• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    League of Legends Pro Player K0u Passed Away Sunday

    League of Legends Pro Player K0u Passed Away Sunday

    Pro Player K0u Passed Away Sunday

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:03 PM PST

    Former Giants Gaming and Cloud9 Eclipse player K0u passed away Sunday, according to his former Riddle Esports teammate Mood.

    Truly tragic to see someone so young pass away, he'd been in the scene for a while over in Europe and Turkey too. For those unaware, he was the one who posted the suicide note and attempted to take his life a few weeks back. Hope is family is doing okay

    submitted by /u/raptearer
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    Rick Fox Champions for Charity 24 hour stream

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:14 PM PST

    Rick Fox is doing a 24 hour league stream to support the Bahamas Relief Foundation. There will be special guests (Faker, Tyler1, Moe confirmed) and rewards and incentives for donating throughout the stream.

    You can donate directly at https://tiltify.com/bahamas-relief-foundation and/or https://tiltify.com/+champions-for-charity/test111/donate.

    Stream is at Twitch.tv/rickfox

    submitted by /u/funkyfreshboyz
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    [FAN ART] Sleeping Ahri

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:07 AM PST

    [FAN ART] Sleeping Ahri


    Ahri in her burrow, she is sleeping with her three foxes. People who live nearby her, leave gifts every three month. They believe that if they do that, they will not be bewitched by her.

    If you are interested in following more of my work, I will leave the links here if it is ok:



    submitted by /u/4gasshi
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    Welcome, Maurice ‘Amazing’ Stückenschneider - LoL Strategic Coach!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    LL Stylish gets 1v1’ed by support Leona

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Golden Guardians Finalize Coaching Staff including Raz

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:38 AM PST

    LPL caster Raz is stepping down from casting

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST


    With this I'll be stepping down from commentary, but it's been a transformative 4 years with the LPL. I want to thank everyone I've worked with & the community that showed love throughout. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter but will not forget the path that got me here.

    submitted by /u/Scorchlevant
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    Why do Ranked games start players in Gold?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:02 AM PST

    I'm new to League and am more than aware I am not particularly good. I generally play support or top with my two ranked games both being as Rakan support.

    I decided to play a Ranked game for the first time and lost, with the screen at the end saying I was around Bronze III.

    In my second game, I discovered I was in a game with Gold level players and was flamed constantly and called out for not knowing the optimal items to build at a particular time and for being a few seconds slow to reach level six as a support early in the game despite the lane being even and the other support also not there yet.

    Why does the game put unranked people in with Gold players during placements if that is far above the average? Do I need to just keep playing Draft Pick forever to avoid tilting people and having people int in ranked games?

    submitted by /u/CaptainFatbelly
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    Chovy, former Griffin mid laner, joins DragonX

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

    Travis Gafford doesn't know how to interview (don't kill me)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

    Travis Gafford has done a lot for the scene; nobody would deny that. He has immense presence in the LCS, LES, and any league necessary for him to conduct an interview. Everything he does sheds light on the scene and gives us outsiders insight we could never dream of getting, if not for him. I respect that. I respect him. I am grateful for everything he does.

    With that said...I watched the interview with him and Parth shedding light on TSM's current situation. I encourage you to watch it too if you don't like my title. What does he contribute to the interview? He asks a question, (preprepared, scripted, no doubt) and then he sits there for several minutes until the question is answered. He doesn't move. He doesn't react. Worst of all, he doesn't even acknowledge anything Parth says as he moves into the next question.

    "Your team didn't do so well last year compared to TSM standards. What do you think about next year's team?'

    "Well, I think we've built a stronger team and am confident in next year's results."

    "That's great you have confidence in next year's lineup. What do you think about how this team can transition into "xyz" compared to last year?"

    That's just an example. How hard is it to say one sentence relating what your interviewee had answered you and tie it into your next question? It's not. In this interview Travis looked checked out and didn't offer any thought into the interview. It was as if he was on autopilot and just reading off a script until he ran out of bullet points. He just asks the next thing as if Parth hadn't spoken at all. This is interviewing 101. This is speaking 101. If you want your audience, or cospeaker, to feel engaged you need to acknowledge that you are at least listening to what they say. This is not prevalent in his interviews. He asks his, no doubt scripted, question and then when they finally stop talking he asks the next question. Then he sits there and waits for them to shut up again so he can ask the next question. This is not an "interview." This is an info dump. You might as well let Parth (or whomever) monologue about whatever talking points they want to cover for however long and then stop it and throw it on your channel. This isn't journalism. This isn't "reporting." This is a priveleged person who gets to know things nobody else could know, revealing it to the public. Fine. Reveal it. Let them say whatever they want. Throw it on your channel. Monotize it. I don't care. Just don't pretend it's an interview. You're sitting there, waiting for them to stop talking, not even acknowledging their responses, and then blitzing out another question. Don't pretend that's an interview. Or journalism. Call it for what is.

    Thanks for coming to my TED complaining session.

    submitted by /u/Natsu_Dragneel
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    [Calculations] How long does it take to buy all champions with BE?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Lately, this sub talks a lot about BE champion prices but I see a lot of confusion or a bit wrong information in comments, posts. Some people try to calculate some things to prove that to buy all champions with BE is really hard however decide to take a wrong/misleading approach - which makes it look like it is completely impossible to collect all champs with BE. So let's actually try to clear things up. Hopefully, I won't make mistakes.


    A newbie registers an account in league and we will suppose that his friend tells a newbie secrets how to collect all champs with BE efficiently so he can have a full collection faster. Later we will bring these obvious to a friend secrets into discussion.

    So in a nutshell a newbie will keep all champion shards he gets, disenchant all duplicate champion shards and buy champions only from available shards. It is an obvious efficient for this purpose strategy.

    Part 1. Leveling the account up to lvl 30.

    Newbie levels-up his account and that's what he can get if he does it efficiently.

    • There are special level-up rewards for lvl 1-30. This gives us 21370 BE and 11 champion shards
    • There are daily play rewards. This gives us 6300 BE and 5 permanent champions, 2 Hextech chests + 2 keys. Note that newbie needs to choose champs efficiently as well because for example there is a choice between free Illaoi (6300) and free Garen (450) shards at some point.
    • There are new player missions which reward us with 5 permanent champions (MF, Ahri, Lux, Darius, Yi) as well.
    • There are recently added awakening missions which provide 5600 BE (and 2400 XP, Masterwork chest+key but it doesn't matter now because we can't get BE/champion shards from it)
    • Tutorial completion reward 3000 BE
    • We also get Blue Essence from DailyWin missions which start at lvl15. Now, how many BE the newbie gets using this mission until lvl30 depends on how many times he completes that mission. Under an assumption that he plays around 3 games per day it will take him about 35 days. It is actually negligible if we do a mistake here, but a small explanation will be given later. For now, let's count that we get 1700 BE from DailyWin mission on our way to level 30 from level 15.

    In total, newbie will have around 38020 BE, 21 different champion shards: we use 10 permanent shards to get champs for free and we keep 11 champion shards to use later for discount. And we will discuss 2 hextech chests later.

    Part 2. After lvl 30.

    Now the complex part begins. In order to buy all champs with Discount Shards... We need to get Discount Shards for all champions first via leveling-up system. This makes us to sacrifice some levels for those discounts. I counted them in a table below and here are some explanations. First three columns are well known price categories. Forth represents distribution of Champ prices including Aphelios and the fact that Lucian price should go down to 4800 BE. 5th and 6th columns show us the amount of champion shards we get while reaching level 30. And now we need to talk about Penalty staff. We need to get a full collection of Discount Champion Shards first. We can just assume that we are getting 1 desired champion shard per level and it would us require to sacrifice 147 levels-up in total. However, champion capsules give contains 1-4 Discount Shards + some BE - in total for a value between 810 and 1260 BE. It means that all 1350 and 450 BE Champions will come eventually with other shards combined and we can skip counting them for this Sacrifice-Penalty. So in total we will need to sacrifice approximately 97 levels (and probably even lower in reality). Note that it doesn't mean 97 levels in a row. It just means that after newbie buys all champs with this strategy - 97 of his total levels went for this Sacrifice-Penalty part.

    BE full price Discount Price Disenchant Value Total Champs in the game (including Aphelios) Permanent shards at lvl 30 Discount shards at lvl 30 Soft-Sacrifice-Penalty assumption Total amount of shards needed for Penalty Total amount of shards needed to upgrade
    6300 3780 1260 32 2 0 0 30 30
    4800 2880 960 54 5 3 0 46 49
    3150 1890 630 26 2 3 0 21 24
    1350 810 270 21 0 3 21 0 21
    450 270 90 14 1 2 11 0 13
    total 147 total 97

    Average amount of experience needed to reach a new level is 3171 (Exp/lvl). Each level we get a champion capsule which value is between 810 and 1260 BE: it is about 1035 BE per level. And also special mention: we get a glorious champion capsule on each 10th level-up plus at level 25 and 75. The value of this capsule is 2120 BE. Adding this to an average BE per level will get us 1165 BE/lvl. Remember this number, it is very important.

    This way, we can interpret our penalty of 97 lvls into 113024BE needed to be sacrificed. Btw it can be used to prove that this method is super efficient compared to buying all champions from the store for the full price. With a formula SUM (Discount Price - Disenchant Value) * (Total amount of shards needed to upgrade) for each row we get a value 213 600 BE. This is a penalty of buying all champions from the store for the full price while our penalty is 113024BE. 100k BE difference - feels good man.

    After getting the whole collection of Discount Shards to upgrade them all into permanent shards we need SUM (Discount Price ) * (Total amount of shards needed to upgrade) for each row which equals 320400 BE. It means that including penalty and blue essence from pre-level30 after reaching level 30 we need 320400 + 113024 - 38020 - 231 * 2 = 395042 BE (231 * 2 - it's BE value of those 2 hextech chests) to get the whole collection of Disenchant Shards and to upgrade them all into permanent shards. It also means that without anything else we get the whole collection at level 370.

    Part 3. Now it is time to include the most important part of Grinding BE system: Time.

    According to leagueofgraphs and their rank distribution - an average ranked game of league lasts around 1758 seconds - 29 minutes 18 seconds. I can't really find any data on normal games or ARAM... so let's just assume that after getting level 30 our newbie starts playing ranked exlusively and somehow he keeps 50% winrate. According to this wikipage) it means that we get 200 experience per win, 163 experience per loss - 181 experience on average which can be interpreted as getting 62 BE per game (1 level = 3171 experience = 1165 BE, on average, remember).

    1. This means that our newbie needs 5916 ranked games in order to achieve "the dream" without (!)any other factors. But there are a lot of them and we will include them later.
    2. DailyWin mission alone gives 50 BE and 400 xp = 197 BE per DailyWin - it means that we need 2006 DailyWins in order to achieve "the dream" without (!)any other factors (I am not even counting base experience for that winning game here)
    3. Weekly Hextech Chest gives a random 4800+ BE shard with 0.2143 probability leading to an average value of 231 BE per chest meaning that we need 1710 Hextech chests in order to achieve "the dream" without (!)any other factors.
    4. Event Pass Leftovers Tokens can be spend on 4800+ champion shards as well: It is 1078 BE value per 50 tokens meaning that we need 367 Shards or 18350 event tokens in order to achieve "the dream" without (!)any other factors. Special mention here that it is super effective method to grind BE compared to everything else. Definitely go for it unless you want to gamble a bit on skin orbs after buying some cool event pass things.
    5. Event Pass Leftovers Tokens can be spend directly on BE: It is 10 BE value per 1 token meaning that we need 395042 event tokens in order to achieve "the dream" without (!)any other factors. Note that upper method is simply superior to this one.
    6. ARAM boosts: it is 100 BE per one kind stranger meaning that we need to meet 3951 kind strangers and play ARAM with them in order to achieve "the dream" without (!)any other factors (I am not even counting base experience for that aram game here)
    7. Some random occasional missions: ??? BE - we don't know what Riot prepare for us
    8. Honor system: ??? BE per capsule/orb per ??? weeks - there is no proper information about Honor system BE rewards. But we can take some guesses with this wiki page. And with some random thoughts (for example, if a newbie reaches new checkpoint every 3 weeks) I got this number: around 8000 BE per season, but it is just omega rough estimation which can be totally incorrect.
    9. Watch and Earn missions: ??? BE - It seems that Riot change the rules here every now and then... But for an example this spring we could earn 3171 BE per split... So I think with MSI, summer and Worlds we can sum it up at 8000 BE as well.
    10. Lucky Things: ??? BE - sometimes lucky things happen like I just got Aatrox because of his victorious skin. Technically, free BE but we can't make any estimation on this as well.

    Part 4. Including some factors together.

    Now let's put it up together to finally get some concluding numbers. We can combine first 3 points from the previous part together to see how it is hard to achieve "the dream". For this, we need to assume an average amount of games per day played by our good old newbie after getting level 30. I am still working under an assumption that he plays only ranked and maintains 50% winrate;

    And here results combining 1,2,3 and 8+9 points from the previous part.

    Games per day Days needed for "the dream" Games in total Years for that Assuming he gets S chest every week - days Games in total Years for that With omega estimation Honor+Watch missions - days Games in total Years for that
    1 2391 2391 6.55 1993 1993 5.46 1596 1596 4.37
    2 1405 2810 3.85 1258 2516 3.45 1088 2176 2.98
    3 1060 3180 2.90 974 2922 2.67 869 2607 2.38
    5 753 3765 2.06 709 3545 1.94 652 3260 1.78
    10 457 4570 1.25 441 4410 1.21 418 4180 1.15

    And once again, note that I don't include any other points of previous part such as occasional missions, event passes, aram boosts or other lucky things and probably honor system/watch and earn are calculated completely wrong. However, they all add a decent value into achieving "the dream".

    Part 5. Well as a conclusion...

    As a conclusion it seems that realistically with current BE system you need about 2-2.5 years of active daily league sessions in order to get all champions with BE if you do it efficiently. Inefficiency can make it much worse, but it is kinda a player's fault. Realistically some inefficiency caused by small desires like to buy a beloved champion without discount doesn't change much. So... 2-2.5 years and around 2500 games (around 1250 in-actual-game hours). Is it too much? Should Riot rework the system - I don't know.


    Some corrections and also I saw a comment about including future champions into this... It adds around 18576 BE penatly dynamically per year if Riot continues to make 5 champions per year just like in 2019 (Sylas, Yuumi, Qiyana, Senna, Aphelios). It changes the table to this:

    Games per day Days needed for "the dream" Games in total Years for that Assuming he gets S chest every week - days Games in total Years for that With omega estimation Honor+Watch missions - days Games in total Years for that
    1 3424 3424 9.38 2854 2854 7.82 2286 2286 6.26
    2 1705 3410 4.67 1526 3052 4.18 1319 2638 3.61
    3 1205 3615 3.30 1107 3321 3.03 987 2981 2.70
    5 836 4180 2.29 787 3935 2.16 724 3720 1.98
    10 487 4870 1.33 470 4700 1.29 446 4460 1.22

    Which kinda changes realistic value into 3.0-3.5 years of active daily league sessions - 3000 games (around 1500 in-actual-game hours) for getting all champions efficiently... Again, is this too much? I am not sure.

    I feel like those "impossible to calculate" things bring a lot of value that I am missing in this table, but I can't find any information on those "???" from part 3.

    Edit2: yes, apparantly leveling capsules are weighted towards smaller side FeelsBadMan edited all values according to 943 BE per champion capsule. It seems that I was right in the beginning and the average value of champion capsule is 1035 BE. Edited back.

    submitted by /u/Lust_For_Love
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    Apparently Control Wards have a secret passive if they survive for a while.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:08 AM PST

    The passive reads:

    "Distinguished Order of Ward Longevity and Health

    Perhaps this ward has been protected. Perhaps it has merely sat in a disused lane. Whatever the case, it has persisted for eons in ward years and joins an ancient regal order of Wards that have lasted a really really really long time."


    I have no idea how long this has been in the game, but my friends and I just found out about it earlier after putting a control ward in one of the alcoves and letting it sit there. I'm not sure how long it takes for one of them to get this passive either, but we all thought it was pretty funny.

    submitted by /u/Don_Armand
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    Triple (Ex-MAMMOTH Mid) joins FlyQuest Academy

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:39 AM PST

    [AMA] Rogue Larssen

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:08 AM PST


    Larssen just signed a new deal with Rogue until 2022. Today you can ask him anything.

    You can watch his announcement video and follow him on his Twitter.

    We will start answering questions in around two hours.

    EDIT: Thanks for all the questions. We finished answering!

    submitted by /u/RogueGG
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    [ESPN] SK Gaming will sign former AD Hoc Gaming support Dino "LIMIT" Tot as their starting support.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:27 AM PST

    It would be awesome if tier 3 support items gave 1% extra cdr for every ward killed (capped at 10%)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:38 AM PST


    The new support items lost their 10% cdr, which means that as a support (enchanter/tank) getting to 40% cdr is almost impossible (i wont count Ludens). support item/mobis/wards take 3 slots, and support items have only 10% cdr on them, so that gives 30% at most (and that is only after 2 full items and a component, which comes pretty late). Low duo xp and roaming means that scaling cdr shard and transcedence are both kinda useless.

    That is why it would be supercool if ward takedowns would give 1% cdr capped at 10% after the quest is fully finished.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Karma's suspicious buff around her skin actually doomed her as a champion lmao

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:18 AM PST

    TLDR: karma's initial buff was overall unhealthy for people playing against her and then ultimately unhealthy for herself. The buff was coincidentally on the same patch that dark star karma was released after going 9 patches without any buffs.

    Just to make things clear. I don't main karma. This isn't a self pity party post ( "pity party post" say that five times fast). For anyone that doesn't know. In 9.12 karma was buffed making her a menace in 4 roles. Top, mid, support and also as an "adc." The changes go as


    • 📷 Inner Flame
      • Slow strength increased to 35% from 25%.
    • 📷 Inspire
      • Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.
      • Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5

    What's funny is that the karma mains knew that this would eventually lead to a nerf because it would make top lane karma even more toxic to play against, allowing her to be nearly untouchable because of the movement speed duration increase coupled with the slow strength increase.

    What I found was a bit suspicious is that riot decided to put this change out the exact patch dark star karma was released on. Which I'm not 100 percent certain they buffed her just to get some more sales and revenue, but this big of a buff right when her skin is released was just too coincidental.

    Anyways, this change made her too strong in proplay (and solo queue). Then the next patch after, in 9.13, they reverted the movement speed duration buff.


    • 📷 Inspire
      • Bonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.5.

    A patch later she was given a pretty niche and unnecessary change.


    • 📷 Focused Resolve
      • NEW EFFECT: Now grants true sight for the duration of the 📷 root.
    • 📷 Renewal
      • NEW EFFECT: Now grants true sight for the duration of the 📷 root.

    It was pretty situational but it did make matchups between champs like akali much easier. What I think this change was was that riot knew they had to nerf karma again and was just giving them a compensation buff for the storm of nerfs that was coming

    Karma was still too strong for proplay in 9.15, out pops another nerf


    • 📷 Defiance
      • Bonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.
      • Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to 50% AP from 60% AP.

    Then in 9.16 she actually receives a bug fix buff.


    • 📷 Focused Resolve
      • BUG FIX: Now properly lowers 📷 Mantra's cooldown while damaging enemy champions.

    But that bug fix buff didn't go unpunished. In 9.19, which I think was the world's patch, they nerfed her ap ratios even further to ensure that she wouldn't be played as much


    • 📷 Inner Flame
      • AP ratio reduced to 40% AP from 60% AP.

    Now karma's left in a worse state that she started out from that one buff. I just found it a bit ironic. I hope to God something like this doesn't happen to a champ that I love.

    submitted by /u/birdwithastick
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    12/4 PBE Update: Aphelios Tweaks & Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:00 PM PST

    Doran, former Griffin top laner, joins DragonX

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:52 PM PST

    Aphelios, Senna, Kaisa, Xayah exist in a world that Kalista dreamed of.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:44 AM PST

    I want to start this off by saying Aphelios looks awesome and I will definitely enjoy playing the champ.

    This is a list sorted by new released marksmen champions played in bot lane

    • Aphelios
    • Senna
    • Kaisa
    • Xayah
    • Jhin
    • Kalista
    • Jinx
    • Lucian
    • Draven
    • Varus
    • Vayne
    • Caitlyn
    • Ashe
    • Corki
    • Ezreal
    • KogMaw
    • Miss Fortune
    • Sivir
    • Tristana
    • Twitch

    Some of these champs had mini reworks that made them viable fun to play and fair. It's almost the end of Preseason 10 and there are no changes to the champs that have almost no play rate they are full of bugs and feel absolutely useless in some states of the game and all that while being power crept day after day.

    This was a long intro for what is about to come. Some of you already guessed it watching the list some of you are new to the game and you yet haven't seen this champion in your games ever.

    Yes, I will write about Kalista one of if not my favorite champs in the game (and I am not even adc main).

    First of all lets mention some things in her kit your guys probably don't know

    • passive. Auto attacks will miss if you lose the vision of the target
    • passive. you use 90% of the ad you buy in your auto attacks
    • passive-code. you cant effectively use the attack speed you buy.

    as we can see here we already have some limits to the items we can buy and use effectively (1)

    • slow interactions on Kalista. if you get hit by one of these and you try to hop once you are not a champion. your attack speed gets reduced you are stacked in a hop animation that takes years to finish
    • passive bugs. there are items that make your jump clunky messy and not consistent. Your champion randomly stops hoping or auto-attacking. the passive states you cant cancel your autos because you issue a hop command but that is not consistent. Kalista sometimes forgets how to be a bunny.

    as we can see here this champion is a buggy mess no matter how many bugs they fix the patch after patch she still has more (2)

    • w-Sentinel. Oh boy, this ability. summons a useless sentinel that provides vision that can outplay yourself with. It can get killed with 2 autos.
    • w-Sentinel. %health dmg on the auto-attack that requires your support to auto-attack the same target in the gap of 4 seconds.

    Let's just say this ability is either abused or never used. meanwhile, other adcs have this ability on steroids (4)

    • rend. rend and hop is what makes Kalista Kalista
    • ultimate. this ability requires your linked ally to be next to you. if he is then this ability requires your linked ally to know what it does. if he knows then he has to hit it. Is this KALISTAS ULTIMATE? because I can bet that this ability even though its cool doesn't feel like an ultimate KALISTA has. (5)

    So let's summarize.

    • passive prevents you from using the items you paid for. It lowers your ad and effective attack speed. It also makes Kalista jump.
    • Q. It is a nice ability it could be more
    • W. That's what Aphelios E used to be
    • E. Kalista
    • R. disabled 70% of the game and the other 29% it is on CD

    So you basically pick a champion that can rend and jump but you have to pay with your lp to do so

    Most common counter arguments

    • But Kalista was broken in pro play. Every champ that is meta is broken in pro play just take a look in the pro metas over the years
    • But if you duoq you are unstoppable. I can think of bot lane matchups that destroy a Kalista lane and they are useful even if they don't duoq
    • Kalista has been power creeped out of the game

    Exiles youtube vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDOYVAX6C3Y

    submitted by /u/TheFranticGr
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    Drew up a cute skin hope y’all like it

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:16 AM PST

    I have picked up Bard, and hes the only champion I can never get tired of, so I drew up a Bard Skin

    (His legs are scratching posts)

    submitted by /u/TakoTacoAttacko
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    Facecheck Episode 27 - Shadow Dogs Unleashed WINNING TCS! | LCS Teams Finishing Rosters

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Tempest smacks Nubrac's Support Teemo Mid

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:32 PM PST

    A Comprehensive Look at why Old Graves Should be Brought Back Into the Game

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Been meaning to write this post for a long time and I've decided to finally sit down and air the reasons I've been thinking about for a while as to why I think old Graves deserves to be brought back into the game, over current Graves if necessary.

    Firstly here's some ways Riot could bring him back in a way where he could co-exist with current Graves rather than replace him:

    1. Make Graves pick between two different guns at the start of the game, his current ammo-based one or his old one with the regular auto-attacks. His abilities would also slightly vary depending on which gun he took, so the old one gives him old Graves' kit, and the current one just keeps his kit the way it is right now.

    2. In case the first idea causes too much concern about his value as a flex pick (though I can't imagine that's really that big an issue with how many flex picks currently exist anyway), you can just have them as two different champions in champ select, Neo Graves & Destiny Graves (placeholder names). Weird concept for sure to have the same character twice with different kits, one that hasn't been done before in League, but I see no reason why it's necessarily bad for the game except maybe confusion when the two versions are in the same game, which could be solved through making it so picking one in Draft mode makes the other one unpickable, as if they were the same champion but with the option of picking which kit you want.

    If neither option is seen as acceptable, then I truly believe a revert is the best move for both Riot and the playerbase as old Graves was inherently more popular while also being less of a balance/design issue than old Graves. Bold claim, but please hear me out since I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and looking into the data:

    When he was first reworked he was really popular and seen as much more widely enjoyed than old Graves, and this was touted as the reason for why Graves would never be reverted, because despite the nostalgia for old Graves it was a fact that more people enjoyed new Graves than old Graves, which seemed true at the time in 2016.

    But time has shown that this isn't true after all

    Analyzing these graphs from the beginning we can see that from 2014 to his rework just before 2016, old Graves sat at a healthy winrate ranging from 49-52% for almost his entire existence in those years, only once hitting a point where he was seen as clearly overtuned and hitting a winrate peak of ~53.5% before being quickly toned down, but beside that he was in a pretty healthy spot balance-wise, almost never seen as too overbearing or too underwhelming (some complaints about Lucian being the same champion but better/more fun, but that's typical Reddit nonsense, more on that later).

    In terms of playrate, he also sat at a respectable 5-15% winrate for most of his tenure. His weakest point at the start of the graph was at ~4% playrate, despite his winrate at the time being just over 50% (unfortunately this isn't on the graph but IIRC, this is because he'd just come off of an extended period of being quite weak so no one found him worth playing and playerbase perception had yet to catch up to the new reality of his strength that his small buffs had given him). His strongest point was nearing up to 25% playrate, beginning on the patch that overbuffed him to ~53.5% winrate but stayed just as high even when quick nerfs dropped him to 52% winrate, which he soon after dropped from and spent the rest of his tenure ranging from 52% winrate to 50% winrate.

    Even at his lowest point in balance at this stage, which seemingly ranged from 50.5-49.5% winrate, he still maintained relatively high popularity in the ADC role, ranging from ~17 to 8% playrate. Though he hadn't been so popular before, his buff earlier on in the year revitalized him in the eyes of the playerbase who had mostly abandoned him during a time where he was much weaker than the time depicted on the graph, and once this overbuff brought him back to everyone's attention he maintained high rates of popularity even when he wasn't at all overtuned. His lowest point after the buff was ~49.5% winrate, and even so his playrate was around ~8%, while his winrate being at a moderate ~50.3% saw his playrate go as high as ~13%.

    Towards the end of his tenure old Graves was not an unpopular champion at all, far from it. If he were in the game today, at his weakest points during 2015 he would be competing for 10th-12th most popular ADC (out of 17, or 18 with Senna), in his average state in 2015 he would be competing for 3rd-9th most popular ADC, and at his strongest state of 53.5% winrate (for reference, Jinx MF and Ashe have all held a winrate higher than that for extended periods of time up until recently without going over 20% playrate) he would be competing for 1st-2nd most popular ADC in the game.

    And despite being popular to play, his banrate showed that he wasn't unpopular to play against. It hovered around ~1% throughout most of the year, hitting an all-time peak of just under 5% during the time that he was overbuffed to 53.5%-52% winrate, before quickly going back down to his previous ~1% banrate even during periods where he maintained a ~15% playrate.

    Old Graves was popular, he was healthy, and no one hated playing against him enough to ban him even when he was at his most popular.

    Meanwhile when we look at just before 2016 when he got reworked, his reworked caused a moderate spike in winrate, a moderate spike in playrate, and a massive spike in banrate, as old Graves proved to be overtuned even in bot lane before the playerbase had caught on to how much better he was as a jungler.

    The full year following his rework he maintained a relatively high playrate of 8-20% which was higher than what old Graves averaged, and his popularity during this time period is what created the false perception that he was a fundamentally much more popular champion than old Graves (though it isn't even that much higher than what old Graves averaged in 2015) as he seemed to be consistently very popular while old Graves before 2015 had some pretty weak periods in terms of playrate when he was coming off of a period of being quite weak and his playrate hadn't yet recovered.

    But during that year where he was so popular, his banrate also hit a peak of ~42% and averaged around ~8% banrate overall, while his winrate peaked at ~54.4% and barely dropped below 50% all year while constantly going up to 52%. He was overtuned and everyone hated playing against him as reflected by his banrate which only slowed during his weakest periods, when his playrate also slowed despite the increased availability.

    Right after that year he had another high point ~52% winrate before being gutted as a result of him being such a stylistically oppressive jungler and having immense high Elo (and IIRC competitive too) presence because of it. During this period where he ranged from ~48.7%-46% winrate, his playrate plummeted to a peak of ~7.5% and a bottom of ~3%, averaging around ~4% winrate overall, if that.

    After a year of being in that state he got buffed back to over 52% winrate, and his playrate also shot up from ~4% to over 15%. His banrate naturally also shot up from its previous 1%, ranging from 10%-20% over this time period.

    It didn't take long for them to give him a love tap which brought his winrate down to just under 51% only, a small nerf but which still caused his winrate to immediately plummet by about 6%, but curiously even during this period where he maintained a healthy winrate his playrate kept slowly dropping over time down from ~12% average to ~8% average; at which point he received yet another nerf because of high Elo, and this caused his playrate to plummet down to ~4% average.

    His playrate remains between 3-4% to this very day. What's interesting is that his winrate isn't even low by any means, according to Lolalytics over the past 5 patches (excluding 9.23 since its systematic changes caused a drastic shift in winrates across the board) his winrate hit a bottom of 50.02% and a high of 50.43%. During that lowest point, his playrate hit a bottom of 2.97%, not even reaching 3%, while his highest point didn't even reach 4%.

    So when you look at Graves' graphs altogether, you'll notice that his playrate has only ever been high when he's been oppressive in design and a huge balance issue in high Elo. Whenever his winrate and banrate drops as a result of him no longer being such an oppressive opponent to face, his playrate drops too. Even in a perfectly balanced spot for most of the playerbase, most of the playerbase refuses to play him, but why, what's the difference now between when he had the same winrate and ~15% playrate?

    In order to make him viable while not ridiculously oppressive to face, he's been rebalanced as a champion to not have such a ridiculous early-game while not falling off as hard as compensation, represented in the graph as having moderate highs as well as moderate lows. And suddenly, no one cares to play him!

    Turns out, people didn't find his new kit fun, they found shitting on the enemy jungler with a fundamentally superior early-game kit fun, and now that he's been rebalanced to not be so oppressive they don't find him fun anymore. They only liked him when he was a ranged Olaf, with a colossal high and a colossal low. Unfortunately, changing him back to that isn't an option because it was always insane for a champion to have the ridiculous early-game of Olaf without any of the risk that comes with being a melee champion, just being able to do it all with Graves' mobility and Graves' range.

    A kit that could allow you to stomp any champion in the jungle because it was fundamentally superior to anyone else's while also being fundamentally safer and risk-free than anyone else's was never a healthy thing to have in the game, and it's likely that during Graves' periods of popularity it wasn't the kit itself that people found fun, it was the fact that it was just fundamentally unfair to face and unfun to face, and what's unfun for the person facing it tends to be fun for the person playing it (Yasuo, Kai'Sa, Caitlyn, Zed...).

    For proof of this you don't have to look any further than the popularity of lane Graves since his rework. How many periods has he gone through being popular as a laner, compared to his lengthy periods of having 10%-20% playrate as a jungler? Never, right? Even though he's had periods of even seeing pro play as a top laner, he was never popular there because on top lane he was just another lane bully, he wasn't the same hyper-oppressive earlygame champion that he was in the jungle.

    Even right now, over the past 30 days lane Graves actually has shockingly high winrates when rushing IE or especially ER. 51.94%/53.55% on bot lane, 54.29%/57.98% on mid lane, and 50.39%/53.44% on top lane. Yes they don't have the greatest sample sizes (mainly ER, IE is actually pretty solid), but even adjusting for the potential drop having enough data might cause, mid and bot especially are well within a safe range for being pretty solid in their role if not straight up strong.

    And yet his playrate is 0.1% on bot, and 0.14% on mid. Short of being insanely broken, no one in any lane likes him enough to ever bother playing him, probably because his ammo mechanic and blockable autos are really annoying so to be enjoyable he would have to be incredibly oppressive at one stage or another, but just like jungle he has moderate highs and moderate lows, so he's not oppressive enough at any stage of the game to be fun and worth picking.

    Back to jungle Graves, he's been below 5% playrate throughout the vast majority of 2019, and every period of popularity he's had before this has also seen a massive spike in winrate and banrate which required addressing, with a response which always causes his winrate to plummet back below 5% even when his winrate is still solid.

    The truth is most people just don't like playing Graves, they only like abusing him when he has strong abuse-potential, and find him boring when he's anything less than oppressive and anti-fun. Compare this to old Graves who had high playrate with low banrates, and a ~12% playrate while having the same winrate that current Graves has with ~3% playrate, and it's obvious that despite how it may have seemed during the first year of Graves' rework when he was still at his lowest point of health for the game, old Graves was the inherently more popular champion, and even managed to do that as a lane bully that didn't incite huge banrates from fellow players of his role, or any other role for that matter, because he did it without being incredibly anti-fun.

    Even Lucian, who he was commonly said to be a worse version of, can never go any extended period of being anything other than awful without also inciting large banrates, which have reached as high as 23% in response to a moderate 51% winrate. One might argue that it was a response to his playrate more than his winrate but meanwhile Kai'Sa maintains a substantially lower average banrate while also averaging a higher playrate, and her low winrate has never stopped her from being seen as the most broken ADC in the game.

    The simple reality is that old Graves was a champion that was really fun to play to a large base of players while also never coming across as anti-fun to the people having to play against him. Sort of like the Janna to anyone but assassins of the ADC role, wherein lots of people enjoy playing it but no one hates it enough to ban it (except during Censer meta). Old Graves was a rare combination of fun without being anti-fun, and there's nothing more to it than that.

    So to wrap this post up: old Graves is both the more popular and healthier champion of the two versions, and if Riot aren't big fans of any method that would have both versions co-exist together, I hope this post has made a strong case for why old Graves is the one most deserving to be in the game. And Riot has to look no further than the monthly "I miss old Graves"/"DAE miss old Mafia Graves' autos?" to see that there's more than enough demand to make the undertaking not a waste of their time, in fact it would probably be the most popular revert they've ever made.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/VaporaDark
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    Paying for Rune Pages doesn't make sense.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:02 AM PST

    I understand that this is an out-of-date system by now, but with the looming issue that some players are experiencing a BE drought because they're trying to unlock champions. But paying for rune pages still baffles me; Why are players who don't dole out the BE still locked to 3 pages? Most players are going to redo their runes/keystone for every champion they're going to play, and it doesn't make sense to gatekeep a convenience factor behind play-time and premium currency.

    submitted by /u/Herios
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