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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Hey all, it's that time of year again - we're looking for some more volunteers to help make sure the sub can keep running smoothly. We're doing it a bit differently this time with a Google form as opposed to posting apps on the thread; you're free to leave questions below though, if you have any.

    These will be open until Nov 6th, 11:59PM EST. Good luck, hope to see you all there 🤠

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    How am I supposed to finish a game?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    Hey guys, I recently started playing rankeds and Im currently sitting on Bronze I. Im not really hard stuck or anything. I just noticed a really weird pattern in my games and I think you guys could probably help me out. I play mostly jungle and have mid/top as my secondary roles. I know you are gonna hate me for that, but I kind of enjoy mobile and burst heavy champs lile Kha zix, Kayn or Evelynn. And now for the problem: I tend to get really far ahead in almost all of my games. Not only fed, but also objective-wise. I try to controll all the buffs, take drakes, crabs and everything I can somehow get, but still end up loosing. I just dont know how to close out a game or even how to snowball a lead the right way (camping a lane or try to get pressure everywhere for example), before the enemy team reaches lategame and my lead doesnt matter anymore. My games also take ages... like 40min + sometimes.

    Id be very thankful for any advise since I kiiiiind of want to go for the tryhard move and reach at least gold in the last couple days of the season :D

    submitted by /u/theghostlybeat
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    How do I get better at laning as an ADC?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:16 PM PST

    I'll preface this by saying I'm somewhat happy with my teamfighting and skirmishing late game. If I'm ever getting to midgame even with the enemy laner, I'm pretty likely to win. However, I am really bad at staying even in lanes.

    What would be the main thing to focus on to get better as an ADC? I've recently switched from Jgl / Support, where I got plat. But I'm getting shit stomped in lanes by Silver players. Which is expected, but frustrating. I just seem to be bad at everything. Is there any resources you guys recommend for learning this sort of thing?

    submitted by /u/Bigroom1
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    The Math behind Heal vs. Ignite (may be useful for botlanes)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:30 AM PST

    So i just saw a video of a premade botlane where the support was ignited on lvl 1 with almost no HP left (less than 10, but AFTER the initial ignite tick(edit)) and complained that his ADC didnt heal to save him, which made me think about whether the "heal" would have saved him or not. And the answer is NO Yes. (edit)

    I also wondered how the scaling of both spells vs. each other works in detail.

    Disclaimer: This is raw math and has to be applied carefully to the specific situations you might find yourself in.

    It should be common knowledge that ignite reduces healing effects by 40%. Same applies for the "heal" summoner spell. On lvl 1, "heal" heals for 90 HP, while ignite does 70 true damage. Healing into an ignite reduces the healing by 40%, so there will be only 54 HP of healing left, which means that ignite outdamages "heal" on lvl 1 by 16 damage on paper, if you heal INTO ignite.
    EDIT: But keep in mind that the first tick of ignite comes right as you cast it, and considering the fact that the heal is always reactive in that scenario and therefore casted after the initial tick of ignite (which is 17.5 damage), the heal of 54 is more than the remaining damage of ignite (52.5). This only applies for level 1 though, because from lvl 2 onwards the remaining ignite damage after the initial tick is more than the reduced healing of "heal" (67,5 damage vs 63 reduced healing) and will still outdamage the "heal".

    Further into the game, ignite adds 20 damage per level, while "heal" only gains 15 additional HP per level. This means that from lvl 6 onwards, ignite will outdamage "heal", even if you heal BEFORE ignite. At level 6, "heal" will heal for 165 HP, while ignite does 170 damage and the margin will grow by 5 damage in favor of ignite per level if you heal before ignite, and even by 6 damage per level if you heal INTO ignite after the initial ignite tick.

    I hope this may help some of you to evaluate whether it is useful to heal or not in some situations. I personally know the reflex to heal into ignite to save someone very well, but that might be misleading sometimes and you may waste a precious summoner spell there.

    TLDR: Its almost never worth to heal INTO ignite for very low life targets, and often also not worth to heal right BEFORE an ignite later in the game.

    PS: Keep in mind that if you or your mate have any spells that can shield or heal that are on cooldown, it can be worth to heal anyway to buy a few seconds for the spell(s) to come back up and save the day.Please also keep in mind that there is always hp-regen ticking in the background, which may help to survive in certain situations. It will also be reduced by 40% from ignite though.

    submitted by /u/L0ARD
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    The difference of better mental visualized

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:08 AM PST

    Hi guys. Everyone here offers great advice about what's important about climbing. Particularly, a lot of people talk about the benefits of keeping a good mental and staying calm.

    I know that advice is the type of advice that is easy to hear but hard to appreciate. Therefore, I wanted to share the OP.GG of my two accounts. Both players are me. On one of them, I tilt easily, get angry (I try my best not to flame others though), and play with friends chatting over discord. On the other, I turn off chat, stay positive, play alone, and try hard. I know seeing the difference was a huge change in my personal mindset, and I hope sharing the results can really help others really see the importance of mentality.



    submitted by /u/AnAimlessWanderer101
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    A correction to the advice I gave on the post I made the other day about Movement Speed items on Marksmen. (Basically answering if should you buy Zeal or Runaan's before upgrading Boots)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

    So like two or so days ago, I made this post. in addition to the same post on /r/adc. (and /r/leagueoflegends, but that died in new, thankfully).

    All of my data was correct, and there was nothing erroneous about that portion of the post. However, when I was prompted to edit the post with my conclusion on the data, I was horribly mistaken about what is worth doing. I am making this post so anyone who may have seen that horrible conclusion I came to does not follow that advice. I didn't really receive much feedback in response to that conclusion, but the post continued to be upvoted. So I can only assume that it wasn't widely disagreed with, unfortunately. This post also kinda serves to cover my ass a bit, as well as making sure the people who saw that conclusion know it was just awful.

    Solely focusing on MS improvements, the conclusion I initially came to was correct in saying what provided more MS while also providing combat stats. But that doesn't mean that conclusion was smart or took most things into account when it comes to spending gold in League.

    When factoring in the bonuses you can get by upgrading your boots and the gold you would have to spare rather than one-buying Runaans, you just get more (and more valuable) stats.

    If you want a short answer to what is worth doing if you have the question posed in the title, here you go:

    Always upgrade your Boots before buying a Zeal (or a Zeal item) or Runaan's. Even if you can one-buy them, it isn't worth it.

    Should I sell my Boots?

    This is also just generally not worth it. Even if you're overflowing with gold and have enough to just replace them, you will be so god damn slow it isn't even funny. Also you will most likely already have all the AS and Crit. you need if you can even afford to do that.

    If you'd like to see why I am suggesting you follow those guidelines, and the evidence I used to come to the conclusion I now believe, you are free to check out the original post I made, though be warned, the post itself is quite lengthy, as is the explanation for (and evidence supporting) why you shouldn't buy a Zeal (or a full Zeal item) or Runaan's before upgrading your Boots (or before even buying them).

    I'd like to formally apologize for spreading misinformation about what is better to build before the other. It is admittedly a huge noob trap that I fell for, and potentially caused others to fall for.

    If you're interested in a post that I somehow didn't fuck up on aside from it being a colossal mountain of a post that may be difficult for some to digest, check out the post I made that was initially on every marksman's basic attack ranges, but slowly over time mutated into a document containing ranges of all of their moves and effects those moves may have (besides the damage they do, for the most part.) If you're looking for a particular champion's threats that they pose to you, I suggest just CTRL+F'ing then typing the champion you'd like to read about. I tried to provide details about most things that will be relevant to the player facing the champion. Though if I missed something you might think is relevant, please let me know and I will make an addition. I intend to always keep that post up to date, so if you're inclined, feel free to bookmark it.

    Thank you, everyone for reading. Feel free to tear me apart below, as I kinda deserve it by making an ass of myself by providing harmful advice on a forum dedicated to educational content about League.

    submitted by /u/Lack0fCreativity
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    Is ranked really that hard ?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:12 AM PST

    I am level 24 and cant wait to hit 30 and gain acces to ranked. But whenever I bring this up my friends who are between 36 and 80 say I will regret playing ranked, that is almost impossible to climb. The highest rank between them is bronze i forgot the number 3 i guess. I have a friend 144 level that also says ranked is Hard AF. He is silver 3 . Is it that hard to climb to lets say gold or are they just tryhard noobs ?

    submitted by /u/RafaelXLuffy
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    Do I ever go dagger when rushing ie

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST

    The go to build for a lot of ADCs is to rush ie first. But when you get ganked early or poked out, you usually have to back with something like 700 gold. And since they're ahead, and you know they'll be pushing in, recalling, and coming back to lane with a bf sword or pickaxe. Is it worth it to buy a dagger into greaves? Or should I just be waiting for a bf sword and go back to lane with just a Doran's. Sometimes I'll buy a cull, is that a good idea? I feel like it'd just set me more behind.

    submitted by /u/Z-e-n-o
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    How do high elo adcs manage such a high cs/min in soloq?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:10 AM PST

    Hey, so I'm an ex irelia / yasuo two trick, and I've picked up adc after decaying out of masters. I always had very good farm on these two champs because 1. they are super easy to farm and cannot miss cs with them, and 2. I'm always able to take the enemy jg and farm side lanes and push them out before a fight happens. However, on adc it feels like I am lacking on the cs department. On good games I have barely 7 or 8 cs per min, and on bad games I can even go down to 4 or 5 cs per min. How are these high elo players in soloq able to maintain such insane cs score (I'm talking like 10 - 11 cs per min when winning, and at least 8 or 9 when losing.) My guess is that since there are less mistakes in higher elo soloq, the players tend to all farm? Or is it that the mid laner actually knows to go farm the side lane while the adc farms mid? Or is it that these ads just have such good map awareness that they are also taking the enemy jg's farm as an adc? Or am I missing something important that is keeping me from csing? Are they just superior at farming in lane and do not miss any minions? Anything would help, thanks. Just curious as to how they do this. I know there was recently a post here that said to just subconsciously aim for 6~ cs per min, and thats fine, but these players are consistently just having higher cs per min and I'm wondering if that is something that I'm lacking to really push me further than just high diamond / low masters.

    submitted by /u/FadeOfWolf
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    Would there be a reason to trade in boots in late game as ADC?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    This may seem like a silly question, in fact it likely is, but I've always been curious to try it. However, in a game that my team isn't just destroying the other team I think the MS is too risky to get rid of, but that game would be the safest time to test this. It wouldn't give a good representation of this item trade's viability because most games won't be a steam rolling. For the most part, games will be close(ish) in terms of team leads in objectives and kills. I would replace boots with an item that gives either MS or CC along with damage (e.g. BORK). So what conditions do you think there needs to be for favoring trading in boots for another item? For some context I main Jinx, but maybe another marksman would benefit better and if so who and why?

    Bonus question: If you were going to trade in boots would you get an item like I described or something else like a defensive item. Perhaps Warmog's? Just kidding. . . unless?

    Edit: Wording.

    submitted by /u/FrostyAssassin5
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    How do I deal wtith toxic/raging teammates?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Humans make mistakes and that's totally normal. However, I still a lot of teammates blaming me for causing them to lose lane since I didn't gank. Or I made a mistake due to poor positioning. I am not a high elo player and I am trying my best to fix those issues. But whenever ppl start blaming me in the game, I just become more tilted and make even more mistakes. Is there any way to fix such issues to calm yourself down and focus on the game?

    Btw, I would prefer not to mute my teammates since what's the point of playing this team game if I just mute everyone and do my own thing throughout the whole game. It has a sense of attachment when you can communicate with your team through words not just pings.

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    Will Akali Become The Ace up Your Sleeve? Find out on a Guided Video Journey.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:28 AM PST

    Hello Summoners,

    Join us on a journey to find out if Akali (Mid) is the champ for you. Let's look at what she brings to the table be it via single target chase potential or avoiding bruisers that could ruin your day. Come to see if that's the kind of challenge you're looking for.

    Whether you're in it for the fun of it or trying to master the game, Akali could provide to you an awesome opportunity to step up your mindfulness and compassion game.

    Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to leave tempered feedback, supportive comments or how you feel about the champ in general. Come again! :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    What are you supposed to do when you fall behind enemy jungler? Need help

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:17 PM PST

    I'm trying to learn more jungling to get a better understanding of my main lanes (mid/adc) and the game in general. When I play jungle, sometimes I find myself ahead of the enemy jungler because I won an early scuttle fight/successfully invaded/me ganking lanes got me kills but these arent the games im talking about. Some games you're behind the enemy jungler and it seems like the only course of action is to make a successful gank and make sure you get something out of it. Thing is I don't understand when to do these things and when the right timings are.

    I feel so stupid when im behind the enemy jungler and theyre taking dragons left and right and i cant even properly farm my own damn jungle (Lol sad i know)

    submitted by /u/raineratlus
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    Problems as adc main low elo

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

    So I mostly play Draven and Twitch sometimes I go into huge winning streaks but others feel like I'm really hardstuck. I have been bouncing around gold 1-2 for the past month and I really I mean really want to improve is just that I don't know how to.

    When I get ahead is either the enemy ADC is just brain dead or my support is a god but when my support is not the best player I just seem stuck in a passive lane where I can't do anything cause I am 1v2. I mean I am not the best player, but I really want to become a good ADC and climb the ladder

    PS Sorry for bad English

    submitted by /u/daavidjesuus
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    How do you know when to refresh your elixir?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Everyone knows that during the late phase of the game, gold is not important, so that's why it's perfectly fine to sell boots or an item that's lacking in their build. Most people would advise you to make sure you don't forget to buy elixirs because they are basically free stats. In my case, I am quite literally obsessed in buying them, whether it be Sorcery, Iron, or Wrath. Every time I go back to the shop, I scroll down, purchase the one fit for my champion, and leave the base as soon as possible. They all last three minutes. I usually get another one around two minutes in so it doesn't run out while I'm away from the shop.

    Basically what I'm trying to say here is if it's okay to buy elixirs while their still active. Is this strategically bad or good? I want to hear from several different people.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    How to prevent the inevitable ARAM

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:49 AM PST

    Hi im a jg main and currently sitting in p3. Peaked d4. The reason i dropped this far is due to a gigantic loss spree.

    I dont know if its end of season smurfs or the sweaty grind but my last 20 of my last 30 games have been lost due to the midlane aram at 30+mins

    I want to be pressuring objectives or other lanes. But if i leave it becomes a 4v5. My champ pool consists of not great team fighter and more assasin and 1v1 brawlers so even the 5v5 is in their favour.

    What to do in 5man aram

    submitted by /u/kabiel_yoon
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    I've raised my cs/min to 7-7.5 as and adc. How do I get it to 8+ now?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:58 AM PST

    Low gold. The games go fairly smoothly. I farm in lane, I rotate after the tower to farm other lanes (but you know how it is, people start playing arams when you get in their lane), and late game I take jungle camps when I'm able to. Still can't get it high enough. After the 13-14 minute my farm starts decreasing rapidly. I guess in between transitions to lanes and skirmishes around the map. Other games my supp goes wild and tries to get me kills early on and we just fight for the first 6 lvls. So I try to calm him down but if I get a lead I kinda say fu*k it and try to get more kills through cheesing without farming all too much. I basically join the clown fiesta.

    submitted by /u/baksiboi
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    Is almost every game in your hands from a Jungling standpoint?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:19 PM PST

    Hopefully this doesn't get deleted for being too general. I recently started Jungling & it's going great, I feel like the game is easier & in some ways, so much simpler than laning ever was. Getting to the point, I have been playing Olaf, who is extremely strong if I get an early lead, which I have managed to, maybe 70-80% of my games on him, in turn, snowballing & carrying my team to a win. There has been 3 losses in which I did have a feeding laner but I still feel like they were totally winnable because I'm in Bronze. In my opinion, I do believe any high elo player could climb out of Bronze-Silver with a 100% win rate just because of the disgusting macro in low elo. This leads me to my question, as a Jungler, I feel like I have the most say in the game but I'm confused on whether I should have this mentality. In the 3 losses I have with Olaf, even though there was a feeder, they were all winnable if we just focused on better decision making. I don't know if what I'm saying is making any sense but my question is just, as a Jungler, if I really am amazing, would it even matter if my lanes are outmatched, because I simply just have that much influence & pressure on the map? Like out of anybody, should I be the one who's able to carry the hardest?


    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    playing against tank rengar top?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    i feel like it's near impossible to duel him, the only way currently ik how to beat him is if I clear the wave from under my tower (i can still trade back, its just his sustain + tankiness doesnt le thim die easily in an extended trade) and help my team and peel of rengar (since hes building tanky he can't 1 shto the backline usually)

    submitted by /u/DepHea
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    How to Lane with a melee champion without being harassed

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    I always struggle to play with melee champions because I get harassed by most of my matchups. If it isn't a ranged constant poke there is always a OP melee champion that destroy me when I go for last hit.

    Ex: When I play top and run into a Urgot, Renekton, Darius, Garen. When I play Ekko Mid and there is an Yasuo to beat me Everytime I go for a last hit. Or any ranged that keeps auto attacking until kill me (I hate Oriana)

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/vexkov
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    What do I do against Kayle as an ADC?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:20 AM PST

    Right now I've been playing a lot of Ashe. She has high damage, great CC, and can initiate team fights and leave them well. But every time I go against kayle, I can't do anything about it. In my last game they had a rek-sai and the kayle would ulti her and then the one shot me while the kayle killed the rest of my team. I don't know how to build against her, Nor do I know any counterplay against her considering she outranges me. Her damage output was at one shot level last game and all she did was farm. So as an ADC, whose only job is to stay alive while still doing damage, what do I do against a Kayle?

    submitted by /u/zombiekiler1001
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    I reached Platinum 4 with 63% WR on Hecarim as a one-trick, what should I focus on to try and reach Masters next season?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:39 PM PST

    I should preface this by saying I didn't have more time to play past reaching Platinum 4 this season. My goal for next year is to reach Masters, and I finally have time after next week to improve my game knowledge. I have been and will be watching old vods from Tarzan,Jankos,Broxah,Clid,Bengi on Hecarim but they usually took predator so it wasn't that helpful, since my playstyle is based around carrying with Conq->Triumph->Tenacity->Last stand->Boots->CDR+AS,AD,Armor. I almost always build blue smite to catch up to enemies and every single time warrior, never cinderhulk. Then I build however the game state is but usually Trinity->Steraks->DD/GA. I always take smite and ignite. My KDA average is 10.3/6.5/9.5 (I know my deaths are high). Any advice apart from just watch 1000s of vods and content and practice is very much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/levji_kralj
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    Who to camp if the enemy team has a smurf and who to camp if you have a smurf?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    I find some boosters and smurfs in my games a lot and was wondering if you're supposed to camp the enemy smurf or get your other lanes ahead if you're jungling. Also, if you have a smurf on your team are you supposed to camp them or the other lanes? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/sonminh
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    How to play with players who tilt and want to FF after a bad early game?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:29 PM PST

    I'm currently D3 and when my team is at a disadvantage because of a bad early game, they just want to FF and go next and would rather stop to type and tilt in chat instead of continuing to play the game, even if they play scaling solo laners like Kassadin, Kayle, Vlad etc.

    How do I deal with such players who have a loser mindset and don't want to keep playing from behind? There is always opportunity to come back but they never seem to see that.

    P.S I mute all every game but judging by their actions, I can see that they have decided to give up (e.g AFKing in base).

    submitted by /u/Krisko23
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