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    Sunday, December 20, 2020

    LoL Guide Dragon control is a job that the whole team has to work towards and it's not achieved by running there 10 seconds before a dragon spawns

    LoL Guide Dragon control is a job that the whole team has to work towards and it's not achieved by running there 10 seconds before a dragon spawns

    Dragon control is a job that the whole team has to work towards and it's not achieved by running there 10 seconds before a dragon spawns

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Dragon soul is the best and most easily achievable wincondition in the game. Every one of them has around 80% winratio, so don't just coinflip for it:

    1.) Secure vision around it at least 50-60 seconds before it spawns. If you try to clear/set up vision later than that the place has already turned into a hotzone and it will be harder for you to control the vision without it leading to a teamfight or your death. You want the enemy team to run into complete darkness if they try to contest, so try and remind every member of your team to buy a control ward.

    2.) If you have to recall for a big buy, then once again: do so 50-60 seconds before the dragon spawns. It takes 8 seconds to recall and ~15 seconds to walk to dragon, so keep that in mind.

    3.) If you do not need to recall, then play secure and do not die right before dragon spawns. Try to pop the enemies blast cone to deny a flanking attempt. Don't chase for kills, just play zone defense around dragon. It's enough if you get one of them low enough that he can't join the fight, that already basically secures the dragon unless you somehow let the enemy jungler steal it.

    4.) Once you are actually on dragon: don't hit the enemies wards (unless it's a control ward aswell). All you are doing is giving them vision and you are giving up valuable DPS that you need to secure it quickly. Treat it like a robbery, you want to be in and out in 10 seconds without giving the enemy a chance to even react.

    submitted by /u/BiggestBlackestLotus
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    A tip from an Ivern Main, as Ivern never clear Krugs. When you are on Ivern's team, always take Krugs. Ivern gains 36% XP and 27% gold from Krugs, which is fair but a waste on him.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:22 PM PST

    Building is about more than just empowering yourself, it's about predicting what you will need in 5-10 minutes

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:12 AM PST

    I'm nearly sure there must've been a post about this already but i couldn't find it so here it is: you don't purchase items just to deal/tank more damage or give/get better heals/shields. You also purchase items to DENY the ennemy team those very things and ideally you do it before the ennemy actually getd it.

    I just ran into a post r/LeagueOfLegends, won't go into details about it but basically it was a rant about how healing is too strong right now. Yes, healing is strong but if you wait for Fiora to finish her Hydra before even thinking about grievous wounds her insane healing is also on you. Unless you're really new to the game you should have an idea of what every champion builds, you have to predict those items, not just react to them. You should know Fiora loves lifesteal so an early Executioner/Bramble/Oblivion orb is mandatory as your first item if you lane against her unless you somehow get really ahead before your first backs (and even then i would get it to be on the safe side).

    If you're the adc and see a Mordekaiser on the other team and you wait for his 5th kill on you before remembering Quicksilver Sash is a thing you don't get to complain. You KNOW Mordekaiser is gonna target you as soon as lane phase is over, it's on you to have QS by the time you start running into him

    I get it, your champion has core items which really highlight its strengths but your Orianna isn't gonna get a chance to pull off that 5 man ultimate if you get deleted by the Kha'Zix because you didn't feel like you would need Zhonya so soon.

    Tank mains in particular need to have good awareness of the state of the game. It's not worth it stacking MR just because you're vs Teemo if you see the ennemy Lucian is already 4/1

    submitted by /u/kentaxas
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    Some quick tips and information (with images)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:43 PM PST

    1. Ignite is not just for damage; it also applies grievous wounds for 5 seconds.
      Many new players ask "When should I take ignite as an ADC?"; You should mostly take ignite when the enemy ADC has a high healing support, such as Yuumi or Nami. Image
    2. Honeyfruits start spawning in the jungle between 6:00 - 6:30 minutes, and upon picked, they respawn after 5:30 - 7:00 minutes. Image
    3. Each Jungle Buff respawns 5 minutes after they're killed; Small camps (wolves, raptors, etc) respawn after 2 minutes; Scuttler respawns after 2:30 minutes. Image
    4. "Magical Footwear" is not just for free boots. You get 10 additional permanent movement speed on your Tier 2 boots if you upgrade the "Slightly Magical Footwear". Image
    5. If you take "Arcane Comet", be aware that every time you hit an enemy with an ability while "Arcane Comet" is on cooldown, the cooldown is reduced. It's very good to take it on champions that can spam abilities, such as Anivia. Image
    6. The 8% ability haste "Offense" rune now instantly gives you 7% CDR at level 1, instead of just 1% like the old one. Image
    7. This is a chart showing the CDR on Summoner Spells by the Ionian Boots and Cosmic Insight: Image
    8. Take 2 minutes of your time to go on Practice Mode and read the commands by typing "/allcommands" on chat. You may find something useful for you (For example, I discovered that I can reply to people just by typing "/r *response*" instead of having to write "/msg name *response*").
    9. "Jungle Camp Patience Map" made by the user u/lol_lauren: Image, link of the original post.
    10. This is a video showing several tricks with wards that require some practice but are very useful.

    These are some I can think of ATM. Post your tips in the comments, I may add them here!

    submitted by /u/SauloJr
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    It is basically never a good idea early game to take krugs (or gromp) as an adc.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    I see this far too many times, yes you might be waiting the support to come back to lane, maybe the lane is poorly frozen and you feel you can't get many minions.

    None of this matters compared to how terrible trading 1/2 your hp to slowly clear krugs is.

    You have turned a bad lane state into unplayable because now you can be instant all in'd and one shot, all for a tiny amount of gold that you have also denied your jungler.

    Yes sometimes games are unfun and you can do little more than stay in xp range, maybe snipe a few cs with abilities. This is still better than the troll move that taking krugs is most of the time.

    Possible exception if you really want to work with a support trading aggro on the crabs/shielding/ccing the krugs but this is so niche and still probably not worth it.

    Gromp is a little more forgiving but it will probably considered trolling by your jungler.

    submitted by /u/mazrrim
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    I really need some tips and would appreciate any help on how to deal with Heimerdinger mid during laning phase as I seemingly don’t know how to play against him.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Although I do not see him often I always have trouble whenever the enemy picks him. If I pick a melee assassin I pretty much am unable to farm as Heimerdinger and his turrets burst me if I get too close. If I pick a ranged hero I feel like I can either destroy his turrets in which case Heimerdinger himself will burst me with his abilities or if I target him his turrets will burst me down (oh yeah and I still have to focus on cars as well). I'm usually forced under tower all game and it's really hard for my jungler to gank as Heimerdinger will just flash away as his turrets peel for him. I don't ban him because there are more popular/powerful champs out there and I feel he falls off late but my gosh its still annoying. I usually play burst mages like Ahri or Annie and sometimes assassins like Akali. If anyone has any advice on how to deal with him I'd appreciate it.

    Edit 1. CS not cars lmao

    submitted by /u/Grand-Muffin
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    When you are the one revealing the ward, don't destroy ist.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Wards give different bounties.

    1. Wards placed with the Totem Ward, the yellow trinket, give you 10 gold.
    2. Wards placed by a finished support item, Stealth Wards, give you 30 gold.

    BUT: You can multiply that bounty.

    The player that reveals the ward does always get the reward for a slain ward. That means if you are the player that placed a pink ward right beside the enemy ward or sweep it with your red trinket, do not slay it.

    a) You will actually gain time if you are sweeping the ward. You can check more bushes and you can deny more vision from your opponent.

    b) You effectively give your team more gold. It might not seem much, but the little gold amounts can make differences. Having 30 gold less can be crucial in overstaying for another minion wave and possibly die in that process.

    Use that information to gain an advantage over your opponent.


    PS: For more educational League content check out my YT (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplD0356o7nsmNpWj8NBZ7w)

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    Giving early drags when bot is taking bad trades or just hard losing and getting flamed for it

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    As a jungler, I feel like I get flamed every single time I say "Give drag" in chat after my bot loses a fight just before drag or even if I don't believe we win a fight at drag. I realize that low elo players don't always understand why giving drag is the right play, but getting hard flamed for the rest of the game makes me think about if I'm making a bad call. I always consider the bot, mid, and jg matchups and really only take first drag if my bot is winning or has prio. Am I giving the enemy team too much credit, or is my losing bot lane really able to win a drag fight against the enemy bot +jg. For reference, I am a S2 mid main who recently switched to jg that plays on a Flex/ Clash team. I main Zac, but haven't played Zac lately bc he feels bad to play in S11.

    submitted by /u/whityyboi
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    How to Most Effectively Review Replays

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Per title, should I be using league's in game highlight system to watch my replays? How should I treat fog of war? Should I lock highlight cam on my champ or use manual cam?

    Or is it best to use 3rd party recording systems to watch how I manipulate my own screen and cursor etc. If so, how will that affect my in game performance if I am running another program simultaneously?. I play on an old Microsoft surface and typically get 30 FPS... With some graphics turned down so not much room to allow for a downgrade in performance

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/FSValidus
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    Is this the general idea of split pushing? I'm a new player and not fully sure how to do it.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:24 AM PST

    So I usually win lane pretty hard, either pushing up to turret or getting a kill or two as mid/top. I'm never really sure what to do next though and a friend recently explained that roaming and splitpushing are things that lasers should really be doing. I get when to roam now (Minions pushed to turret or close and you've wiped the wave, enemy later dead or just sitting under tower etc) but I'm not certain on split pushing.

    Is it pretty much just pushing top or bottom turret while the rest of your team is doing/getting ready for dragon, or are all just poking about in mid? I get your meant to ward jungle, only do it if you can fight anyone that's not on the map etc, but if I'm not helping to get dragon or teamfighting wouldn't it just be a 4v5, and my team would die? Its meant to force them to fight and try to get an objective vs stopping you get a turret, but is a turret really worth your team getting killed?

    And people mention Baron when their talking about split pushing but the only time baron ever happenes at this elo is if we've almost wiped the enemy team and have time before they respawn, how would you take such a tanky and easy to steal objective without having tons of enemies respawning?

    submitted by /u/MrSnek123
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    Adc updated item guide? I'm really confused on when to build what items.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:53 PM PST

    I am familiar with core builds for most of the adcs but after that I don't know the right choice to maximize my potential, so I'm looking for a guide or advice on when to build what items on adc once I have my core finished. I usually opt for IE 4th item and then after that I'll look at the enemy team to try and decide what i should build next. I tend to get a bit lost at this point, it seems like if they have a lot of tanks I could go for BOtRK or the armor pen item. If they have a lot off cc get mercurial and for a fed assassin I'll go for stopwatch.

    If I'm fed, is it worth it to keep going for damage and get even far ahead? Or go a defensive to not lose my lead.

    Some of the new items I've never even finished or thought hmm I could use that in this situation.

    submitted by /u/princessarielLoL
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    Tips for Nexus Blitz

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 06:58 PM PST

    Nexus Blitz is far from a serious competitive mode, but I wanted to share some advice that could net you a few more wins in it.

    -you can actually take Krugs at the same time as Raptors if you stand in a specific spot. By doing this you can clear in record time, since nobody else really does it from my experience (Fiddlesticks is borderline permaban worthy due to how fast he clears)

    • Grasp of the undying gives a WILD 15 HP per stack (9HP on ranged), which can be heavily abusable on lane champions. I've legit seen my friend almost double his HP on Jhin by doing this.

    -Likewise, Dark Harvest used the ARAM nerfed version, so it's a bit lackluster as a damage rune choice.

    -This is more of an exploit, but Herald doesn't despawn/stasis during most objectives like Prize Fight and the little cutscene that plays before the Finale, so you can cheese a turret this way

    -Timing Scuttle before Prize Fight or URF Deathwatch gives your team a serious speed/vision advantage, as the scuttle ward doesn't despawn

    -Dark Seal is available in this mode, and while it can't be upgraded into Mejais still, it's SUPER Gold efficient and a must buy on AP champs, since you'll almost never build enough items to necessitate selling it.

    submitted by /u/petscopkid
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    Why is Seraphine listed as a Support?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:06 PM PST

    I've only played the game for a few days, and I'm really enjoying support. I heard that Seraphine is intended by Riot to be a mid mage but she's played bot as a support. She's even listed as a Support in my collections tab, despite Riot wanting her to be mid? I'm confused. Have they given up on making her mid or is this just a "temporary" role until she gets some sort of power shift?

    submitted by /u/ZzDangerZonezZ
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    How to deal with Ezreal?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    With the changes to tear I feel like there is no way to shut down an ezreal in soloQ. There is no longer a downside to forcing ezreal to farm with his Q for the entire laning phase, as he no longer has mana issues. He's too slippery to ever punish, for example in an Ezreal Thresh lane, he first has to make a mistake, so his E is down, then he has about a 18 second window (because his E cd is reduced from hitting Qs), where if he makes another mistake he'll have to take thresh lantern, then he'll have to make a third mistake where he'll have to blow flash, then if he makes a 4th mistake in 20 seconds, assuming he didn't take cleanse in which case you will have to hope he makes 5 mistakes, you have a chance to all-in and kill him.

    I feel like my only hope is to hope my jungler is playing around the bottom side of the map, otherwise pushing him into turret will just make me more vulnerable if we have no threat of dive. I feel like we have to draft and play the entire game around Ezreal, we need a diving jungler, a good CC (but not hook, because his E buffers hook) support, we need to make sure the mid cannot come bot, we have to vertical jungle towards to bot side, and if we don't do all of that ezreal just farms and hard outscales us. I can't even play someone like veigar botlane and try to outscale, because he also can all in starting at level 3 with thresh. I just feel like he's too good at everything. He has a strong early game that's hard to punish, he scales nearly infinitely, he has great offensive laning power and defensive laning power, he is impossible to kill because of his potentially 4 escape tools and the fact that he can build tank. Honestly I pick him every game I'm first pick and if I'm not first pick I just ban him.

    Is there some secret I don't know about as to how to counter ezreal?

    Also as a side note, why can Ezreal R not be interrupted? Why can almost every other ultimate that has a channel time be interrupted but Ezreal R will always go off? Is it just one of those things like Camille Q2 prok'ing sheen where everyone knows that's not how it's supposed to work but Riot just turns a blind eye to it?

    submitted by /u/grahamster00
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    How do you deal with assassins?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:48 AM PST

    I usually play top or ADC. When I play ADC, the enemy assassins (I'm in high silver/low gold so there usually are two) just oneshot me through my shieldbow. I even try to go shieldbow -> death's dance sometimes but I still easily get myself killed, unless I'm like 8/1. And sure, it could be my positioning, but I can't really do anything if I try to stay back. When I play toplane I usually play tanks and try to protect my ADC (since I know how it feels) but I can't really seem to prevent him/her dying because they literally explode, and Tahm Kench top isn't viable anymore.

    submitted by /u/erran_morad
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    When are enchanter supports a good idea?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    I play jungle and get filled support occasionally when I play with friends, but I don't really what makes enchanters better than tank supports or poke mages. They feel so underwhelming right now as well, despite the item changes, because everyone just does too much damage.

    submitted by /u/Duckl3
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    How to mentally deal with stomps/hard losses?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:10 AM PST

    I'm a support main trying to learn how to play ADC, and narurally, losing almost every game that I play. My problem is not purely the fact that I'm losing – my problem is that I'm being stomped.

    I know that I have to play to improve, but I'm constantly being the worst player in any team and it's really obvious, so enemies go for an EZ kill that I am. On the top of that, when I'm distressed, I just keep playing worse and worse – I even started slapping myself to regain composure, but it's not really helping.

    Long story short, I feel like a lesser human being and it's really making me hate the game. Can you recommend me some mental excercises to help me mentally deal with stomps?

    submitted by /u/EvangelineAmari
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    How to deal with an assassin Kayne with drakhtarr?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    I just played as MF and was doing incredibly well, both in kills and CS. I had 120cs or something like that and 9 kills at 15 minutes, so not bad, and 1 death. Me and my supp go mid and discover that the enemy Kayne is 4/3, blue form, with a drakhtarr. He proceeds to oneshot my supp with a full combo go invisible, then come faster than a rocket and oneshot me too. This happened plenty of times, and every time I could even damage him because he just went invisible. I gave up after dying 3 times to him and after that I couldn't kill him never ever, maybe a Q+auto but that was it. How can I damage or kill someone that literally turns invisible after a kill, goes away, comes back and does it again? Going close to someone that was fighting with him was suicide since it was enough for him a Q+W combo to oneshot Me, even with my eclipse shield on. How to deal with that?

    submitted by /u/Dedekind19
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    Need help improving my stats

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    Hi! I'm still pretty new to the game (level 32) and I'm currently maining Lux AP support. My stats arent't too bad and some are improving, but there are some that I just can't seem to get up. My kda isn't that good but it has been improving, so I'll just keep working on that. Same goes for my vision score. My problems are kill participation, objective control, roam dominance and kill conversion. Does anyone have any tips on how to improve on those?

    submitted by /u/KittyQueen_Tengu
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    Some questions from a new player about Sett

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    I just started learning league halfway through this year during quarantine, playing ADC (mostly ashe/cait during s10, jhin/MF during s11 preseason, and decent amount of kaisa during both). Anyway I somehow kind of fell in love with sett's champion design and want to learn how to play him. For ADC I watched a lot of xFSN Saber videos as he makes a lot of good educational content, but I was wondering if there was a similar educational content creator for sett that I can watch?

    Also some other questions maybe you guys can help with as well, which lane is sett best played in? When do I take ignite or tp? Any tips for how to play him? Mainly I want to know some macro ideas (i.e. what should I be doing generally early/mid/late), and how I should be teamfighting / laning with him. I know some basics like initiating with his E, using Q to auto reset, and throwing W at high grit, but any tips would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/snaglbeez
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    How would you beat this comp?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Me and one of my friends came up with a comp that if we couldn't think of a way to beat it we played against them. We are a bunch of silver-gold players so there's probably a major flaw we aren't thinking of, but here's the team

    Top - Ornn/Shen Jungle - Yi Mid - Taric (Funnel Yi) ADC - Karthus Sup - Veigar

    The only way we thought of was banning it in champ select or invading level 1 and hoping it goes very successfully. I said it was really AP heavy but granted with Yi getting funneled he can cover enough AD to make it happen.

    Any thoughts on how you'd beat this team? (Again we are silver players there is probably a major flaw somewhere)

    submitted by /u/KingWalf
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    Is Yorick good for climbing?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:40 PM PST

    I'm level 70 so i don't know if i should call myself new or not, but i'm currently in bronze 2 fell from silver 4, and ik struggling to pick a main role and a good champ pool i have experience in basically every role with 3 different champs in each role, recently i tried yorick because he's free right now and i had 2 good games and 1 bad one so i can see how good he is , i'm not sure if i should spend my time on him because he is a lot of fun and i'm trying to get out of bronze? so do any yorick players give me any tips to climb on him?

    submitted by /u/SvpremeKai
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