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    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    LoL Guide Dodging tip that will save your MMR

    LoL Guide Dodging tip that will save your MMR

    Dodging tip that will save your MMR

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:10 AM PST

    When you dodge for the first time, it's a 6 minute timer and -3lp. If you dodge a second time in a row, it's 30 minutes and -10lp. However, if you play a game after the first dodge, you can dodge again and the timer will be only 6 minutes but -10lp.

    This means you can dodge as many times as you want in a day without incurring huge timer penalties as long as you play a game after your first dodge. Only CONSECUTIVE dodges incur a 30 minute penalty.

    submitted by /u/dnkdnkdnkdn
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    how do i stop dying

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    hi, im new to the game lvl 7 now

    but i sometimes play against people that kill me in one hit from where i cant even see. and i cant do anything because when i respawn theyre waiting for me to kill me again and again

    and people call me names and say to report me

    i dont want to be banned

    submitted by /u/LeahAnderson2010
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    Is my Coach inting? - Draft analysis

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:38 AM PST

    I've automated champion select analysis for professional games.

    The model reviews only the 10 champions locked in, and predicts a winner.

    The model has been used extensively. Trained off of high elo SoloQ data. Validated in S10 playoffs (66% accuracy). Validated at Worlds (58% accuracy).

    And for S11, currently 154 matches, it's at 64% accuracy, for LCS/LEC/LCK/LPL.

    Top 3 and bottom 3 drafters: (please use this link - having trouble making the table: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/l43194/draft_analysis_is_my_coach_inting/)

    or visit the below link and click the button.

    TLDR - 100T, G2, DWG doing well. TSM, Fnatic, and Top Esports doing badly.

    Points are generated when there is a statistically significant counterpick between opposing team champions. Or statistically significant synergy between same team champions.

    You can experiment with the tool here: https://mcowling.com/demo

    Where you can view the full table by clicking the 'Is my Coach inting?' button.

    For Drafts you can also: Evaluate it, Explain the results, Recommend champions, Explain the recommendation, Show Meta Picks, Show Blind Picks. This may be useful for something like Clash!

    If you would like a region/competition added to the table, let me know.

    Happy to answer any questions.

    submitted by /u/Cwlrs
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    Switching from ADC to MID

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST

    So right now I'm an adc main and I'm still having fun sometimes. But I've tried out playing some Midlane and even in the games where I don't play as well I'm still having a blast. So my question is. What tips would you give and ADC main switching to mid? Are there any specific things that carry over. Are there things I need to look out in that role?

    I appreciate every tip :)

    submitted by /u/Timmmmmey
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    Want to stop flaming, but you find it hard to control yourself? I might have a solution for you...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:39 AM PST

    Recently I got a chat restriction for letting out too much anger after some time of playing league.
    I already got one of my accounts banned, and I didn't want to risk getting banned again, knowing how "explosive" I can be, and how I sometimes struggle with not saying something toxic.

    There's nothing wrong with getting angry, what's wrong, is pouring it out in the chat - thus only making the experience worse for everyone in your team (or the enemy) and for yourself.

    I found a simple solution, with a software called "PhraseExpress".
    Usually the program is used to correct spelling mistakes, but it can easily be used to remove/change the words we type in the League chat.
    Basically, in the program we type in any words that we want to replace with a blank space or another word/sentence.
    When the program notices that you typed in a word that you "banned" it will automatically replace it.
    I made a simple tutorial on how to set it up here.

    And here's the site where you can download the program https://www.phraseexpress.com/download/

    I really hope, that anyone toxic (including myself) can become a better teammate with the use of this program, and maybe start controlling the toxicity more.

    submitted by /u/miko81
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    how do I get better without making the game the center of my life?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 01:08 PM PST

    league is my favourite game. I am still 21 and I knew league ever since I was 14. I am still kinda bad at the game, with on and off over the years. Every season I try to work hard on my rank I just play for a month or two, get high silver/low gold and then quit.

    I don't want to be pro, I am not planning on becoming a streamer/youtuber/coach but something I wouldn't mind doing. I just want to be better at something I enjoy without having to cut back on other important things in my life. I have a responsibility to make money, a responsibility to study and a responsibility to better myself in general in more important areas in life. But I also want to be better at this game.

    How can I do that?

    submitted by /u/D4R3S1N
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    Just started watching proplay casting had a few questions about drafts

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:31 PM PST

    First of all, what do they look for in drafts? I'm guessing it's for some sort of synergy right? Like Galio-Camille for example, where they can guarantee a knockup. This is speculation but I'm thinking you wouldn't pick leesin if there's an alistar because he does exactly what leesin does but is tankier and is on a lower cd (pushing high priority targets into your own team).

    Second I main nidalee and evelynn and I play drafts with a group of friends, so I was wondering when they are good (into what comp and with what). I know that nidalee is often picked and eve not so much but why one picked so much more than the other? I'm guessing it's because of high damage but evelynn has high damage too, maybe even more, but at the cost of a bad early game.

    What I really wanna know is how to draft correctly because so many people say that entire games are lost on draft phase and I don't understand how.

    submitted by /u/Immortal_f_art
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    Freezing at tier 2s and one

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:57 PM PST

    I sometimes find myself behind in games as every does, I'm low elo silver 3 because I simply don't play ranked often enough but in these ranks people do not farm so they do not push waves back, this means I'm forced to way overextend in order to farm and theres no way I can bounce the wave back cuz it's too far. How can I freeze and farm further back ? Maybe sit at my tier 2 and get back in the game ?

    submitted by /u/Wolf_Upbeat
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    Yone vs ranged matchups in mid lane

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    So this season I decided to try and main mid lane. This has led me to play quite a bit of Yone (I know, I should be ashamed of myself), but I am absolutely garbage at playing him. It usually results in me either coming out of lane behind or having fed the enemy. The problem is me being unable to play against ranged champions that abuse Yone's melee status by relentlessly poking me down in the early game. This happens a lot when I face control mages such as Cassio, Anivia, etc. and I genuinely wonder how to play these matchups properly as Yone. I suppose I am also looking for Yone tips in general regarding laning, as I know what I need to work on teamfight wise.

    submitted by /u/presidentgarf
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    Getting a drake alone

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST

    I've been playing lots of evelynn jungle recently. I started out pretty bad but now I would call myself decent at it. Most of my problems are not from evelynn but just jungling in general. For example, sometimes I'll gank and even ping but the bot lane will just watch me die instead of joining in, and evelynn certainly can't 2v1. I swear it's always bot lane lmao. Secondly: getting the drake before the other jungler. The only drake I can do alone first is the inferno one. Other than that I need at least one of the laners to help so I'm not leaving with like 10 health or dying. Sometimes laners are busy leading to the enemy jungler just doing it alone. Tips for solo-ing the drakes?

    submitted by /u/honeymintyx
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    How do I handle a ranged top laner as a melee?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:25 AM PST

    I recently played a flex game last night with my friends, and first picked Sett. (I only really am comfortable playing Sett & Garen) I was then counter picked with a Vayne.

    I played as safe as I could and when she froze the lane, at least tried to stay in EXP range. Eventually her farming just meant she kept getting items while I was struggling and her auto range meant she could take my towers even with me stood under them. Occasionally her jungler Rammus would help her dive me too.

    I eventually managed to buy stridebreakerbut by then she was too strong for me to even think about contesting. My jungler pinged me multiple times at the end as if to say this was my fault but I'm really not sure how else I could have played this.

    TL;DR I just want to know how to handle ranged top laners as a melee.

    submitted by /u/RazorSharpNuts
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    Tips against lvl 200 solo-carries in low lvl matches?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    How do you play against a highly skilled player in a otherwise lackluster game? Me and my friends started tonplay League together as a full squad and are around lvl 15 with one being slightly better but no uber-god. We know each other personally and communicate over voice chat, so I'd say we might be above average regarding macro at our skill level. We are able to decide many matches because we take objectives smartly and generally cordinate our plays well.

    Nevertheless, there is one thing which costs us the game most of the time: The occaisonal uber-god who plays with his lvl 10 pals. So my question is, how do you adhust your play to prevent those players from capitalizing on their much higher skill level? I feel like those players often play jungle to control the whole map on their own or pick a tank/bruiser who gets really nasty in mid/late teamfights. One time we simply just left everytime a fed Darius showed up and it was very satisfying to see it work. But not every situation allows this, e. g. whe the whole enemy team pushes mid into your base. It just diesn't feel good to loose to a team with one 25/2/10 and four 2/8/2's for example. Sometime we even have more overall kills but can't capitalize on it.

    What are your tricks to even the odds in such cases?

    submitted by /u/Rayspekt
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    How to recover from being levels behind your enemy?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:39 AM PST

    One of my biggest flaws as a player is that I don't know what to do when i'm behind. Let's take as an example a game I had today. Picked Fizz against a Neeko, killed her level 3. Started the game with good feelings. Over the next minutes I made some mechanical mistakes and died because of her 3 times. Neeko was level 11 while I was 8. As Fizz, I have to be ahead to impact on the game, and if I am not ahead, I am a minion the rest of the game. My mistakes and the pain of laning against a Neeko made me mad and played even worse. And because of being 3 levels behind Neeko, I couldnt afford roaming because the level distance would have grown even more. So, in this situations, what should I do to recover exp and gold to return to the game? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/VoyVolao
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    Can someone please tell me how Seraphine's stacks work

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:17 PM PST

    "Seraphine's abilities grant a Note to her and all nearby allied 📷 champions. Notes last 6 seconds and only 4 of them can be active on a unit at a time. The duration of Notes refreshes on Seraphine's subsequent ability casts when the holder is within Harmony's aura or is hit by 📷 Encore. Seraphine's basic attacks while any amount of Notes are active gain 📷 25 bonus attack range per Note and fire all of them at the target, dealing them 5 − 20 (based on level) (+ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9% (based on level) AP) magic damage for each Note discharged. "

    This is a little confusing to me, it says only 4 of them can be active, but I heard you can get up to 20 stacks. What has to happen to get up to 20 stacks?


    submitted by /u/Sapo7777
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    Would i get punished for using things like porofessor or the mobalytics overlay?/ do they count as cheating?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Do they count as third party software? on the mobalytics site it says it's RiotGames compliant and won't result in a ban - but when i look at Riot's stance on third party applications it says: "No software should interfere directly with the in-game player experience, from when you press play to the end-of-game screen". it also mentions "altering your field of intelligence".

    submitted by /u/chronic_solitude
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    how do I find my main champion?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:44 PM PST

    I've played almost everything during my lol run. and I don't mean played as in more than 5 games each champion. I always just pick the meta or whoever I feel like playing. I used to love playing Lee Sin but he is not great now, my internet is unstable 60-100 ms and I kinda lose interest. I am not sure who I want to main to get me to diamond. I am not thinking 1 trick I just want a chmapion that I always feel comfortable with, how can I find this champion?

    submitted by /u/D4R3S1N
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    How do I get better at midlane when the enemy is always better than me?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:32 PM PST

    Whenever I try to play midlane I either get rolled by people a simular level as me or higher, even people lower levels still beats me I'm level 29. Neeko is my main champion but everytime I try playing league I always get killed, out farmed or some other lane wins. I want to know how I can get better at this game without wanting to quit after every game I play whether I win or lose.

    submitted by /u/xGray4
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    Should I swap roles top - > adc or mid

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:55 AM PST

    Hi I'm a silver IV top lane main and season 11 hasn't been too kind to me so far. I have a 26% winrate in ranked with an average kda of 5.5/4.3/3.9 on leagueofgraphs. I have less and less motivation for climbing this season and the games haven't even been fun since most of them were a total stomp where I had to 2v1 while my mid and bot had 10 deaths per player at the end of each game.

    Meanwhile when I'm playing adc I feel like I have so much more impact and I'm beginning to find the role more fun than top and in the games adc that I play I have a higher winrate, farm and kda. I also have been playing a bit of midlane with some unpopular picks like Sett mid (my toplane champion since release).

    So should I swap roles after 1,5 year of maining top? I still very much enjoy the role but I'm just no it having as much success.

    submitted by /u/MauTheAlphano1
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    Great high elo gameplay by Nemesis with live commentary and highlighted points - shows thinking process and gives great tips on how to play the laning phase and push lead as Tristana.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:49 AM PST

    I think this video belongs here for several reasons:

    1. Nemesis explains really well what he wants to do and how to achieve these things
    2. Gives also tips for the jungler who missed a lot of ganking opportunity in mid - especially that enemy champion is very prone to ganks and dives early (Kassadin). Nemesis keeps the pressure on Kassadin on most of the game and evades dying to ganks, therefore creating an opportunity to make a lead.
    3. Shows situations that you should NOT go and roam to another lane - a low chance roam is not worth losing farm.
    4. It is really great to see how Tristana is positioned in the lane to keep the pressure on Kassadin - Nemesis constantly threatens single autoattack poke or all-in
    5. He admits when he screws up


    submitted by /u/hiimbr
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    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    why isnt there a solo queue and then a duo/ trio queue? solo queue is significantly harder and i find that its a very different playstyle when u have someone to talk to, i find myself soloqing against 2 duos that can co-ordinate and trying to play a high mobility assasin like camille, its harder to catch people off solo

    submitted by /u/Wolf_Upbeat
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    I'ts 10 minutes into the game. Enemy yi is fed 5/0 already. What do I do?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:21 AM PST

    I play squishy support like Nami or Serpahine or Soraka. We go even in the botlane. Midlane is doing so-so and toplane is ok. But enemy jungler goes 5/0 killing our jungler twice already. Whenevr I leave base I just die to yi even if I'm surrounded by allies. He just clicks me and I'm deleted. What can I do? How do I play from here?

    submitted by /u/szczebrzeszyszynka
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    How do I get back up to speed after not playing as much lately?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Hey, so I've got university going for me and I don't have as much time for league as I used to have and honestly whenever I go ranked I just get my face kicked in. It's kinda depressing to get hard stomped in every game in D4 when I was doing okayish in D1 last season. Is there anything I can do with my limited time or is it time for me to just go back to normals so I'm not a hindrance to my team's LP?

    submitted by /u/DankSuo
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