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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    LoL Guide Bullet Angel Kaisa can improve your ADC Gameplay

    LoL Guide Bullet Angel Kaisa can improve your ADC Gameplay

    Bullet Angel Kaisa can improve your ADC Gameplay

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

    So I bought bullet Angel Kaisa today. I played a few games and noticed that there is an annoying and akward sound coming after Auto Attacks. I went into practice tool and noticed, the sound only comes on when you stand still between AAs. When you move between your AAs, you dont hear the sound.

    So if you dont want to hear that sound you need to move, and that can improve your ADC Gameplay. New players might struggle with Kiting and moving after Auto Attacks, so I thought this might be usefull. It reminds you of moving.

    Maybe a useless post but I thinks its a cool addition and might be usefull.

    submitted by /u/utim
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    If you can't stand one-tricking to climb, do this...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:15 AM PST

    One-trick a TYPE of champion. That's the TLDR.

    I wrote a long post, but erased it to get the point across, you're welcome.

    Friend was Gold, he couldn't stand playing a champion even twice in a row. Our friend group would always tease him about being Gold, telling him he'd climb if he just committed to one or two champs like we did. He plays mid/top and his wave management is probably the best I've ever seen (he's watched SRO's guides many times over). A month before season end and my friend has the idea to one-trick a type of Champion, rather than a Champion itself. He's currently high Plat with Diamond mmr, as a control mage one-trick, capitalizing on his strengths in-game.

    submitted by /u/Mudstalker
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    How do I play a lane correctly when constantly being harrassed for cs? (videos links inside)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST


    I am a plat 4 Katarina laning against a plat Cassiopeia. In my recent game she harassed me for every single cs which is what she is supposed to do. So how come in the 3 videos that I link below (all masters and challenger), the Cass hardly harasses the Kat? Is there a threat that I'm not aware of that I can take advantage of? She obviously hits level 2 before me because I can't even touch the wave. I can't even farm under turret without losing the whole wave. I go for a minion and then she all ins me.

    Here is a clip from my game ( https://plays.tv/video/5ded13799fe7229ee4/123 )

    Here are the 3 master-challenger games:




    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    Anivia wave management trick

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:01 AM PST

    Hi fellow SUmmoners!

    Anivia has a couple of weaknesses, one of those is how bad her early (pre 6) waveclear/pushing power is.

    She is prone to getting shoved in early, which gives the other laner an opportunity for a free back, because Anivia simply cant cs fast enough under turret, and then cannot push the next wave fast enough (especially cannon waves), which results in either having to back, or slowpushing the wave, which can give the other guy an opportunity to freeze.

    This applies to every champion who cant clear fast enough, but luckily Anivia has a way to circumvent this, and instead of having to back and lose xp+gold or tping back or slowpushing, she can actually make the other guy lose gold+xp WHILE pulling the wave towards her.

    The trick is using her wall to manipulate the next incoming own wave, this is how it is done: after you clear the minions under tower, you wait for the next wave to approach, then cast wall between turret and raptorpit, perpendicular to tower (aimed at the centerpoint of the corridor), then walk to the other small corridor between turret and wolfbush to bodyblock the lane. timing is also important, you need to make sure that the wall splits the wave between the 2nd and 3rd melee creep.

    What happens: the 2 melees keep going, and meet the full enemy wave in the middle of the lane, but the rest of the wave goes batshit crazy trying to path towards the enemy Nexus, but the large corridor is blocked by the wall, and the small one by Anivia, so they just walk around between your inner and outer turret until wall disappears.

    By that time your 2 rambo melees should be dying (they tank the full wave, and they got no backup from casters to soften up the enemy melees), so the other guy will lose the xp and gold for that 2 minions, while wave is in a very good spot from Anivias perspective.

    Alternatively: if you had fucked up already, and the enemy is freezing, you can block the path for the whole wave, which will unfreeze the lane, this also works if your sidelanes are in trouble.

    It is probably also possible to start slowpushes in sidelanes after outers are down by blocking a whole wave, then the waves meet on your side, and will push with the reinforcements. Havent tested this part yet, but theroetically i see no reason why it shouldnt work.

    EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9twob5sDPs&feature=youtu.be here is a video, i even fuck it up a bit, but still minions are going crazy, Zoe loses minions and the wave still pushes towards me

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Swain: An Epic Length Introduction (Guided Gameplay, Mindfulness, Etc.)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Hi there,

    Today we take a look at Swain Mid.

    His catch potential, sustain and massive area control/damage could make him a potent weapon in your arsenal. For more good info, context give the video a look. Packed with what you need to see if this is the champ and game plan for you, to leverage mindfulness and compassion to become the best player you could become! You decide.

    Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to share your Swain ideas and stories here as well as constructive criticism if you have any. Have a good one. :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Noob seeks advice

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    I am rather new to league. I play with my friends a lot. I usually play Poppy and Camille top/Nasus, Nunu and Kindred jungle. for the most part, i know what to build for each champ/what runes to use, and what to switch around if i wanna have a little fun. (ie tank poppy vs assassination poppy) But there are some matchups, that no mater what i do, i always lose. in any position. for example, any time the enemy team has an Ekko jungle, i struggle. if i am laning against a Mord in top, i end up feeding. am i doing something wrong, or am i just new enough to the game that im not at fault? or are the enemy champ picks just stronger than mine?

    submitted by /u/Lydnea
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    Difficulty juggling between farming jungle and ganking.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:12 PM PST

    I'm not a jungle main, but i do play it quite a lot and i always have a problem with balancing farming monsters and ganking. Usually i gank more than farm, so it leads to me being weaker than the rest of the team.

    So, what is a good strategy to keep both of these things in a good balance? I play Xin Zhao and Khazix if that helps anything.

    submitted by /u/starnyte13
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    Help with ADC and tips from 101 videos

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:36 AM PST

    Tldr: trying to stand close to your dying minion gets me poked and lose more CS than I deny.

    After seeing the 101 videos for farming in lane i saw a lot of them saying one of the best tactics is to stand on your dying minion, the thing is when trying to execute it in +- 20 games, it didnt take long for me, my sup and sometimes my entire team to ask if i had a death wish.

    Yeah i denied CS, by basically shielding the minions with my body. If i poked back, both adcs ended up needing to leave the lane multiple times not to die, became underleveled and top or mid decided the game, if I focused CS, i ended up either killed or forced to run away by pokes and lost/forfeit more CS than i managed to get. i tried doing it from the start, on the 3 level with all my skills, on 6 with ults and all the times is the same, its like I signed a paper saying that I wish to take pokes until tomorrow.

    So are this videos content dated and it dont work on S9/S10, does it only work past silver( where im probably sitting at), or is does it only work in certain matchups?

    Ps, I play jinx and MF sometimes

    submitted by /u/wizard323
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    Anyone else get the same thing?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Like this is kinda getting out of hand(skip to the TLDR). I play maokai top (yes I'm pretty much a maokai onetrick now) and I was trying to play ranked. I want to climb to p4 as I'm g4 rn, i was feeling fresh and ready to root some poor people, and get some dubs. First game: EZZZ victory. Second game. My botlane intend then called everyone s**t heads, we lost, ofcourse. Third game: hard fought victory, I made a huge play in a team fight that got us back on the board. Fourth game: my jungle goes 1/9 at 20 minutes and farms all game. Fith game: horrible jungler who played WAYYYYY too aggressive and gave so many free kills, called me out for being bad when he dove a full hp mundo under his tower. You see the pattern by now, right? I feel like I get so unlucky and I'll either get a solid tilt free team who can work well with my skillset to push team fights and win, or I just get toxic inters who throw the game, with the latter being the more prominent side. TLDR: why is league matchmaking so bad in that I almost always have 1 toxic flamer or hard inter on my team EVERY single game when I'm just a lil stick boi trying to climb some ladders in the old ranked solo/duo??

    submitted by /u/rsjss65
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    Gangplank with Grasp

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:22 PM PST

    Recently, I started playing top lane more often but whenever I run into a gangplank that took grasp, I get stomped in lane due to his q poke and his orange heal. Is there any way I should play this matchup. At the moment, I mainly play Camille and I started playing Jayce a couple of days ago.

    submitted by /u/s_know
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    should I stop or should I keep playing solo q?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:06 PM PST

    I wrote this due to pure tilt, read it if you want, can skip the first parts of the thread and read the section after (main). English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes.

    Hi, I have been playing this game for almost 3 years but never really focused on improving or trying to climb ranked. I played a lot of normal games and picked whichever role or champ I felt like at that moment. I used to play like 3-15 games a day. the reason I played only normal and not ranked was because I felt like I was not impacting on the game or doing anything for my team, I can't carry and I can't get carried so I was just weighing my team down and that felt bad. so I decided not to play ranked.

    About me

    I love playing ADC but didn't have a "main role" played every role and had a decent idea about all those roles, my goal was to learn about them so I knew how the game works and how the game develops from the perspective of that role. but playing all roles does not make me a good player so I went with ADC and played that role mostly. besides that, I'm good at Mid and I can play JG/SP in the ELO I am in since I had a bit of idea about most roles. while playing normals and trying new champs I found 1 or 2 champs that I am good at for every role and learned those champs so I can play other roles besides ADC. but I have played most of the champs in the game while playing ARAM. and also I play on the Garena SG server.


    this season was also going the same until July when a friend who was like low diamond told me I should at least try to climb or play more ranked if I want to improve. so I did, I was at bronze 2 at that moment when I decided I will climb no matter what. I climbed to silver 1 in 2 weeks. played 2-6 games every day and had a 13 game win streak. I played ADC and MID for most of the games and carried most of the games on the climb to Silver 1. I got a bit stuck on silver 1 for a while even got demoted, so I took a short break came back and got into gold promo's in a very short time. won the promo's on the first try. I climbed to gold 4 from bronze 2 getting 17 LP every win (got more as I started having win streaks) in 150 ish matches . and didn't have any duo while I climbed.

    after this, I played mostly ranked but wasn't getting anywhere, I played 200+ games and I was only on a loop of gold 4-3-4-3 and so on. so I decided to play on a different account and get it placed in bronze intentionally so I can have the same climb again. the games were so easy, I could easily get a lead and snowball into winning the games. I got Gold 4 with that account in a very short amount of games, with every game being easy to win and if lost I could easily point out my mistakes. now back to my main account, it took a while but I eventually started winning more games and got to gold 1 with the season ending in 2 weeks, got into plat promo twice, but lost both and gave up on plat since the season ends.


    Why am I posting a thread?

    since the season ended I decided I should try to climb to Plat, so my account MMR gets plat and I have an easier time climbing next season. this is where everything started going horribly wrong. as an ADC I can only follow up on my team's call or ask my team to do something and join them ex. enemy bot lane low on resource so I call jg to prep for drake, enemy jg top side so I play aggro get prio and try to ward enemy bot side jg/river, we got an ace so if we can push ask to push with me or go baron, enemy jg or carry bot side so ask my team to force baron, etc. it was a common thing for me and my teammates until recently, after the season ended players on my team started to become worse every game. even before the season ending, the games were gradually decreasing in quality. like teammates, won't focus on objectives or try to make a good macro, no one buys wards when needed, no one makes good rotation and try making proactive plays. it's like playing in silver or bronze even though the games were much more of quality just 2 months ago. as an example sometimes my jg or midlaner came down bot lane just to help shove wave because I couldn't shove and need to reset since drake is coming in 50 sec. right now those are by far the things happening in my games, now its just people typing "I don't wanna win cuz this jg is shit" and people literally forgot how to ping or how it even works, no one wants to shot call but won't listen if someone does, even if someone tries to do something its such an obvious mistake it will get you tilted. and seeing all this made me tilted out of my mind. I am writing all of this just out of tilt. but I keep playing solo q to prove to myself that I am not the reason I am losing games and I keep losing and now I am in gold 3 on a losing streak since gold 1. maybe won a game or two here and there but very far from plat which was my original goal. also I am almost near 1k solo q games.

    so the question is should I stop or should I keep playing solo q for the season? as the title says

    submitted by /u/NiL_MacTavish
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    Is there an auto target when for kiting?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:58 AM PST

    Hey guys I came here when I was very new and got amazing tips

    I was wondering if there was some sort of auto target as I love playing vayne but kiting is quite tricky clicking away then right clicking again super fast.

    The pros make this look almost to easy, is it just fast practised skill or is there an auto target/shoot key?

    Thank you in advance

    EDIT : yes the title is messed and I don't know how to change it haha. Sorry I'm dyslexic

    submitted by /u/LemonCakeXXL
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    Bruisers vs Ranged top/Mage/Tanks

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    I see that bruisers are dead but I stay firm with my Jax and Aatrox top. I'm a bronze 1 player who enjoys jungling and top land. I need help against tanks and ranged top laners! They are too tanky too kill or too far to trade with. Even if I switch too a ranged top laner it isn't fun anymore. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/NepptySenzu
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    how do you use vision?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:56 PM PST

    the extent to my knowledge of vision usage extends to:

    • catching people rotating (and stopping enemies from trying to do this)

    • knowledge of if they're trying to do an objective so we can head over to stop

    • forcing numbers advantage/knowing if numbers are coming

    that's it. what other uses are there for vision?

    submitted by /u/DepHea
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    How to Deal With Queue Dodgers? (Brand New Player)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    To better elaborate on this question: until now I've been playing against bots. I've picked Warwick for all my vs. bot games and have done well with him so far. I figured it was time to get my feet wet and learn how to fight against live opponents, even if it meant my early demise. So I queued up a match against live opponents, announced that I was a brand new player, and wanted to play Warwick. Almost immediately a player on my team dodged the queue (or whatever the right term is) when I revealed that it was my first live game and didn't have the spell Smite unlocked yet.

    Honestly, what am I supposed to do if veterans won't let me play with them because I'm new? I can't keep playing bot matches forever. I'm afraid if I keep playing bot matches I'll learn bad habits that won't translate over to live play. Is there another role/champion I should be learning instead? Or should I just uninstall now?*

    *Sorry for the bitterness. It's just I've had this experience with so many other multiplayer games and quite frankly it's getting old.

    submitted by /u/Webimpulse
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    Im Constantly getting ahead in lane as adc but i just can't seem to win after

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:52 AM PST

    I keep getting games i get in the laning phase ahead through mostly cs or kills but we can't take tower due to the rest of their team coming botlane and the game has gotten to a point where i can't really do much outside of teamfights to spread my lead especially when mid or top t1 tower is gone or they are behind. I feel like the easiest way to explain my problem is by talking about my past few games which i will link.

    1. 1st Kaisa game (with a thresh support)

    In this game i got ahead through a huge lead cs and kills going 2/0 in an extended laning phase but we couldnt take tower and extend our lead because the nocture kept hovering when he was level 6. So then the enemy team came bot and we were kinda forced to give up tower becasue our top didnt come in time and our jg and mid were behind. This happen when mids t1 tower was already gone. So the rest of the game we couldnt really contest objectives due to the garen / ryze splitting and eventually lost without a real teamfight even happening.

    1. 3rd xayah game (with senna support)

    In this game we get zoned pretty hard the senna was autofilled but i somehow manage to keep a cs lead and a amazing roam from the ryze lets us get ahead in laning but then a five man bot happens and the jhin gets a triple kill using his ult from under tower(im still technically ahead tho?) . Then the rest of the game they kinda just group taking objecites and towers for free and i never get to properly teamfight cuz the kha and senna kept getting caught out.

    In both of these games i get a big lead and my core items early sp feel like i should be able to carry but the enemy team just groups/ splits and takes objectives basically for free and i never get to have a good teamfight so i lose.

    My op.gg https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=FriedDAT%20NIG (im trying to be as critial as possibe with my gameplay watching every replay etc so please comment on any other strong weaknesses you see)

    submitted by /u/wiscool19
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    How is my friend able to predict game's outcomes so accurately from champ select?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:39 AM PST

    So some of my friends have a almost weekly "competition" that revolves around predicting random soloq games' outcome, played in real time. The only thing they know is the MMR of the game,they only try to predict games between plat 3 and diamond 3 MMR because they think those are the easiest to predict.

    Long story short, there is one friend of mine, he is currently D1 ( only cuz of preseason, he's always D2 ) that always wins these, up to a 80%+ accuracy, and most of the ones he predicts wrong usually have some special circumstances to them, like AFKing or trolling.

    I asked him how but he usually doesn't talk much, all he told me, some time ago, is literally something along the lines of: " team comps, champions difficulty, op.ggs,mid and botlane matchups ".

    I didn't understand anything, so yesterday ,after they had their latest "competition" ( they're all just laughing and have fun but I can't find a better word for it ) I asked him to go into details of what he told me last time and he said:

    " I usually follow these rules: Katarina/Talon always win, team that plays easier overall champions that also aren't bad usually wins. Nidalee/Lee usually lose unless their team is better. Karthus jg against any jg that's not an assassin wins. Assassins usually outperform/outvalue their lane opponent in mid/jg. "Poke" vs "all in" bot is "all in" favored at the very top mmr, but below Masters poke always wins. Damage supports usually win. Enchanters like Lulu also win unless against damage supports and unless paired with Lucian/Ez etc. Bruisers usually lose, tanks usually lose, immobile adcs usually lose, high damage usually wins. Games for me are easy to predict because I played about 5000 games in Diamond MMR,it's all pattern recognisition, I'm not nearly as good at predicting Masters+ games"

    There was definitely a bit more but I forgot. Last night he got 4/5 games right again, and won haha, idk how he does it.

    Can anyone please explain to me in more detail if possible how to determine my chances of winning a game in champion select? He doesnt' want to because he said it doesn't matter in gold, because it's at an MMR range at which I should be able to just force my way through and its impossible to predict cause none knows what they're doing.

    submitted by /u/m1lkyway97
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    Why isn't taric played beside in funneling?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:08 PM PST

    I'm a master tier support and I have trouble why I don't see taric at all. I know his horrible into ranged but into melee he should do good into. I feel he offers tons of utility with all of his abilities and decent damage with his passive and e. So why don't I see Taric? Thanks :D

    submitted by /u/jman9587
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    Darius, Urgot or Mordekeiser

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST

    Hi guys, i´m a gold 2 mid/top player and i usually play mid, but sometimes play top. i play illaoi and kennen top, but my winrate with illaoi is bad, so i´m thinking of swapping her for one of this 3 champions. I played all the 3 and they seem cool in their own way. Mordekeiser seemed very strong and easy to play. Darius is really cool and strong, but seems he´s banned alot. Urgot i didnt like that much, but seems strong too.

    Which champion is stronger nowadays? Since top is my secondary role, i usually don´t play that much, so i prefer an easy champion. Which champ you guys recommend?


    submitted by /u/sodmoraes
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    Is there any point playing ranked in pre-season?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:41 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm not even sure this is the right sub to be honest. I just missed out on gold this season because of getting preoccupied with work, so I thought I'd just get it early In the preseason. this was wishful thinking as I'm now on the longest lose streak in my career and am pretty frustrated right now, beyond trying new champs I haven't been playing too differently than normal (I mostly play support).

    It just feels like the quality of teammates has really dropped off, I've met more toxic and overall destructive people who seem to rather surrender or throw he match early than play the game recently than any other time where I had a very steady climb. Is this normal for preseason? This is the first time I've taken ranked play seriously and I'm back where I started at the start of the year. (silver 4)

    submitted by /u/luggy120
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    Building Team Comps In Clash

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:53 PM PST

    Just a quick reminder, its better to play what you are strong at vs putting someone on a champion they don't have a lot of experience on. A lot of lower level teams try to mimic LCS comps, or go for a set comp like a "poke comp". In lower levels of play you have a higher chance of winning if everyone plays what they are comfortable with regardless of team composition.

    Ex. If you ask your support to play alistar to complete your yasou/knock up synergy and they don't really play Alistair you are going to have a bad time.

    submitted by /u/PoIlinate
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    I don't have any real matchup knowledge...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:20 AM PST

    I recently went up against a matchup and lost. And I know why I believe that I had been given opportunities but I didn't take advantage of them. I main Nami and my rank is d4 and I've run into a halt in my climb. And after months of grinding out with no impactful results. I have decided to try and learn all my matchups better because up until now I just played and thought I would learn them as time goes on but that doesn't seem like the case... I have a very static playstyle I feel I play very similarly ever game in general I play every matchup relatively the same. I change runes here and there and build depending on what I think is best for the matchup but when it comes actually apply pressure in lane and creating a lead for myself I fall off because in reality I have no idea what i'm doing... I have pretty good knowledge about the game itself but not much matchup knowledge and that's what I want to improve on. I wanna learn how to carry as support because I always feel like I either did nothing or I felt like I had very little impact on the game. I don't what champions beat what and why they beat that champion in the first place. I look at stats on websites saying this matchup is heavily in my favor but I fail to realise why as I proceed to get nothing done and we go even or the other lane comes out on top. I will provide my op.gg below if anyone can provide any useful infomation in the comments I will really appreciate it l!


    submitted by /u/Main-Swimmer
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    Is there a way to check/uncheck the "Replace Quick cast with Quick cast with indicator in the quick cast ui" in a efficient way (macro?)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:28 AM PST

    Im thinking of a macro I can somehow create to make this a hotkey... Anyone has an idea? I use indicator in laning and quick cast without indicator outside laning, but its pretty annoying to go into the settings and press the box+
    Every idea slightly to this is welcome and no I dont want to use shift+q,e.. :)

    submitted by /u/thorjordoan
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