• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - November 12th!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - November 12th!

    Free Talk Tuesday - November 12th!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

    FLY PHOENIX FLY! Congrats, FunPlus Phoenix on winning Worlds!

    What's up, /r/leagueoflegends! It's that time of the week once more - FTT's back at it, baby! Hope you've all had a good weekend!

    With FPX reigning triumphant and claiming the 2019 Summoner's Cup, the 2019 professional season begins its build up to Season 10. It's been a treat to watch FPX dominate this tournament and rise up from the ashes of doubt many (including myself, to be honest) subjected them to and earn the throne of best team in the world. Worlds 2019 has been an amazing event - what was your favorite moment of the whole thing?

    But for us plebs, the season's not over, yet! Ranked calls it quits on the 19th - that's a week from today, y'all! That means there's not much time to chase your ranked goals (or do your solo queue placements, for yours truly) and claim your own personal throne. Preseason's on the way, folks - queue up, grab your Spears of Shojin and your Ohmwreckers and give it one last hurrah.

    That's gonna be it for me for this week - thread's all yours, now! Just remember to follow our Free Talk rules: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!!

    PS: As long as it's SFW, anything goes here - including League talk, of course!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    2019 LCS and LEC Roster Change Megathread

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Live thread is, well, live: https://www.reddit.com/live/13yakzfb044m9?

    Link to live thread comment section

    Here is a resource for all the teams, their rosters, and their coaches. I will update this continually throughout the next few days/weeks/whatever. Please feel free to correct the information in this post if you see something wrong and if I miss any updates.

    READ THIS FIRST: This megathread will be the central discussion place for roster changes. As a result, the mod team will be removing all user submissions that are captured by the megathread except for confirmed roster changes.

    Things like rumors, free agency, and other news relating to roster changes that are not confirmed changes will be removed.

    You can also discuss all of these things over in /r/lolesports or #esports on our discord server.

    I will only include information from journalists, teams themselves, and information within Riot's contract database. Click on the name for link confirmation. Players with no link have a contract according to Riot Contract Database.

    ★ = new and confirmed

    100T Ssumday / FakeGod Amazing / AnDa / Fragas Ryu / Soligo Bang / Prismal Aphromoo / Stunt Zikz / Kelsey
    C9 Licorice / Kumo / Jukes Svenskeren / Blaber Nisqy / Goldenglue Sneaky / Deftly Zeyzal / Diamond Reapered / Westrice
    TL Impact / Jenkins Xmithie / OddOrange Jensen / Insanity Doublelift / Shoryu CoreJJ / Matt Cain / Dodo
    TSM Broken Blade / Brandini Spica / Grig / Akaadian Bjergsen / Ablazeolive Zven / Tactical Smoothie / Treatz Peter Zhang
    CLG Ruin Wiggily PowerOfEvil / Tuesday Stixxay Biofrost / Call Lin Weldon / xSojin
    DIG Huni / Rodov LirA / MagerDanger Damonte / Sun Cody Sun / Rikara Vulcan / Joey Thinkcard / Artemis
    FLY V1per / Revenge Santorin / Maxi Pobelter / Strompest WildTurtle / Erry JayJ Invert / Mango
    GGS Hauntzer / Darshan Contractz / Hard Froggen / Palafox FBI / Keith Huhi / Olleh Jimmy / Inero
    EG Solo / Lourlo MikeYeung / Panda Fenix / Yusui Apollo / Lost Hakuho / Fill SSONG / Mabrey
    IMT Dhokla / Allorim Meteos / Dardoch Crown / Scarlet Arrow / Asta Big / Gate Zaboutine / Kubz★

    G2 Wunder Jankos Caps Perkz Mikyx / PromisQ Grabbz
    FNC Bwipo Broxah / Dan Nemesis / MagiFelix Rekkles Hylissang ---
    MAD Vizicsaci / Orome Xerxe Humanoid Kobbe Norskeren Peter Dun
    S04 Odoamne Trick Abbedagge --- IgNar Dylan Falco
    RGE Finn / Profit Inspired Larssen Woolite / HeaQ Vander fredy122
    OG Alphari Kold / Zanzarah Nukeduck Patrik Mithy Guilhoto
    MSF Dan Dan Kirei Febiven / LIDER Hans Sama / Neon Hiiva / Doss Moose
    XL Expect Caedrel Special / Mickey Hjarnan / Jeskla kaSing / Mystiques DLim
    SK Sacre Selfmade Jenax Crownshot Dreams Realistik
    VIT Cabochard Mowgli Jiizuke / Saken Attila Jactroll YamatoCannon
    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    It's really cool that the True Damage "Giants" video reflects either gameplay or lore for the 5 characters in question

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Having watched "Giants" about a million times right now, I think it's really badass how through the animation and the music, Riot subtly recognizes either the characters' in-game play or their lore and abilities.

    • Ekko obviously teleports everywhere, and the backwards/reverse reverb in the music in his second verse reflects his ability to reverse time.
    • Senna sings the hook, which is a reference to how she got hooked by Thresh and trapped in the lantern.
    • Qiyana does by far the most dancing and motion of anyone, reflecting her status as a high-mobility roaming champion.
    • Akali's segment keeps blacking in and out of visibility, reflecting her stealth abilities.
    • Yasuo doesn't say anything, because he's been chat restricted.

    It's very deep lore.

    submitted by /u/BigEditorial
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    Fnatic parts away with Youngbuck

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PST

    [Translation] FPX.Tian: G2 were our scrim partners and we knew them very well

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST


    (Tian's stream)https://v.huya.com/play/232750012.html

    (Crisp's stream)https://v.huya.com/play/232758496.html

    (Gimgoon's stream)https://v.huya.com/play/232725314.html

    Today, FPX players are back to Shanghai and everyone except for DoinB streamed. They did some VOD review of the games and played some league. Below are the summary of some of the things they said that might be interesting.

    Warning: FPX players really like to troll, so don't take everything 100%.

    FPX had been scrimming with G2 ever since they arrived in Europe on Oct 2nd and G2 was the team they scrimmed the most with, so they knew G2 very well. (Tian)They had special picks prepared for worlds but they won without using them. One of the secret picks he had was Taliyah. They had seen the Pyke mid in scrims and expected the Veigar pick in final too.

    (Crisp) FPX scrimmed a lot with G2. G2 were like their brothers. FPX won about 9 out of every 10 scrim games with G2. The week before the final, FPX scrimmed with a team that was around 4th/5th in LEC. They played 6 games and that's all.

    (Tian)They did well in their scrims pre-tournament, so they thought they would have a deep run; however, LWX inted his brain out in their first game with JT and they lost, so they were having some pessimistic thoughts. He studied the route to swim back to China from Germany.(Clarify: It's Tian)

    (Crisp) They never felt they could win the whole thing and thought they would go home before every BO5, until G2 knocked out SKT. SKT was destroying every team in scrims. FPX beat every other team in scrims, including IG, but went 1-5 against SKT. He thought they were going home after scrimming with SKT. He had no idea how SKT got knocked out by G2. He watched the semi-final series and thought SKT didn't look that strong at all.

    (Gimgoon and Tian) People tried to tilt them in ranked games, spamming things like 'you will go 0-6 in groups', 'FNC will 3-0 you', 'G2 will 3-0 FPX'. The week before the final, it became so disgusting that in every game there were people trolling/feeding and it was very obvious. Their teammates would said they're happy even if they lost.

    (Tian)The funniest thing was, in the morning of the final, he was in a game against LWX and Crisp. The game was not going well and the enemy team was sieging for their base. Then his screen went black, and when he logged back in, the game was already lost. Because it seemed like he stood in the fountain for 2 minutes, his teammates were cheering in the chat that FPX jungler went mental boomed and afked. Then he proceeded to 3-0 G2.

    The whole team was too focused so they didn't notice Perkz typing '1v1' in all chat during Game 2 of the final. But Perkz is a happy man and he would do similar things in scrims. [If anyone doesn't know, Tian duo-queued with Perkz in EUW, and before the semis, he played URF with other G2 players.]

    (Tian) FNC mid talking shit after losing(worst mid in tournament) was like a 3-year-old baby trying to fight a primary school kid, got beat up and cried to his parents:"If I were the same age I would beat the shit out of him!"

    (Tian) Riot asked them to submit 3 champions that they wanted skins for in order. He chose Lee Sin, Elise and Qiyana. He doesn't think Qiyana is a good idea now and really wants Lee Sin. Will protest if he doesn't get one. His teammates picked shitty champions that can't sell well, like GP, Malphite, Galio and he felt he needed to choose something popular to boost the sales. His teammates should be thankful for that, since everyone gets a share from the skin sales. Doinb wanted a Yasuo skin, but he never played it so he's probably trolling.

    (Gimgoon) He did poorly in the quarter-final, and he thought to himself, if he didn't do well in the semi-final, he would just retire. But he did okay in the semi, and the final, so he would keep playing for at least one year. Maybe two. (Then he proceeded to open his client and saw that he's currently at plat) "Okay I am not qualified to be a pro player. I am retiring."

    (Gimgoon) "IG banned 3 ADCs against LWX. They looked down upon LWX's EZ. I agree with IG."

    (Gimgoon) "DoinB is god-tier Ryze and my Ryze is meh. If we get Ryze we will play it mid, but enemy teams thought we might flex it."

    ---------added some reviews/Tian flaming teammates-------

    "We knew they wanted to play Pyke mid, but didn't expect it in the first game. They probably felt it's hard to win against us so they were going all in. We should have made the Ryze top useless, but it wasn't that successful. We should have ganked more. Gimgoon kind of fuck it up."

    (Tian) "It's good that we won the first game...so the following games were easier. Had we lost Game 1, the series would not have been so smooth. It would have been 3-1 instead of 3-0."

    (Tian) "In the second game, both teams got the composition they wanted."

    (Tian) "Every single time when we tried to end the game, we had to beg LWX to hit the nexus. Geez what's wrong with him. He probably calculated and got Gimgoon killed 3 seconds before the end of final, too, so that he would be the only deathless member in the series."

    (Tian)"LWX doesn't deserve a Kai'sa skin. I deleted my Weibo before the tournament and planned to focus on training, but he inted his brain out so we lost the first game. My friend told me, LWX was flamed to the No.2 top search word on Weibo, and I was so curious that I re-downloaded the app to see how people flamed him. It was quite a fun read. Honestly it's a good thing that he inted and we kind of got a wake up call at the very beginning. Otherwise we might not be able to win the whole thing."

    (Tian) "Our coach was so disgusting. When they announced the FMVP, he said 'Oh? Is there something wrong?'"

    (Tian) "AD is such an easy role. Look LWX just Q twice and got a double. Look LWX just picked up a kill with one Kai'sa W. Then he said 'go away, I want the turret plates for myself', but DoinB said 'I can't defend mid turret anymore, I need the turret plates too'. Then Crisp and I said we could defend the mid turret and proved it's just an excuse to get a share of the turret plates. Such conspiracy goes on everyday in our team."

    (Game 2 final)"I can't understand why LWX used his new stopwatch here. The only thing we got out of it was Tristana's flash and Yasuo's death. Yasuo was worth 274, and the stopwatch was worth 600. This is the second most unforgivable play from LWX in the series."

    -------edit: LWX and Jackeylove's stream--------

    LWX: "I did calculation, if we're knocked out in group stage, I would have 40 days off; if we're knocked out in quarters, 33 days; semis, a bit over 20. Too bad we were the champion and I only get 10 days off."

    Jackeylove: "LWX had 6.1 kills per game?I guess we gave them a lot of kills in the semis...they were killing us like killing chickens, playing to boost their KDA....Perkzzie is actually great, but he's unlucky that he met someone stronger. If Perkz met me, I would be the one typing 1v1 in all chat."

    -------edit: Doinb taking jungle camps------

    Tian counting how many jungle camps Doinb took from him: "Oh thank god it's the enemy team taking this river crab."

    (Accidentally lost some of the original post. Will keep updating if people are interested)

    submitted by /u/lollideath
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    4 Ults Run might be the luckiest and the best run I ever did :) <3

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Their Kat wanted Penta, but Yuumi gets a Penta instead. Katarina was too kind in the end.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:03 AM PST

    At worlds, Perkz had a 100% WR on Kai'Sa and Xayah and 22% on anything else.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    Champs KDA WR
    Kaisa/Xayah 6.72 100%
    Anyone Else 1.42 22%

    Anyone know why G2 had the opportunity to take Kai'Sa in game 2 vs FPX but opted to take Gragas (for Grag/Yas)?

    By comparison, other teams at worlds on non-Kai'yah botlaners that G2 also played:

    Champ WR
    Varus 75%
    Ezreal 41%
    Yasuo 75%

    Also worth noting, the only wins not on Xayah/Kaisa were a game against HKA and a the game against SKT where he started out 1/6 and popped off in the last team fight.


    submitted by /u/xbyo
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    Upset leaves Schalke 04

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    The True Damage girls together with their respective Champions!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PST

    The True Damage girls together with their respective Champions!

    SOYEON of (G)I-DLE with Akali

    Becky G with Qiyana

    Keke Palmer with Senna

    I love this kind of stuff - posted by all artists on their respective Twitter.

    submitted by /u/niclaswwe
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    True Damage (League of Legends) Behind The Scenes w/ Thutmose

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Worlds will not be double-elimination, Riot says

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:38 AM PST

    All the LCS roster change rumors from the massive hour long Travis video

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhHBnr5NZHY

    So, I think a lot of you don't have time to watch an hour long video about transfers so I thought I would put them here in a bullet point list.

    If you have time, I recommend watching the actual video. Since these are very straight-forward bulletpoint lists a LOT of the nuance is missing.

    Team Liquid

    • They want main lineup to stay the same, picking up backup players
    • Xmithie can leave if he wants because his contract is over soon

    Dignitas/Clutch Gaming

    • Hauntzer was in talks (top)
    • Huni re-signing, going to mid lane.
    • Sneaky joining possibly (ADC)
    • Was going to trade Vulcan to C9, but deal fell through at DIG's end. (support)


    • Santorin, Pobelter and WildTurtle re-signing (jungle, mid, ADC)
    • Olleh potentially coming to FlyQuest (support)

    Golden Guardians

    • Olleh leaving (support)
    • Froggen leaving if GG joins (mid)
    • Hauntzer was in talks with Dignitas (top)
    • Goldenglue joining from C9 Academy (mid)

    100 Thieves

    • Bang staying (ADC)
    • Ssumday leaving (top)

    Counter Logic Gaming

    • Smoothie / Biofrost trade between TSM and CLG (support)
    • Irene leaving (coach)

    Immortals / OpTic Gaming

    • Crown leaving (mid)
    • Dhokla starting (top)
    • Dardoch joining (jungle)
    • Lost and Diamond going to C9 Academy or Immortals

    Evil Geniuses <-Echo Fox

    • Cloud9 deal with EG on hold (Kumo, Deftly, Svenskeren, Zeyzal) at EG's end (top, jungle, adc, support)
    • Ssumday joining was a possibility before C9 deal, maybe back on the table(top)


    • Licorice staying (top)
    • Switching away from 10-man roster to 5 (old rumor) OR 15-player roster (most recent)
    • Zven joining (ADC)
    • Johnsun joining (ADC)
    • Lost and Diamond going to C9 Academy or Immortals (ADC, support)
    • Sneaky not playing next year or leaving to DIG (ADC)
    • Reapered not head coach Disproven!

    Team SoloMid

    • BrokenBlade staying (top)
    • Biofrost joining (support)
    • Smoothie leaving (support)
    • Interested in Kobbe/Upset/Rekkles (ADC) -> Rekkles super longshot, Kobbe is the latest rumor
    • Interested in Homme (coach)

    Keep in mind these are ALL rumors, some of them likely, some of them longshots. Everything is changing day to day, take all of these with a grain of salt.

    If you would like more details either watch the video or check out these google docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NH3w0f1kI-IAUJDtsZKargp4vQ0hCAUNsdpMgA9FQiI/edit.

    courtesy of /u/FallenArtemis

    submitted by /u/ExcelsiOrWhat
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    Pentakill has the best team comp out of the three bands

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:34 AM PST

    Even disregarding K/DA only having four members, they have two squishy assassins, a squishy mage and a squishy adc.

    True Damage have THREE assassins, one support/adc and whatever champion class Yasuo is.

    Pentakill, however, have a healing support, three melee bruisers (including one of the best pushers in the game and a guy who can ignore of all the enemy's cc) and a devastating mage who can get his band's namesake even after being killed. In an actual game of League Pentakill would stomp the other two bands, even without their sixth member.

    Plus, unlike the members of True Damage, Olaf in Pentakill ACTUALLY HAS TRUE DAMAGE!

    submitted by /u/MarioToast
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    Immortals Announce Zaboutine as Head Coach, Kubz as Academy Coach

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    The announcement was made official here on their Twitter

    "We officially announce our LCS Head Coach @Zaboutine and our Academy Coach @Kubz91 Say Hello 👋 #WeAreIMT"

    I think he did as best he could with OpTic given the behind the scenes struggles the org had, and they were definitely starting to grow into their own this past Summer Split, so it's nice to see IMT keep him on

    submitted by /u/raptearer
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    Squad5 on the Diana Rework

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:27 PM PST

    /u/RiotSquad5 tweeted:

    Diana work is going to be on PBE in 9.23.

    Here's the gist of what you're going to see-

    Updated VFX, SFX and ability icons. (No new VO or Model changes.)


    Adjustments passive and overall tuning changes.

    SWAP E and R. R beefed up to be an ultimate level ability.

    I'll put up a post going into more detail on exactly what we are doing and some of the thought processes behind what we're doing when she's on PBE.

    Edit: On if Diana is going to be assassin-y or bruiser-y:

    I'm trying to tread the line of allowing her to do both still. Talking closely to our playtest and SR team + skilled diana players we have to see what we can do.

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    "Fuck it, I'm gonna die for first tower" - actual quote

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:07 AM PST

    The end of Clutch Gaming - Our World's 2019 Documentary

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 02:16 PM PST

    Summoning Insight Episode 88: Worlds Finals (feat. LS) | The 9s

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PST

    T1 Faker on Kled with the game winning flank TP 14 minutes into the game

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    3 normal skins for a prestige, i’ll take it

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:11 AM PST

    Thresh’s Human Form has finally been revealed!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST

    With the release of the official Lore Companion Book for League Of Legends, we finally got to see what Thresh looked like before the Ruination!

    Realms Of Runettera, Shadow Isles Chapter, Page 199.

    submitted by /u/Kialand
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    [Translation] Young Miracles owner "PDD" tells a story about Tian on stream: "...Tian was sitting in my basement, silently training and grinding soloq."

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Background Information

    PDD is the owner and head coach of Chinese team Young Miracles. He is notoriously known for being the coach of 2018 Worlds Finals MVP "Ning", 2019 Worlds Finals MVP "Tian", 2019 LPL MVP "Knight9", and RNG's support "Ming" who won MSI in 2018. After the world finals, there were many memes in china saying how he and young miracles is a godly talent development machine.


    meme example

    captions in black: LPL JUNGLER SPECIALTY STORE



    Few hours after world finals, he opened his stream (He is also a popular streamer) and told a story about Tian on stream to his viewers. I found it very interesting so I thought I'd translate it and share it with you guys.

    source: https://v.douyu.com/show/3rob7j2KzEK7gkZl (timestamp 12 min - 18 min)

    mirror video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av75339229



    "So at that time (few years ago) Tian and Knight came to [Young Miracles] together."

    "When these 2 kids came to [Young Miracles], they were only around 15 to 16 years old. Basically completely very young kids."

    "After coming, they were both pretty good, but at the time Knight was better than Tian. This is shown after Knight played soloq on the team for some time, he hit rank 1 in the Korean server."

    "A rookie kid like Knight hitting Korea rank 1 in his first year is considered extremely insane. A lot of LPL teams became very interested in Knight."

    "Knight was also getting the highest salary on [Young Miracles]. When he was 16 or 17, he signed a 3 million Yuan (around 430 thousand USD) contract with me. Yes, 3 million a year contract. Meanwhile Tian and others got like 5,000 to 10,000 Yuan (Translator's note: not sure if it's referring to annual payment. May be referring to monthly)."

    "So, alot of LPL teams came to Knight and wanted him to be on the team. I am a somewhat biased owner, and I thought Knight was really good. Therefore, I focused resources on developing Knight. I thought Tian had talent and potential, but I thought Tian was too young and can be too emotional and he needs time to perform better in the competitive scene. "

    "What I want to tell you today is something that happened during that time. Knight was his brother in arms, who came to the team with him together was wanted by multiple LPL teams. Me as the owner was helping Knight to pick which team was optimal for him. Tian also really wanted to go into the LPL, but no team was interested in him at the time, and me as the owner did not help him find teams either."

    "And one day, Tian told one of his friends on the team: 'when Knight goes on to a LPL team, I hope he also takes me with him'."

    "I hope you guys know, he was in such a sad situation at the time. He's around 15 to 16, leaving his family and home to come train and become pro. The guy who comes with him becomes a star that wanted by almost all of the LPL teams, everyone is saying how Knight the 'golden left hand' (this is a nick name of Knight due to him being left handed) is so good, and the owner of the team also thinks 'wow, Knight is so good', and never really paid too much attention to this person named Tian."

    "He was only f**king a 15 to 16 year old at the time. Do you know for a kid that young to experience this, how much emotions must be going through his heart? At 15 to 16 yrs old, a kid experiencing this must feel so miserable."

    "The brother in arms that came with him went to LPL and played so damn good. The entire world was saying 'holy sh*t f**king golden left hand so damn good insane midlaner, so good so nuts", meanwhile Tian was sitting in my basement, silently training and grinding soloq. This was a journey that was walked by Tian, at this young of an age."

    "So you guys have to understand, the person who was shining the brightest this year on league of legend's biggest stage, the person who was on the best team in the entire world and got finals MVP, standing like a football world cup star, this kid, 1 - 2 years ago was experiencing what I was just telling you."

    "So, only after about 1 and half year, he went from training in the basement to a world champion, world finals MVP"


    Afterwards PDD continued and talked about his own journey entering the scene as a professional player and then becoming an owner and talent developer and trader, and how he feels Esports has helped to better himself as a person.

    EDIT: Formatting

    submitted by /u/tongttt
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    Shanghai Masters (Nov 29) ft xPeke, Deficio, Insec, LemonNation and other retired star players

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:49 AM PST

    Chinese Source

    Google translation

    The Masters of the Esports Masters League of Legends officially kicked off on November 29.

    Retired star players from multiple regions gathered in Shanghai to form four teams.

    Let their glory continue, the battle is on the verge!

    November esports Shanghai Masters, see what you want to see!

    List of all players attending

    Team Dragon

    • Gogoing, Melon, U, San, Cloud, Fireloli

    Team Tiger

    • Looper, Insec, Watch, Space, Ella, GBM

    Team Lion

    • Wickd, Cyanide, xPeke, Puszu, Unlimited, Deficio

    Team Eagle

    • Westrice, TheOddOne, Voyboy, Cop, BunnyFuFuu, LemonNation
    submitted by /u/NaM_Question
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    Youtube is ruining League 4K cinematics with re-compression

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:19 AM PST

    So I noticed that YouTube has started to re-compress 4K videos recently much like they did with 1080p. Many of the popular 4K videos like KDA Pop Stars, Awaken and several others have had their quality significantly lowered in October. You can see when this happens by comparing the "modified date" to the original upload date. It means a re-encode has happened. I compared my old copies and there has definitely been a drop in quality.

    I think we as a community should definitely start looking into backing up these videos before YouTube ruins them even further. Once they started with 1080p they didn't stop until the bit-rate had dropped from 5,000-8000kbps all the way down to the current 1,500-2,000kbps. All the 1080p only League cinematics look TERRIBLE because of this. It's not your imagination if you ever thought "wow, this look worse than I remembered" because it really does.

    I think we should also contact Riot and maybe ask them to start hosting these videos elsewhere because it's a shame to have such beautiful work tied to a service that doesn't respect it's content creators. Riot creates gorgeous cinematics and great music but the platform they use to share it all is actively ruining it.

    Side note: I know it's a long shot but did anyone happen to download the Light and Shadow Star Guardian cinematic prior to October? I didn't get it in time and so my only copy is the re-compressed one. Would appreciate any help so feel free to PM me or whatever.

    submitted by /u/PredictaboGoose
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    I'd like to thank the enemy Mordekaiser for helping me with the backdoor.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:04 PM PST

    Cho out of GRF

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST


    Ashley Kang: "Cho has resigned from Still8/GRF, announcement made by the CEO of Still8"

    this does put a smile on my face

    Let's see what happens with the Sword/Doran staring toplaner drama.

    submitted by /u/Cadenas_h
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