• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    League of Legends Our Short Duration Content Rule Is Changing

    League of Legends Our Short Duration Content Rule Is Changing

    Our Short Duration Content Rule Is Changing

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:02 PM PST

    Hello everyone! We have a single change today that will be opening up the ruleset a bit.

    A little over a month ago we ran a trial that removed our time restriction on videos and clips. After looking at the effects of the change as well as feedback, we are going to be moving the change from trial and into full effect.

    What does this mean? Before, if a clip or video was less than 15 seconds it would have to be submitted in a text post. With this change, all videos, clips, ect will be allowed to be link posted. This means that the 10 second outplay you made during clash can now be posted as a link instead of text.

    The following line is now removed from the rules in the short duration content section

    Videos under 15 seconds

    We will continue to monitor the effects of this change long term and make changes if needed.

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    I learned to stop worrying about Aphelios by just playing Mundo

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    I'm a simple man with simple pleasures. After a long day on the ranch, I pour myself a tall glass of milk, huff some paint, and log on to the Dell I got for Christmas in 2006 with Windows XP to play some League of Legends.

    The client needs to patch. That's fine. I reheat a bowl of beans and lard for supper, and it's already at 13% by the time I get back, well ahead of schedule. I huff some more paint to pass the time, and oh boy does it pass. The client is ready to go by 7:30. Everybody keeps saying it's laggy, but I don't notice any difference from usual. Maybe I'm just too intelligent, or maybe the paint is finally doing its job.

    I queue up solo - normal blind pick of course. The queue pops, and Clippy asks me if I want help selecting my champion. Not now not ever, I think boastfully at the cartoon paper clip. I lock in Dr. Munro. My teammates pick Shaco and all the others pick hot anime girls. I take one last good long huff to get ready for the game, and in we go.

    The first thing I notice is that their team doesn't have a dt Munford. Free win then. I go top lane. I always go top lane. They have a Aatrod. Pathetic. I hit the minions. I miss some crepes bc I have 450 ping. Aatrox tries ro hit me but I heal up bc I'm drMindoro.

    Midgame I have sunfire and I tp botlane to gank. They have thst new champ Aphelios shootijg weird bubble guns at me. There's a tirret or sometbjng? Idk anuway I kill him by running at his face pressing e amd right clicking him to death. I miss all three cleavers I throw. It doesn't matter.

    20 min latr a D really stsrting to feel the paint. I have sjnfire warmogd spirit vosage and tp to baroj for teamfigyt. Aphekios knows he's dead as soon as tp channle starts. He tries to get away by rooting me or sokething? Idk anyway I press ult and run him down. I forgot ti buy boots. It doesnt matter. I get four kills by pressijg e and right ckickijg with my w on. Thst bitch Lux stole my penta.

    Game ocer. Another win for Dr mubdo. So in concolustn, hello fellow summoner. This you should just play mondarb against aphelios. He kill gun guy good. Thank you. Thank you. If you kill gun man, anime grliss hot. they'll be lower son. The Dr mildew play is right thing to do. So doooooo

    submitted by /u/Tortious_Tortoise
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    Old legendary skins should atleast get visually updated

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:18 AM PST

    Legendary skins like Red Baron/Ice Toboggan Corki are such garbage and literally Corki's epic skins are way better than the legendaries. They should at least have some visual changes imo. I know these kinds of skins were made way back then when the game was pretty new, when having only the model itself changed already big back then, but they're really outdated now compared to the standards for legendary skins we have. I wouldn't even care if there weren't any new animations or voice lines, just have some new visuals and it should be ok I guess.

    I see some champions have been getting new visual updates such as Lux and Jax for having outdated VFX and I don't see why not do the same for these old legendary skins cause they have outdated visuals too

    submitted by /u/o--3-o
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    Jinx has more consequences when choosing a gun than Aphelios

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:53 AM PST

    Pretty much title.

    Jinx has to choose the right weapon to fight or she will lose DPS. If you are using rockets in a 1 on 1 melee situation or if you are using machine gun when the enemy are far you will lose a great part of yours potential DPS.

    Aphelios, on the other hand, can just get any combination of guns and will roll with it without the sensation that he is losing DPS.

    submitted by /u/Bernacchi
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    I predicted the new Diana changes

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST

    Patch 9.24b notes | League of Legends

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:09 AM PST

    Juking Nasus out of his sneakers

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    Riot Co-founder Marc Merrill talks victories and disappointments from the past decade, their new games, his desire to make a League mmo, and more

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:09 PM PST

    Aphelios isn't hard to play, he is hard to play against.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:47 PM PST

    See title. Basically, the only people who have a hard time in any game he is in, is literally everyone else, trying to figure out wtf is going on.

    Edit: a lot of you seem to be of the opinion that i think he is hard to play against because he is strong. Its not. He is hard to play against because nothing he does has any coralation to anything else he does. The fact that the ability of the main visual weapon has very little to do with how his q works is rediculous. Akali is complex, (i despise that champ) and while i don't know how shes is doing so much damage, i do know why she is doing damage, IE I am getting smacked around by her q and autos etc. Aphelios has none of that, i could sit there and face tank a lvl 1 aphelios as a lvl 18 rammus, taking literally zero damage, and i still wouldn't understand wtf is going on, let alone how to figure it out in lane or in a teamfight

    submitted by /u/HemoTalon
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    Mute all shouldn't unmute people that were already muted manually.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:28 PM PST

    If I mute the Yasuo because I'm tired of him whining, and then later want to /fullmute all because the rest of the team starts flaming him back, it shouldn't unmute him. Shit is annoying.


    If I mute someone, the idea is that they are mute and stay muted, we don't need it to be a game of magical switch flips

    submitted by /u/TheRealFlop
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    pentakill at 0:58 in my aram game

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

    PoohManDu joins Vici Gaming as assistant coach, reuniting with KkOma

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:42 PM PST

    Unfortunate Akali Outplay

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST

    My somewhat decent dodging skills combined with the enemy team's questionable aiming skills results in a fiesta of everything thrown at me

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:16 AM PST

    Aphelios and his lack of visual clarity for opponents = not hard to play but to play against | left PBE too early?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:15 PM PST

    Aphelios' concept is very cool. I love the idea of having an arsenal of weapons to swap to. It opens up a ton of playful room for creative combos and plays.

    Now, something like that sounds like a big development task. From a coding standpoint this seems like a lot more work than usual, but not as much as the work on graphical aspects this would require to create a fair battleground between an Aphelios' player and his opponent which is what I will talk about in the following paragraph.

    Aphelios' design focused so heavily on creating this engaging champion kit for players that seek a challenge that checking how the champion would be like when played against was neglected or entirely ignored.

    In the end Aphelios takes no more than a few games to understand by the Aphelios' commited player.

    Meanwhile, everybody else who has to play against him will never know what is going on when playing against Aphelios and they totally have to guess what his kit will bring into daylight in the next few seconds.

    From an in-game perspective where understanding an opponent's kit matters most (ie. not eSport audience) his visual clarity wasn't thought through enough.

    A kit this complex that requires a lot of coding of abilities should immediately alert the designers to have a watch out for good and healthy visual clarity for both players. The user and the opponent. Right now the champion's visuals feel rushed and unfinished. This champions highlights how important it is during the champion development to validate and verify not just from a user's perspective, but also from an opponent's.

    I remember when Riot started updating on visuals with the new Summoner's Rift they swore to improve on visual clarity, starting by having more distinct colours between map and champion, but it seems like the lacking guidelines they have for champion designers (in order for them to have maximum creative potential and not be restricted to a dozen rules) will give us even champions that will leave PBE, completely broken not just in stat balance, but also in visual fairness. Champions that will eventualy endure months of live tweaking and hotfixing result.

    Riot tried so hard to create this complex champion for the challenge seeking players but what they actually created was a champion everyone has to learn as if it's their main in order to even play against him even if they do not like the champion at all.

    Thank you for reading.

    also typos, not native.

    edit: Thanks to /u/dark100 which brought a good comparison forward: Udyr. Udyr is an excellent example to bring into this discussion even though his visuals may be old he brings exactly the comprehensive explanatory visuals to the table that are lacking on Aphelios.

    Udyr, a champion that came out almost a decade ago has more distinct colour pallets representing each of his stances he swaps into. Additionally, a sprite animation above his head which makes it immediately clear to all parties on the battlefield to what stance / kit he swapped into.

    Now, there is Aphelios' with a weapon arsenal and abilities for each (just like Udyr has different stances) but he just uses a colour pallet from space blue to moon grey for each of them and does not have an indicator for the enemy, but just on the user's HUD. It's clear that this champion was rushed and not thought through. Original Post

    Dear reader, as a bonus for your outstanding attention here's what I actually wanted to say but what would drag down the thread from the get-go if I did due to the popularity of a certain champion: Return this champion to the PBE so I can ban Yasuo again.

    submitted by /u/TrueAndy
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    [RNG] Uzi will not participate in the upcoming Demacia Cup 2019, newly acquired Betty will play ADC for RNG

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST


    It will be interesting to see how Betty does with Royal Never Give Up during Uzi's annual vacation.
    Hopefully he does well enough for RNG to play up to par at the start of their LPL Spring Split 2020.

    submitted by /u/Is_J_a_Name
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    PSA : A game ends when the victory message pops up, not when the nexus explodes

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Last hit the nexus at 19:57 in an ARAM game for the mission (end an ARAM game under 20min). It turns out it actually ended at 20:02...

    submitted by /u/TropicalWeeWee
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    Suggestion: Conqueror should show the stats received as all keystones do

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:25 AM PST

    When you hover over any keystone in the current game you can see how much has that player benefited from it. Be in damage dealt or seconds it's been active. But for some reason the reworked conqueror doesn't show anything. It's even more frustrating because the stat exist, but only the player who uses conqueror can see it.

    Edit: My wording was a bit confusing. I meant the healing part from the conqueror.

    submitted by /u/ezorethyk2
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    Aphelios's health bar should show everyone what two guns he has equipped

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:13 AM PST

    I think its the easiest way for riot to fix his visibility issues and makes the most sense since we've all been trained to stare at health bars not champion models for info.

    submitted by /u/beemerboy11
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    I noticed that Sylas and Kayn had very similar splash art expressions. It made me want to try to compare them... Meet Sayn/Kylas

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:52 PM PST

    A friend of mine is very attracted to these two champions and maybe its that she is attracted to this facial expression instead?


    submitted by /u/Maltosier
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    Arclight Viktor Concept by Anthony Sun

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:44 PM PST

    Arclight Viktor

    What's up nerds, I designed and concepted a viktor skin. Hope you guys like it! I desperately need more skins for my shallow champion pool of edgy mages so I decided to make my own :')

    Full Artstation post here

    submitted by /u/ASun_Art
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    [Fanart] Casual Kai'sa

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST

    [Fanart] Casual Kai'sa

    Doodled a Casual Kai'sa, hope you like it!

    In a doodling kinda mood so will consider requests if anyones got any good ideas.

    EDIT: Thanks for all the suggestions, since theres so many ill upload them when im done with a few of them. Current list is Eve, Nasus, Lee, Sivir, Senna, Lucian, Draven, Lux, Cait and Quinn. Thats quite a lot so ill just stick to those for now.


    submitted by /u/Kiyaama
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    It makes no sense that an inactive lvl 1 account gets to keep their name with the last man standing system

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:40 AM PST

    The current system is last man standing, that means if 3 people have the same user name the person that changes their name last gets to keep it.


    A system that makes absolutely no sense because it means that random lvl 1 account that doesn't play gets to keep their log in name!

    I now have to constantly click away a Pop-Up prompting me to change my name in the hopes that this lvl 1 account changes theirs. The lvl 1 account is just an example but the fact remains that inactive accounts get to get keep the name while active accounts don't


    In my opinion the system should be changed to "first come, first claim" OR even better account age should be taken into consideration.

    submitted by /u/cute_rubberduck
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    Format changes for EU Masters are coming, Seeding for 2020 revealed!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:43 AM PST

    Alchemistoo, the Riot Project Lead for EU Masters just posted this Tweetlonger on his twitter


    Hey all, since there has been some speculation about EU Masters seeding in 2020 I wanted to clear things up and share what those changes are. After four splits and two years, we felt it was time to introduce a system that takes regional strength and historical performance into account.

    Going into 2020 we have redistributed the regional seed allocation as follows: Rank #1 - 2: Two seeds in Groups & 1 seed in Play-in Rank #3 - 4: Two seeds in Groups Rank #5 - 8: One seed in Groups & one seed in Play-in Rank #9 - 13: Two seeds in Play-in

    Regions are ranked using a coefficient based on performance across the past four EU Masters events. The current ranking is as follows: Rank #1 - 2: DACH & Spain Rank #3 - 4: France & UK Rank #5 - 8: Poland, Nordics, Balkans, Italy Rank #9 - 13: Greece, Portugal, Czech/Slovakia, Benelux & Baltics

    As you might notice, there are more seeds than in the past, which means… yes, format changes! I won't spoil those today, so please stay tuned in the New Year when we will be sharing all the bigger updates.

    Hopefully this clears things up a bit, if not then feel free to tweet me and I'll answer what I can!

    I personally like the changes a lot. Rewards regions for actually performing at EUM and makes playins no longer be harder competition than the actual groupstage which should mean an overall better structure for the tournament. I'm excited for the tournament already ^^

    submitted by /u/Lorderbs
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    I almost never play Yasuo and this was fun and beautiful. Thank you Malph.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:10 AM PST

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