• Breaking News

    Friday, November 8, 2019

    LoL Guide Tip - instead of asking "how can I carry?" ask "how can I be more useful to my team?"

    LoL Guide Tip - instead of asking "how can I carry?" ask "how can I be more useful to my team?"

    Tip - instead of asking "how can I carry?" ask "how can I be more useful to my team?"

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:26 AM PST

    Unless you're way beyond your current ELO u wont constantly carry games, so instead of having a "carry" mentality try to ask yourself how u can be more useful to your team, especially more useful than your enemy laner(s).


    • Rotate to help them even if u might lose some gold. even if u dont kill the enemy, if he waste a spell or lose a lot of HP that will help so much giving your ally advantage in lane

    • Ping danger on them when u suspect they gonna get ganked. pinging "missing" on yourself can (and a lot of time, WILL) get ignored

    • Don't let yourself get killed thus helping the enemy with that 300 gold, helping them killing your team faster

    • Vision! Junglers cant gank if you can always see them on the map

    • In team fights and if you're not a squishy and not ahead - try to peel for the ones that are! punish enemy engages rather than trying to find your own

    submitted by /u/wulfgar4president
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    We just released this new AI Training Platform after getting your Feedback 10 months ago

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    In December 2018, many of you tried Zar.gg and gave us truly great feedback. We also got help from Hakzar, a Summoner School mentor. Thanks again for your help!

    After 10 months of development, the new version is live: https://zar.gg .

    Zar 2.0 is an AI training platform that helps you improve in each game, through training cycles with relevant and concrete objectives:

    • Profile: Discover your strengths and weaknesses on each champion you play. Your profile is dynamically generated and only shows you the skills you should focus on right now to improve as efficiently as possible.
    • Personalized Challenges: Choose a strength or weakness to train and take up a challenge for your next game. These challenges are based on your previous performances and evolve as you improve.
    • Pregame: Get key insights on your allies and enemies, and a reminder of your in-game challenges.
    • Postgame: See whether you succeeded in your challenges, and earn rewards.

    By completing challenges, you unlock achievements and evolve in a progression system that is designed to make you improve in the game, reward you for your efforts, and be fun to progress in.

    What we're working on right now: new kind of challenges that take the game duration into account. Improving the Strengths & Weaknesses machine learning models, the onboarding experience, and the overall progression system.

    We are still in beta stage, so we would like to know whether you think Zar helps you become a better player and what we can do to improve it. Check it out: https://zar.gg

    Also, don't hesitate to join us on discord to get updates about Zar or simply to chat with us!

    Zar works for ranked solo/duo, flex and normal games in EUW, NA and EUNE servers, on desktop and mobile browsers.

    A few screenshots of Zar here

    submitted by /u/Kishoten
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    When to start playing/learning Yasuo ?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:27 PM PST

    I am a Plat mid main, and I hate low elo Yasuo players. Because of that, since he came out I pretty much avoided playing him. But, like a Lee Sin in the jungle, I think every good midlaner should know how to play Yasuo... My question is when is the time ? On what rank Yasuo is just another champion instead of a meme ?

    submitted by /u/OberonFirst
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    Which ADC is better with Thresh?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:37 AM PST

    Hey, kinda new player here: I recently started playing Thresh as support, and I really appreciate it, it feels really good to me, and i think it suits my playstyle the most of all supports i tried.

    I usually play Duo botlane with a friend of mine, who played tristana in our last games, but is looking for a new adc to main. (Both because he doesn't really like Trist, nor we actually feel like she is really strong with Thresh. (We of course might be wrong about this)).

    What ADC would you advice him to pick,( also considering we both aren't that skilled in lol yet)?

    submitted by /u/Myrith99
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    I know how to manipulate the wave, I just don’t get when I should be doing what with it.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Mid Plat Ad Main here! I've spent so much time growing as a player this season and have just about mastered everything except maybe looking at my map haha. But what I really struggle with is when to do what in lane.

    I've mastered how to manipulate the wave but I struggle to understand when I should be doing what with the wave. If the jungler is bot and trying to solo drag, do I slow push or hard push. If the ad backs and I'm catching the wave under tower but I can't push it in fast enough to deny them ca, what do I do?

    And in what matchups in lane should I be doing what with the wave? In a poke lane do I push, what about against one.

    Any help would be appreciated. Wave management is confusing and there isn't really anything concrete and good out there to look at.

    submitted by /u/Whails
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    Unknown Basics

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    New here so of this is against rules, I'm sorry and can delete.

    So I've been playing league for 8+ years now and I just recently (from reading in this subreddit) about the "attack move click" hotkey. After reading a bit this seems like a very basic thing to know yet I never heard about it for the longest time.

    What are some other basics that people don't usually think to bring up, if any?

    submitted by /u/CGoode1
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    When to buy BORK or just go full crit on Lucian?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    I thought of this because of a similar post for tiamat.

    I never know when I should go BORK into ER or to build ER into crit items. I've been seeing sneaky go full crit most of the time and occasionally BORK. When should I choose one or the other? Is it based off of the enemy champs? Or personal preference?

    submitted by /u/thelonebaka
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    When to TP as a toplaner?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PST

    I'm plat V as a toplaner, mainly aatrox. Just wondering when to use tp botlane

    Situation 1: both my botlaners are dead, their adc is dead but I can easily kill the support. Is it worth the tp to kill the support?

    Sit 2: if I kill the enemy botlane but my bot is dead, do i push bot wave and let enemy top push lane and get my tower or back right away?

    Sit 3: if the enemy is at my tower already but there is an important fight bot, is it worth defending my tower or is tp' ing always better? When do I defend my lane and when do I tp?

    submitted by /u/DeadFishInMyAss
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    Jungler - elise

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:38 AM PST

    Hai all,

    I'm not really new to the Game, but I suck. At first syndra was recommended to me but being a mid laner is just hard. Now I'm playing jungler for +/- 1 month, and really like to play with Elise.

    Any of you got any tips for playing with Elise? I watched a few videos and played 20 games now and starting to get a hang of the basics.

    submitted by /u/Itz_Prxnce
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    Mid/late game farming when losing

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:14 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I am an ADC player, recently I managed to climb to S4 after a year of playing ranked (yay)

    However, I found myself having trouble staying farmed up in a losing situation from mid game and on. Whenever I try to farm a side lane, there seems to be team fights going on or an objective such as tower or drake is being pushed and my teams get irritated with me if I'm farming in a side lane during this, but when helping with objectives I fall further and further behind on farm and become less and less impactful late game. I'm sure im probably supposed to multitask but I dont know how.

    What is the correct way to do things here? I know league tips can be very situational, but considering this is a basic fundamental of the game I'm sure there are some good answers.

    submitted by /u/TCrob1
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    Never gank a losing lane?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Hey r/summonerschool,

    I am a plat 4 jungle/top player and i watched a yt video and the meme "never gank a losing lane" came up.

    How much should you actually listen to this or is it more like "if i win the 1v2/2v3, ill go there"

    A simple question, but its been on my mind for a while now and i wanted to ask it :)

    submitted by /u/EddyDGod
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    Where can I learn wave management, and how can I use it to my advantage as a Jungler?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:16 AM PST

    Hello, I've been maining jungle for a about a month or so now and recently I've been trying to improve my macro game during the laning phase, and one thing I need to learn is the ins and outs of wave management. Could anyone comment, or link me a guide explaining how it works and how laners manipulate the waves? Pushing and Freezing the wave is about the extent of my knowledge lol. Also once I learn this, how can I incorporate this knowledge in my JG game? Lets say my laner dies in a 1v1 and I come in and successfully clean up. What do I to his wave to best set him up for success when he gets back or maybe set up for a repeat gank? Basically I'm asking for any knowledge you could give me regarding wave management and how a JG can take advantage of it.


    submitted by /u/CrankTheTanky
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    How To Deal With Midgame As Toplaner

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 04:49 AM PST

    So i was play Kled top and i was facing off against a Tryndamere. Now he got absolutely guteted a I was 4/0, 7 minutes in with I'd say a decent amount of CS but after that it just stayed at that for a while But we won at 25 mins in with a KDA of 11/0/2. Now sure we won that but i Thought that maybe there was something to improve there Like I won my lane hard but i didn't transfer that to my teamates (Side Note:I didn't take TP that game i took Flash and Ignite, so that probably didn't help with that. Is it required to have TP as Top. Lemme Know K.

    submitted by /u/kenito2005
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    Can anyone help me with map awareness?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 04:06 PM PST

    How can i increase my map awareness. I find that when laning, i focus too much on getting all the CS that I don't pay attention to wards and pings. I put deep wards in river and the enemy jungle, but its useless because i never see them in time. Along with this, I have heard a lot of people see where the enemy jungler is before ganking, or looking for one. What if the enemy jubgler isnt there. What if you dont have wards? Even if the did appear on the map, or on a lane, i never see them. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Duckmester
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    Season end / master decay

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 04:01 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    Does anyone know how the decay works at the season end ? Like i have 10 banked games on the 9th of nov. (EUW). Means I would end up with 0 bank games from 18th ->19th. But as far as i understand the season ends on the 18th 23.45 (idk about the timezone)and ladder updates every day on 00.45(london timezone). does that mean i would be safe holding my rank with 10 banked games on the 9th of nov? Any ever experienced it or asked riot about it ?

    submitted by /u/MajkicGA
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    What are your insights on champion difficulty? (also some jungling basic help)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:24 AM PST

    I'm really new to the game- should that stop me from trying to play more "difficult" champions? I'm getting the difficulty from mobalytics. Is that a reliable source? Anyways, I do a lot better with warwick and ammumu than I do with shaco and ekko. I'd rather play shaco or ekko, but is it worth it to learn jungling basics with warwick or ammumu first?

    I'd like to learn about better map awareness, some gank routes, healthier jungle clear (i see youtube videos with better jungle clear and id like to learn). Mostly macro stuff. Oh, and objective priorties. So, if you have any insight on those things that would be very appreciated too.


    1) what are some general ideas on champ "difficulty"

    2) is mobalytics a good resource or should i try to learn from somewhere else

    3) should I learn jungling on an "easier" champ

    submitted by /u/Salvadoriorio
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    Where is Map Scroll Speed setting: PATCH 9.22

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Hey guys, I have just install League into my new computer. I changed all setting to what I wanted, there is one setting I couldn't find is the Map Scroll Speed.

    When I move my mouse to the edge, the screen just went so far way more than I wanted. I have tried to change the camera movement speed but it didn't solve. My gameplay experience have been really shitty for a while because of this. Can you help me figure this out?

    submitted by /u/Quangngx
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    Some game awarenesse questions

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Hello plat 2 player here struggling to make it to diamond. I've got some questions that i figured need answering, so here i am.

    If im playing top/mid and i have ignite, and i kill the enemy laner but i get low, and he tp's to the lane and freezes the wave, what do i do, i risk it or go b? Cause then i'd lose a lot of minions.

    When should i ward the bushes in the early game? Should i ward anywhere else other than the bushes?

    How do i avoid getting 2/3 man dived? Sometimes i dont have tp and i stay because then i'd lose xp and gold.

    What do i do when my bot feeds my jungler doesn't come and im not ahead? How can i help my team without dying/losing top xp and turrets?

    When should i splitpush and when should i group as a toplaner?

    How can i predict the enemy's jungler pathing mid game? I have no idea where he is and i can be ganked at any time.

    I think that's all, sorry for the long post but if someone could help me out that'd be greatly aprecciated!

    Edit; awareness, added an extra e there :P

    submitted by /u/DedsonicPt
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    Jungle: Power Farm or Gank Heavily?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Hello summoners,

    I was wondering specifically when you should be farming or applying kill pressure on certain Champs. Kha'zix to be exact. I started playing K6 recently (about 4 days ago) only a few months after starting the game. I feel like I really found my champ or at least playstyle (assassin).

    That being said, something I have trouble with is determining when to gank or farm. My laners often ping for ganks when the wave is in a terrible place or they're super low hp. I capitalize on ganks that I feel super confident about, however.

    My question is: should I try to force or react to unsavory ganks? I try to lane gank when my bot lane (constantly) pushes up but they don't get the memo and they end up hiding in the bush with me (when the enemy seen them go in it).

    I usually carry the mid-late game by screwing squishies that overextend past their line of vision so i end up getting fed. The early game is sometimes rough though, especially with people who don't know how Kha operates. I'm one S game away from level 7 mastery after 4 days of Zix so my problem isn't with the champ (or macro really). I just need to learn how I can capitalize more in the early game to snowball myself and my laners.

    submitted by /u/andblake22
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    Awesome New YouTube Channel for Super-High-ELO Jungle VoDs

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:09 AM PST

    Hi everyone!

    I want to plug a new YouTube channel I found that showcases first-person SoloQ VoDs from only the best junglers in the world (Jankos, Tarzan, Tian, Clid etc):


    They upload several new videos a day, so it's definitely a resource worth checking out if you want to see how the absolute best junglers play SoloQ. Some of the stuff they do is impossible to replicate unless you're a mechanical god, but a lot of it can apply to our games at any level.

    submitted by /u/imareaver
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    How do you play mordekaiser in teamfights?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:50 PM PST

    I've played Mordekaiser a bit in gold now, trying to expand my champion pool from Garen, Shen and other tanks. He seems incredibly lane dominant, similarly to Garen or Darius, but I have a really hard time using the lead in teamfights. He's one of those champs that is straight up useless if doesn't win lane, which is fine, but even when I do, I'm really bad at figuring out how to fuck up a fed adc or even just teamfight in general. Any tips?


    submitted by /u/Sofusninja
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    How to ward properly as a mid laner

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:12 AM PST

    So I have been playing in mid lane for 2 weeks straight (pretty much new to league) . My type of champ is mages that focus on pushing and late game combat( like viktor,velkoz,..). Most of the time I have to deal with assassins like zed, talon, yas, etc so I was really scared to go deep warding as I might get one shotted. My average warding point is about 25/15 min. My question is, when and where should I ward when facing assassins or counter matchup??

    submitted by /u/petearnold
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Senna

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:39 PM PST

    And just like that we reach the end of another cycle of Daily Champion Discussions. Thanks to everyone that has shared their knowledge on all these champions! I will update this one in the future once U.GG, Probuilds and League of Graphs are updated to include Senna.

    Link to Wikia

    Champion subreddit: r/sennamains

    Primarily played as: Support, ADC

    What role does she play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on her?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are her spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does she synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against her?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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