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    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    LoL Guide List of Damage Types (Updated)

    LoL Guide List of Damage Types (Updated)

    List of Damage Types (Updated)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    With feedback, here's an updated list of the damage type(s) for every champion.


    * Means this champion additionally deals %MaxHP True Damage, which can't be built against.

    Physical and Magic are self-explanatory, but the Hybrid or All category contains the champions who: do roughly even amounts of physical and magic damage, or can change their build to favor one or the other, or deal significant amounts of all three damage types (physical, magic, and true). What you build to defend against them varies accordingly.

    The Enablers category contains champions who themselves do negligible amounts of damage, but instead focus on helping their allies damage you. Even if they get kills early, you still want to defend against their allies' damage type instead.

    This is intended to be a quick reference for newer players, since the type of damage a champion deals doesn't always match their visuals/theme or even their build, in some cases.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    Any advice from a old player returning after a 5 years break?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    A few friends convinced me to get back into league after taking a LONG break, the last champion i remember being "New" was Zac, and i played a few games last night but man I'm completely lost with items, and rune pages and well.... everything lol.

    I'm not asking for a detailed list but, i'd love some help getting back on my feet. ive been reading items all day today and trying to figure out what they added and removed.

    submitted by /u/IsPropelWater
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    Ultimate Season 10 Hecarim Guide (Jungle)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm Doaenel, a high elo Hecarim OTP who has several thousand games experience on the champion.

    Today, I will be detailing a guide on how to play Hecarim in his current state, and hard 1v9 every game.



    - Conqueror

    - Triumph

    - Legend: Tenacity

    - Coup de grace

    - Nimbus cloak

    - Celerity

    This rune setup will allow you to win most jungle matchups while also providing enough mid game damage stats to win teamfights very easily. Conqueror, triumph, and coup de grace provide healing and damage that is much needed to survive during fights, while tenacity allows you to get more abilities and auto attacks off so you can heal off of the damage that is dealt to the enemies. Nimbus cloak and celerity allow you to run down enemies or run away from enemies depending on if the jungle matchup is favorable or unfavorable.


    For obvious reasons, you must take smite. The other summoner can be either ghost or ignite, depending on the enemy jungler. If the enemy jungler is a champion who kites back while fighting (ex. Graves, Karthus, Kindred) run ghost. If they are a champion who all-ins (ex. Kha'zix, Rengar, Shaco) run ignite.



    To start, buy hunter's talisman and a refillable potion, this is the best combination for enduring that early game jungle clears go off without losing too much health to the camps.


    Upon first back, you will want to complete warrior (+ red smite) as fast as possible. Prioritize skirmisher's saber, then build the damage components until the item is done.

    If you are ahead, get tier 1 boots, then start building Trinity Force (phage>sheen>stinger). If you are behind, finish tier 2 boots with the defensive option that best fits the game (ex. if you are vs fed graves build tabi, if you are vs fed nidalee build merc treads).


    Once Trinity Force is completed, you will want to go one of three items. Spirit visage, sterak's gage, or death's dance. If you are massively ahead and your team is doing poorly, buy death's dance. If you are ahead and your team is playing well, buy spirit visage if they have magic damage, buy sterak's if they have physical damage. If you are behind and the enemy team has magic damage, buy spirit, if they have physical damage/burst buy sterak's.

    Build the other two items as is necessary, these 3 items should be the core of your build.


    For the last item, several options are available depending on the enemy's team comp. Sample items include Randuin's omen, deadman's plate, adaptive helm, and guardian angel.



    If you are on the blue side of the map, start blue, then path into wolves, raptors, then red buff. If enemy mid laner is shoving in, gank mid. If the enemy bot lane is shoving in gank them. In a scenario where both the enemy bot and mid lane are shoving, prioritize bot lane. If neither mid nor top are getting shoved in, take krugs. After one of these three have been completed, get vision on the enemy's botside jungle and take scuttle crab.

    If their mid or bot is shoving after scuttle is taken, gank the lane. If neither is pushing, recall.

    If you are on the red side of the map, have a similar path except start on red instead of blue, and path towards raptors, wolves and blue. Follow the same process of elimination as stated previously


    After the initial clear, you will want to start heavily prioritizing maximizing camp efficiency. What I mean by this, is you should be clearing your jungle starting from one side and making your way to the other side (ex. start at gromp and path towards raptors). This method of jungle clearing should allow you to take 4-6 camps every clear, and allow you to create and maintain a lead on the enemy jungler.

    Furthermore, whenever dragon is respawning, you will want to be pathing in a way that brings you towards it. Since dragons are very pivotal, especially with dragon souls, it will help alleviate some pressure on mid-late game since that is when Hecarim falls off.

    Also, always keep an eye on the minimap because since Hecarim has an affinity for movement, he can make plays all across the map. If an enemy is splitpushing when they are low, you will need to know so you can kill them and build an advantage.



    In the later stages of the game (post 30 minutes) you will not be able to just sit mid with the rest of your team, waiting for the enemy to misplay. You will get poked out of lane if you attempt this, and will have no method of healing up aside from backing.

    The proper way of teamfighting is to walk around the sides of the lane and try to look for a flank. Try to look for an ult over a wall or something along those lines in order to surprise the enemy.

    Do not forget that Hecarim is not a standard tank, he is a diver. You will need to ult on the enemy backline and try to e an enemy carry into your team, separating them from the rest of the team and ensuring that the fight is a 5v4 in your favor.

    If anyone has any questions, leave them in the comment section and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

    submitted by /u/Doaenel
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    When playing mid, I can't harass, CS, and track enemy jungler at same time. I can only do 2/3 simultaneously no matter how much I practice. Any advice?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST

    For example, I can harass well and make good trades while keeping up my cs at the same time, but I can't focus on where the jungler is so I get ganked. I can just farm safely and focus on the enemy jungler, but not harass or take trades. I can track the enemy jungler and harass, but then my cs sucks. Like I can't do all 3 at once no matter how much I practice and it's so frustrating. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Smashcity
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    What to do outside of laning phase as support?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:32 AM PST

    I've been playing support and it's by far my favourite role. However, I find myself often struggling to keep up with the game after laning phase is over.

    I often end up running around doing nothing but place wards, leading to me falling behind on levels and gold, and generally ending up being really weak in comparison to everyone else and not very useful during fights. I could just stay with the ADC the entire time, but they often don't need it, and I just end up wasting my time while my teammates are fighting and getting killed because I'm not there, and can't get there in time.

    Everyone says to help your teammates (especially the fed ones) get ahead, but I'm not sure how to do that — usually when I show up in their lane they're already totally fine by themselves. I end up just hanging around in lane trying to get some exp to stay relevant, accomplishing nothing, while also losing out on gold because there's nobody to poke for income.

    So that's basically the question — how do I balance being impactful across the map with not falling behind? Or am I somehow approaching this wrong?

    submitted by /u/Figurative_Icicle
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    Changes to Omnistone, is a legit rune now?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Patch 9.24 would bring some changes to our 4 fun rune to make it more useful, being more likely to get runes designed for a specific occasion, as it says in the patch notes:

    • More likely to get Predator when not near enemy champions, and less likely to get it when in combat with nearby enemy champions
    • More likely to get Dark Harvest when near low health enemy champions
    • More likely to get Hail of Blades when near low health enemy champions and building attack speed or attack damage
    • More likely to get Conqueror when both you and enemies have high health (increased chance if you're a melee champion)
    • More likely to get Fleet Footwork if you are low health and below level 9
    • More likely to get Glacial Augment if you have a Glacial item off cooldown
    • More likely to get Summon Aery when you have healing/shielding power and are near a low health ally who is in combat

    We know omnistone has a lower cooldown per rune so you can get more procs than a standard user of another keystone, making it a more viable option to versatile champs

    Wich champs you think will be taking this rune?

    submitted by /u/Javonetor
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    The case of Jhin

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST

    Why is he considered a good ADC right now (statistically anyways)? Whenever I play him I just feel like I'm doing less, and I am having trouble doing damage with him. Most teamcomps in my elo (plat) end up having a weak backline, and I rarely seem to get a tanky/cc support that can make up for his need to reload and his low mobility (atleast early game).

    • When can you optimally pick Jhin?
    • What role does he play?
    • What are the optimal builds and build orders?
    • What are his worst matchups?
    • Good teamfighting strats?
    • How do you lane with him? (obv. matchup dependant, but in general.)
    submitted by /u/presidentgarf
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    Hey, is leblanc a good OTP?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:52 AM PST

    I have been reading threads about her not being a good solo carry, not so good pick in mid relative to others, and I have been playing her, and I do get kills a lot, but still manage to lose, which kinda supports the argument. I mean, we all get games where we just do well, and still lose because of a few factors, but it's on a streak for me right now. I dunno man, I feel kind of discouraged? Maybe they are right? Should I just pick up someone like Katarina?

    submitted by /u/finchdota
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    Roaming from top

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    I am a top lane main(gold 3 in promos 1-1), I mostly play khazix (I'm a khamet krusader) I struggle a lot with roaming, just in general. I like to just shove the wave in then get some deep wards in enemy jungle mostly, like pinking the buff camps. But I sometimes run mid and put pressure or try to kill or pull summoners. I don't roam all the time usually only when I'm really ahead. But sometimes I'll fall behind in xp from it. I wish I had an example of it to show but I sadly don't my normal build is manamune into tiamat then normal lethality. So I'm able to burst people pretty easily. Mostly I roam when I'm against a renekton/ornn/malphite. I've been looking to abuse umbral + sweeper to deny vision as I move down river. Especially since drake's are really good now I try and save my tp for stuff like that. Any tips with when to roam and goals to achieve while roaming?

    submitted by /u/RavelTheOne
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    Should You Play Offensively or Defensively?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:15 PM PST

    Not long ago I had a matchup in the bot lane that gets into this question - Xayah/Alistar vs Ezreal/Rakan

    Because of the natural offensive capabilities of Xayah/Alistar and the defensive capabilities Ezreal/Rakan have, I thought this'd be an interesting game to share, as well as an interesting question to discuss

    Whether you want to check out the video or just discuss the question in the title, I think it can be a really good conversation to have between all of us to improve at League

    For reference, this is a ranked game in Diamond

    If you're interested, here's the video :)

    Offense Versus Defense - Which Is Better

    submitted by /u/highlevelsupport
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    How to deal with Ryze in lane?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:06 AM PST

    Whenever I run into him, I just can't win. He has absurd amounts of dmg while building mana only, endless wave clear which also bounces on you if you are close (GL if you're melee), the new conqueror makes fighting him almost impossible and can TP away from you later unless you have some hard cc. And can still spam Q after rooting.

    submitted by /u/Cu5a
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    How do bounties work?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    What determines the value of a bounty? I've heard kills and CS, but I've seen people go 10-0 with good cs and have a 500 bounty and I've seen people go 4-0 with good cs have a 700 bounty. Does vision score, damage, turret/objective damage, or damage taken have a factor in it?

    Someone enlighten me please

    submitted by /u/rightovertheresir
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    Question for onetricks who climb: how often do you dodge?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:38 AM PST

    I see so many people suggest that a good way to learn the game well is to just get very good at one champion so that you can focus on macro. I get that concept, but it seems relatively impossible to do constantly. Do you really dodge every single game you dont get your champ or role? It seems to me like itd be better to get good at at least 4 champions split between two roles, but if Im doing that how badly will I be stunting my ability to improve?

    Im relatively new and hope to enter ranked for the first time when the season starts. I main support and seconday jungle and have been practicing 2 champs for each role a lot, should I just focus down my support game and dodge every jungle game? That seems like a poor thing to do.

    submitted by /u/wetstapler
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    Some advise on a new person to ADC

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    So recently I've decided to move from top lane (due to champions I like falling out of favour and broken top meta {e.g. ranged tops and unbalancing}) and into the bottom lane as a ADC So far from what I have played I've found champions like Jhin and senna my favourites with kai'sa being a champion I play for a little bit of a curveball and I've been wondering if anyone could give me some tips or guidance on: •Which ADC to unlock next; Kalista, xayah or jinx •If aphelios will be a good champion for me to save up for next •And some common pointers on how to play ADC better as a whole

    submitted by /u/KeinKun_
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    when macro starts being so important that you absolutely have to main one lane only?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    You know how some people have huge champ pools and they can't settle on a main?

    I can't settle on a lane. I switch lanes following new champs I get interested in but even when my pool settles I find myself switching. For example in season 9 there was a time when I played Malphite top and jungle, Tristana top and mid, Shyvana jungle, Neeko and Lux mid and also when filled as support I did not dodge but played one of them. So only five champs, none highly difficult when it comes to mechanics but three lanes.

    Right now I play Tristana mid, Akali mid and top, Garen top and I also play bot but only Tristana (love her, one of my highest masteries). I feel an urge to pick up a new champ or two, I like the mix of meta and evergreen favorites. So three lanes again and one of my new interests might make it four.

    This isn't about champ advice, though, this is about lanes. Currently I'm playing against silver and some gold players so I expect to spend season 10 climbing through gold. When will macro force me into a single lane?

    submitted by /u/arresnight
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    How do I play Soraka better?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I'm a relatively new player (under level 50 and I haven't touched ranked) but I like to think I'm improving. I've mostly been playing Morgana (who I've gotten multiple S- or better on), Senna, and Leona - supports who all have some form of CC. I played Nami and Soraka before I touched the other mages, but returning to Soraka especially, I feel almost useless/far too passive. The other day I had a Varus that was playing very aggressively and wouldn't stop flaming me for being too passive. As far as I'm aware, I was healing him when needed and landing a solid amount of my Q's/E's.

    Any tips on how to improve my Soraka play style would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ofjellyandbeans
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    What was wrong with catch up exp?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST

    So if camps' exp and gold was adjusted for the decreased spawn timers of jungle camps, what harm was the catch up mechanic doing? Last night I had a jungler who just was slipping further and further behind to the point of a 5 level disparity. We were well past the landing phase and my first instinct was to tell him to do some jungle camps but inherently I knew that feasibly that really was just going to stop his slip but wouldn't ever push him back into relevance by when we'd need him. I thought exp catch up was for this situation, so why did they toss it?

    submitted by /u/Vealophile
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    So... what are you supposed to exactly when you get Counter Jungled as a Fiddlesticks?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:25 PM PST

    I just made it to Gold (hurray). Things are getting a little more spicy for me.

    Fiddlesticks helped me rank up, but now I'm getting counter jungled like crazy. I just finished a match against a hecarim jungle and I got wrecked. It got to the point where my entire upper half of the jungle was gone, and I couldn't fight Hecarim.

    So... what does one do? Go to a lane and just mooch off of them? Try to enter the enemy jungle and hope to not die?

    submitted by /u/Steve_FS
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    Soraka R interaction with Athenes Unholy Grail

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:23 PM PST

    Guys I have a little bit complex question here. Like you know, Athenes is stacking charges and if you heal an ally your stacks or charges are going into the heal making it stronger.

    If you have a full stacked Athenes and you press R, is every ally getting full stacks of healing? Are the stacks splitted into 5 porcions or is only one ally getting full stacks and the others nothing?

    submitted by /u/Kubaguette
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    What to do when you are obviously getting ganked and your jungler should countergank but doesn't?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:19 AM PST

    Basically title. I normally play ADC, but when I off role to mid or top (in normals, so teammates tend to be a bit worse) it often feels like I am obviously going to get ganked - base on wave state/how the other laner's playing/we saw their jungler on a ward. If my jungler is far away I normally just back off, but sometimes I see they are doing a nearby camp so I think we can countergank and win the 2v2. However, probably more than half the time they don't come and I'm left 1v2 and I die.

    Should I be more patient and not commit unless they're definitely coming? It seems like to set up the countergank I often have to walk up and hit the wave or trade just to bait them, so it won't work unless I expose myself. But when I do, if my jungle doesn't come, I auto-lose.

    submitted by /u/j1maf
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    How can I maintain good cs into the late game?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:58 PM PST

    I'm an adc main that plays mostly ezreal and vayne (s1). In almost all of my games I find the enemy laner has quite a bit more cs than I do towards the mid/late game. I'm confused because I usually cs pretty decently on the early game but after 30 minutes I'm averaging 4.1 or so cs a minute. I'm not sure how to balance out when my team needs me for fights and when I should be getting cs, because I feel like I'm either doing one or the other. Any ideas to help maintain a good average of cs, like 7 or so a minute into the mid/late game?

    submitted by /u/blatantbalkans
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