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    LoL Guide The game that I officially learned to freeze

    LoL Guide The game that I officially learned to freeze

    The game that I officially learned to freeze

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:28 PM PST

    When I say "learn", I have already known the concept for a little while and have pulled it off too. But today in a ranked game, I held a freeze (pretty much) for 13 minutes as Darius. After an early fight with the Nasus, I pushed the wave in and cheater recalled. At 4 minutes, when I returned to lane, I set up the freeze, and I had 13 CS and he had 15 (trying to add photos but apparently not allowed in this sub)

    At the 17min mark however, the numbers are so wildly apart it's ridiculous. I have 149, while he has 46. That's a biiiiig difference, and the Nasus was not happy about it.

    Context - I had killed him once and then pushed the wave in, recalled, came back, and made the freeze again. And then I had also pushed the wave in and solo'd rift herald, came back, and froze again. Most of his CS had come from his E, and looking at the replay, at this point, at 17 mins in, he had 32 stacks. He was raging, swearing at me in chat, and talking quite a lot about my mother. By the time I had taken his tower, I was 2/1 with 166, to his 0/2 with 60.

    I know holding a freeze this long is usually not good, but I wanted to see how long I could hold it for. I had a jungle game earlier in the day where our Renekton had let the Nasus free farm and solo kill him over and over and it honestly cost us the game, so I just wanted to be sure that didn't happen again. My team were doing fairly well everywhere else on the map too, although it's notable that despite the wave being frozen for this long, not once did my jungler gank me...

    I think freezing is incredibly effective in certain situations, and while freezing for pretty much 13 minutes straight is not ideal, it really solidified some of the concepts I have been learning lately. In the end, I went 18/5 with 320, and he went 1/10 with 121.

    submitted by /u/eth_jones
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    I compiled a list of Jayce combos w/ video examples and inputs for anyone wanting to learn Jayce!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I created this document a while ago with the intention of releasing it at some point and that day has finally come. Within this document lies an extensive list of Jayce combos ranging from beginner -> advanced -> OTP level combos on the champion. I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments below. Much love and happy Jaycing!


    submitted by /u/Credenda
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    Just a small tip about pings

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Hey there, I'm sure this is fairly obvious, but apparently it can't be that obvious because no one does it.

    If you're being danger pinged specifically by your jungler, most especially in the first 7 or so minutes of the game, please for the love of god listen to them.

    Your jungler isn't danger pinging you for fun or to troll you, they are danger pinging you because they, as a jungler, can take a look at you and see "That's a turbo free gank, I'd take that all day."

    They're pinging you because they probably have an idea of what their jungler is doing clear wise, and knows you're offering your ass up on a silver platter right now.

    They're pinging you because they don't have a lane opponent, so while he kills camps he's watching the damn minimap and spotted the enemy jungler walking towards you over the ward that you ignored while you tunnelled on that cannon.

    Your jungler is the most likely member of your team to know something fucky is going on, believe them when they say you're in danger.

    submitted by /u/Zeddeus
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    Total Beginner's Guide to League of Legends!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:09 PM PST

    Hey guys! I wrote this piece for DIG covering a little bit of everything one needs to know to get started in League. From roles, to terms, to objectives, it's all here! I'm hoping this will reach some of the newer or prospective members of our community by post here, so let me know what you all think!


    submitted by /u/HandDrawnHarriette
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    A question about camera locking

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:50 AM PST

    I am in silver 3 currently, was silver 2 90lp before i went on a loss streak this week. I wanted to ask if i am able to climb out of this elo and get relatively high without unlocking my camera.

    It isnt major, but i suffer from really bad vertigo and motion sickness, this was initially a problem with the screen shake caused by rock dominance but i eventually got used to that, but i have been trying to learn to play with an unlocked camera and it makes me feel completely sick and most of the time i cant play for an hour or two after i try a game.

    I really just want to know if it is worth the hassle learning to play with unlocked and if i can still hit my goal of plat next season (my goal is quite high because this is my first season playing and i managed to climb from iron 2 to silver 2)

    Edit: thank you for all the replies, I might give it another go in the future but I'll keep playing on locked screen

    submitted by /u/Markatron_
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    How do I dodge Volibear E (thunder circle)?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:22 PM PST

    I have noticed that I cannot seem to tell where enemy Volibear is calling his thunder circle E until the last 0.25 second before it hits. When I have used him in ARAMS etc, I can see the circle the whole duration, but when I am vs him on rift it does not show up until too late to get out if I happen to be in the center.

    Is the ability meant to be this way? Am I looking for the wrong thing? I am just really confused because spells like Xerath W that also deal damage in a circle after a delay show me the whole time but Volibear doesn't and it does a lot of damage early on so it is kinda impossible to vs him when I can't see it.

    EDIT: I went and found a Rangerzx video where he plays vs voli and it seems in that video he can see the area the whole time. Unsure what patch it was on, is the short warning intended or should I reinstall?

    submitted by /u/Spacemn5piff
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    How to counter lucian mid?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:19 AM PST

    I know he is meant to be an opressive laner and specially against control mages, but I still couldnt find a pick to counter him, assassins are usually 50/50 since he has so much burst and ignite>

    I think they should change him, his lane is unfair, but while they don't do that, how to counter him?

    submitted by /u/rararawn
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    A trick I use for scaler champs to hit late game and pressure the map early.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    For champions like kass, vlad, and azir, some players like to run ignite for some kill pressure in lane, but I will explain why tp is better 99.99% of the time.

    While ignite is a chance for a free 300 (or 400 for first blood) gold, TP is guaranteed to not give your opponents 300 gold, so both cancel out. Ignite is for 1 kill, while TP is situational, often with more players involved, but you can join because you have TP.

    TP is a free reset. If you get poked too hard, or you're being freezed against, you can tp, buy items, and go to lane a lot stronger than your opponent. TP also allows you to apply map-wide pressure, because you can arrive at any fight as long is there is a tower, ward, or minion. It allows you to split push on the opposite side of the map with the prioritized objective, with the choice to tp to support teammates if you need. It also has the ghost effect when used, so you can arrive to the fight faster after the tp.

    In a nutshell, its a get-out-of-jail card in lane, a free rotation to help teammates, and best of all, TP's cooldown scales down with level, so you will have it more frequently.

    submitted by /u/Noodles_912
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    [MENTALITY] I have the impression to play only VS player too strong for me

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Since a long time, i have this impression, like i say in the title, that i play VS people always stronger than me. Sometimes, after the game, i go look at the level of the ennemy or his ranked, and i find that he's gold or even diamant, while i have the level of a bronze player !

    I can play as safe as i want, there is always a way to die. I have the impression that my opponent explode me always in term of champ, game and fundamentals masterize.

    And as I want to improve, it's very frustrating to not feel any fun or improvement to get exploded each game. Maybe it's just a temporary mentality, but i got it since a long time and wanted to know if there is any way to pass over it, and any help to use these apocalyptic lose in some improvement and advices for be better.

    While I'm in it, i would like to think about a thing. I have the impression that there are some champ that are just "must take it" to win. I mean, champ that always can win and when masterized, can always destroy or at least be good. While in the other hand, they are some champ that even masterized, cant win, no matter the time you put in it, vs those crazy champ, you will get destroyed.

    I mean by these Yasuo, Yone, Samira, even Zed, there is always a good way to get back to victory. While in the other hand, Qiyana or Zoe, champ i play, are not "worth" playing because they get outplayed by those tricky and skillful champ.

    Again, it's certainly just my think, only because i'm a simple low player, but i played LoL thinking that not matter which champ you take, with training and good decisions, you can win a game or at least not lose very deeply.

    Don't take this like a truth, i just want to open a debate to help myself change mentality open these.

    Thank dor your help.

    submitted by /u/H45XZ
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    I'm too focused on winning my lane, I don't look at the minimap.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:41 PM PST

    I have a super obvious problem that I can't fix - I keep dying to enemy jungler as a midlaner. I play immobile mages Syndra/Vel'Koz, I know that I can bully 70% of enemy midlaner 1v1 due to my safe range, but I keep losing track of enemy jungler, focusing too much on bullying my opponent and dying. So lets make it clear - I never autopilot, I'm just focused on enemy too much. I know about deep words, I know that I can make pressure only when I see enemy jungler on ward or one of the lanes. My excuse is I played fighting games for my whole life, I'm so focused on 1v1 that nothing exist for me beside my lane.

    But for some reason my brain works completely different in teamfights. I think my understanding comes form playing Arena in WoW (who doesn't know what it is, imagine 3v3 teamfight in League with 2 dps and support, but it's much longer with better sustain) and I played casters, so my positioning and target priority is the key to survive.

    I don't understand why can't I just check minimap every 5-10 seconds. It's so frustrating when I ending up 1/4 in laning phase and finishing game 10-5, it could've been way easier if I just played safe when I don't see jungler. I might do a push-ups every time I die/lose my flash to a gank, it might start looking at minimap more often, or I'll just get buffed in a few months like Tyler1, either way it's a win-win. If serious, for some reason it's really hard to remind myself to track jungler, Is it just a matter of time if I really focus on doing it for next ~20 games or you can recommend something, like learning jungle pathing and try to guess it in game?

    I just found this comment: " Make it a habit to check the minimap after every cs. Easier said than done, but a good ideal to strive for" seems good, your opinion?

    submitted by /u/Morlino
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    How do you extend your lead to other lanes as a jungler?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:03 AM PST

    Apologies if this has been asked before. I'm currently learning how to jungle after maining support for a while. I've been practising in normal games, mainly playing Volibear and Lilia. I find that I'm able to get a lead early on quite easily, for example, in a game I recently played as Voli vs Master Yi, I was able to steal away his blue buff and gromp after taking my red, then killing him when he came to contest top side scuttle. I was able to secure a CS lead, and had pretty good control of objectives (getting first dragon, rift etc.). However, where I struggle is pressuring lanes, and after laning phase is over, how to help out my team whilst keeping up in farm with the enemy jungler. What happened after that is that the enemy top and bot got kinda fed, and we ended up losing the game. I feel like I should have pressured those lanes more, but I'm not sure how.

    Any tips on how to create pressure and extend your lead would be much appreciated! ^^

    submitted by /u/yuushiiyoshii
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    Keep failing with Annie, why even recommend her to beginner/intermediate?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Hello everyone, just curious why this is the go to recommendation for learning mid. I've played multiple MOBAs (HoN, Dota 2- by no means am I good, was just casual), SC2, my micro is decent. Macro is meh, getting better as I watch streams and tournament play. Champ knowledge is decent, getting better on that as I watch and play more. I'm playing normal games fyi, not ranked.

    Let me explain, every single time I play Annie, I get the mid lane shoved and I'm always on the defense. I'm decent with last hitting, and I can sometimes trade effectively, but many times I'll go oom and struggle to catch up after that because I'll need to go back to base, or attempt to farm neutered (which isn't good, but I'll lose so much if i back too much).

    But without fail, I lose mid lane every single time and proceed to get mid tower toppled, and our inner turret destroyed shortly after.

    Reason I bring this up is because I have a wonderful game using Orianna, have no problem pushing my wave when appropriate (probably had a better team as well, also a less skilled lane opponent), and in general much easier to farm without taking bad trades. I win lane, harass, able to farm up to a CS I would have never seen with Annie.

    Do I continue playing with Annie? Is there any real benefit to gain from focusing more on fundamentals with Annie? Asking because it frustrates me to move on to other champs while not having mastered Annie, and it seems to be one of the commandments of mid to master Annie, or am I overstating that?

    Thanks for help in advance!

    TLdr; if I feel comfortable with other champs other than Annie, is it recommended to main someone like Orianna even though I haven't mastered Annie? I keep getting lane shoved and lose towers in the late early to mid game in laning phase. Unable to farm comfortably with Annie as opposed to Orianna. But there seems to be some hidden benefit to mastering Annie, as I see repeated nearly everywhere.

    submitted by /u/bobbyj654
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    Non-Mythic first item?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Haven't found a good place to theorycraft with new items, but it just seems like a given that everyone will build Mythic first. Is that the case and worth it? With their insane prices and passives only coming online at a 2nd item, will it be worth building second when gold generation accelerates from an earlier spike?

    submitted by /u/hugdeprived
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    7 Quick Tips for Seraphine [Educational]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Hi r/summonerschool,

    I've been making some quick tip videos for various support champions that I play and of course I had to make one for Seraphine! The video includes 7 really easy tips in just 2 minutes, meaning you can implement them right away in your next Seraphine game! These tips aren't going to make you Challenger, but should be helpful reminders of how you can play Seraphine as support!

    I've noticed that some people just want to read the support tips, so I've included the transcript below as well. Takes either 2 minutes to watch or 2 minutes to read :)

    1. For support, the most important enhanced Echo ability to get is a double E. By either rooting or stunning your enemy, your team can more easily follow up for a kill. Additionally, a target that is CC'd will significantly help land your Q ability.
    2. Consider running the Guardian keystone rune when playing a more defensive style. Having that extra 150 hp shield for both you and your carry can help you survive longer in both laning and teamfights. Your W ability can also provide a small heal when Guardian is proc'd.
    3. Your passive causes your auto attacks to be enhanced both in range and damage, every time you use an ability near an ally. You can use these notes to harass turrets from a far or to maximize her damage output in teamfights.
    4. The range on Seraphine's ultimate ability is insanely long, and can be extended if it hits an ally or an enemy. Try to position yourself FAR back in teamfights and purposefully use your ultimate to charm all enemies ahead of you. This can be easily followed up by an Echo E ability for the additional CC.
    5. Seraphine's abilities have a very slow projectile speed. Make sure to learn how to use your E + Flash combo to surprise the enemy with an immediate root. The ability comes out just a fraction of a second faster and will make it slightly harder for the enemy to dodge the CC
    6. Use your W haste ability to speed up allies into a teamfight. Even though you won't get the healing portion, getting to teamfights first provides your team with a huge numbers advantage. By the time your team is actually low health from the teamfight, you can use an Echo W to heal them back a significant amount.
    7. In season 11, you will want to rush this mythic item. Imperial Mandate. This item can be easily proc'd with your kit since you will be applying a bunch of slows when combined with Rylai's. You can very easily burst the enemy champion every 4s with a damage proc of nearly 200 damage in the early levels.

    Hope this helps some of you!

    submitted by /u/ADD_ikt
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    How does ranked (solo queue) placement work?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    So... I'm not relatively new and have read about the generals but whats a bit confusing is the ranked placements.

    So last league season I started ranked when I was fairly new and played like three games, and I was put in bronze 4. Right after.

    But what I'm being told is that theres ten 'placement' matches like in Overwatch? So why bronze 4 right after?? I'm trying to rise up now after only playing solo queue in draft, and it seems like i'm stuck with a lot of uneducated players.

    submitted by /u/w1tches
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    New to KhaZix

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Hey guys, as you can see from the tile, i just started playing khazix today. I played a game and i love it! Though, I want to understand him better, and i wanna ask you if you know anny good begginers guide video on youtube that you recommend me to watch (with build, runes against different matchups, jungle path, playstyle and skill order, etc.)

    submitted by /u/di0g0_duarte
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    What differentiaties experienced mechanics/micro from a new player?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:30 AM PST

    I started League a few months ago and I've almost exclusively played support on one simple champion to try and slowly learn the mechanical skill needed for the game, with the occasional foray into mid lane as well, and I'm resultantly 500 games in. At the moment, I'm Bronze II, and I can hold my own against people in my own elo (though I also occasionally lose lane to a Bronze II with years of experience). However, upon playing with friends, the tier average in my games goes up between Silver 3 and Gold 4, and I frequently find myself at the bottom of the damage charts and generally being obliterated by lane opponents (read: losing lane to a 4 million point nidalee support), but I can't ever tell why. I've rewatched countless replays, and beyond needing to work on my dodging, I really can't tell what makes experienced gold/silver players, and even long-time bronze players, seem so much better than me in lane and throughout the course of a game. Even though they don't necessarily sidestep, I find it exceedingly hard to hit skillshots on them, while they seem to find their target almost every time, and I generally just can't keep up with the sheer pace of these games. Is there something in terms of mechanics/micro that differentiates an experienced player from one with only a few months of play time? Am I just bad?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    I feel that I am playing too safely in lane. How do I move on from here?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:09 AM PST

    I am a Veigar MID main, and I have been trying to learn Nasus TOP. I am currently Bronze 1 in the SEA Region.

    My early game sucks with both champions but I reassure myself by telling myself that I will scale in the mid-late game phase but most of time, it will be too late by then.

    For Veigar, I solely focus using my Q to farm minions, if I can hit the enemy champ with the Q while I'm attacking the minion, that's a bonus for me. However, since I am scared of the enemy laner, I tend to play a bit back/far behind my minions, just because of squishy Veigar is. I don't really know how to deal with enemy laners that just assert dominance as well as avoid their pokes (they poke me more than often) so that's why I usually have low CS/small stacks.

    For Nasus, I also solely focus using my Q to farm minions but I have been trying to play a lot more safer than usual. If I really can't get the Q knowing that the enemy can do a lot of dmg (Mordekaiser, Fiora, Urgot, etc) I will usually start off the game with Doran's Ring, and just use E to secure farm (I will try to include the enemy champion in the E if possible) then I will farm using Q under the tower. This usually ends up in my being understacked/underfarmed.

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Tumiyo
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    Should I be roaming much as Top lane?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:45 PM PST

    I'm usually playing Sett, Yone, and Mordekaiser toplane and I'm still learning basics of yone for both top and mid. In the recent games I've played usually ended pre-15, win or lose, I usually see I've got really low kill participation. I know top for the most part is an isolated 1v1 with ganks but besides heading off for herald if needed is there any need to roam before teamfights and splitpushes start up?

    I feel like leaving lane would end up in CS and plate loss if you dipped over to mid or something early on. Is it worth it? Or should I not really be bothered about top kill participation till mid-late game?

    submitted by /u/SamstormUK
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    Master Yi main playing again after a year break

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:44 PM PST

    so like the title suggests, I'm a yi jungle main who used to play a bit last year until I took a break, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or anything they'd recommend. am level 25 and normally play okay, but occasionally I get games where i'll struggle to break past 6 kills, which makes snowballing quite hard haha. are there any other champions you guys would recommend I check out? could do with some seeing as atm I only play yi, but I wouldn't mind having some backup champions to play if my team needs it.

    btw, how do I avoid losing an understanding of what's going on in big 5v5 fights, cus atm all the champions sort of just melt together so I normally keep an eye out for health bars to see if I'm low or if I can Q someone to finish them off before they escape.

    never played any ranked, seeing as I don't know who to play if I can't go jungle or yi lmao but I wanna start playing them once I know how to support my team better as a team player. where can I find things like meta's or good champions? sorry for the question spam lmao

    submitted by /u/chronic_solitude
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    Help a toplaner

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:28 PM PST

    So, I play top as my secondary lane (i'm sup main) and I was thinking that you all can help me do ger better. I'm playing with tank champions and I'm doing a good job after the lane fase ends but I want some duelist champs to carry a game sometimes. That sayd, anyone have some tips or a mono champ streamer to watch and learn something? I'm looking for Fiora and Riven (in order to no get the pool too big and cant get really good with any champ) Hope you all can help me, thx

    submitted by /u/fontanella97
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    Hard stuck D4 for 4 seasons Need help with my laning

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    I f*ng suck at laning. Been playing this game since season 1 and I still suck at laning. I cant for the life of me figure out how to properly setup a freeze, when to TP, when to back, I basically suck at laning. Whether I go Top or mid, doesnt matter if I get kills or not, I port back and boom enemy suddenly has 20+ cs lead over me. Sometimes the game ends with my enemy Ryze was just 100cs over me. sorry :(

    submitted by /u/olover12
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    Dealing with Illaoi as an individual player

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST


    Is there anything I can do as an individual player if the Illaoi has two brain cells to rub together and my team insists on grouping? I feel like no matter how much I gank her or set her behind, once teamfights start around 85% of my teammates just stand in the middle of the tentacles trying to kill her.

    Do I just accept the loss? For reference, this is Silver, so I'm having a really hard time trying to get the team to bait the ult or just... run

    submitted by /u/Defondador
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    Is Graves really that bad in jungle or I just can't play him?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    So, after going through some tier lists I decided to try jungling as Graves, since he is in top 5 in almost every list. And you know what? It sucks. Literally the only good thing about him being jungler is how fast you can go through jungle. Graves has literally no damage on ganks. I can blind my enemy with W, then dash to him and try to deal damage with those pathetic two shots. Unless my teammate has some perma CC Graves has absolutely no means to carry a gank, he can just pose as a distraction.
    In mid/late game it's even worse - literally any jungle can outdamage me. Graves attack range is very low, so I can't trade with melee champs - they have more HP than me (cause they are melee) and will obliterate me. If a jungler is truly ranged I won't be able to do anything to them cause they will just kite and damage me from their range. Of course I can go "meta" way and try building Graves more as a bruiser but what's the point? If I want a bruiser I can pick Volibear and have good sustain, pretty good damage and very good engage for my team.
    Grave's Q is a joke - damage is not bad, but you don't even have to try to dodge it, it has such tiny area of effect that in 90% of cases you can just walk right through it.
    Generally, I think Graves sucks balls very hard and I have really hard time understanding why would anyone think he is a valuable asset to the team when almost all other junglers provide more for the team (either as assassins or real bruisers that can take a punch)
    What is your opinion on this?

    submitted by /u/en_vos
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