LoL Guide I can’t believe how much more I’m winning being a jungle main by staring at the map essentially at all times |
- I can’t believe how much more I’m winning being a jungle main by staring at the map essentially at all times
- How Can I Learn What I Need To Buy?
- Leaving my ADC for dead, can it be a good thing?
- A Champ Pool Guide: Brought to you by the Champ Pool Megathread guy
- BASIC JUNGLE Mechanics for Silver/Gold SQ
- Choosing a Champion to Main
- How I escaped Bronze and Iron
- How to trade with hard engage supports?
- Oblivion Orb as second item when feed (?)
- As an ADC player, i need big help
- Is it just me or is Hecarim just broken?
- Would it be a good idea for me to turn off chat?
- Communicate with your jungler to agree with how ganks should happen bot lane
- Urgot
- How do i understand if i'm good? (if this is possible)
- Why is Senna ADC super meta?
- Ranked - do you check their win rate? and do you dodge based on it?
- Killing enemy toplaner while not running tp
- A case against having chat enabled
- Attack Speed Increase
- How does Ashe’s passive work on crits? Some of her attacks are shown in crit text despite her passive not applying extra damage from crit
- Could someone explain what does this means?
- after A LOT of research I got it: i suck at this game! - How to NOT tilt every game?
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:51 AM PDT I'm on a 16 game winning streak after watching a few videos on map awareness and watching tarzaneds streams. Tarzaned is constantly staring at the map, and HE always guesses EXACTLY where the enemy jungler is at all times, knows there path, and knows exactly when to invade. Now I'm obviously not at his level, I'm beginning to win a hell of a lot more by just fuckin staring at the map the whole game. Always chatting "Olaf bot side" or guessing where the jungler is, and securing heralds/dragons. Another big thing is counterganking. If you are actively looking at the map and you see a jungler ganking, you might have enough time to counter gank. That never used to happen before. By the time I saw the gank it was too late. [link] [comments] |
How Can I Learn What I Need To Buy? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:39 AM PDT Basically, right now, I just buy whatever looks cool. Sometimes I read the stats and say "cool", then buy it. No strategy at all whatsoever. However, my friends often tell me "lol what are you doing". I was wondering how I could learn some strategy as to what I need to buy? I downloaded FaceCheck, which tells me what to buy, but I still don't know why I am buying those items and not other ones. Edit: I main Xayah adc and Morgana support [link] [comments] |
Leaving my ADC for dead, can it be a good thing? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT Edit-I'm a support player So I've been playing a few ranked games past few days, I think maybe 5 or so. Two premade bot games, 3 solo. Won all of them. Anyways back on point. In all three of these solo que games, I've had ADCs who either 1) flame for their own mistake (and get muted) or 2) misposition so hard it's practically inting....had one flashing under enemy tower 2 times to get kills, failing and dying both times. So because of one of these players, I did warn them I'd leave their lane if they continued to basically run it down (which they did, so I went top). And helped a Gnar carry the game. We won it. The ADC in question was very toxic towards the team, not helping, split pushing alone and dying etc. There was nothing I could do to help these ADCs because they just werent playing right or just failing. I left lane on all occasions which netted us wins. I know ADCs constantly like to blame supports, but is leaving and carrying elsewhere when bot lane is completely lost and could snowball the best thing to do? It seems the right call to me but kinda feels like it's toxic behaviour. [link] [comments] |
A Champ Pool Guide: Brought to you by the Champ Pool Megathread guy Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:46 PM PDT Hey there, you may know me from the Champ Pool Megathread where I give (sage) advice to many of you about what champs to take to ranked or whatever. I have been more or less camping that megathread for 6 months now, all the way from April. This guide is basically an accumulation of everything that I've learned.
Why should I limit my champ pool?
Limiting your champ pool has many benefits. The main one being that you are able to focus your practicing on these specific champs, and it does not take weeks to do so. You are not a proplayer(sorry pal), you do not need a champion ocean. You have a limited amount of skill and you would rather be very good at a handful of champs than be kinda shit at 50.
Another reason why it's good to limited the number of champs we play is to learn the actual game. After we learn these champs, really master them, we are now able to somewhat autopilot and learn the macro. The game knowledge, the objectives, the wave management, whatever. This is how you improve and climb.
The Basics
One primary role, one secondary. Three champs for primary, two for secondary. Primary is a little bit more flexible, but max 4 champs.
The Details
In this part, I'm going to talk about basically how I make my decisions and how I choose one champ over the other. Remember this golden rule: Fun First. This is a video game, not your life. Have some fun. Don't force yourself to learn champs that you don't like. This is the one rule I hold above else when I give advice.
First off, choosing roles. I see often people asking for help because they have trouble picking out a role because they love all of them. I ask them to come to Reddit chat with and we have a little... well, chat. I ask them the same question every time: Why do you like each role? and I ask them to write a paragraph or so for each. And every time without fail, they always seem to like a couple of roles more than the other. I encourage you to use this tactic on yourself if you find it hard to narrow down roles.
Secondly, the roles themselves. Each one has a "requirement" that I set out that help cover different subroles and makes sure there are almost no holes in the pool.
TOP This role is quite open. Basically, pick whatever you would like. 3 bruisers? Sure! Want a tank? Sure! Teemo? Sure! The only thing is to not pick three squishy champs because that could hurt your team comp a lot when you aren't picking something tanky. Ex: Sett, Teemo, Darius
JUNGLE The role with the least freedom. Due to the wide variety of subroles and how many things are viable, I encourage and recommend you to have each three of the subroles covered. One AD, one AP, and one tank. Ex: Graves, Fiddle, Nunu
MID Three mages are fine, three assassins are fine. Having some variety is great, such as having a scaler and a roamer. Try not to have too much AD, because the team comp usually relies on you to be the magic damage. Ex: Annie, TF, Vlad, Talon
BOT Pretty similar to Top, just make sure you have some scaling in there. Ex: Lucian, Jinx, MF
SUPP For support, you want to cover both the engage supports and the enchanter supports. Bonus points if you pick up a mage support, but not needed. Ex: Nautilus, Leona, Nami
Thirdly and finally, looking for similar champs. Identifying this yourself is quite useful and may lead to a new main. It's good for general game knowledge, too. Try to ask yourself, What do you like about X champ? Let's give a few examples.
Bobby likes to play Fiddlesticks in the jungle. There are many special aspects to Fiddle, but he really likes the game-changing ultimate. Now, what other champs have that same aspect in the jungle? Hecarim would be an answer with his AOE fear, while still abiding by the requirements above.
Sharon loves Ahri. She has all of her skins, even the ugly ones. What she loves about Ahri is her fast burst and mobility. There are a lot more answers here. Leblanc, Katarina, Talon etc. etc.
This is quite a common question that I see. Sorry buddy, there's no secret trick. You have to tell yourself why it's important to have a small pool in order to improve and climb.
My recommendation is to dodge. Depending on your roles, autofill rarely happens. There's no point in learning a whole new role and champ just for a couple of games. Exceptions include flex picks.
Top: Garen Jungle: Warwick Mid: Annie ADC: Ashe Supp: Blitz and Soraka
Most champs are good to climb. Obviously, there are exceptions. If you want the precise state of the champ, please go to their champion main subreddit. Don't look at winrates or tier lists for that(jesus christ certain YT channels puts singed at A tier).
It depends on the champ. If it's a specialist such as Singed, Heimer, or Azir, sure. These guys rarely get banned and have a high enough ceiling to improve on. Special cases include you identify so fucking well with your OTP that it's impossible to play anything else. But in general, it's a lot more beneficial to have a champion pool of 2-4 champs. [link] [comments] |
BASIC JUNGLE Mechanics for Silver/Gold SQ Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT Hello everyone, my name is Shepherds Eagle and in the following i am gonna give away some of the basic mechanics i use as a jungler to carry my teams to victory in lower elo, have fun! Spoiler: i am not going to talk about meta picks or picks in genereal, just mechanics that can be used with every champion, i will keep it simple since this will not make you a challenger player yet. Early Invades (in lower elo) Just don't do it. The Leash Some champs definetely don't need a leash, so keep that in mind when you ask your team to sacrifice their early lane pressure or lvl 2 advantage for you. This is extremely important to remember when you choose where you start. In case your botlane has a strong lvl 2, try to start with your top laner and the other way round. If you can choose: in lower elo i see a lot of junglers starting on blue to be able to spam abilities for faster clear. For some junglers it makes sense like Warwick (Q spam), but i want to put focus on the red buff too, because red makes you a lot healthier during the first clear and with talisman first you have mana regeneration anyways. So choose depending on what your champ does better and what brings a faster clear. Pathing & Camps If you are too lazy to research the best pathings for each of your champs, just do this: Crabs These are your best friends in the jungle and far more valuable than most of you think. Ganking Lanes (loosing / winning lanes) First i want to cover the loosing/winning lanes topic. Baron / Herald / Drakes Let's go easy on this one. Prepare these objectives before fighting for them: build vision around them, make sure the surrounding lanes are pushed out so you see your enemies and your laners can help without loosing too much farm, have the position of the enemy jungler in mind and always prepare for a random stealing attempt (we are in lower elo). That said, if the enemy is taking a herald and you know their jungler is there, put your focus on botside for the drake, lane pressure oder platings/tower gold, so you can trade objectives and the other way round. Vision In that regard you have to act like a support. Your vision has to be all over the map at important spots, you just have to place it a lot smarter because you dont have 4 wards with you all the time. Put vision for your winning lanes to reduce the risk of a gank for them, ward objectives shortly before they spawn and put wards at clutch spots in the enemy jungle to find out where their jungler is, so your ganks are a lot safer. I hope this finds you well again! Love & Respect all of you guys [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT So, I've started playing League on January. Wasn't confident enough to start playing ranked so I did the 10 matches and accepted whatever rank showed up and never played ranked again aside some 5 man flex and some duos. Bought a bunch of characters, played with quite a few of then. Now I want to start playing ranked and improving on macro but I'm not quite sure which character to main and role to play, but I managed to nail down to the following champs: Jungle and Support are by far my strongest roles , followed by ADC (but I don't really enjoy how ADC makes me feel toxic), Mid and Top. Mid on my region is an absolute nightmare to find matches for in Bronze - Silver (Either you go up against a Yasuo, or someone bans him and the other midlaner dodges making you get autofilled). I made this post because I'm not sure what to do, and I wanted to see If someone could offer me advice... [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:14 PM PDT Hey everyone,
I know this climb is nothing on the grand scale, but I also know that there are a lot of people stuck in bronze and iron, feel free to comment or message me and I'm happy to help in any way I can. You can also add me in game under userid-Bonecaster. See you all on the rift. [link] [comments] |
How to trade with hard engage supports? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:43 AM PDT Im a draven otp, and lately I have been getting a lot of healers supports vs hard engage supports like alistar and leona and I really dont know how to play this match ups. I know you should look to trade a lot with healers and avoid all ins, but every time i try to trade with an enemy adc I get hard engaged on and I end up dying. [link] [comments] |
Oblivion Orb as second item when feed (?) Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT Hi summoners, i have a question Is it worth to buy oblivion orb as second item when im fed, let's say they don't have any hard healing so i won't need morello, but the flat pen would make me basically deal true dmg early mid game. Later or, when it is not useful anymore, i would sell it for whatever item... Thoughts? (I mainly play vlad) [link] [comments] |
As an ADC player, i need big help Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT If my support keeps on playing aggresive, tries to engage in and keeps dying, what do i do? If i dont fight with him, he blames me. If i fight with him, we both die and rest of the team blames us. Plat elo btw. Most of the time, my support is like "yo their hp is low lets go in!!!" , even if i tell him "no you'll die." , he just goes in. He sometimes gets the kill, enemy adc gets the kill too though. I either stay as 0/0/0 or 0/0/1, while my sup is 1/1/0 and enemy adc 1 kill. Then the enemy adc goes on snowball, destroying us. If we play passive, they usually kill us even under tower. Even if we dont die, our support keeps on playing aggresive. Now, what do i fucking do? I need help against such supports, lol... I am trying to stay out of any fight and only farm yet enemy adc is quite fed at some point that they just dive and kill me :/ Also since this is only plat elo, no one cares about defending the adc at some points which is even more annoying. I. NEED. HELP. PLEASE. <3 [link] [comments] |
Is it just me or is Hecarim just broken? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:46 AM PDT Was having a great game with Samira, literally the entire team was garbage except for their heca, who was like 2/1. But every other lane was 0/3 or 1/5 or something. Heca stayed out of sight for a long portion of the game. And then boom, he's unstoppable. Infinite movement speed, infinite CC, GIGANTIC damage to squishies without building actual damage. It was extremely annoying. And it's not like you can "sit back as ADC so you don't get dove". He just runs through my entire team every time and dives me, while I'm under tower as well. It didn't matter if I used my E, it was irrelevant. I could literally 1v4 the entire rest of their team. But if hecarim was anywhere near, we lost the teamfight unless we CC'd the Hecarim into oblivion. I'm gonna perma-ban him now, but is there ANYTHING you can do as an ADC against shit like this? It was extremely frustrating, especially since he always just ignored my team and came straight for me, under tower, no matter. [link] [comments] |
Would it be a good idea for me to turn off chat? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:59 PM PDT I just started playing this game and honestly the toxicity is crazy. I'm no stranger to toxicity as I play a lot of Overwatch, but holy crap. Like chill man it's just a game. I know I should probably keep it on because of callouts and such, and I have gotten some good feedback from some of the friendlier players, but I feel like the negative outweighs the positive. Should I just turn off chat? I'm trying to learn jungle right now. [link] [comments] |
Communicate with your jungler to agree with how ganks should happen bot lane Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:55 PM PDT There are many games where I am the jungler and my support is on a completely different page than me and it messes up a lot of ganks. For example, when I play fiddle or Zac, my main goal is to engage outside of vision when the enemy botlane walks up, but because I am hovering bot, supports often feel pressured to engage or walk up. This is problematic because it sometimes leaves the jungler out in the dust and unable to effectively land his engage options, because as soon as the support walks up or presses R, the enemy team walks away. As fiddle it is very important to hit them with initial burst of R for fear, or as Zac to be able to hit them with E so the support can layer cc. In order to avoid this, I often ping support off when I am hovering and type "let me" Other times of course, it is best for support to engage if you are a graves type. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT Hey! I'm pretty new to the game and I main Urgot. I have a pretty decent winrate on him going top (like 63%-70%? Idk I can't check rn) I wanted to ask if anyone had any tips for countering a teemo because he's the o ly one I've seen that can consistently duel me and win because of his blind and urgots neccesity on his basics. [link] [comments] |
How do i understand if i'm good? (if this is possible) Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:11 AM PDT In call of duty you could check k/d and read 1.38 and conclude that you kill more than you die so you are a good player. 5.92 is better than 1.38 but still you can draw a line of bad/losers(<1)and good players/winners (>1). I play only Lux and all champs are balanced and have a win rate of 50%, plus there is this ranked thing that place you against people of your rank so as you get better so does the enemy and you don't notice your progress. i started this year in iron and now i'm silver IV but all my games were hard to win, to me it doesn't seems that i'm better, but i'm silver now so this means something right? since i play only Lux and this game is a team game and not a solo game like call of duty where even if the game was "team deathmatch" you always played solo and felt good even on lost game just because you were positive kd and thought "positive kd=game is not lost because of me/i was the best of my team" how can i understand if i'm good? Sometimes people drag you down so that even if you are doing good in mid (like 2-0) bot are both doing 0-10 and it's unwinnable, sometimes the opposite happens, you win but you don't have a great score and you wonder if the game was won also thanks to you or not... I think that maybe having a 50% win rate means that you are good and you can't have more than 50% because champs are balanced, to have more than 50% you need to play multiple champs and counter pick all the time. There is always room for improvment and new things to learn but i'd like to know if i should consider myself a noob/loser or a good player. (please note that i have almost zero interest in learning new champs) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT I see it in pro play all the time but when I do it Senna does absolutely zero damage even though she "scales". I can see how she is really safe but why not opt for an adc that can carry? I feel like she's much better as a support where she can just farm souls. [link] [comments] |
Ranked - do you check their win rate? and do you dodge based on it? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:03 AM PDT I decided to take a look at teammates win rate in opgg (it tells you last 20 games) so one game i was 55% win rate but the rest of my team was between 30% and 40% i was fed (lucky easy lane, i was a counter of other midlaner) but the other lanes were losing and we lost the game. i was not surprised based on what i read. another game (well most of the games goes this way) all the team mates were about 40% win rate, the worst was probably top laner and he chosed warwick (i'm not expert but i always see him in jungle not top) i was like "ok he is going to feed a lot, worst score on opgg + strange champ for top" but he was the carry of the game (we lost that) so i don't know if i should check opgg and how much trust that winrate thing. another game there was lulu support and if you check opgg it say 1W 7L and i was thinking "why taking lulu if you are so bad with it?" from opgg there was another champ where he had tons of won games and high kda and i was like "why lulu and noth the other champ you are good at?" i don't asked in chat, i just trusted his decisions, i was mid btw. Edited to add: forgot to mention i'm now silver IV [link] [comments] |
Killing enemy toplaner while not running tp Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:13 AM PDT Hi! Everytime i kill my enemy laner earlygame with darius (i run ghost) i never know how to make the right choice, since he'll most likely tp back to lane, should i back right after the kill or risk a death and try to set up the wave for a better back? Or should i try to kill only when the wave is in a favorable position? thanks for the replies [link] [comments] |
A case against having chat enabled Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT You probably hear the following advice fairly often: "Turn off all chat/mute everyone in your games. It's so much better". While there's certainly a lot of truth to this advice, it generally doesn't elaborate on why it's so much better to play with chat disabled. There are two general concerns that more often than not go unanswered with this advice. One: Disabling chat can create a strategic disadvantage as you won't be able to certain things about the game to your team. Two: Some people just really like socializing with other players ingame outside of a strategic context. Concern 1: "I won't be able to effectively communicate with my team" The presence or absence of chat actually has very little impact over how well you can effectively communicate with your teammates. With pings, you can way more efficiently, call mias, ask for assistance, ask teams to group up, fallback, or to help with objectives. Sure there's certain specific nitpicky things you can't say directly like "Can someone get a morellos/executioners?" or "wait for me to spawn", but you can ping items and spawn timers and builds. Even for things that can't be communicated well through pings, it's generally not necessary. We've seen pro players climb to the top of the ladder in the chinese super server during worlds while not not knowing a word of mandarin. Pros do this every year when they bootcamp and the inability to type to their team has no impact on their ability to climb. Concern 2: "Well I don't get tilted by chat./ I just think it's funny" Playing with chat enabled in league is very much like playing with a big smelly trash can sitting next to you. You might say to yourself that you can handle it or that it can be interesting at times, but why subject yourself to that. A smelly trash can can have interesting distracting stuff going on it, like you might see flies buzzing around in it or some discolored food, but it doesn't add anything to your experience in the game. You can very much still enjoy the game without the trash can there and it doesn't make you a soft or weak person because you don't want it next to you while you play. Besides, with chat disabled you can still always talk with everyone in champion select and after the match. You can do some reflecting on the match and crack jokes there too. Final thoughts Chat is not necessary to enjoy the game and it doesn't add anything to your experience. If you're the type of person who gets annoyed when people troll or int in your games. If you get annoyed when people type gg ez, or when people start attacking you personally when you're having an off game, then it can only help you. You can also disable emotes, and eternals or make it so you can only see emotes when you or your team does it. If you can't relate to any of the post, you even then you can leave the smelly trash can next to you. If your fear is that you'll be missing out, one thing that's nice is you can always reenable chat whenever you want. If you're curious as to whether or not it can transform your experience, I'd say to try it out. You can always change your settings back. Settings > Interface > Chat [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:40 PM PDT I had tried to do a joke item build of all attack speed increasing items. The game went fairly well, but by my 4th item, it showed my attack speed capping out at 2.5, but when I hovered over the number, it still showed my percentage of attack speed increase going up with each item. Does this mean I should stop buying attack speed items at 2.5, or would i attack even faster regardless of the 2.5 cap? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:57 AM PDT One thing I've also noticed while playing Ashe for some time now is that when she crits, there's still extra damage despite her crit drawback from her passive. I thought it was her passive from applying the slow but her "supposedly" crit attacks are shown in crit text. [link] [comments] |
Could someone explain what does this means? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:12 PM PDT If you check the patch notes, in Yone, it says: "Chance of a bonus crit strike increased to 150% from 100%" What does this mean? why would they increase the possible crit chance threshold, if when you have 100% Critical chance you are guaranteed to crit? makes no sense to me [link] [comments] |
after A LOT of research I got it: i suck at this game! - How to NOT tilt every game? Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:20 AM PDT Hi guys, i´m playing League for 2 months and after A LOT of research I got it: i suck at this game! I know that League is a very hard game and I really don´t expect to climb to Challenger, Master or even Diamond, but I barely can play one game, from start to end, and think "Ok, I lost this game but I played OK". Every. Freaking. Game. i got tilted and start making things without thinking of it, always doing terrible decisions, every game I freak out and want to run away to a sunset beach lol OK, now i ask you, masters of the game, how do I control this feelings and stop been tilted? I´ve already turned off chat/emote (enemy and allies), played +/- 100 games (blind, draft and 5 ranked games), tried to focus in 2 or 3 things in a game, but nothing helped. [link] [comments] |
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