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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    LoL Guide Don’t ward bushes to check if someone is in there

    LoL Guide Don’t ward bushes to check if someone is in there

    Don’t ward bushes to check if someone is in there

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:03 AM PST

    We've all been there. You're playing Soraka support and you have a strong feeling the enemy Khazix is in the river bush. So you ward the bush to check whether he's in it – after all, wards give vision right?

    This is equivalent to:

    – Knowing you can't do a backflip, but doing it anyway just to make sure.

    – Playing the rigged game at the arcade just to confirm it's still impossible to win.

    And for those who play poker, the best analogy that perfectly encapsulates the situation:

    – Assuming you have the worse hand in poker, but calling a river bet anyway just to see what the other guy has.

    If you have a really good feeling the enemy jungler is in the bush, trust your instinct and get away from it as fast as possible.

    It's incredibly hard to do, and I know I've lacked the discipline to do it many times. Warding would be so satisfying, either he's there and you get to say "I knew it!", or he's not there and you cheat death. You're forced to give up your pride by not warding – you'll never know whether you were right or wrong, and you're playing safe even though there might not be anyone in there.

    But it's the smart thing to do. That's the whole point of intuition, you're "knowing" the jungler is there without using a ward and without risking your life. If you truly believe the jungler is in the bush, why would you waste a ward and your life?

    Don't ward bushes to check if someone is in there. Use them proactively when there's likely nobody there, in anticipation of a gank later on.

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    Take a chance on champions you find annoying

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:52 PM PST

    This is my first attempt at an educational post but I hope someone will find this useful. One thing I have noticed while playing is that champions that I find annoying and ban every game are champions that I am good at and/or find really fun. I am a sup main and was told to ban Nautilus every game by a friend. When I did play against him it was hard too. Then I got a Nautilus shard and decided to try him out. I now have m7 Nautilus and roughly a 55 percent win rate. I then started to ban blitzcrank but now I find him really fun and occasionally play him in ranked.

    Another reason why you should play champions you dislike is that you already know or have a good idea of what their abilities are and how to use them.

    Anyway I hope you found this useful and good luck.

    submitted by /u/Bennnnnny55
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    Are agressive supports worse off now with income items having 1k gold cap?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST

    I get that riot doesn't want laners to benefit from income items while still obtaining CS but the support items in their current states don't allow further gold generation past 1k.

    I know the pure stats and gold efficiency for something that only costs 400g is amazing but after it transforms there's no more income and you'll only be getting ward and assist gold. It hurts mages that reliably poke from a distance.

    If you're ahead that's not a problem as you can keep getting strong off kills and assists, but when behind and starved of wards and potential kills you really can't do much other than hope the enemy team messes up so hard that you win anyways. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/MajorBlitz
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    Has anyone tried playing without music?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    I main Warwick jungle in gold. I felt super focused when all the information I had flowing through my mind was the game. It was like a very concentrated state. No more anime music or me forgetting that I wasn't the protagonist from an anime. Has anyone tried turning the music off?

    submitted by /u/ElKnox
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    How Am I Supposed To Win Games In Low Elo Efficiently As A Mid Laner (SOLO Q) and Climb?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:42 PM PST


    I'm currently a mid laner in Silver 4, and I'm trying to climb out of the elo to most likely gold by the start of season 10.

    The issue: I just can't seem to win or close out games on how I am supposed to be...

    I don't think this is because of the champions I play but more of a mechanics, micro/macro problem. Usually, the 'winning lane' aspect is not challenging but I feel like I fall off the late game while doing the wrong things. If you check my op.gg above, you can see that I do win lane most of the time and average high 8-9 cs per minute until the 20minute mark once laning phase is over. I do look to side lane but that might be an issue... Am I not doing it right? Should I be doing something else? This is where my 8 cs per min falls down slowly to 5-6 cs per min and I lose out on extra gold and XP.
    Games tend to go on for much longer than they should be as well.

    One thing I do want to say is that I AM DEFINITELY BETTER THAN THE ELO I AM IN. This might sound stupid but how can I "be better than what's around me, yet not climb out of it?" Sometimes, I can win 5-6 games in a row, but then fall off on a losing streak. As a result, my MMR sinks and the people I get placed with are even worse. They have no map vision or sense of the enemy jungler, whilst my jungler cannot listen to pings. After this, my team starts to flame me for not doing anything even though they ARAM the entire time and don't go for any objectives. On the contrary, games with decent teammates have been a blessing and have been even easier to win.

    The main problem is: I don't want to drop MMR and elo just to be "hard stuck" and not climb out of it again.

    I have been thinking about making a new account and leveling it up for ranked and trying placements again if it pertains, however that would be time-consuming.

    Any help and tips would be appreciated (read the title). Feel free to leave some more info or other ideas.

    submitted by /u/Awesomeman1025
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    Getting reported for being toxic causes the system to match you with inting teammates

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:29 PM PST

    this isn't officially confirmed, but I've tested this on many accounts, and the same results happen, I suddenly go from having really good teammates or decent teammates to then after testing it, getting autofilled players with 40 percent winrate, so more of a reason for u guys to NOT use chat in game, just ping.

    submitted by /u/storytellerYT
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    Is starting league this late completely silly?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST

    Long time fan of the game, but never really crossed that threshold into normal games. I've always spectated/watched vods of players and mostly messed around in custom games ARAMs very very rarely.

    My question: is it dumb to think about starting to actually PLAY the game this late? Is there a normal game matchmaking system? Will I constantly be playing against people who have 1000's and 1000's of games played?

    Thanks to anyone who responds to my silly question.

    submitted by /u/okaybool
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    Why is Lee Sin universally recognized as a consistent high to top tier jungler?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:12 AM PST

    Title. I usually play jungle in my games but every game I play as and verse Lee Sin I seem to int and never do well. Then I see 200IQ big brain Lee Sin montages and games from gripex, jankos, broxah etc and they all seem to pop off, one shotting people and basically solo carrying entire games. Why and how should I play Lee Sin, as he seems to have too low damage to be effective early and late he just kinda sucks. I'm only a silver player but I get destroyed by Lee Sin's consistently. Help?

    submitted by /u/Thedankmeme360
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    Toplane decision making

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:54 PM PST

    Toplane: You are losing a game,and your team is behind. I have read about drawing pressure, to turn it into a 4v3 for your team by drawing 2 people. You are already hitting their inner tower but they just ignore you even with a double minion wave, and just take baron and steamroll your team and just end. I always watch the baron situation and def situation to teleport but if I teleport they just run away and waste it then go for their winning 5 v 5. Even if you were there in the first place defending you would still lose anway from your team being behind. All of this decision making I have only seen in popular youtube channels and want to ask which is right or wrong or what actually should be done. This isnt blaming your team just asking what the right decisions should be.

    submitted by /u/problemsolvingman
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    How is Zyra effective/reliable as a support?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Among all my experiences with Zyra, she seems like such a counterintuitive support.

    Her Q/E + Seeds/Plants seem so telegraphed that no one can really take advantage of her since anyone who has even a sliver of an idea what Zyra does knows exactly when/where/how she wants to do something. Since her Q has a delay, is telegraphed and her E has a pretty slow travel speed and small hitbox, it seems impossible to land them without egregiously overstepping. Furthermore, if you don't manage to hit anyone with Q/E prior to seeds, the plants will completely ignore the enemy champions and just colossally screw with your ADC's farm/wave control. It also doesn't help that she has zero mobility and flatline movement speed.

    In the current meta, where everyone has 3 blinks, 4 dashes, 5 movement speed boosts and 20 hard CC, what is Zyra supposed to do to combat that?

    I'm honestly at a loss as to how Zyra's seen as such a good support by so many sources (pros, tier lists etc.)

    submitted by /u/prismatic808
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    Vi is the top sleeper jungle pick...change my mind.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:18 PM PST

    Recently, switched from primarily playing support to maining jungle. I chose this to be able to tilt the game to a higher degree. With the change, I have been looking more closely into meta. Pick and ban rates. Not interested in spending hours learning and growing in a champ just for them to be banned 20-30%.

    With that in mind, I started with chips that have lower play rates and bans. Started with the likes of Volibear, Hecarim, Trundle, Graves, and Olaf. Decent champs but something was missing.

    Then I stumbled into something beautiful. And her name is Vi. Oh boy. She has an awesome kit. Just enough CC with abilities that allow double kill opportunities often. Moreover, her win, pick, and ban statistics make her the most sleeper JG pick.

    Change my mind.

    Summoner: ZekeThirtyThree Role: JG, Support Rank: Bronze II (First time trying this rank climb thing)

    submitted by /u/ThirtyThreeGaming
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    Is it gonna be a disadvantage going from 1080p to 1440p monitor?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:34 PM PST

    I'm thinking of upgrading from a 24-inch 240hz 1080p monitor to a 27-inch 1440p 144hz monitor and I was wondering if it's going to a disadvantage. I know everyone plays at 1080p including the pros was just wondering if playing at 1440p would have disadvantages such as being to distracting etc.

    submitted by /u/seanjasey
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    So, why is kassadin so broken all of a sudden? And how in gods name do you deal with him?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    So kass has been pretty sleeper OP all s9, but it wasn't till pre-season that he took off and went to reach insane winrates. Is it the game slowing down? New conqueror? New Presence of mind? All of these things together? I don't even know, but this is the worst it has felt to play against kass (at least in my opinion) in a long time, like he is dealing near s2 levels of kassadin damage and worst thing is that it doesn't even matter if you destroy him in lane, as long as his team can keep it together. How do you win against this being besides ending the game before he gets out of control? He gets so much health and can heal so much that he is like a mobile AP drain tank bruiser with assassin level damage. I can deal with him in lane just fine, but the moment he gets level 11 he starts farming our support/adc all game, or just waits till he gets his ultimate spike at level 16, at which point unless you have a comp with good CC, it becomes impossible to deal with him.

    How do you guys feel about kass right now?

    submitted by /u/GingerPopper
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    How can I get better at vision?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:26 AM PST

    'Sup my boys. I'm a High Plat player (I-II, I'm in my promo series), I main bruisers in top lane, and, while sometimes inconsistent, I consider myself a good player overall. I normally have low deaths, a bunch of kills, I usually roam and snowball frequently and I do not tilt or flame in-game, but I have a BIG problem. My vision score is absolute crap. But I mean REALLY crappy. I always get the least vision score of every game. Damn, even my IRON I friend gets always more vision than me, and he isn't even a support player. For you to have an idea, in my last ranked game I placed 2 wards. And this is usual. And it's not poor map awarness, I usually can tell if someone is coming for me when they're MIA. But I just don't know where or when to ward. Really hoping you guys can help me out.

    submitted by /u/ADp4Real
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    Hook Supports

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:26 PM PST

    As an enchanter main, i've been matching against so many hook supports lately and it's hell.. I really hate Nautilus, Thresh, Blitzcrank and Leona the most because once they hook you, you're pretty much dead unless you use a summoner. Any tips? I always ban Nautilus, but hook champions are basically the bane of my existence.

    submitted by /u/Rainb0wsnipe
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    Test me...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:39 PM PST

    I am looking to be asked questions to see not only if what I think I know is right, but also to learn different perspective on how to view scenarios or ways of seeing certain situations

    Just a hardstuck Gold V Trynd OTP looking to think in a different way.


    submitted by /u/GPatrick51
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    New player here from Dota 2. Learning LoL as an alternative MOBA when Valve coordinator is down. Questions inside.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:23 PM PST

    1. How can I disable camera zoom on the mouse wheel? I played with camera unlocked + drag scroll camera and I find it interferes with my mouse movement. Is it legal or not, inside/outside client aside of disabling my mouse wheel hardware wise?
    2. Is there any way to have "auto repeat right mouse"? Dota 2 have this function inside the client.
    3. What the hell are those runes? You know; precision, domination, sorcery thingy. How does it work?
    4. For summoner spells, are they tied to the map or to the champions? Does it differ from game to game/hero to hero?
    5. Fast game modes for me to try out stuffs, comparable to Dota 2 Turbo mode?
    6. Champions that are similar/quite close conceptually for my taste? In Dota I played Earth Spirit, Elder Titan, Phoenix, Drow, Luna, MK, Morphling, SF, TA, Terrorblade, Ursa, Dark Willow, Grimstroke, KOTL, Lina, Rubick & Techies.
    submitted by /u/MR__47
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    I'm the only person in the world that can't play Master Yi.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Hi everyone, i'm a lowly silverino that plays casually for maybe 5 years now. My only real effort was to try and get out of bronze and, once I did - playing mostly Supps like Alistar and Leona, and later maining Nocturne in the jungle - I never had the spirit to try and push further. All and all, I guess I'm pretty average, and I can play a lot of different Champions and roles to a point where I am happy with. Master Yi is not one of those cases. Everytime I try him I get disappointed as I just can't perform, and I just can't get why. I mean, I understand the reasons (poor farming early, leading to falling off, in the last game) but I don't understand why it's so hard for me to get rollin' with a Champion that should be easy to. Curiously - or not - I also strugle with Yasuo, whom I consider to be have a similar style. What could be the cause of this? Overconfidence from watching other players stomp with them?

    submitted by /u/Sancho_89
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    Changing shift + left click

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:48 AM PST

    Hi, I am a new player, both regarding LOL and computer gaming in general (been playing PS4 previously). I have found the "attack move on left click" option and quite like it. I also understand that with this I need to use shift + left click in the shop on the map etc. But I'm having some difficulties reaching shift without moving my hand to much away from the other keys I'm using. It is much easier for my to reach alt. So is it possible to change the shift + left click command used in shop, on map etc. to alt + left click, and how?

    submitted by /u/Loco_Joko23
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    magic penetration and lethality question

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:57 AM PST

    if i have extra/excess of either, than they do of the resist, does it get doubled or quadrupled or something?

    example: i have 40 magic penetration/lethality, the enemy guy has 20 magic resist/armor.

    i have +20 on top of his resist for magic/physical damage - does it mean that extra 20 makes my damage get doubled or something ?

    thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/RodLimitless
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    Why looking minimap when you last hit isn't optimal

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST

    Since minion gold is the only resource to fight for in lane, and the optimal time to force a trade/harass your opponent, I would prefer to have my full attention to trade back correctly if necessary.

    Instead I advise looking at the minimap right after going back from csing. That way you are still aware if jungle ganks you and you can trade back optimally.

    Let's say you are playing Jax Vs renekton. You need to E his W, the moment you look at the minimap to check your wards/look if mid is missing it could be too late to trade back correctly. Do that 4 times and you have to back probably in a bad wave state losing exp/gold and getting behind.

    submitted by /u/SkeptikDragonborn
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