• Breaking News

    Monday, November 4, 2019

    League of Legends "Poppy Insane" From Korean Challenger!

    League of Legends "Poppy Insane" From Korean Challenger!

    "Poppy Insane" From Korean Challenger!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:22 AM PST

    The SKT Press Conference questions were inadmissible

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:09 AM PST

    Being a journalism student, I know that there are some questions that are always hard to answer for players, in every sport. The questions in the SKT Press Conference tho, were just depressing.
    First question (from western media) was who would have jungle advantage in the final (jankos or tian). That's not even how you should start an interview. Most of the questions were mediocre, and weren't any relevant for SKT and for most people who was watching. The media was asking more questions about other teams, praising G2 (and I'm from Europe, ofc I like to hear good things about our team, but this context was just wrong) rather then the semi-final or even SKT. Faker even answered to the question about him being shaky (phisically during the games), that he just wouldn't comment the situation.
    Kkoma even started crying mid-interview because someone asked that if SKT was already going to rebuild the roaster just because they lost a semi-final lmao.

    Overall I just think most of these questions were made to create headlines and clickbait news other then trying to ask things that really matter.

    submitted by /u/MGuedes007
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    Is Riot aware of the never ending loading bug plaguing the game right now?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:15 AM PST

    I'm shooting in the dark with no real numbers but I swear that 6-7 games out of 10 someone never connects because their client crashes during loading. They don't realize it did because the game looks like it's still loading while the game has actually started. The problem is, the person stuck during loading counts as connected during the first minute (then disconnects later on) making /remake unavailable. As a result the team has an AFK player from the start but /remake is not working. This also happened to me recently and I was quick enough to realize the client crashed, promptly pressed ALT+F4 and rejoined the game that was already going on since 1:30 minutes. Is Riot aware of this? Are they doing anything to fix it? I wouldn't care if the crashes still happen just make the damn /remake work.

    submitted by /u/zork824
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    Former Griffin coach Kim "cvMax" Daeho has signed with Dragon X to be their new coach

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:14 PM PST


    Honestly not sure about this decision from him. Dragon X essentially fired their coach midseason and are also known for awful management of their team that fell apart after a strong split. It seems like he left awful Griffin management for awful Dragon X management.

    submitted by /u/PreztoElite
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    FPX has gone through Worlds without playing a single Korean or NA team

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    Edit: this is not blaming FPX at all. They can only play who's in front of them. It's to emphasize how limited the Worlds format is.

    I feel like this highlights issues with the World's format.

    For the only international competition of the year, how can a team in the finals dodge two entire regions? Sure half of it is because NA is trash and can't make it out of groups, but isn't it stupid that the #1 LPL team didn't have to play against Griffin, SKT or DWG?

    submitted by /u/AF00FF
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    I got a Caitlyn Penta in URF by only killing 2 people

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:36 PM PST

    SKT is gone | G2 Worlds Semifinals Moments

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

    TIL Aatrox still says his quotes from his old ult revive, when being revived by GA's passive

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    I was playing URF and the enemy Aatrox had a GA, when we killed him, he said one of his old quotes he used to say when being revived during his ult - that was before his revive was removed.

    I got surprised, so when the game ended, I tested it on sandbox mode, purchasing a GA then intentionally dying to a tower, and surprise - Aatrox still has those old quotes.

    I thought they got completely removed from the game when Aatrox had his ult revive removed, but they are still there. Which is nice.

    As a side note, I wish they had found a way to keep his revive somehow, not just due to the quotes, but also because his revive was part of his identity.

    submitted by /u/YumaS2Astral
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    Vedius - "Ultimately, I believe that SKT played better than G2 did, but G2 drafted in a way that allowed them to come back into the game"

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    If some of you decide to test Senna's passive in Practice Tool

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    G2 Wunder - "Today was the real final and FPX will get a reality check next week"

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:31 AM PST

    When a bug saves your life.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:08 AM PST

    Urf Blitzcrank with Spear of Shojin

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:59 PM PST

    Worlds TOP 20 rankings comparison before Final. (Vedius, Jatt, LS, Locodoco, ESPN, YamatoCannon, Reddit)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Hey, I made Worlds 20 rankings comparison by League of Legends experts.

    Here you can check it!

    I also added some pointing system just for fun. (explained in doc)

    submitted by /u/wisakoy
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    With Senna's release Lucian's BE price gets reduced to 4800.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

    I don't know whether this is coincidental or not but it's still rather interesting.

    Senna is here to devalue her beloved husband.

    Next champion to get a BE reduction is Jinx!

    submitted by /u/eithalas
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    Pros are humans too

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST


    It's so easy to make fun of their losses and criticise them for our own enjoyment but it'd so hard for people to respect their passion. This is everything to them and no one regrets a loss or mistake more than the one who made it.

    To everyone, try even harder next time.

    Edit- Apparently I can't make a positive post after SKT loses cos i am then being one of those skt fanatics who defend them always. I am supposed to make positive posts after every team loses cos it's unfair to make them just after skt. I am supposed to be an omnipotent god and not just an individual in subreddit. I never mentioned skt in my posts either. And i have only been an active member for a month.

    TSM last year

    Team Liquid and Pobelter last year

    Another one from last year

    These posts go back as far as 6 years ago

    And it's not just recency.

    submitted by /u/Cruddydrummer
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    "Bot Cave" sounds way cooler than "that alcove in bot lane"

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:27 AM PST

    hi welcome to my ted talk

    What other new slang/lingo/gamer techtm -phrases are going to become the norm by middle of season 10?

    submitted by /u/MattRazz
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    Former FMVP jungler IG.Ning seems to be leaving for Top Esports(TES)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:24 AM PST

    • After losing to FunPlus Phoenix in semifinals, IG.Ning deleted almost all the content in his official Weibo account, including business promotion content of IG.
    • Ning posted two weibos. The first one was to cheer up for FPX, especially jungler Tian. The other one said 'good night' and attached screenshots of Gin Tama, referring to the words of Sakata Gintoki to keep smile on face and go ahead without looking back.
    • TES toplaner TES.369 and former TES support Cat (currently a highly popular commentator of LPL) started following Ning's weibo. It's regarded as a sign of TES signing Ning.
    • TES ranked 2nd in LPL summer split 2019, but they lost to IG in LPL 2019 Regional Finals, failing to make it to Worlds 2019. The star midlaner TES.Knight9 is regarded as one of the best players outside this year's worlds.
    • Fun fact: Knight9 and Ning used to be playing together in PDD's LDL team Young Miracles. FPX.Tian and RNG.Ming both started their careers at the club as well. However, YM never made it to LPL.

    Ref: Ning's weibo: https://weibo.com/u/5064433525

    EDIT: The whole thread is a collection of assumptions on Hupu and NGA based on observations. Ning's next move is not yet confirmed, so please just view it as a rumor. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/kimilime
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    I almost feel like people stopped seeing URF as fun and just as like "I want to win as fast as possible"

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:59 AM PST

    Every URF game I played today I seen the same like 10 champions (Jhin, Blitz, Yuumi, Pyke you know the OP stuff) but like I never see the FULL AD AHRI anymore or the MAX MOVEMENT SPEED WARWICK's its just 6 Infinity Edge Jhin again woooo watch him auto attack. Like we have been given this amazing gift from Rito and we are wasting it playing Jhin

    submitted by /u/SebastianMikals
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    My heart bar was at 99 the whole time!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PST

    How G2 consistently gets early advantages, explained by Ambition (G2 vs. DWG Breakdown)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:33 PM PST


    (This video has English sub. Turn CC on!)

    Here's the breakdown of the G2 vs. DWG quarterfinals game--and some insight on how G2 continuously performs so incredibly well.

    Hoping Ambition releases a video for today's match soon so that I can get it translated before the finals!

    submitted by /u/loldear
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    Riot did say Xayah doesn't lay eggs so I guess this is perfectly fine

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:01 AM PST

    Riot did say Xayah doesn't lay eggs so I guess this is perfectly fine


    My new equipment just arrived and I decided to test it out using my Xayah cosplay. Got hungry in between shoot and decided to boil eggs for lunch and I just realised it might be cannibalism?? I don't know, it's such a grey area here.

    I just started out my Instagram and Facebook Page :3

    submitted by /u/imkaynmain
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    It would be nice if Riot would tell us in advance what champions are gonna get a Gemstone Skin, like they do with the Prestige Points.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PST

    I've been Hoardering Gemstones for a while now and I am hesitant to spend them since the ones I don't have don't intrest me that much. I know they are playing a guessing game with the splasharts and such, but i want to spend them some time in the future.

    submitted by /u/TheNightquest
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    Nomination of LS for the dade award.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:51 PM PST

    I'm really starting to think that the "Low Standards" meme is not really a meme and just the actual truth...Honestly, he's been so overhyped and failed to deliver at worlds this year. He makes these bold predictions, (i mean seriously. he only casts and does analysis for the LCK, what would he know lmao) only for his words to backfire whenever a korean team loses. Clearly has no idea what he's talking about if he really couldn't see G2 winning the whole world championships, after their performance against probably the 2nd best team in the world FNC in the LEC (bringing G2 to game 5, similar to SKT at MSI).

    I think we've shown as a community that our analysis of pro level league of legends is actually a lot higher than we thought. We can easily tell the difference between the styles of different regions and also the mental condition of all the players, just from player cams alone. Let's stop giving attention to people who analyze league as their career, and continue criticizing them for making predictions. I'm actually glad we are here to witness history, because i dont think in the history of league, that there has been a team as dominating as G2 in the past month in the history of esports ( i used to watch a lot of starcraft 2, so I'm pretty confident. go Marinekingprime)

    just my 2 sense.

    submitted by /u/haha-lol
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    Noway4u_sir is absolutely insane

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PST

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