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    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    LoL Guide How does one beat Yi with Duskblade?

    LoL Guide How does one beat Yi with Duskblade?

    How does one beat Yi with Duskblade?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:48 AM PST

    I just played a game as Ryze mid. Everybody in my team did decently, I got rather fed and so did my adc. However, come late game, Yi was just able to q on our team's squishy champion, kill them sub a quarter of a second and go invisible; dodge my e w combo to prevent him from doing anything else.

    submitted by /u/Chynv
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    When you should buy healing reduction

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    tl;dr Look at the lists on the bottom

    For the ones unaware, we are talking about specific item passives that reduces incoming healing of a particular champion on the enemy team, for 40%. That 40% is given through those components:

    Bramble vest: 800 gold, 35 armor

    Executioner's calling: 800 gold, 15 AD

    Oblivion Orb: 800 gold, 30 AP

    Those items build into legendaries with increased healing reduction of 60% vs lower than 40% hp enemies. There is one at least for every role. Their value/stats isn't the best, so your are ok just with the component for most of the game. Usually, you won't need to finish the legendary item until late game.

    When do you build the component? If you are planning to interact with the healing champion, then it is adviced that you buy them before you do so. That means, if the healing champion in on another lane, then don't buy the component during your laning. Buy it after you start araming/teamfighting mid game. A good rule of thumb is after your first item (usually your mythic) but before your 3rd item (or your second legendary). Most champions can fit those components between their first and second items, depending on how badly they need their second item.

    Note that 1 person buying healing reduction doesn't give everyone else the freedom to buy anything they want. It is very rarely the case that 1 person can apply the passive to all the enemies that you need to keep down, so it is a better idea to get 3-4 people on the team to buy at least one component.

    When is the cost too much? If you are very behind, you will need to complete your mythic asap. Thus, spending 800 gold will delay your powerspike too much, and you won't be able to interact with the healing champion anyways, thus making healing reduction not a good buy. You can always consider buying it later though. Also, it is not smart to buy healing reduction if you are playing a champion with built in healing reduction, like Kled.

    Now, here are 3 lists of champions, grouped by urgency in which grevious wounds are required against them:

    VERY URGENT: Aatrox, Dr Mundo, Fiora, Illaoi, Kayn (when he goes conqueror and Rhaast), Mordekaiser, Olaf, Soraka, Vladimir, Yuumi

    Somewhat Urgent: Aphelios and Cassiopeia with conqueror, Darius, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim (not as urgent if he goes phase rush), Irelia, Jax, Kayle, Maokai, Nasus, Renekton, Riven, Samira, Seraphine, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Warwick, Yasuo, Yone, Yorick, Zac

    Doesn't hurt: Akali, Katarina (with conqueror), Yi, Nidalee, Rengar, Senna, Taric, Urgot, Volibear, Wukong

    The lists aren't that strict, they are just there to show examples of the spectrum in which urgency of grevious wounds increases. If you get extremely ahead early, the need will diminish (you won't have to buy them, since you have won the game already before you need to adapt your build), just take them as a general guideline.

    If there is anything you would like to add, or something I am missing, please point it out.


    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    Is it dumb to sell a fully stacked Tear instead of finishing Manamune

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:23 AM PST

    With tear being only 400 gold it's really attractive to mana-hungry champs who don't normally build mana. Caster marksman in particular. But a lot of the time these champs have more important items to build, and then eventually you have no slots left without selling your fully stacked Tear. It feels kinda dirty sell it at this point, but it also feels bad to try and build Manamune when there's another item you'd rather have.

    Anyway, Tear sells for 280 which means you end up paying net 120 gold for not having any mana issues in early/mid game. Seems like a good deal. Also a lot of these champs aren't quite as mana-reliant late game since their mana pools have increased with level.

    submitted by /u/isolatrum
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    Hey /r/SummonerSchool. I built a website to search for VODs by matchup, champion, role, and others.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Link: lolvod.gg

    I built a website to help me find games to watch among the huge amount of vods on Twitch.

    I've mostly used the website to help me learn about toplane; to anyone learning that role I would highly recommend watching Bwipo and Thebausffs.

    You might remember my post from last year. I am writing a new post as my last was removed, and last time many people found the website useful.

    I've been working on this on my spare time, so this is by no means complete in terms of streamers.
    In fact, if you have any suggestions on streamers that you can't find on the website, feel free to let me know on reddit or discord, I'd be happy to add them.

    I hope this can help some of you learn and climb in Season 11!

    submitted by /u/Phobos27
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    How do you fight Yone after lane phase?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:39 PM PST

    I seem to do fine against Yone in lane, but after lane phase he always pops off. Even when he's not fed he can do that double dash from his nexus to your base. Even though 3 people are on him the trade never ends well when he's in dash. He just springs back a half mile down the Rift behind the ADC, and his HP barely even moves. So it's like if you engage him in dash it's pointless.

    Assuming that no one on my team will coordinate, what can I do in a team fight or enemy siege, when Yone is dashing from the ADC at T3 our tower, into our Nexus almost to our shop?

    submitted by /u/jforrest1980
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    Pantheon does NOT fall off lategame anymore, at least not enough to make a major difference.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    As you know, Riot made some tweaks to Mantheon to bring him back into the solo lanes, and while he's still not as good as the likes of maybe camille, irelia and jax, he doesn't fall off lategame anymore relative to the cast.

    The changes they made were mostly to boost his DPS and reduce the downtime in between rotations, which was the main issue with him back then. Not to mention the new items granted him the right combat stats necessary to ensure his usefulness well into the lategame.

    First: the armor penetration on his passive. People complain about it being too much, but you haven't seen camille/fiora true damage or darius 35% armor pen level 13. That helps WONDERS with his ability to take on tanks and bulky bruisers who can build dead mans, tabis, etc. The bonus armorpen from eclipse helps a bit too to the point where you can see Mantheon with 40%+ armorpen lategame, making him more than a match for anyone with armor.

    Second: Eclipse -> black cleaver -> steraks. Eclipse's shield and burst of movespeed is actually a defensive tool not an offensive, since it buys him a bit of time to reposition in a fight if he got caught out or had a bad ultimate placement (stun, auto then back up). Black cleaver reduces even more armor making his armor pen more like 50-60%, and the easy 6 stacks applied by his E, not to mention the bonus missing health damage can make him especially deadly against squishy carries. Let's not talk about steraks, that item is hella busted.

    Third: Changes to his E were actually substantial. It sucks not having a kayle ultimate every 10 seconds anymore since you can't extend to 2.5 seconds, but the 60% bonus movement speed may actually be even better because if, once again you get caught out, you can pop empowered E quickly to block any burst and run like hell! Also 1.5 seconds is still a very long time to be invincible for. If you need context, renekton's W stun lasts 1.5 seconds. Again, Mantheon's biggest issue is that once he burns his combo, he's pretty much a sitting duck aside from a Q here or there. The changes to his kit and the new items buys him time to escape bad situations and/or be more of a bruiser than back when he had to go full AD squishy.

    After playing about 50 games of him post changes, and about 100 games on him pre changes, I think these changes have stabilized him to remain relevant even into 5 and 6 items. Again, he's no fiora, jax or 6 item darius, but he's become way better at not falling off. The cooldown reduction on his Q to where his stab Q essentially is a yasuo Q with a tiny bit longer cooldown is helpful. I'm sad to have lost the slow from empowered Q, but again the extra stuff he got imo was way better, and aiming that spear on his ultimate can do CRAZY burst since people panic run into it.

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Can someone explain minion aggro to me?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Sometimes the melee minions are all going at eachother, only for the one at 20% which im about to last hit (I'm a melee myself) to go attack some random caster minion. Since I'm a melee he walks out of my range and my champion starts walking after it, putting me in a bad position as well as losing the CS because his melee minions turn on this guy. Some other times the melee minions will just switch between casters and melee minions just walking back and forth for some seconds. Something similiar sometimes happens to the cannon where it just changes target to the minion I'm about to last hit last second so I lose the CS. This is really annoying, but is there anyway since I end up losing quite a bit of CS to this during the match. Can someone explain how this system works so maybe I can learn to CS better?

    submitted by /u/norwegian_neighbour
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    Pro champ select

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST

    So, I have been watching a number of pro games since the streams started and have noticed that certain champions are basically always picked (and banned) - mostly Alistair, Kaisa, Jhin, Aphelios, Renekton, Graves and Leona. My question is - where are the most popular champions from the non-pro games? Why are they missing? Are MF, Yone, Yasuo, Seraphine, Draven, Darius etc. not viable on this level? Why? I am just a Silver player, so its obviosly just me being ignorant, but what makes these champs, which are OP inthe amateur elos, unpopular in pro?

    submitted by /u/Zmajecar
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    What is the reason for the significant improvement in the mid lane?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:49 AM PST

    My division is Gold II and my goal is to reach Diamond. This question is addressed to mid lane Mains who skyrocketed their division after doing some certain things .

    All youtube videos and coaching stuff that I've searched and watched so far , show some very basic concepts or concepts that are not so easy to apply. Most of the time , these videos are confusing me even more

    I've encountered many Diamond smurfers Midlaners in my games which have huge impact early on the game and close the game very quickly.

    My question is WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING? What mistakes are they abusing against gold players like me , so they can win so easily?

    There must be something that I'm missing and I really want to find what it is. I am looking for an eye opener tip

    I really believe that my current division is the division the I deserve to be in. I really want to improve as a player.

    P.S I went to D two years ago using only Asol, but I quit using it because I didn't feel like I was getting better at the game. My current champion to use is orianna viktor zoe +yone. I don't have any problems with the pool?.

    submitted by /u/immeeper
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    Why does xayah scale?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:25 AM PST

    In multiple different streams, I've heard many pros talk about how xayah scales really well into the late game, although, I don't see why this is. At first, I thought it was maybe because her E was on such a low cd with navori, but I remember that people have been saying this since s10, so this can't be the only reason. So why does she scale so well?

    submitted by /u/Jell01
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    Why don't more mages build Chemtech Purifier over Morello?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Lets look at the 2 items side by side.

    -Grants 70 AP, 250 HP, and the "Affliction" unique passive.
    -Costs 2500

    Chemtech Purifier:
    -Grants 50 AP, 15 ability haste, +100% base mana regeneration, and the "Puffcap Toxin" unique passive.
    -Costs 2300

    While the unique passives are very similar, there is a distinction to be made between the two, Affliction ramps up to 60% grievous wounds when your opponent is below 50% of their max hp, meanwhile Puffcap Toxic ramps up to 60% grievous wounds when the enemy has been immobilised lasting 3 seconds.

    Here is a list of "immobilising" effects, courtesy of the lol wiki: airborne, charm, flee, taunt, silence, sleep, stasis, stun, suppression, suspension, blind, cripple, drowsy, disarm, ground, kinematics, knockdown, nearsight, slow, root. I have no doubt in my mind however that not all of these will work with Chemtech Purifier, (such as flee, blind, etc) yet for many champions, opting for a cheaper Morellonomicon, with less ap however a more consistent higher grievous wound % seems obvious, so why isn't this reflected in the meta?

    Champions such as Lux, Anivia, Malzahar, and Orianna who have reliable slows, stuns, etc should almost always be opting for a Chemtech Purifier rather than a Morellonomicon, especially now that it no longer provides early game magic penetration.

    Am I missing something here? I fully acknowledge that after a first item lost chapter buy the mana provided by Chemtech becomes negligible however the lower cost and ability haste would more than make up for it correct?

    submitted by /u/Ziadaddy
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    Is this Fiddlesticks jungle path still possible?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    I've spent around 2 hours now trying to practice this jungle path as fiddlesticks (2:42) but am yet to even get past the first part. I follow exactly the instructions in the video and beat wolves, but am then unable to beat gronk and bluebuff since I am always on incredibly low health after killing the wolves. It seems in the video that there is some sort of burst healing after beating wolves other than drain. Is this some item or spell I'm not using? Could I be doing something wrong or has something changed making this route impossible now. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)


    submitted by /u/TopDeckingLeeroy
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    Can Lillia be played in top lane?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST


    I am looking for an AP top laner. Since my main choice of AP top laners Mordekaiser kind of sucks right now & Kayle scales too slowly. I though about Lillia top since when Lillia was released I saw her being played top quite a bit and ngl, I was really pissed when I played vs her since I play Garen, Darius, Sett, Renekton & Fiora.

    If I wanted to play Lillia top, how would I go about playing lane phase and where could I find players who play her in top lane, since when I look up op.gg It's jungle Lillia.

    submitted by /u/SleepyLabrador
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    Which games do you dodge?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:15 AM PST


    I'm a low Gold player. Only been playing since start of Season 10. One tricking Nasus at the moment and always looking to improve my game and climb. Objective this season is to get to Plat. I usually play 3-4 games per day and have been utilising dodging in an attempt to climb higher.

    My current dodge criteria is if any one of the following occurs -

    1. Banning or picking Nasus (I'm not proficient enough in any other champ)
    2. Two or more autofills on my team, especially jungle or mid lane
    3. Lower than 40% win rate anyone on my team except support

    I feel like I'm dodging games which are nearly certain losses with that criteria.

    Is there anything you would add? What do you look for when making decisions to dodge?

    submitted by /u/Dirtyden13
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    How to deal more damage as ADC?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:24 PM PST

    So I'm trying to learn ADC and although my laning phase is pretty good, I fall off a lot post-15 minutes. My damage is pretty consistently below 10k and I wanna get it up to acceptable levels, but I'm finding it hard because I don't really know how to do that since I get popped so easily.

    If you wanna op.gg me, my IGN is MinoruKR. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kakusei_zero
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    How do I lane against strong engagers in botlane?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:18 PM PST

    I find myself often losing to engage supports that can just zone me from minions and then dive me pretty easily. For example today I played a game with Ashe and a swain support against Samira and rell. Every time I wanted to get closer to the minions to farm, rell would just cc me and Samira would follow up until my death, or if the wave crashed they could just dive me and kill me with almost 0 repercussions. This often happens especially when my support can't counter engage. What should I do to farm safely in these situations? Thanks for helping out a newbie :D

    submitted by /u/OrangeBowtie_
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    Is ghost poro good ?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:18 PM PST

    When going the domination tree why does all build recommend taking the eyeball collection ?

    I have been trying ghost poro and i really love it for the extra vision it gives plus the pings when it spots an enemy I like placing a ward in enemy jungle which will ping and showthe whole team that he is there doing this camp

    Also in midlane it makes me really hard to gank because i have a ward a ghost poro and a control ward

    I haven't used zombie ward before so i don't know much about it

    submitted by /u/atgyt
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    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:19 AM PST

    How do you guys not tilt when learning new champs or trying to learn more about champs you have played? This year I want to be more disaplined with my champ pool in ranked but tend to win the first few games on the champ I want to play then lose a few and blame the champ. How do you guys best avoid this action and stick to the champ?

    submitted by /u/Dlegge121
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    Little montage of thresh plays + 15 seconds of explanation

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I made this little montage video of nice plays with mainly thresh I got during my streams. I also explain at the beginning how I try to predict dodges and pretty much every little clip just puts emphasise on it. I'll gladly take any costructive critiques since I'm trying to improve myself as a person and content creator.


    submitted by /u/iam_a_triangle
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    10 Tips for Vayne Players

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Hey there, last time we covered the ADC laning phase (if you missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/klms1z/complete_lane_phase_guide_for_adc_players/ ) , and today I got some Vayne knowledge for you. As usual, I made a text version of the guide and also a video version if you prefer watching over reading.

    Video guide: CANNOT LINK HERE. Mods took down this post before, as they want to stop me from "self-promoting" when all I'm doing is giving you another option if you don't feel like reading. The full value is there in the post, but I still get treated like a link-dumper smh /rant Well, I'm sorry they took that option away from us. I'll still share my knowledge with you of course <3

    Text version (works entirely without the video if you have a good imagination and some game knowledge):

    Tip number 1:

    You can activate Flash during your Condemn's cast animation, which allows you to drastically alter your E's knockback angle in the very last moment. This makes it impossible for your unsuspecting enemies to avoid the stun on reaction, if you use this trick to quickly align yourself with terrain. Keep in mind that Condemn also works with champion made terrain such as Anivia's W or Jarvan's ultimate.

    Tip number 2:

    You can use Condemn to out-prioritize enemy movement commands. This means Vayne's E straight up beats gap closers such as Rengar's ultimate, Tristana's W, Zac's E, and many more. So, whenever an enemy jumps onto you, just Condemn them away. This trick also hard counters Blast Cones, because enemies trying to use them are already next to a wall which then leads to a guaranteed stun for you. Keep in mind, though, that some abilities (such as Malphite's ultimate) are unstoppable, so your E cannot counter them.

    Tip number 3:

    Vayne's Q resets your basic attack timer, but Vayne cannot resume auto attacking until her Tumble animation is completed. However, you can drastically shorten the animation by standing close to a wall and tumbling into it, which then causes your next basic attack to fire instantly. You should use this trick while taking objectives such as Dragon or Baron, or simply while duelling, as it increases your overall damage output.

    Tip number 4:

    Your enemies can easily react to the threat of your E, as the Condemn animation differs considerably from your basic attack animation. When you activate Vayne's ultimate, though, her attack animation and her Condemn look exactly the same. So, if you use E now and time it like a basic attack, you can stun your enemy without allowing them to react to the animation at all.

    Tip number 5:

    The stealth Vayne gets from her Q during ultimate is not broken by using Flash. Therefore, you can use this combo to engage on an unsuspecting target and assassinate them, or simply to get in a better position while team fighting.

    Tip number 6:

    Your Condemn always stuns for exactly 1.5 seconds when you pin an enemy to a wall. However, your enemies are already immobilized during the knockback animation, and the actual stun duration of the spell only starts as they connect with the wall. This means the total crowd control duration increases the longer your target is travelling through the air. At max knockback range, you lock them down for 2 full seconds, which effectively is a 33% increased stun duration. While remembering to apply this knowledge, though, please always make sure your target is actually still close enough to a wall to get the stun in the first place.

    Tip number 7:

    When activating your Q in a fight, Vayne will automatically keep attacking the same target as before. As mentioned earlier, Q resets your basic attack timer, so you should not input any additional movement command after pressing Q until the next basic attack starts going off. Anything else would just lower your DPS.

    Tip number 8:

    When Vayne's ultimate is active, however, Vayne will in fact stop attacking automatically after you press Q to enter stealth. This is very good, because attacking would break your stealth immediately, but you can now use the full 1 second of invisibility to reposition during a team fight.

    Tip number 9:

    Vayne's E can also be used as a combo finisher, since it applies your W damage as well. For a quick burst combo, use basic attack + Q + basic attack + E. This is the fastest way to trigger your Silver Bolts and allows you to disengage if an extended skirmish looks unfavourable.

    Tip number 10:

    You can use Vayne's stealth Tumble during her ultimate to cancel enemy spells that require them to have vision of you. Since Vayne enters stealth instantly when you press Q, you can do this on reaction as you see the enemy's cast animation. This trick works against some really impactful spells such as Mordekaiser's or Darius' ultimate, but not against everything. Therefore, knowing your match ups and how your opponent's abilities work is crucial here.

    GLHF and happy climbing! :)

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    Silver Jungler Here - When should I stop worrying about farm and go to team fighting?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:31 AM PST


    So I've been in S4-S2 all last season and got placed S4 this season. My early game is great for my rank (I like to think) and I path starting from outside and towards middle lane to look for gank and if no gank then I go back to pathing for farm then look for gank top or bot depending where I am then repeat. But I feel like I fall way off middle to late game because I focus to much on farm. I usually end the game with WAY more farm then the enemy team or anyone on my team.. I always thought that was great but just dawned on me that I'm not really using my early game lead to our advantage? Also if I stop pathing/farming to help team I feel like I still fall off. Maybe I'm focusing on wrong things mid/late game?

    submitted by /u/Gabella19
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    What functions do you assign to your mouse side-keys?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:00 PM PST

    Hi! I recently got a fancy gaming keyboard/mouse setup and have no clue what to assign to the 2 keys on the thumb hold of my mouse (Razer Deathadder if you're curious). I tried wards, emote wheel, assist me, and they all feel clunky to use midgame.

    Currently I have them set for "Enemy has vision here" and "fall back" pings. What do other people use them for???

    submitted by /u/SquirrelSanctuary
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    Bortk interactions with form change champions

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:14 PM PST

    How does blade of the ruined king interact with champions like Jayce, Nidalee, and Gnar? For example, if Gnar turns mega, will blade of the ruined king do more damage since he's melee? What about for Runes like fleet footwork which was nerfed for ranged champions?

    submitted by /u/Miiiukz
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    How to play againsta atrox as an adc

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:57 AM PST

    Im in silver right now and I lost a game that was almos won bcz atrox just q´ed his way to me in every team fight. Sometimes he even used tp to teleport behind the front line and catch me from the back. I felt so frustrated that i couldnt do nothing. And in this elo i cant trust my team to peel me.

    What should i do? I couldnt kite him, he only needed to land one q and it was over.

    I dont want to perma ban him in my games so I really ask for advice to deal with this champ in this particular situation.

    submitted by /u/aardea
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