around the map and using that information to calculate the right move.

    • Character control - Your ability to move your character exactly how they should be moved based on the situation.

    • Positioning - Putting yourself in the place that causes the most pressure to the enemy team, while also maintaining your own safety (assuming it isn't more beneficial for you to die IE: Karthus or a tank who is trying to absorb as much damage as possible).

    • Wave control - Your understanding of manipulating waves as well as how and when they can be manipulated successfully (freezing, slow pushing, crashing, etc. It's also important to understand how sidelanes will push in the mid-game based on where the waves are at and how big they are).

    • Camera control - Moving your camera efficiently without hurting other aspects of your gameplay.

    • Hotkey Usage - Having all useful hotkeys assigned and easily utilized. (Many players should polish up their F-Key skills and use the target champions only toggle more often!)

    • Dodging - Dodging any skillshot that matters while also applying the maximum amount of pressure to the enemy. Feigning aggressive movement to bait out skill shots or cooldowns.

    • Ability Accuracy - Obviously landing skillshots but also things like using Heal or Kayle ult on the right teammate. Other examples can include Taliyah R completely blocking terrain

    • Ability Potential - Knowing how to maximize the effectiveness of your abilities. Such as cancelling a dash with Ahri Charm or Thresh Flay.

    • Summoner Spell Usage - Optimizing by using defensive summoners at the last possible moment (this is mainly used to bait opponents). Flashing over the biggest gaps and I could write a whole book on using Teleport properly, though a good way to use it is often just to catch a wave that's crashing into tower.

    • Kiting - The perfect mix of movement and attacking to maximize pressure and maintain safety (if safety is necessary).

    • Minion Knowledge - Understanding creep aggro. Being aware of how much damage creeps will deal even if you just auto your opponent once depending on where you are relative to the creeps. (This is especially important in lower elos because people often neglect big waves when ganking). Also stuff like pushing advantage (While your team has a level advantage, your minions deal bonus damage to enemy minions and while your team has a level advantage, your minions take flat reduced damage from enemy minions)

    • Champion Knowledge - This can be broken down into subcategories like: scaling, waveclear, cooldowns, ability effects, ability costs, ability durations, ability ranges, ability hitbox sizes, champion hurtbox sizes. General information like "Early game champ" or "Ultimate reliant" can also be helpful in some cases.

    • Rune/Keystone Knowledge - Knowing what Keystone everyone is running (seriously just press tab) and exactly how it functions, as well as what their other rune choices are. You should at least click the enemy champion and see what their modified stats are and what people usually use on that champions rune page.

    • Map Knowledge - Pertaining to the ins and outs of the rift itself. This includes how plants work, how brush vision works, and the environmental changes that happen with the dragons.

    • Jungle Knowledge - Respawn timers, how much CS each camp gives, how scuttle works. How buffs work (Blue, Red, Dragon, Baron, Elder)

    • Objective Knowledge - Understanding gold gained and the strategic implications behind each objective.

    • Fundamental Knowledge - I'm adding this down here because I think you should also make up your own fundamentals to work on. I can't possibly list every important detail of League gameplay. So you should list things that are important for you to remember and polish up on. Name your fundamentals something that make sense to you such as the "Stop getting baited by Anivia Egg" fundamental or "Ping my teammates back when they make a dumb call" fundamental.

    For those of you who are overwhelmed, keep in mind that Pro players have a lot of refining to do in most of the areas above and they still consistently get Challenger. I'm not trying to stress you out, I'm trying to help you see the bigger picture. I want you to look at the things listed above and see them as opportunities! Also, just because you think you excel in one area, doesn't mean you can't continue to improve it. In my opinion you should start by improving the things you are the worst at.

    That list doesn't include another important factor in your win rate: DECISION MAKING. Not only is it essential, but good decision making is hard to develop because you are constantly influenced by people who may sway your thinking into deep dark rabbit holes of bad game play (especially in Diamond and below). There is also no concrete way to see that your decision making is improving. You might have had excellent decision making over your last 10 games, but still lost for other reasons. Not to mention there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to decision making. There are only guidelines such as: don't fight when outnumbered, or only fight when there's an objective. The best way to develop your decision making is increasing your understanding of why something worked out the way it did (by learning more about the game as a whole), how it could have worked out if one of the variables changed, and deciding if it was a decision that had a higher chance of resulting in a beneficial outcome rather than a bad one. Getting coaching and watching informative content can help a lot with sharpening your decision making skills.

    Making a decision to "farm better this game" and end up with 80 cs at 10 minutes might look good on paper, but in the context of most games it would usually be better to do something other than just lane and kill minions! Instead make a decision to "make decisions based on the context of the game".

    Anyways, I genuinely hope this helps you. I do free coaching every Friday on my Twitch (I'm also going to do a lot more free coaching once the season is over) Feel free to reach out me if you would like to discuss improvement and fundamentals of League in more detail. Especially you, mid and top mains.

    submitted by /u/JT_LoL
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    Four accounts permabanned, what have a I learned?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Well to keep it short i learned that chat is hardly worth its usefulness unless you are robotic about your emotions. An excess of $500 in RP down the drain simply for typing. I guess I should learn the lesson and simply never type at all since I never learned to control my emotions and all.

    submitted by /u/EdinsonC
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    How can I actually enjoy the game?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Is it even possible? I do not know what is wrong with League. It is the first game I have ever seen to be this toxic. And yet people play this. And yet people pour more and more money into it. I don't get it.

    Anyone else feels so down, frustrated and sad when they lose and so tired and annoyed when they win? I feel like when I lose i lose more. But when I win it is like nothing has changed. And I'm still so tired. My head just hurts and hurts so bad after only 2 games. That potential this game has.. People hate it, players are toxic and still Lol can attract new and new players. Imagine how it would look like if there was no or at least minimum of toxicity.

    I just wish I knew how to actually enjoy the win even loss. I wish after loss i could say " what a good game". So if anybody has some tips and tricks how to actually enjoy this game it would be nice to know. It's Simple question but quite unanswerable

    submitted by /u/Lapho57
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    frames are dog shit

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    i just played my first game of league today. i usually average about 240 FPS and my first game i'm hovering around 25-30 FPS. i've tried changing all of my graphic settings, i've tried leaving and coming back, my CPU and GPU are fine i checked on task manager, is there anything that would cause my frames to drop and hover this low?

    submitted by /u/cleeez
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    Pick or Cloak?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    When playing ADC, sometimes I am forced back or back with enough gold to only get a piece of IE/ER and I have the options of pickaxe and cloak of agility. On champs that can build either damage or crit early (say pickaxe vs cloak, caulfield vs cloak etc.) for champs like Jhin, Cait and MF, which choice is optimal? For 1st back is it different from say midgame? (1st back Jhin pick vs cloak for example or MF midgame after ER pick or cloak?)


    submitted by /u/prettyindecisive
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    Help in Jungle

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    I have started playing League, and I enjoy the jungle where I am not good at CS. I was hoping somebody would help me learn how to Jungle. I only know a couple players who are all lower league as well, and they don't know how to help me. I was Bronze 4 as Warwick last season I think. I don't even know what I should be asking about, to get the help I need. Any advice or general game knowledge I should have would help.

    submitted by /u/InfCatalyst
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    Hit gold 2 and feeling stuck.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    So I decided to climb again in ranked after just spamming norms basically all summer. I was gold 4 and quickly climbed to gold 2 in about a day. Once I hit gold 2 the games just began to feel so hard. I rather not blame my teammates because I won't be able to improve but just saying it's my team so I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips. I'm a rengar otp jungle main.

    OP.GG: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=BUTTERMILK+JESUS

    submitted by /u/PotPyee
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    How do I beat xerath

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Everytime I verse a xerath in both mid and support i can't win lane or even fight against him at all, cuz they all can attack me from so fricking far away and they play like a legit insecure pussy and once they get their ludens echo we are as good as dead, is there any advice on how to beat a xerath? His range is just too crazy ffs and yes I got stomped by one because this champion is giving me cancer and I feel like I'm gonna permaban this crackhead please help

    submitted by /u/cyrusych
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    Muscle Memory Not Developing?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    I've been trying to learn League since April or so, and I've improved quite a bit, I think, from where I started off. However, many of the things that I've been told will develop over time as muscle memory, such as CS'ing and movement, don't seem to particularly be clicking with me. I still have to focus quite hard when trying to last hit (AP mid lanes) and it takes a lot away from my ability to trade, dodge skillshots, and have better map awareness. Is there some way to actually actively develop the muscle memory for this (I've been spamming practice games to farm, but I can't seem to apply any of it once there's an actual enemy in lane) or to learn how to shift focus quickly between things (e.g. from farming to my position to map, etc)?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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