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    Tuesday, December 17, 2019

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: December

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: December

    Champion Pool Megathread: December

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Never ban None - quick tip on what to ban if you don't care about a specific matchup

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:42 AM PST

    If you really don't care about any bans, and no one in your team is asking for one, ban out a random one trick champion

    Draven Riven Thresh Lee sin

    Banning one of these 4 has an unreasonably high chance of taking out a 1 trick who will feed their ass off either from being mad or bad.

    I've banned thresh every game this year and it really tilts one tricks for some free wins.

    submitted by /u/mazrim_lol
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    The korean pro player DoinB is spamming Ardent Censer on Diana right now - Here's why

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:07 AM PST

    Hey everyone, i'm a high elo Diana player on EUW. I often check out what the pro players are building, especially after the rework. I noticed that the korean player Doinb has been spamming her with Ardent Censer.

    I made a video to show how effective it is, and how it works:


    Vintagefox said it isn't a bug, so apparently this is intended. Basically it allows self-healing + shielding abilities to proc the unique passive that gives you bonus attack speed and on-hit damage. So keystones like Conqueror and Diana's W shield will keep it active.

    Why would you buy ardent censer on Diana? First of all that item is extremely gold efficient! For 2300g you get all of those stats, so it's a good purchase on any champion that can take advantage of every stat -> Diana is one of them.

    Ability power is obviously important, but stats like CDR, attack speed and bonus movement speed is very underrated on the reworked Diana. She is more reliant on CDR than ever because her abilities have higher cooldowns compared to before. Stronger shield + healing and mana regen? You have that as well.

    Another thing i would like to mention is the precision tree, and how this entire tree works so well with her current kit. Conqueror is absolutely nuts on Diana and gives her a ridiculous amount of sustain in extended fights. The reworked Diana has mana problems since she lost her mana regen passive. The one rune that solves this problem completely is presence of mind. The additional attack speed from alacrity has great synergy with her passive and items. (You can go for tenacity if they have a lot of cc). Coup de grace is good because it's consistent.

    submitted by /u/Yeagerlol
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    A Guide to Playing from Behind as a Jungler

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm Dinglehopper and I'm an intern for Dignitas. A question I've gotten a lot is how to get back in the game from an early deficit when you're a jungler. This guide is intended for newer players or players just picking up the role. As always, discussions are welcome!



    submitted by /u/DinglehopperSSBM
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    Who to pick into Riven?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:24 AM PST

    Who is a good counter into Riven? I read that Garen is a good pick but seem to get pooped on in the match up. I realize the riven players I'm facing might just be better than me, but just wondering if anyone knows a strong counter pick into her?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Adventur391
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    I don’t really understand Twisted Fate

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:58 AM PST

    Okay, hello! So last night, I was laning a Ryze, as Twisted Fate. My first summoners rift game as Twisted Fate. I won my lane, scaled, got to 540 ap, but even then I felt so useless? We ended up losing. I had the gold lead due to my passive, CS, and kills. I was teleporting. I was strong in terms of items and gold, but if I landed my card and q it wouldn't be enough to kill and I ended up getting blown up, chain cc'ed, or just straight killed. I know TF is all about those sick teleport plays, but I felt useless this whole game. What's to stop people from walking away from my Q? How do I not get blown up when walking up to gold card? I like this champion a lot but I feel like I'm missing an important part of his kit and gameplay. (also AP or AD?)

    submitted by /u/HatesWeezer
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    What to do when tilted?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST

    Here's my story, im an average league player that reached plat this season, my first season. Unfortunately when i got into my plat 3 promos i went on a huge loss streak that lasted over 20-25 games, by then i was getting 13lp per win and lose 22. How can someone improve their MMR if most games are just a coinflip? I win like 4-5 games in a row and then I lose 2 games and im back to the start.

    Every game is tilting me even more and im not quite sure how to fix this, and no i can take a break since im addicted and it sucks.

    submitted by /u/Moon99Moon
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    When is it better to stack health versus resistances like armor or magic resist?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    From another post people mention that thornmail is more preferable as a late game item. So for tanky champs, how do you know when to build more health or resistances? I guess this question is more specific about the 2nd and 3rd items in a build, first ones are usually pretty obvious.

    Also how does armor pen and magic pen work in regards to health, AP, and AD? Why would certain champs want to build Frozen Heart when it doesn't have any health?

    Conversely when would it be better to build more AD/AP for offensive stats compared to penetration (Rabadon's vs Void Staff, Lethality vs Crit builds)

    submitted by /u/tootallteeter
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    Do Tier Lists Matter?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    For someone whos not playing at a competitive level, how much should I pay attention to tier lists? In Smash Bros Ultimate, they say dont let tier lists affect who you play, because if you're good then you can win with anybody. Is this the same with LoL?

    I am new to the game (lvl 25) and maybe it doesnt matter now, but I want to consider this if I get serious about maining someone and when I get into ranked. There are champions that look fun to me but are low on the list like Ziggs, Aatrox, or Galio. I know I should still play them for fun, but just how much does the meta make it difficult for them?

    submitted by /u/CardboardBull
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    Finding out what the win conditions are

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:36 AM PST

    HI summoners, I've played league since this June and now i'm a level 55 Silver IV top laner main, i love so much Riven and i'm going to play her a lot, but i also like trynd or soon i will buy Kled. Some of my friends told me that if i want to improve i have to now the win conditions and play around them. He also told me (he's a D1) that my micros are really good for a new player, and i've learned all the riven animation cancels but after having a lead in lane, maybe with 3 or 4 kills and 0 deaths, i always don't know when i should go for baron or herald, roam mid or tp bot and other things like these.

    Lastly i ask you guys, how do i find out my win conditions and how do i improve my macros?

    P.S. Sorry for bad english, but i'm an italian player.

    Goodbye and Have fun!

    submitted by /u/MistaHate4
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    How to improve a champion?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:42 AM PST

    Last season I've played only Jinx (200 solo/duo ranked matches, with a winrate of 56%).

    I've always been a Vayne lover, so, in season 7 I played only Vayne (200 matches, with 46% winrate);
    In the season 8, I barely played League, and all my Vayne skills has gone.
    So in season 9, I just forgot about her, and played with Jinx as much as I could.

    I'm preparing for the season 10 right now, and I'm decided that I will play Vayne all season (yeah, I'm this type of guy who likes to be addicted to one main champion the entire season) . Actually, I've already started playing Vayne in pre-season, with 63 matches and 51% winrate.

    My point is: I already have a "good" Vayne knowledge, but I still think I can be better with her. Where should I start to look for improvement in my Vayne skills?

    submitted by /u/un-versed
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    How to Beat Funnelling Comps

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    Essentially the title. Some friends and I (G4-G1) were playing clash and ran into a team who had a Yi smurf being funnelled from a mid lane Lulu. As Ryze my guess was to hard push the lane to void out cs but he ended up carrying before I was even relevant from all the gold. We even had a Rammus but we weren't able to punish his invades due to a lack of damage early (Ornn, Rammus, Ryze). Is this something we need to pick around in champ select, or did we miss something?

    Were still getting used to comps and playing as a team as most of us just play solo/duo or we muck around in flex mostly goofing around together. Any help would be great!

    submitted by /u/alexizfox
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    Top Lane Help

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST

    So here is a little back story before i ask my questions.... I have played support for 8 years and with the new jungle changes this preseason. the constant harassment of bot lane has gotten me to not like supporting...So I've been trying out every lane in attempt to find a new main lane to go to for season 10. I will say that I have come to realize I am horrible at this game lol and I now realize how much work it takes as a team for everyone to work together!

    I first ventured to ADC where I first found out I have no clue how to cs properly, kite properly, or position myself properly....having come from support I was used to being the initiation and being aggressive...so as ADC...yeah uh I died a lot. I got fed up quickly for the same reason as support: hating bot lane now so...

    Ventured to mid lane because most all the champions I played in supporting I could just bring them mid! Mid is where I learned I have horrible map awareness, and now developed a huge sense of fear because of all the assassins! I tried to adapt but I quickly found I was not at all good as a mid laner for my team because I was so skiddish and scared to go anywhere on the map with the fear of being Zed or Akali's lunch! So decided to try another lane!

    Taking on jungle made me very quickly feel sorry for this role. You are blamed for EVERYTHING! Doesn't matter what happens it's jungles fault. I ended up hating this role just as much as support so I didn't try many more games there. So off I went to the only lane left: Top lane

    Top lane is where I learned how to duel, importance of the rift, and how to pressure. I also learned that it is an island all by itself (which I love) I now hope to become a top laner! The problem I faced in this lane was not having a clue what my job actually was. I have no idea how to control my wave "wave management" as ive been told... i dont understand it....I now have come to realize I know nothing about this game except how to support, but I am eager to become a top laner and learn everything i can and help my team win! I just really have no idea what to do and what to learn!! I went to google in search of "rules" or "guidelines" etc that really didnt help me....Where can i find this or can someone here help?

    Thanks for listening happy gaming all!

    submitted by /u/yamsnoodle12
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    Special case player for first ranked games - Few doubts and some hope required

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:42 PM PST

    Hi lovely community,

    I am a LAS region 39 years old guy who started playing LOL year and a half ago and I can't leave this lovely game. I have a level 91 account where I play mainly (more than 95% of the matches) against bots.

    I don't play normals neither ranked games because of the community toxicity; I tried a ranked once (by mistake as I just wanted to play against real people) and some normals where I got flamed in at least half matches in which I didn't play well any of them.

    Because of this I decided to be better, understand more the game and try not to harm my team whenever I get back to these type of matches so what I do is, besides playing coop vs ia in any difficulty (which it's really easy for me), train with custom bot games, where I can easily win 1 vs 5 (beginner bots), 5 vs 5 (mine are beginner and enemies are intermediate) and also 3 vs 5 in the same way as the last one. I can win 1 vs 5 intermediate but not allways as it depends which bots are in the other side, and also which champion I choose.

    I created some smurf accounts up to level 20 to play normal games and test my self trainning progress against lower experience players. I feel I am very good facing up the newer people but it is not the same against smurfs rivals; they usually beat me.

    Now I have 2 objectives: first one is getting champion mastery (I got most of the champions in the game and no one is able to spam any mastery) and second one is to know my real ELO so then I can play with people at my similar level, have real fun and a different motivation to play. Regarding this I have a few questions:

    1. Is it ok if I play ranked for first times in my primary account mutting all? If anyone starts flaming me I got tilted so I would like to avoid this. Also in ranked I will gain mastery and also be ranking at the same time (less time/effort for my objectives comparing with normals).
    2. Can I be penalized for being bad at the end of the match? I can be considered troll by my teammates and I'm afraid this may happen.
    3. What is the best thing I can do if things doesn't start well and I am unable to carry the team according to my actual experience? Prioritize not to die and play zafe? Focus on team objetives as a result of dying more?
    4. For unranked players, does Riot queue artificial intelligence look for people in my same "elo status" or is it viable that I can play against high elo players? I'd like to know if it is the same to start playing ranked with a 30 level account than to a 100 regarding difficulty.

    Feel comfortable commenting whatever you think about this "lamer/noob" :) and I apologize for my bad english.

    submitted by /u/ClaudioRacing
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    Should I not play enchanters anymore?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Tried to post this while providing enough context so people could understand where I was coming from with my thought process, where I am at mentality-wise, and why I'm currently asking what I'm asking, but for one reason or another, the post doesn't show up and it just shows some white screen. I'm not looking to type all that again so I'm just gonna ask more directly: are enchanters even worth putting time into learning and progressing with as champions?

    This isn't me trying to whine or point blame. I'm seriously asking, and the feedback to the question will seriously decide how I play this game going forward, so I'd like to avoid super milquetoast answers like "Well that depends because they TOTALLY COULD be and TOTALLY COULD NOT be...". We wouldn't tell a Jax player to "play a better champion". We'd simply teach him how to be a better Jax, right? Since I'm seeing the contrary for enchanter-enthusiasts like myself, I'm asking if they're even worth it as champions or if they're just a bunch of noob traps.

    submitted by /u/chipndip1
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    How to lane against qiyana

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    Sometimes when i play immobile mid laner against qiyana , i feel it rly hard to walk up and cs , she is constantly jumping hitting with those aoe spells which are very hard to dodge. I need some proper guidance on how and what to do against her. Also i m not implying she is broken , its just me having a hard time in this matchup

    submitted by /u/swaperx
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    Question about Jhin

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:43 AM PST

    I am not really an adc main but I reached M7 with him like last year and can play him decently. The only problem is I avoid playing him because of one thing. I have no idea which rune set to take? Do I take comet? Dark harvest? Fleet? HOB? I see many Jhins with different rune sets and I have no idea which one to use right now. What do you use and why?

    submitted by /u/EeveeTrainer90
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    Jhin, The Virtuoso - A Guide For Season 9

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    When do I queue dodge games?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:16 AM PST

    I usually copy paste all my teammates ign and look them up, however I don't know what exactly I am looking for. Do I dodge when someone has an average KDA of 1.5 over the past 10 games. Or when someone has a good KDA but autofilled? My elo is G3.

    And for those who keep dodging the queue, how many times do you do it per day?

    submitted by /u/OzieteRed
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    What do i do when i gain lead?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

    I'm a Top lane main(Teemo main, but after plat, I converted to ad bruisers and tanks.), playing since season 4. Just hit Diamond IV recently. I just dropped from Diamond 3 recently, because I have been struggling to abuse the lead. In most situations, I play Aatrox, I beat my opponent and if their jungler comes most of the time I win the 2v1 take the tower and then I don't know what to do. I tp to bot for a fight whenever I see a fight I can win or if it's necessary for me to teleport to oppose my opponent. Usually, after taking T1 top tower, I go bot to help taking drake and after that, I don't know what to do. If I go top, their midlaner or bot lane will just come down top (usually) with their jungle and catch me out 3v1.
    After like 15 min I have around 1500-3500 gold lead to my top laner, and after that. Everything goes downhill. I can't open fights as before, because I'll just get kited and since I usually don't get a tanky jungle, my team cannot realistically open fights unless they make a mistake. During this time I lose my chance to farm up for Sterak's gage or Spirit visage leaving me with DD and Black cleaver thus being really squishy with abruptly 2000 hp 80 armor 60 mr. After 10 minutes of repeated lost team fights I manage to buy Steraks, but that's too late. They usually end the game at this point or they get so ahead that my team can't fight them off.
    What do I do after winning my lane, taking T1 turret?
    (Not saying I always win with Aatrox, sometimes I do lose and fall behind, but ironically when I am behind I just soak and actually do my part. Thank you for any advice)
    Snong - EUNE

    submitted by /u/Song___n
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    Support champions that can utilize Umbral Glaive should be more highly contested. Thoughts on an off-meta pick for maximum vision control and combating conqueror meta.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    So I've been spamming Ashe support lately with quite some success (75-80% winrate in plat). Not in any means the first time for her in the support role, but I believe this time around she should be a fairly contested pick due to what she can do that other supports can't to this degree.

    What's the playstyle?

    I'll be using Senna as a comparison, since they tend to build the same items but the utility they bring to the table are different. Support Ashe is a more vision control/utility based pick. She doesn't have the raw burst damage as Senna would, or the lower cooldown pick potential on Sennas W compared to Ashe R. Her ult also isn't used to turn fights like Sennas does, it's moreso used as follow up cc, to or engage on mispositioned/extended enemies for picks. She can also lock down a problematic carry for longer, rendering them unable to attack compared to just being rooted in place. She can push for wards easily with a long range E, low cooldown volleys to check bushes, wards and red trinket. Umbral Glaive passive also only triggers when there are wards nearby, so when it doesn't, you know you're unseen and it adds an extra layer of safety. She can easily deny enemy pushes to ward with her two vision denial tools and anticipating ward placements by enemies. She doesn't need items as much as Senna does, and while Senna can't get souls in unfavorable matchups or behind, for Ashe the matchups matter less. Senna's also more often picked or banned due to being played in two roles. Ashe (for now) is quite a rare pick for ADC and especially support.

    Since Support Ashe doesn't build attack speed, you should never be in AA range if the whole enemy team is there. That's a fast track ticket to fountain and your teammates spamming "KEKW ASHE SUPPORT". Your volley helps you maintain a distance and should be landed on multiple enemies if possible (especially in laning phase when you have a low mana pool). Landing numerous volleys from fog of war which you've cleared of wards slowly chips away the enemies healthbars, letting your team follow up when they're ready or when you land an ult. Her volley also applies constant healing reduction with only an 800g item for the conqueror/healing fiesta.

    Preseason changes

    Support Ashe got a lot of new resources to work with this preseason. Not having to buy and upgrade an AP item just for its passives, but now being able to get an AD variant which also scales up to +35AD is a godsend for a champion who likes to spam volleys every couple of seconds. It costs only 400 gold and the gold generation lets you ramp up to your next core item, Umbral Glaive.

    Umbral Glaive is dirt cheap, the stats are already good on their own for Ashe, but the passive is what makes Ashe so good as a support. Can be easily built into in laning phase with the 350g longswords so the only leftover gold would be put under boots, control wards or faerie charm (which has good resell value).

    Presence of mind was also changed to give you a larger mana pool for volley spam. It also gives you 20% max mana back for takedowns. If you've not finished this in laning phase, it'll definitely be capped out come midgame fights. This rune gives you way more freedom to spam W and not worrying about not enough mana to ult etc, since her W manacost did increase from 50 to 70.

    The Runes

    Sorcery + Precision/Domination

    Sorcery is almost always primary due to Arcane Comet. It's just too good for laning phase and later on. Can also be Aery but I feel it's not as impactful. Manaflow band gives extra mana for poke and regen synergizes with Presence of Mind manapool. Can be substituted with Nullifying Orb vs double AP bot or against heavy AP teams. Celerity is usually best option since you have lots of ways to get 40% CDR. Transcendence can be substituted if you don't see yourself getting 40% CDR til lategame. Waterwalking is best since your strengths lie mostly in baron/dragon control. Scorch damage is negligible, Gathering storm could technically fit if you're going Domination secondary. Can also go Dark Harvest/Precision for when both teams are lategame since Ingenious hunter is a really good rune.

    Precision is usually taken when multiple healers/enemies generally building HP. Presence of mind helps wittle down enemies and apply slows/grievous wounds/Black cleaver/occasional liandry. Coup de Grace/Cut Down based on how much enemy team generally stacks HP.

    Domination vs. multiple assassins/squishier teams/little to no conqueror champs. For when you want to overkill the vision scene. Zombie ward gives some extra damage and free vision. Ingenious hunter makes your trinket and item cooldowns non-existent, but can be substituted with Ultimate Hunter if your team is more pick oriented/you're the main engager.

    Core items

    Spectral Sickle: your main income item early. Stacks relatively fast with high range AAs and volleys in lane. Gives +35AD, some hp and 4 wards later in the game.

    Umbral Glaive: gives you crackhead ascended levels of vision control. Also some AD and gets you closer to 40% CDR.

    Boots of Swiftness/Boots of Lucidity: swifties give extra movespeed to run around/reposition and kite, lucidity boots if you need the extra CDR early or don't get max CDR with your build path/runes.

    Executioners calling: build before your next item if laning against a healer support or Draven, after if not. Finish building into Mortal Reminder as your last item.

    Youmuus/Duskblade: both give some extra AD to poke with and some CDR towards max CDR, Youmuus as a more defensive item, Duskblade since you're using volleys from fog of war often. Usually build either of these after your boots/glaive and the other if the enemies are squishy or you're way ahead.

    Black Cleaver: Really great item on Ashe. Whopping 20% CDR, AD and health, armor reduction and movespeed for any AD damage you deal. I've personally found more success by building Dead Mans Plate instead of this around midgame.


    Dead Mans Plate: even more movespeed and great if they have people that can catch up to you like Olaf, Yi. Punished way less if you're out of position vs. akali, tf, ryze and the sorts. Good vs. fed AD enemies. Can cover more ground with your Glaive and red trinket, also getting in and out to catch deeper wards.

    Guardian angel: if you're the one with most gold, if you have a bounty or any other reason you might be focused that you can't avoid. 45 extra AD for your volleys.

    Liandry: lategame item for when they're stacking loads of health or when your team is heavily AD. Deals 7.5% max HP extra for every volley hit and damage output increases to 10% over a couple of seconds. +300 health is nice, 75 extra damage is good for your ult aswell if you're hitting their carries, otherwise the AP portion is negligible.

    Edge of Night: take it vs. key initiation spells, karthus ult etc. No cdr on the item makes this not as good as the other lethality items for Ashe.

    I'm quite shit at formatting and constructing these things so please do let me know if something is unclear or if you have any thoughts or questions.

    submitted by /u/Est0niaVisit
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    How to play weak earlygame junglers?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Hello guys! I just started to jungle again (took a 6month break mostly played midlane) and i dont really like these meta champs Olaf etc. So i mainly play evelynn bcs i really like the champ and its the champ i climbed all the way to P1 about half a year ago. So to the point bcs evelynn sucks so hard before lvl 6 (doesnt have invis and ult) i dont have map pressure early game so my plan is to just farm till lvl 6 as fast as possible and during that time when i try to farm the enemy jgl gets to do everything and my team just collapses in those 5-6 ish minutes most of the time and becomes very tilted spam pinging me etc. and its not like i dont want to help them its more i really cant because if i get counterganked pre 6 we are fucked so hard. Any1 have any tips on this?

    submitted by /u/JGWorstrole
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    Don’t paying an attention to action on screen, instead looking at skills’ cooldowns

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    Hello Guys, I have a problem. Almost always when I am trading, when we duel 2v2 with jungler or even in teamfights - I do not pay enough attention to action in fights, but I look at my skills instead. I know cooldowns of my champions (like Syndra's Q at lvl 3 of skill while I usually have Doran's Rign, Corruption Potion and Dark seal at the time is like 5secs) but I kinda don't trust myself enough to just full focus on game and inner me tells me that I must look on the bar - just for sure.

    How can I work on it? What should I change in the way of trusting to myself and my will of being sure of CD's? And how are you guys dealing with it? Do/Did you have problem like this?

    submitted by /u/albi707
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    When should I use my Summoner Spells?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:54 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to the game, I'm only level 32 and Unranked but I've been taking Flash and Teleport a lot but I don't feel like I'm using these optimally as I should be. As I often find myself feeling like I need these spells more in later situations. In what specific scenarios should I be using these spells, or what should I take?

    (I play mid and support)

    submitted by /u/Bacex
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    Buying Dorans Blade and Shield?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:04 AM PST

    Think of it in matchups where you made the mistake of starting sword and get poked out a lot etc.

    You'd get sustain from blade + regen from shield and 160 hp and 8ad

    Although the biggest issue i can find here is that it costs 900g an thus delays your powerspike a little, but that can be made up for by lane presence right? Is it extremely niche or actually viable?

    submitted by /u/Imm0rtalZCanReddit
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