LoL Guide Solo bot |
- Solo bot
- how to properly climb from toplane? how do you guys work around bad junglers and make better decisions?
- How do I Counter a Midlane Assassin as an ADC
- Is there a "right" way to playing League or is it down to preference?
- New to Midlane
- Should I abandon soloq bot lane?
- How do I win games with Lee Sin if my team does not try to take an early lead?
- How do I help teach my friends to get better at the game?
- Who out of the botlane duo has more impact in the different parts of the game?
- Looking for Jungle Coach
- How the hell are you supposed to beat Pyke mid as an immobile mage
- What is the biggest 1v9 champion?
- Resources to learn the ins and outs of each champion?
- Look at what people on the enemy team ban to find out their role
- Should I go into ranked right now or should I wait for next season
- When and why do I proxy?
- Asking for advice top lane.
- How do you choose your main role?
- Having Trouble with Jungle in Plat. Do you play through bot?
- How to out jungle?
- Is it worth building hexdrinker if the opposing team only has 1 ap champ?
- We're three friends, how can we improve on Flex?
- How to easily save your settings across multiple accounts
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT I mainly play support and adc on an alt account. Sometines whoever im with botlane will tilt/lose mental and will ditch me bot lane and go top or bot or just run it down. What would be the best thing to do if stranded bot lane as a support/adc? In 1v1 scenarios i have no issue and on some champs i can even 1v2. But. Id just like to know some good tips n tricks for trynna salvage a solo ditched bot lane (sorry for paragraph. Running on triple shot mocha monster rn) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:55 PM PDT So i've been struggling to climb up the ranked ladder, i'm sitting at plat 4 with 52% WR I actually have a good understanding about the game itself ( I was coaching a Master/GM team but left the project due to my job) but it seems like i cannot put everything i know in practice and also most of my knowledge is about premade team where communication is a must and is one of my best skill. I played some scrims against diamonds/master players when i was in the team (sometimes our toplaner couldnt play) and even against top tier players (D1+) i was able to succeed, sometimes even hard carrying games, but in SoloQ nothing matters (at least looks like it) and now i'll point out things that i've been struggling with 1- Winning the lane but losing the game: This one is classic, i probably win my late like 80% of the time sometimes im still able to win the lane even after being ganked once or twice but then in mid/late things get ugly, i end up dying too much in teamfights cuz it feels like i can never touch the fed carry, I have no idea how to improve my teamfighting skills and i could not find any youtube video talking about how to play tf with divers or juggernauts 2- Getting tilted with low IQ junglers: Ok, this one i'll give you an example, i was playing Camille vs Sett , i was able burn sett's flash while my Graves was doing top scuttle, so i pinged for help and tried to bait out Sett, my jungler decided to ignore me and went to farm wolves, less than 15 seconds after i realized that my jungler gave up on me, their amumu just flash Q'ed me and Sett was able to follow up and score a kill, i tried to ask my jungler why he did not tried to at least force Sett's tp and he said "Graves is a powerfarm" ok, next game i'm Irelia vs Cho, i kinda messed up a trade early but was able to burn cho flash and we both were sitting at 40 hp, i see my jungler doing wolves and the enemy is a Graves, then i think to myself "ok, it's a graves so he's probably farm-..." graves come out of nowhere with his W and kill me while my jungle is happily farming wolves, i decided to tp to a minion (my jungler is near, i'm full hp with f up vs a cho with 1/4hp and my jungler is rotating" i ping for help and tp in but ofc my jungler decided to path his way to gromp and this is how i completely fuck up my lane, not to blame the jungler, but how do i avoid thoses situations? how do i notice that my jungler is a bot that has 0 map awareness before getting myself into thoses situations? 3- The outscale mentality: I think this one gets me a lot, recently i decided to pick up Camille and even losing a lot of games, i've been playing her at a good level, mostly because i dont care if i just farm till 25 min cuz i know that i have scaling on my side, when i play Irelia i try to force early kills too much and always end up overextending and getting snowballed by enemy jungler, what should be my mental approach when playing champions that doesnt scale, Can i still be relevant even when outscaled? Is it possible to win by macro in thoses situations? Thats longer than i expected but any help would be great! Thx!! My champion pool: Mordekaiser, Sett, Irelia, Camille and Gnar (pocket pick) [link] [comments] |
How do I Counter a Midlane Assassin as an ADC Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT I've had several ADC games where I win lane really hard (like 5/0 up 20 Cs) but still end up losing to a mid assassin once they hit their power spike. Is it worth it to give up some farm and roam mid when I'm ahead so I can help set back midlaners like zed or talon that would be a big danger to me in the mid to late game? [link] [comments] |
Is there a "right" way to playing League or is it down to preference? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:00 PM PDT The title may not make sense at first but I'll explain. I've been trying to break through from Silver to Gold before the season ends and have had coaching sessions with two different people. Both are Masters+, been playing for many years, and have had lots of coaching experience. Both have given me completely opposite advice on how to play the game on the same champion (Sylas Mid). The first told me I always want to push the wave, and to constantly have lane prio for vision/roaming/skirmishes. The second told me to calm down on pushing the wave, and to always try and freeze on my side of the lane. He said Sylas is so absurdly strong 1v1, especially in Silver, that I should just kill the enemy 10x over and get a FF@15. He didn't care about early objectives, roams, helping team etc as long as you dominated the enemy Mid hard. He then showed me a live game with his Gold smurf account and killed the enemy Mid 7x without forcing the wave and got a FF@15 If they're both Masters+, really good players & lots of coaching experience, whose advice do I follow? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:36 AM PDT Hey guys! So i play league for a year now and played support and adc most if the time. Im not bad but also not really good either. Right now im Bronze 1 and try to climb to Silver. Since my mates are mostly also botlaners i would like to try mid. So my Question is, what tips can you guys give me to not get demolished instantly? Are there any champs you would recommend? Anything i should be careful about? So im happy for every reply and i am really looking forward into learning a new role. And sorry for every spelling mistakes or rules i broke. Im kinda new to posting on reddit. [link] [comments] |
Should I abandon soloq bot lane? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:21 PM PDT Hi! I'm a BII 80% wr adc + sup main. After trying out all the roles, I definitely feel at home in the botlane, but the amount of times I get paired with someone who makes me tilt happens so frequently. Irl, I'm usually the most bubbly, happy, bright person you could meet, but playing botlane really brings out the worst in me. I've had an adc dc in my promos bc I said "glhf<3" I've had a nami sup top instead bc "urgot had a cute skin" leaving me to die to a draven swain botlane I've had sups and adc that die repeatedly then call me names for not inting with them I'm genuinely begging to become an asshole to these people out of self defense, and I don't like it. Should I abandon botlane? I would probably go top. Can you carry with top? Who should I play? Thank you for taking the time to read xox bunnie [link] [comments] |
How do I win games with Lee Sin if my team does not try to take an early lead? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:04 AM PDT I know that lee sin falls off later in game, and that if I want to win, I should rely on my team getting ahead/win earlier. I have only been playing normals for now, because I guess I am maybe just a bit too unexperienced with lee sin and I can't consistently win games right now. [link] [comments] |
How do I help teach my friends to get better at the game? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:50 AM PDT I believe that League is the most fun with friends. And thankfully I could experience that. I have a couple of friends that I play League with and we all enjoy the game a lot, winning or otherwise. However, two of my friends are pretty bad at it. Me, and my other two buds (for a solid 5-man) peaked around diamond and we find it difficult to teach them about certain game mechanics. We play a lot of games together and with our MMR being really different, the game feels a lot harder and less enjoyable for our two friends who are used to the fun fiestas they often experience in their elo. I'm not trying to sound rude to my friends, but it is a matter that they themselves seem to be concerned about and as friends we want to help them improve at the game while also cutting out bad habits right from the bud. Their Character Profiles: ---Friend Numero Uno--- Top / Mid He is new to League and has only played with us for a few weeks, but is really good at other RTS games and has 2000 hours in DOTA 2. This translated into him being really good at cs-ing when he's at an advantageous lane state, but when he gets zoned out he tends to walk too far back from exp range and starts losing a lot of minions. Mechanics-wise he is a bit slower than most players, but we believe this to be just from him not knowing what the champion does. He is a pretty mean Heimerdinger player and we suggested to have him stick to that champion. As well as being comfortable playing Poppy. He becomes a bit too passive and less confident in trades and team fights and often finds himself confused when a brawl breaks out in the river or somewhere else outside his lane. ---Friend Numero Dos--- Fill This guy has been playing league ever since I've played it. The problem is, his growth has hit a slump and hasn't changed for over two years. We've both been grinding solo/duo a lot (I use my smurf), but I still haven't seen any sizable improvement over our years playing together. This could just be me being used to his play-style or something like that, but I still see him make the same mistakes over an over again. He's been really frustrated and feels pressured about it and I want him to at least enjoy the game a bit more and make him feel that he's come a long way. I bring him around local tournaments in hopes of him improving with a team, but he often becomes a noticeable weak spot that our opponents abuse. His mechanics are pretty sub-par, with him not having a comfortable champion pool and often flocks towards meta picks where he still doesn't have a lot of success. Recently I saw him play a great Shen game once and he wanted to re-live the same glory again so he asked me and I have been teaching him the ins and outs of how to trade in lane and be more effective in teamfights. But what I think he lacks is the ability to adapt on the fly. He's been grinding and playing league three times more than me and still doesn't know how to play a lot of the champions, nor manage the minion wave and proper rotations. So, what should we do? [link] [comments] |
Who out of the botlane duo has more impact in the different parts of the game? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:18 AM PDT I've heard from someone that support dictates the leaning phase (not just in terms of their impact around the map but mostly bot lane) for the bot lane and I've assumed it's true until now. Is this even remotely true? And in general, who out of the duo does more in early game, mid game and late game? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT Hey I recently changed my position from ADC to Jungle and now I actually lose like 70% of my games bc the enemy jungle is def. better than me or I decide wrong and drop drakes and so on. I watched some youtube videos to improve like jungle camp kiting but i stuck @ finding 3 or 4 champs to play in jungle xD ^^' I am Silver 2 right now and my inner elo is hard stuck unranked #lel xD If you have to much time over and want to help someone to stand up from the bottom - then add me in League :D ~ MG Kugeki (EUW) Wish all of you a good start in the next week and stay safe :D ~ Kugeki [link] [comments] |
How the hell are you supposed to beat Pyke mid as an immobile mage Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT I play Cassio mid and I haven't seen a Pyke mid for a while. I ban Leblanc because I don't want do deal with that shit and, just my luck, my enemy is in fact a Leblanc main but they play their alt champ Pyke. I've decided Pyke is dumber than Leblanc. Just because he has Vlad-level sustain and after a few levels you just can't leave your tower because he'll dash in from stealth to then use his long-range catch ability. Pair this with a competent jungler and I just can't play the game How are you even supposed to play against this champ? He is so hard to kill and can just run around the map like a fucking mosquito buzzing in anyones ear and then flapping away. I was considering playing Malzahar because then I'd at least have point and click CC. [link] [comments] |
What is the biggest 1v9 champion? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:09 PM PDT I'm currently Plat 1 in normal ranked solo/duo but I'm Silver 4 in flex. Decided to play flex and grind there a little but even when I go 16/3 Samira or 20/4/13 Orianna etc etc I still end up losing 1/4 my games because of my teammates having really bad games and another 1/4 my games because of people griefing. Who can I play that can 1v9 every game consistently? I'm ADC main but I can go top, mid or jng if the champ is fun. [link] [comments] |
Resources to learn the ins and outs of each champion? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT Hey all, Wanted to improve in league but I feel that game knowledge about different champs is something that is holding me back, there is just so much to learn about the intricacies of each champion. I was wondering if there were any popular resources to learn about champions, like combos, laning/jungle pathing, powerspikes, items, and just things maybe one-tricks of the champion would know. I know that each respective champion subreddit has handy tips, also some YouTube resources like LoLanalyst, but was just wanting to ask around for some more. Thanks [link] [comments] |
Look at what people on the enemy team ban to find out their role Posted: 11 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT been using this trick to find out who's going where and 9 times out of 10 it's accurate. if you're not sure what role someone is [could be a flex champ or they have 2 APCs/2 potential junglers] look at what they banned. The ban list starts from the left, and goes from top down on the enemy team, so 1 is 1, 2 is 2, 3 is 3, etc. in low elo, 99% of the time they will ban something they hate playing against. Mid laners are going to ban Akali, Zed, etc. and then pick something like Yasuo, and the other enemy bans Darius and picks Ryze. Hmm. who's going mid? my money is on the yasuo, because they ban popular mid champs. ADCs are always going to ban cait, senna, or lucian, supps are going to ban blitz/leona/lulu, etc. using this info can help you make an informed pick against champs who you may not have known you were going up against. Just thought i'd share! [link] [comments] |
Should I go into ranked right now or should I wait for next season Posted: 11 Oct 2020 08:14 AM PDT As the title says, should I go into ranked right now, get demoted and start the climb or wait for next season ranked changes? Getting stomped is the only thing holding me back from playing ranked. I main Mid/AD, I play Yasuo/Yone when mid and Samira/Kaisa when AD. I've not yet played AD in ranked solo. I've never carried a ranked game against someone who knows what they're doing. Edit: I'm a for fun player, reason I want to play ranked is that I like to tryhard. I have played 32 games with a horrible 25% win rate, even in the games I have won I was dead weight getting carried by team. My ranked stats even on my main roles are extremely bad on every aspect. I'll stop playing normal draft once I carry one ranked game against opponents who knows what they're doing. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT I have a few questions regarding proxying. As a Sion player, I watch Thebausffs and I see that he proxies every so often. I am just wondering about these two questions: Why does he proxy? When does he proxy/How does he know when it's safe to proxy? Any answers are appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:14 PM PDT Hey everyone, I have been noticing a high percentage of junglers in my elo (gold) camping my lane (top lane) and essentially forcing me to play back and sack cs all game (losing lane obviously since I cant farm from jg pressure). I have read things before saying that its not bad to get camped because it absorbs pressure for your team, HOWEVER, my question has to do with how to handle a game where you get camped and everyone else on your team loses. What do I do to win these kinds of games? [link] [comments] |
How do you choose your main role? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT The title is pretty obvious, but just to clarify. What makes you main your role (if you main some), For example I usually played jungle, but becouse nobody wanted to play support and bot I slowly switched to those. And stayed there. But what were your reasons? [link] [comments] |
Having Trouble with Jungle in Plat. Do you play through bot? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT So I've been playing jungle kayn and also lillia when he's not open. I manage to do well every game but I've been struggling to get out of gold 1. I've gotten 1 game away from promos 4 days in a row but something goes wrong. Feeding botlane, afk, rq, something. Today I got in game and botlane died 2 times by 5 mins in 3 games back to back. Then I get a good botlane and I gank for them and get fb but the game is a remake cause top never connected. Then I get another game and I get fb bot again but then my internet goes down and I lose all my lp down to 0... My team went on to win that game and i didn't even get lp for it. Now I'm at 0 lp gold 1 and just completely lost. I thought playing through botlane was the way to win but now I'm confused. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT I play udyr. To some of you, that is a large red flag. And I have got a 50%-44% win rate. I have played games where I have bested Jax and lee sin in the jungle match up. But I can't seem to beat shyvanna. In the early game I got shyvanna out jungled. But later on I got destroyed. Barely did any damage to her. The teams where: Teemo,zed, ashe, udyr, pyke versus shyvanna, tahm kench, swain, seanna,draven. What could I have done better? [link] [comments] |
Is it worth building hexdrinker if the opposing team only has 1 ap champ? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT In a recent game i got absolutely pubstomped by a Twisted Fate as Katarina (don't judge me, I'm still learning her), after losing some crucial early game fights. Theyre team had 4 ad champs, so I was questioning whether I should have bought hex drinker to have a better lane against tf, but I wasn't sure if it was worth 1350 gold for one champion. Would buying hexdrinker be the better call in this case? [link] [comments] |
We're three friends, how can we improve on Flex? Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:28 AM PDT We're three friends how enjoy lol. One of us is the support who has been playing league for a long time, another one is a mid who has been playing for more than two years. I'm the newbiest one, I've been playing for a year as ADC. We're not super pro but we don't play bad. We usually win our lanes, and the lanes phase is under control (we usually end with other team tower and one or two kill more than the enemy). However, from there we're not as good and usually we start losing, usually because crazy jungle or weak top. I don't want to just blame them, I want to find a way that we make our team to win. What can we do? What's your experience with random people in flex? What could we do to improve our chances to win? I know this is pretty generic and hard to say, but maybe you can advice something. We're bronze 4 (sup), bronze 3 (mid), and me bronze 2 on flex [link] [comments] |
How to easily save your settings across multiple accounts Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:37 PM PDT I don't know if this belongs here but since it is related to gameplay I thought I'd post. If you switch accounts often you can keep the same settings across all accounts very easily, as long as you are accessing them on the same computer. Get on your main account (or which ever account has your preferred settings) and load into the practice tool. Then go to the folder "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config" and set files "game.cfg" and "PersistedSettings.json" to read-only. Now your settings will be saved directly onto your computer, and will persist when logging into different accounts. Hope this helps [link] [comments] |
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