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    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    What will Kayle run when Klepto gets removed?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    I would think either press the attack or lethal tempo. I know that it's considered one of the worst runes, but would hail of blades be any good? It could accelerate her rageblade and passive stacking. Being able to get to 5 stacks quickly in a mid game teamfight would be huge.

    submitted by /u/chaser676
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    Super simple tip for midlane roaming

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:45 PM PST

    The most basic roam is toward the enemy sidelane that is extended. That's a good play to have in your arsenal.

    Here's another strong play that I really, really like in solo queue:

    Roam toward your jungler

    The roam doesn't even have to be all the way to a sidelane, it can simply be to the river or jungle. Why is this strong? Because you'll never have a numbers disadvantage, and you'll often have a numbers advantage.

    • Find the enemy jungler? That's a free kill.

    • Find the enemy jungler who has backup? Take the 2v2 if you're confident.

    • The nearby sidelane is extended? Complete the gank, with your jungler for more firepower.

    • Don't find anything? You two can kill an enemy camp/jungle plant/ward in complete safety.

    Roaming without your jungler isn't a bad thing, but just realize it only takes the other mid to follow, or the enemy jungler to show up for your play to be neutralized. If both show up, you're in trouble.

    In summary, roaming to the extended sidelane usually generates action, but you might not win the fight. Roaming to your jungler might not generate action, but you usually win the fight. Lower risk, lower reward for those who like that sort of playstyle.

    submitted by /u/JENSENJENSENYENSEN
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    How do I use Lux's damage potential

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:47 AM PST

    I've been watching two of Professor Akali's Lux videos (thisand this). I play Lux myself and I can't for the life of me figure out how he does that much damage and I don't know what builds he's using for it (in both videos he uses unconventional summoner spells too). In the second video he's on full mana the whole time and I can't figure out how. Being not familiar with all the runes and items I have a lot of questions.

    submitted by /u/Jonathan_Smith_noob
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    Quick question on what to do in this situation

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Okay, so i'm a fed Kai'Sa with a Nautilus support vs a super behind lucian and janna.

    when rengar (their jg) comes down, my Naut was underestimating his dmg and would go in. in this situation should i focus the burst dmg champ (rengar) or the lucian who is steadily doing damage to me? or is it just a loss cause?

    submitted by /u/SGW009
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    Most Complete Jungle Guide Ever!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PST

    Why play jungle

    League of Legends team consists of five players, five roles with one being the poor jungler. Laners 8 times out of 10 do not understand, that he can't babysit three lanes at the same time. Raging pings, AFK threats, and locker room banter are the name of the game.

    So why play jungle? As much as it's tilting and underestimated, it also has the most carry potential, since you influence all three lanes. There aren't much more pleasant things in LoL than a competent jungler. It's like being bussed in a limousine straight to the Nexus.

    What's more, shutting down enemy jungler is like playing 5v4. Actually 6v4. Remember the 'flame intro'? It works both ways. When you make enemy jungler useless, he might get flamed by his teammates. It's not very honorable, but definitely effective.


    • No need to last hit;
    • Able to snowball all three lanes;
    • Global map pressure;
    • Biggest carry potential.


    • Responsibility;
    • Requires the most game knowledge;
    • Requires controlling the whole map;
    • Mistakes can cost a lot;
    • Mentally demanding.

    There is a saying: 'Don't beat yourself up for missing Smite. Your teammates are there to do it'.

    Champion pick

    Your champion pick influences the jungle path. For example, champions with 'Area of Effect' abilities with Talisman as starting item may want to do Raptors/Wolves first or second (Kayn, Zac, Olaf, Hecarim). High single target damage champions with Hunter's Machete will want to Buff/Gromp/Buff (Kha'Zix, Xin Zhao, Jax). Mana hungry champions may want to start blue side.

    Some champions don't need a leash (Shaco, Warwick) or even don't want to (Olaf).

    Most junglers tend to start at the bottom since bot lane gives better leash.

    Enemy champion pick can also help you to determine, where the enemy jungler is starting, and how is he going to path.

    Early game - high base damage, mobile, strong early, tend to gank a lot, snowballing and fall off late game. They need successful ganks, otherwise they will not be able to come back.

    Late game - they like to farm, scale, buy items, and they are getting stronger with time. These are better in terms of potential come back.

    Another division is the character of the champion:

    • Ganking - they excel in ganking due to their mobility or CC (or both). You can find Zac, Elise or Shaco here;
    • Fighting - strong 1v1, good in skirmishes; they like to invade the enemy jungler and bully him. I'd list Xin Zhao, Lee Sin and Jax here;
    • Farming - Master Yi and Shyvana are notorious for farming a lot. I do not advice playing farming junglers in lower divisions. The game will be over before you become relevant.

    This division can also tell you what the enemy jungler pathing will be. If he picked Zac, he will gank like crazy, but not before level 4, since his E will be rather weak.

    Hecarim will typically start blue, since he's mana hungry.

    Shaco will start buff with boxes, so it's good to invade him. (has no Q to escape, so at least you force a flash out of him)

    Warwick can start pretty much anywhere, even in your jungle; cover the river to counter it. (and don't have less than 50%HP or he can invade you easily)

    How to path in the jungle

    By the time you land on the fountain, you should already have a game plan. Which lane is going to push? Which lane provides crowd control for me to gank? Where is enemy jungler starting? At which point of the game can I outduel him?

    In the loading screen, you can check the player's mastery level on a champion. It's usually better to gank a 500k mastery Gangplank, than a 20k mastery ADC paired with 40k mastery Support.

    What's more, check out if someone is going for a promo in this match. People tend to pay huge attention to promo games, whereas they are not that important. Surely they promote to a higher division, but they also add unnecessary pressure, unwanted in gaming. So as a jungler beware of someone crying in a chat: 'It's my promo, gank or I AFK'. After third solo death, they might seriously leave the match.

    You will make mistakes. Sometimes the aforementioned 500k mastery Gangplank will feed like crazy, and bot lane with less experience will stomp the enemy. None of the guides will teach you the correct decision making. You must learn it yourself.

    How to clear jungle

    There are certain techniques, that can help you clear each camp:

    How to kite jungle camps? You want to auto-attack monster three times, then move away. This way the camp hits only two times in response to your three auto-attacks. It allows you to conserve more health. Also, drag them into the direction you are heading next. This will save you a couple seconds.

    Tips on clearing monster camps:

    This is a video, and below is the same thing, but in words.

    • Krugs - you pull the camp and position yourself in a way, that the big one separates you from the medium one. While auto-attacking the big one, you should mirror the medium one, so that it never hits you.
    • Raptors - kill the small ones first, as they deal more damage. When using Hunter's Talisman, make sure you hit as many mobs as possible with AoE abilities.
    • Wolves - focus small ones first, just like raptors.
    • Gromp - has AS enhancement. If we stay still, he will deal more damage, than when kited. The advanced technique involves hitting Gromp and Blue Buff at the same time, but care with pulling them, so they don't reset.
    • Buffs - when killing Buffs, drag them into the bush. This will force enemy jungler, should he contest, to use ward or face check. Also moving the camp away from its original position makes it harder for enemies to steal.
    • Rift Herald - auto once, wait for it to dash, while moving behind Herald. As it dashes, hit the eye. Then stand still and keep auto-attacking instead of walking around it. When the eye opens up, input the moving command right as Herald swings to auto-attack. Otherwise, it will manage to turn around, denying the eye hit. Also, Herald takes a big swing twice - at 66% of his HP and at 33%. To dodge the big blow, simply walk through him, instead of running away.

    Lane awareness

    There are no two identical games. Period.

    When farming and your abilities are on cooldown, or you are moving between jungle camps, have a quick look at how the lanes are going. Easiest and recommended way is to use F keys. F1 will get you to your toplaner, F2 to mid, etc. Rebind them, so that they show your laners (F1 is you, but it's useless since you already have Space Bar).

    You should also watch your allies portraits and HP bars. Any missing HP suggests that there was a trade. Pay attention to pings. Sometimes they are just a way to express frustration, but sometimes they provide useful information.

    In the beginning, it may be a little hard and confusing, but in time it will become your second nature.

    Scuttle Crab

    Since the changes, the Crab became one of the most important, contested objectives in the early game. It gives mana, lots of experience, scaling gold, vision around Rift Herald/Dragon/Baron, and increases movement speed. This shifted META into champions with a strong early-game with at least one hard crowd control - Pantheon, Xin Zhao, Camille, Trundle.

    When picking your champion, you should always know if you can or cannot contest it.

    Invading and counter jungling

    You can invade since level 1 (we cover that topic in our Support guide).

    The best junglers on level one would be Olaf and Udyr.

    It's always worth invading, if you do not risk losing too much at level 1. Even if you don't find the catch, you can steal a buff or burn someone's flash.

    Invading during the laning phase is an entirely different pair of shoes. Playing with an aggressive jungle pick allows you to harass enemy jungler and shut him down. Invading can result in stealing a camp, putting your counterpart behind in gold and experience. This can also force enemy laner to come and try to stop you, which gives your laner freedom.

    But take care! If you get caught, you will put your whole team behind.

    Generally invading is better than not invading. You should go for it whenever possible.

    How will you know when to invade? It's simple:

    • When you see enemy jungler on the opposite side of the map/ganking
    • When enemy jungler is dead
    • When enemy laners are pushed behind the towers
    • When not to invade:
    • You don't see opponents on the map
    • Your laners are pushed behind their towers
    • Your laners died
    • Preferably you shouldn't invade with smite on cooldown

    Having lanes priority means your laners can join you, should something go wrong. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a 1v2 situation.

    In most guides, you will read, that Shyvana is the queen of counter jungling, and Nunu is the king. They have insane clear speed and it's impossible to out-smite Nunu. By the time you are ganking the top lane, they will clear your whole bot lane jungle.

    How to gank in League of Legends

    Where is the balance between farming and ganking? This is the question, the best junglers attempted to answer, and failed.

    Some champions like farming and could stay in the forest forever, like Udyr or Master Yi.

    And some champions excel at ganking, like Shaco or Elise.

    Both types of champions need to get gold and experience as well as create pressure on the map. Otherwise, opponents will have an advantage. Finding balance is the key to success.

    From what I've learned - always finish your camp first. If your lane does not manage to survive until your arrival, that is their fault.

    And please - don't tax without reason. Taking away gold and experience from your laner puts you ahead, but puts him behind. Push only if he asks for it, or when someone in the lane dies, and the wave must be reset.

    Which lanes to gank

    Your first gank should be determined by the jungle path you chose, and overall team composition. Do not start wondering, how is your jungle route going to look the moment you land on a Fountain. It's already too late for it.

    Watch how lanes are set up. In lower divisions, most things are random. Higher you climb your laners will recognize your intentions by the way you move in the jungle.

    When to gank:

    • The enemy is overextending (pushes beyond the river)
    • The enemy has no summoner spells (there is a saying, that if jungler doesn't gank a flashless lane, he deserves to be flamed),
    • You have reliable CC,
    • Your opponent has a huge wave under his tower; in this case, it's worth to go 1 for 1, since you lose your life, but enemy loses his life AND the huge wave.
    • When to avoid ganking:
    • Lane does not provide crowd control or gap closers (typically Nasus will not follow before the 15-minute mark, as he wants to stack),
    • Huge enemy minion wave; most of the times your laner will prefer to CS the creeps instead of following you,
    • The enemy is fed,
    • Lane is losing,
    • The enemy player picked Heimerdinger or Illaoi.


    Diving requires minimum coordination, game knowledge, and wave management ability from your laner, so avoid it in lower divisions.

    When to dive:

    • Reliable or point and click CC (Renekton W),
    • Turret aggro dropping ability (Kled passive, Master Yi Q, Elise E, Vladimir W),
    • Big ally minion wave,
    • The enemy has no escape abilities/survivability tools,
    • You have at least slight confidence that your laner will not fail.

    When to avoid dive:

    • The early game when you don't have aggro reset ability
    • The enemy has a ton of CC, giving him potential to outplay you
    • The enemy has high mobility/kiting potential
    • The enemy has some sort of survivability tool, like Zhonya's Hourglass/Stopwatch available or Kayle/Taric ult,
    • You doubt in your laner's skills.


    This requires quite a bit of game knowledge, experience, and correct reading of the enemy jungler path. Best way to achieve this is by vision control (buy Control Wards). You need to think like their jungler. He wants to gank the winning lanes, so you can predict his future ganks simply by looking at which champions on the game are the strongest. If the ADC is strongest and if it's a VAYNE, the enemy Jungler


    As a support main, it breaks my heart to say, that jungler is no less important than support in the vision control department. Actually in the early game jungler is even more important, as he is moving all over the map, not just one lane. In pro play, junglers had so much impact on the vision that it forced nerfs to jungle items. First Trackers Knife (used to give two wards) was removed, then Sightstone was remade, and now it's forbidden to have support item along with Smite.

    Some junglers tend to miss the visible wards on their way, as they are staring at the lane/minimap. To avoid missing wards, instead of right-clicking, use 'attack move' command to walk through the jungle. This way if you step into the warded bush, you will attack it. 'Attack move' is, by default, A + left-click or Shift + right-click.

    After killing a ward, don't go into the original direction. Instead, head the opposite way. Enemies will have a few seconds of vision after you kill the ward, so you can trick them this way.

    Mental aspect

    Something that not many LoL players pay attention to, but it's also helpful.

    If League games were based ONLY on the skill, micro, and macro wise, the League would look different. Instead, we have FPS drops, lags, hardware malfunction, and all the random mishaps that can happen. Aside from that, there is also a psychological aspect of the game. It's important especially in the jungle, since it is the most flamed role.

    Go out and watch Hashinshin gameplay. He openly admitted that 95% of him losing lane (19/20) is a jungler's fault. Nope, it's 100% his own fault. No map awareness, wrong wave management, not enough caution about jungle presence or simple micro mistake.

    We have all seen clips of him doing dumb stuff, getting killed and then flaming the crap out of his poor jungler. This is jungling in a nutshell. Sometimes you will have understanding and forgiving laners, but most of the times be prepared, that they will blame you for their mistakes.

    'Better jungler' phrase became a meme. No comments.

    Let's face it - losing lane does not come from the jungle. Everything that happens in the lane, like trading, solo kills, forcing summoners, even ganks, happens in the lane, and it's the laners responsibility. It doesn't really matter that you are losing in the jungle, and the opponent beats you constantly. If lane gets ganked and laners dies, it's always his own fault.

    If you decide to play jungle, remember that psychology applies to all players. When you see enemy crying out loud in all chat: 'My jungler is n00b! x9 pls', gank him. I bet he's gonna tilt.


    submitted by /u/TrustMeIveGotAPlan
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    Is it more important to camp losing or winning lanes?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:14 AM PST

    If in a match where you have to choose between both, do you either camp a lane that is already fed to help them snowball, or camp the lane that is losing and at risk of being snowballed? I ask because I kind of want to try my hand at Jungling more often than I already do

    submitted by /u/HalfofaDwarf
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    Flexpicking in drafts

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:46 AM PST

    First of all i want to explain what is a flexpick: Flexpicking consists in picking a champion that can go any other lane that not the main one, and the enemies can't really know what to pick against it, because they dont know where will the champ go: Example: Yasuo top/mid/adc or swain top/adc/mid/supp

    Flexpicking is essential in a draft to try to win it. The current meta revolves all around flexing. Why? Flexing permits that the team has the greatest matchups possible. If you have strong winning lanes, jungle can move whatever he wants, because he has priority on most lanes, and they will always come before than their enemy laners.

    What gives an strong matchup?

    -Winning lanes

    -Map pressure(invading)

    -Vision (deepwards while invading)

    -Dragon facility on early game ( you know where they are with the deepwards)

    -Gold advantadge (minions that losing lanes has to leave or otherwise they will get smacked+any plate/tower achieved forcing a back or getting a gank/solokill on someone).

    Then is your mind turn: start doing this on duoq's or tournaments/scrims/flexQ, it will work out!

    submitted by /u/HCSali
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    Learning to jungle! Can’t seem to find a balance between going for objectives/making plays in the jungle and helping out lanes...

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:56 PM PST

    So I mostly have played mages in both support and mid roles and jungle was always terrifying to me cause I thought to myself, having to keep track of the whole map and help everybody out? The pressure is insurmountable.

    So naturally I decided to challenge myself and learn how to jungle. Warwick and Evelynn are the ones I mostly play, but after a recent game I realized I have trouble knowing when to prioritize neutral objectives and when to prioritize lanes.

    I was playing Warwick, so I made objectives #1 priority since I could take them so easily. I got the first three dragons and Herald. Unfortunately all of my lanes were losing, and although I did a couple of ganks where I could, the enemy jungler did gank more since I had the objective advantage. One of my ganks in particular went very poorly because although I gave notice, bot lane moved back just as I went in and I died, so obviously a bit frustrating.

    So I'm wondering— should I have let up on objectives and focused more on saving my lanes in this scenario? I usually try to play to a winning lane if I can but in this particular situation, every lane was losing or were an especially lost cause making things worse for me if I ganked. I thought I would be more valuable for my team getting objectives that would buff the team and making sure the enemy team didn't get that but in this scenario the dragon buffs and herald did not really affect the outcome of the game since we lost lanes fast and then we just had to turtle until the end. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/xKomorebi
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    Dark Harvest for mid lane ekko

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:32 PM PST

    So I am a fan of the new dark harvest (I stopped playing for a year and a half) and the new thing, is that damaging enemy champions at or lower than half health you harvest a soul. So I was wondering, is dark harvest better? Electrocute is more early game, but I am going for the late game.

    submitted by /u/FederalStalker
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    Mid game - Late game

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:01 PM PST

    Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to play after the laning phase? After the laning phase, I try farming and helping other lanes push. Whenever my team wants to get an objective, I help. The main problem is farming and team fighting. I don't know how to do any of these reliably. Whenver I farm, my team gets into fights and loses, which then turns into a lead for them. With team fighting, I can't go in without being CC'd or prioritized. (I play Aatrox and Yasuo) It would also be nice if you could provide other tips on the mid to late game.

    submitted by /u/Duckmester
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    How to deal with a losing matchup?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:49 PM PST

    The other day I had a game where I was playing kennen into Darius and he killed me at level 2. I didnt give him any more kills but he shoved to my turret. I focused on last hitting and trying to agro him but he was hard shoving and focusing the tower at every opportunity. Our other lanes were ahead so the jungler was leaving me top to farm under turret. The problem was Darius was able to shove all the way to our base even with me sitting under our turret the entire time. What can I do in this situation? I cant fight him 1v1 or get him to back off my turret. I get that the jungler was helping the other lanes that were ahead. Is my only option just trying to slow down the darius siege? I felt like I couldn't leave lane to help anywhere else either with the pressure top from darius. This was a mid plat game btw. I just want to know what to do in the future when I'm in that situation.

    submitted by /u/WatchForHooks
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    How can I maintain consistent CS after laning phase is over?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I'm an ADC main and usually during the lane I'm able to CS quite well - I'll have around 100 cs at 11-12 minutes, give or take a few. The problem comes after laning phase is over and the game transitions to midgame. I'll spend time grouping for objectives or rotating to different lanes, trying to catch waves if possible, but I'll still always fall off in CS, with around 200 at 30 minutes or sometimes even less. When I watch higher elo gameplay and worlds, this doesn't seem to be an issue for most carries - they'll rotate successfully and still keep their CS up at almost 10 CS/min. How? I end up having to share CS with my midlaner or toplaner often due to grouping and I'll fall behind, but it's okay in my elo because the enemy ADC has to do the same. Yet, in pro matches, both solo laners and the ADC and sometimes even the jungler all have insane farm and I just don't get how. I'd love to get some insight on what I could be doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/thiccancer
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    Jungling in silver: is it just about identifying the player who should've been bronze?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:24 AM PST

    After stuck silver for a year and complaining about shitty teammates, I realized pretty often, there's someone who's barely above level 30 with < 50% win rate. They probably got lucky with placements and got ranked higher than they should be. Whenever one of them is on my team, they die 3+ times before laning ends and we usually lose.

    Now, at the beginning of every game, I look at their levels and win rates. If there's a lane where my side is far more experienced than the other side, I just spend all of laning phase camping that lane. It's pretty easy to repeat kill them because they never just farm safely under turret. Even if one of my teammate feeds, we'd have 2 fed players (me + laner).

    What are some caveats with this strategy? Are there certain junglers that would execute this strategy really well?

    submitted by /u/linksku
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    I don't understand how Qiyana Q works?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST


    Trying to play the champion but her q works in a weird way. I don't understand how many targets it hits. Sometimes it just hits 1 minion, sometimes all of them. I Googled, read the description still can't understand it. Probably I'm just too stupid, what am I missing?

    For example check these 2 pictures: https://postimg.cc/HVgJypq1 and https://postimg.cc/qthnG1QP

    submitted by /u/printerman12345
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    Jungle path

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PST

    I'm a kayn main yet I'm still learning how to use jungle path with him correctly. I watched karasmai quite a few times but I still don't really get it. If he was on the red team, he would get wolves raptors red then krogs and reset. If he was on the blue team and he's trying to tgank bot lane, he start off with wolves and clean the whole bot side and gank bot. My question is why didn't he get blue or gromps?I don't really understand this so any tips are appreciated

    submitted by /u/roll28122005
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    More mental question

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Hi all, This post is not about a champion or a question about how I can improve... in theory.

    My question is about tips to chill out during the game. Is it better to mute the chat? Do I really need to have a communication in not ranked games and just care about my lane and play?

    I started playing League in Dec 2018, because my close friend asked if I could play and spend time with him. I agreed, because I wanted to spend time with him, however I read about all these stories about how people are toxic in League and how they can pressure and flame you in chat. I'm kind of shy and I hate when I'm causing problems to other people. I didn't played League until Sep 2019, just because one game that didn't go well and got really flamed by my team.

    My friend taught me about the basics, but we play rarely. He and I don't have much time and usually can't play together. I wanted recently to improve in League, and...

    I just can't. I suck a lot. I often get flamed by people, often only because of one fight that didn't go well for me. That just cause more problems, since I really stressed already when I start the game. Flaming only gets me to not focus and just die more. An endless circle. So i just wanted to ask you. Does it really matter to communicate with others? Most of them care about themselfves and think that flaming others will help. But well, this post is not about players and people in League and games overall.

    submitted by /u/MakiR0l
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    Teamwork mentality

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    Here's a quick look at some in game decision making that cost the enemy team the game that might not be obvious at first glance.


    Essentially the enemy team had a not so obvious window of opportunity to stop a charge down the mid lane by our team. But due to a lack of teamwork mentality the enemy carry failed to save her ally allowing the snowball to continue leading to a defeat.

    While its very easy to say her teammates got caught out she would probably not be aware that she could have saved the game here so i wanted to make this clip to bring awareness to others who might find themselves in similar moments.

    submitted by /u/CommandoYi
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    How to know what type of items your team needs as support?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Hi! I'm not sure how to ask this, but I play mainly supp. Sometimes I'm not sure what items to build and when I should get them. I *usually* can't tell what type of team comp we have and what type of team comp the other team has. I usually find myself building the same items. I also, have no clue what to build if the other team has mainly ad.

    I hope this question makes sense, I'm sorry that it's all over the place lol but I just don't know what items to build for team comps and I don't even know how to tell what type of comp both my team and the other team has..

    Edit: I play support champs such as Sona, Lulu, Lux.

    submitted by /u/tyzura
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    Anyone tells me what is wrong with my games just by screenshots?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:16 PM PST



    I am Orianna and Tristana btw. I don't know what is happening and trust me losing those games are really tilting, but I don't know what can I do... When we reach the point where I can handle everything we already have three inhibs down.

    submitted by /u/Vioxini
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    Where do I start having never played league or a moba before?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:56 PM PST

    Currently am bored and looking for a game to play. Thinking of giving league a shot so i'm researching it.

    I'm most concerned about lanes etc. I was hoping this game would let me just go wherever I want and do what i want. But it seems people have set roles and lanes they're supposed to go into with specific types of hero guys. Will people be pissed if I just pick a character and go whichever lane I want and do whatever I want?

    How do you decide which role to pick? What if your ally wants to do one role and you want to do it as well? Should I be trying to learn all of the rolls because every game i'm going to be forced into playing a different one each time?

    Or can it be like world of warcraft where our rolls were set in stone for example playing a dps or healer we can generally stick to that role.

    And why doesn't everyone just pick one lane for all the heroes to push in to get faster to the base and destroy it, why are there set lanes you can go to?

    submitted by /u/jackblack2323
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    Hotkeys for ADC?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Looking for a good standard hotkey set for someone looking to try and learn the adc role. Especially interested in learning how to use an auto attack hotkey instead of manually clicking between each movement and auto attack (I am not that precise haha). Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/EVPsalm4
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    How to play when very far behind from DC

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST

    So I'm running a shit laptop that probably DC's/blackscreens me at the beginning of games 1/5 games I play and just straight up crashes and turns off during games 1/8 games. I just want to know how to play from very far behind, say like I'm down 25 cs at 4 minutes and 4 levels. What can I really do. Farming under tower always seems like the classic response people give, but I just don't understand how that's viable when a Morde can straight up just walk into me under turret/grab me and then kill me with a Q, or when jg can just constantly dive. There just seems like there is literally nothing I can do other than feed. Any advice/explain how to actually farm under turret because it seems like it is just not possible?

    submitted by /u/NiceAesthetics
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    How to play melee supports vs superior waveclear

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    I play mostly pyke support in high gold-low plat but I cant figure out how to handle lanes like cait karma.

    The lane is constantly at our turret and I cant go for e-q or q-e because 1. my laner had to sit back to avoid being poked and 2. Their wave is big so if I get cc'd ex. Karma w, I die.

    Often, this exposes them to jungle ganks, but since they have control over the lane they get to ward easily.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/Lostedxdxd
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    Unusual Jungle Champs

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:59 AM PST

    Hey, I'm fairly "new" to jungle role. Like 100 hours maybe in jungle but all split up between almost all classic jungler champs.

    Since I wanted to just play jungle next Season (coming from top lane main - 99% casual mode), I wanted to know why I shouldnt play "unusual" champs in jungle like Renekton or Tryndamere. In my mind they could work fairly well but no one has like guides for those champs on that role.

    And while I'm at it, it would really help me out if someone could point out like basic advices that most junglers "forget or dont know", on which I should pay attention to do?

    The reason I want to change the role from top to jungle is btw that I dont really feel like I'm contributing anything to the game (got from bronze 2 to silver 4 this season and it always felt like I'm just getting carried away by the other players, even while winning the lane.

    submitted by /u/mrrockstrongo
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