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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.23

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.23

    Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.23

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    A reason to never give up: good laners have bad mid-games

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:10 PM PST

    Enemy Darius gets fed off your top. 5/0 at 15 mins, 130 CS, takes first turret. Game looks pretty doomed. Not only is Darius fed, it's a one trick with 500 games who knows what they're doing and can carry.

    But that's the thing, actually, this isn't a good player from here on out. The game is likely only going to get EASIER.

    If a player has above-average laning, they can't have above-average mid-game macro/teamfighting.

    If they were strong in both departments relative to your elo, they wouldn't be in that elo! So if a player dominates lane, but you check op.gg and it's a hardstuck with a 50% winrate, what does that mean? There's a good chance their mid/late game is lacking.

    Don't get me wrong, this is far from a free win. Maybe Darius has average laning and your top is just an idiot. Maybe Darius is a smurf. Maybe they're simply playing really well.

    I'm just saying it's not a bad idea to test whether they can close out a game with macro/teamfighting, because a non-smurfing player who is consistently above-average in lane will ALWAYS have a below-average mid/late game.

    submitted by /u/Dense-Acanthocephala
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    Bronze to Diamond in 14 months as Support / InDepth Tipps and Tricks

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST

    Hello there my friends. I want to make this post to help lower rank people failing as a support player to become a better player and giving good tipps on how to easy improve your gameplay in this role.

    My name is Kuba aka JuicyJuju. I created my account back in Season 4 but quit after I reached lvl 20 or so because the game was way to complex and I was really upset about all the new things I saw and my fails on even the most easy things. I startet to play ranked finally at the end of Season 8 as Bronze 1, and I hit Diamond 4 some days ago as a support main.

    Here is my opgg and here is my leagueofgraphs if you want to check my stats.

    I will try to make up some key sentences and explain them in the following subtext, I hope thats the best option how to do that, so lets start with the points:

    Laning Phase

    What you need to understand it that not the adc is the one who decides how the lane is going, but you are. The support is the way dominant role in botlane and he is the one who decides when to engage, when to stay back, when to push, when to fall back, that is all your job. The ADC has the job to farm and following you on engages, he has allready enough to do. 80 or 90% of the outcome of the lane is your work and how you play. Easy things like:

    • Poke the enemy ADC if he goes for a cannon minion as Janna, Nami or Soraka for example.
    • Wait until the enemy wave is shrunk and try to allin so the damage from enemy minion aggro will not be big but your wave will be bigger and therefore you will have automaticly more damage.
    • Care the positioning of the enemy adc or supp. Especialy in low plat and below, even in Diamond people missposition often and are vurneable to hooks or engages from Nautilus, Blitz or Leona. You need to see this moments and engage. Your ADC is not stupid, he will follow you.
    • Dont let your adc trade allone, you need to stay with him on the same line. If he goes worward for aa a minion, take also a step. Dont let the enemy adc and supp poke him down allone just because you standing back and healing the adc or looking on your mobile phone or whatever you do behind him, you need to be at least next to him, maybe even before him and harassing the enemy the whole time.
    • Help your adc to farm under tower. Before the adc has a BF you need to hit the minions so that with the tower shots the adc can farm the minions effectively. Caster need one aa from you and a tower shot, melee need one aa and 2 towershots. Remember this and help your adc to farm, it is so much free gold that you waste because you just chill and watch your adc miss all that cs.
    • Roam. If you pushed as Nautilus the enemy under their tower, tell your adc to go back and you can roam into the enemy jungle and ward the buffs there or the whole jungle (more to that later), also you can roam to the midlane, hook the enemy midlaner and kill him. Basicly you need to influence also the other lanes, not only yours.

    These things are really easy to execute and I promise you, you will win really fast and easily every lane just because of this few things if you also execute them!

    Tracking enemy Jungler

    In order to be prepared for a gank in the first 10 minutes, you need to understand what the jungle is doing. One time my friend who is an ex-master player watched my game and was able to track the jungler the whole game beside the fact he had no vision on him, and I understand now why. You dont need to track him the whole game, but at least the first 10 minutes are crucial and most important for your laning phase.

    • Check where the enemy jungler started. Pretty easy because he will show up in the river before min 1 or you will see the botlane or toplane went to leash the enemy buff. It they wanna trick you and bot and toplane come in the same time at their lanes, check who lost mana or hp due to the leash.
    • Remember 2:10 and 3:20 time stamps. Junglers will try to gank you bot at 2:10 if they started bot and want to gank at lvl2, for example a Twitch but maybe also a Jarvan, Shaco or something else. 3:20 is the time where the enemy will have for sure lvl 3 and will go for a gank. This doesnt mean he will come always bot at this time, but you need to be prepared in this timezone for a gank and know how to react.
    • Depending on where the enemy ganked and which farm he has, you can assume what camps did he clear in order to thing forward and know where he will go next. Each camp gives 4 cs, so if he ganks at 3:20 with 12 cs you know he cleared 3 camps. If he also has a buff you know he cleared a buff and 2 additional camps.

    Those are not much points but if you continue to read, the next section will continue with tracking the enemy jungler but also with tracking basicly the whole enemy team, its the warding.

    Warding (especialy deep wards)

    I watched some months ago a clip from BunnyFuFuu where he explained some good points I knew already but that were really great I think most of the people forget so often, including sometimes even me which helped me I think the most in climbing as a support player.

    • NEVER WARD THE SIDE BUSHES. Most of the people are wasting the wards to ward the river or the side bushes in the lanes. Stop this, just stop wasting your wards. I understand that if you are pushed in under your tower and the enemy has a Blitzcrank you wanna see what he is doing in the bush. Thats the only exception when you are allowed this, beside that NEVER ward this things. If you see the enemy going in there, just stay back. You know anyway he is in there so why you want to ward it? Because its easier and you are lazy to look whole time on the enemy botlane and focusing what they do am I right?
    • WARD THE ENEMY JUNGLE. Its really important to ward the enemy blue buff or red buff (or a bush nearby/paths in the jungle crossing) depending on which side you play bot because this way you will know when the enemy jungler is nearby and you will have time to react and back off if you see hes heading your way to the botlane. Thats the continuation of tracking the enemy jungler past min 5 or even min 10 without using much brainpower. Also your toplane or/and midlane will know that they can hard push their wave and play without a risk. Deep wards are influencing your whole team, wards on the botlane only, you guessed it, only your own lane. Its one of the big reasons I climbed out of plat in my opinion, just because I got early vision about the enemy jungle. You can do this if you killed the botlane, when the botlane went to the base or if you just pushed the enemy botlane into their tower and they need to farm the wave which is crashing into their tower.
    • WARD THE DRAKE WITH A PINK WARD AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. This is a strat from me and my duo partner who played jungle. The first time I went to the base, often about min 6 or 7 ingame I guess, sometimes also later, I get my fairy charms and always pink wards just to rush to the drake and ward it. Reasomn for this are multliple: You will see the enemy jungler when he tries to sneak and make the drake solo, also you deny vision of the drake to the enemy. In addition to that my jungler was able to sneak it even if the enemy did the scuddle crab and he was able to solo drake because the enemy never had vision in the dragon pit and thus we almost every game got a huge lead just because of this one pink ward.

    What to do after laning phase

    There are two scenarios tbh what can happen, either you demolished the enemy bot tower or the enemy demolished your bot tower. No matter which outcome you get, there will be still things you need to remember and do continuing the game.

    • Keep vision on the next objective. If you climb more in more in elo you will see that kills dont really matter that much at all. Even if the enemy has way more kills, have one fed champ or demolished your lanes, as long as you get the objectives you are going to win. The gold value youre getting from just a drake allone is insane, and if you do the baron or elder drake you will probably win the game. Check those graphs here to understand what I say. Thats the reason why I place a pink at the drake so early, and thats the reason why you should do the same and always be one or two minutes before the next objective (drake/herald/baron) there and placing a pink ward or at least a yellow trinket there.
    • Depending on which side of the map the next objective is, ward the area around it, especialy the enemy jungle. Multiple reasons again. You will see if the enemy is going to contest the objective, you can prepare for them and make up a trap or abort the objective or rush towards it, your decision. Anyway, vision is key to win games. After the laning phase the support is the most important role in the game who carry games imo, not the jungle anymore.
    • If both of the point before you did allready, stick to your adc or whoever needs your help in your opinion right now and keep pushing towers and lanes so if the objective comes up, the enemy will be distracted farming their waves or missing cs and xp if they will come to you contesting the objective. You need to think constantly where you can influence your team the best in given time and execute your plan the proper way.

    What to do in teamfights

    Depending on which support class (enchanter/tank/mage) you decide you will have different roles in the teamfights later in the game. I will explain my opinion on that here for you.

    • As a enchanter, simply dont die. If you are a Nami or Lulu or especialy a Soraka, your job is to peel the ADC and make him stay alive as long as it it possible. The ADC is the source of constant output damage so you need to peel him in every teamfight to make sure the odds will be in your favor! Soraka is in a teamfight a medic for the whole team and if you play correctly often none of your teammates can die. Your heal is on a extreme short cooldown, about 1.2 sec I guess. Your ult should be up, maybe you have a redemption too. All those things you need to consider. Never go into an unwarded bush allone as a enchanter, the risk to a trap is way to high, especialy if you play between high gold and low plat people start doing this stuff and it will get better higher in the elo brackets.
    • As a tank, your role is to make a proper engage and to also peel your team and your adc from damage sources. You have most time a ton of cc (Leona, Nautilus, Thresh if he gets enough souls etc.) and you need to use it, for an good engage on a squishy enemy target for example or to peel the enemy assassin from your own adc because he will try to kill him the whole time, because that is his job in a teamfight. Either way, make an engage or make an disengage, but you need to lead your team into the fight and use your cc to either protect your adc or your team or to lockdown the enemy most dangerous player.
    • As a mage your objective should be to poke the enemy until hes not able to engage properly or participate in a teamfight. Champions like Lux/Brand/Zyra/Xerath of course have also cc but its hard to catch somebody, especialy the enemy adc who is well covered behind his team. Its nice if you are able to land cc on the enemy players but first of all you have pure damage, just use it. As a Lux poke with your e and use your ultimate in teamfights to maximize the damage output, as a Xerath poke and poke the enemy away from you and as a Zyra use your plants and your root to lockdown people and burst them down. I dont like playing mages but they have not the objective to engage like a tank, neither to stay alive at all costs in a fight like an enchanter. You just need to make damage basicly and of course, try to save your adc from damage sources.

    No matter which class you decide to choose, you always need to peel the adc in a fight, thats the most important thing to do most of the time if you dont have a clue what to do in a fight.

    We are nearly done with the whole guide, one more thing I want to mention again and dedicate to that a whole subtitle is the warding.

    Warding Warding Warding Warding Warding

    I allready explained how and when to abuse warding in order to watch the enemies the whole team and make the best choices because LoL is only a big sum of choices you and your mates do. Nothing more. You need to make more and more good choices, and high elo and low elo have only the difference that high elo makes less mistakes and takes more often the good choices.

    • Remember how OP deep wards are. Seeing the enemy junger doing his camps can tell you where he is or if you dont see him there but the camps are allready done, you will also know where he is.
    • Remember to ward the drake as soon as possible. This first drake is going to make your team emotionaly stable and will make eventualy the enemies tilted because they lost an objective. Its the first big important objective which is near your lane and that you can reach very fast. There is no excuse for you if an enemy jungler is doing the drake and YOU are not noticing that and pinging it. The chance of you winning the game is going up to 65% if you are able to make this first drake! Thats pretty huge just for one ward you need to place there and check if the enemy jungler is doing it or not.
    • Never go base without using all your trinkets in your support item. There is no reason why you should not put down there wards, they will get refilled anyway if youre back in the base, never forget that.

    I dont want to repeat at this point anymore, just reading the secound point in "what to do after laning phase" allready explained enough about objective controle and how to use wards properly and simple.

    My conclusion

    Tbh I had much up and downs, I dropped from Silver 1 to silver 4 which was really depressing. I dropped from gold 1 to gold 3 and was really frustrated. I got banned for 14 days because I was really upset sometimes and trashtalked people. I forgot that I get every game other teammates but the important thing is that I stay a constant player and always perform the best I can and use my knowledge and the skills I read and get taught by other people and also use them ingame. Its one thing to read all this things and one other to properly execute them ingame.

    I wish you all good luck and if there are any critics or other opinions you want to tell me, go ahead :) I appreciate every comment!

    submitted by /u/Kubaguette
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    The timers you need to know for almost every rotation. Fundamentals of League you need to know - A Grandmaster/Challenger Guide

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Hi again, I'm Fas the Magi / Fas Scriptor, Currently I'm in Grandmaster, I had been in challenger last week, and I'm here to show you guys some info a lot of people don't know, even in high elo play.

    Video link - https://youtu.be/RDwbzZJaAVU?t=3

    For a list of all the timers without boots - https://youtu.be/RDwbzZJaAVU?t=258

    So, I figured I would post a video I just made on what the actual timers are to rotate around the map as well as how boots/champions affect it. Once you know and remember these times, you can track people without really seeing them, just keep doing the math in your head. This is the sort of thing I really wish was easier to find for league, so I figured others might like it as well.

    The summary of information is pretty much boots reduce times by 1-2 seconds, depending on the distance for each boot tier. Mages/ADCs are ~1-2 seconds slower on rotation than most melee champs. It takes 30 seconds to go from base to center of mid, 37 for the base to bot or top center. 22~ seconds to go from mid to a side lane center, 11 seconds for raptor to mid, 16 seconds for raptor to mid, and many more. Those timers are all without boots, subtract 1-2 for each tier, or do the math as I explain in the video to get a more exact time.

    Pair this with concepts of expected pathing and you can figure out when people will be ganking you based on what camp you expect them to be on if they path to whichever lane you're in.

    Any questions just let me know. I'm a challenger level mid I'm sure, but currently only in Grandmaster again.

    Full Timer List without boots at 330 movespeed

    16 seconds - wolf to mid

    9 seconds - quick pathing raptor to mid

    11 seconds - slow pathing raptor to mid

    11 seconds - center river to mid

    15 seconds - blue to mid

    2 seconds - gromp to blue

    18 seconds - krugs to mid

    21 seconds - bot to mid

    22 seconds - top to mid

    25 seconds - base to mid tower

    30 seconds - base to center mid

    12 seconds - bot to blue buff

    14 seconds - bot lane to gromp

    17 seconds - wolf to bot lane

    10 seconds - center of river to bot lane

    30 seconds - base to bot tower

    37 seconds - base to center lane bot

    30 seconds - base to top tower

    37 seconds - base to center lane top

    11 seconds - krugs to top lane

    14 seconds - red to top lane

    18 seconds - raptor to top lane

    (1-((Your Movespeed)-330)/330)*Base time from chart) =Time for rotation

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    ADC itemization

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:42 PM PST

    so , I saw a previous post about it like 2/3 days ago but it didn't fully answered my question.

    I've been playing a lot as a add this past months and I'm enjoying a lot, still don't know why people do say that is frustrating. btw my point is , do I always have to follow the premade build available on op.gg or any other site or it's just for new player? I'm asking that because many games I wonder if I could have used some other items. for example I've just lost a game against a bot lane sion/mundo , I think they were trolling but they had such a great early game compared to my and my swain supp(yeah , swain supp.) that it was impossible to win , also because other player fed them a bit. I was playing as Lucian and I wondered my self what if , after building BOTRK I would have rushed last whisper instead of the recommended item wich is last whisper.

    Apart from this example I really really really really want to understand properly when to go for some items instead of other, I've read their description but still I don't if it's always better to rush the recommended item or not.

    Thank for your item , looking forward to hear some tips.

    submitted by /u/Kindred9
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    How do I play from behind as Jungle?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    So suppose you have 3 losing lanes and you didn't pick an early game jg. How do you play from behind? Like I've noticed its hard to contest drake from this game state and you're usually lower level than opposing jg cause there's no catch-up xp. And then once your team loses most of their outer turrets, they tend to take your jg camps too (even when you tell them not to) so you end up even further behind in levels and can't contest anything. How do you play jg from this game state?

    submitted by /u/im_bored2436
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    Is there a quick to quickly reading small details of minions? How do I get better at this?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:29 PM PST

    I'm trying to get better at reading the lane. For example the amount of ranged vs. melee minions, or the exact minion healths and which lane is ahead on the push. These thing s can influence how you play the lane, whether to trade, or hit the minions, what to do with the wave, etc.

    The thing is, in a lot of situations I can't recognize it right away. I think if I'm dialed into the minion health already then I can keep track, but if I'm not paying attention and I try to figure out what's going on it can take me too long. Only usually a few seconds, but things in league happen in less than a second so I need to be able to instantly figure this out. Otherwise I'm just kind of like uhhh and don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Idohaveaname
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    For lane or for game??

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    Just a general question here, didnt think it belonged in the build thread, but anyway, I play maokai but I'm asking for tanks in general, do u build based on your laner or the enemy team, for example, if my laner is teemo, but they have cait, zed and, lee on their team, should I build more armour or magic resist? Or is a mix the best option

    submitted by /u/rsjss65
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    Jungle help

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I recently started playing league again. I started playing jungle as Warwick, Yi, and Jax. My main problem is team fights. No matter how fed I am I always end up dying and loosing. I like to hop into the thick of the fight and like 1v5 but I end up dying and getting no kills. I even tried Ring onto the ADC as Warwick and no success. I am open to new champs or ideas. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HyperFry
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    Top / Support matchup list

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

    Hi, I peaked masters last season as top and was a support main before. I recently posted a top lane counter list and got inputs from everyone. I remade the list again. Please feel free to comment if there are any wrongs in the list so I can change. I also have support matchup list added below, for the support list, it is made not looking at which ads you are facing/playing with. Hope this helps you gain some elo!


    Decent first picks: Jayce(Too strong prob permaban if not first pick), Kennen, Ryze?

    Aatrox - Fiora,Kled,Irelia,Quinn,Mordekaiser,Camille

    Akali - Aatrox,Darius,Ryze with pre 6 mr

    Camille - Renekton,Jax,Vladimir,Jayce,Darius,Fiora,Poppy,Ryze,Pantheon,Kennen,Riven

    Cassiopeia - Irelia, Akali,Riven,Aatrox

    Chogath - Illaoi,Fiora,Aatrox,Gnar,Kennen/Morde(Free scale)

    Darius (too strong, no hard counter just matchup thats ok)- Ryze,Kennen,Quinn,Neeko

    Dr.Mundo - Camille,Fiora,Jax,Kled,Rumble,Build healing reduction early

    Fiora - Jayce,Kennen,Ryze,Darius,Renekton,Gnar,Akali

    Gangplank - Vladimir,Jayce,Yorick,Kled,Rumble,Pantheon

    Garen - Darius, Mordekaiser, GP,aatrox,Kennen

    Gnar - Kennen,Jayce,Lucian,Quinn,Rumble

    Hecarim - Jayce,Ryze,Darius,GP,Akali,Aatrox

    Heimerdinger(Broken against melee) - Jayce,Vladimir,Kennen,Ryze

    Illaoi - Jayce,Kennen,Darius,Mordekaiser,Fiora

    Irelia - Jax,Fiora,Darius,Renekton,Yasuo,Kled,Riven

    Jax - Ryze,Vladimir,Jayce,Riven,Malphite,Poppy,Aatrox,Rumble,Akali,Mordekaiser

    Jayce - Yorick,Rumble,Irelia,Pantheon (Champs with high base damage and build tabi)

    Kayle - Pantheon,Renekton,Darius,Akali,Aatrox,Ryze,Rumble,Kennen,Tryndamere

    Kennen - Irelia, Jayce,GP,Akali

    Kled - Fiora,Jax,Jayce,Shen

    Lucian - Jayce,Yasuo

    Malphite - Ornn(Outscale),Illaoi,Mordekaiser,Darius,Aatrox,Akali,Fiora,GP,Heimerdinger,Kennen,Rumble,Vladimir,Mundo

    Maokai(Dumb champ sits in lane and presses W for ganks) - Illaoi,Ornn,Mordekaiser,Darius,Dr.Mundo,Rumble

    Mordekaiser - Ranged,Fiora,Akali,GP

    Nasus - Garen,Darius,Renekton,Aatrox,Akali(Any strong laners)

    Olaf (Strong against bruisers)- Jayce,Quinn(Anything with phaserush)

    Ornn - Illaoi,Mordekaiser,Fiora(Anything that scales into late)

    Pantheon - Kled,Malphite,Mundo,Akali,Aatrox

    Poppy - GP,Darius,Vladimir,

    Quinn - Irelia,Malphite, Camille

    Renekton -Darius,Quinn,Illaoi,Gnar,GP,Akali

    Rengar - Darius,Kled

    Riven - Garen,Jayce,Urgot,Renekton,Kennen,Poppy,Akali

    Rumble - Darius(unless rumble goes phaserush),Kled

    Ryze - Irelia,Jayce,Olaf,Renekton

    Shen - Aatrox,Rumble,Camille,Gp,Gnar,Mordekaiser,

    Singed - Darius,Rumble

    Sion - GP,Jayce,Renekton,Kennen,Darius,Riven,Irelia

    Sylas - Any champ its too shit, Fiora,Jayce,Darius

    Teemo - Aatrox, Irelia, Rumble, Ryze

    Tryndamere - Renekton,Jax,Malphite,Akali

    Urgot - Illaoi,Irellia,Darius,Mordekaiser,Aatrox,Akali,Vladimir

    Vayne - Jayce, Aatrox,Lucian

    Viktor - Irelia,Jayce,Cassiopeia

    Vladimir - Irelia,Riven,Renekton,Kled,Yorick,Akali,Aatrox,Ryze,Kennen,Fiora

    Volibear - Can't say much about this... Broken in lane falls off late in teamfight

    Yasuo - (Any bruisers, shitty champion), Renekton,Garen,Darius,Aatrox,Jax,Pantheon,Mordekaiser

    Yorick - Fiora,Irelia,Riven,Renekton


    Before getting into the list, 2 popular synergy botlane is Lucian and Braum, Caitlyn and Morgana, but you probably all know that already.

    Thresh - Morg(Don't let aftershock proc),Tahm Kench

    Nautilus(Seems balanced to me riot)- Braum,Morg(Dont let aftershock proc)

    Pyke - Rakan,Nautilus,Leona,Soraka(Use silence when Pyke is channeling Q to cancel, also riot nerfed pyke's hp regen passive so you can poke now)

    Leona - Morgana(Don't let afterschok proc),Thresh

    Braum - Bard,Janna,Morg,karma


    Morg-Karma,Soraka (high movement speed and ap to dodge q and break blackshield)


    Karma-Pyke,Nami outsustains



    Tahm Kench-ap mage support,janna,pyke,braum



    Taric-Janna with Ardent

    Yuumi-Volibear,Pyke, Good Thresh



    Lulu-Pyke,naut,blitz,nami out sustains

    Lux-Pyke,naut,blitz,nami out sustains

    Soraka-Naut,blitz,nami out sustains

    Sona-Hextech flash(Volibear,Leona,Ali)

    Zyra-Hook champs,Karma,MF

    Swain-Hook champs



    Poppy-AP sup,morg

    Xerath,Velkoz,Zil,brand,MF,AP mage sups - Voli,Leona,Ali,Blitz?(All in hextech flash champions)

    Someone mentioned that Janna should be Leona's counter, I disagree, it is true you can block Leona E with Janna's q but it is really hard to pull off(might as well be challenger player if you can do it everytime). Also if he decides to go on your ad, you will literally have to be standing on top of your ad forever to block which is unrealistic.

    submitted by /u/woncad
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    Help in the mid lane

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Hello everyone. So I started playing mid lane a couple months ago after being a support main for about 1 yr. When the Meta swtiched in support I decided to leave the lane and start learning my secondary role and turning it into my main role. I'm having a hard time seeing what I'm doing wrong and why I either having bad Cs, keep losing lane or losing games. Is there any tips anyone can give and is there a place where I can find maybe a coach or someone to help. Thank you for responding 😊

    submitted by /u/Bait21714
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    How to position in lane to maximize trading and farming?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:55 AM PST

    I understand the basics of trading in lane (I'm a silver ADC btw). Basically when the opponent walks up to last hit you poke them. However, a lot of times I'm too far back to actually effectively do this, because of my play style. I like playing Kai'sa and Xayah, and I tend to play them safe in lane and punish mistakes until I hit my late game powerspike. The problem with this is that often times, when I have an engage support, I'm too far back to actually do anything when it occurs unless I'm playing an early game gap-closer like Lucian. I feel like I'm not a horrible ADC, but a lot of times when I feel like my support is getting caught out I kind of think I should have been farther up to help out, even if I think it's a bad trade, and I think I could be a lot better if I figure out how to be able to follow up and still not lose farm. I've noticed that when I play against a good ADC (I have some golds in my games or I play with higher level friends), I get zoned pretty easily and I can't win trades, so even though I will still have decent farm (around 60-70 by 10 mins) and no deaths, I'll still be behind in CS and losing lane. How exactly should I be positioned in lane so that I can maximize farm, be able to trade effectively (especially if playing a short-range or late-game ADC), and still be able to follow up when my support goes for an engage?

    TLDR: What's the best and safest way to position myself in lane so that I won't miss out on any farm but still be able to trade and follow up engages?

    submitted by /u/theycallmeap
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    I think dragons are overrated and toplane is more impactful than it has been for months or even years.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:22 PM PST

    I think people are overrating dragons way too much, because the only thing they see is, that earning a dragons soul means winning the game. While it certainly does most of the time, I believe that playing around dragons is way weaker than last season and I want to explain to you why:

    First of all, the raw stats they provide are much lower and have much less impact than last season. Even the current ocean drake(postnerf), is weaker than the old one (in the laning phase) because you don´t get any mana and while the healing is now applied in combat, it will only benefit those lanes more, who are constantly trading. Infernal is just flat nerfed, cloud drakes is a joke and mountain is decent, but the old iteration was able to have much more impact, because of the several baron cheeses which could have happened with it.

    So while the dragon soul is really strong, you have a long journey until you get to it and that is exactly my point:

    Since solo laners are getting more xp than in Season 9, it is much easier for the solo laner to be even more ahead in levels compared to rest of the game. If you are playing toplane for example and you can deny the enemy toplane xp or even kill him, then you can snowball really hard. This was true in season 9 too, but here comes the point which makes dragons also overrated, as i believe. If you are the jungler and you see your toplane winning (or you helped him to), then the best thing you can do is trying to unlock him for the rest of the map. And the way to do so is to get the enemies tower. Which is much easier with the rift herald (than dragon obviously). And since the enemy jungler is ignoring top and thinks he made a good trade by taking dragon, you are completly free to even dive the enemy top. The counterplay to this would be diving your bot lane, which is much harder to execute than a 2v1 toplane dive. Also you can try to tell your midlane to defend bot a little bit ( this will depend on your elo and the state of the mid lane of course).

    This was step one, step 2 is the following: In this stage the enemy team will have at max 2 drakes. And these drakes cannot make up for the huge advantage you gained in toplane. Then if you are preparing the third dragon, the enemy can either fight and die, or they have to surrender it. The same can be said for the second rift herald spawn. The reasons of this is, that your toplaner has a huge level and gold advantage over the enemy top and the enemy team won´t have a great benefit from the first 2 drakes. Even if their bot lane is ahead, your fed top should be able to 1v2 them anyways at this stage. This means your team is overall stronger right now and you are now in controll of the game and in controll to take the next drakes, or even baron, because you can fight while the enemies team cannot. All of this is possible and I could even say easy, because you, as a toplaner, have a huge level advantage over the enemies bot lane ( thanks to preseason 10).

    Although this is of course a theoretical example of how a game can play out and will probably vary a lot (because this is after all league of legends where many unpredictable thinks can happen) from your own games, this case just shows that if you have a stronger top you should be able to snowball the game in your advantage (as a jungler or maybe mid) by playing around topside and as a top laner you can set this scenario up, by getting ahead in lane.

    In conclusion, I have the opinion that overall, top lane is in its strongest state because if done right, playing through topside can snowball a game out of controll, before the enemy team will gain any relevant advantage from the dragons. This is much easier and stronger now than last season, because of the much more valuable stats a dragon did provide to your team and the smaller xp difference between top and bot.

    TLDR: Because of the fewer early game stats the dragons are providing right now and the higher xp gain of solo laners in comparison to last season, snowballing through top has a much higher percentage to win you games if done right than before.

    Sorry for spelling mistakes, english is not my mother tongue.


    submitted by /u/WatchAgon
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    What is the most underrated, off meta Borland duo that actually works well

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:41 AM PST

    Are there any league of legends botlane synergies that actually work in low elo (or even high elo) that are off meta and can actually work in climbing the ranked ladder. I have heard (and tried) a few of them such as urgot,blitz and double hook but I was just wondering if there are any more that actually work? Thanks ;)

    submitted by /u/SpaZz71
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    how to prioritize dragon souls/relative strength of souls

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    Do you guys focus on the dragon soul more or less depending on which soul is? E.g. if it's ocean soul, focus it more, if it's infernal, more likely to ignore? Relatedly, how strong do you guys think the souls are relative to each other. Do you think they are around the same strength but a little variance, or do you think one is particularly strong/weak and is an outlier?

    submitted by /u/wholewheatie
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    Jhin + Janna + Ardent Censer?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:06 AM PST

    Is Ardent Censer worth it as Janna when supporting Jhin?
    The on hit effect isn't worth much but the attack speed (converted to AD with Jhin's passive) is quite nice.
    What do you guys think?
    My build is usually some combination of Ardent, Shurelya's, Redemption and Unholy Grail.
    Only plat+ support main please.

    submitted by /u/AzerimReddit
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    Support main needs help to not be a support main

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:47 AM PST

    I've been playing for a couple weeks and I really enjoy the game. I main support mostly because my group of friends needed a support and I figured why not. I like playing supporting characters but my ADC is almost always terrible every time I solo queue and any time I kill enemies in lane I get yelled at for kill stealing. So are there any other roles/characters that aren't support but still help their team out more than just killing enemies and not feeding? Since I'm still new I'm not 100% clear in what every role does

    submitted by /u/Sweeper_Bot_
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    "How To" on reforming for the holiday season.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST

    Sup summoners, figured I was kinda bored so I thought I would make a post about what I learned recently and how I think it can help other people not tilt/be less toxic/etc. Whatever your new year's resolution is for attitude adjustment in LOL, this post is for you.

    1. Something really tilting happened(1hp player alive, teammates lose 3v1 or something).

    What to realize: This is like 1 in a hundred/1 in a million depending on the situation. This won't happen every game. If you've watched the anime series SAO alternative(Ik, weeb shit, forgive me) there's a scene where people practicing for military basically say that a situation that happened was worthless to think about because it's not the average game/will never happen. This is how you stop yourself from ALT F4'ing, surrending, flaming when this situation occurs. Take a breath, realize it's so uncommon it just doesn't matter.

    2. "I have to 1v9"/"Teammates are always trash"

    What to realize: Pro player Rekkles said in one of his Fnatic videos when asked by a fan "Would you rather have inters or KDA players on your team?" responded: "Inters, definitely. With inters at least you can use whatever they do as an opportunity to win the game. With KDA players there's never going to be a situation where they help you. Someone needs to be the engage, after all." (Paraphrased). So even if all of your teammates are just somehow massively worse than you(press X to doubt) there's still stuff they do that you can use if you really are someone trying to improve and find ways to always win the game.

    3. Teammate picks an offmeta champion/int pick

    What to realize: You can use opgg, if they actually climbed to your elo with it just drop the ego and at least give it a chance. If you lose the game it's probably not because it doesn't work but because just like anyone else in your game they're also trying to improve and also trying to find a way to win the game they just lost. If it's not that case and it's actually someone trolling just dodge. Why? There's no reason you should be complaining if you lose a game with an obvious troll because you didn't dodge.

    4. Teammates are flaming you.

    What to realize: Probably the worst feeling, tbh, but you need to mute them. If they're flaming you it's likely they're not going to do anything but flame because people like this don't know how to communicate in game. Don't respond or you'll just get sucked into endless arguments that don't matter with people you'll never get to know or play with again. Even in high elo where you probably will see them again, they'll likely just have 1 more thing to argue about anyways and they're just perma tilted.

    5. Getting ganked

    What to realize: Somehow, somewhere in the universe there's a reason you got ganked. Spoiler alert on that btw, it isn't because your jg is trash or your mid laner is trash or your bot lane is trash. Somewhere in the universe also happens to be in the replay of the game that now anyone can look at. If you were ganked without expecting it, just tell yourself mentally that you can always look at the replay after the game to see why. If you were ganked WHILE expecting it, go back to my first point about 1 in a million situations. It's likely you won't play that risky again and now know the enemy does have kill pressure on you. No reason to flame or tilt

    6. "My teammates are just not trying to win"

    What to realize: They probably are but don't know the right things to do. It's likely until like master ELO you don't either. Just play the game out and keep your mind clear of obsessing over what your teammates are doing wrong. If you don't, you won't be able to think about how you can start ending the game/finishing the game out and letting your teammates help you. (Use pings but don't spam, use chat but don't be sarcastic/toxic)

    These are a lot of common ways toxicity happens/starts in games. Solutions are mainly from my own experience on how it helped me. If you have a situation you want me to add just comment and I'll reply + add it to my post. Have a nice holidays season if you celebrate any of them. If not, I hope you still get to enjoy it your own way and still spend time with others.

    submitted by /u/REECat
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    Why does anyone take scorch?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST

    I don't see why you would ever take this over Gathering Storm.

    It just seems to me that it does so little, while Gathering Storm will probably get you about 24 to 48 AD per game on average, which seems far better to me than the little damage burn from Scorch.

    Could someone explain why anyone takes this rune?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Should I build tank as a top laner if I'm behind?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

    I play mostly jungle but got bored with it so I'm learning top lane. I'm a Silver 1 player.

    The tip that has been given to me by my Platinum Top Laner friend was to "build tank if you're behind".

    But after watching foggedftw2 in this video. He said that "Dont build tank when you're losing, Build to scale". But I don't understand what he meant by "Build to scale."

    So should I build tank when I'm behind? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Reaper188
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    How to mitigate counterjungling on jungle champs that prioritize early ganks?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:32 AM PST

    I've fallen into the habit of prioritizing farm over ganks and am trying to curb that. I watched a few videos (mostly Tarzaned and Virkayu) regarding pathing for my comfort pick jungler (Warwick), and figure that the best (if not a little predictable) path to take while practicing early ganking would be "Blue -> Gromp -> Red -> Gank -> Scuttle" in order to set up for dragon.

    Now my main issue is that I'm not used to showing my position that early in the game, and am wondering how to prevent the enemy jungler from taking advantage of this information or at least mitigate the effect it might have on the rest of the game.

    Any other jungle tips would also be greatly appreciated, as I'm quite fond of the role but need some pointers since just going off my gut has stopped working out in my favour, and I need some actual strategy behind my movements.

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/grailgrail
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    I can't split push

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:23 PM PST


    It feels like no matter what I do in games, my splitpushing is useless and never actually wins me any games or even helps.

    In most of my games, I will get 2 enemies to come to the lane I am splitting in (I've been playing Rengar top if that helps), and I will die. However, my team will often just sit mid, group, split up farm, and then go take jungle. We gain abosolutely nothing at all. I barely get tower damage, my team doesn't group for objectives, get vision, or really do anything while pressure is lower on thier side of the map. Is there anything I can do to split more effectively? Rengar's really bad at teamfights and I feel at a loss about what I'm supposed to be doing.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Why does my CS always suck in the jungle?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    I feel like im not ganking too much, and even when I make a concentrated effort to keep full clearing as efficient as possible, I always find myself behind in CS. My junglers have decent clear times (Shaco, Karthus).

    Are my enemies just taxing more which is inflating their numbers? Am I ganking more than I think?

    submitted by /u/acaellum
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