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    Sunday, November 3, 2019

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Don't aim for 10 cs/min, aim for a subconscious 6/min.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST

    One of the oldest pieces of advice I see is, "10 cs/min is what you should aim for." and there's just too many problems with that metric.

    1. It's unrealistic. Even in the highest elos you'll usually see 7-8 cs/min tops, and the games where people get 10 are so random and usually because their lane was free.

    2. It makes csing the priority, and csing should never be the priority. Objective fights, pressure, etc. should be. I've even seen some videos that tell people to ignore the fights to pick up big waves but that's exactly how you lose easy games.

    Csing isn't something you should focus on; it should be your default. When you get to lane, you focus on pressuring your opponent off minions, and you pick up cs. When you trade, you should be getting the cs naturally. When you base, tab to look at all the objectives coming up, and if there are none you go cs.

    Also, outplays are made based on knowing what the opponent needs to do and getting in position first to punish it. If you focus solely on cs, you'll misposition and take bad trades. You'll go for big waves and ignore the dragon that's coming up and your opponents will win a 4v5 because you're just that transparent. You also won't be able to do any of this to other players because you're so engrossed in the present you can't think about what's coming next.

    Instead, practice looking at the map and your teammates' positions, finding moments to punish your laner, trying to track the jungler, and pay attention to the timers on objectives; all while maintaining 6 cs/min. You're free to use practice tool to get in the habit of csing consistently, but you should immediately take it to normal games to force yourself to learn to cs under the pressure of doing all these other things.

    Remember; csing should be automatic. You shouldn't get in the habit of learning to pick up every cs. You should get in the habit of picking up cs without thinking about it.

    submitted by /u/Rock_MD
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    High elo guides with all matchups list

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:06 AM PST

    Hey /r/summonerschool!  

    Recently I came across foggedftw2's tryndamere guide which has semi-detailed matchup explanations of all champions in the game.  

    Another one that was posted here was onetrickdoge's Nasus guide which also has info about most matchups.
    Then there is Heisendong's Heimerdinger guide which has not been updated for a while but is still good.
    Those are the only ones I've been able to find so far, I think it would be cool if we could share more champion guides in this thread!
    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Sjaarboenk
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    What to do once AI gets too easy

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    So I've played a lot of coop vs AI. It only goes to intermediate and it basically feels like you can't lose now. However I'm not good enough for PVP as people often say I'm trolling, inting, etc. the thing is, I'm not, I'm just new to the game. Trying to get better. I tried playing ARAM thinking it would be more casual, but I feel even worse there because I don't always have experience with the characters I'll get at random. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Hertzagobeanja
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    Aftershock on ADC?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    I just played an autofilled game as jungle and my ADC Draven took Aftershock. I don't know if this was by accident or not but it seemed to work very well for him in team fights, and in lane as well. Their team had Rengar and Nocturne so he got jumped on a lot and he survived every time with aftershock. Is this actually viable against that type of team comp or did he just get lucky?? (Gold elo btw)

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    When to stack dorans blade as mid/top?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PST

    I saw yassuo on stream and broxah do it too on worlds, they bought at least 1 extra dorans blade. I udnerstand the stats it give are great and its a good snowball item, but you still "waste" 400gold on something that you cant upgrade later in the game, so you have to somehow get 400g of value out of it compared to a weaker item which is part of a build.

    So I feel like its kinda risky if I cant get even more ahead with it, or am I missing something here? Like if enemy laner starts playing extra safe and still can farm decently, then I will not get that 400g back compared to them.

    submitted by /u/AnduinHellscream
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    How to end a game as a splitpush comp

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:17 PM PST

    Just had a game where we had multiple strong splitpushers, and we were able to use this to get all 3 inhibs. But our comp sucked at 5v5s, so even with baron, we couldnt win a 5v5 to take down the nexus. We could go for free barons and dragons, but even with these buffs, we lost every teamfight trying to take those nexus towers. How do you end these games, when the enemies' 5v5 is sooo much stronger, but you win a 1 3 1?

    submitted by /u/MargaaMarius
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    ADCs: the CS you get (and miss) in the first 5 minutes of the game is way more important than the CS you get in the following 30 minutes

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST


    With perfect CS you can recall and buy bf sword at 4:45

    If you drop from 100% cs down to just 80% then it takes until 5:30 to get your BF sword

    This goes for every champ too. If you're playing irellia for example and your powerspike in laning phase is sheen, then getting perfect CS and recalling asap to get sheen gives you kill pressure and can probably allow you to force your opponent to either recall too early to get their component.

    submitted by /u/TothB
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    How should I "Octopus vision" in this season?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:45 AM PST

    I'm watching leaguecraft 101 videos, and one of the main things he talks about his octopus visioning, which is slowly moving vision up while denying enemy vision. But in this season, you have to choose between sweeper and wards, you can't pick sweeper and buy wards. How should I octopus?

    submitted by /u/DepHea
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    2v2 tips

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:18 AM PST

    I signed up for a little 2v2 tournament but I don't really play the game anymore in recent years. What are some good champions, combos, builds for 2v2?

    Some of the champions I've been considering are Lee Sin, Jarvan, Renekton, Caitlyn. Not sure about mages, are there any good ones for it? Like Syndra?

    submitted by /u/Ecko09
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    How to hard carry as Zyra?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:59 AM PST

    I can get very ahead playing Zyra support by being aggressive and then roaming mid. There's a few situations which I don't know how to deal with.

    1. Team is +3k ahead at 25 min but ADC or jg starts throwing by getting caught out or not being at team fights.

    2. ADC is ahead and I go roam mid when they back. Roaming mid results in an extended fight and ADC mindlessly pushes and dies in 2v1 to enemy ADC.

    3. Team wants to chase kills and dies to ambush in enemy jg.

    My other question is, when should I sell the support item? If I do that, what item should I buy if I am hard carrying? Yesterday, I had zhongya, liandry, rylai, ap boots, morello, and support item. I sold zhongya for death cap and then support item for twin shadows. I had around 900 AP. I then sold sorc for luden and kept buying elixer of iron.

    Hard stuck in silver (https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=rdtsc)

    submitted by /u/FCVAR_CLIENTDLL
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    SKT vs G2 game 3 question about Camille ult and Zhonyas

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    Hi fellow SUmmoners!

    I was watching g3, and at 30:20 into the game Camille ulted Kaisa, who used Zhonya during Cam ult, which cancelled the cage.

    My question is: at exactly 30:21 into the game, Kaisa is already golden, but the text "silenced" is visible above her head (this is from Camille ult interrupting channels, which is interpreted by a brief silence, same with Kassa q and Viktor ult initial cast, during which you cant cast any spell/use actives apart from Qss/Scimitar).

    But how is this possible? either Kaisa is silenced, therefore cant use her Zhonyas, or she tries to predict Camille ult, who then cant press r on her, since she is untargetable already.

    Am is missing anything?

    Edit: apparently Camille r and Kassa q are different despite having the same description.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    In what situation Is right to steal your jungler's camps?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST

    I play mostly top lane, and i often hear people saying like "of you want to maximise CS Just go and do Gromp or Krugs", but wouldn't i be stealing Gold and experience from the role that already gets the less?

    Also, when i push my wave, should i look to Deep Ward in the enemy jungle, or Is It something only higher elos have to Sorry about?

    submitted by /u/Gigio00
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    Name your Main; Give Some Tips for Playing as Them or Against Them!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST


    Playing AS Soraka:

    • Do not be afraid to play aggressively early in lane; especially at level 1. Very few supports can trade against Soraka's Starcall at the start of lane. It has great range and the rejuvenation buff makes trading autos very forgiving.
    • Teamfights and skirmishes are usually decided by how well you use Equinox. A well-timed silence can completely shut down an enemy dive or ensure that a locked down carry cannot escape. Plan how you intend to use it, do not burn this spell lightly.
    • Soraka's ultimate rewards players that have strong map awareness and that can anticipate damage. Do not burn your ultimate on a target that is clearly dead. Think of your ultimate as a way to by your teammates an extra second or two of life. Will that extra second or two give your teammate(s) the time to escape or turn around the play?

    Playing AGAINST Soraka:

    • Soraka is very vulnerable to enemy engage all game. Unlike other defensive enchanters like Janna or Lulu; Soraka does not have a lot of options to get away once you close the gap. Flanks and dives from multiple directions are very difficult for her.
    • Soraka thrives in short trades since she can heal anyone back up if given enough time. You either need to go all-in on her or make plays elsewhere. Her strong sustain punishes bot lanes that are afraid to commit to an engage.
    • Smart teams will protect a Soraka once you reach the later phases of the game. The key to killing her is to lockdown her carries that she is protecting. Most Soraka players will instinctively step forward to keep them alive. This makes her very vulnerable and that is your chance to burst her down!
    submitted by /u/Quacker2495
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    How to avoid feeding when behind as a melee champ?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    I play a variety of champs, and with marksmen I tend to be pretty good at playing from behind. As splitpushers like Nasus, bruisers like Vi, and assassins like Akali, though, I seem to find myself unable to interact with the enemy team without immediately dying. It feels bad to always be either the 12/2 or the 3/10 Vi, with little in between. How can I cut my losses without basically AFKing?

    submitted by /u/ennyLffeJ
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    Am i doing something wrong?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:43 PM PST

    gold 2 rengar main here, not always doing the most damage on the team regardless of outcome. my duo consistently flames me for not having the most damage done on the team, sometimes even third or fourth most but i'll go 9/2/7 in these games regardless of how much dmg was dealt. if you look at total damage dealt rather than to only champions, im by far and without a doubt the player who dealt the most. i'll have the most dmg done to turrets, objectives, enemy camps. i always look for drakes if i have bot prio and will always get herald and run it down top or mid. am i doing something wrong by my lack of dmg done to champions or does it balance it out by how much more i do on the rift in other areas? if not then how do i improve my damage? i try my best but still don't always end up on top even if i 10/1/15

    submitted by /u/thepandahut
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    Some macro questions

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:41 PM PST

    So what do you do when ur teammates don't understand macro? Im plat iv most of my games are around gold II- plat III. I play mostly adc and jg is my off role.

    Example of what I'm talking about. So, huge lead bot and first tower blood and I recall. As I'm leaving base midlaner dies so I go mid to catch wave and try to get mid prio with whatever Drake it was coming up. Midlaner respawns and instead of going bot to catch the slowpushing wave about to crash into tower he tps mid and fights me for wave then spam pings me telling me to get out of his lane. Meanwhile were losing a huge wave bot that he easily could have picked up then we have both lanes pushed and can go to drag. Instead he fights for CS mid, wastes his tp, and gets less gold and exp for both of us. We then lose bot tower as I go bot to cover bc they got there first and had a wave crashing already. They use that tempo to be first to drag and we lose it.

    Another example, again a big lead bot and first tower blood 10 mins into game. Top laner recalls at the same time me and my sup do. I tell him go bot and catch wave we'll get top prio and go to rift. Instead he follows us top (was already halfway there by the time he left the fountain so not really a point to walk back bot) and again fights me for wave. So I go to rift but jg is covering bot bc no one was there and their jg is spotted top side so I have to back off. Now I'm out of position with no waves to get so I take scuttle, drop wards, and head back bot but I've wasted so much time now because my top laner thinks bc he is top he has to stay top always.

    What I'm asking is am I making bad rotations or what? Like should I just stay bot? And afk farm. If I get an early lead shouldn't I look to pressure the map in other places? I get it if mid and top are still laning and there is a drag up yeah go bot push it out and come to drag but if you can swap lanes like in the examples above shouldn't you do it. And why is it that whenever I'm covering mid and they have 3 there or whatever mid laner feels the need to come too. If me and my sup can clear the waves and not die to dive that's a win for us. They have 3 people mid to share gold and exp and our solo laner can go push out side waves uncontested and deny them cs. But instead everyone just walks mid and we lose tons of gold in side lanes. What are you supposed to do when your team doesn't understand macro? And I get that their are times when laners shouldn't swap. Like a xerath or Zoe doesn't want to be pushing a side lane so it would be my job. But when a yasuo comes mid when a huge wave is crashing bot it just gets on my nerves. WHY DO YOU WANT TO SHARE GOLD IM ALREADY HERE GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. any feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Galba__
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    What’s the best way to learn top lane?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    I really want to learn Top lane in the next season. I'm tired of playing adc and I want something to keep me interested in the game itself. I'm mostly interested in learning Irelia/Fiora/Riven, in that specific order. I mean, I could just one trick Riven but I feel like it would take sooooo many games that I would just give up, too requiring mechanically to do all these crazy animation cancels, so I think it would be wiser to stick to Irelia or Fiora.

    The thing is though, I am TERRIBLE at top. The only thing I do well on is Teemo. I guess probably cuz he's ranged and it's easier when you can be like „aha! he is bigger but he's also melee, so I shit on him" and just bully everyone to death. But I've heard that playing ranged Top laners teaches you some really bad habits and people were advising against it.

    I have tried starting out with simple and straight forward champions like Yorick. It was a coinflip. Sometimes I did well, only to get shit on by fed adc that kited me to death and other times I could be useful by pushing.

    I think the biggest problem is knowing matchups. I never know what to do. Literally the only thing I know is „Alligator big bad. Hurts. Never trade early" and that's it. Also Darius. Similiar thing. Never do extended trades. Honestly, if someone would ask me „what makes a great top laner?" I'd probably say that knowing your limits. Imo it is even more important on champions like Fiora and Irelia, because if you can realize that this is the point of the game where you can do 1v2 and turn the game around, it can literally save the lost game. It is important on every lane, but top is an exception in my eyes because of how snowbally it is. That's the other thing I forgot to mention but what are you supposed to do if you messed up early game?

    Let's say you are playing Irelia vs Darius. Your Yi dived him, giving him a kill and level 6. Darius flashes onto you, getting a double. The lane is pretty much over. You can't farm. He just takes whatever he wants. So if Darius forces a teamfight after taking your turret down, are you supposed to follow him and teamfight with your team or you stay at top and pressure his tower? Plat elo still loves to aram mid and they don't know when to stop fighting, so I feel like I should be mentally prepared for everything.

    My question is, should I just spam games on my gold smurf and learn from my mistakes or should I just sit down and watch streamers that are playing champs that I am interested in and hope I can learn it that way?

    Also, would u rather suggest Irelia or Fiora? My brain tells me I should just pick one but I have a hard time deciding what's better if you want to invest time into learning something that really pays off and allows you to take the game by your hands and I like them both, but Irelia is slightly better appealing to me.

    submitted by /u/Feyan00
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    Why is Ashe's winrate so high while kai'sa's is so low?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    Basically the title. Ashe feels like such a... dumb champion. She's essentially just a cc bot with her stuns and unless they changed her, she can't even crit. Kai'sa dishes out massive burst damage and has insane mobility. Every time I see I kai'sa, she wrecks, yet her winrate is so low. Why is this?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    helpful tip for junglers, especially in lower-ish elos!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    please play toward your winning lanes. the only time you should play toward the losing lanes is if they're over extending with no cooldowns or if your mid laner is going to help out too making it a 4v2, pretty much ensuring that it is a play that will work at least 90% of the time.

    i've lost so many games cause my jungler has constantly tried to help out the losing lane, just to further the enemy lead as all three of them at bot lane die. play toward YOUR win condition. going bot to help a lost lane won't further your lead, don't play on the other's win conditions.

    if all you need to do is get farm as ekko jungle, then play toward your topside as your darius is 1-0 on a kayle that's pre-level 6. by doing this, you help delay kayle's ability to outscale and you keep darius on top of the game whilst YOU get potential kills/assists on her, plates and or even taking the enemy top side jungle, allowing you to get items to then help your losing lane. so much more can happen if you play toward your WINNING lane. don't bother helping that botside 0-5 against lucian and thresh, unless you KNOW your help will lead to actual progress and not digging an even deeper hole for your botside and you.

    tldr; please just play toward your winning lanes as it's your win objective to get as strong as possible to then help out the losing lanes and if you are gonna make a play toward the losing lanes make sure it's a play that will work, eg; no cooldowns, over extending, midlaner/toplaner will help too.

    submitted by /u/At_tar_ras
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    Question about optimal Armor/Magic Resist values

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Let's suppose I am playing a tank vs a pure AD team. I, being smart, buy items that boost my armor. However, as we all know increasing armor value gives diminishing returns. This poses a question: Is there a point where buying another armor item is less beneficial than buying a health item? If so, what is the optimal armor or magic resistance value?

    submitted by /u/Jendrew45
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    What are your biggest struggles climbing ranked?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    Hey everyone, hope you´re doing great :)

    I know that many players are struggling with climbing out of Iron/Bronze/Silver. I´m building a small business as a consultant helping people reach higher elo on their own so I´m wondering, for all those who are struggling with that, what keeps you from reaching your desired rank/what bothers you the most about it?

    submitted by /u/Christoph0
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    What do you do as a jungler when you get a massive lead but noone wins lane

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

    I've had this happen a few times, the most extreme example being a game where I was playing Shaco and the teams total kills were something to the extent of 7-8. I had 7 kills, the enemy team had 8 kills between them.

    I tried ganking north and south, east and west. Wherever i went i got more and more kills, and my teammates died for me to get them. I couldn't reasonably get any neutral objectives, as no lanes had priority and if i were to kill a laner and push for tower, the jungler was available to respond.

    What do i do in such a scenario? Is everything truly lost? As a jungler i am experienced in playing for the winning lane, but if im the only one ahead, and everyone else is behind, is there even anything to do?

    submitted by /u/DjFlamefist
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Zed

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:37 PM PST

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/zedmains

    Primarily played as: Middle

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    How to make good advanced decisions?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:37 PM PST

    Hi. I have a pretty simple question, yet I struggle with the answer. Im Diamond 2-1 atm, and I have problems with improving my decision making. Im not talking about easy stuff, like when to push, when to freeze, where to ward, when and where to splitpush etc, more like
    1. When should I teamfight

    1. How should I teamfight

    2. Do I win the trade against the enemy laner and stuff like that.

    I really struggle to learn these things, I really want, but I don't know how, I make the same mistakes over and over again like engaging in a bad fight and losing the game for it, doing a bad trade, also losing the game for it, and it's not as simple as basic decision making, there isn't like a "path", every situation and every teamcomp is different, just like every situation in lane, so it's not like basic macro or wave management, I really feel like there are too many factors and I can't make the right decision, and I kinda just "coinflip" it, and that's the reason I can't climb further.

    Thanks for every answer in advance.

    submitted by /u/Nightcore900
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    Honestly though, is it important how “meta” your hero pool is in solo queue?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    I'm newish to League and have decided I wanna try for a climb. I'm currently Bronze 1 and mostly play jungle. I'm trying to decide on a secondary role and was leaning towards mid or support. Mid seems too high stress for a secondary role so and I really like the champs available in the support role like Braum, Orn, etc. (big tanky bois)

    Problem is most of the champs I find fun and interesting are super off meta for the most part. Kindred, Kayn, Braum, etc. I know in the basement ranks it probably doesn't matter, but let's say I started climbing, will an off meta champion pool really hinder me that much?

    submitted by /u/SlaveOwnersShouldDie
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