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    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Buy a guardian's item on ARAM

    LoL Guide Buy a guardian's item on ARAM

    Buy a guardian's item on ARAM

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:43 PM PST

    This is a small tip for the people who play ARAM.

    Guardian's items (equivalent of doran's but in aram) were always pretty good, but people used to ignore them to rush their full item's components.

    This new preseason, They actually got buffed, and now count as legendary items towards your mythical item's passive. This means, that as soon as you finish your mythic item, it will already give it's passive as if you got 1 full item.

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    Meditation is Low-Key OP and You Should Abuse It

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:00 AM PST

    "Peak performance is meditation in motion" - Olympic Champion diver Greg Louganis.

    Meditation has become much more mainstream and it has continuously shown a wide array of benefits: decreased cortisol levels (stress), anxiety, ruminative thinking, blood pressure and heart rate, increased flow and overall happiness. What does this have to do with gaming?

    Practice some meditation and you will decrease your reaction time by 20%, increase information processing, and increase sustained focus.

    Let's look at some of the science.

    • Meditation affects three specific functions: attention, emotion regulation and self-awareness. We gain increased focus, we become less reactive to stressful stimuli and become more aware of our mental and physical states.
    • Meditation consistently modifies 8 brain regions: the frontopolar cortex, insula, hippocampus, anterior cingulate cortex, mid cingulate cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, anterior longitudinal fasciculus and corpus callosum. Meditation increases the activity of certain regions, decreases the activity of others and strengthens or weakens pathways between them.
    • The DMN (Default Mode Network) is a group brain region that have a self-referential processing function. It is highly active when mind wandering which means we think about ourselves in the future and the past but are not in "the present". Meditation is shown decrease mind wandering and become present.
    • Meditation increases parasympathetic response making us less receptive to sympathetic "flight or fright" responses.
    • Decrease in stress (cortisol) which allows for increase in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex volume and decrease in amygdala volume. This also allows for increased BDNF since cortisol and BDNF secretion are mutually affected


    Mindfulness may release attentional resources otherwise engaged in the inhibition of task-irrelevant thinking associated with anxiety and thus facilities the general efficiency of cognitive processes. Basically, practicing meditation allows us to be more focused, more aware of ourselves and separate our emotions allowing us to be less reactive. It allows us to think more clearly. Make decisions faster. Not become stressed by situations and perform better.

    Reaction Time (RT) is a measure of sensory motor association. It's the elapsed time between a sensory stimulus (auditory/visual) and a subsequent response. RT provides an indirect index of the processing speed and capability of the central nervous system, concentration, and cognitive skills with well proven diagnostic validity.

    In one cross-sectional study in which meditators and non-meditators were given a task to measure RT "meditators tended to perform the task faster than controls, with an overall advantage of ∼122 ms [F(1,14) = 4.28, p = 0.057, meditators: 421 ms, controls = 543 ms]. This advantage was not accompanied by decrements in performance, as accuracy was similarly high in both groups, speaking against a speed-accuracy trade off, and pointing to an increased speed of processing in the meditator group." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3351800/

    Another study evaluated 42 participants RT, that included both meditators and non-meditators, on a task-switching exercise before and post 20 minutes of meditation for 5 days.

    RTs decreased each day, as expected, and post-meditation/breath-counting RTs were consistently faster than pre-meditation/breath-counting RTs. This effect was more pronounced early on and present in both controls and meditators. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5993445/

    Some research has been done on the best type of meditation for sport performance. Two common modalities are Focused Attention Meditation (FAM) and Open Monitoring Meditation (OMM).

    • FAM is as the name says; you focus on a singular object for a period of time. This can be your own breathing or anything in front of you like a picture or lamp. "FAM is associated with increased activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which has been associated with the repetitive selection of relevant representations or recurrent direction of attention to those items". This means increased focus on the things that matter and less distraction.
    • OMM is the complete opposite. The aim of OMM is rather to monitor your state, remaining attentive to any experience that might arise, without selecting, judging, or focusing on any particular object. You let your thoughts and feelings in and you look at them as a passive observer. "OMM induces attention to be more flexible and continuously shifted to different objects".

    Each of these modalities works best for a different situation. Let's look at open vs closed skill sports.

    Closed skill sports are those in which the environment is relatively stable and the performer dictates the pace; examples include archery and shooting.

    Open skill sports are more dynamic and the environment is changing constantly so there's a need to adapt. This includes sports like basketball and football.

    So where does gaming fall?

    I believe that gaming falls into an open skill sport. Even though the athlete is static and sitting in a stable environment the actual gameplay is constantly changing. Gamers have to process huge amounts of information and make lightning fast decisions and motor responses. Hence why reaction time is such a popular topic.

    Ok so how do I start?

    FAM is a more novice friendly exercise and it will help your gaming. Studies show even one session can drastically increase performance right after. The idea is to begin with FAM then transition into OMM.

    1. Pick a time to meditate. Try to make a habit out of it. Mornings tend to be ideal.
    2. Put a timer for 5 minutes.
    3. Sit in a relaxed position. No need to do the fancy monk or Naruto stances. Take 3 slow and deep breaths and then focus on the object of your choosing, use either the breath or an object in front of you. If you choose an object try to fix your gaze on a specific point on it.
    4. Hold your focus on the object. Thoughts will naturally come in. When you feel yourself distracted bring your attention back to the object. This will be hard at first. Don't get frustrated. The mind is like a muscle you can train.
    5. Try to reach 5 full minutes. It's completely fine if you can't just take note of how much you were able to do.
    6. Each time you practice try to do a tiny bit more time than last time.
    7. Once you feel comfortable with the exercise then transition to OMM.
    8. Repeat step 2 and 3 but instead of focusing on an object, do the opposite and focus on nothing. Draw your attention inward. Let your thoughts and feelings come in and watch them passively. Do not judge them, do not react to them. Acknowledge them and let them pass like a leaf in the wind.

    Practice and see how immediately your gaming improves. Then in time you will keep those benefits without the need to meditate before a session. You will continuously enter Zen OP God Mode.

    submitted by /u/MetaDoc_OP
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    Defining "Tempo" - The factors that influence map pressure

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:44 AM PST

    Tempo is thrown around a lot as a buzzword to describe map pressure. We'll frequently say we "have tempo" when we have more pressure on the map than our opponent. I spent some time digging into the factors that influence tempo, and I'd like to share what I believe is a simple (but not perfect) definition of tempo.

    Here's a video format if you'd prefer: https://youtu.be/vHVeltI0IkE

    Tempo = Power / Distance from Objective

    In my definition, a champion's Power is made up of 4 factors

    • Resources
      • A champion's resources are health and mana, which are the most important factor in determining who has an advantage on the map.
      • Resources can be measured on a scale from 1-3, and will be a multiplier at the beginning of the power equation.
        • 1 = low health/mana.... 3 = full health/mana
    • Base Stats
      • Stat advantages from levels, especially level 6 power spikes, contribute to a champion's overall power.
      • Base stats can be measured on a scale from 1-5
        • 1 = 2 or more levels down... 3 = even levels....5 = 2 or more levels ahead
    • Item Stats
      • Stats from item completions give champions major power advantages as well.
      • Remember you only gain power from items after SPENDING your gold and converting gold to stats.
      • Item stats can also be measured on a scale from 1-5
        • 1 = full item behind ... 3 = even items ... 5 = full item ahead
    • Cooldowns
      • Cooldowns on abilities, summoners, and items contribute to a champion's power. A lack of CDs means a significant lack of outplay, survivability, or dueling potential.
      • Cooldowns can be measured on a scale from 1-5
        • 1 = no CDs up ... 3 = half CDs up ... 5 = all CDs up

    Power = Resources * (Base Stats + Item Stats + Cooldowns)

    And the Distance from Objective describes how long it would take for the champion to reach a pressure point on the map.

    • The pressure point could be a dragon, baron, turret, counter jungling, siege, teamfight, etc.
    • If a champion is on the opposite side of the map from an objective, they won't be able to influence the objective regardless of how much power (as calculated before) they have.
    • If a champion is near an objective and the enemy jungler is on the opposite side of the map, they will have a tempo advantage in relation to that objective just on the basis of their proximity, because their opponent isn't able to do anything about it for the time being.
    • This is why distance is the denominator of the equation to balance out power numbers in the numerator. It can be calculated on a scale from 1-10
      • 1 = on top of objective .... 10 = dead or in fountain
    • Remember, junglers can both have tempo advantages at the same time if they are pressuring different areas of the map (ex: vertical jungling).

    All together (sorry the formatting is weird in a Reddit post)

    Tempo = (Resources * (Base Stats + Item Stats + Cooldowns)) / Distance from Objective

    Overall, things that build tempo are:

    • Maintaining resource advantages
    • Building level advantages for base stats and key abilities
    • Spending gold to gain stat advantages from items
    • Preserving/recognizing cooldown advantages
    • Applying pressure around objectives

    Things that reduce tempo are:

    • Staying on the map with low health/mana
    • Falling behind in levels
    • Holding on to too much gold
    • Wasting cooldowns
    • Not pressuring objectives (too farm heavy, or bad reset timers)

    Overall team tempo can be determined by adding up the individual tempo of each teammate (or everyone in the nearby area). If your pressure point is ganking top lane after you see the enemy jungler bot side, you would add (in theory) your tempo to your top laners, and compare it to the enemy top laner's tempo. This would give you an idea of the likelihood you would win the fight. If it's a 5 kill Fiora and your top laner is half health with no summs..... we all know who has the tempo advantage, I'd recommend a different objective to attack.

    I tried to include as many factors as I could into what I see as the definition for "Tempo", but didn't want to make it convoluted. I hope this helps you understand tempo in a new way! :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Easy Practical Step to Reduce Toxicity

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Hi, I used to rage a lot at video games, particularly League and my own teammates. This negatively impacted my games. I still do occasionally, but I have gone weeks now without raging at a single teammate and I didn't do it by unplugging my keyboard or muting chat.

    I see sometimes posts people saying, "I wish I didn't get so worked up/was so negative, but I don't know what to do."

    There are many good advices out there that are easier said than done, like meditation or exercise. These are all good things all of us should be doing and I encourage you, but that is not what I am offering. In fact, I haven't meditated or exercised yet today and my lazy ass probably wont get around to it. So, short of turning your whole life upside down on the spot, is there something you can do right now to be more positive? Yes.

    I want to offer something I have done to help me be more positive and less negative which is commanding my thoughts right now and its something anyone can do the very next game they play.

    Notice when your team does something good and maybe say so in chat. Too often in games, and real life, we stay silent until something bad happens and we say something bad about it. Too often in games someone does something good and we don't say anything.

    Some of you are already really good at noticing and saying nice things in chat, keep up the good work.

    How this will help you stay positive is that it will shift our focus from being one sided and only seeing how bad plays by teammates mess us up. When we deliberately notice a teammate doing well and it helps us, it makes it easier for us to get less tilted when they do something bad.

    Sure, they made a horrible play and lost us dragon, but because we were noticing the good things, we remembered that double kill we got five minutes ago with that excellent lane gank/flash predict, etc.

    Or, OK maybe mid fed the enemy, but we notice they prioritize well in team fights and use CC appropriately and have good focus and strengths that are helping us come back.

    My support engaged at a bad time and got me killed, but I remember my life was saved when they placed a good ward and threw a good lantern.

    Suddenly the ups and downs of the game are much easier to cope with and by deliberately choosing to notice good things that happen you are far less likely to get tilted because you wont be so fixtated on only the negative things that negatively impact your experience.

    This has helped me be much more positive in League and any games where a teammate messes me up.

    Bonus points if you notice when you make a mistake and the team is understanding and mature about it and doesn't flame you.

    Everyone can help each other win by not just playing like a team, but thinking like a team and behaving like one. When we feel good, we play better.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/pointme2theladies
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    I cant manage to increase attack limit from Hail of Blades by AA reset.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:47 AM PST

    Hail Of Blades says that in if you reset your AA you increase your limit by 1 so I thought that I could kite more than 3 attacks if I reset. However, I'm in practice and I just can't manage to increase the stacks... What is this about? I am fairly certain that I know how to AA reset...

    EDIT: Ok so I understand now. AA resets are done with other abilities. What I was talking about is Aa animation cancel when kiting. Thank you for clarification

    submitted by /u/Luuso
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    [bug workaroung] To all who have the cursor bug, there is a temp solution

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:56 AM PST

    If you have the cursor bug so that you have the default arrow cursor when placing wards/using items instead of the coloured circle you can fix it *for that game only* by opening settings and enabling&disabling "legacy cursor".

    you don't need to click ok to apply settings, just tick the box, untick it and it will be fixed FOR THAT GAME.

    this doesn't happen every game but the above solution seems to always fix the problem when it happens.

    already opened a ticket for that.

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    You don't really want to improve.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Think about anything in which you've acquired some level of proficiency. How much effort did it involve? How much time? Were you frustrated at some point? Did you push through your frustrations or did you get discouraged at the first sign of trouble and quit?

    For example - school. For those of you who did/do well in school, how much time and effort goes into doing homework, working on assignments, and studying for exams? How many hours a day/week do you spend on it, even though it is boring, it sucks to do, there are more fun things to be doing? Maybe you're a prodigy and you can get by with putting in a lot less time and energy, but for the vast majority of normal people, the answer is probably going to be a not insignificant amount of time and energy.

    On the flip side, if you aren't doing well in school - you probably aren't investing enough time and energy. You have your reasons and they might be good or bad, but the truth is simply the effort and time spent isn't there.

    Now let's transfer this to a game, in this case, League: if you can't improve, if you find yourself "hardstuck" or whatever, the answer is almost always going to be that not enough time or effort is being expended to improve. There are vast resources out there for you whether you like to read, watch videos, watch streams, analyze your own play, analyze pro games, watch other people's analysis, what have you. Sure, there are ways of improving more efficiently (you could get coaching, you could practice lane matchups, you could get people to look at your games, review your op.gg, whatever), but for the vast majority of people the answer is always going to come down to 2 things:

    1) You aren't willing to put in the time and effort required to achieve your goal. Most people are terrible at estimating their own skill at things (ie: Dunning-Kruger) and if you suck at estimating your own skill at things, you probably suck at estimating how much effort and how long it will take to improve your skill as well. Again - for the majority of people, you are probably underestimating the amount of time and effort needed to improve, and overestimating your own skill at the game - this can lead to frustration. But if you really wanted to get better, would you just quit after a little setback? If you failed a midterm in university do you just drop the course and quit, maybe drop out of university? Or would you suck it up knowing all the time, money, and effort that you've already put in and continue on and retake the course if necessary?

    2) You are missing the point of learning (and improving). School isn't meant to teach you how to solve specific math equations that you'll rarely if ever use in real life (unless you're a mathematician) or memorize historical facts about the country you live in - it's meant to teach you a specific framework of how to learn things, how to think about things, and use your critical thinking skills. Likewise, there is no silver bullet magic clickbait "ONE SINGLE TIP TO GET TO DIAMOND!", or "4 simple things that got me from Bronze 4 to Diamond!". There are a billion things that you could be doing better, aren't doing, or should be doing. They might work for some but might not work for you, but if you do want to improve, it's up to you to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. Use some critical thinking, do some research, but take that info with a grain of salt and test to see if it's even applicable to your own situation.

    Take this post with a grain of salt too. Maybe you are someone who has the experience, applicable knowledge or just plain prodigal ability to get good at League without putting in a lot of time and effort. Maybe you just started playing League and you hit Challenger in your first season of playing ranked. If so, congratulations, you clearly had the desire, willpower and commitment to achieve your goal. For everyone else, either get on it or make peace with your situation.

    submitted by /u/durrhurrd
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    Everything i need to know as a complete noob

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I have never played an mmorpg before and these past few days i played lol constantly with champs like mf and kayn(which i currently main), thresh(i suck with him), anubis(got my first S with him) and i can't seem to find my role. I use recommended builds i use the right runes and abilities but i still have to learn when and where to farm. And i guess some good combos. If you could give me some advice especially for kayn cause with that dude i slay for some reason i would be more than happy. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Bunnot
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    ADC refugee switching to midlane for this season. What are the absolute basics of the lane that I might have forgotten?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    I used to play solo lanes a LONG time ago, but I've been an ADC/Marksman main for the last 3 seasons, mostly just because I enjoy that playstyle more... But I just can't take it any more. ADC is too shit a role.

    So. Tldr: I'm switching back to mid. What do I need to know?

    I roughly know wave management strategies, but I could use some exact tips for how it applies to specifically mid.

    What are the good wards?

    What are some generic matchup tips? I know that melee vs melee, ranged vs ranged and melee vs ranged all play out very differently.

    Is Xerath still worth playing? I used to love Xerath so it would be great if he's still decent.

    submitted by /u/Snowchugger
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    increasing map awareness

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    So i play midlane, and recently I have been trying to work on map awareness, checking other lanes, jungle position, etc. For you high elo guys, how often do you check the map? every few cs? x times a minute? how do you maintain such a macro mindset, often I just zone into my lane and mechanics, hence becoming oblivious to the rest of the map

    submitted by /u/Leaguecompanion
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    Question on how to improve farming (Gold Elo)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    So I have ran into a bit of a problem as far as farming goes. My CS per minute tends to dramatically fall off after laning phase due to a few reasons. Reason number one is teams fight so goddamn much at this elo. So to get a wave after the 20 min marks I usually have to choose between getting a wave botlane or missing a brewing fight in the opponents red side jungle.

    When the game feels like there is no downtime and I have to choose between missing fights or never farming, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/moogie413
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    Be flexible with your jungle route

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:35 AM PST

    I see this so often in all ELOs, when you're playing a champion which wants to full clear, power farm or 3 camp; you need to stay flexible in your pathing. What i mean by staying flexible is say im playing eve, my gameplan early is to do a full clear, back and rinse and repeat the full clear untill i get 6 then i can start ganking. However, if mid is getting hard shoved in when you're on your 3rd camp (wolves or raptors), just gank it at level 3! So often people don't look at lane states during first clear, or think because theyre on eve (or any other champ) they HAVE to finish their full clear. I have picked up so many free kills, free flashes because the enemy never expects an eve to level 3 gank them at 2:10.

    The other slightly harder adaptation is speeding up clears to get a counter gank off. If you're playing against an early gank jungler, and the lane you're pathing to is hard shoving in. It is usually a good idea to just skip the last two camps, and make sure you're in a position to counter gank. This is obviously a lot harder because it requires you to know what the enemy jungler wants to do, a bit of intuition, and a bit of luck!

    Also to add a bit of background im currently a D1 jungler, and people don't even do it in my ELO. It is something my challenger friend taught me when I was learning the role.

    submitted by /u/NuckFuggetGaming
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    Help me understand Kindred and Graves

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Whenever I play against them, they can invade all the time. I make one mistake pathing and I'll never have camps to farm again. They can even win duels (depends on match ups of course). When I tried playing them, they just feel super squishy and don't even clear quite fast until getting a few items (and stacks in Kindred's case). This makes me think that there's something fundamentally wrong in the ways I play them

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    Turret locking mechanics

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:47 AM PST

    In some games even if there is a minion wave attacking and in range of the turret it, still attacks me

    Same thing happens when I attack a champion, does the tower auto lock to the attacker of the turret's allied champ?

    If that's the case then why does my turret still lock onto a minion even when im being attacked by a champion

    And does the locking trigger when I attack the invader or only when the invader attacks me?

    submitted by /u/KokolateDakz
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    Before you go into a game, make sure you fix your chat. Riot gutted the chat window this patch.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:46 AM PST

    1) Only shows 7 lines instead of 8
    2) Horizontal space extremely shrunk down (wraps to a new line after almost no text - I wouldn't be surprised if some shutdowns with long summoner names wrap to 3 lines)
    3) Font size extremely small
    4) Window position is reset (you will have to move it back to whatever position you had it at last patch - I had to move mine based on previous screenshots)

    I'm not sure why Riot gutted the chat window and just let their "nEw SyStEm" take the reigns without actually tweaking any of it, but you will want to fix it and get comfortable with the new and improved impaired chat window before playing any ranked games, or you will throw games and you will not pay attention to the chat window at all.
    EDIT: it's also hilarious that THREE pings take up the entire chat box now https://i.imgur.com/KplmBxy.png

    submitted by /u/IXdyTedjZJAtyQrXcjww
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    5 lesser mentioned tips

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:24 PM PST

    From my 11 years playing this game:

    1. Auto attack cancelling makes more of a difference that you think. You might only save a fraction of a second on some champs but all those fractions add up over time. If you consistently cancel your autos then you will have consistently higher DPS overall

    2. Money you're taking away from the enemy is always more valuable. Lane farm and your own jungle camps are reliable income but both have the least value in the game. Enemy camps, neutral objectives and kills are more valuable because they net a reward whilst also putting the enemy in a deficit. This is especially important to remember in the mid game when the map opens up and you have a lot of choice where to go

    3. When picking up new champs, make sure you learn why their typical core build is the way it is. Often there are subtleties with a champion's passive or abilities that makes them synergise especially well with those particular items (or allows them to abuse them in some way). By learning what this is, it will help you to pick up the champion faster and understand how to maximise your output.

    4. It's often important to remember that all RTS games (of which League is one) are rhythm-action games to some extent. It helps to get into a rhythm when playing, whether that is cancelling autos or executing your combos. By keeping up a constant rhythm you can help to keep your mind calm which then leads to clean, logical decision making

    5. Remember that there is a human being behind all the other champions in the game and learn to exploit that. Often times the easiest way to beat someone isn't with some mad micro outplay, it's just to watch and learn what kind of player they are and then exploit the things which those types of players often do.

    submitted by /u/Soup_Roll
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    Am I the only one who uses WASD for moving the camera?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    I've used WASD since I started playing the game around s7. I thought it was normal to switch all your keybinds to what you are most comfortable with until I realized everyone uses QWER. I am wondering if anyone else uses something different?

    if you are wondering what i use for my abilities:

    E for original Q

    C for origianl W

    R for original E

    and G for ultimate

    submitted by /u/pieguy962148
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    Some LoL YouTubers I watch that you could also check out.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:07 PM PST

    1. Zwag Xerath/TC Zwag is a pretty chill youtuber who uploads full gameplays of him playing different champions mostly in the midlane and toplane. He does unconventional builds most of the time but his skills and mechanics are good.

    2. Eternal Hero is a highly skilled Polish youtuber who also plays mostly mid with a lot of champions. He just recently went with face cam for his 100k subscribers. He makes polls for viewers to vote which champions would he play next and it's cool seeing someone being interactive with their audience.

    3. Kingstix plays mostly jungler roles and he uploads full gameplays. He is informative on each champion he plays, like what's their best build, pathing, ganking potential etc.

    4. Lohpally is a former pro player who is very good with any support champs he plays and is also in-depth about his explanations on how to play certain champions.

    5. Bizzleberry is a chill dad Twitch streamer who uploads his best support gameplays on YouTube.

    6. Luminum is an Aussie transgender who is fun to watch with her commentaries. She mostly plays support and she's into pop and queer culture.

    7. Pekinwoof - pretty cool guy who looks like Jacksepticeye who plays mid and sometimes jungle if he's filled. Informative and former pro.

    8. Erick Dota - Underrated midlaner who is awesome and quirky. He mostly plays Zoe, Ahri and all other e-girl champions mid.

    9. Twigerlol - Lux main but he plays other things. He's also not what I thought he looks like lol but he's funny.

    10. Vapora Dark - Great adc player, mostly plays Tristana but he's good at other adc champs and he's chill as well.

    11. Huzzygames - plays mid and top. He plays league for a very long time now. He might not be high skilled like the others I watch but he's very kind and wholesome. :)

    12. Davey X3 - Dutch Riven main but plays other meta champs in the top lane as well. He also makes guides for a lot of champions and he's very good and informative at explaining his champion, their builds, trading etc.

    13. Doubtfull - Rek'sai main but also plays other junglers. I just recently discovered him while looking for guides on Rek'sai.

    14. Bobqin - he is such an amazing and highly skilled Leblanc main, but he's good with Irelia and Galio as well. Very funny especially since his editor is good at elevating his comedic style of commentary and over-the-top reactions.

    15. Elsa of Garendel - Lissandra one trick and he's chill and calm. Unfortunately he hasn't been uploading lately but his Lissandra videos are fun to watch.

    16. Yeager lol - makes guides of various champions but mostly for mid and top. Very informative gameplays.

    submitted by /u/nicq97
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    Support feels unimpactful.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Support feels unimpactful and idk what to do about it other than switching roles. I've tried basically every support champion and playstyle by now but nothing is consistent. Help.

    Elo = Plat 1.

    Support and ADC have always been my favorite roles. I like to play enchanter supports like Nami, Janna, Lulu but also CC tanks like Leona, Blitz, Naut (I enjoy both equally). I only queue up solo, and found it decently enjoyable in season 6 and 7. But coming back to league in season 10 and preseason, the role just feels unimpactful. Bot lane got nerfed so hard with xp nerfs/assist nerfs and mid laners are way too strong compared to bot lane imo. I also don't like the direction of new champions (tons of dashes and invisibility, survivability) and assassins being super prevalent just makes me feel useless as a support. I'm really considering re-learning the game from mid/top and just quitting bot lane all together even though it's my favorite lane. I really don't want to though... Can anyone offer some thoughts or advice?

    During the preseason, I've been playing on my "experimental account" which is gold 1 and the games just feel really awful. I can never feel impactful playing support even if I play something dmg heavy like brand/xerath/zyra as long as they have assassins like kayn or akali, I will be dead in 1 second. I tried watching some high elo supports smurfing in gold or platinum to see what they do. But most of the time they get frustrated and lose a bunch and then duo smurf with another high-elo player. I dunno. I'm not sure why support feels so weak right now. Is it just me?

    I've also looked for high-elo enchanter support twitch streamers (in diamond and master+) to see how they can carry. But they always are duoing with someone that's carrying them... I don't want to do that. Pls help. I'm really considering learning Fizz or Akali or something S tier that can carry even though I have no idea how to play those champs... lol.

    So... I guess my question is, how can I carry from support? And should I just move onto being a mid/top main?

    submitted by /u/81522
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    Is pushing the wave really important after killing an ennemy ?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:57 AM PST


    I'm a silver II player, I main MF as ADC but also Tryn (top or jungle). I have a question when it comes to botlane wave management. I tend to disagree with my support and I need some piece of advice :)

    I understand that if you kill both bot champions (or you make them back to their base) it is sometimes recommanded to push the wave so that your minions crash on their tower (and therefore make the opponents " loose " minions and therefore gold), but I sometimes find it a bad idea as when you also back (after pushing the wave) and return to your lane, the opponents have usually frozen the wave close to their tower therefore making you vulnerable to ganks, having a more difficult time to kill the other champions as their protected thanks to their tower but also having a difficult time to farm as you have to come close to the tower (which can be difficult when their support is Blitz, Nautilus, Pike, Swayne, ... etc).

    Exemple 1 when you immediately back after killing the ennemy/making them back :


    Exemple 2 when you push the wave and then back : https://i.postimg.cc/Kc1btSvF/WAVEPUSH.jpg

    I usually do push the wave but when I have enough items to make sure I can get at least one plate and/or be able to defend myself if the ennemies decide to attack me next to their tower. But yeah, during the first 7-8 minutes I'm not a huge fan of pushing, I prefer having to fight in the middle of the botlane. Is this a bad thing ?

    Thanks for your advices ! :)

    submitted by /u/Palawton
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    Physical fitness and league of legends

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I'dlike to know whether physicall fitness and exercise improve gaming performance, I know there are many articles in google out there talking about it but I'd like to hear personal exepriences. In this last mounth I had some personal issues and wasn't very active, had depression and anxiety I stayed home most of the time, slept a lot and I noticed that my performance in games was worse, I had many losing streaks, and I feel like my clicking accuraty, speed, decision making was slower, and I wonder whether there's a casual effect there, between my physical, mental state and my game performance, I would like to hear your thoughts, thank you.

    submitted by /u/Aenyr
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    How exactly does imperial mandate work?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Hey there, i wonder how this item behaves under these conditions:

    Do i get the first bonus damage every time i CC someone in quick succession?

    Or does an ally have to proc the mark so i can get the first instance of the damage again?

    If an ally procs the mark i cant reapply one for 6 seconds. Does this also mean i dont get the damage from the first instance for 6 seconds?

    Thanks for the help guys!

    submitted by /u/VelGod
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    Who are Anti-Tank Tanks/Bruisers and why?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Talking specifically tanks/bruisers (not adc that builds crit or squishy fighters etc)

    So I'm pretty sure what makes a champ good vs tanks is a %hp ability (e.g. mundo) or one that removes resistances (e.g. trundle), but with items that can do both of those things (botrk and black cleaver respectively) can you not just build them on any champ to make them good vs tanks? what makes "anti-tanks" or "tank killers" better at this than anyone else with those items? and who are all the tanks/bruisers that do well vs tanks lategame

    submitted by /u/DontChaseMeTY
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    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:53 AM PST

    how the fuck I can deal with this dog now, last season I actually could get him out of the game but in this one after he makes Divine Devourer I can't do anything in the lane.

    I was 40 cs above him and lvl 1 to 7 he didnt even got out of the tower but after the first item I was literally useless against him he could kill me with less than 10 Q and no matter the damage he would heal his whole life ( I had Morellonomicon)

    submitted by /u/Naoeomaia
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