• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

    Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

    Previous threads

    If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there.

    If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool and its respective discord are always willing to teach.

    Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

    New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

    Riot's New Player Guide

    LolEsports New Viewer Guide


    Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    LeBlanc clone burns two summoners at once

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:26 AM PST

    Elder Dragon Buff + Fiddle Ult = Fastest Penta of All Time

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:43 AM PST

    Two Rengar OTP's playing Rengar and Ivern

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    [OC] Aphelios Infographic Guide #5 - Crescendum | Chakram

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    [OC] Aphelios Infographic Guide #5 - Crescendum | Chakram

    Aphelios is one hell of a champ so I made this with the goal of clearing up his weapons and their combinations. Please note that this does not cover up his basic kit functions so without some base knowledge this will be confusing! I'm planning to make one of these for every weapon and they will definitely be done before he hits live. Hope you find it helpful <3

    Behold, one of the most confusing and complex weapons, which is basically rocket science if you're not aware of the other weapons' Qs. This also marks the final weapon infographic, so goodbye I guess.

    jk keep an eye our for a mega guide and pls let me know if theres any mistakes so I can ignore you


    **Previous guides:**

    Calibrum | Sniper Rifle

    Severum | Scythe Pistol

    Gravitum | Gravity Cannon

    Infernum | Flamethrower

    submitted by /u/Rockified
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    All-Star 2019 had the lowest viewership number since 2016.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:14 AM PST

    According to escharts.com, this year All-Star Event had the lowest viewership number in measurable history. I wasn't able to find data from 2013-2015 events, but out of last 4 editions, AS 2019 had lowest numbers in all the the categories - peak viewers, hours watched and hours watched/per transmitted

    Year Peak Viewers Total hours watched Duration of event Hours watched/transmitted
    2019 293 351 2 825 960 15 188 397
    2018 565 909 6 490 876 20 324 544
    2017 486 048 8 403 788 32 262 618
    2016 427 502 6 137 976 29 211 654

    Judging by common opinions on Reddit, there might be 2 main factors which caused such drops of numbers:

    1. Inviting streamers, content creators and influencers alongside pros. While in last year it was nice experiment which attracted a lot of new viewers and setting up new records in peak viewers and hours watched/transmitted categories, this year it wasn't all that good. Common reaction for some new names in tandem mode was "who the fuck they are?" rather than "oh, nice, Riot promotes some of the lesser known people to foreign audience". Personally, I also liked All-Star more, when it was one of a kind event for pros only.

    2. Teamfight Tactics. Up until last year All-Star was all about League of Legends. This year however we've seen Teamfight Tactics being blayed on big stage. And it's reception, well, wasn't too positive. While TFT is great game to play, it's rather lame nad boring game to watch. It's really hard for spectator to track all 8 players with all the stuff that happens during game, chaos is overwhelming and game itself if not as engaging for viewers.

    Do you think Riot will change something in next year All-Star format or will we once again sleep during some parts of event?

    submitted by /u/FinitoHere
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    I wish I would've gotten into this game sooner.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    This game is so fun and complex. It's definitely a steep learning curve with all the lingo and stuff, but me and my wife are having a lot of fun.

    submitted by /u/SwitchUps
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    How to find Ivern

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:55 AM PST

    Play with Hans sama and Vander ARAM today [Rogue Charity Stream]

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:33 AM PST

    We are currently raising money for the kids at St. Jude. Hans sama and Vander will join us at 21:00 CET to play ARAMs. Besides them also a lot of our other Pros from different games will join for fun games.

    St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, located in Memphis, Tennessee, is one of the world's premier pediatric cancer research centers. Its mission is to find cures for children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases through research and treatment.

    You can donate here: rge.gg/donate
    You can watch here: rge.gg/stjudestream

    submitted by /u/RogueGG
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    I know this isn't the case for everyone, but Clash went absolutely Flawlessly for me in NA and hit all the marks Riot has been going for.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    I decided to jump into the ring and found a team of randoms 8 minutes before Lock-in. Haven't played any Summoner's Rift games for several months due to school.

    Sounds like a recipe for disaster, but I'm super easygoing so I knew no matter what I could at least ensure I could stay positive.

    Turns out I must have used up all the rest of my luck for this decade, since the group I found was just about the best group I could have landed at such short notice. Everyone was in a great mood, Everyone had their preferred champs and nobody discouraged anyone from playing anything they enjoyed. Everyone else was really chill but still cared enough about the game for us to discuss bans and strategies for the entire scouting phase for each game.

    We communicated, we pinged, we collapsed and we backed off as a team.

    Most importantly, I know it's not universal but the entire experience client wise was smooth. No lags, disconnects, weird team swap glitches. I know that other regions suffered so that NA could pull it off but this is what Clash, and League, is meant to be.

    I was able to get dropped into a team of players I've never met, compete in an environment that felt coordinated and competitive, and have everyone in a positive mood by the end.

    We spent a ton of time in the post game lobby just congratulating each other and pointing out plays that were made. It was good. I feel for everyone who hasn't had the chance to experience it yet, but its possible and it's worth the testing.

    submitted by /u/IITheGoodGuyII
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    New champion teaser arrived in my E-mail

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:28 AM PST

    I just got this E-mail which seems to be a teaser for the new champion who's been rumored to be named "Sett". At the bottom of the image you can see what resembles the calling card that got on the PBE last week. Real hype starts now :D

    Edit: my image is of his Q, here are his W(translates to "Try to block that". Thanx u/Goa44), his E (thanx u/Jetsusoro), his R (thanx u/-Quit).

    submitted by /u/biokrekka
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    When is Sanguine Blade being removed from ARAMS?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

    As an ARAM only player (yes we exist) it blows my mind how many people i keep seeing waste 3100 gold on this item.

    I'm at the point of wondering if i'm confused about what the item does or if people don't actually read what items do in league and they just build what they see in streams or from websites?

    The way I understand it is the item is a pure 1v1 item and as soon as other people show up the item loses insane value.. sure in arams you will occasionally get a 1v1 but very rarely so why are people buying this in a game mode that's basically just constantly team fights.

    submitted by /u/Zsep
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    LV x League of Legends Collection drops tomorrow

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:52 PM PST

    Neeko is saying male quotes on transforming to Kai'Sa

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Neeko is saying male quotes on transforming to Kai'Sa

    I've noticed over recent matches that neeko says quotes which are dedicated do be quoted on transforming into male champions when taking Kai'Sa's appearence.

    In this video, you can see her saying two of these quotes:

    Neeko's quotes which are said on transforming into a male champion.

    Please Rito, fix this. :)

    submitted by /u/zekroTJA
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    The timers you need to know for almost every rotation. Fundamentals of League you might need to know - Grandmaster/Challenger's guide.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:37 AM PST

    Hi again, I'm Fas the Magi / Fas Scriptor, Currently I'm in Grandmaster, I had been in challenger last week, and I'm here to show you guys some info a lot of people don't know, even in high elo play. 499 LP atm, but dodged some games, so mmr is good.

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=fas+the+magi+twtv - op.gg showing who I am

    This is a crosspost from my thread at summoner school, because I figured some people here might like it as well.

    So, I figured I would post a video I just made on what the actual timers are to rotate around the map as well as how boots/champions affect it. Once you know and remember these times, you can track people without really seeing them, just keep doing the math in your head. This is the sort of thing I really wish was easier to find for league, so I figured others might like it as well.

    Video link - https://youtu.be/RDwbzZJaAVU?t=3

    How to calculate times on ANY movespeed value for the same pathings - https://youtu.be/RDwbzZJaAVU?t=258

    ^different champion/boot tier, can do the math.

    (1-((Your Movespeed)-330)/330)*Base time from chart) =Time for rotation

    As someone pointed out in my summoner school thread, the same formula can be put as

    (330/target move speed)*chart time=Time For rotation

    The summary of information is pretty much boots reduce times by 1-2 seconds, depending on the distance for each boot tier. Mages/ADCs are ~1-2 seconds slower on rotation than most melee champs. It takes 30 seconds to go from base to center of mid, 37 for the base to bot or top center. 22~ seconds to go from mid to a side lane center, 11 seconds for raptor to mid, 16 seconds for raptor to mid, and many more. Those timers are all without boots, subtract 1-2 for each tier, or do the math as I explain in the video to get a more exact time.

    Again, rule of thumb would be that each boot tier is around 2 seconds off a 20 second travel time, or 1 second off 10 second travel times, but it does depend a bit on champ and whatnot.

    Pair this with concepts of expected pathing and you can figure out when people will be ganking you based on what camp you expect them to be on if they path to whichever lane you're in.

    Calculate the player's position based on where they start and the timer and react based on it. I use the in game timer at the top right for this. I don't tend to say it in my head anymore, but a few years ago the way I learned this was just by counting from where I last saw anyone. If I thought they were going somewhere that would effect me, I would time it. - say to myself, ok they did drag, I have 8 seconds from drag death to auto tower, then I need to leave through topside of mid - as an example (Because its 11 seconds for them to be in range to hit me in some way)

    Any questions just let me know. I'm a challenger level mid I'm sure, but currently only in Grandmaster again.

    Full Timer List without boots at 330 movespeed

    16 seconds - wolf to mid

    9 seconds - quick pathing raptor to mid

    11 seconds - slow pathing raptor to mid

    11 seconds - center river to mid

    15 seconds - blue to mid

    2 seconds - gromp to blue

    18 seconds - krugs to mid

    21 seconds - bot to mid

    22 seconds - top to mid

    25 seconds - base to mid tower

    30 seconds - base to center mid

    12 seconds - bot to blue buff

    14 seconds - bot lane to gromp

    17 seconds - wolf to bot lane

    10 seconds - center of river to bot lane

    30 seconds - base to bot tower

    37 seconds - base to center lane bot

    30 seconds - base to top tower

    37 seconds - base to center lane top

    11 seconds - krugs to top lane

    14 seconds - red to top lane

    18 seconds - raptor to top lane

    33 seconds Base (blue) to dragon pit entrance - Not in video

    31 seconds Base (red) to dragon pit entrance - Not in video

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    League of Legends Level 2000 | Nolife Fynn

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:22 AM PST

    Finals / All-Star 2019 - 1v1 Tournament / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:26 PM PST

    No one made a thread so

    Bwipo 2-1 Uzi

    Bwipo Ornn vs Uzi's varus

    Tower kill for Uzi. 1-0

    Uzi's Varus vs Bwipo's Hecarim

    (2nd kill) Sudden death kill for Bwipo. 1-1

    Bwipo's Renekton vs Uzi's Varus

    2 kills for Bwipo (right before/at the beginning of sudden death)

    submitted by /u/DerpSenpai
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    Cosplayed Star Guardian Xayah yesterday at Dreamhack India 2019, how do you like it?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:42 AM PST

    Cosplayed Star Guardian Xayah yesterday at Dreamhack India 2019, how do you like it?

    Hello everyone, and greetings from India, I'm Akanksha Sachan and I cosplayed Star Guardian Xayah yesterday at Dream hack India. Almost everything in this cosplay including the props are handmade, self stitched, dyed etc and I had a blast working on it all this time! Please let me know how you like it. If you like it you can follow me on instagram @ akankshacosplay for more.
    P.S The image is of low quality because official images by the event have not been released yet


    submitted by /u/scarlet30chan
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    Fiddlesticks Rework Splash Art [Fan art]

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    Fiddlesticks Rework Splash Art [Fan art]

    Hello again, my previous post got removed but I hope that it works better this time.

    I have now finished the splash art for Fiddlesticks!

    As a tribute to the amazing work that Riot is doing with their reworks I have now created my own vision of what my favorite champion could look like.

    Hope you enjoy!

    My instagram post with a christmas themed Fiddlesticks at the end of the slide: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5I1uJuHs3L/

    Here's the original design / concept art that I did for him: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/de8l7y/fiddlesticks_rework_concept_fan_art/

    submitted by /u/Hoken4500
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    Is Kled's "base" health too high?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:24 PM PST

    If you go check out the "Health" page on the LoL wiki, you'll notice something very wrong with the chart for top and bottom five base amounts at levels 1 and 18.

    It has Kled listed as the lowest base HP for both.

    • 400 at level 1, with the next lowest being Yuumi and Anivia (tied) at 480.
    • And 1420 at level 18, with the next lowest being mini Gnar at 1615.

    But that isn't true. In reality, because you start with Skaarl Kled has:

    • 740 base HP level 1, which is 115 more than the champion listed highest level 1, Tryndamere.
    • 2950 at level 18, which is 484 more than the next runner-up, Galio.

    To further put that into perspective, that means Kled has between 115 - 260 more base HP than anyone else level 1, and between 484 - 1,335 more base HP than anyone else level 18.

    Now, you might think, "well maybe he pays for it in his other defenses." But nope. He has the standard melee-champion MR, and 35 - 103 armor, which is at the higher end of average even among bruisers.

    Or you might say he has relatively low damage to balance it out, but not only would that be excused by his lack of costs if it were true-- it just isn't true.

    Let's use Vi as an example, since she has arguably the most similar kit. In that they both rely heavily on %HP damage, have bonus AD scaling, and have similar amounts of CC/mobility. (I'm not saying they're extremely similar, just that Vi is the most suitable comparison.)

    1. Q: Kled's deals 90 - 390 (+180% bonus AD); Vi's deals 110 - 310 (+140% bonus AD)
    2. W: Kled's grants 150% AS, and the fourth hit deals 20 (+4.5% enemy max HP) - 60 (+6.5%) (+5% max HP per 100 bonus AD); while Vi's grants only 30% - 60% AS, and its third hit deals 4% - 10% (+2.86% per 100 bonus AD).
    3. E: Kled's deals 70 - 270 (+120% bonus AD) if you do both hits; Vi's deals 20 - 180 (+220% AD) if you use both charges, keeping in mind that 200% of the AD scaling is the base damage of two auto-attacks.

    I won't compare their ults since they have such drastically different uses. But you see my point. Compared to another champion in the same class, Kled's damage isn't any lower.

    Then, to top it all off, Skaarl's return is a 170 - 1,224 heal base, that can't be reduced by Grievous Wounds since it's considered a health increase. At full build, that's a 2,604 heal that you can't counter-build against. That's about as much as the healing of a full-build Soraka ult. Not to one target, but the total team healing.

    I want to conclude by saying, Kled isn't super crazy OP by any means. But I don't think it's okay to leave him with one stat unreasonably higher than everyone else in the game just because he isn't popular. Maybe more people would play him if they shifted some of his power away from his overwhelming health advantage and into making his kit more cohesive. Like changing it so the W is an active, or giving him an E and/or R he can use while unmounted.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    It's been 3.5 years since Ryze's rework and Riot still hasn't fixed his Pirate skin joke animation

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Video proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zaOmXn6unk

    How much longer do we have to wait?

    Is Riot planning to fix it during his inevitable next rework? /s

    submitted by /u/13Xcross
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    Ivern's Q interactions gotta change.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    So I recently found a little gem champion called Ivern and I really like playing him. Since they made him range I feel like he is a whole lot less clunky to play and generally really freeing.

    However, there is still one interaction that is infuriating to deal with. His Q. When you land his Q and decide to jump to your target you can either Right click on your foe or reactivate the ability. Did you find out what can make that maddening? What if you wanted to just auto attack your target, you can't. You gotta WAIT for your Q to be over to attack them.

    I know it's a bit out there but if your going an Attack Speed Ivern build, you literally can't do damage to people you've rooted unless you've jumped to them once already.

    Why not just make it that you just need to reactivate your ability to jump to them, keep it the same for your allies (Right Clicking). I'm making this post to either get this change made or actually learn there is a way around this, I've tried mapping keybinds where I just auto near them and not proc the jump but that doesn't work either.

    Sorry I don't mean to come off as a crybaby but I really think this would relieve quite a lot of frustration for any Ivern players. Ty for reading.

    submitted by /u/MissVelkoz
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    All Stars 2019 was a disappointment.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Is it just me, or is 2019 all-stars the worst all-stars event yet? The only real exciting event this year for me, was the 1v1 Tournament.

    • Why include team fight tactics so heavily? It felt alienating since it had such a sizeable presence this year. Also, it's time slot was weird why not have it right before or after the normal league events?
    • I am not a fan of the 2018 participate selection format, 2 pro players from each region feels too small. I very much prefer the regional tournament format of 2017 or the team fire vs team ice format of 2015.
    • Even the gamemode selection this year was small only 3 fun modes, 1v1s and 2 show matches. Last year had the same line-up with the East vs West Showdown and 2v2 tournament added on.
    submitted by /u/loneXolf
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    Pulling Ahri's Cheeks

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Clash was great, but here's some feedback

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:43 AM PST

    Hey guys, so I'm apparently one of the lucky people who had a near flawless clash experience on EUW. It was super amazing, as other people on this subreddit have already pointed out anyway. However, there are some things I instantly noticed with the format that I think should be adressed for a better experience.

    1 - The Tiers seem very weirdly divided

    I am Plat IV together with another friend in my team, and we are both ranked in Tier IV. Another Plat IV in our team is ranked Tier III. Together with 2 more Silvers we are actually Tier IV which is the lowest tier which I find insane. What about full silver/bronze teams, I feel like they don't get to play Clash. Also I was looking at some of the winning Teams from Tier I and there was literally a team like this: Dia3, Dia4, Plat2, Plat4, Gold1. Tier I!? This feels so wrongly matched.

    2 - Losing after second round should result in a 3rd place match

    When losing first round you can get to win up to 2 more games, but when winning first round and losing second round you're done. You shouldn't be punished more for going further in the first place, especially since you actually get less victory points. Another option would be to reduce the victory point the losers bracket gets to 50-100 per game or something. I also like reducing the points anyway since it should somewhat feel punishing to be in the losers bracket.

    3 - There should be 5 minute breaks between games

    Honestly this is the most important one in my opinion. If you have a really casual game, you probably won't notice this, as you can just jump straight into the next one and it's fine. But having had a stressful game where the enemies were ahead and we made a really cool comeback, I would have really appreciated 5 minutes to cool down after the game, talk about what happened, go to the bathroom, grab some water, etc. Killing the nexus and immediately being presented with the next scouting phase is really intense, especially since it's quite short, so you have to immediately concentrate again. I think a good solution would also be a 5 minute lock-in window between games, so if you do want to jump straight into the next game, you can.

    Overall, I think clash was a super great experience, but that's my suggestions on how to improve it.

    submitted by /u/PureAlpha
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    Elitists United Episode 26: Off Season (feat. Freeze and Cabramaravilla)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:30 AM PST

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