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    Friday, December 20, 2019

    League of Legends Legendary Winion

    League of Legends Legendary Winion

    Legendary Winion

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:10 PM PST

    GenG and T1 have offered to split cost for KESPA to do an english broadcast

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:07 AM PST


    "How come they don't let you restream?" - Gen G COO


    "It's shortsighted and frustrating. Hopefully @kespa @KeSPAen will reconsider." - T1 CEO


    "Hey @KeSPAen, we need the English stream for @kespaCup. Global fans need to hear from @Atlustv @LSXYZ9 @BrendanValdes. We are a global league and should be reaching out to all fans. Let's start the 2020 season the proper way." - T1 CEO


    "Let's make this work @kespa! @T1LoL & @GenG agree to share in the cost of the English casters with KeSPA for KeSPA Cup! @KeSPAen" - T1 CEO


    "It's Christmas and if we don't have this otherwise we are" - GenG COO

    submitted by /u/EvidentlyTrue
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    Dekar rage quits game calling team human trash live on stream (0:30)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    flashed Yi into my teammates Ashe arrow ( BEWARE EARS) (clip from 2015 I just found)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:19 PM PST

    League made Time's "The 10 Best Video Games of the 2010s" list!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    Another Udyr chase that leads to enemy team's loss

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:08 AM PST

    Aphelios will have his numbers melted instead of getting meaningful gameplay changes and that's just a shame

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Now, I'm not an Aphelios apologist, I just think it's a shame that yet another interesting champion will have their shit gutted instead of meaningful downsides being added to their kit. His big 'weakness' is that he can't choose his weapons, so he can't always have the best one for a given scenario. Unfortunately that really doesn't matter right now because everything he does synergizes so well with everything else he does. You'll never say "aww crap I can't use sevrum here, I'll heal too much" or "gosh dang if only I didn't get so much range with calibrum". There is always an optimal way to play a given weapon no matter the scenario.

    What I propose are some meaningful downsides added to each weapon. Not just numbers nerfs or stripping his kit of mechanics, but actual downsides that forces certain guns to be bad in some scenarios.

    Keep in mind that I'm not a game designer, so my specific suggestions might not be the best, but don't let that discredit the idea in general. Here are some things they could do:

    • Calibrum: Autos interact with the first target in their path. The idea is that you'd need a clear line of sight to benefit from the huge range bonus

      • This allows enemies to body-block the shots giving a clear weakness in cluttered settings
    • Severum: Lose 50 range while this is equipped. The idea is that you must trade the safety of the heal and shield for the danger of being closer to your target

      • I actually thought this is how the weapon worked when it was introduced. It's called a scythe, looks like a melee weapon, and doesn't utilize projectiles (passes through windwall for example) so clearly it's 550 range wait wut
    • Gravitum: Gravitum already has the downside of not interacting with other weapons. This weapon seems fine.

      • If you wanted to add a downside anyway, perhaps something like comically slow auto projectiles could work, like Soraka bananas. Seems unnecessary imo but would work thematically
      • I think it would be hilarious to have like two or even three autos in the air coming at your target just because your attack speed is normal but they travel so slowly lmao
    • Infernum: The main target takes significantly reduced damage from your autos. The idea is that aoe autos should not be universally better than regular ones (higher damage AND hits multiple people without a mana cost)

      • This indirectly buffs the splash in comparison and adds depth to target selection. You could potentially deal more damage to a squishy by attacking the frontliner in front of them for example.
      • You could say Jinx also gains aoe AND damage with her rockets, but don't forget that her rockets actually cost mana!
    • Crescendum: Your crit damage negatively scales with distance from the target. The idea is to play more heavily into the "go melee to melt face" by actively punishing ranged use of the weapon.

      • Right now, no one uses the chakram in close range. They just get like 20 stacks from aoe shit before relying on the 363% what the fuck bonus AD for autos which can crit. So if you have 150 AD with an IE and 20 stacks, it doesn't matter that you're at max range since you're doing 1563 fuckin damage per auto anyway
      • The critical damage would scale linearly from 0% of your critical muliplier at max range (550 units) to 100% of your critical multiplier at 50 range. The reason it's not when at 0 range is because then you'd uh be inside your target.
      • If you're at max range (550 units), your autos deal 0% of your critical multiplier (making that previous example 544 damage instead of 1563).
      • At 250 range away, you'd deal 50% of your critical muliplier (would be 781 damage instead of 1563)

    You could argue that these add even more complexity to the champ but to that I have two points. First, wasn't this champ heralded as a big brain mfer, that only Gods could hope to master him? Second, you wouldn't necessarily need to know these things if you're playing against him, you could just understand that he's not good in every scenario anymore.

    Anywho that's just my thoughts on it. Lemme know if you have better suggestions for interesting limitations to for his individual weapons.

    Inb4 "his weapons deal 2% of the damage they do now"

    submitted by /u/RedditMattstir
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    Fun fact:It's been longer from this day to Azir release than from Azir's release to the start of season 1.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Azir came out september the 15th 2014, and season 1 started july 12th 2010. This essentially means that Azir, who many of you may include as a new champion, is actually considered to be released closer to the "release" than to our present day.

    submitted by /u/Vislushni
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    Shyvana skin that change with Dragon Soul?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:03 AM PST

    Hello Reddit!
    Idea is simply, in this season RIOT give us new mechanic, dragons soul! Last skin for Shyvana was realised in May 2016...
    It could be cool making her skin that changes with actual dragon soul + special look when your team will kill Elder!
    She could have rly cool effect with that concept, like throws tornado on her E when cloud dragon is active, split lava on infernal or sandstorm/rocks on mountain!

    Sorry for my english, I'm a bit dumb : D

    submitted by /u/jestemMaciek
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    True Damage - GIANTS Dance - Behind the Scenes | League of Legends

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:01 AM PST

    You can get a penta in practice tool with target dummies.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:08 AM PST

    Origen Documentary | Episode 1: Not The Ending We Wanted |

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    First episode of our pre-season documentary, created with Logitech, is now live. The focus is on the ending of 2019 and the preparation for 2020.

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhqVZAkvhpg&feature=youtu.be


    submitted by /u/OrigenDeficio
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    Doinb tells Ashley Kang why he almost retired after world championship, talks about his promise to take his wife to worlds finals: "I've been making this promise her, going all the way back to 2015 [...] And I was able to fulfil the promise."

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    XP boosts should be stored in the loot tab

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:45 AM PST

    My 3 day XP boost was kind of wasted because I got it from the pass missions right before going to bed and on the next day I didn't have that much time to play the game. A lot of other games let you choose when to use the xp boosts(mmos, mobile games etc)

    submitted by /u/noumi3
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    Lore Power Level Analysis: Aphelios, The Weapon of the Faithful

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    DO NOT WORRY, I AM ALIVE! What's up ladies and gentlemen, my name is Hyper10sion, AKA the lore power levels guy, here with the Aphelios analysis. A lot of things have delayed this analysis, and it is finally here. I get to break down League's version of Agent Maine with a JoJo stand.
    Everyone knows how this is going to go at this point. I am going to analyze Aphelios in five categories: Makeup, Physical Abilities, Magical Abilities, Weaknesses, and Feats. I will then place him into one of my five tiers (which can be found at the bottom of this post), explaining the placement as well, while covering any other updates to the tier list that didn't merit an entire assessment.
    Also before we get started I will put all of my sources here. Bio You are the Weapon


    Aphelios, Weapon of the Faithful

    Makeup/Background: Aphelios is a Lunari, a cult of Targonian (the mountain not the Empire) people who worship the moon in the same way that the Solari worship the sun. He is mostly a normal human, but his constant ingestion of noctum has modified him slightly. Noctum is a highly poisonous flower, that can be turned into a focus for the spirit world. The side effect is that overuse renders the user mute...and in near constant unspeakable pain. Other than his vocal disability, Aphelios is a human in peak physical condition.

    Physical Abilities: Aphelios is a strong physical combatant, able to do feats of agility equal to your average pro wrestler. His body is honed for his more movement and speed based style of combat, a result of years of training in said style. Other than that, I don't have much to go off of here.

    Magical Abilities: Aphelios himself technically has no magical powers, but his noctum allows allows him to reach his sister Alune in the spirit realm. Alune can materialize five moonstone weapons for Aphelios: Gravitum, Severum, Calibrum, Infernum, and Crescendum. Gravitum is essentially a rocket launcher that explodes on contact, creating a gravitational pull in a desired direction for a short time. Severum is a scythe pistol that fires slicing blasts. Calibrum works like a sniper rifle. Infernum is a flamethrower that can be focused or used in a wide blast. Crescendum is a shuriken Aphelios can use like Cap's shield. Other than the weapons, Alune can also call down a moonlight mortar to smite anyone in a specific area. The issue is that all of this requires Aphelios to be on noctum at the time…..which he doesn't get for the list. Sorry mate.

    Weaknesses: Aphelios has two MASSIVE weaknesses. His first weakness is an overreliance on noctum for his abilities and connection to Alune. The second is that without the noctum, he's simply a normal human. This leaves him as one of the more vulnerable champions in the game.

    Feats: Aphelios has fought back against a massive Solari force with the assistance of Alune, and slaughtered a whole squad of Solari enforcers in mere moments.


    I was kind of hoping I would find some way around doing this to the guy, but I have to. All of his superhuman abilities come from Alune, who he cannot communicate with unless he consumes the noctum. If he was able to constantly communicate with her, he would easily be in the Magus class, and have access to his weapons. But given that he relies on an outside influence, Aphelios is stuck in the Mortal Tier.
    Tier: Mortal Tier (Weaponizer Subclass)


    So despite Aphelios being extremely disgustingly broken in the actual game, he falls by the wayside in the lore due to underwhelming innate powers. Do you disagree with my assessment or think I am spot on? A lot of the lore community warned me that he might be the weakest champion I have done a solo analysis on, and I hate to say it but I think they are right. Talk to me about it in the comments.
    Here is the updated Tiermaker
    And here are the rest of the tiers for this cycle of lore: Cosmic, Transcended, Harbinger, Magus, and Mortal
    And here are is my previous assessment for this cycle.
    Nunu & Willump

    submitted by /u/KatarHero72
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    The Demacia Cup 2019 starts in a few hours! Come watch China's best of the best duke it out - in English!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    TL;DR: Demacia Cup starts in a few hours (8.5~ from the time of posting). Come watch the best teams in China duke it out on the pre-season patch with English coverage over at www.twitch.tv/opalcasts! (Youtube and Douyu links below)


    It's that time again - as we approach the end of the year, we also get closer and closer to the Demacia Cup. China's top level LPL teams will duke it out with the best of the best from the LDL in order to bridge the gap between one season and the next.

    Emerging metas, emerging players, and Senna are sure to make a statement at this event.

    Wait, did I say emerging players? This year, the governing board of the Demacia Cup has highly encouraged that LPL teams must compete with their main rosters for the year to come. Sure, some have players on break or with visa issues, but for the most part expect these squads to be the same ones making a splash at the 2020 League of Legends World Championship.

    Speaking of Worlds, League's flagship and premier international event will be heading to Shanghai this year - so the off-season signings that these teams have made reflect just how determined they are to qualify for this chance to show off in front of the home crowd.

    Be sure to tune in to our annual unofficial broadcast from 11am UTC+8.

    The community English stream has ran for the last two years and often features former Riot NA Academy & EU Masters Casters, with a full-fledged analyst desk. This year will also feature production being run from FunPlus Esports' Shanghai Studio (during the Group Stage).

    Teams to Watch

    I'm going to go ahead and put this out there: FunPlus Phoenix. The World Championship winning squad are taking some well-deserved rest, as well as integrating former T1 toplaner Khan into their line up. As such, don't raise too many eyebrows at a fairly questionable substitute squad, but rather be very surprised should they take a game off of a top team.

    Royal Never Give Up will be favourites to take the tournament, with their biggest rivals out of the equation. However, with Uzi taking his yearly sabbatical, it will be up to former FW marksman Betty to make a splash alongside Ming and the gang. New jungler Xiaolongbao is insanely hyped (coming from the same hyperbolic time chamber as Tian and Knight), and has a beautiful and aggressive early game more often than not.

    Suning are pretty hyped as well, but renowned for not doing all too much with the talent that their team attracts. It's a new era for them, however, as they integrate more and more upcoming talents into an already fearsome squad. Their redemption arc will be in full swing come this tournament.

    EDward Gaming are playing without Clearlove for the first time in what feels like forever. Though the veteran jungler has taken a step back as of recent, he is now officially retired and in a full-time coaching position.

    TopSports Gaming have the best sololaners in the world on a good day (or at least top 3). Now with Karsa in the jungle and a not so heavy botlane (...hopefully), we can see Knight and his squad finally shine, after missing Worlds by 1 game in the gauntlet.

    Players to Watch

    Iboy, shining star of EDG for most of 2018 and 2019, has now departed his franchise organisation in order to join former T1 coaches Kkoma and PoohManDu over on Vici Gaming. While this would ordinarily fill you with hype, it is important to note that VG have been a last placed team for a while, and are renowned for being where SKT players go to end their careers (Bengi, Easyhoon, the list goes on). Expect big 1v9s from this guy if VG are to come out on top.

    Xiaolongbao, as we mentioned before, is one of the most promising prospects coming from Young Miracles this year. Almost every LPL team engaged in a bidding war from him, but when the big guns in RNG come knocking you cannot help but answer. If he can translate his LDL and solo queue form to stage, we'll be in for a show.

    There was a rumour around Worlds that Suning had a trainee toplaner that was trashing Gimgoon, TheShy, Khan, Langx, and pretty much everyone else. That toplaner is Bin, who will make his competitive debut for Suning this tournament.

    Where to Watch

    Twitch (English)

    YouTube (English)

    Douyu (Chinese)

    submitted by /u/exusia
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    KeSPA Cup won't have an English broadcast this year

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:07 AM PST

    As per Atlus on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Atlustv/status/1207947109183262721

    Max Anderson @Atlustv

    I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have just been informed (after weeks of back and forth) that there will be no English broadcast of the Kespa Cup for 2019.

    Unfortunately we're also barred from restreaming the event from home =(

    Can't wait to see you for #LCK 2020

    Image of Tweet

    This is pretty disappointing to say the least.

    submitted by /u/Rahnftw
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    Yasuo's windwall blocks CC after it hit him. Works for Hooks as well I believe! (Sry for no sound, I am kinda dumb)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:06 AM PST

    Poppy launching Leona to space

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:14 AM PST

    Unlucky gank

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:19 AM PST

    Irresistible! Animated Emote by CJXandeRR

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:21 PM PST

    Throwback to jungle camille, best play of my d4 hardstuck life.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    (Eng Sub) Four DRX members play together in the Solo queue / FOUR DRX MEMBERS CAN WIN (EP 1)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

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