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    Monday, December 16, 2019

    LoL Guide Challenger Coach Veigar V2 AMA

    LoL Guide Challenger Coach Veigar V2 AMA

    Challenger Coach Veigar V2 AMA

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:04 AM PST

    Hello, my name is Marius but also known as Veigar v2. I have been coaching league of legends for 3+ years and will continue to do so moving into 2020.

    Some of my achievements and info about me:

    - Rank 19 EUW Challenger ladder (1126 LP)

    - Challenger s7,s8,s9

    - Challenger s8 Jungle, Support , Mid.

    - Solo killing Faker's Akali at worlds (i coached nemesis XD)

    - Creator of Garen yuumi botlane

    I figured this would be the right place to host an AMA So, fire away! ASK ME ANYTHING

    submitted by /u/VeigodEU
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    “Killstealing” as Support

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:14 PM PST

    I'm pretty new to the game and only have played Normal games so far. I've been maining support and have gravitated towards poking mages, specifically Brand and Xerath.

    It is not uncommon for me to finish with the most kills and most damage on my team.

    I've been playing lots of Xerath recently and sometimes when I'm (in my mind at least) really doing well, getting tons of poke in, kills, cleaning up engages and low-HP champs running away from engages with my Ultimate, my ADC or other laner will start to tell me that I'm KSing.

    I appreciate that KSing is a real thing and if I have a stunned enemy in lane with low HP 1v2 with my ADC i should let the ADC get the kill, but oftentimes it's more grey and I think as a new player I don't have the game sense and frankly do not trust my teammates to get the kill and id rather ensure an enemy death than hold off on an ability to just HOPE my teammate can finish them off.

    I can provide some replays or more info if needed. Thanks.

    EDIT: Oseman3 is my account name for stats which may be helpful.

    submitted by /u/oseman
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    Will my mental ever be 'right' for League? A cry for help.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:12 AM PST

    My account was permanently banned for toxicity tonight.

    It's the 7th account I've had permanently banned since I started playing in 2016.

    That's right ... seven accounts banned. All of them for toxicity.

    When you've had 7 accounts banned, you have to acknowledge that it isn't your teammates - it's you.

    Here's a few examples of the toxicity I fall into:

    • Flamming my teammates for mistakes
    • Flamming my teammates for not reading my mind
    • Flamming my jungler for not ganking (probably my most common being a botlane main)
    • Flamming my teammates for something that was clearly my mistake
    • Flamming the enemy for playing Akali or Zoe
    • Flaming the enemy in ARAM
    • Flaming the enemy in Poroking
    • Telling people to kill themselves
    • Flaming the enemy even when I win ('suck my dick' / 'I'm so much better than you' / etc)

    I'm wondering to myself - will I ever really overcome my toxicity? Will I ever be able to come to terms with my inability to reconcile blaming my teammates and flaming? I don't know how I manage to get myself so worked up, so angry, so enraged. I'm not sure if it's the nature of playing a game where I can't control everything, where I'm at the mercy of things out of my control. But clearly hundreds of people have reached Challenger with good mental fortitude.

    I've tried different things.

    • I /mute all
    • I turn off chat entirely in the interface settings
    • I mute the game and put on calm music
    • I tried playing the game not as a player, but roleplaying as if I'm playing the character (for example - I tried listening to opera when playing Jhin/listened to Elder Scrolls music when playing Ashe).
    • I've tried being positive in chat by saying things like 'well done' or 'bad luck' or 'we'll get em back don't worry'
    • I've tried not playing ranked for a month and only playing ARAM

    Tonight my account was banned while I was playing Poro King. I was toxic in Poro King - a dumb feature mode where you throw poros and summon a giant poro.

    So ... why do I play League?

    It's addictive. It's time-consuming. I really enjoy the way the game plays, how champions all feel so unique. And sometimes I do have fun.

    Here's the game that broke the camel's back tonight:

    I got Pantheon in Poro King. I thought to myself 'man I haven't really played rework Pantheon'. Game starts, get a couple of kills, and suddenly I'm having so much fun. I'm thinking to myself - 'man this champ is awesome'.

    Ten minutes later ... I'm flaming my team for not hitting their poros after the enemy gets the king two times straight. I'm flaming them for not following up when I W the priority target and lock them down. I'm flaming them for not dodging poro tosses. I definitely wasn't perfect - I had some very bad ults into all five of the enemy team.

    I just ... what is wrong with me?

    I need serious, no-holds-barred constructive criticism. You don't need to tell me I'm a piece of shit - I already know that. Should I just uninstall? Is League really the right game for me?

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    As an ADC, how should I play when my team is behind/unable to peel for me?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Sometimes I have games where no one in my team is able to peel for me, whether that be because my Tank is severely behind or my team has no reliable cc to protect me. I have trouble staying alive in these games because it seems no matter when or where I fight I get collapsed on and there is nothing I can do even though I have self peel (I play a lot of Xayah). Should I not be taking these fights or should I be positioning differently to prevent anyone from getting close to me?

    submitted by /u/ItsDougOfficial
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    Primary goal of ganking / seeing gank opportunities?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:52 PM PST

    As a jungler (Rengar main), what is my main goal to accomplish by coming in to help my laners? I'm pretty new to the game and I think I have an okay understanding of jungling fundamentals seeing as it's the only role I devoted myself to learning, but there is one thing I still don't understand in its entirety - ganking.

    As a general rule of thumb, I usually come in to gank whenever my teammates let me know: "Hey, this Riven is low" and she's pushed up next to our tower. Past the midway point of the lane is when I come in from river or tribush to help my teammate.

    ... But then my Diamond friend claims I should go for ganks much more frequently and in between camps. Okay, so I hit level three and play super aggressive, push from river even if my top laners are trading CS one for one and the river is warded. This rarely ever nets me a kill or an assist for my laner, seeing as the enemy usually backs up.

    Then I'm told I need to gank midlane, even though an opportunity to do something comes up very rarely. I can't even remember a time where I helped my teammate get a kill or get one myself.

    Then I'm told to not care about coming through with stats and that kills and assists are irrelevant.

    So I need to ask, what is the main thing to accomplish with ganking? How do I know when a gank opportunity arises, aside from the enemy having low health or mana, being pushed up, etc. I know when to recognize which lanes are safe to gank and which aren't based on champ abilities.

    Any feedback is appreciated, thanks in advance ^

    submitted by /u/AzzyGK
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    First/blind pick top lane discussion

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST

    looking to make a switch to top plane due to the new exp / jg changes.

    I have a big champ pool and look to counter pick the majority of times. However In solo q first pick, I am unsure of good blind top picks. I'm thinking: tryn, irel..

    Are there strong early game champions that don't get countered real hard?

    Any discussion is welcome.


    submitted by /u/thebigspooner
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    Should I mute everyone?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:34 AM PST

    Lots of people have been telling me to mute everyone because there is no use for it and it's just distracting if ur trying to get better.

    I'm pretty low elo (silver ) and the chat is usually very weird , but don't I need the chat to communicate with others? Especially as a jungler?

    Should I start muting all? What are the benefits and is it worth it ?

    submitted by /u/Cyphru
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    When to build tiamat on lee sin

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:45 PM PST

    I played a fair bit of lee but im still not sure on the question of when to build tiamat on lee. I normally build standard warrior enchantment blue into black cleaver. However I find that Lee's clear speed with this build is subpar compared to other junglers such as kayn and olaf and I fall behind in levels even if I was ahead early. Is this why people build tiamat on lee. Also would this be a core item or situational?

    submitted by /u/Detailiskey
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    Getting win as a midlane?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:37 AM PST

    I havent been played midlane until this season and when i tried that, i actually like it. I play mages mostly (Orianna Syndra Xerath Cassiopeia etc.) but i can't carry game unless we go 5 premade. I almost win every lanening phase but 10 mins after my enemy laner usually gets fed and i lost games. Even i ping the enemy is missing my sidelanes continue pushing and dies. What can i do, how can i get more effective.(ps. I take teleport almost every time to be more effective at map)

    submitted by /u/Gkslxd
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    Hello i have somequestions about permanent ban

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:07 PM PST

    hello i have been suspended for 14 days twice and now i get a notification like if you get suspended again it will be permenant so how do i avoid getting permanent ban any tips?

    and also if i play very bad one game 0-6 something like that and my team reports me will it be a perma ban?

    submitted by /u/mefarms
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    When should i get a blue smite or a red smite for junglers ?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:52 AM PST

    I have been playing league for a year now...and i main jungle...often the champions that i play are tanks or bruisers like hecarim-jarvan-warwick-jax-rammus-...etc

    However i never exactly knew when should i get a red smite or what even does it EXACTLY do..i always get a blue smite since i really dont know what the other does because i find getting a slow far more useful than picking one that i really dont know it job...i would also like to know when should i get a red smite or a blue smite ( champ dependant - stagebof the game dependant..etc )

    submitted by /u/WhiplashFishy
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    Is it ok to take your jungler's camps mid/late game (not only buffs)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:26 PM PST

    My friend (Rengar otp) usually gets tilted if somebody takes his jungle. He can make an exception in late game, when midlaner/adc need blue/red, but that's all. We usually argue a lot because of it. I sometimes take his camps (5-6 per game at most, including bffs) when I'm behind and I need money to finish item ASAP. I know that he doesn't like it, so I don't do it a lot. I understand that he wants to carry the game and take as much gold as possible, but isn't it better to give gold to teammates, so they can have an advantage too (at least sometimes)

    submitted by /u/zuramy63
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    Why is Thornmail a "bad" item?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:11 PM PST

    I'm a Diamond 4 Top/ADC main, anytime I'm top lane Ninja Tabi's and Thornmail is a usual buy for me in a lot of my games with 3+ AD on the enemy team. I do't get it ALL the time, like I won't get it for Irelia or Jax, but I do get it quite often as a tank/juggernaut like Sion, Morde, etc

    Yet when I browse champion subs and even this sub sometimes, the general opinion of Thornmail is "bad item" or "noob trap"

    Explain this to me as I bought Thornmail as a top laner in many games during my climb to Diamond last season

    For 2900 gold you get:

    80 Armor 250 health

    On their own, nothing to brag about and not very gold efficient

    But then:

    15% Attack speed slow

    Grevious Wounds

    Damage reflection of 25 flat + 10% armor

    True, if you don't have much armor in your build, the reflection isn't much. However, for someone building 2+ armor items vs a 3 AD team, it is not to be underestimated. Bonus: If you are running conqueror or Ravenous Hunter, you also heal off of this damage, although it's still a pitiful amount

    That's not even mentioning attack speed slow against the enemy ADC who will be the one shooting you most of the time in teamfights, AND Grevious Wounds vs them too against their lifesteal from runes or items.

    Also useful when dueling AD champions in general. With so much free sustain in runes these days, grevious wounds can slow down anyone. Fiora, Tryndamere, etc are popular picks right now and this item is a huge pain for them

    Furthermore, it can be efficiently built on champions who do not efficiently use the mana of the closest equivalent: Frozen Heart. Also a powerful armor item, but with sadly wasted stats on manaless/mana efficient champions like Mordekaiser, Garen, Darius, Urgot, etc

    submitted by /u/ZCYCS
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    How important is Win Rate on Champions?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:20 PM PST

    Hello all,

    Newer Support player; Silver IV. I am taking some time to figure out my top champions to focus on before I get serious into ranked again (Silver IV is where I was placed in my provisions at the very end of season 9; I did it just to see what would happen). My two mains are Pyke and Xerath; still trying to figure out my 3rd to focus on. I have a slew of champs that I am testing. But what really stood out to me was my win rates. My Pyke is above 50% and most of my champions are below 50%. I admit to being a bad (but improving!) player who needs a lot of work. But my Alistar....his win rate is so much higher than my other champions; something like 67% right now. That's a dramatic difference from literally all of my other champs and it has me wondering if I should be focusing on him more.

    I feel like I do a better job of being a Support when I play him. I know he's a tank and his role is very clear so I play very differently with him compared to my others. I'm not as concerned about dying or trying to secure kills; my focuses are solely setting up for my carries and protecting them. Maybe I'm being more of a team player as him and that's why? I know without replays, its hard for anyone here to give concrete advice.

    In your experience, what's a "good" or "great" win rate? How important is it? Should I be taking this large difference in win % as a sign to focus on him/champs like him?

    Curious for any insight you may have. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/24thWanderer
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    Master Yi jg + Yuumi support duo is RIDICULOUS.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST

    We have done 20 games testing this duo, and currently sitting at 72% winrate (in gold).

    There is literally nothing the enemy can do after 15 minutes, and it doesn't matter what our team has been doing during the early game..

    We can take any objective we want, whenever we want. 2v5 ez

    Any tips on build and runes? I go ignite for early pressure, and hopefully snowball


    submitted by /u/sollixd
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    How to Support??

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:03 AM PST

    Hi Im a Gold Player in SEA region and ADC/MID main and recently i just started playing support lately because i got autofilled too many times and picked janna and soraka ( and got successful idk why ) but here's what i do when i play support i ward the bush at bot lane at 5:00 min mark of the game and only poke the enemy adc and heal my adc and next i rush redemption and reccomended support items because i have no idea what items to buy any tips and tricks to support???

    submitted by /u/ilovetwoguyskissing
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    How to Gank Mid/Top when Enemy Laner Higher Lvl?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 03:13 PM PST

    With the jungle xp nerfs and solo lane xp buffs, it seems like I'm >2 levels lower than mid and top unless they've been playing poorly or I've been playing very well

    This is fine when my laner is winning, but when they're losing, is there anything I can do to help without just throwing up my hands and saying "you're own your own" and focusing my energy bot?

    It's true that drag is really important in s10 so this isn't necessarily bad, but it doesn't sit well that I'm basically praying that our team can scale before the solo laners take over the game (which they seem to do all the time now)

    submitted by /u/FreeRobotFrost
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    Mages Top Lane - A decent experiment or just troll?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:41 PM PST

    Hey everyone. Recently I've been a little bored of playing Bruisers top. So I decided to go Mid for a bit of a change and had fun playing Ahri, Neeko, Syndra and other mages. However there is something about the "1v1 island" Top I jus really enjoy. I really wanna try and make some mid champs viable top. I'm currently plat 3 and having ok success with the mages top.

    What is your thoughts/experience with mages top?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Rejnols
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    Support role in Assassin-Heavy Comps

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:37 PM PST


    I'm a gold 4 support main, and largely play leona, soraka, vel koz, and pyke support. Generally, when I pick my champion from my pool, I'm considering a few things: who is my ad carry? What does their comp look like? etc.

    One of those things that I tend to consider as well is what my comp looks like. In one of my games today, we had an extremely assassin heavy comp (zed mid, akali top, kai sa adc) and I just felt absolutely lost on what my role in that comp should be. I ended up choosing yuumi because she can't mess things up too much as a pick, but what should I have chosen in this situation? What should have been going through my mind?

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    submitted by /u/war321321
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    Trying to learn bot lane, but....

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:00 PM PST

    The skill level between my friends is just too diverse. Im a plat top laner with 2 gold-plat players, but on top of that 3 other players who are iron. I dont play bot but when i do i 1 trick mf, and me not actually knowing lane matchups and how to just lane bot in general isnt getting ANY help from a iron support who plays behind me all lane.

    I do kind of want to branch out in ranked as adc because it feels like top lane is irrelevant and i figure i might as well practice with friends before i play against people who main bot lane in ranked.

    So are there guides that help transitioning from a solo lane to being able to play in a 2v2 lane and being on the same sync with your support? I do watch a few high elo streams and will see them complain sometimes because they think their support plays a lane wrong, but i dont think i have to worry about that playing in norms and hope maybe i can find out a playstyle where i can kind of 2v1 the lane against randoms who aren't high in elo. Or do you just really need 2 people of the same skill level to succeed as a bot lane?

    submitted by /u/FryChikN
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    Tank support items

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:59 PM PST

    So if rant/questions aren't allowed delete this, But the tank support items are not viable anymore. Does anyone else feel this way? The loss of heal, starting with no charges and massively increased time per charge makes them feel unusable. I would rather not play tank/melee supports anymore

    submitted by /u/Guns_Only
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    Lee Sin viability and playstyle in latest patch (9.24)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Hi all, it has been some time since I played jungler and I always wanted to learn how to play Lee Sin properly, I wholeheartedly agree that everyone who's a jungler should know how to play him well but not necessarily the ward jumps, flash kick, insec etc. But to apply pressure, gank/counter ganking, invade and etc.

    Of course I prepared myself for the runes and items but I think I am lacking fundamentals and know hows for Lee Sin and also the role itself.

    I constantly find myself fall behind because spend too much time ganking, or farming, it's always either one of those and it's frustrating.

    Sometimes I ended a game same level and gold income as the support, nowhere to farm the jungle mid game or gank (outer turrets down).

    I can get early few dragons and herald and pulled off few ganks here and there but I can't find out why I fall off so hard mid game. I go either blue or red smite depends on their jungler, then boots; always bought pink ward every recall but as mentioned above due to my limited gold I never completed more than 3 items. Most of the time it's my jungler item, black cleaver or maw, and boots with pink wards.

    Please advise and well I do know that he's been a consistent performer from the past, is he still as viable as the speed farming jungler nowadays?

    If Lee Sin is a bit on the difficult/weak side, what's a good jungler to learn more/improve about the role? Kindly advise, thanks!

    submitted by /u/lucentshade
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    Mid Lane Melee v Melee matchup

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST


    I know that for many melee vs ranged matchups in mid, you want to have the lane near your own turret so that you have lots of space to all in on the enemy. But what should you do in melee vs melee, disregarding each person's jungler.

    Whenever I see people playing mirror match yasuo/aatrox/lee sin 1v1 mid they always keep shoving the lane (not only just to level up first, they keep shoving it). My personal thought is that freezing lane just outside your own turret in melee matchups give you more space to kill the enemy laner but it would mean they have the minion advantage while fighting (as the wave is shoved towards your turret).

    Is the reason I see ppl shove because minion advantage is much more important in melee vs melee matchups whereas in melee vs ranged the melee champion is still stronger even if they take minion dmg?

    submitted by /u/whxt_7
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    Help with utilizing vision

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    I am an average (low Gold) player. I main Top lane and die to ganks I SHOULD see coming far too often. I place wards in the right places then tunnel vision way too hard, don't check the mini map, don't see the incoming jungler, then get dusted or burn my sums to escape fights I should see coming.

    Do you have any tips or tricks for learning to check and use vision more effectively? Or is it one of those "you just have to do it" things?

    submitted by /u/bigcrunchbigflavor
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    What should new players focus?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:53 AM PST

    Hello everyone! I've been playing for two months so far. I love the game and the strategies and I'd love to understand it better. However I feel that what I want is a bit far from the point I'm at now. In youtube and everywhere I can only find tutorials and advices for people who has been playing for a lot of time. They talk about items, combos and builds they do at the spur of the moment, which I find near to black magic rn. What would you say a new player should focus? How can I manage to learn items, champs and the generals of the game?

    submitted by /u/STR4SH
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