LoL Guide Think of Heimerdinger's turrets as a part of his health bar, but WAY more important |
- Think of Heimerdinger's turrets as a part of his health bar, but WAY more important
- Useful Channel for Midlane Decision Making
- Am I Crazy or is Support Absolutely Bonkers Right Now?
- Exactly how do Lethality and Magic Penetration work?
- 5 Team-Oriented Tips for League of Legends Clash
- Top Counter List - Please give opinions
- Why is Nautilus top so rare?
- Timing summoner spells
- Vladimir: Fun And Increasingly Depenedable as The Game Progresses. Your Next Champion?
- How do people play 10+ games in a row?
- Question about frequent backing
- Thoughts on top lane
- How to absolutely win top lane?
- Upcoming Diana vs. Nidalee Jungle
- I feel like i'm getting bullied in lane in almost every game as Zed and always backed in a corner.
- Support Help
- Which ADC is best against multiple armor stacking opponents?
- Best way to improve??
- How to itemize?
- How do you play vs senna?
- How To Control With My Aggression?
- How do you actually improve when you’re outmatched in every way?
- Practice custom games
Think of Heimerdinger's turrets as a part of his health bar, but WAY more important Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST I cannot say how many times if seen people get outplayed 1v2 by Heimer because they don't destroy his gosh darn turrets. People constantly underestimate the persistent damage. Not only can his turrets block skillshots, but Heimer can kite the living crap out of melee champs within a group of turrets due to his passive. Those factors combined can lead to very frustrating games. I mostly play him bot but he works pretty much everywhere. Regardless of the situation, if you're going to gank him 2v1 or engage him but 2v2, you bet your sweet behind you're going to need to prioritize those turrets if you don't have a significant hp advantage. When laning against him, it's also super important to be mindful of his turret cap cool-down (20 seconds). I'm aware this isn't a super well thought out post with detailed examples and strategies in terms of how to hard counter him(?), but I just thought I'd put that out there while the thought was fresh! [link] [comments] |
Useful Channel for Midlane Decision Making Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST A few months ago, u/sirringostarr opened a thread by mentioning Pekin Woof as an example of a challenger player who explains his decision making as he plays. Since then, I've been viewing his content for a while, and I have to say that it's been extremely helpful to me in learning the finer points of a lot of matchups. He goes into macro decision making as well, so it's useful beyond laning. Beyond that, he's got a great, chill attitude, and he is quick to recognize his own mistakes as well as strong moves from allies and opponents. I highly recommend his channel to both experienced midlaners and those moving to mid from other roles. [link] [comments] |
Am I Crazy or is Support Absolutely Bonkers Right Now? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST I apologize if this has been brought up before here, but I did a quick search and didn't find anything. One of my best friends is an AD main, and whenever we play together, I play support. Since the preseason changes, I've felt ridiculously powerful, especially on supports that scale well with gold like Janna. I just started running the numbers on the support items, and they are absolutely absurd. The completed support items have gone from a cost of 1,500-1,800 gold to a whopping 400. The current completed support items have a gold value of ~1,600-1,700 gold. At this point we're rocking a 400% gold efficiency across the board. Then take into consideration that you have to generate 1,000 gold in order to get the final upgrade. THEN take into consideration that the GP10 on support items has been buffed from 1-2 to 3 across the board. In a 35 minute game, you're generating about 550 gold (the tier-1 items generate 2GP10 rather than 3. If it were 3 all game you'd have 630 at 35. 550 is just my guess). Add all that up, and you've raked in a 3,250 gold value item for 400 gold. That is over 800% gold efficient. In comparison, a fully stacked Mejai's is 237% gold efficient. I know gold efficiency tends not to be a reliable metric, but 800% is comical. Am I understanding this correctly? If not someone please correct me because this feels so broken. [link] [comments] |
Exactly how do Lethality and Magic Penetration work? Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:15 AM PST So I've been playing league for a while and I mainly use tank champs as a support main. However I've been branching out and I noticed that some items have "lethality" or "magic penetration" and I was wondering what they do. Does magic penetration help deal with people who are building magic resist? Is lethality the same but with armor? [link] [comments] |
5 Team-Oriented Tips for League of Legends Clash Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST Hey everyone. I think people are gearing up for Clash and just wanted to share a few tips. I played a fair amount of ranked 5's when it was out years ago and it's clear that even the best solo queue players might not do well in a 5v5 environment because it's a different animal. Here are some tips for folks where it focuses more on basic organization for teams. Tactics and nuanced stuff will differ depending on team compositions but here are some 5 team-oriented tips that are fundamental to any team. My original post is on my website but I'm going to paste below anyway. Hope it helps some of you. 1. Agree on roles and compositions.This doesn't just apply to positional roles. This also applies to shotcaller roles and carry roles. Not everyone can (or should) play a carry on a team. Considering most people play solo queue with the "I need to carry my team" mentality, some people may hesitate to give someone else the reins in carrying the team. However, it's much more important to have a solid team composition complete with crowd control, wave clear, and initiation potential rather than having 5 carries and having a composition with glaring weaknesses. Your team should also ask about what type of compositions could work. Since the other team will be scouting your team's players, champion preferences, and positional habits, you have to assume that some of your best champions in your best positions are not going to be available. As a result, your team needs to figure out a handful of different compositions that could work. Moreover, your team may want to agree on the style of composition you may want to go. Do you want to try and have a tankier team with heavy crowd control and initiation? Do you want a team more dedicated to picking people off in the jungle via mobility and light crowd control? Do you want a disengage team that relies on poke, peel, and disengage? Are you ok with having an attack damage centric top and middle? Clarifying issues like this before a game can help you pinpoint potential weak spots and help you plan ahead. Lastly, as briefly mentioned above, your team should also try to figure out if your team has a designated shotcaller. Bad organization and hesitation can lead to costly mistakes. More on that in #5. 2. Play through your carries.This is just another way of saying play through your strengths, but it's a different way of looking at it. It's much better to have your team revolve around your teammate who is doing well and in a position to win rather than trying to help an obviously losing lane. Chances are that the teammate winning their lane is going to have an overall larger effect on the game. Trying to help teammates 'catch up' usually doesn't work and sometimes just makes situations worse by further feeding the opposing lane. If someone is popping off, add on the lighter fuel and concentrate on their lane. Make sure to funnel the kill gold to them too. If someone is having a bad time in lane, just try to get them to hold on and stop the feeding. Make sure your jungler is emphasizing their gameplay to snowball the lane doing the best. Your team should also have a rough understanding of the limitations of the carries. For example, if your mid is playing Xerath, you want to make sure no one can get anywhere near the Xerath and you'd prefer skirmishes and long-range engages rather than in-your-face blood baths. Additionally, play around your carry's summoner abilities. The Flash summoner spell by itself can easily mean the difference between winning and losing a big team fight. This is especially true if your carry is split pushing with teleport. If their teleport is down, that makes map objectives like Dragon and Baron easier for the opposing team to seek out. Additionally, if your split-pushing carry's teleport is on cooldown, the other team could try and force a 4v5 without the carry present which can lead to disaster for your team. In short, you should be trying to put your carries in the best position to carry. If they fail at carrying even with the biggest advantages, then maybe you should have a chat and consider someone else to carry. If a carry on your team complains about losing when they have a great KDA when your team played around them, you may want to gently remind them that it was their failure to carry probably behind the loss. If they have such a gigantic lead, it's up to them to capitalize on it. 3. Silence is Death.It's a given that everyone should be on voice comms. However, even when people are on voice comms, sometimes there still isn't much communication... especially during the laning phase. If you plan on roaming, let your team know. Also tell them where you plan on roaming and definitely tell them if you see any enemy champions. If you just had a really good trade against your lane opponent, let your team know. A nearby jungler could help tip the scales for a gank or your team can help plan to tower dive that lane. If you even just randomly see the jungler walking through their jungle and you spotted them due to a deep ward, ping it and let your teammates know on voice comms. Even the best players sometimes don't see everything on their mini-map. Try and literally verbalize everything you're doing without cluttering up voice comms. Even the smallest communication points can help keep everyone focused and on point. Lastly, another important thing is to make sure comms stay active even after a bad fight or engage. Sometimes teams get very quiet when things go bad and this just exacerbates problems. Less communication means more mistakes are likely to happen! 4. Close out games. Take objectives.It might seem like a no-brainer but it's very easy for players to get cocky in their gameplay... especially when they are doing very well and playing with friends. However, players should not underestimate opposing teams' resilience this weekend. People are going to be much more motivated to comeback from games due to the fact that it's a single-elimination tournament and it required some sort of payment to get it. This means that comebacks are going to happen at a much higher rate than people probably anticipate. However, teams can prevent these comebacks from happening by working diligently to close out games. Don't let the comeback door open! If your team is lucky enough to win a team fight, you all should immediately think "OK, what can we take now?" It's very often that especially lower ranked players simply just scatter in different directions and don't take objectives after winning a team fight. Every time you don't take an objective when you can is just adding more time to the game which makes comebacks even more likely. On the flipside, if you see a team not taking objectives, you can probably capitalize. If your team gets aced and the other team didn't take an objective, you may be able to rush as a team on res to take an objective the other team failed to take (like Dragon). Sometimes it's easier for a team that just got aced to be more organized since everyone is in the same spot and there is a sense of urgency. 5. Hesitation kills. Commit. Commit. Commit.There will be plenty of times during Clash games where teams will be deciding on what to do: Do we push Dragon? Do we split push? Do we go for inhib or Baron? Whenever these conversations happen, your team needs to fully and aggressively commit to these tactics. There is so much wasted time in simply deciding what to do that the opportunity windows are often lost during that time of hesitation. Now, to be clear, there is a difference between hesitating and calculating. I am mostly talking about times where it's right after winning a team fight and your team has a 30 second window to do something. And, oftentimes in solo queue, this 30 second window is squandered. Instead of easily securing baron, maybe 2 people commit to baron and 3 others push down middle for a tower. Usually as a result, the 3 pushing for the tower don't get the tower, get killed, then the enemy team rushes baron, kills the other 2 teammates, and secures a baron. This is an example of how a team could come back as mentioned in point #4. This also goes for when to retreat from objectives. Many lower ranked players will simply overstay and get caught. At the end of a team fight maybe the team does commit and gets a few objectives.. but they simply push too far and don't back when they should. As a result, the enemy team (with new items!) comes back with full HP and full mana and aces the attacking team. So what's my point? My point is that it really helps to have a shotcaller and it really helps to have people fully commit to whatever that shotcaller says. Hesitation often leads to bad organization which tends to lead to missed opportunities and people getting picked off. Hope these tips helped and good luck out there! [link] [comments] |
Top Counter List - Please give opinions Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST Hi, I made a list of top counter picks. For example, if the enemy top laner picks Kled, a counter will be for you to pick fiora. Please give input with reasons and if the list is wrong so I can constantly update the list. The list is created provided that the both top laners have equal skill level. Thanks. Aatrox - Fiora,Kled,Irelia,Riven Akali - Garen,Gragas,Aatrox,Tanks Sustain Camille - Renekton,Jax,Vladimir,Jayce,Darius,Fiora Cassiopeia - Irelia, Akali Chogath - Illaoi,Fiora Darius - Vladimir,Ryze,Kennen,Jayce, Viktor,Riven?,Quinn Dr.Mundo - Trynd,Darius, Fiora - Jayce,Kennen,Ryze,Vladimir,Darius Gangplank - Vladimir,Jayce,Aatrox,Irelia,Yorick Garen - Darius, Mordekaiser Gnar - ADkennen,Jayce,Lucian,Quinn Hecarim - Gnar,Jayce,Ryze,Darius,GP Heimerdinger - Jayce,Vladimir,Kennen Illaoi - Jax,Jayce,Kennen,Darius,Mordekaiser,Fiora Irelia - Jax,Fiora,Darius,Renekton Jax - Ryze,GP,Vladimir,Jayce,Riven,Malphite,Poppy,Aatrox,Rumble,Akali Jayce - Yorick,Urgot,Sion Kayle - Pantheon,Renekton,Darius Kennen - Irelia, Jayce, Vladimir Kled - Fiora,Jax,Jayce,Shen Lucian - ?? Malphite - Ornn,Illaoi,Mordekaiser,Darius Maokai - Illaoi,Ornn,Mordekaiser,Darius,Dr.Mundo Mordekaiser - Ranged,Fiora Nasus - Garen,Darius,Renekton, Olaf - Fiora,Renekton,Jax,Jayce Ornn - Illaoi,Mordekaiser,Fiora Pantheon - Kled,Malphite,Mundo Poppy - GP,Darius,Vladimir, Quinn - Irelia,Malphite, Renekton - Lucian,Darius,Quinn,Illaoi Rengar - Darius,Kled Riven - Garen,Jayce,Urgot,Renekton,Kennen,Poppy,Akali Rumble - Darius,Kled,Irelia Ryze - Vladimir, Irelia,Jayce,Olaf Shen - Aatrox,Rumble Singed - Darius,Rumble Sion - GP,Jayce,Renekton,Kennen,Darius,Riven,Irelia Sylas - Fiora,Jayce,Darius Teemo - Aatrox,Vladimir Tryndamere - Renekton,Jax,Malphite Urgot - Illaoi,Irellia,Darius,Mordekaiser Vayne - ?? Viktor - Irelia,Jayce Vladimir - Irelia,Riven,Renekton,Kled,Yorick Volibear - ?? Yasuo - Renekton, Yorick - Fiora,Darius,Irelia,Riven,Mordekaiser,Renekton [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:19 AM PST I've played 3 games so far as Nautilus top. All three of them, I ended up with a pretty good KDA ratio (more supports than kills). Of course, that might be because of pure luck. I hear that he's not strong top lane right now but is that really the case? What makes him a bad top laner? If he's not, why is it so rare to see him top? I'm pretty new to the game so go easy on me if this is a dumb question. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:09 PM PST Hi. So I've been playing league for a while now and recently I watched some support streamers. I noticed that they were typing a number after the enemy used a summoner spell....I think it was something like „1940 flash". So I asked some people and they said he's timing the enemies summoner spells. So here are my question: How exactly does this work? Like how do you time it/learn to time it? And how important is it? Is there going to be a difference in the gameplay if you don't time it? Thanks in advance! (And I hope this is the right subreddit for this question) [link] [comments] |
Vladimir: Fun And Increasingly Depenedable as The Game Progresses. Your Next Champion? Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:12 PM PST Hi there, Let's take a look at Vladimir Mid together today. His impeccable lategame makes him a strong choice if that's what you're looking for, be it at the cost of a modest earlygame. As much as Vladimir quickly develops into a poke and sustain beast with levels in Q! For more good info, context and how it can pan out please do give the video a look. Packed with what you need to find out if this is the champ and game plan for you, to leverage mindfulness and compassion to become the best player you could become! You decide. Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to share your Vladimir ideas and stories here or on the YT side of things and don't forget to ring the bell for more if you enjoy the format! Have a good one. :) [link] [comments] |
How do people play 10+ games in a row? Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST I really want to climb. So I need to play a lot of games but I often get tired or tilted after just 3-4 games in a row. And then I see some pro players grind out 10+ in a row. And they still seem to perform well. I'd imagine that I would steadily become worse and worse with each game. Are there any changes or habits I can implement to stay focused for longer? [link] [comments] |
Question about frequent backing Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST I've been watching a lot of challenger replays lately and something I've noticed many many times in these replays is people with full health/mana backing, not buying anything, and running back out to either the same place they were, or very close to it. Why do they do this? I would understand if they were backing to buy something, or backing to move somewhere else on the map, but I see this so often that I feel like there has to be a reason for it that I don't understand. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST The objective changes in drag and rift have shaken up jg priority a bit this season, and a lot of people are not seeing much past the new importance of dragons. On the surface, bot lane is seeing much more pressure and overall traffic due to the importance of drag priority. And many top laners are feeling even less important. After about 25 games this preseason, some getting destroyed, and some doin dome destroying, I see that a losing top lane is an almost guaranteed losing mid game. Top laners this season are able to gather much more xp than before. And catch up xp has been removed. This will sometimes result in an almost insurmountable level difference. We've all fed our asses off to a riven/jax/Darius/etc, and in this meta there is almost no bringing that champion back to earth if they take advantage of their lead appropriately (easier said than done). Getting your top laner ahead allows for very potent tp plays around the map, and can effectively remove your enemy top laner from the equation for a good bit of the mid game. Getting counter picked can be a death sentence. That being said, get your top laner fed, let him worry about rift, and you will never have to go top again as he perma shoves top and clears out the enemy jungle. Sorry this is kind of scrambled I'm at work [link] [comments] |
How to absolutely win top lane? Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:57 PM PST So recently im playing only akali top and getting better with her, and like 80% of the times I can get a lead in farm and kills and here is where I struggle, the enemy top laner start huging his tower and I can't dive him cause is to risky, and 98 % of the times my jungler doesn't even bother to look at my lane and never pass by to dive, so what can I do if I am Hard winning lane but can't take the tower? [link] [comments] |
Upcoming Diana vs. Nidalee Jungle Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST I have decided to switch roles for next season and go Jungle. I've been around since S2 and I have always been a fan of these two. I know Nidalee has a massive learning curve and I've been working hard the past couple weeks with her. But the upcoming Diana rework is sort of stymying my desire to keep going. It seems like she would have an absolute advantage over Nidalee working well in the current jungle. Does anyone have a sense of why this may not be the case? Thanks any advice. [link] [comments] |
I feel like i'm getting bullied in lane in almost every game as Zed and always backed in a corner. Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST I have a lot trouble against basically anyone who knows how to be active in lane and not sit around and just pub-stomp anyone clueless. It feels like i'm reacting to people instead of making them react to me. I also feel like i'm in a position where anyone with range can combo me really easily while I can't combo them as easily or they are behind minions so my weq doesn't do as much damage as expected. An example are Leblanc and Akali who auto, ability, auto proc electrocute. This happens for some time until i'm low in health and I try to weq them and miss a Q or something (Usually the Q from Zed himself since I try to put the shadow next to the champion. Other champions are like Ekko and Yasuo who jump me level 2 if I want to cs. Because I get bullied in pretty much every lane i get dorians shield every game. What can I do to not get bullied in every matchup against someone of my game knowledge or more. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST I love playing support. Recently I played a few games where my adc fell far behind. Other lanes were losing and I was feeling useless bot lane. What should I do when my adc is pressured to farm under turret? If I leave him he is susceptible to dives. If I stay that might help, but then I don't feel like I am influencing the map at all. Any ideas? Supports I typically play: brand, leona, lux. [link] [comments] |
Which ADC is best against multiple armor stacking opponents? Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST I had a game as Caitlyn recently facing Nautilus, Warwick, and Ornn. My team picked all AD (horrible decision, I know), and I spent the entire game doing jack diddly squat in the damage department, even when rushing Mortal Reminder second after IE. This made me wonder which ADCs would actually handle that situation (multiple enemies stacking armor) best. My first thought is Vayne, but I'm not an ADC main so input would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:09 AM PST I've watched a lot of videos from challenger/grandmaster/master players on how to improve and one thing they always mentioned was replays replays replays. They would always say that you've to watch yourself and see what you did wrong and fix it. But one thing I don't get is how? Every match is different. League is a hard game that's based on nothing but decisions. The amount of decisions in the game is almost uncountable. So let's say I did a mistake in a teamfight and I knew what I did was wrong. What good is watching the replay gonna do? How am I gonna benefit from it? What if I overextended and died to a gank and when I watched the replay I thought I didn't do anything wrong and it was nothing but bad luck. My point is if the player did a mistake in the game. A mistake that is not obvious which might seem like nothing but bad luck. What makes challenger players think that the person who did this would be able to figure it out when he's watching his reply when he might even not know he did it wrong? A wrong build for instance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:13 AM PST Hi, I'm a silver 4 top laner and really bad at itemizing, at the moment I'm just following builds I find online and sticking with them without variation at all (except for ninja or mercury boots lol) but until now that I started playing Chogath and had to itemize against Ap, Ad or both, is that I started to check stats on champions and thinking what to build, which lead me to thinking that I should learn how to build depending my team comp and the enemy's, so any tips would be appreciated, even the very basic ones because I know basically nothing about what items do or in which situations buy each (I don't even use active items because i forget to read what they do, which I should really work on) I just buy it because it says on the build guide, how can improve about this besides the really obvious "reading what my items do" thing? How do I know which champ works better with some items and when to counter enemy stats? Edit: my [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:52 PM PST I just had a game vs Senna as a Fiora. She started critting me at 10 minutes. What am I supposed to do? Mini rant on how she's honestly poorly designed, I've seen her out scale and out damage ADCs in games. She doesn't have a lot of mana to start, but she can just trade in and out and wait for it to regenerate. [link] [comments] |
How To Control With My Aggression? Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST I apologize if this is of topic or against the rules but I main top and support, for the past little while I have been extremely aggressive in my play, not flaming or attacking my teammates, but going for really reckless plays that I really shouldn't take that usually results in me dying. Despite usually having a fairly collected and more passive style of play in lane and out of it where I wait for my opponent to make a mistake and try to react accordingly, and knowing that I could play more collected and need to calm down is tilting me and leading to more of this reckless play. Is there any possible root cause to this, how do I fix this overaggression that I have been experiencing in my gameplay? [link] [comments] |
How do you actually improve when you’re outmatched in every way? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST Hey y'all I'm new here. I've been playing for a grand total of 3 months, and I suck. Now this really isn't news, but I feel like I can't improve with the matches I get. In normal matches, I'm outranked by at least 20 levels by everyone else. I decided to play ranked solo duo to try to get with other people in my experience (or get murdered by a smurf. I think that's what y'all call them). But somehow I get ranked in bronze when I really should be iron. Like the one placement match I did I was a 1/15 jungler and we lost. So I played again and did equally as badly, as I'm playing with people way out of my league. I am really lucky with where I am in life right now and I practice in training mode for several hours a day to learn champions, their combos, good items and how they can be used. However playing a real game is different. I know what to do but I'm usually dead before I can do anything. Is there a way I can play against people my own rank? I keep getting told I don't belong in the rank and to go back to normal games but I get completely outplayed there too and get told to quit the game. How else can I improve because I feel like the time I put into this is wasted because I can't practice at my skill level. I love this game and want to get good but it's incredibly hard to do so when there are people that have been playing for several times longer than you have. Send help [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:05 AM PST Back in season 3 I remember joining practice (custom) games in which you team up versus higher elo player. This was a community concept which was basically free coaching. After the game the higher elo players would give the lower elo players tips on how you played the game and on which parts you should focus if you want to climb. It was quite active at the time and I would like to participate again. I don't remember what this concept was called, does anyone know if these are still around? How do I join these? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
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