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    Friday, December 6, 2019

    LoL Guide Let me sell you my pocketpick, Poppy support

    LoL Guide Let me sell you my pocketpick, Poppy support

    Let me sell you my pocketpick, Poppy support

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:22 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    Poppy is an excellent support in certain cases (and borderline useless in some others), but if the stars align she is a very strong pick. Definitely not blindpickable, but as a late pick she can be awesome.

    Pros: new supp items are pretty good on her, Shoulderguards give hp+ad, and her passive lets her get the minion execute with relative safety compared to other melee supports. That alone wouldnt cut it, her main selling point is her w, which is excellent vs dashy-dashy champs (there are a lot of them), basically a "sit-the-fuck-down" button. And not only does she block the dash, but after that the blocked guy is grounded for 2 seconds, so if you block a J4 eq or Camille e, then they cant even ult or flash for 2 seconds,which is plenty of time to disengage (run away or ult them) or turn on them, and burst.

    She works well vs most engage supports, except for Blitz, but very hard to play vs poke/sustain lanes, but if they misstep and are near a wall, these squishies can be killed pretty easily, especially if the adc can follow up (her e is pretty funny with Jinx/Cait w, they put it behind the target, and Poppy e guarantees the cc).

    She isnt really hard, mostly she needs patience to wait for the key dashes to be blocked.

    Also special synergy with Zekes, if she just charges her ult to zone, and doesnt release it, then Zeke still activates, ult goes on a 30 sec cd, then it can be used again.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Total 100% Beginners Guide To Jungle

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    In today's video we go over how to properly jg for beginner.

    Why? Because jg is the easiest role in my honest opinion to learn when you are new to league. When you are playing at a lower elo or a newer account you rarely will get invaded and on the chance you do you're probably getting smurfed on.

    We are covering 5 important topics.

    How to properly clear your camps How to itemize When to gank/farm What lanes/objectives to prioritize How to end the game


    I made this for a buddy, i think ww jg is best for a new player but i played shaco per his request.

    If you are a seasoned veteran, Feel free to place any tips or tricks in the comments below the youtube comments for other players who will also stop by.

    IMPORTANT: You will be seeing a legit 1 vs 9 hyper carry this game.

    Rank: Silver 3 Platinum 4

    If you have any questions or concerns, I'd be happy to hear about them.

    submitted by /u/Littleboyofhope
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    I am an iron tier ADC

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    I have not got to lv 30 to play ranked, though I believe if had I played ranked I would be in around mid to bottom of iron tier.

    I am not sure what I did wrong in game. I usually got 0/10/9 KDA in game an constantly died in a way where no teammate could have saved me. In teamfights, I kinda feels that I step too close to the enemy or that at least 3 of them have some kind of dash/ grab to get me into melee range, but if I don't step this close everyone would have been outside of my attack range. I usually ply MF, but tried to play Jhin since he is in the free champion rotation this week.

    And I also have a problem with my mouse. Sometimes the screen simply gets too crowded that I lost where my mouse is, which ends up me walking towards my opponent when I tried to flee. Is there a way to scale up my cursor?

    The most frustrating thing is that most teammates just flame at me in game, like I don't know how bad I am. They usually don't give any meaningful advice to help he do better, and that I simply don't know what I did wrong so I can't improve in my next game. This is way too frustrating.

    So, how far should I stand during fights? When is it safe to roam our side of the jungle in the late game? How to I farm up when I am not doing good in the early game, if I should stick to my teammates for safety? When should I take a break from my farm and help out a skirmish happened right besides me? How many health potion/ control ward should I buy as an ADC, especially if I am under farmed? Where is the safe place to stand during laning? Is MF a beginner friendly champion or should I try other champion?

    submitted by /u/-False-Prophet-
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    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:23 PM PST

    I once saw a stream of Dopa and he was playing his usual tf mid and without vision he knew where was the enemy jg and whats happening just by seeing player movement, how is this possible? Normally I have seen pro players get heavily traded just cause their jg is with them and this ends up tricking the opponent that ur jg is not here and hence the gank works but I still dont get it how player movement dictates so much

    submitted by /u/shaheer2234
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    How the hell do you even play league as an adc when Nautilus ult is on the other team

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:41 PM PST

    Whenever I play an immobile adc, I can usually lane vs Nautilus no problem until he hits 6. It's more of a problem in mid to late game after laning phase. It seems that all Nautilus has to do in most teamfights is ulti the me and his team kills me for free. Someone, if not the whole team, will follow up and make sure I don't survive the ult. I can sometimes survive if my flash is up, but it doesn't even come close to guaranteeing my survival. For the most part, it feels as if I'm just zoned out of every teamfight and if I wait till he ults or dies, I'll usually be waiting a while because Nautilus is tanky as hell. Even a turbo fed Zed or Master Yi isn't nearly as oppressive.

    I almost want to just ban Naut every game just because of how absurdly oppressive it feels to play against one. I never hear anyone complain about Nautilus, so I feel like I just don't understand the matchup. What can I do? It feels like Nautilus ult has no counter play.

    submitted by /u/MoonKingArthur
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    ELI(IRON)4: AA cancelling on Caitlyn for combos. Won't be mad if you explain Riven while at it.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Alright, so I'm playing Caitlyn, I've learned about the existence of Machine Gun Caitlyn, I went to the practice tool, pulled it off, then machine gunned this or that in a normal game.

    The problem is I have no idea what I'm doing and why. What the heck is all of this AA cancelling, why do you do this? How does that work? What's the actual purpose of clicking attack move BESIDE the target?


    This is the combo I'm talking about. Why do you click to the side and not on the target? What's happening?

    I've only ever heard of AA cancelling on Riven, but my Riven is the Destroyer of Bots exclusively so I never bothered to understand. And then I see my "noob-proof" ADC come at me with this and I'm feeling dumb :D

    Thanks. Sadly that video seems to be made for people who actually have a clue.

    submitted by /u/Satanic_Leaf_Gecko
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    How Do I Transfer My Lead As A Jungler ?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:51 AM PST

    I play warwick/hecarim/jax/J4 a lot... and ive noticed that in almost all of my games..i really dont know what to do with most of my lead..sometimes i solo drakes with ww or heca with said lead and camp mid or bot...but really i dont know how to end game with said lead

    Also everytime after a succesful gank... i usually help my midlaner/toplaner shove the wave ( not taking the cs ) to try and get plating but they always flame me telling me to back off and not because they are low or anything...they usually just want the gold for themselfs...should i just ignore them and go for it or they have a reason behinde it ?

    submitted by /u/WhiplashFishy
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    Is it worth to trade Rift Herald for Dragon?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:41 PM PST

    Does giving away dragon hurt you less if you capture the Herald?

    Context: Your bot lane got a kill and pushes the wave into turret since enemy support recalled to recover health. They need to back because they have lots of gold. Meanwhile, you and the enemy jungler (who is capable of soloing Dragon) start taking each other's objective at the same time. Both decisions were made safely because your bot isn't prevalent and the enemy mid and top are pushed under tower. In terms of vision, neither team knows where their opposing junglers are.

    I don't want to be too specific on the type of dragon it is because that's the answer I'm looking for. Which elemental dragon is just too beneficial to lose that not even a herald is worthwhile taking?

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Reached Plat, now I'm a 46% winrate hardstuck

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:48 AM PST

    This will be more like a discharge of conscience or something like that but I want to listen to your advices and all that so here it goes.

    I play since S3. My first two seasons I manage to get to silver. All the otheres seasons I reached Gold (like G4 or G3) but this season I (finally) reached Platinum. It felt such an accomplishment but right now... It doesn't feel that great anymore.

    Since I reached Plat (I reached it something like a month before the season end) I got hardstuck, there's no other way around it and no other way to say it, and right now I'm with a miserable 47% winrate (46% at some point). This previous season I mained Heimer mid and Malph top and I stuck with those two until I got to Plat. I used to play with a friend who is jungle main and we synergized pretty good. But even alone I'd win a decent amount of games. Heck, people we're even saying on the /all chat that I was wintrading like wtf are you ok buddy? Once I started playing as a Plat for some reason I started to lose a lot. I can't even tell if it's really me playing poorly or just my mental but things started to go downhill pretty hard. I decided to move to botlane and play as supp, a role I always liked but I never gave it much love. I just said "fuck it, i'm already stuck why not give it a go"

    I'm really enjoying play supp but again, I feel like my games either go crazy good or awfully bad. I just can't find consistency. I've been up and down in P5 and the best I've got until today was P5 50 LP.

    Not trying to be cocky or something like that but I feel I can do better. I feel and I know I can reach a little higher. I think i'm just not being able to find myself right now and that is pushing me back.

    Any advice you guys might wanna share I'd love to hear it

    Sorry if there's something wrong with the text, i'm not a native english speaker.

    submitted by /u/c0ncept1904
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    How are you supposed to play aggressive junglers like Elise after the XP changes?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:54 PM PST

    If you can't get kills quickly you literally cannot gank mid or top. They're 2-4 levels above you and you just die instantly if you even so much as consider it. So how are you supposed to play Elise? It seems so feast or famine that's it's disgusting.

    submitted by /u/BizarreCake
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    Jack of all trades, master of none.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    Hey there!

    I see a lot of tips and guides about climbing saying that u should main a role, or onetrick a champion. So i tried it, really. I mained katarina, got bored. played rakan, got bored, and so on i played a lot of champions. From jungle to support. And i faced it, not having a champion that suits me the best. And i must say, that felt really good. Although i just start playing ranked this season, my plan of climbing is like this. Sort your favorite champion of every role, and backups. Play every session one role, and review the games after. Playing like this will improve your game knowledge a lot, you will know essential warding spots from playing support, get huge macro from playing jungle. Knowing enemy jungle paths, and the cooldown of certain camps. Knowing how to kite by playing adc, and so on. The downside of playing like, everything is that you won't know how to play some champion to the maximum potential, which is what onetricking is for. So i definitely recommend to play some games off-role (normals) to improve ur game knowledge drastically. Thanks a lot for reading this lol

    submitted by /u/Aquablu2
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    Junglers, how can I make mid an appealing lane to gank?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:11 PM PST

    I have been noticing more and more that my jungler doesn't want to gank mid early in the game (pre 10 min). I recognize that the most re-occurring factor is me, so I assume I am doing something wrong and would like some suggestions on how to make mid more gankable.

    To give more information about my personal situation, I am a D2 midlaner that primarily plays control mages (anivia, lissandra, velkoz, etc), so I feel like I can set up a gank pretty easily. I have had multiple games recently where the enemy midlaner is a immobile mage (orianna, kassadin, ahri, etc), I burn their flash at level 2, keep the wave frozen at the lane's midpoint, and my jungler still opts to go bot or top instead of coming to kill mid before their flash is back up. I can track the enemy's back or rotations a majority of the time (as well as where they ward), help with river vision control, and can manage the wave so I'm not asking for a gank while at their tower.

    Is there something with the new pathing or jungle changes that make junglers want to focus side lanes? I am just rather confused and would like to know what makes a jungler decide that he/she wants to gank mid.

    submitted by /u/CommonRedditor69
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    Question about when shoving the lane after you kill your opponent.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:11 PM PST

    After I kill my enemy laner(s) and shove the lane to the turret. If enemy minions pop up under tower when I get there do I kill them so my minions can focus the tower while I B or do I leave them so enemy minions can help kill minions to deny xp/gold to opponent?

    submitted by /u/buenoskiddoosh
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    Is it generally easier to climb in preaseason?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    Hey, recently came back to the game after watching worlds. I was a silver player, but pushed to gold for the end of the season and now after season end I've been playing more and managed to make it into gold 1. Was wondering if it is generally easier to climb in the preseason, or if I can expect to continue climbing during regular season if I play like I'm doing right now.

    submitted by /u/iTello
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    Avoiding ks

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST

    So i have been playing support for a while, but i've had this problem, where i accidentally steal kills, especially with stuff like leonas w. Im around silver elo. I also play braum though dont have that bad of a problem with him. I also end up stealing kills with ignite, though i dont know if i should consider that my fault.

    submitted by /u/KielHB
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    How do you beat vlad mid?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST

    I just got back from a very long break and I seem to be doing pretty good except against vlad. I have a 0% success rate laning him. I also tried playing him and sucked so I just permaban him at the moment. Any tips for winning that lane? Feels like I win all the trades but his sustain is too much.

    I main syndra as well if you have any champion specific tips.

    submitted by /u/Arxzos
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    Things to keep in mind/watch out for all the time while playing?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:36 PM PST

    Hello! I am currently a P3 adc main and I think I am playing relatively good overall. There are just some things I barely ever think about. For example looking at enemy's items to check how strong they are or look for enemy summoner spell cooldowns.

    I want to improve on that part and so my question is, what are all the "more advanced" things you need to think about all the time or check while playing and/or before making decisions?

    (Or in other words, the things you need to know to reach diamond and higher since reaching D4 is my goal for next season)

    submitted by /u/Ahrihub
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    How do I get better at 50/50 smite battles?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Just watching a replay of mine and I lost 3 smites to a Lee. Luckily I got the final one that allowed us to win the game, but tbh we got lucky the rest of his team was bad. I'm talking outside strictly prejudging the object health vs. my smite dmg amount.

    What tactics do people use? In my game, 2 of their team was dead and Lee was no were to be seen on the map. My team mate said "if lee shows, leave baron at 2200". Sure enough at ~1/4 baron health lee popped a ward over the wall and ward hopped. Luckily enough I out smited him. Why this number? Is this specific to Lee? or is that a good number in all 50/50 smite fights.

    FWIW I'm an OTP Zac

    submitted by /u/rekcik15
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    Trouble with early laning phase top lane.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    I'm having a lot of trouble with the first few minutes of laning phase and it's crippling me the rest of the game.

    Any micro tips for gaining the edge for levels 1 thru 3 top lane?

    If it's any help I've been playing Renek, Ornn, and Morde the most.

    Edit for info: Current rank: Plat IV, I main support, I love dogs.

    submitted by /u/paulburnett
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    League is not Team DeathMatch

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:34 PM PST

    I have been seeing this so much as I have started this season's climb, even more than past seasons for some reason. People get focused way too much on getting kills or shutting down a particularly strong champion on the opposing team. Fighting and getting a high number of kills is fun, but spending the game getting your KDA maxed out doesnt win the match.

    Getting a tower, or even dragon is (99% of the time) infinitely more important than getting one kill. That time you spent chasing down the one person that was "so low" could have been spent resetting back to base to come back with new items, taking a tower, or setting up for dragon/baron, etc. That isn't to say *never* chase kills, but if you could use the opportunity to set up or take an objective, choose the objective.

    submitted by /u/tallbigtree
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    Do ping helpers programs still works? like Wtfast pingzapper ecc

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    Pretty much title, I knew they were more popular back in the days but I wonder if they could help a 36ms ping connection go even faster to like 20ms or if they are worth more on slower connections. Also if they are still up in the first place... I only remember those 2 if u know any better tell me pls

    submitted by /u/DireGouge
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