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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    LoL Guide How do higher elo players have such diverse champion and role pools?

    LoL Guide How do higher elo players have such diverse champion and role pools?

    How do higher elo players have such diverse champion and role pools?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:26 AM PST

    I've been playing the game for a few months, so I obviously don't expect to be much good at the game compared to people with years of experience. However, most of my friends are gold+ (I'm aware gold isn't high elo, but I'm bronze so it is to me) and the ones who are particularly high (e.g. diamond+) have extremely wide champ pools and are just generally good on everything they play, even when playing a random champion in ARAMS that they've only played a few times before. Not all of these are players who play thousands of games every season either, many play only 400-500 total in a season, but they still seem to be good at virtually everything in the game. What exactly allows players to have such a diverse champ pool without one tricking?

    For context, in my time learning, I've pretty much one tricked Lux support, and I struggle to keep up with them in regular games after 200k+ points, and am borderline useless with other champions.

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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    The Body and its Role on Gaming Performance (For Tryhards)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Preface: I'm a 4'th year medical student with a passion for self-improvement and optimization. This includes my IRL skills as well as my gaming. How to improve faster, how to be more efficient with my time, how to reach new heights, feel and play better; these are the things that interest me and I try to find ways to do it through science. Some of you may have seen my previous posts on Meditation and Flow. You might have also noticed that I post on multiple competitive gaming subreddits. I do this because these are games I personally enjoy, have coached and/or have competed in and also because these tips and tricks are not title dependent. Everyone can benefit and even apply it for things IRL. I want to keep learning so please hit me with your own discoveries, tips and tricks. I'm genuinely pleasantly surprised with the responses and the chance to meet like-minded individuals!


    This is the 2nd part of the three-part framework for Accelerated Learning (Purposeful Practice, Body and Mind). If you read the first part here you will be happy to know this one is much simpler but just as important. If you want to skip the science then just read the What to do to improve section of each part.

    1. Physical Activity
    • Reaction Time
      • Reaction Time is a measure of the efficiency of the central and peripheral nervous system.
      • This paper showed just 30 seconds of intense exercise decreased RT from an average of .303 to .268. That is an 11.5% improvement.
      • Research on auditory reaction time pre/post exercise on 30 young volunteers shows 7 minutes of exercise immediately decreased reaction time.
      • Another study on eye-tracking reaction times found a decrease of 50 milliseconds and improved cognitive performance by 14%.
        • This short term benefit is mostly mediated by increased blood flow to the brain and peripheral systems. The increased heart rate and blood pressure through stimulation of receptors such as B1 allow for the increased blood flow, oxygen supply, and nutrients which result in increased performance.
      • Higher overall fitness levels are "associated with better inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility". This means better focus, task switching and reduced RT. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01298/full
      • Going to plug this interesting one in here. The immediate effect of slow deep breathing on reaction time. "Among the whole study population, significant decrease (p<0.001) in reaction time was noted (90.35±13.96 msVs 76.68±9.90 ms)".
    • Cognition
      • It is defined as " the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses".
      • BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) is a chemical essential to neuronal plasticity (learning), neurogenesis, neuroprotection and even help against obesity. Decreases in this chemical leads to neuronal loss and diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson, etc. Interestingly it's been shown to affect the hippocampus an area of the brain that is most commonly associated with memory, learning and spatial navigation. BDNF primes the brain to learn better and faster.
      • This incredible paper showed how mice who trained "showed faster acquisition and better retention". Not only that but mice who were lazy were able to recover 50% of their decline after starting exercise. "Voluntary exercise ameliorates some of the deleterious morphological and behavioral consequences of aging".
    • Stress
      • E-sport athletes have shown to have the cortisol (the adrenocorticotropic "stress" hormone) levels of a race car driver.
      • Chronic stress has been linked to a decline in cognitive function as well as reducing the size of the hippocampus. It also gives anxiety, increases irritability, affects concentration and increases muscle tension.
      • Exercise reduces stress and it also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators (runner's high). Serotonin is also released which is a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good. It is produced primarily in the gastrointestinal system but also in the brain by a serotonin factory in the Raphe nuclei in the brainstem. It makes you feel happier, calmer, more focused, less anxious, more emotionally stable.
    • ADHD
      • Those with ADHD improve focus with exercise.
    • What to do to improve
      • Exercise at least 3x a week. Aim for 30-45 mins minimum. If possible do it before practice.
      • Do a short exercise routine (5-7 min) before practice. Examples include: push ups, high-knee jog in place, squat jumps, exercise bike etc. This all depends on your level of fitness. Come up with something you like and can stick to it. Gradually increase the intensity as you get more comfortable.
      • Between matches do 30 seconds of exercise but make sure it is of high intensity

    1. Sleep
    • Wake up, game, sleep, repeat. We tend to do this often, play to till the break of dawn, sleep 5-6 hours, feel exhausted and then do it again. This hinders your performance immensely.
    • Sleep deprivation causes neurons to respond slowly, fire weakly and their transmissions dragged on longer than usual. These effects were studied on visual processing and it showed that it took longer to encode information and translate visual input into conscious thought. Also, it decreases the assortment of relevant vs irrelevant visual stimuli. Working memory is also affected. Any useful information you need to recall and integrate into a decision in the game will be hindered. This means poor short term memory, reaction time, or vigilance; and degraded mood.
    • When we're underslept, our body is experiencing a need for sleep, a need to stay awake, and a need to perform tasks. These competing drives interfere with our attention from moment to moment, leading to cognitive impairment and an increased reaction time.
    • Exercise is shown to not only facilitate falling asleep but also have a deeper more regenerative sleep. Physical activity improves sleep quality and increases sleep duration. Exercise may also bolster sleep in other ways, because it reduces stress and tires you out. Early morning and afternoon exercise may also help reset the sleep wake cycle by raising body temperature slightly, then allowing it to drop and trigger sleepiness a few hours later.
    • What to do to improve
    • Calculate how much sleep your body needs. We are all different.
      • Go to bed at a reasonable hour without having played at least 30 mins prior.
      • Put a stopwatch.
      • Wake up naturally and record the time.
      • Repeat 3-5 times.
      • Structure every day in a way that will allow you to get that amount of sleep.
      • Mine is: 7 hours and 12 minutes or 9 hours. Depends on how hard my day was.
    • Go to sleep at the same hour every day, including weekends (I fail on this frequently too but I notice the huge difference)
    • Do NOT eat after 7pm. Food stimulates our awake brain which disrupts sleep. No more late snacks. Some people think the drowsy feeling after eating is good for sleep but it will actually lead to sleep fragmentation.
    • Reduce blue light.
      • Use blue light blocking glasses.
      • Turn on night mode.
    • Do something relaxing at least 30 minutes before bed. I suggest reading.
    • Put your room cold. Take a hot shower and then go to bed. The change in core body temperature promotes sleep.
    • Watch the sunset. The contrast in colors primes the brain for sleep.
    • Get at least 15 min of sun a day.
    • Exercise.

    1. Diet
    • This video by Blink is a great explanation on the science of nutrition and esport performance
    • Seriously, he did a good job so just watch it.
    • What to do to improve
      • Cut out sugar. I can't emphasize this enough. Not only cutting it down helps performance, reaction time, but it's also proven decrease things like depression and inflammation. Just stop taking it. I know we're used to it thanks to the western diet (I was too) but when you cut it out you will notice the difference.
      • Foods high in omega 3's: salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines.
        • Your brain uses omega-3s to build brain and nerve cells, and these fats are essential for learning and memory.
        • Two servings a week suggested
      • Foods with Zeaxanthin/Lutein
        • These carotenoids found in the eye filter harmful blue light keeping them healthy.
        • Zeaxanthin 20mg daily increased 10% reaction time over the course of 4 months.
        • Highest in Dark Leefy Greens (Spinach)
      • Blueberries
        • Antioxidant compounds in berries have many positive effects on the brain, including: improving communication between brain cells, reducing inflammation throughout the body, increasing plasticity, which helps brain cells form new connections, boosting learning and memory, and reducing or delaying age-related neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline
      • Turmeric
        • Curcmin, the active ingredient crosses the blood brain barrier.
        • Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory.
        • Helps mood. One study found it improved depression symptoms just as much as an antidepressant over six weeks
        • Increases BDNF
        • To reap the benefit try cooking with curry powder
      • Broccoli/Kale
        • High in Vitamin K. This fat-soluble vitamin is essential for forming sphingolipids, a type of fat that's densely packed into brain cells.
      • Pumpkin Seeds
        • High on Zinc, Magnesium, Iron, and Copper.
        • These help nerve signaling and learning/memory,
      • Vitamin C
        • Key factor in brain health and overall health
        • Guava's, Kiwi, Strawberry, Tomato, Oranges
      • Eggs
        • Vitamins B6 and B12, folate and choline.
        • Choline is an important micronutrient that your body uses to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory.
        • Two studies found that higher intakes of choline were linked to better memory and mental function.
      • Caffeine
        • Do not take energy drinks. Boat load of sugar.
        • Green tea is a better alternative to coffee. It contains caffeine and L-theanine an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and increase the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps reduce anxiety and makes you feel more relaxed. L-theanine also increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain, which helps you relax without making you feel tired.
        • Do not take caffeine as soon as you wake up. Our bodies produce cortisol which peaks between 8-9am. If you're a very early riser (4am) then it's fine.
        • Do not take caffeine in the late afternoon. Caffeine can last over 10 hours in our system so taking caffeine later in the day can lead to difficulty falling asleep.
        • Optimal time right after lunch imo.
        • Take a caffeine nap. Drink coffee then nap for 15 minutes. By the end of the of nap the caffeine will start taking its effect.
        • Hack. Use caffeine pills as a more cost-effective way to take caffeine. I take 200 mg pills and cut them into 4 equal pieces which would approximate 50mg of caffeine each. Only 1 of those pieces should suffice.







    You're a true tryhard if you read through it. Please hit me up with tips, suggestions, corrections, etc. The more I learn the better. Stay OP friends.

    submitted by /u/MetaDoc_OP
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    Got Counterpicked? Could Be A Gift In Disguise! (Illaoi Vs Mordekaiser Video Example)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    We're back with another video on how to handle getting counterpicked, presented through examples from a recent match of mine. Witness potential that comes to the surface as people think themselves into a corner due to their lack of understanding concerning what they just picked.

    Also to help you integrate the insights there's the match included, edited for your convenience. Having a story to go with the concepts helps to better remember/apply what you learned after all. :)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and good luck out there!

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    ashe(me)+janna vs swain+tresh. lost in draft or was winnable? correct jungler move?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:49 AM PST

    some time ago i had that match and one cc from them it means 100% death because they can chain cc.

    we played super defensive, conceded a lot of cs and played always freezed under turret.

    at some point i was dead once, janna too but we also got kills, for example as soon as tresh went to place a ward in the river we all in on swain and kill him.

    i honestly don't remember how many kills everyone had but i'd say that they was not winning too much.

    anyway jungler never ever came, he tried to solo drake, enemy jungler went there and he stayed, than bot duo came too and he stayed, he die and blame us for not helping.

    if you were the jungler would you have ganked our lane to help? i know that there is a common rule "don't gank losing lane" but our lane wasn't lost, so you avoid it just because tons of cc or it's a good idea to gank that lane? in this case jungler was udyr

    we were always freezed under turret

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    Why there's a lot jungl mains on high elo but on low elo seems like almost none?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Title. On my elo most of my are junglers autofilled(at least porofessor says so) and if you get autofilled you most likely to play jungle. But when I whatch high elo jungle mains they quite frequently filled to secondaty role (usually midlane). It feels like noone even consider main junlge.

    submitted by /u/Nitaro2517
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    I play Diana and Yasuo and Yone are infuriating to go against.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I'm looking for tips on how to handle these 2 characters. According to the stat sites, I look at Diana has about a 50/50 win rate against both champions. I've tried looking into it myself but the best stuff I could find was either 4 or 5 years outdated (pre-Diana rework) or tips for mages. While this isn't completely useless it's hard to translate this information since Diana is a Melee Mid mage with a bit of range and mobility built into her kit.

    Basically, the main issues that I would like tips with are:
    -How to take fights
    -How to work around shields
    -Escaping from the 37 dash duo
    -What or how to build (since they need fewer items to reach full build)

    I'm aware that a good bit of this I could simply avoid by banning them or counter picking (when applicable) but it's just aggravating that of all 150 odd champs these 2 are the only ones I struggle with, not even some of her main counters like Aniva or Ekko.

    Many thanks,

    submitted by /u/ContextEFT
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    Short post, just a couple of question about jungle if anyone could help me out?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    What should I be doing if my team don't roam to scuttles or skirmishes? Or would rather farm instead of drake and stuff? I seem to get flamed for not contesting drake but sometimes it is pointless when they have 4 players there and I'm the only one wanting drake? Should I just power farm if I have an unresponsive team?

    submitted by /u/jackhart01
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    attack move click on LMB and the minimap

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:10 PM PST

    So I play with attack move click on the left mouse button and I really like it that way.

    However, when it comes to clicking on the minimap to watch e.g. teamfights or lane status, left clicking on the map makes my champ actually go there...which is super annoying.

    I'm using the F keys for the most part, but I still want to be able to click on the minimap without moving my champion.

    Am I actually missing something or is this just another 200 years moment?

    submitted by /u/bigbaffler
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    How do I actually do anything against Diana?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Hey, I've been learning midlane for a few months at this point. I've recently looked over my stats (I keep all my stats saved for future reference) and realised I've never ever won lane against Diana. The best I've ever done was 2/3. Everything I've read doesn't help.

    -Dodge Q: How the hell do I even react in time?

    -Win early: She has an insanely good early game it feels like

    -Get carried: Basically the only way I've won any game against Diana.

    8/10 of the games I've played against Diana recently I picked first, so countering wasn't an option, but even when it is I picked champs like Swain and Malphite and still lost.

    Full stats of all games I've played against her recently:


    submitted by /u/SepirizFG
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    How useful is attack moving

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:48 AM PST

    So basically I'm an adc main, and Ive never really paid attention to using attack move. I binded toggle enemy champs only to my spacebar and like to use that during fights. So I noticed you can't use attack move and TEMO (teemo lol) together, which would be pretty broken. I wanna get better with kiting and actually be somewhat good with orb waking. Is using attack move actually worth it it feels ready clunky spamming A (or whatever other binded key). Do pro players use this, is it worth picking up?

    submitted by /u/ouv123
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    Can only play blue kayn

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:21 PM PST

    So I haven't played this game in a while, decided to make a new account and am really confused. All throughout season 10 I was a jungle main and was confident on Warwick, Zac, Sylas, Volibear, Ekko and Kayn. But then I try with this new account in this preseason and can only perform on blue kayn. My red kayn performance is okay but really nothing nearly as good. I'm not sure what to do, but I really want to have a champion pool as versatile as I did back in season 10. My op.gg is faizclan99 on EUW btw

    submitted by /u/DarkTemplar1002
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    Stuck in Gold IV / III, need feedback for improvement

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I actually try to improve in League of Legends.

    Short summary about me in League

    I'm a ADC main from EU. Champion Pool: MF, Jhin, (Ashe)

    Journey so far

    I think I already did decent job climbing from Iron I to Gold 2 in just this season, but now I don't improve anymore. I fall since this peak to Gold IV again (and am hard-stuck now :/ ). That's where I need some feedback and areas to improve in.

    I don't count that much on my rank, it's just to give some statistics. (I use my rank more as an indicator for my improvement)

    So, to keep this short: I think, I improved especially in macro knowledge (I watched many videos about this from coaches, challenger player and educational league channels) and think I can snowball better, keep a lead or even win lane more strategic.

    I also improved my farming, having around 6 - 8 cs / min each game (even while losing lanes), which is- in my opinion - fairly good. But this has a price: Most games, especially those where I'm not in the lead: I focus that much on farming that my damage is low, compared to others, because either I'm joining the fights late, or don't even join (why my team even fights without my is a different discussion).

    I consider myself as rather tilt-prove, when losing 2 games in row a most times call it a day. I believe this strategy works fine. I'm not the kind of guy flaming my teammates for the loses, I really try to search the mistakes at myself.

    So, I hoped, u guys could help me improve, by giving me some areas which I should focus on, skills a should train or concepts I could learn. I would apricate this very much.

    OP.gg : https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Annodryl

    submitted by /u/aykbo
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    As a new player when you should start to play rank for the first time?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:52 AM PST

    So I am a new league player (lvl 34) and I dont know when to start to play ranked, when I queue to normals I playing with b2-S3, I only know like what like 20 champs do and I sometimes fighting without any lvl or items advantage I really dont want to place bronze so when should I start to play ranked?

    submitted by /u/portAscar
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    Im currently on my absolutely worst state at LoL. How can i stop being so bad?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:44 AM PST

    Im a gold mid main (better at jungle but have no fun in jungle atm), who plays mostly yasuo, but can play nearly every champ a bit in this game (yes this is awful bc. I cant live wirhout diversoty). My goal is to climb but my own performance is holding me back and i can feel how the game isnt that fun for me anymore when i play BAD. So what should i do to improve my own gameplay? I habe also sometimes problems with mecanics for example missing 100% yas Qs and so on but this is a thing of concentration etc.

    Im btw. not searching for advice like "Delete the game" or "nothing you have no talent" and so on. Time shouldnt be a problem, im a student.

    Thx for every answer!

    submitted by /u/Pavilionlol
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    How i counter yasuo, katarina, fizz

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:54 AM PST

    I saw many people having problems against these champs so i said to give it a shot and tell how i think i need play against them. I play veigar/azir/anivia Yasuo:

    Against yasuo i usually poke his shield and keep a safe distance from him. At level 1 i can harass him as much as i please since he doesnt have E and i am ranged. Once he gets E you need to play safer and i never try to catch skillshots when he dashes through minion wave. You have a big chanceto miss. May yasuo mains use their windwall a lot when its not really needed. I force their windwall and after that if he doesnt have passive i have a long window where i can poke him out of lane or even kill him. Another thing i saw is that when he has tornado i wait enough time for it to be readyandafter that i start moving to left and change the direction instantly. Usually the yas fires the tornado with prediction and misses because i instantly turn.

    Katarina: For katarina is pretty easy. Her Q goes behind the first enemy hit. If she hits me with the Q i usually go left or right since her knives will only land in front and behind me. I also keep a stun for her for when she ults.

    Fizz: Melee champion with his most important ability as waveclear. I push him as much as possible and poke him over and over until he reaches level 3. If he is low enough. He wont all in me. I am also aware of the jg pathing since he will msot liekly come to a gank.

    One last thing. Everyone casts another ability when they get right under tower. This happened a lot of times. People always try to get just a bit more poke when they are under tower since they feel safe. Knowing this i can catch veigar W or taliyah W into full combo.

    This is how i play against them. Hope it was usefull for whoever stumbled upon this.

    submitted by /u/Le_SputierMann
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    As a jungler, how much do your lanes influence how you play?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:07 AM PST

    I feel like my laners often force me into an unfavorable playstyle where I need to prioritize ganks over farm.

    Situation: I play a scaling jungler. My bot lane gives up early double. They come back to lane, push, get ganked, and give up another double. From here on, they play 'safe' and spam ping for ganks but the opposing bot team is so fed that the lane will become a feast no matter what.

    At this point, do you try to stop the momentum of the opposing bot team by prioritizing bot ganks, or do you prioritize your other lanes? I've heard many times 'don't gank a losing lane', but if the enemy bot lane remains unchecked, I don't see how they don't snowball the game. I'm in silver too, which means that people are not good at damage control when they fall behind.

    I feel like my laner's play has now defined how I need to play the rest of the game, which is gank heavy to prevent the enemy snowball. This causes me to have poor camp pathing, fall behind on farm, and ultimately dismantle the game plan of a scaling jungle champ.

    As a jungler, how much do your lanes influence how you play? Any words of wisdom? Experience?

    submitted by /u/mrdick6969
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    [Question] League of Legends Guides

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Hello Summoners,

    I am a YouTuber and my channel is about how to get better in League of Legends. Today I asked myself, what kind of guides do you prefer.

    Do you prefer guidevideos where people speak to you.

    Or do you prefer videos without any voice, instead of talking to you, the information is shown by text only.

    Thanks for answering!

    submitted by /u/MrNoCopyright
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    Motivation for ranked

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:08 PM PST

    I've played the game for about 6 months climbing from Iron 3 to silver 3 in ranked which isn't exactly the most impressive but it took a long time and a lot of games. But ever since the ranked season ended I don't feel any motivation to play ranked. It's not that I don't think i could do better, I.E. ended ~60% wr Vi (50 games) ~80 wr Rammus (15 Games). I just don't find them enjoyable to play anymore, like it's a constant stress trying to carry my team.

    Any tips to help motivate ones self?

    submitted by /u/icydarkrai
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:38 PM PST

    I am an ad carry main in silver 4, and I do perfectly fine csing in the early game. But once we move to mid game, my teams just perma fight so my cs decreases. Should I just go to side lanes and cs instead of araming with my team? But I feel if I do that my team just loses cuz its a 4 v 5 and blames me. But I don't get kills araming, and dont get cs so I get starved of gold. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/redplatypus84
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    Sunfire Aegis Numbers

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Ive been using sunfire aegis on my main volibear for the majority, but im trying to understand what the number means on the icon when you purchase it? It goes up and down. I understand immolate's damage increases when your in combat with an enemy champion, so does the number mean the damage of time (DoT) ticks or is it something else? Just trying to understand the new items abit better. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Mewted116
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    When should I play ranked as a new player?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    I just hit 30 on my account and I am just wondering when people think the best time to start ranked is? I'm most likely going to be placed iron but I just want to get thoughts on what the best way for me to learn the game is - push through with casuals until I get better before going in to ranked or to just jump in to ranked now and be placed accordingly and learn then on?

    submitted by /u/Seirende
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    Are tank nessesary in low Elo?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:22 AM PST

    I play a lot of mages in mid, and secondary role jungle. I feel like I always do OK in lane, but even if I am "fed" I feel like we always lose team fights because I just get focused. Is this an issue of my positioning? Or not having tanks? I suppose it is difficult to tell over text not seeing how I play, so I will just ask the question is a tank needed in low Elo? Obviously I mean after lanes are finished and teamfights are starting.

    submitted by /u/NoodleRNG
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    How to ward well as an ADC

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:18 AM PST

    Hello, I checked my stats, and the Vision in the stats chart goes really inwards (meaning it's bad compared to the other stats). As ADC I always buy a Control ward on my first/second back and place it in the tribush (if blue side) or in the bush near the Blast cone (if red side), sometimes I put it in the Drake pit. I only buy more wards if that one gets destroyed or laning phase ends and that ward becomes irrelevant.

    About the yellow trinket, sometimes I have two of them sitting in my inventory, that's usually when my support already warded everything or when I'm getting pushed in all the time so I can't ward much.

    After level 9 I get the Farsight Alteration which I mostly use to ward our jungle so they can stay there and not get instantly destroyed (or rarely I use it to facecheck from a safe spot).

    My problem with warding as ADC is that if I tried to increase my vision score I would have to move from my lane, potentially missing CS, letting the enemy freeze/crash the wave, giving up turret plates. I don't have any problem with my vision scores as support/mid, but I feel like investing more in warding than I already do as ADC would cripple me from managing well my lane waves (as ADC I wanna take really good resets and get back to lane asap to not lose anything, or I have to babysit the wave to freeze it).

    I'd like some advice to increase my Vision efficiency as an ADC, since it seems like it's the thing I'm doing the worst. Do I have to miss 3-4 CS every time I go to ward our jungle/the river bush/enemy buff, is it really worth? Or maybe I should do something else

    submitted by /u/doodee111
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    New to Ranked and I'm Struggling

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST

    I started League this season and have played a decent amount of games. I started playing ranked recently, trying to improve and get out of Silver 4. I play ADC and in these last few games I have struggled to do damage. I've been having like 10k damage at 30 minutes and I see that I don't have any effect on winning the game for my team. I try to trade well in the early game and in VOD I see that I miss some trades( I get better in this area every game). My damage falls off in the mid to late game when the enemy ADC roams mid and I'm alone in lane. I have thought about matching them, but I also wanted to make pressure on the map. I feel that the other areas of my game are fine for now(5.5 CS, I place and buy wards consistently). Please give me some advice, I want to win more ranked games.

    submitted by /u/pokemonmasterj9
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