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    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    LoL Guide To all Low Elo players that have an Ivern on your team

    LoL Guide To all Low Elo players that have an Ivern on your team

    To all Low Elo players that have an Ivern on your team

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Please know that you can click on enemies that Ivern rooted to rush right to them.

    I can't tell you how many times I've rooted an enemy for an easy gank but my teammate did not know they could click on the enemy and go straight to them.

    It is one of the most effective ganking abilities in the game and I've realized a lot of players do not even know about this

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Three Mechanical Concepts for better Teamfighting

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    A lot of people seem to think that getting better mechanics is purely limited by time spent in the game. We know that's not true because there are players that have played League for years that have terrible mechanics and players who started 6 months ago with amazing mechanics. Here are three concepts that a lot of players with bad mechanics don't understand. Thinking about them more (with a post it note above your computer) can help you on many champions.

    1. Stack rolling. This applies to many champions, including all conqueror champs, Hecarim, Irelia, Draven, Lillia, Mordekaiser, Graves, Samira, Jax, etc. A lot of times I see low elo players drop stacks of their passive or conqueror without thinking about it. The easiest way to explain this is with Draven's axes. If he doesn't hit something every 5 seconds, he will stop spinning an axe, so it's very common to see Draven players auto attacking everything as they walk through the jungle to keep their stacks up. When you're teamfighting and have conqueror or passive stacks, there are natural chase/flee portions of the teamfight where it's very common to see players drop stacks. Keeping this in mind will help you win more teamfights, and thus more games. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a silver Graves ignore shooting a scrying bloom on the way to a teamfight when doing so would have let them enter the teamfight with 7 stacks of their passive and a bonus 126 armor.
    2. CC Bunkering. This is a term that pro players use sometime when playing carries in soloqueue. This means that when a teamfight starts, undisciplined players will panic and dump their full broadside of CC into the teamfight, giving you 8-12 seconds of space to deal damage before the rotations come up again. To bunker CC, stay out of vision or behind tanks until the most dangerous cc (Galio R, Leona combo, Zac R, Alistar combo, etc.) If the first round of CC doesn't completely win the teamfight, then players often will blow their cooldowns the second they refresh, leading to more and more disorganized CC at the middle and end of a teamfight. This is why in montages you can see an Akali, Yi, or Irelia dashing around without anyone CC'ing them. The CC was wasted and now they're free to get as many kills as possible before the cooldowns come back up. It's important to not waste this time hesitating though. When you see big CC blown, that's your window to dive.
    3. Fake Engages. This is used to get big, long cooldowns blown before a fight. A lot of players play teamfights like all or nothing. They go "oh, we're fighting now," and just GO. This can be a problem for massive teamfight winning ults like Diana, Tryndamere, Fiddlesticks, Aatrox, Illaoi, Renekton, Hecarim etc. The way to do this is to bait a teamfight by using CC on an enemy with a big ult to bait them into using it. For example, almost every aatrox when CC'd near an enemy team will immediately pop World Ender and go for it. That's when you ping the team to disengage and just wait for it to end. A lot of players will just try to fight them through it when many of those ults are designed to not be fought through. This leads to a Fiddlesticks or Illaoi pentakill when the easiest answer was just tricking them into using it with CC or the beginning of an all-in and walking away. This is especially easy to do as a melee carry or tank. Think of it like poking a water mine in old games. The mine flashes and explodes, and then you can move on.
    submitted by /u/dnkdnkdnkdn
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    How to counter getting frozen on in a doomed weak lane if your jungler doesn't help

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    Example: Playing Fizz vs Lucian or most melee top vs Lucian/Kennen/Karma/Vayne/Jayce early etc.

    What's the counterplay if enemy slow pushes level 1 and you can't counterpush to stop the crash and then freezes when the wave slow pushes back into him (or level 1 pulls the wave in top) if your jungler won't help crash the wave? I do this as often as I can and the only counterplay that I've seen someone do it is too have his team 2-3 man me, if they don't I've had games where I've had anything from 30 to 120 cs leads at 15 minutes or making them straight up rage quit.

    I get that in most matchups there is *some* stage at which you can turn it around, E.G level 6 Fizz can all in Lucian if he didn't take barrier/exhaust, but there's ways to play around that, E.G crashing the broken wave before fizz hits 6 then recalling and having such a massive item advantage that you can survive / win the all in, generally speaking if you have that much early control and that strong of a freeze you'll have zoned them from some exp and youll hit 6 first etc etc.

    Genuine question, not me 'bitching because I lost' because my jungler eventually came 10 minutes in (I think cs was like 25 vs 90 at that point), got me an assist and lucian finished the game 2/9/1 with me solo killing him 3 times because I got seekers (what a fucking disgustingly broken item this is btw <--- that's me bitching, even when I abuse it), but its my first time playing against someone who actually knows how to manage a lane like that and I wanna know the counterplay to it incase someone does it again.

    submitted by /u/Wolf_927
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    Does it matter which support is played with which Adc?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

    So, I'm curious if it makes a big difference what support I play with what Adc. I'm mostly playing either Rakan, Neeko, Senna and Lulu and my Adc is playing Xayah, Tristana, Kai'sa and Vayne mostly. So, I already know that Rakan is probably the best choice for Xayah, but with the rest I have no idea. Can you guys maybe give me some advice?

    submitted by /u/Kurooo_
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    Is it normal for a macro heavy high elo player to struggle in low elo?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    I'm a diamond 3 top/adc main. Compared to players at my elo my mechanics are pretty below average, but I'm able to get this rank because to my knowledge my macro is pretty good.

    The issue is if I get placed in low elo at the beginning of a season I really struggle to get back to my real rank. I struggle in high gold/low plat for a hundred games until I get higher elo and I'm able to win more games. Once I hit play 1/diamond 4 games become WAY easier to win. I have a higher winrate in plat 1/diamond 4 than in something like plat 4. Struggling to win at these low ranks kills my mental and makes me think I'm a diamond 3 because I'm boosted and get lucky. I play a lot of splitpush/roam champions such as Camille, sion and nasus.

    Is this normal for a player like me or am I lacking something that is fundamental at these lower ranks?

    submitted by /u/therocks41
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    Can I be good at League even if I'm a slow thinker?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:41 PM PST

    So Im a pretty average person in terms of intelligence. I think decently smart and always had a lot of ease and very good grades in subjects like mathematics and calculations and still do. My problem is I'm a very slow thinker. It takes me a while to understand something but when I do, I understand it completely. So the point of this post was that I feel like it's a big disadvantage and really blocks me when playing and trying to climb. Most of the time I can't quickly think of a solution, when something happens I can rarely think of an outplay in time. I'm just a naturally slow thinker. Im sure a lot of players are like me, how did you deal with it and what tricks or champions do you recommend for people like me?

    submitted by /u/Firm_Philosophy_3814
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    Getting overwhelmed and I’m thinking about quitting

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:48 AM PST

    When I was watching tutorials on league, like I usually do I just came to the realization about how much there is on this game, even things as simple as what side tunes you go can change things drastically, are they going demolish? Better defend my towers more, are they going ravenous well better watch out after they kill all 5 of you. The point is there's just so much and I'm getting overwhelmed. I even play the so called "easy" role and there's just too much I can't take it. Do you guys have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Little_Macs_Recovery
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    The easiest tip to stop dying to ganks

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:45 PM PST

    Are you a laner that finds themselves dying to ganks too much? Getting camped? This one tip will reduce this and help you not tilt from getting ganked by jgler. PLAY JUNGLE. No seriously, play jungle. Put in a bit of time to jungle and you will find that pathing is very predictable and it is quite easy to avoid ganks as well as to know when to ward, where to ward, and which side to hover (mid). I am a plat 2 peak jungler and am the starting jungle on my schools varsity esports team and every time I get filled lane, I can very easily avoid ganks and actually place good wards that matter because I understand pathing and tracking the jungler.

    Here is an example, you are blue side (bottom left corner) playing top lane against a Nunu jungle and your laner comes to lane right away and you see bot lane come late to lane meaning you know Nunu started bot side. She can do one of two things she can either do blue and level 2 gank bot or mid with snowball, or she clears up to you and will contest the top crab around 3:00-3:15. Knowing this, you don't have to ward early and can save your ward for around 2:30-2:45. You can also play a little safe around 3 minutes because you know Nunu will be coming topside soon.

    Here is another example, you are blue side (bottom left corner) playing bot lane against a Kayn jungle and your laner comes to lane right away and so does their top laner. Now you think okay where the f did he start. Well, if you play Kayn jungle, you know he can almost start anywhere, but leashless, he will most likely start raptors and do a full clear towards bot to contest the bot crab. Some Kayns that have more experience might do a wolves into raps red krugs back go to blue and gank bot and contest bot crab. Either way, he will be at the bot crab when it spawns. Knowing this, you can ward around 2:45-3:00 minutes. A good ward against Kayn is over the river wall right by the tri bush next to their tower because he usually uses e (the ability that lets him go through walls) over the big wall to gank. You can also check his runes and see if he has conqueror or dark harvest. If he has conqueror he is going red form and will prioritize lanes that have melee champs to gank so he can get red orbs. If he has dark harvest, he will be going blue form and will be ganking lanes that have ranged champions for blue orbs. Knowing this information can help you play safe if you are the only lane that has the champions he needs to hit for his specific form.

    submitted by /u/jimmessi
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    How to help the JG as mid during invade

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:49 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a mid-main wandering about silver and gold the past couple of seasons. I recently played a game as malz against a smurf kindred and our jg was yi. The enemy kindred invaded yi early and got a quick kill, and continued to invade our jg to kill yi over and over again. We obviously lost, and there were times I tried to help by walking over to yi to protect him. However, this was way after kindred had already gotten too many kills and could 1v2 us eventually. I'm wondering what a mid laner can do to follow up in these scenarios, as I'm always worried that I would be too behind on farm. How do we play around the trade offs of helping our jg while farming?

    submitted by /u/strawberrytiramisu
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    Do runes affect summoner spells?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:39 PM PST

    I was wondering if the runes you ran affected the way your summoner spells affect you as well?

    Would something like Barrier proc your Shield Bash (do extra damage when you get a shield) if you were running Resolve? Or something like Revitalize (increased heal and shields) meant that when you got healed with Heal (the summoner spell) would you get increased healing? Someone told me summoners don't apply with your runes, something like a special exception and I'm just wondering if that's actually the case. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/CaptainSwaggin420
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    How do placement matches even work???

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    So I started playing last season ended silver 3/4.

    I always play with a friend of mine and we did all placement matches together. we won 9 out of 10 and of those 9 wins we always carried, multiple quadra's and I even got a penta and for some reason, we still end up in Bronze 2/1... How???

    We clearly showed that we were better than bronze elo...

    So is there any reason this is the way it is or?? because I don't really understand it at all and it's quite annoying to climb again.

    submitted by /u/traitoooor
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    Getting triggered by Friends

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:08 AM PST

    Basically I find myself, when i play with friends, in a weird triggered state sometimes.

    I love playing with them and have fun. They are better then me at the game and i know this. They have better game knowledge, a wider champ pool and know how to properly, most of the time, to play the game.

    But sometimes when i play with them, and dont win my lane, i get triggered. I get annoyed by them, i dont want them to come to my lane and gank or just help. Its stupid from the side but i just feel so depressed inside. I dont want the feeling of getting carried by them, it makes me feel even more useless. I dont even feel like i play the game in that moment. As if i just sit in the back and they all do the work and im a minion chilling in base.

    And hearing them in Vc having fun just adds to that feeling of anger in that moment. I dont have fun getting carried every game because i know im not good enough or useless. And when I just mute myself in that moment, since i dont want to let my anger out on them, its not their fault after all. They ask why i dont enjoy playing with them. But when i talk you definetly hear the depressing tone and that im not having fun.

    How can i cope with this better ? Or does anyone had the same problem. I just want to have fun but dont feel so useless.

    submitted by /u/PornstarShrimp
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    When to buy Dark Seal?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:16 AM PST

    Whenever I play certain champs like Viktor, early leads are pretty easy for me to snowball into. That's why I was considering that Dark Seal would help me do this significantly better. I know that often times, some players buy Dark Seal when they back and don't have enough gold for a full item like lost chapter. Of course, I see that if you're ahead Dark Seal would be a good buy. However, I'm not sure on the "timing" of when to buy Dark Seal. Is it purely when you back and don't have enough gold for it, then you serendipitiously snowball, or when you feel confident that you can snowball, do you buy Dark Seal? I personally felt that I'd rather save the gold for me to buy my core items, but I feel like Mejai's can help me snowball much harder when needed.

    TL;DR: When is the ideal time/situation to buy Dark Seal (Mejai's)

    submitted by /u/collegiateactions
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    Tips for ADC farming towards the Mid-Late game

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I've fairly recently switched from jungle to ADC for this ranked reason and I wanted to ask what are some tips for farming once the main laning phase is over. I play Jinx and I feel like once the lanes begin to break away I have a hard time keeping my CS up. I average 5.7 cs per minute but I want to try and get that number above 6 every game. I understand side lanes and some jungle camps are good but I don't always feel comfortable farming side lanes as the enemy can colapse on me fairly easily. Username is TheB3rry on NA if you want to check out OP.gg or anything

    submitted by /u/Pndaexpresso
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    Basic Kha'Zix Jungle Clear Guide

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    Hey guys i offer you my basic Kha'Zix Routes

    Video version is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lu00fxDjIA

    However if you currently are unable to watch here is the simplified text version

    • First Route is red to blue clear as a 5 camp

    Start with attacking red buff and immediately use your Q on it while starting to kite it towards raptors. Kite 3 of your auto attacks for 2 of a buff monster. Weave in your Q whenever it is on Cooldown for a faster clear.

    After killing Red buff you take a level in W and attack the raptor camp. Ideally start with the big one and use your Q in the center of it to hit all of the little chickens to proc jungle item that heals you for each tick, keeping you alive at raptors.

    Keep hitting the big Raptor with autos and your Q and kite to minimize damage against them.

    After 2nd W you can finish the camp and let the big raptor bleed out in mid lane. Making you a little faster

    Walk over to wolves auto the big one and use W to apply your jungle item then hit the smaller wolves with Q or AA 2 times each in order to set them up for the kill with the 2nd W.

    Kite the big wolf over to blue buff finishing it off with your jungler burn in the brush of it.

    Now you start blue buff and kite it towards gromp.

    Caution is advised to not aggro gromp to early as your clear isnt as healthy as Nunu for Example. Aggro Gromp with smite and keep attacking blue buff but set them up together for the double hit with W Finish off Blue buff, Skill Q level 2 afterwards finish gromp by simply using autoattacks Q and W.

    This can go down to 3:08.

    • Blue to Red:

    Start Blue with auto Q and 2 other Auto attacks. Kite blue buff over to gromp while maintaining 3 for 2 auto attacks were you weave in Qs whenever it is off CD and smite it when blue drops low on life. Keep hitting blue buff and give one attack to gromp to start the debuff of your jungle item on it which adds some nice dps onto it.

    After blue buff is down you take a level in W and use it immediately to heal yourself up. Either finish gromp off when aggro is about to reset or let it burn out from your jungle item.

    Walk over to the wolves starting the big one. Use W to hit all 3 of them in order to apply the jungle item. Keep hitting the big wolf but Dish out 2 hits on each of the smaller wolves in order to set them up for the kill with W. When the big bad wolf gets low on health you can start walking over to the raptor camp killing the big wolf in the midlane and taking a lvl in Q.

    At the raptor camp you start with the big chicken using Autos + Q while also hitting the entire camp with your W cnce more to heal up with the junglers passive. When W comes back up you can finish the camp and start red. For red buff you use the same pattern of 3 for 2 dont forget to use your Q and W.

    With some practice you can have a jungle clear that can go to 3:10.

    • These were done in practice tool and thus i used smite to simulate myself a pull.

    With both of these clears you are able to still contest the scuttler crab right when it spawns, however you are pretty low on health, so watch out for the enemy jungler.

    You can also do blue buff side into midlane gank, however you should skill E at level 3 to have a gap closer and you can also start Raptors into Red if you started W or even E by accident. I wouldnt recommend doing it intentionally As i took 2 points in Q you are prone to getting invaded so you should either track the enemy jungler or take a level in E to have some safety. Keep in mind if you track the enemy jungle you are also able to take a 6 camp route and still get a scuttler for yourself.

    So if there is anything else I missed out feel free to let me know.

    submitted by /u/Larrisjg
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    Content similar to Neace's coaching videos but for mages

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:03 PM PST

    I like Neace's coaching videos but I don't play top lane, mostly ap midlaners. I wanted to know if anyone knew of any good live coaching videos that fit this criteria

    Also before anyone says coach curtis, yes he is great but not really the style of video I'm looking for

    submitted by /u/revolverlolicon
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    How do you deal with the Shen matchup?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST

    Are there any good champions to fight Shen? I'm a Camile main and every time I try to trade into him he just blocks my auto attacks and deals a lot of damage with his sword. He also perma split pushes the entire game and when his team is in trouble he just ults. Any good advice for dealing with shens?

    submitted by /u/SubjectAd6903
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    Are stats pages (opgg, championgg, blitz, etc) a reliable source to know counter matchups?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:15 AM PST

    As a morde and akali main (Im pretty decent skill wise, Id say), I think know quite good who counters me and who doesnt. Well, I may just be dumb and wrong, but I strongly disagree with some of their stats. For example, apparently morde counters teemo, but in my experience when the teemo is good he just doesnt let you get close, let alone ult him. They will save their silence and ms boost until the right moment, and then they will just poke to death. They dont need shrooms, and anyways; yes, I buy oracle lenses.

    Little disclaimer, this is NOT a teemo complain (or any other champion's)

    Another example, with mord as well; apparently he counters kayle, and yeah shes easy to deal with prior lvl 6, but after that... well, shes pretty difficult to reach if they know how to play her.

    So yeah I know how they calculate counters, and Im starting to think that its not that reliable


    submitted by /u/FETU55LAYER
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    What do I pick against zed?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I play midlane D2 D3 mmr and I ban fizz every game. Whenever enemy picks zed I want to break something. I main zoe and other mages and go seekers and he just shits on me every time. I have even played full tank malph, still shits on. Just give me any champ and any build that doesnt just get shit on by zed. I have tried playing a lot of champs into him and I lose every time.

    I'm asking this question here and not in r/zedmains, because they are probably gonna be like "OMG ZED LOSES TO LITERALLY EVERY CHAMP IN THE GAME, HE IS THE WORST MIDLANER IN THE GAME!"

    Ps. zed mains please dont comment ur annoying

    submitted by /u/Gavrionis2
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    I need some advice

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:43 AM PST

    I find myself in this position very often and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I pretty much only play Sion top. Often I will either win lane or go even. I try and group with team for team fights/farm and tp in but I just feel like I get further and further behind with my enemy later just splitting all the time. I usually can't cover. What am I supposed to do?

    submitted by /u/manicmonkeyman
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    Lategame Macro as an assasin?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    When the late game arrives, i dont know what i should do as an assasin. I think i should be pushing sidelanes and not sharing too much XP, but when im playing an assasin that thrives at team fights (katarina) i dont know when i should be grouping with my team for a potential teamfight

    submitted by /u/TooBad_Vicho
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    How do you beat Urgot in lane?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST

    Hey, I was a jungle main that peaked at Diamond V during 2016, then mostly quit. In the last 4 years I'd played maybe 10-20 games total once or twice a year with friends. I picked the game back up during preseason because of the lockdown and now I'm getting back into it, with the difference that I'm learning toplane now. It kinda goes without saying that, especially outside of the jungle role, I'm not even close to the level of knowledge and mechanics that I was at back then. For the record, my most usual champs to play toplane are Gnar, Quinn and Voli.

    There's a few annoying champs regardless of matchup, for sure. But Urgot is probably the only one that ends up winning lane like 100% of the time while driving me insane. It seems like whatever approach I take he manages to get ahead somehow. Safely last-hitting, giving up minions when it's obvious he's itching for a fight, being aggressive on him, everything.

    In my eyes, he seems to have the complete package: Relative safety because of his range, dash, slow and that fuckin flip, very decent survivability, and a fuckton of constant DPS if anyone even dares to fire a neuron impulse in their brain that says "ok maybe I'll try getting close to him and fight". But putting aside the fact that I despise Urgot's guts, where's the counterplay? What should I do? Is it a matchup problem? Is there something I'm not seeing?

    submitted by /u/Ftimis
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    Can someone explain LP gains for me?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:35 PM PST

    Can somone tell me why am I getting +13 lp when my wr is 65%? I had like 8 wins in a row then 1 lose then 5 wins in a row and my lp gains in that streak has been so shit. Rn Im plat 2 and was d4 last season. I know I will get to diamond again because I had like 3 accounts in there. But why is the way so tough after I won so many games.

    submitted by /u/Daelari
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    Started season with a 70% wr (first 20 games) and now I'm in 40% wr

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    So the season started really well for me, I went 7-3 in my placements then kept on winning by abusing Pyke mid. After that me and my duo proceeded to lose a few matches. We both made some role swaps he tried jg and top and I tried bot and jg. None worked for us and went on a 0/7 streak. We were both fucked mentally but then came back swinging and went 8/0 by playing top and adc (our main roles). After that I hit my silver to gold promos. We won the first game and lost 3 in a row and since then we haven't stopped losing. Playing adc is really not fun for me due to the meta of adcs and the fact that you rely on your sup for the first 20 minutes of the game. We are in a 3-10+ losing streak and both of us aren't even going mental anymore, we just keep on playing without any purpose. We need to hit a reset button. So I thought I could grind a new champion on normals and chill for some days. I also want from myself to play as well as possible in every game. The thing is that my mid lane is really bad and I'm always getting crushed (unless I play my pyke) I want to start focusing on picks which have actual carry potential and when you put time on them they reward with some flashy plays. These two champions are Yone and Sylas. I like both playstyle-wise but as I said when in playing mid I suck at farming and trading, in getting anxious for no reason and I lose my early trades so I need some tips on how to improve my trading. Even though I have m7 on Yone I feel really bad with him although I like his playstyle. Should I take a break and start focusing on mastering these two carry picks (1 ad 1 ap) or just go back to ranked with a better mental (idk how to achieve that). Tl;dr (+ my questions): after a good start in on a losing streak. I keep on changing roles and can't decide what I want to play. I think I'm down to Yone and Sylas. Tips on mastering them and mid as a role, how to improve my mentality, is two tricking a good way to climb?, should I take a break from ranked and focus on improving as a mid laner? How to better my ruined mmr (I just get 15 and lose 15).

    submitted by /u/MalkossGRE
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