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    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    LoL Guide How Do You Guys Actively Review Mistakes and VoDs

    LoL Guide How Do You Guys Actively Review Mistakes and VoDs

    How Do You Guys Actively Review Mistakes and VoDs

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:09 AM PST

    Hey summoners!

    I reached Plat II in Season 9 with 56 games played and a 64% win rate (ADC main). Looking to apply myself a little bit more in season 10 and hopefully get to diamond. Many pros/coaches/challenger level players say that watching your games over again can help you realize mistakes you are making, since during the game you often fail to realize them on the spot.

    After watching a couple of VoDs from normals games I played the past few days, it seems that I am having trouble recognizing key mistakes that I am making around the map, even though I know I'm making them.

    So my question is how do you guys see what you can to better and how did you start recognizing mistakes in your game? The only glaring mistake I see myself making is the fact that I am missing and sacrificing a lot of CS mid/late game. I know mistakes are there, I just have trouble recognizing them.

    EDIT: Thanks for the very detailed replies! Very appreciative of all the informative and straightforward answers. I'm definitely going to start watching/studying pro ADC vods for more than just entertainment as well as check out Saber's adc guides.

    submitted by /u/Mellun12
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    Knight‘s Vow, Zeke‘s Convergence and others: Which are the most gold efficient and strong support items?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:54 PM PST

    Title. Is it really that good to rush zekes and knights vow with for example thresh or are there other possibilities? And are they really that good? And two more questions:

    1. Does Knights Vow redirect any kind of damage to you or just some damage specifically?

    2. Does Zekes fire auto attacks also work with things like Azir soldiers? And is that effect when ice and fire combine necessary or are the fire auto attacks fine by themselves?

    Maybe give some trivia about support items or things i maybe dont know about them, it would really help!

    submitted by /u/SirLucky7
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    Ranked with only 1 Month playing - Shouldn't do it? Or just go for it?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:39 AM PST

    So, only started playing 1 month ago after watching the finals of World 2019. Back then, I didn' understand anything about this game and was completly lost watching the games. But, all the environment around the game and how competitive it looked...I really liked! That was what make me give it a try some days after. And well, here I am, currently on level 31 and thinking if should try ranked.

    I've been trying as many champs as I could, so don't have any main champion or main role too. Yeah, I do have some champions I like and feel more comfortable, but almost all my champs are on level 2. Also, have tried all roles, but probably would go Top or ADC atm. Want to main Jungler in the future but right now is not the best decision. Support is not a option because is to boring.

    1) Should I choose first my main (champ and role) before going ranked? Or should start ranked and eventually I will choose my main naturally along the time?

    2) If I go ranked, should do it now on preseason? Or wait for season starts?

    To be honest, I want to play ranked since day one. Probably would go on low Bronze (or even Iron) right now, but climbing as a new player must be the best feeling on the game.

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    Could we create a chart that compares champion power early, mid and late game? Along with base stats.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    It would be contingent on items as well and the times they come on line. (Power spikes). It could compare optimal times to be at certain junctures and be a basis of comparison to other champs. Was just curious how difficult it would be to create a comparable chart for this. It could show why certain champs are strong at certain junctures as well as why champs fall off. Nice to know why champions change over the course of a game and help improve the overall skill level of the community.

    submitted by /u/RasaTabulasta
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    Jungle tip that helped me climb to Diamond the past two seasons.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:53 PM PST

    So we all know the meme of your jungler coming to your lane to tax you - sometimes even after doing absolutely nothing. It sucks when it happens to you.

    I started maining jungle 3 seasons ago, and after the first year or so, I climbed to diamond largely through learning how to path and macro play. This year I was able to reach diamond again - and next year I plan to try for D1 or Master tier :) we'll see!

    Anyways, I have always found jungle to be the most macro-intensive role and team focused role if you're playing it correctly. One of the most underrated jungle tips that I don't think I've heard anybody say is that junglers need to be setting up waves for their lanes when the situation calls for it.

    For example, let's say your bot lane needs to back and the enemies are crashing the wave before backing themselves. This happens multiple times per game. As a jungler you need to be aware enough to notice this and not let the XP and gold to go waste at your tower. So what is the correct thing to do? Often, I see low MMR jungles take the entire wave and potentially the next one as well which pushes your lane's wave toward their tower, setting up a freeze AGAINST your own team. This is extremely detrimental. Or worse, they take enough of the wave before leaving that it sets up a slow push toward the enemy tower, something that your lane can not prevent without hard shoving and opening themselves up to a gank.

    Too many times I see junglers setting their own team up for failure in this instance and then get angry when they get ganked and die - or lose in CS because the enemy has a much more beneficial lane position.

    SO! If you're a jungle main, or learning the role, if you want to take climbing seriously you just set your lanes up in advantageous positions as often as possible. This might mean not killing that cannon minion because it will maintain a freeze for your lane when they return.

    However if you can learn to do this you will see a difference! The amount of times I'm able to set this up for a lane - then KNOWING the enemy will need to overextend to go to the wave makes for perfect return gank opportunities. You can dominate a lane by these small things that I never see anybody from silver through plat do. It really helped me climb and I will be utilizing this as I look to climb through Diamond.

    submitted by /u/HockeyPls
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    How to avoid feeding?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:42 AM PST

    Im a new player, level 27 now, I play top and support sometimes, mainly sticking to easier champs like garen and Darius. Even though I feel like I'm not a bad player because some games I'll carry or be able to just do decently, but recently a lot of my games I get killed and then for the rest of the game I can't stop dying. Sometimes I have a lead but then randomly die and then the game goes to shit. What should I do to avoid these situations or do when it happens?

    submitted by /u/notcharol
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    When should you split push and when should you group?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:52 AM PST

    Usually, I just play around cooldowns and objectives but recently this hasn't been working for me, because every time I splitpush my team screams at me. They usually tilt so much they basically end up losing the game for us because the give up once one of their teammates starts farming in a sidelane.

    submitted by /u/TheHelpful789
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    Rumble Jungle?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:06 AM PST

    Rumble jungle is one of my favourite off-meta/fun picks. It's actually pretty good, strong jungle (especially wolves and raptors) clear, okay ganks and good early damage. The thing I'm struggling with is rune setup, not really sure what to go. Toplane rumble I usually go conqueror or comet, but not sure how good they'd be jungle.

    I usually go predator-cheap shot-zombie ward-ultimate hunter and then either bone plating-revitalize or alacrity-coup de grace. Any tips for other rune pages to try?

    submitted by /u/stephenstephen7
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    Learning when to take different items

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:21 AM PST

    I've been playing for about a year on and off, reached high silver/low gold currently. Based on my friend group i eventually fell into jungle role and am pretty successful with it the past few months. Vi being my primary at the moment.

    As I've been focused on improving over the last year or so, where I believe I'm starting to fall is on items. I use Blitz for the most part, which prepares the typical meta item build that is most successful and usually go with it and very rarely swap off it. (Except for items like Adaptive helmet for a fed teemo.)

    While Blitz helped me gain the game knowledge I have so far, I feel held back somewhat as I have no idea where to even start for when to take certain items, there are items I've never even used before as well.

    Overall my main question is how do you figure out which items to buy and when? Just reading tooltip and basing it on the opposing champ? But how do you guarantee it will perform better?

    Also if anyone could recommend a place to study items and situations they thrive in, without having to test in game each time, would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/knight109
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    Trouble with 5 man positions, and win condition.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:59 AM PST

    We've gotten a five man together for ranked, and we're kind of unsure who to put in bot and mid lane, and who is the win condition.

    Our top laner plays bruisers like Morde and Yorick, sometimes Kayle. Our jungler primarily plays Zac. Our support two tricks Pyke and Leona.

    The main question is who to put in mid and who to put in bot. We have one guy who plays Karthus and Akali mid, and Caitlyn and Kai'Sa bot. Then there's the other guy who plays Zed/Ahri mid, and Vayne/Ezreal bot.

    We don't even know who's supposed to carry. Help please.

    submitted by /u/BenLegend443
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    Champ pool

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:11 PM PST

    I am looking to narrow my champ pool down to allow me to be better with all the champions, I currently play mostly katarina and vladimir but also occasionally play akali tf gp irelia riven yasuo and riven, I would like to lower it to kat vlad gp and riven ass I am good with all but would like to know everyone opinion on what would be an optimal champ pool in mid such as 1 mage 1 assassin and 1 bruiser?

    In short I want to make a smaller champ pool and would like to know what types of champs I should have in my pool?

    submitted by /u/Ninitu007
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    What to do when losing?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:02 PM PST

    More specifically when I am losing and feeling like one. Or worse: That I don't matter in the match/team. Those matches where the rest of the team is doing good/great and wins the match while you only stacked death after death until it was over. Is there any way to turn this situation or it's an unstoppable snownball?

    I play top (Fiora, Kayle, Camille) , jungle (Pantheon, Nunu), mid (Ahri, Swain) and adc (Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune)

    submitted by /u/PfeiferWolf
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    Can I still mid with vel'koz?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:27 PM PST

    I am a vel'koz mid main. Ive been playing for a few years but I am a a very casual player, so I've never played much attention to changes after updates or season to season. This season I noticed in champ select that when I have it show mid champs, vel'koz isnt there anymore. Obviously theres nothing preventing me from still selecting him and going mid lane, but I'm not sure if maybe they changed him and hes not really fit for midlane anymore. What was changed, and can I still be a successful vel'koz mid main?

    submitted by /u/g00ber88
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    Did I lose us the team fight by not targeting the Vayne?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:25 PM PST

    I'm the Evelynn. My friends are flaming me saying we lost the game because of that team fight because I targeted the Lux instead of the Vayne. I argue I wouldn't have gotten atop the Vayne because she had E up and was ready for that. So, did I lose us that team fight?


    submitted by /u/Talavok
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    Clash Afterthoughts

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I had a lot of fun with both Clashes of this month, even though my team and I couldn't win a lot of game (only like 3 actually in 4 Clash). We weren't that bad but we could only win against people that we were clearly mechanically worse than us. When we were playing against people that were a better or even just like us in mechanical level we always lost. We got out macro-ed almost every game, which it wasn't that bad cuz we had some fun anyways.

    The problem is, when I wanted to learn a bit about macro/draft to improve our play a bit, all I could find on YouTube were more soloq oriented guides about macro. I want to know if someone knows some team oriented guides or has some tips to give me since I couldn't find a lot on my own.

    I mean stuff like, what we should be looking to do in each stage of the game, like early game, should be looking for invades, dives, just vision, drakes, all of the above or it depends on your comp? And how do I coordinate with my teammates to dive someone?

    I also wanna watch the replays of the games we played to see what we did wrong but I'm not sure what I should be looking for. I guess I could try to see what the other teams did so we can copy them for next time.

    TL;DR: I wanna learn about macro for next Clash but I don't know where should I start.

    submitted by /u/Sando98
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    Easy tip for more efficient jungle clears: Walk across camps during cooldowns

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:25 AM PST

    Say you're pathing from gromp to wolves to red. You start wolves on the gromp-side of the camp. You have to end up on the midlane-side of the camp eventually, and a good time to make this transition is during your cooldowns. You avoid tanking the camp during your weakest point, when all your abilities are on cooldown. You're also able to regenerate HP via talisman during this period.

    Example: Khazix. E to the camp, Q+W. Now walk all the way to the other side of the camp, your destination, and finish fighting it.

    I get that there are more advanced methods of kiting, and it can often depend on the champ. I'm just saying this an easily applicable, universal tip for players who might currently be clearing while stationary. Kiting "long", essentially killing the camp in 2 phases, is better than nothing.

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    target priority, was i in the right or wrong here?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:37 PM PST

    I was playing Janna with a kai'sa ADC. we got 2 quick picks on bot lane before the minions met in the middle so all was well. a bit later around lvl 5 blitz pulls my adc and i throw my Q to hit both the Twitch and the Blitz. Shield by ADC, dump my W and start AAing the twitch. my ADC keeps auto attacking the blitzcrank and doesnt seem interested in stopping so i switch to the blitz and adc dies.. while they walk away at both ~ 25% health.

    ADC complains in all "no support" and lo and behold same situation happens about 5 mins later. at this point my adc is done and starts flaming everyone on the team for various things they "think" is right..

    should i have targeted the blitzcrank in this situation? it was my understanding that the ADC is priority target unless its a easy soraka or nami kill...

    submitted by /u/DruidAllanon
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    Anyway to deal with super fed split push?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:15 AM PST

    I play support and just lose a game where enemy had a super fed Garen and he just spin to win, either by split push or in team fight. The guy literally 1vs9 and I have no clue how to win. Even though I try my best to support my teammates to have as much kills as possible on others but still not enough.

    There is only a point in game that we finally kill Garen, I think I miss this only opportunity to win. Maybe in this situation we should take Baron immediately?

    Or should I change my build? I built tank and I also quite fed, should I next time change to build AP to deal with Garen?

    I hope to get some suggestions.

    submitted by /u/mango_9
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    When do you actually buy boots?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:11 AM PST

    I recently made d3 playing mid but realized in game that I have no clue when I should actually buy boots. I mainly play immobile mages with Lux, Syndra and Lissandra being the main 3.

    So my question is when I should buy them? Do I base it off my enemy laner/jungle? ASAP? Or maybe get a strong powerspike first? The question goes for both tier 1 and 2 boots. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Stormspirt
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    Winning invades puts me behind

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:43 AM PST

    When my team wants to invade, and we steal their buff successfully and maybe take a kill or two with us, I still find myself getting behind.

    I take some damage from the skirmish that may happen, finish their buff and return to my buff with no leash at low health, and being able to finish maybe 1-2 camps. Then I have to clear my other side at level 2 and get really low again and have to back before making a level 4 gank.

    What's the typical pathing after an invade where you lose a decent chunk of health? Back right away?

    submitted by /u/Cskol93
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    Avoiding Burnout

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST

    League is a game that requires commitment and discipline, not just in learning mechanical skills or macro play, but commitment in taking care of yourself. This includes avoiding burnout by playing too much. Everyone's 'too much' is different though, so it's important to learn for yourself what your limits are, and to know when to best take a break. When I say a break, this can mean finishing for the day, breaking for a few hours, or even putting the game down for a week or so just so you can do other things you want to do.

    Some signs you might be experiencing burnout: you find yourself in autopilot during a game and are no longer paying attention to the map and your teammates' and enemies' positions, you are losing lane a lot more easily, you are more focused on other people's mistakes than your own gameplay, chat is tilting you more than it usually does etc most notable is when you find you've stopped having fun in the game and just want it to give you the victory.

    I found today, I was playing a few games with friends, but by the third game I had burned out and wasn't performing very well anymore. I want to tell you guys this is okay, it's normal. You don't have to play for hours and hours on end. We all have different limits. :)

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    How should I play this game

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    How should I play this game? I main Jinx. Should I focus on objectives? Kills? Kill so I can focus on objectives? How do I prioritize objectives? What is my job as an ADC? How do I improve overall at the game? I play a lot but I don't know how to tell if I am improving. I am bronze III as of s8. I skipped s9 ranked. What can I do to focus on at least getting out of bronze? I need a lot of advice and help.

    I also play kaisa and occasionally MF trist and cait.

    I have tried other roles but ADC is my best as far as I know. My username is Goldfish Keepr (yes, I spelled keeper wrong on purpose) if anyone wants to op.gg me or something

    Thanks! I appreciate any and all help

    submitted by /u/TherianSeal
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