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    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    LoL Guide When is it viable to take an early inhibitor (Diamond+)

    LoL Guide When is it viable to take an early inhibitor (Diamond+)

    When is it viable to take an early inhibitor (Diamond+)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:22 AM PST

    Quick question. I'm a Nasus one trick who hovers around diamond 3/2. As a champion I normally focus macro/split pushing to lead my team into victory by pressuring a sideline which force 2 enemy champions to focus me, giving my team which is grouping pressure and numbers advantage.

    Whilst playing Nasus at diamond is hard, there are some match ups I completely stomp, allowing me to easily take tier 1 and 2 towers in 13-15 minutes. When this occurs I normally solo rift. This is my problem, do I use rift to secure the tier 3 top tower and inhibitor or should I use rift in another lane or with my team by grouping?

    The main reason for this is that an early inhibitor gives my opponent lanes (usually something like a Kayle) a lot of free gold and exp, but at the same time the early inhibitor allows me to roam and split bot lane whilst keeping pressure top.

    So essentially my question is, when is it correct to take an early inhibitor? Is it worth it for the extra pressure for a few minutes to secure dragon/tier1 towers?

    submitted by /u/Jakez123
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    Lets talk Ornn

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    So lately im seeing Ornn almost in every game, and if he is just a bit decent then early game he either dominate lane or just waiting it out to scale for late game, where he just not seem to be able to die AND having great stun lock engages on low CD.

    Thing is I never seen an Ornn it only happened lately so, why is that?

    And while at it, how do you deal with him especially lategame if your damage dealers cant breach through him and cant kill him?

    submitted by /u/wulfgar4president
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    A diamond jungler that wants to master the ADC role

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm currently a d4 euw jungler and i'm trying to learn adc (not in ranked ofc). I really need some kind of videos to really understand the basics if it's possible. Also, i was wondering what is the best kiting option? And i recently bought a really good mouse but still struggling to find the "perfect" sensitivity.

    I kinda have an overall idea about the ADC role but except the lvl 2 "spike" and the retaliation can't really understand the basics.

    submitted by /u/Baylo28
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    Some points i ask myself before and during the game.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:20 AM PST

    Constantly think about the matchup:

    All of these questions need to be answered before you can think about how you manage the wave.

    - What does the enemy champion want to achieve?

    - Do I have range advantage?

    - What are his major spells and cooldowns?

    - Does he have bad wave clear early?

    - Has he strong skirmish potential early?

    - Can he kill me lvl 2, 3?

    First thoughts going into the game:

    - Who has better shove level 1?

    - Do I want to shove, slow push or vice versa?

    - How do I approach the lane?

    - Where do the junglers start, what is thier normal pathing?

    - Can the jungler gank me lvl 2?

    - Do I want to push for lvl 2 advantage?

    - What are my intentions with every wave?

    - How is he dodging, can I notice a pattern?

    - Where is my jungler? Lean to his side

    - Can I ward now? Am I safe?

    - Does this ward make sense right now?

    - Can we win a potential 2v2?

    - When do I want to go back?

    Edit: if you have more points i could add feel free.

    submitted by /u/Flokiisama
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    If you're Top, Mid or ADC, placing Control Wards makes you win a lot more!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:21 AM PST

    Hello i'm Dimebag Darrel...

    "Jungler(s) and Support(s) place the most wards" - some challenger probably (a.k.a. me)

    The main reason TOP,MID and ADC don't care is because:

    • If they put it, it might go down sooner than it is worth to buy. (opposing midlaner/jungler simply walking up to it and taking it down)
    • They don't need a Control Ward to stay in lane, under turret.
    • They already have their TRINKET for vision.

    The benefits they ignore are:

    • You can ask for gank more easily. (increases chance of a takedown)
    • You can prevent a gank more easily. (lowers chance of being the victim of a 1v2)
    • You have map control (which means more Drakes, Kills, Assists, and higher chance of snowballing into a Victory)

    In conclusion:

    Players have a hard time admiting the game is bigger than the lane they play with, i know because i play in Silver 1.

    Every single matchup i have a Zed mid, all i see is a dude trying to oneshot with his runes and items, and getting the most cs he can, without caring about if the enemy Jungler is SS (which i mean, should he try to 1v1 knowing there's a chance of being ganked by a Jungler he can't see?)

    If you understood what i meant, please buy a Control Ward. If you didn't please, buy a Control Ward.

    submitted by /u/TrustMeIveGotAPlan
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    Thresh: Playmaker or Lantern Bot? Learn What's to Appreciate About Him!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    Hi there,

    Today we take a look at Thresh Support. Run fast like the wind with Shurelya's and Mobility Boots. Always on the watch for unsuspecting souls to pick up and unsuspecting allies to bail out.

    Play around your modest damage output and tankyness with your wits and more. A video commentary packed with info to find out about the champ and the value of mindfulness and compassion. May this be of great use to decide whether Thresh is the champ for you or just try him right away by yourself! Although maybe more fun to go together. :)

    Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to leave tempered feedback, supportive comments or how you feel about the champ in general. Take care!

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Cannot play simple champions (annie, garen, ashe, etc). What fundamentals am I missing?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:51 AM PST

    So as the title says, whenever I play simple champs I get stomped, but complex champions like Qiyana and Draven are much easier to play for me. I know that means I have a fundamentals issue that I'm compensating for, but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. I've tried being very passive in lane, but that's never really worked for m and I usually can't avoid giving them a huge lead in either cs or kills. NA op.gg is the same as my reddit username, if you want to look.

    submitted by /u/CrushforceX
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    So, I'm a little lost with all those new mechanics

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

    I used to play LoL 6 years ago, back on the times of The Tribunal and IP. Now everything is kinda different, and I don't really understand that blue essence thing, nor those champions shards.

    I don't have many champs, I prolly have 'bout half of them, but I got some skin shards of some awesome skins (Ezreal Sailor Moon, for example, eventho I still don't have Ez) what should I do? Wait 'til I have enought orange thing to get those skins, or should I destroy those shards to get a better one?

    I just need some tips on the best way to get more blue essence and use the shards better.

    submitted by /u/SheikFlorian
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    Does Hecarim fall off late game or is it just me?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:27 AM PST

    TL;DR does hecarim fall off late game or am I just doing something wrong?

    So I've started playing a bunch of jungle and my two favourite jungle champs are ekko and hecarim, but I've noticed a difference with scaling in terms of power.

    With ekko, if I farmed and ganked well I feel extremely powerful in the late game, but with hecarim I feel very useless: too squishy to engage and not enough burst to kill anyone but the other squishies

    Does hecarim thrive in the early game but fall off late? Or is it just circumstances or some other factor that is unknown to me because of straight lack of knowledge?

    My build path for hecarim is as follows:

    Merc Treads/Tabi>Triforce>Warrior enchantment>Steraks gage>Spirit visage>Guardian angel

    Runes are conquerer, triumph, alacrity, coup de grace with celerity and waterwalking (sorcery) as secondary runes.

    Is this the ideal build path, or is there something I'm building in the wrong order? I heard it was best to rush triforce and then get your jungle item second as hecarim since it meshes really well with his Q.

    I also start red>raptors>krugs>wolves>blue>gromp>scuttle, which is the jungle path I take pretty much every game. I then try to get an early gank on mid or top, but should I be invading instead, rather than going for a gank which might not succeed? I'm not very confident in the jungle yet and the thought of invading is quite daunting as I'd be worried about running into the enemy jungle.

    I'd really appreciate some clarity on the situation here, and if hecarim is even worth playing instead of just of focusing solely on ekko, as I understand that ekko is quite hard to master compared to hecarim. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Horsheen
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    Is it wrong to perma gank bot/mid as a jungler?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:58 AM PST

    Lately I have been winning way more games when I practically ignore top lane/top jungle camps and only stick to the bottom jungle/lanes to get them fed and make sure we get every dragon. When I go top side to gank it feels like the other jungler always ganks bot lane and kills them/gets dragon, making it not worth it for me to go top anymore.

    How to balance not abandoning top lane but also making sure bot lane is fed and securing dragons?

    I am silver 2 and main Zac in the jungle, hence the strong ganking potential.

    submitted by /u/LionlyLion
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    A guide to placing vision

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:14 AM PST

    This guide gives some ideas about good ward placing practice. It takes a lane by lane approach in which it talks about the benefit of different ward locations, both offensive and defensive. Furthermore, it provides images with common warding locations clearly marked. Hopefully it will serve as a helpful guide for those of you who might struggle with knowing where to prioritize placing your wards. Feel free to leave any feedback you might have!


    submitted by /u/TFeyner
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    What constitutes a power spike?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:47 PM PST

    Hey guys, back again with another dumb question.

    I'm aware of how important the level 2 powerspike is and how it can give you a quick advantage in lane to make an all in play.

    But what is an item powerspike? Is it when you build your first offensive item?

    Also, what constitutes a level based powerspike?

    I play a lot of jinx and MF, if that gives the more experienced players here an idea if how to explain things for me.


    submitted by /u/TCrob1
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    How does one track the enemy jungler?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    I started playing league in season 8 so I'm still relatively new to the game and I need some tips on how to track the enemy jungler. Currently I'm a plat 2 jungler and I'm going for that last push to diamond. I just had a game where the enemy jungler was on top of me pretty much all game and made it miserable for me, how can I inflict pain on others the same as this person did to me lol?

    submitted by /u/Zmagz
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    Another new jungler looking for advice

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:19 PM PST

    hey all,

    I have a few jungle games under my belt and im getting smoked. I have 6-7 games with Ekko, and 1-2 with Heca, Shaco, and nocturn. Shaco is a no go for me I dont really like the play style, Nocturne worked out a little better and a bit easier to understand his kit, actually went positive twice with Heca and enjoyed the experience, and last but not least Im about 50-50 with Ekko. i had the most fun with Ekko but I put myself in bad situations and I dont really know the combos or how to initiate. Being a mid main its weird playing jungle because I kind of feel useless for a lot of the game, I dont really know how to spot a ganking opportunities or when i should be worried about objectives or when i should just farm camps. I think the play style that I am more interested in is the fast clears and objective control, then maybe when i get a little more confidant have a solid ganking champ. I really want to convert fully from mid to jungle but man is there a lot going on, any help or steps i need to take to adjust my mind set, really anything would be great lol.

    submitted by /u/Shinigami717
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    How do I get rid of bad habits ASAP?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:25 AM PST

    So I have been playing League of legends for nearly 3 seasons now and I reach G4 only last month.

    But I did that by playing jungle, and since I wanted to switched to solo lanes next season I realised that my mechanics are an abomination and I have a top of mechanical bad habits.

    I'm not a hardcore gamer and I only play league (first and only moba i played) and games with controllers and managing a keyboard game with a lot of keys was a pain to me when i started so I took the easy way out for 3 years and now my muscle memory is stuck with a lot of bad habits.

    Basically, untill 2 to 3 months ago I used to play with a locked camera, leveled my abilities with the mouse, rarely used items, never used attack move, never used attack champions only, never used f keys, only played champions with minimal mechanics, hid in the jungle and didn't play lanes for the past year cause my mechanics are trash, etc etc... I was never used to keyboard games and I thought that league was simple with 6 buttons and a mouse and trying to do anything mechnically intensive in learn results in me fat fingering the whole keyboard, and after I reached gold this season with jungle and stopped playing ranked I experimented in lanes and tried to fix the problems that I mentioned above it felt like a whole new game and that I was mechanically impaired the whole time.

    So how can I fix all of these problems asap since I can't play too much untill january ( maybe 1 game a day max ).

    submitted by /u/TheJunglerssFault
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    Hard stuck P3 mid Kat - how to get to next lvl?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Been hard stuck floating p4-p2 for months as a Kat otp (Smelllykat) on NA server. Some of it is I'm just tired alot of days, but otherwise what should I be focusing on to jump to Dia?

    I've been bronze through plat, my mechanics are good, trying to think of another issue why I haven't jumped to Dia? Other champs I play are Ekko Zed fizz and akali.


    submitted by /u/francoislapou
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    Help at TOP and ADC

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    Hi I'm a top/adc main currently at gold 3 with a 57% winrate, my main adc is jhin, now the problem is usually the enemy top (malphite, mordekaiser, tanks with cc) during the the mid to late team fights they usually cc me and kill me, and I cant counter that, at least i dont know how, I usually save flash to dodge their cc's like malphite ulti, is there a better way to survive these situations without flash, and no extra mobility and my team isn't stunning the enemy tank?(no peel) also, what is a good way to do the same when I play top?(permastun the adc and kill him)

    Also, when I say they cc me they usually just walk through the teamfight and ult me, in the case of morde and malph

    Sorry for the formatting, mobile reddit is awful

    submitted by /u/Sevaaas1
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    Melee champs vs full range team

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:23 PM PST

    Ok so I just got out of a horrible game, looking for some tips as to what to do in situations like this.

    I was playing Mordekaiser, and then we had a TF, Akali, Shaco, and Ashe.

    The enemy team was Senna top, and then a Yasuo, Qiyanna, Kaisa and Sona.

    I went even vs the senna, but couldnt do much cause of her poke. I didnt ever get help from Shaco but whatever, didnt feed, no biggie. Then came mid and late game. I couldnt do anything at all. Team fights? Got zoned off by ranged poke. Ult an enemy? They had so much mobility and CC on top of being fed that it was suicide to ult anyone.

    So i tried splitting. Couldn't do that either, because as stated, I couldnt win 1v1 because they were ranged and fed. I wanted to try and stay positive but I was literally so useless at this point, and my team eventually lost.

    What are melee top laners supposed to even do in this situation? AFK in fountain? Cause there didnt seem like much else to do but die and get the enemy even more fed lmao.

    submitted by /u/FGPO
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    Need help getting blue essence

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:04 PM PST

    So I am level 22, I love this game so much. But now all of a sudden, I can't get any blue essence apart from daily wins and leveling up, and I can't really play it much (bout 3 matches a day). I really want more characters including aatrox, jinx and kayn. It's really hard now though and it's making me not really want to play as much any more. Any tips or something on how to get more blue essence?

    submitted by /u/Kit_Kat117
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    How do you improve on team fights?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:07 PM PST


    I've been playing for a couple of months, I'm only lvl 21. But when it comes to team fights or ARAM it feels like "white noise" I have my plan in my head, for example with Leona I was thinking on: "I'll W, then E, then Ulti and my teammates can AOE them down". But it was really hard to focus on that an actually do it. Can you share any tips on how to remain focused and improve on team fights? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ggelabert
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    How should I approach laning phase as a mid laner and when does laning phase end?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Recently I came back to lol and after being a top laner for so long, I've recently had lots of fun being a mid laner, with my main being Swain. Although I've been having lots of fun being a mid laner, I still don't know how to approach the laning phase.I usually end up either farming for 15 minutes or being too aggressive and feeding.

    So please try to help me understand as I really don't know how to approach it and what role I generally have in the team.Also, when does laning phase end? since I'm still really struggling on that.

    submitted by /u/Aequeaurea
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    How to improve as a jungler (push for high dia)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:09 AM PST

    I have been maining jungle for the last couple of seasons and hovering at p1-d4 elo. When the new season starts I want to make a push for high diamond or even masters considering I will be having lots of free time for some months. The thing is, I don't know how to effectively learn jungle by watching high elo players.

    For example when I watch a toplaner play (my secondary role) it is much more straight forward to understand why he trades in lane, positioning/when he backs off, roams etc. However for jungle the decisionmaking process seems much more abstract and complicated to me and I don't know how to use vods of high elo junglers to improve my own play. Sometimes they seem to make some really strange decisions and everything is really different from game to game.

    So I thought of this: go into a high elo jungler VOD and try to track the enemy jungler and every 20 sec pause and think about what I would do next and compare it to what the player does and eventually I will get more experience in making these decisions as they do. Do you think that this is a good idea for improving? Do you know of a more efficient way or any other helpful resource?

    ps: sorry if the formatting is bad I am posting this through reddit terminal viewer.

    submitted by /u/8bitreality
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    Early game plan on mid (dia+?)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Hey guys! I am a mid main, playing since season 1, when I was at my 'peak' tryharding I was top 500 euw. But my problem was always that my playstyle was very 'unorthodox'. I learned to play around other people and always went for mechanical outplays instead of playing the 'correct' way, and that was always rewarded because I was a Kat one trick.

    So now I am trying to learn to properly play while not playing an assassin so that I am required to focus on the fundamentals instead on the outplays.

    So I usually do well in most games, but the games I don't do well in are the ones where I feel I butcher early game wave control, like first 2-3 levels and die to a gank that I shouldn't.

    Let's say I am playing Syndra in all my questions below.

    For example, against a Zed with a Kha jungle, I took 70% of his HP levels 1 and 2 and decided not to shove the wave but keep it near his turret so I could eventually kill him. Needless to say their Kha just walked up and killed me. So I kinda wanna stop being a coinflip player all in all. After I die once or twice I always claw back since I am playing against players who can't hold leads properly still (p3), but I would like to know the exact gameplan for a control mage against any type of lane/jungle duo for the first few levels. For example against a Zed, should I shove him level one or take advantage of his awful lvl1 and proc Electrocute/trading stance him for every CS and ignore the wave while last hitting? Or maybe avoid hitting the wave and make him shuriken me while I am in my wave so he pushes?

    My idea is that technically the best thing is to Q him and the wave and shove as fast as I can so I get a bounce on gank timings for level 3? But then I won't have prio for scuttle. So I am kind of lost on what is the best way to play out the first 4 levels against different kinds of opponents.

    Like what's the best into a shove/roam champ like Asol.

    A skill control mage matchup like Orianna.

    All in level 2 champ like Talon/Kat.

    Weak early laners like Zed/Qiyana.


    Also how to abuse TP on lane to make it more useful than ignite?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Stefan474
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