• Breaking News

    Monday, November 23, 2020

    LoL Guide According to ForestWithin (top Kindred player in NA), despite her 45% winrate, Kindred is beyond overpowered. You just need to stop building ADC items. (Trinity -> Collector -> Ravenous Hydra)

    LoL Guide According to ForestWithin (top Kindred player in NA), despite her 45% winrate, Kindred is beyond overpowered. You just need to stop building ADC items. (Trinity -> Collector -> Ravenous Hydra)

    According to ForestWithin (top Kindred player in NA), despite her 45% winrate, Kindred is beyond overpowered. You just need to stop building ADC items. (Trinity -> Collector -> Ravenous Hydra)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:16 AM PST

    ForestWithin is a multi-season challenger Kindred jungle main. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to put twitch links in or not but he's fairly popular.


    His build is

    • The Collector (most games he gets it before Triforce because it's just better early game. Triforce first is better if you're just trying to scale)
    • Trinity Force
    • Ravenous Hydra

    Basically, the ADC items straight up suck. Galeforst, Kraken, even Shieldbow according to Forest.

    • However, Kindred uses Sheen pretty well (spammable Q when using W), which is why he gets a Sheen item early. Trinity Force's mythic passive gives you attack speed for free. Along with Greaves, and you get similar attack speeds to S10 Kindred without having to actually opt for an attack speed item.

    • The Collector literally just gives you an insane amount of stats. Bonkers damage item (execute passive is a bait it does no damage, the real damage is just from the AD and lethality)

    • Ravenous Hydra is just great on Kindred. It procs on every AA, it procs on every Q and everytime you hit someone new with W, it procs on E, etc. Also 65 AD is solid.

    Against 2+ tanky champions, you grab Trinity Force -> Seld Grudge (the slow + armor pen item) -> Ravenous Hydra.

    For runes, ForestWithin grabs

    • Press the Attack
    • Triumph
    • Alacrity (can probably be switched for Tenacity against high CC)
    • Last Stand


    • Eyeball Collection
    • Ravenous Hunter

    New Ravenous Hunter just works amazingly with Kindred. Previously it didn't work on autoattacks but now it works on anything.

    Omnivamp is busted on Kindred. Kindred gets a ton of damage from all sources: AAs, Trinity Force, abilities. The omnivamp on Ravenous Hydra and Ravenous Hunter is nuts.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How do I beat champions that put the game on a timer?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    My flex team and I play in a relatively low elo (Gold/Plat) and games tend to drag out if we're playing against people who are decent or know how to slow the game down. Whenever we play against hard scaling carries (like Kayle, Kassadin, Nasus ,twitch Veigar) we're kinda stuck on how we should approach the game. Once during a clash game, we had a Diamond player freeze the lane as Kayle at 2nd tier top tower and they scaled like crazy. How do we beat strategies like that?

    submitted by /u/DJCyaniide
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    Discussion on the new "Horizon Focus" vs Rabadon's Deathcap

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Horizon Focus:
    +100 ability power
    UNIQUE – FOCUS FIRE: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted ability at more than 750 units away or immobilizing one reveals them and increases your damage dealt to them by 10% for 6 seconds.

    100 AP is massive when compared to other AP items, but I can't help but wonder who's building this. Rabadons Deathcap offers you 20 more AP, and a 35% increase to your total AP, all for 800g more. Long range poke champs; like Xerath or Velkoz; don't exactly synergize better with Horizon Focus than they would with Rabadons.

    The only value I see in Horizon Focus is revealing them for 6 seconds because if you hit a blind Q on either of those champions, you can follow it up with your other abilities, even if you didn't see them before. When immobilizing a champion, close range or at a distance, it'll also reveal them

    The damage amplifier on Horizon Focus seems utterly outclassed by Rabadons. Vel'Koz's R & Passive do true damage, which can't be amplified by the Horizon Focus 10% amplifier

    This item, as far as I can tell, is only useful if you already have Rabadons & want to amplify your damage further. The ONLY stat it gives is AP, so stacking this item alongside Rabadons makes you extremely squishy, so close-range mages who will CC nearby targets will likely prefer other items with HP, A-Haste or resistances, EG Lissandra.

    The final thing I notice is the Horizon Focus passive only amplifies YOUR damage dealt, as opposed to the Abyssal Mask passive which reads ALL damage the target takes is increased by 10%.

    Are there any mage players who could offer their opinions? I haven't seen a single player build this item since it was released. I play Vel'Koz, Anivia & Viktor, all of which could potentially use this item, but being so easily burstable doesn't seem like good value for 3000 gold.

    submitted by /u/Swainivia
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    What is one good tip for/against your main for players who might ever wanna pick up that champion?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Pretty much the title. What is something(s) you'd want anyone picking up a champ to know about it from the start? Maybe you saw someone making a serious mistake in the champs gameplay and think other people might make such mistakes too! List such things down here.

    submitted by /u/TheDankPotatoRises
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    I Read Patch 10.24 Notes For Those Who Want To Listen

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:19 PM PST

    On the last post I made about reading patch notes since they were so long, a few people said it helped them to listen to them rather than reading them. I thought with it's success I'd post another thread of me reading them for people to listen to as it seemed to help a lot of people out last time. The patch this time around wasn't as long, so it's only 20 or so minutes rather than an hour, and if you don't mind putting the speed to 2, it's around 10 minutes to listen to me reading off all of the changes.


    I hope this helps anyone who has an easier time listening to them rather than reading them. :)

    submitted by /u/NooneStaar
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    Think more about what your action does for your team, and if said action is worth

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:26 PM PST

    Okay so, let's say I'm currently playing Sett in the jungle. I have two options: Give first dragon (cloud), or continue farming

    I'm playing with a: Garen Top, Yone Mid, Jhin Adc, Lux Sup

    I'm playing against a: Ornn Top, Fiddlesticks Jg, Zed Mid, Ashe Adc, Alistar Sup

    Now, if I were to continue farming, I would: Gain 400 gold in the next 1 minute, Lose first drag (cloud) to an ultimate based team, Lose any tempo I had on the map, Leave my laners vulnerable

    If I went for drag, I would: Gain less gold, Get first cloud drag from an ultimate based team, Gain tempo, Have the ability to gank at any time

    Which one would you prefer? These types of scenarios happen in every game, and you should think about which decision impacts your team in a positive way.

    submitted by /u/c0rrupted_
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    How to kite effectively?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:46 AM PST

    I've heard you should "shift+right click" or a "A button + left click" but this never works for me. No matter how far i attack move, my champion stays in place and auto attacks the nearest champion. The only way that works for me is to right click to move away then click back at the enemy and repeat. Is there a more effective way to do this?

    submitted by /u/K6Z0
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    Why aren't people building Wardstone?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:05 AM PST

    I was just looking at the item and it gives a whopping 25 ability haste for 1100 gold, or 40 for 2300 gold.

    Generally speaking enchanters only scale with heal & shield power and ability haste (and to a lesser degree AP) but right now with 20 from mandate, nothing on Ardent and flowing water, and only 15 from mikeals and redemption. They are pretty starved for haste with most games ending before they make it to 35.

    So if we ignore the control ward passive on wardstone completely why are enchanters not building this thing every game just for the ability haste? For one (very cheap) item you get more than the rest of your build combined

    submitted by /u/RedditoAccount
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    CSing during slowpush?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:01 PM PST

    I am a pretty bad gold 3 player. But my csing is alright for my elo, I can get about 97 cs at 10 minutes in the caitlyn bot drill (basically lane against intermediate caitlyn bot for 10 minutes without backing), but I just can't seem to cs at all when slowpushing. When I slowslowpush, I miss 1 or 2 minions each wave when playing someone with high aa damage like fizz, and sometimes even 3 minnions in a single wave when I play someone with low base ad such as veigar. I find it extremely difficult to layer minions when slowpushing and the usually all the enemy minions die at the same time, which causes me to miss a ton of minions. For any of you who can cs effectively while you have a massive wave built up, could you maybe give me some tips on how to slowpush without losing minions while not using abilities? Or, should I just grind csing in the practice tool until I have it down solid?

    submitted by /u/08312005l
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    Help a new player. Maybe look at stats/replay. General questions.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST


    New player here. I play a lot of Dota and am currently a little bored of that game which is why I'm looking into to getting into League. I've played 20 bot games or so and I don't gain much from playing with bots anymore other than trying out new stuff ... but everything is locked. Then I played with humans to get the blue points so I can unlock stuff and where I got OK cs but then I actually ruined the game by being bad and now I'm not sure how to progress.

    QUESTIONS: 1) I want my minimap on the left side of my screen. That's where it is in dota. There is a setting for it. I'm used to looking at the bottom left corner. Except I have to reset that setting every single game. Is there any way to fix that it feels like a bug.

    2) How does one ping spell cooldowns and flash CD's etc. when I click a unit I get a small interface in my upper left screen but it doesn't include enemy spells. I don't know most of the champions' (am I doing it right?) abilities and there's no way to reference the champ's abilities while in a game correct?

    3) I Dota having a boots advantage can be huge in a lot of situations but in the streams I've seen people buy them @15 mins or so and in my bot games getting boots and their upgrades doesn't feel especially significant.

    4) I basically want to be able to play the game. I want to be able to play a bunch of heroes and I want the flash summoner spell that all the cool kids seem to use in every bloody game. I can't even try to jungle because I don't have the smite thing. I have 10 heroes or so but I only like Ahri and Ashe so far. So what is the best strategy to get to play the fun heroes. I spent most of the starting blue points on the cheap champions. But I guess that was a mistake because the newer and more expensive champions have more freedom of movement and more variation in play?

    5) What's the point of the Zhonya's Hourglass item? Aren't you setting yourself up to chain cc'ed and nuked down? Also why is the scaling on Ahri's charm so bad? You get less than 0,2s longer duration per level, isn't that horrible?

    6) Is there anything to help the new players other than the tutorial?

    7) I played some Annie and it felt so bad using (is this a pet?) her ult without control groups or being able to tab through units or being able to queue attack orders. Are these pets common how do you micro these units even, effectively I mean?

    8) what do supports do in this game? Wards are free and I feel as though supports in streams take lasthits without any comment from the core playing streamer. Is there any reason for example supports should put down more wards than core players? Can someone maybe give a small rundown of proper warding? What stops people from playing a 2-1-2 line-up?

    ANALYTICS: I don't feel competent interpreting my stats reviewing my own replay could someone give my last game a look over? It went really really bad and felt horrible. Enemy mid had Luden's, upgraded boots and a Mejai's Soul Stealer with 25 stacks before I finished my first mythic item. That shit is obviously gameruining and I have no idea why my team wasn't flaming me non-stop.



    Also I enjoy heroes such as Drow Ranger, Lina, Queen of Pain, Pangolier, Mirana, Templar Assassin, Tiny, Tusk, Monkey King, Morphling, Ember Spirit, Oracle, Void Spirt and many others in Dota. I also like heroes that buy a lot of active items such and stack CDR such as Shadow Fiend. I like offlane and hard support the least but I'm comfortable playing any role. Any suggestions on Champs I might enjoy? Samira looks interesting, but expensive.

    Thank you for reading up till now, I'd be grateful for any reply.

    submitted by /u/Rouwbecke
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    I have to get better (mostly macro gameplay)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:29 AM PST

    So my problem is I have to get better at this game or I will be excluded from the games my friends normally play with me, but this shouldn't be the topic here. My main problem is I know how the champions work but I don't know what to do with them. For example there is a 4v2 at the baron (I main top BTW and mostly play illaoi mordekaiser aatrox and nasus) and I never know when I should go and help my team . I know the basics about wave control and the dragon/baton buffs so it's primarily my macro gameplay that's really bad. And I've tried a lot of champions (the only other role I'm allowed to play is adc but Its even worse there). I hope you can give me some advice, really anything could help.

    submitted by /u/Maxi0612
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    How to help your Jungle as a laner! (Previous post deleted because of title)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:51 PM PST

    Reposting because deleted, I had several people message me asking to send it to them.

    Hey guys! Sir Slunt here, so playing with some of my friends I noticed a need for knowledge in the aspect of when to shove lanes to help your jungle.

    2 minute video:


    A good rule of thumb:

    If Scuttle crab is about to spawn it is generally a good idea to start shoving your lane so that you can rotate quicker than your opponent. (Every second counts)

    This helps in multiple ways. It puts pressure on your opposition by making them choose between CS or following you to said objective. It immediately puts the ball in your court and allows you to get there quick without sacrificing cs.

    Same concept with Dragon/rift herald - If your team is going to want to set up this objective it is generally a good idea to get some sort of lane priority by shoving the enemy laner to their tower. This way they will be behind you/slower than you on the rotation toward the objective and also they are at risk to sacrifice valuable gold and experience to contest with you.

    I'm starting a series on Youtube with quick random tips like this and currently calling it Sunday Quickies which outlines something random each week in 2 minutes or less.

    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    When to give your turret?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:14 AM PST

    In a adc coach video I've heard a coach say that sometimes It better to give turret to get the enemy off you and force them to overextend for farming and put them in position to get killed by your mid and jgl while you get free farm, I'd just like to know how what do you think of that. Sometimes when I play adc I come against a heavy poke lane, like Caitlyn/Zyra, they poke me to death and i have no sustain and can't poke or trade back, sometimes i have to back a lot and have like half their cs or more, in that situation is It better to give turret faster (It's gonna happen anyway) or that will enable them to snowball even harder?

    submitted by /u/Aenyr
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    Avoiding your 2nd buff being taken?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:28 AM PST

    So last game i played i had my red buff stolen (playing sej) by enemy nocturn and got triple buffed after i went blue gromp checked red, then pathed through mid to go to enemy red. However the midlaner warded enemy raptor entrance so i had a massive dephosit on cs.

    This put me way behind and i lost the game from there after our mid went afk.

    I know the correct method is to either have toplaner protecting red or have your buff warded against the steal so will be implementing this in the future, however if this situation occurs again where I am a buff down what should the optimal path be?

    submitted by /u/arcinus
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    How to play against a aggressive botlane as adc (or support)?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:29 AM PST

    With Samira being a champ have i had some problems with hyper aggressive bot lanes. I usually play ash or Kai'sa and when there is a Morgana/leona in the bush and a Samira ready to jump on me, i feel like my only options are int or fall far behind. This is also talking about Lucian, Kalista, Tristana etc, but i just use Samira as an example because i feel she scales much harder. I just feel so powerless when i fall behind a Samira who can get a penta in the first teamfight. Its just one skill shot or a slight mis-position and i get blown up like a pinata.

    I am just wondering how you deal with someone obnoxious ,potent and dangerous when playing someone more passive? How to survive without relying on jungle ganks (cause i don't trust jng with killing samira)?

    I have samira perma banned at the moment but i would really like to get back to banning xerath.

    submitted by /u/Herso50
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    how to avoid anxiety playing in jungle

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 12:58 PM PST

    is my big issue ,
    my problem that I feel anxious every time I enter the jungle, because I never know what the enemy jungler will be doing, and if he is ready to wait for me in a bush maybe, ok I can track him through the tracking mechanics, but I will never be precise , and that's why I get anxiety, isn't there an easy way to avoid anxiety? and play quieter, an example in a old game. I was against a rengar who doesn't know how great he was at tracking my every move, hiding in the bushes and attacking me every time I walked into those bushes, please help me this role I really like :(

    submitted by /u/Substantial_Climate2
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    How do I play against Akali Top as Melee?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    I play bruisers such as Darius, Garen and Tanks like Malphite, Shen and Mundo. I honestly understand her kit it just seems that she always can trade with me and suddenly hide in her shroud or bounce off me so its really hard for me to trade back so I just loose every trade. It seems really unfair to deal with, Any advice?

    submitted by /u/HiImDepre
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    As a jungler, how should I change my play if my team says "play safe, we scale"?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    I'm a jungler in high gold/low plat, and just played a game where in the pre-game lobby my top laner said "play safe, we scale". We were playing:




    It seems pretty common to see this message, and for the most part I agree. I'm just wondering as a jungler how should I adapt my gameplay if I know my team wants to play like this?

    I know some obvious stuff like not expecting prio to be able to get crabs and objectives early, but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lukewarm1997
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    Lethal tempo and HoB

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:57 AM PST

    So I've picked up kai'sa recently and blitz recommends HoB However I don't like domination try on ADCs and like having gathering storm on my secondary which leads me to my question What is the difference between HoB and LT. It sounds like they both give the same AS upgrade but LT lasts for 6 seconds while HoB is only 3 attacks

    submitted by /u/wheremynames
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    For those struggling carrying from mid this patch

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 11:10 PM PST

    Mid lane is a bit different right now. The amount of pressure you are able to exert on your opponent is completely dependent on your Jungler and the enemy Jungler. There are far less opportunities than in previous patches and your ability to recognize safe windows to be proactive is more important now. If you find you cannot reliably brute force your way to wins I recommend taking a step back and start focusing on patience. Even when you are better than your opponent in skill, most scenarios are still losing scenario's depending on the other player's in your game. There are less play making opportunities than in the past, wait for them.

    submitted by /u/Necessary_Deal_603
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    how do I know when to move on from learning vs AI?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Hi all! Just picked up the game. Level 13 at the moment. I'm trying out different characters vs AI at different tiers. Progressing with one character from intro through intermediate. My question is when do I know that it's ok to move on and test myself at a higher tier and then in normals or whatever the league equivalent of quick play is? What should I be looking for in my own skills?

    For reference, though I suspect this is the case for everyone, I haven't participated in a losing match vs AI. My kda for the last 10 games is 2.95 mostly with Akali playing mid in beginner. Is that a good number to move forward to intermediate? What should I look for in intermediate to move on to playing against people?

    submitted by /u/mclutz
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    Was in the mood for a little writing

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:39 AM PST

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