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    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    LoL Guide You don't need an actual skill level to play ranked. Just queue up.

    LoL Guide You don't need an actual skill level to play ranked. Just queue up.

    You don't need an actual skill level to play ranked. Just queue up.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    This has been tossed around quite a lot by some players, who seem to try to deter "bad" players from playing ranked. However, all these people couldn't be more wrong. Here's a list of all the requirements you need to play ranked, and don't let anybody talk you out of it:

    1. A mouse
    2. A keyboard
    3. An open monitor
    4. An open pc
    5. A working internet connection
    6. One hour of absolute free time and no distractions

    Some people might say: Oh, you need to learn how to watch the minimap, how to cs, how to rotate, have a small champion pool etc etc

    Thing is, there is a rank for every player out there. If you don't mind being in a specific rank, then there is absolutely no reason to not play ranked. It is the best environment to learn the game better, games are immensely more even in ranked than in normals (at least for newer accounts) and you can actually use your elo to track your improvement. Failure in ranked is literally a learning experience and you should treat it as such.

    Just queue up

    Edit: After seeing alot of the feedback of this post (holy shit, it blew up), I gotta say READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH BEFORE COMMENTING

    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    How to Play Against Melee Assassins in the Early Game - as Orianna but Applies to Others

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT


    I am a D2 Midlane player and I play on my main in the games that I show as examples. I say some stupid stuff in this video and didn't really explain everything/speak precisely so feel free to ask me questions, I'll be keeping an eye out on this post. Something I didn't talk that much about in this video though is that because you have control over the wave earlygame, you should be able to base at a timing YOU WANT and get the item you want. Basing against Zed for instance when he starts longsword before you have seekers is very bad because he can buy dirk while you have double cloth or something. Getting double dorans/sitting on a null magic mantle is also very good against champions like Fizz and Akali against their lvl 6 burst. I also do free coaching so if you would like that, DM me.

    submitted by /u/SugoiSwag
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    Tahm Kench top is sleeper OP in low elo

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    It's just like the titles says. Tahm is sleeper broken in low elo. I'll list some pros and cons regarding him.

    Cons: He's immobile, requires items to push lanes quickly, and is very one dimensional.

    Pros: Is extremely tanky, has very strong early trades, and is rarely expected.

    He's not hard to play at all and is such a great pick. He's super underrated too. The main counter that I can think of is Vayne. Tahm is such a great champion to climb with. If any of you low elo players need help climbing, give Tahm a try. You won't be disappointed.

    submitted by /u/Specter-Eye
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    Draven OTP looking for a more consistent ADC to climb

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I feel like Draven is very feast or famine and right now he's not in the bestest of spots as he gets outclassed by champions that aren't even supposed to be bullies but do so and even outscale him and I've been getting increasingly tilted, so what ADCs should I try out? I've been thinking Vayne because she feels like she's in a similar vein, OTP her and you'll be rewarded due to her strength. I've been also thinking about Ashe because she's Ashe. My ELO is Plat IV

    submitted by /u/DravenEnjoyer
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    Why Warwick Is Your Ticket To Diamond

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT


    Warwick was my first champ that i manged to break diamond with and if i can do it anyone can. In this video i commentate over my gameplaying plat 3/2 elo showing how warwick is so good at abusing enemy laners and being so oppressive to the enemy jungler.

    submitted by /u/Min2op
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    Here is how getting 8-10 cs/m will get you more wins and improve you as a player.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    One of the most frequently asked questions is some variation of "how do I get better", and while the answer is a wide array of different things, usually a few things stand out, one of which is Creep Score.

    This is mainly for laners, but the concept is universal. Having a high CS/m does more than just get you guaranteed gold. Of course that's the main benefit. If you are able to out CS your opponent by even just 1 per minute, over a 30 minute game you're getting an extra 600-1000 gold (depending on what you are CSing). By striving to get that 8-10 mark a few things end up coming into play:

    1) You are forced to look at your minimap more. - You don't get 8-10 by staying in one lane. You get it through effectively rotating around the map to where the CS is. In order to do this you need your minimap. You end up looking at jungle camp timers and wave states. And you start thinking about "Okay our bot wave is going to push back into us after one more wave so let me take mid minions while I wait for bot lane to get in a spot I can catch it safely." Or "Theres a decent wave bot lane I can get but I see my top and jungle are heading there. Mid is getting blue buff so I should take mid or top lane (depending on game and wave states).

    2) You become more aware of objectives. - Looking at my minimap (because you're looking at waves and jungle camp timers) you notice the dragon spawning in a minute. Do I have enough gold to back for an important item or component (if yes, reset and go to objective). Or do i not have enough gold for anything? I dont want to wait arpund the pit for 45 seconds so let me push in X wave (which gives you priority and tempo) to more easily secure the objective.

    3) By being aware of the map (from maintaining your CS numbers) you're more likely to notice when and where fights occur. - Since you're naturally ahead of your opponent because you've been CSing so well, when those fights do happen you have more confidence because you know you have an item advantage. And because you have an item advantage you do more damage in fights. Doing morw.damage means winning more fights, denying your opponent CS and map control and extending your lead.

    These are some of the things I noticed when I started trying to get better CS number. Let me know what you think, if you have any questions, or if you want to add anything!

    Edit: So clearly there is some dispute here. Notice how I said striving to hit. I've begun to consistently get about 7.5 and as a result of focusing on CS like this, I find the other things fell into place. I find that I'm doing more of not most damage in game, I'm more frequently in the right position on the map, and and never usually out of a game, even if someone isn't playing well. You can also get high cs numbers by sitting mid and cycling raptor and wolf camps (your own and your opponents).

    At the end of the day the only thing that isn't a variable in LOL is minion waves. You can't control your opponents, you can't control your team so put yourself in a position to do the most you can with what you're given.

    submitted by /u/Scurried
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    Why do I perform about 10x better when playing Solo Queue instead of Duo Queue?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    It´s weird as hell, normally you would think that an additional dude that you can communicate with would make the game easier and more enjoyable, but I don´t feel that way, I actually do way more stupid shit in Duo Queue than in Solo Queue. My winrate is abysmal when I play Duo Queue, when I play Solo Queue it always evens out pretty quickly. Is this a sign? I mean I prefer being alone often anyways, is this some mental block I have or something? I really don´t want to tell my friend that I want to play solo because that would make it sound like I think that he is dragging me down or some shit.

    submitted by /u/RockstarGamesGulag
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    How do I get out of bronze as a mid/jungler?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    I'm currently bronze 2, but I don't know how to climb further. I lose most matches, whether I'm performing good or bad.

    I used to play mid/top in ranked, but noticed that I'm better at (and enjoy) jungle more than top. When I jungle I mainly play Xin Zhao and Warwick. On Xin I focus a lot on early ganks (red buff and then immediately a mid gank). I mainly played Sett on top, but never tried him as a jungler.

    When I play mid I mainly play Galio and Talon, but im currently practicing Swain (and a bit of Ryze), because they are fun to play and I like their scaling.

    I can't seem to climb and don't really know why, I'm working on getting better at farming (already noticed a improvement). If I perform good, I can't solo carry most of the time. If I perform bad I try no to feed, but my team that is doing good can't carry me (which is understandable ofc).

    Does this problem have to do with the champs that I play? I am thinking of buying Kindred (I like the art and her kit seems strong, but idk if this is a good move? What should I work on? And how can I solo carry (or better support the carry on my team)?

    submitted by /u/TheVengfulSpirit
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    How to deal with « inting » laners ?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I'm in plat right now, and I'm a jungle main on euw. I'm quite decent at jungle tracking, but it feels like whatever I do, how hard I ping, or even directly type in the chat « hey they're coming », It doesn't matter. The laner is just gonna keep pushing and trading hard. That's part of the game I guess. But how do I deal with it ? I play mostly farming junglers and by the time I ger my spikes it often feels like the game is over already. What can I do to 1v9 when this type of thing occurs ?

    submitted by /u/Bluffss
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    How do you avoid getting burnt out of ranked games?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I've been fighting up bronze for a few months now and it seems like as soon as I get close to getting out I go on a huge loss streak. I am getting kinda burnt out on playing ranked but I want to get out of bronze before the end of the season. What are some tips to keep up the grind?

    I guess if it helps my summoner name is DeanOfDemolition

    Edit; added summoner name.

    submitted by /u/TheMajesticCape
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    The cycles of confidence and tilt

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Continuing on my understanding tilt series, in this short post I will talk about two vicious circles a lot of people (myself included) fall into when grinding SoloQ. Those are the cycle of confidence, and the cycle of tilt. I think it's important to be aware of those so you can take a break when you see yourself falling into them (if you have any other way than taking a break to reset, post it in the comment I'm seriously interested). Let's get into it.

    The cycle of confidence

    This cycle starts when you're not confident in your play anymore. By being confident I don't mean thinking you detain the objective truth and you know the superior way to play the game, I mean that when you think a play is good, you commit to it without second guessing yourself. Playing without confidence will lead you to make an hesitant attempt at a play / winning the game. Most of the time, it won't turn well and lead to poor results. Of course, poor results are unsatisfying feedback, leading you to lose even more confidence in your play.

    The cycle of tilt

    This one starts with inconsistent gameplay, usually due to a lack of focus or fondamentals, but it can also be because of a missplay, be it micro or macro. The response a lot of people have to this is to blame external factors because why would it be your fault since you're capable of so much better (we fall back on the Player vs Victim dilemma). Of course, this will lead to tilt, which usually drives anger and playing on autopilot. Once you're on autopilot, you will of course do dumb mistakes and bring an inconsistent gameplay, starting the cycle again.

    Thanks for reading, and I hope this can help you :)

    submitted by /u/PhiliberMonstel
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    ADCs Mid

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I've gone against Lucians and Ezreals mid, and lose every time. Their base damage is just so much bigger than mine, and I can't even CS without losing half my health with their autos. I go under tower to farm and by that point they three shot me. I just don't know how to counter them. Help?

    submitted by /u/fudgyfishy
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    Can someone explain why Camille is such a contested pick top right now?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    I'm in plat 4 and it just feels like it takes way too long to get going before the game becomes a zoo. I Ben when she does come online, it doesn't feel as crazy strong as say fiora, Kayle, or even trynd, noticeably so when splitting.

    I guess I don't really get where she shines besides making picks, but I have other champs that feel way more viable in plat and below where you need to make something happen fast. I play rengar top a lot for instance and not only can I 1v2 when gank Ed consistently, but I have control of the game from level 1, and can make those same picks that you would get from a Camille roam with my ult.

    Don't get it twisted, I'm not saying she's bad, I'm just saying, can you help me understand what makes her so strong?

    submitted by /u/AnxiousWanker
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    How do I deal with veigar?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I'm a relatively new player, still not even level 30 and i'm just getting to know the mechanics, but one thing that I noticed is that veigar shits on me, before, zed and lb were the problem but I started learning how to play around them, but I just can't find a way to beat veigar, also whenever I complain about him to my relatively experienced friends they just make fun of me and tell me to "get gud" and not only them, but every forum or thread that was opened for the same question yielded similar results, what's up with that?

    my main problem is with his E, it doesn't matter if the stun is at the edges, getting caught in the middle still restricts your movement, meaning the entire enemy team wails in on you, and if he Ws in the middle of the circle I often get caught in the edges while trying to dodge it (though the last point is definitely because i'm still rusty), the cast time gives enough time to react , but the champion itself is usually not fast enough to actually get out of the circle.

    again, i'm still very new, and I know high elo people don't find too many problems against him (if at all since he apparently isn't used in high elo) but I hope someone can show me how I can deal with veigar

    submitted by /u/Raito_Urekawa
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    If you are a struggling One Trick. Try new champions!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Hola Summoner School!

    I've been a hard stuck Irelia one trick in Plat 4 since May 2019. I had this distorted view of the game just thinking about how everything revolves around Irelia and not anything else. I became pretty toxic when anything went wrong or if I mechanically messed up a play. I wasn't having fun with the game anymore and felt like I peaked after 900 games this season and still being plat 4.

    My friend made a bet with me about a week or two ago telling me to not play Irelia for the rest of the season and he will give me $100. I have to play at least 100 games for it to take effect. I took him up on it cause hey $100 is $100. I made a list of champions I would like to try which was Fiora, Camille, and Yorick. I tried Camille for about 15 games and struggled a lot with figuring out how to win with her. I fed so much on Fiora that I thought I could be banned from it. So then I tried Yorick. Holy shit I haven't had this much fun in a long time. The simplicity of just "imma land E, cage the fucker, and beat that ass," is just so fun and simple. I've played about 50 games now and I'm almost Plat 2 now from doing this (my goal is diamond). I'm not even thinking about the bet anymore cause I'm just enjoying playing and learning the game again.

    It made me realize I was actually decently smart about my decisions but I had my view warped by thinking "oh I can just outplay the fight, if I'm a one trick I can totally get out of this situation." I never really thought about if the fight was good in the first place. I made so many bad macro decisions thinking "just fight it forehead durrrr."

    So yeah, if you are one tricking or even just playing the same pool for a long amount of time, and you're stumping. Try mixing it up, try a new champ that's in the same role but a different class (for me diver to juggernaut). It helps change perspective on what's actually important to work on.

    I hope this helps and if anyone has stories about their experience with this topic I'd be happy to read them!

    submitted by /u/Rennaisance44
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    How do I get out of silver as jungler?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I can't get out of silver as a jungler. I can't keep up my lead and there was this one game where this hecarim just camped top and didn't farm at all, but built a bigger lead. I feel as I don't know what to do at times when their fed. I try to farm up other ways, but my teams always trying to group when we don't have a good teamfight comp. I main lillia btw.


    submitted by /u/NoFrIeNdZs
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    Good Junglers w/ similar playstyle to fiddlesticks? (Im a noob at this game)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Basically the title
    I just recently got into the game and i mostly play in mid, but starting out jungle about 2-3 weeks ago.
    I first started off with the only jungler i had which was sett (i bought him for top lane), but i didnt like his carnivorous playstyle. Few of my friends recommended fiddlesticks, and when i got him, i liked his fast and healthy clears and ganks.
    Are there any other junglers that focus more of scaling, farming, etc? If so, which ones are the best in this current meta and/or in the new season?

    submitted by /u/nUkeS_oN_yOu
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    are these adcs just bad or is there something im missing

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    one of the things that is happening as support in solo queue is my jg or adc is afk for the first minute so i have to commit my trinket so we dont get invaded and lose the jungler the game.

    But what really confuses me about this is my ADC then sits on 0 vision score for 4-5 mins. I ping my ward over and over and tell them to ward the river for 2:45-3:15 and they don't say anything or say no. Then they proceed to do an aggro play with prio under their tower, which I would like to participate in but with no vision over the river that is stupidity.

    Is there a reason why adcs hold on to their ward for river if the support is on cooldown?

    submitted by /u/Walrusasauras
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    Top - early or late champ (Gold solo)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble finding my place in a team when solo q top lane. I'm adaptable as a player, but feel like I'm at the mercy of my team more games than not.

    If I play a champ that is strong in lane (such as teemo, Quinn), moral in the game stays high, but it's hard if the team won't close out in the mid game. Then I'm left at mercy of the late game.

    Alternatively, if I go for a later game carry, such as Kayle or jax, the best case is to normally go even in lane. But alas, if I don't get jungle help or their jungle camps (or I get out played) it's possible to get behind. If this happens, team moral goes down the pan and trying to get people to play safe until late is the mercy of the team again.

    From those with experience, what is a good way to break through this in mid gold? Obviously don't expect to win every game, but would like to maximise the outcome.

    submitted by /u/MadalsSC2
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    Lux Combo Guide

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Hello Summoners,
    Today I have a Lux Combo Guide for you, combos are very important to improve with a champion!
    The six combos are seperated in four difficulty classes!
    To the Guide: https://youtu.be/rTaJ65dOXoI

    I need bunch of hours to create that Combo Guide, in that case I would be happy if you could leave some constructive feedback, that I can improve my Videos!

    submitted by /u/IloveBass98
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    Need some training on mid

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I was just wondering if anybody would accept learning me how to play mid better. Right now, I am only bronze one and I´m looking for at least silver three for this season. If anybody feels like doing it, just message me and we will see how we could do it. Thanks to anybody who could do it, really.

    submitted by /u/VekaTsu
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    Stop Playing Nasus wrong

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    In elos below plat i keep seeing nasus players solo losing gmaes continously both im my team or in the enemy team. And here is why:

    1.Farming: You should farm like with every other champion but only trying to get most of it with Q s. Instead a lot of players will prioritize farm over drakes over teamfights over helping the jungler over living or even over the fucking nexus.

    1. Using Teleport: 100% of nasus bellow plat will constantly use tp after 20 minutes to get to their lane even if is pushed in and kill 6 minions. this is very stupid becasue u will be there splitting. if a fight breaks out you will need to teleport becasue most likely your the only tanky member.

    2. Allways overstay: stop staying with 100 mana and half hp on lane after ur enemy laner recalled u stay and stay and stay for ur obsession with stacks if they tp back and u have tp on CD you sometimes have to take the L lose 6 minions and live otherwise u will end up getting dived and u also couldnt even go up to stack becasue u were afraid of dying so just dont stay.

    3. Ignoring pings: Ignorid mid roaming for 3-4 minions if u just go back and lose 3-4 minions like u would do if u would have played any other champion u wouldnt die and make ur midlaners live even harded.

    4. Refusing to teamfight : simply refusing to group when needed ur team is taking inhibitor tower and u are at ur tier 1 farming minions .

    5. refusing to do baron after an ace or taking towers instead they go and farm for stacks

    I dont want to say how many times the nexus got destroyed and the nasus was still farming somewhere

    1. BUILDING: Dont build spirit visage into full AD comps just cuz "helps with ur passive" instead build frozen heart please also lucidity boots on nasus trigger meur a frontliner and u can get 40% cdr with trinity a kindelgem and a glacial shroud wich has the exact same price as ur lucidity boots but gives you the opportunity to get boots usefull for a frontliner (mercs\tabs) depends on the comp usually mercs are the better option becasue Nasus biggest weakness is getting kited and mercs help with that.

    I ve lost or won so many games because nasus he is on my dodge list when they are on my team same with nidalee and the duo yasuo malphite botlane ( i beg people to not play it i beg them to take my mid i just dont want to see another 0 20 botlane)

    submitted by /u/Sava69iq
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    4 questions to ask yourself while VOD reviewing / reflecting on a play

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    This post is a continuation of my Player vs Victim dilemma post of yesterday which will try to shortly adress what is "reflecting on your mistakes". In my last post, I had a comment that very correctly points the fact that you can't 1v9 every game, sometimes it's just not your fault. I agree with that statement, although I still think it shouldn't be an excuse to stop trying to play well and to ignore what you could have done better "because it wouldn't have mattered for this game". The comment also pointed that on this subreddit, the mentality of "it's always your fault" is kind of vague, and can not only interpreted in different ways, but you also never reach an end point with it. You obviously do not have control over your teammate's gameplay, so it's useless to blame yourself as an ADC if your toplaner goes 0/3 in the first 5 minutes in pure 1v1.

    The questions I'm gonna write here apply mainly when reviewing a play, not really for a game as a whole. When a trade / all-in / teamfight goes poorly, you can use these questions to guide yourself on what went wrong and what could you have done better. Lastly, before going in, as I said in one of my precedent posts, it's important to look at what you did good, why it was good and how you can replicate it. Now let's get into it.

    1. How did I contribute to this situation ? The goal of this question is to outline your role in what happened. Did you stay back to deal damage. Did you spend your time running at the enemy backine ? It's important to know what you were doing before analyzing if it was a correct or incorrect decision. First step is to understand what you did and what happened.
    2. Can I think of a more effective course of action I could have taken ? While it's easy to judge what you could do better when you're not in the middle of the fight, it's good to think about that calmly, when you have all the time in the world to try to see how you could have played it better. It's even better to visualize how the fight would've turned out if you played the fight in a better way. It allows you to get your brain ready for the next time a similar situation occurs, and this time you will be playing it out better. So it's important to take the time to think about what went wrong and how to correct it.
    3. Could I have made reasonable preparations to reduce the risk or impact of what happened ? Here a lot of the interest of the question is in the "reasonable". What I do is try to get a lot of opinions from a lot of different people so I can get an idea of what is reasonable in the situation I'm reviewing. Again, thinking about this prepares your brain for the next time something similar happens, it makes you better equipped at dealing with this situation.
    4. What can I learn from this experience ? I'll take my Clash games of tonight as a example. While it's obvious to many, I learned from our teamfights that kiting backwards in the jungle with your frontline protecting you when you're playing Caitlyn is a good way to win late game fights against juggernauts. Yeah it's obvious in this case, but it may not be as obvious in your games. It's always useful to summarize all the things your learned while reviewing with a simple concept to learn so you can learn and adapt for the next games.

      Thanks for reading, and I hope this can help you :)

    submitted by /u/PhiliberMonstel
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    Plat 4 cant play with dia 4?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Recently I tried to duo with a dia 4 friend but it says the difference between the ranks are too high. Bug or feature? What rank do i need to play with him? I always thought its max one div difference but im really lost now. I was excited to play with him...

    submitted by /u/Sormox
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