LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.22 |
- Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.22
- (X-Post) Interviewing Grandmaster Taric Jungle One Trick. The one and only lightrocket2
- My mindset in ranked
- Ekko: (Not) Only For Clutch Gamers - Guided Gameplay to Learn From And Enjoy
- What's your favorite Senna build so far?
- Stuck in Plat 2, Sudden Plateau?
- New to Kayn - Help appreciated
- Plat 3 ADC looking to improve, help pls
- People who decided to switch/try new roles, what insights/respect did you gain from playing the new role?
- How to win the laning phase - I made a diagram that shows the way
- Challenger Coaching D2 Syndra Mid | Aggression & Positioning
- How do you dodge skillshots?
- Why buy tear on Kaisa, spend 15 to 20 minutes stacking it, only to get an item you can’t even use properly?
- Daily Training Schedule
- Draven Tips
- Does kill steal(ks) excist?
- Roaming as a support
- Importance of reviewing Vods for improvement
- Pregame, if you notice one of your opponents is likely smurphing, should you mention it to your team?
- Should I play ranked now or should I wait until pre-season?
- I'd like to improve my mid/lategame.
- Qiyana VS Ranged Mid
- If someone freezes, what do i do
Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST Please do not reply directly to the thread.Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.
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(X-Post) Interviewing Grandmaster Taric Jungle One Trick. The one and only lightrocket2 Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST lightrocket2 is a currently a Glorious GrandMaster Tier Jungle Taric one-trick on the NA server. A few days ago I reached out to him with some questions, and he descended from the heavens and whispered in my ear about gems. Also some bits about itemization and strategy, but mostly gems. This is his Youtube channel: And Mobafire strategy: You can also find him on reddit ( u/lightrocket2 ). Sometimes. Maybe: On with the questions:
My win condition is usually getting my teammates fed if I can. If everyone wins lane, regardless of my items I can heal them to full and make them invulnerable so we win the game easily. However, if I get fed, I can carry very easily and win the game for my team in fights during the mid game, Taric is weak in teamfights that happen super late into the game so unless I want to win early I try to give every kill in ganks and fights.
I definitely invade when it's a decent matchup, or more importantly, when I know they are on the opposite side of the map and I can vertical jungle.
Yes, divers like Kled and Tryndamere are usually the best to gank with for sure. With mages and poke, ganking becomes much harder, like what am I supposed to do against a LeBlanc when there's nothing to follow up with? In these situations I usually go more for farm and sneaking objectives when I see this or if I think I know what's going to happen, to countergank the lane instead. Assassins are a little easier though, for a Zed I can just ult and give him the confidence to go in and do this combo. There are a lot of lane champs that make it super hard for me to deal with (like Nasus's Wither and Jax's E) but in general the hardest to deal with are champions that are too mobile to pull off a gank with. I can't get near them, so running into their lane is wasted time.
Master Yi, I think people who play this champion jump on to me and expect to win the fight very easily. Except you can extremely easily win by doing this: Start autoing him normally as if you were clearing, do NOT use stun until he uses Q because he is waiting for you to stun so he can dodge it with his Q. You will be healing more and dealing more damage than he is so eventually he will panic Q, once he does, simply press E to stun him once he jumps out and smack him a few more to finally kill him. If you build Thornmail and Frozen Heart this will even work into the far late game.
The main difference between running a keystone comes down to asking certain questions: Can I catch up to the enemy? Is the enemy going to just run straight at me? And will I die instantly or not? In the case of heavy kite comps where you will be unable to get close enough to land a stun let alone auto, Glacial + Righteous Glory is the best. You can just run at them and nearly root them in place with the combination of the two. If they are running yi, camille or something similar, they will be running at you instead of away so the better decision is to go PTA for that bonus damage in those kind of 1v1 fights. Pre-late game with PTA you should be able to 1v1 a master yi with no issue. If they are going something like Rammus Mundo and you won't be able to kill them easily with PTA but they won't be running from you either, Aftershock is the best choice. If you get engaged on but you LAND your stun, you should be insanely hard to kill.
There are so many Hexflash tricks to say, at first when trying the keystone, I couldn't find a good way to use it and considered it useless. However, on a slow champion like Taric with no dashes, Hexflash turns into a perfect thing for him to have. Anytime you need to jump a wall, Hexflash is there to save the day. Some of the most common ways I use it is out of the fountain (when waiting for health/mana to refill), while waiting for smallest golems to die to Cinderhulk (and other camps as well, but definitely golems Hexflash to red is the most useful), before/after sneaking an objective over the back wall or side walls to avoid being spotted by a taken scuttle crab, and various gank paths open up because of Hexflash.
I've never taken Guardian on jungle Taric as that would completely make me vulnerable to 1v1 fights with the enemy jungler. It would be helpful for ganking but running that vs any invading jungler would be a deathwish.
Taric is super mana hungry, and the best time to use a biscuit is when taric is at 0 mana. I find that I usually use biscuits while doing dragon, mid fight if i run out of mana, and in the jungle if I run out of mana. It's all for the mana, but it's also very useful to pop during early skirmishes.
Best matchups for Taric Jungle are anything melee or non threatening to me: Zac, Sejuani, Ivern, even Lee Sin. They jump right to you and you heal for more than they can damage so you should win easily. The worst ones are definitely Olaf, Khazix, and Elise. They do a lot of burst damage to you and in their own ways, there is nothing a Taric can do to stop them.
Vs heavy AP I like to build Abyssal Mask and Spirit Visage, obviously merc treads. You get a lot of healing from abyssal and spirit visage makes that healing insanely strong. I actually still build Spirit Visage, except that I only build it when there is another player healing me (usually Soraka). Abyssal's passive (Catalyst one) gives both health when you use spells AND mana when you take damage. As I am constantly spamming q and my other abilities. I gain a lot of extra health. Spirit Visage can only heal me from my Q, where abyssal can heal me from every ability I use on top of my Q. When you compare the stats between the two items for my healing, Abyssal will be healing me for about 2/3s as much as spirit visage would be healing me for, so the bonus MANA and magic damage around you is well worth it. Righteous Glory is best with Glacial for engage, Knight's Vow is best for protecting my carry. Whether or not I need to be the one engaging or the one making sure the carry stays alive is something to consider mid game (usually by distribution of kills)
I used to build Iceborn Gauntlet all of the time, it was a great item for me for armor, clearing, cooldown, and a nice slow on top of it all and it still is a great item. However, with running Glacial now instead of always running Aftershock, I am applying a slow already and it is less necessary. The main difference is that Frozen Heart gives 40 more armor than Iceborn Does while also slowing the attack speed in my area, making it in general a better item in most situations.
Taric support is not very good at all, he can be easily abused by ranged supports and it is extremely hard to land stun on mobile supports and adcs, so overall Taric is a weak support pick. The main difference is the fact that a support player taric might find that his passive is absolutely useless for laning, however, Taric Jungle only works because you are constantly using his passive to clear camps. I always think that Taric Jungle is much stronger than Taric Support and urge any supp Taric players to try him out jungle.
It can definitely hurt a comp that needs damage, if my team drafts too much utility and has no damage to follow me up with we bleed out and die. Granted I play it every game so in general it is usually strong.
The most unique thing is being able to bring healing to the jungle. His clears are very healthy (you can make them insanely healthy with Fleet of Footwork) and being able to heal your teammates. My favorite thing is where my mid laner is crying to themselves at 10% health and wants to just back, when I come by to raptors, spam ping them to get near me, and I heal them back to full health. I have done this to many people and it easily tilts the enemy mid laner. Imagine you have been outplaying and whatever this trash midlaner only to watch all of your hard work get healed from what looks like out of nowhere. Once at full health, even if they are a worse player, they can beat a better player at half health. My favorite thing is also seeing how people react to Taric Jungle, everyone thinks it's a troll, and sometimes when I get invaded by both solo laners at the same time.... it really is a troll. However, in many of the games that it works, people don't expect how well it carries. After a lot of my high-elo games, I will go to a player's stream, someone who lives off of playing the game and see what they say when I beat them or carry them. It really is a good feeling. Plus, it is so unique that I feel that I have to prove to everyone that yes, Taric Jungle is a good pick. I even have a group of people in my club who are aspiring Taric Junglers, so I'm motivated and hopefully I can make challenger this season. I was 1 game away, and hopefully I can get there again in the next 2 weeks. :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:07 AM PST I want to keep that short: Lets say you play 300 solo ranked games in a season. Of these games 100 are lost (no matter how hard you carry), 100 are won (no matter how bad you play) and 100 games were YOU make the difference if the game is lost or win. That mindset really helped me when I was stuck in Plat II with jungle rengar in Season 7. [link] [comments] |
Ekko: (Not) Only For Clutch Gamers - Guided Gameplay to Learn From And Enjoy Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:41 AM PST Hi there, Today we take a look at Ekko in the Midlane. Be more daring than most thanks to your rewind capacities while ramping up to become an endgame menace. A video commentary that's packed with info to find out about the champ and the value of mindfulness and compassion. Decide with this if that's what you're in for or just pick Ekko to find out by yourself! Maybe more fun to go together, though. Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to leave tempered feedback, supportive comments or how you feel about the champ in general. Come again! :) [link] [comments] |
What's your favorite Senna build so far? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:10 PM PST She's been out for a couple hours, so naturally we're all mastery 7 and challenger Senna one-tricks by now. What build got you there? After some experimentation, I've tentatively settled on this:
Duskblade makes sense as a rush item because it makes her damage matter and she can trigger it several times in a fight using shroud. Due to the on-hit damage from her passive, Senna applies two stacks of Black Cleaver with every auto and Q. This also brings her to 40% CDR. Hurricane helps apply Cleaver to multiple enemies at once. Mortal Reminder shuts down healing-centric champs like Mundo, Zac, and anything with Conqueror. This final item is still a bit up in the air for me, but these are the two best options I've come up with so far. Runes I've liked most so far are Aery-Manaflow-Absolute Focus-Scorch + Boots-Biscuits. [link] [comments] |
Stuck in Plat 2, Sudden Plateau? Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:08 PM PST Greetings, After many years of not playing ranked, or really only playing till Gold due to having too many friends who wanted to play / ranked anxiety, I've been trying this season and climbed exceptionally fast to Plat II. Once I reached Plat II, I went on a 5 win streak to series, lost both games spectacularly, won both games back into series, and then repeated this trend a couple more times. I'm now hovering around 50 LP in Plat II, with no clue what changed. I have noticed after hitting this point that my duo and I no longer stomp every botlane. Not only are the botlanes themselves more passive so that it's harder to really gain a lead, enemy jungle and mid are also a lot more receptive and willing to roam. That's fine, we can still play passively ourselves and at least maintain a CS lead if nothing else, it just means we've entered an ELO where we can't really carry games ourselves or force enemy lanes into irrelevancy. Anyways, some statistics:
And questions:
Thanks in advance for your information. [link] [comments] |
New to Kayn - Help appreciated Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:42 PM PST Hi there, I've been an Ahri Onetrick for most of the season with tiny bits of jungling. Those junglers included mostly Sejuani, Amumu and Zac. I'm interested in swapping from Mid to Jungle main and wanting to main Kayn and probably fiddlesticks after the rework. (Looks incredible, be honest) So I was starting to play Kayn. I learned the builds, rune setups and his standard routes. At this point im quite good at my first clear and, as an Ahri main who needs to roam a lot, quite aware of every map state. My problems start after my first back. So I'm going back in with my jungle item, looking at mostly cleared camps and pushed lanes. What do I do? The question might seem too general but what confuses me the most is deciding where to go. I'm trying to gank and and farm and to generally always be doing something. But what if theres nothing to successfully gank or farm? Question besides from that are: When to invade? How to get my teammates to help me with objectives? How to be useful/ have map pressure? (I'm mostly not feeding or anything but being 0/0/0 with 0 pressure doesn't help much) I've watched many tutorials, pro play but I always think that there's something crucial I'm missing. I'd be really thankful for tips ending my frustration. [link] [comments] |
Plat 3 ADC looking to improve, help pls Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:18 AM PST Plat 3 ADC looking to improve📷 Hi, so i've been climbing in plat since for the past month and ended up peaking at Plat 2 50 LP. My Summoner is Juicy Ðoge and im on EUW. I'm now looking for advice to get to at least mid Diamond. My champ pool looks like this: Xayah 256K Jinx 230K Jhin 184K Cait 146K Lucian 128K Vayne 110K I have all ADC's on Mastery 7 with at least 40K points so i guess my Champion pool is not something i have to improve yet, right? I know that some of my weaknesses are junglers. I tend to not ward that well or simply push the wave too much without knowing anything about the enemy jungler. I also happen to have trouble with attack speed steroids like Lethal tempo or Mf's W, where i end up cancelling my first auto after transitioning from high AS to regular AS. Did anyone have the same issue and if so, how did you practice to avoid it? How do i improve my macro and what do i do when playing from behind? What should i do during mid game since thats my weakest phase?. I tend to not know what to do after either getting the first turret on bot or losing my own turret. I'm also interested in learning a few flex botlane picks like Syndra or smth like that. But any kind of advice is welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you guys, ty :3. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST As a lifetime toplaner with a side of mid, it amazes me how much awareness is required for ADC/Bot. You have to keep track of 4 different champs (including your own), the creeps, and the minimap, all with the knowledge that if any one of those variables are out of place, you're dead or forced out of lane. Add to this the fact that ganks will always affect at least 2 players, and now you've got near constant ganks to worry about. That's not even getting into the teamfight phase where you have a giant target on your back unless one of your teammates is popping off. I swear ADC mains have the biggest balls for choosing the role that is basically a "Kill Me!" billboard. [link] [comments] |
How to win the laning phase - I made a diagram that shows the way Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:09 PM PST I am making a diagram that shows you an abstract representation of the strategy of the laning phase. This should work for all the lanes, but it was made with the top lane in mind. If anyone has any feedback of things I should include don't hesitate to tell me! I want this to be as complete as possible - while being abstract and clean enough. Any suggestions will be appreciated Keep in mind this is still work in progress (WIP) so there are still things that are not finished, highlited by rounded rectangles. [link] [comments] |
Challenger Coaching D2 Syndra Mid | Aggression & Positioning Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST Hey everyone, I always wanted to post a coaching video but recording never worked when I tried. But this time was different and I got a full coaching session recorded for everyone to watch. In this video it was with a D2 player so I skip tons of the basics and go straight into the small details he needs to do to increase his play to master tier and grandmaster tier. If you have any questions let me know! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:17 PM PST I don't understand how do you dodge skillshots? I get grabbed by blitzcrank every time, I stunned by ashe arrow, and meanwhile I see other people dodge them as if they are ai bots. Are my reaction just too slow? Because once I see the skillshot coming I am already grabbed and it is already too late to move. Also, would a high dpi help with dodging? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST It might cost 1000 less than IE, and is 900 cheaper than Bork, but both of these items can be used to their fullest potential. The passive on Muramana doesent work on Kaisa Q. This only leaves our auto attacks and w to get the shock passive which would just get out damaged by crit anyways by replacing tear with an IE somewhere in the build. For 2400 + 875 = 3275 gold you would have Manamune and a pickaxe, as well as your first q upgrade. It's hard to really put in the AD you get for Manamune because of the bonus AD it gives off of the mana you have, but even at the best case scenario of level 18 Kaisa, with a fully stacked item she gets 990 base mana + 1000 mana from the Muramana for a total of 1990 mana. With the 2% of max mana being converted into attack damage that comes out to 1990 x 0.02 = 39 AD + 35 AD (Muramana gives a base of 35 AD on top of the Awe passive) = 74.8 AD at best. And that's with a fully stacked tear and level 18 in a game where youll be lucky to even see the third point in your ultimate. IE as soon as you purchase it gives 80 AD up front, + 25% crit and 25% extra crit damag making you crit for 225% instead of 200% which only scales harder the later into the game you go. Muramana gives less AD with a passive that doesent work on Q and is outdamaged by crit at all stages of the game (on Kaisa). It makes sense on ezreal because crit is a wasted stat on an ability based marksman, but also because he has 2 (technically 3) abilities that are all single target. Not to mention he builds more than one mana item increasing his mana pool to use the extra AD. The only benefit Kaisa receives is spending less gold and an early q evolve, which sounds great at first but then you don't have any stats to back any of it up. Why are we still buying tear on Kaisa? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:19 AM PST Hi guys, I'm a new player to LoL (kind of new) and I was looking for a way to effectively improve at the game. What I was thinking about is taking some of the main guides and tips and turning them into a daily training schedule or monthly or general depending on the amount of people that wish to contribute. My vision: Should be divided to learning & training. learning tasks will include learning new knowledge from text guides or videos. training obviously is just grinding skills that are already known over & over in order to improve (CS, mechanics, etc.) Should look something like this and include 2 main things:
Week 1: Day 1: 5 Custom game with no bots - focus on getting to 150cs by 20m Day 2: Play 2 matches with each of the following champs: <Commonly used champs here> Day 3: Watch the following guides: Roles & Macro gameplay, Week 2: Day 1: 5 Custom game with 1 bot - focus on getting to 160cs by 20m without dying Week 3: etc Week 4: etc Reapeat (the above is just an example from the top of my head) What do you think? is anyone down to get involved in this? If so, ninjie#9711 :) Guy. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:29 AM PST Hey I've recently picked up Draven and I'm slowly learning him (holy shit this dude is a pain in the ass to play). Are there any particular things I can work on, that are important, any tricks, nice combos or general knowledge i should have about this champ? I'm an ad main anyway so kiting and catching the axes is no problem. But is there an easy guide on how to put out dmg in tf as Draven. Because with any other adc its fairly easy. Stay behind, attack whats closest, dodge skillshots and just STAY ALIVE. With Draven I feel like i have to go balls deep to actually do damge because his aa range is fairly short and i have to catch axes wich makes me vulnerable to cc. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:38 AM PST So first of all I have a friend who mains mid and he's keep complaining about people ks'ing him no matter who it is Even if it's accidentally for example in a team fight or when you just want to secure the kill. He fucks up his mentality for the rest of the game, dives desperately into tower or enemy's without vision and gets killed by a group. At the end it's others fault. So in my opinion Ks doesn't excist bc it's Gold for the team at the end. I understand when you do the whole damage and then somebody lasts hits but that's not the case. The whole KS thing conspiracy just destroys the whole game and the team. What do you guys think about it and how do you deal with players like this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST As a support main I don't have the best clue of when to roam and am typically too afraid of my adc dying to do so. When we get a double kill or one of the other Laners back I tend to just back quickly if I don't think we can get the kill so I'm not at a disadvantage health and mana wise when they return to lane When is a good time to roam and how do I roam on immobile supports like velkoz and what's the difference compared to a mobile support like pyke? [link] [comments] |
Importance of reviewing Vods for improvement Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:02 AM PST Hello guys So i started playing in season 3 and ended up in bronze in that season, the next season i was d4 and had like no clue for macrogame. After a long break and just playing ranked to get rewards i ended up gold 2 last season. But at the moment/ half the season ive been kinda stuck between Diamond 1/Low Master and improvement is really hard In general everytime i do a mistake i acknowledge them and analyse them right after i make one so i want to know if reviewing my vods will help me further take mistakes into account i dont see during games. How has reviewing your Games helped you improving? Is it worth the huge time investment? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:06 PM PST Last night I played a game (gold 2 mmr) and noticed the enemy mid Vlad was likely smurphing. His account only had 6 games with a 5-1 record and 7+ kda on Vlad. He performed well in this game as well so I assume I was right. Anyway I tipped my team off about it, but it didn't stop the Vlad from carrying. I did notice however that my midlaner played pretty safely and tried not to feed, with the enemy Vlad not getting much action until around 15 minutes or so. The problem is that by mid game the Vlad carried anyway since he was basically uncontested early. I guess what I'm getting at is, is it still worth it to tip off your teammates if leads to them playing more stiffly and not trying to have as much impact as they normally would? [link] [comments] |
Should I play ranked now or should I wait until pre-season? Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:21 AM PST For the past few months, I have been leveling up my new account and now that it is 30. Now that I am eligible for ranked I am undecided as to whether I should start Ranked now or wait 8 days until pre-season. I made this account to see how far I can get trying my best, while still having my other account for casually playing as I do in the past. Would starting ranked now just before pre-season affect my climb due to the soft reset or should I just wait? Cheers! Edit: Thanks for the replies :) [link] [comments] |
I'd like to improve my mid/lategame. Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:47 AM PST Well, I'm not really sure how to start this. I play Mid, and am also a Sejuani JG onetrick. I've been trying to improve, and I think I've noticed my biggest issue and have no idea how to fix it. Starting from the beginning. When I play mid, I tend to pick from a relatively large pool of champions. I was trying to work out who I liked, and now I've got a fair few. Let's go down the list. I main TF and Jayce, with Anivia and Veigar as secondaries. I've also been trying to learn Vladimir, Swain and Kassadin. Hopefully the fact that I liked all of those can give you an idea of my playstyle. For a bit more clarification, I've just hit level 30. I've been noticing that while I tend to do really well at the laning phase, I have more trouble as the game goes along. When I'm in my lane, I farm well, usually get a kill or two on champs with a decent earlygame, or go 0 to 2 deaths on a late game scaler. However, at a certain point, (A decent approximation might be around the stage where mid tier one falls,) I start failing. I get caught out more and more, I don't know when to push, when to group, when to fight or when to not. I tend to have high death counts that stem from that point, and I've been noticing that it's my biggest problem. I came here to see if I can get any advice of what I should be doing mid to late game, and what I should be doing to avoid getting caught out while farming, splitpushing, grouping, anything. Any advice on where I or the team should be around this time would also be incredibly appreciated. Anything is appreciated, and I thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:37 AM PST Hello all! I was wondering if any of you have any advice for playing Qiyana into a ranged matchup in mid lane? I'm decently good against other melee's, but can't do anything against ranged (though, as a melee vs range matchup should work) So, does anyone have any advice? In anything from
All tips are welcome. I did a few 1v1s with a friend, Qi into ranged, and the general rule of thumb I found was use Brush element a lot, try to bait out abilities, and then all in, or get as much damage as possible. Any clarification, or further advice/refinement is greatly appreciated! (And yes, I already asked r/QiyanaMains) Thank you! [link] [comments] |
If someone freezes, what do i do Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:58 AM PST How do I break it and what are the pros and cons of doing so? I've been freeze on in mid and had to sit back all day or die to a gank in low elo so I'm curious what other options there are aside from crying and fapping on the second monitor or something [link] [comments] |
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